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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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謝欣芸 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自2002年解除外資資格及投資額度之限制後,除少數特殊產業外,外資可以持有國內企業百分之百股權,而原本即活躍在亞洲各地之資金,開始「錢」進臺灣。此波沛然莫之能禦之錢潮,其氣勢可從以下之數字得知,根據花旗集團之研究報告顯示,至2006年10月止,國外直接投資匯入我國之金額累計達112億美元,約新台幣3600億元左右,比2005年的16.25億美元超出近6倍,這也是我國近二十年來的最高紀錄。 隨著外資投資我國資本市場的比重日益增加,近年來由於我國股價被低估及利率偏低等因素影響下,我國市場對外資(含私募基金)具有相當大之吸引力,故併購國內上市櫃公司之案例日趨增多,其中尤以私募基金凱雷集團於2006年11月宣佈擬收購國內最大封裝測試上市公司日月光,並準備於併購後自台灣證券交易所下市乙案曝光後,引發社會各界許多層面的討論。雖該案最終以破局收場,惟其典型之經營階層收購特質,對國內併購法制之適用,存在ㄧ定程度之衝擊,而其中,又以少數股東之權益得否受到公平合理之對待,為討論中的核心課題。 其實私募基金結合標的公司管理團隊進行管理階層收購在美國並非新聞,惟因美國上市公司之董事會,管理團隊佔董事席位比率低於四分之ㄧ,換言之,於管理階層收購程序中,標的公司有將近四分之三之外部董事或獨立董事,於併購決策與價格上為全體股東做出最有利之判斷。惟當管理階層收購到了國內,於上市公司之管理階層通常是大股東,掌握董事會之控制權下,標的公司少數股東之權益是否還得受到合理之保障?國內現行併購法規,從企業併購法、公司法乃至於臺灣證券交易所之上市規則,是否足以規範此種新型態之併購模式?如於現行公開收購制度下,少數股東於管理經營階層併購(MBO)程序中是否真能實質享有控制權溢酬?又現行公開收購關於資訊揭露之規範,是否足以規範管理經營階層併購(MBO)及融資併購(LBO)等態樣?少數股東應如何救濟?而於併購程序違反忠實義務之董事又應負何責任?現行上市公司之退場機制有無再行檢討之空間等問題,對少數股東權益之影響甚鉅,為深入探討此些疑問,乃筆者撰擬本篇論文之背景及目的。

台灣非營利組織資訊揭露及稅務申報議題之研究 / Making information of Taiwan non-profit organizations public and calling into question their reporting for tax-exemption

陳亮光, Chen, Liang Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
管理大師彼得‧杜拉克(Peter Drucker)說:「21世紀是非營利組織的世紀」、「非營利機構堪稱美國第一大雇主」。可見非營利組織蓬勃的發展,在社會、國家扮演著重要的角色。台灣活躍的非營利組織填補了政府及企業的的空隙,滿足了許多社會的需求。雖然台灣非營利組織除了少數例外,組織規模普遍都很小,但是卻展現台灣社會的活力及生命力泉源。 然而,台灣非營利組織之資訊卻較為封閉的,台灣非營利組織相關法令及管理未臻完善,以致社會資源匯集有集中化的趨勢。大的組織由於知名度高較易取得資源,小的非營利組織資源缺乏,雖然做了許多公益事務,因知名度低很難取得社會資源,如此有時反而易造成社會資源的扭曲及浪費。 台灣非營利組織之資訊缺乏公開揭露的法令及實務機制。美國對非營利組織管理最重要手段就是所謂的「公開原則」,聯邦法律規定任何人都有權向非營利組織要求查看它們的免稅申請文件及最近三年的稅務申報書格式Form 990等。非營利組織之資訊公開制度,一方面係透過公眾公開監督之方式,減輕主管機關之監督責任,另一方面可促進非營利組織之良性競爭。 資訊揭露所謂太陽是最好的警察,陽光是最佳防腐劑。在美國非營利組織是以FORM990為非營利組織資訊揭露的核心。所以本文構想是結合美國非營利組織資訊揭露之經驗,以作為台灣非營利組織資訊揭露的參考。 因此本文之文獻探討從非營利組織的定義、治理與責信,再到美國非營利組織之介紹及其資訊揭露與治理及責信,再就台灣非營利組織資訊揭露現況及相關非營利組織法律探討,並以台灣公益團體自律聯盟的成員已經公告在自律聯盟網站之資訊對該資訊揭依自律聯盟的主張作分析研究。 本文另就美國非營利組織稅務申報格式Form 990的探討研究分析,並就台灣非營利組織稅務申報格式作研究探討,以及對台灣非營利組織之稅務申報格式及揭露作訪談問卷並作評論分析;綜合上述研究提出本文的研究結論。 並對台灣非營利組織做下列建議: 1、將非營利組織資訊揭露作為其免稅的條件,學習美國稅法規定非營利稅務申報書格式Form 990必須向大眾公開揭露,並立法規定非營利組織要取得免稅資格,需將其年度稅務申報書公開向大眾揭露。 2、將資訊揭露加入各非營利相關法規中,從新修改或訂定非營利組織相關法律規定及管理措施,使其更彈性更符合當前環境劇烈變遷需要。 3、重新檢討台灣非營利組織稅務申報書格式,使台灣非營利組織稅務申報書可成為非營利組織資訊揭露及組織責信的重要工具。 4、建立非營利組織便捷標準化的網路申報系統、鼓勵非營利組織自律、鼓勵建立非非營利組織線上查核系統。 5、對接受政府補助、款項超過一定金額(例如五百萬或一千萬元)之非營利組織需接受會計師遵行審計。參照美國管理及預算署(OMB)Circular A133該審計屬於遵行審計,有利於政府對補助款做出有效率的補助及分配。 / Management theorist Peter Drucker once said, “The 21st century is the century for non-profit organizations, of which the United States leads worldwide.” It is thus clear that in the rising development of non-profit organizations, the national community plays an important role. Taiwan’s lively non-profit organizations fill the gap left by the government and business enterprises, meeting the numerous needs of the community. Except for a very small number, most Taiwan non-profit organizations are quite small, but they give evidence to the vitality of Taiwan’s community. However, information on Taiwan’s non-profit organizations remains to be completely private. Laws pertaining to the management of Taiwan non-profit organizations still possess several flaws. Large organizations, owing to their fame, acquire resources with more ease compared to small organizations, even though this is still difficult for them. If, however, these resources could be easily acquired, then it would be likely that the organization would change its tune and squander. Laws and control mechanisms to keep information of Taiwan’s non-profit organizations open to the public are severely lacking. The United States, however, implements the principle of free information to all as the most important aspect of managing non-profit organizations. United States law decrees that everyone has the right to request from non-profit organizations their tax exemption documents and their last three years of tax return applications; the tax return form used by tax-exempt organizations is called Form 990. Keeping the information of non-profit organizations public is one way that passes the responsibility of supervision from the government to the public. Exposure is the best form of policing, just as sunlight makes the best preservative. Exposure prevents decay, as well as increases the competitiveness of non-profit organizations. American non-profit organizations use a Form 990 to make their information public. The text takes this example and suggests it to be a well working method to put Taiwan non-profit organizations in check. Therefore the text and its sources probe into the definition, management and accountability of non-profit organizations, as well as taking the method used by the United States to keep such in check. Related Taiwan laws to this are also probed into, and research is carried out and viewpoints are given regarding the self-regulation of Taiwan’s public welfare groups and alliances. The text also carries out research regarding Form 990 that United States non-profit organizations must use for reporting, as well as probes into the reporting method used by Taiwan non-profit organizations. The latter’s reporting and exposure, all coming from interviews and documents, will also be analyzed. The integration of the above research will bring the text to a conclusion. Suggestions for Taiwan non-profit organizations are listed as follows: 1、Make public the actions and reasons for tax-exemption for all non-profit organizations, using United States tax law for non-profit organizations as a basis, namely the use of Form 990 to allow the masses the right to know everything, including the qualifications and laws that would grant such exemption. There is a need to require reporting to make such information public. 2、Update all related laws regarding non-profit organizations as well as measures for management. There is a need for these laws to gain elasticity and fit in with the times we live in. 3、Reanalyze the reporting methods used by Taiwan tax-exempt organizations to apply for tax returns and conclude whether such can truly expose their information, accountability and important work to the public. 4、Standardize the system of reporting by non-profit organizations and urge self-regulation and a system of checks. 5、Concerning the acceptance of government subsidies or the coming into a sum of money that exceeds the established limit (such as $500,000 or $1,000,000), there is a need for auditing by a certified accountant. Referring to Circular A133 from the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB), there should be an established method that this auditing must abide by, beneficial to the government in allotting its funds in an efficient manner.


徐彩芳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,受到美國法學界以及全球經濟形勢巨變的影響下,國內學者也逐漸開始注意關於公司經營者報酬之相關議題,並陸續開始就此議題發表相關著作,而本文則試圖從代理成本的觀點切入,並以我國在此議題方面最借重之美國經驗來分析、檢討此議題在我國的發展現況。 以美國近二十年的發展經驗來看,報酬議題是否受社會大眾、媒體甚至政府相關單位之重視,並進而採取相關改革措施,實際上與經濟景氣的循環以及重大公司弊案之發生,有相當密切的關係,大抵上,當經濟景氣下降或重大公司弊案發生,股東、投資人及新聞媒體便開始關注公司經營者是否有超額報酬之現象。而我國關於此議題之改革發展軌跡,雖然未必與美國的發展經驗相符,但由於我國深受美國的影響,在改革方向上幾乎可謂是跟著美國的腳步前進。例如在90年代初期,美國政府受到學說「理想締約說」之影響,大肆推廣股票選擇權等股權性報酬之使用,我國受此潮流影響,便於2001年修正公司法時,將員工認股選擇權、員工股票分紅納入規範;而2000年初期,美國發現股權性報酬的大量使用反而促使經營者報酬的飆高,為解決此問題,美國政府在學說「高階經理人權力說」的影響下,著手改革資訊揭露制度、修正會計認列制度和推動股東建議性投票規範,而在我國方面,政府也在媒體輿論的壓力下,進行了類似的修正;最後,在2008年後半爆發、衝擊全球的金融海嘯,美國國會為平息民怨,將經營者報酬之限制條件納入抒困方案中,而我國的立法院也效法美國,修正公司法,對於成為政府抒困對象之公司限制其經營者報酬額度。 然而綜觀我國這十年來關於經營者報酬規範之發展會發現,雖然我國是跟隨著美國的步伐前進,但我國的公司體制和股權結構畢竟與美國有很大的不同,僅是將美國的改革措施套用在我國並無法解決我國的問題,更何況我國始終未曾透過系統性地檢討經營者報酬在相關理論下之定位,來發覺我國現行制度的缺失並予以對症下藥,是以,改革至今,仍難以看出初步的成效。因此,本文嘗試從美國法近年改革之理論依據,即從代理理論衍生而出的「理想締約說」和「高階經理人權力說」來檢視我國現行的經營者報酬監控制度之缺失,並提出未來的修正建議。 歸納上開兩學說的主要想法,關於經營者報酬之監控,應從三方面即強化報酬與績效之連結、董事會的內部監控、和股東的外部監控著手。而在內部監控方面,因董事會成員易受互惠心理、同儕情誼之影響,是以必須輔以股東的「憤慨」力量才能達成。 則首先,在績效與報酬之連結方面,實證研究結果發現,我國無論是非股權性報酬、股權性報酬、或報酬整體,皆呈現與績效連結不佳的現象,其原因,或許與我國多數公司係由控制股東所掌控,存在核心代理問題,且董事兼任經理人之現象普遍,董事往往同時領取兩份報酬,產生雙重評價績效之情況有關。 其次在內部監控方面,由於我國公司法將董事報酬之決定權劃歸為股東會所有,是以,我國董事會關於董事報酬之決定,原則僅居於負責提案的輔助性地位,也因此,我國公司法並未另外在董事會內設置董事報酬之監控力量。而此情形縱使在證交法引進獨立董事、審計委員會制度後,亦未發生重大改變,因實際設有審計委員會之公司寥寥可數,是以在大多數公司中,關於董事報酬議題實際上不存在內部監控制度。 最後在外部監控方面,股東之外部監控主要是透過表決權之行使,以及代表訴訟之提起組成,但由於各公司的股東會普遍在章程中將董事「報酬」與「酬勞」之決定委託由董事會行使,使得在我國公司實務上,董事會始為董事報酬最終決定者,股東會的表決完全流於形式;且我國的報酬資訊原則上仍採「彙總」揭露制,外部人無法得知公司內部實際的報酬分配狀況,高階經理人權力說主張的「憤慨成本」於我國也很難形成,無法對董事會產生實質的壓力。另外,我國的股東代表訴訟在制度設計上存有很大的缺陷,很少有股東願意透過此機制來糾正董事會的不當決策;加上資訊揭露不健全,股東根本無從知曉內部的報酬分配情況;另外,縱使股東提起代表訴訟,也會被沈重的舉證責任以及證據蒐集之困難所擊倒。因此,從此面向檢視我國現狀會發現,我國關於經營者報酬議題,實際上不存在真正的外部監控。 綜合上述檢討之結論,對於我國現行的經營者報酬監控機制,本文認為應進行下列數項改革:(1) 放寬董事報酬中股權性報酬工具之使用;(2) 報酬決定設計之修正;(3) 強化報酬資訊透明度;(4) 建構有效的司法審查。且由於我國公司存在核心代理問題和少數股東控制結構,是以,本文認為,對於董事報酬監控之改革,必須倚靠強大的外部監控力量始可能達到監控效果,而外部監控力量能否發揮的前提便建立在完整的資訊揭露制度上,因此強化報酬資訊透明度應為當前的改革重點。

股票流動性與企業價值之關聯性研究 / Stock liquidity and firm performance

劉以萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為透過實證分析研究2005年至2008年台灣上市櫃公司股票流動性與企業價值兩者之關係,企圖瞭解當考慮其他已證實會影響企業價值之因素,如:公司治理、資訊揭露程度、公司特有風險等因素後,股票流動性是否依然對企業價值存在影響力,即本研究將在控制公司治理程度、資訊揭露程度及公司特有風險等因素下,以周轉率作為股票流動性之代理變數、以Tobin’s Q作為企業價值之代理變數,分別使用普通最小平方法與兩階段最小平方法,檢視股票流動性是否依然影響企業價值。除此之外,亦參考Vivian W. Fang, Thomas H. Noe, Sheri Tice[2009]的研究方法,將代表企業價值之Tobin’s Q拆解成其他三個變數:營業利益對股價比、權益佔資產比及資產報酬率,取代企業價值成為應變數,再以相同研究模型對股票流動性進行實證分析,以求瞭解股票流動性影響企業價值之背後原因。最後,將研究樣本分別依照不同程度之公司治理、不同程度之資訊透明度、不同程度之公司特有風險分成低、中、高三組,以普通最小平方法分析在不同程度之控制變數下,股票流動性對企業價值之影響是否不同。本研究結果如下:第一、股票流動性越高之企業,其企業價值亦越高。第二、股票流動性高的企業,擁有較低之負債比與較高之資產報酬率,是企業價值高的中間影響因子。第三、在不同的董監持股比率、董監質押比率、法人持股比率、獨立董監比率、資訊揭露程度及公司特有風險下,流動性對企業價值的影響力是不同的。公司治理越差、資訊揭露程度越低、公司特有風險越高的公司,其流動性對企業價值越具顯著影響力。 / This paper investigates the relationship between stock liquidity and firm performance in Taiwan by using both of Ordinary Least Squares method and two-stage least squares method. To access whether stock liquidity improves, harms, or has no effect on firm performance, a proxy for Tobin’s Q is regressed on the liquidity measure, stock turnover, and several control variables, for example, corporate governance, information transparency, idiosyncratic risk, etc. Next, In order to gain further insight into the source of higher firm performance for stocks with high liquidity, based on Vivian W. Fang, Thomas H. Noe, Sheri Tice (2009), I break Tobin’s Q into three components: price-to-operating earnings, financial leverage, and operating profitability and then use these three variables as dependent variables to be regressed respectively on the liquidity measure in the same regression model. Besides, I also examine whether the effect of high liquidity on firm performance is different for firms with different level of each control variable. At last, this study shows that liquidity positively affects firm performance and proves that stocks with high liquidity not only have better firm performance, but also have more equity in their capital structure and higher operating profitability levels. This study also finds that the effect of stock liquidity on firm performance is significantly different for firms with different level of control variables.

我國公益勸募條例之探討:以中華民國紅十字會總會「重大災難」勸募為例 / A study on charity solicitation act in Taiwan:the case of "heavy catastrophe" solicitation in The Red Cross Society of The Republic of China

鍾淑美, Chung, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
「公益勸募條例」自民國95年5月立法院三讀通過總統公布實施迄今六年,由於許多非營利組織對於條文解讀不同,因此實務上就產生「無所適從」、「有法無可管」的現象,社會各界對於修正勸募條例的聲音,亦時有所聞。100年日本311震災事件後,內政部召開「公益勸募條例部分條文修正草案」會議,主要針對「重大災害或國際救援」勸募修正條文內容,修正的條文草案版本實有許多值得研商探討的部分。本研究依據內政部「公益勸募條例」部份條文修正草案會議通過版本,以及自律聯盟理事會通過版本,將兩個草案版本對照比較,且依勸募活動之時序歸納區分為:「勸募申請及許可」、「勸募期間規範」、「募得款使用規範」、「資訊揭露」等四大面向作為本研究探討主軸,並藉由紅十字會總會「重大災難」勸募之經驗,確認部分條文內容修正之適切性與可行性。 本研究發現公益勸募條例募款主體規範不夠周延;偏重事前程序審查,缺乏事後監督機制;轉捐行為、退款機制未作規範;國內重大災害勸募「救災執行能力」未加以規範;有關資訊揭露之法令缺乏;捐贈機構不同,扣抵稅額不一等問題。「公益勸募條例」部分條文修正草案內容尚欠完備,仍有許多值得檢討及研商修正部分,政府修法應廣納民間團體之意見,確認條文內容更為妥適可行,以確保有效管理勸募行為,達到「妥善運用資源,保障捐款人的權益」之立法旨意。

論通訊投票與臨時動議、議案修正之容許性 / A Study on the Electronic Voting and Admissibility of the Extemporary Motions and Motion Amendments

張鵬元, Chang, Peng Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
一般而言,股東會議程所有議案資訊必須事前揭露給全體股東,提供股東充分資訊,其方能在充分瞭解下作成投票決定。惟我國公司法長久以來承認股東有臨時動議與議案修正之權利,允許出席股東就第一七二條第五項規定除外事項之其他一切事項,在股東會現場提出臨時動議或原議案之修正,此舉不但將形成股東會議程資訊之漏洞,復以實務一般認為只要未違反第一七二條第五項之規定,股東可以在現場以臨時動議提議召開股東臨時會針對法定除外事項進行決議,或在同一議題下,可以提出任何修正案,而架空第一七二條之一股東提案權制度所寓有之資訊揭露功能。在無法獲得充分資訊之下,股東應當如何行使表決權,尤其未出席股東以書面或電子方式事前行使表決權時,更是需要充分資訊,否則一旦面對臨時動議或議案修正時,其表決權將依法視為棄權,更進一步衍生出表決權操縱和應否親自出席之問題,橫生枝節,臨時動議與議案修正之突襲性問題,亟待解決。 因此,參考美國、日本、德國、英國、香港、韓國和中國大陸公司法制,公司法應明文要求將股東會議程之主要內容或要領記載於召集通知中,股東會不得就召集通知所未記載之議案進行決議,股東如欲發表任何意見,應循事前提案權提出,而非在現場提出臨時動議或議案修正突襲其他股東。因此,本文建議禁止在現場提出任何臨時動議或議案修正。 / Generally speaking, the agenda of general meeting, including all motions, should be disclosed to all shareholders of the company in advance of a general meeting to provide them with sufficient information to vote (informed voting). However, according to Taiwan Company Act, shareholders have right to move extemporary motions or amendments all but any items as set forth in §172(5) hereof at the meeting. This will not only come to be a loophole resulting from blank statements in a notice of a general meeting, but also sideline the information disclosure function by implication of shareholder proposal in §172-1, because the court hold that the shareholder are entitled to move an extemporary motion to call a meeting to make a resolution on exclusion items in §172(5), or any amendment under the same subject. Thus shareholders are unable to vote without sufficient information, especially who cast their vote through writing or electronic transmission without participating in person in advance of the meeting. In case of extemporary motions or amendments, shareholders who cast vote through writing or electronic transmission shall be deemed to withhold their voting power. This result would bring some issues of manipulation of voting power and whether shareholders who have cast their vote through writing or electronic transmission should participate in person afterwards or not. However, extemporary motions and amendments with surprising nature shall be or shall not be, that is the question. In order to deal with this problem, the main component or general nature of items in the agenda of a general meeting shall be stated in the notice, and only the items stated in the notice could be validly passed at the general meeting by referring to the Company Act of the U.S., Japan, Germany, U.K., Hong Kong, South Korea, and Mainland China. If shareholders are willing to express their opinions, they should propose to ask to put in the agenda in advance of the meeting, instead of moving extemporary motions and amendments to surprise the others. This study suggests that no extemporary motion or amendment shall be allowed to move at the general meeting.

分時享有契約與消費者保護-以海外渡假村為中心 / Time-Share Contract and Consumer Protection-Centered on Overseas Resorts

曹能芝 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近年來隨著國民所得提高與週休二日實施,休閒旅遊已成為現代人生活中必要的調劑,各種新型態之休閒活動應運而生,「海外渡假村會員卡(權)」即為一由國外引進之新興旅遊產品。其係以消費者購買分時渡假權,而得於每年預先固定之時段,利用某特定不動產及其相關設施之休閒類型。由於渡假地點在海外,消費者難以實地瞭解會員權益及服務品質,且可比較的產品亦屬缺乏,較不易獲得正確完整的資訊。加上該產品之銷售,多採取街頭問卷調查等方式來得到消費者個人資料,並以「恭喜中獎」來引誘消費者參加業者所舉辦的說明會,除了長達四、五個小時的推銷攻勢外,並以當天簽約方可享有更優惠價格等促銷手法,促使消費者在對契約內容無所知悉之情形下作出締約之決定。 企業經營者為了銷售方便等因素,對不同之交易相對人適用相同之交易條件,故多預先就契約之內容擬定定型化約款。惟對締約之消費者而言,締約前對於該契約之法律性質及雙方之權利義務常難以獲取資訊,倘企業經營者未就其所擬定之定型化契約於締約前善盡說明義務、或給予消費者充分之審閱期間,消費者多係於未對契約內容有相當程度瞭解之狀態下與業者締約。俟簽訂契約後,發生債務不履行情形時,亦不知如何就契約內容主張權利、救濟。 由於一般民眾對此項產品所涉之權利義務關係及運作方式多未能完全掌握,在部分銷售業者採取不當的行銷手段並使用不公平的定型化契約之情況下,致此類交易頻生紛爭。尤其是渡假村所在地位於國外,消費者對於外國相關法令多屬陌生,不僅締約前欠缺資訊之獲取,締約後如有爭議,更不知如何向業者依法請求損害的救濟。 觀察實務上的訴訟及行政處分案件,發現此類交易主要爭議多在於其銷售手法是否受消費者保護法中訪問買賣之規範所拘束,及其衍生之無條件解約權該如何行使等問題。有鑑於「海外渡假村會員卡(權)」之銷售發生諸多消費糾紛,依照消費者保護法第一條規定:「保護消費者權益,促進國民消費生活安全,提升國民消費生活品質」之意旨,實應對此交易型態之法律性質、契約雙方當事人之權利義務等作進一步之釐清。因此本文擬從我國海外渡假村會員權契約之現況談起,就國內之法律規範及定型化契約範本加以分析,並介紹外國法制之重要規範,與我國法制檢討比較, 再針對此契約類型所衍生出的實務爭議問題,輔以司法實務及學界見解,予以整理、研析,期能藉由檢討行政法制之規定、司法實務之見解,提出相關建議,以避免經濟優勢地位者繼續濫用契約自由,影響消費者權益。

企業以XBRL格式申報財務資訊與經營績效之關聯性研究 / An exploratory study in the relationship between XBRL voluntary filing and firm performance

王祥翊, Wang, Hsiang Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以中國大陸2003年所推動之XBRL自願申報計畫為例,探討率先以XBRL格式申報財務資訊之企業,相較於未率先申報之企業,其經營績效之表現是否較佳?並進一步檢視企業率先申報XBRL之行為與各經營績效層面之關聯性。研究樣本為2000年至2009年於上海證券交易所上市之90家公司,分為兩個群組:一組為參與自願申報計畫之公司共45家,另一組為未參與申報計畫之對照組。在經營績效之衡量部分,本研究依據國內外之文獻探討,將經營績效區分為五個衡量層面:長期償債能力、流動性、獲利能力、經營效率與成長力,並分別以負債比率、流動比率、純益率、股東權益報酬率、總資產週轉率與營收成長率等財務比率做為各層面之衡量指標。 本研究之實證結果顯示,負債比率、流動比率、純益率、股東權益報酬率與總資產週轉率皆呈現顯著相關,證明率先以XBRL格式申報財務資訊之企業群組,在長期償債能力、流動性、獲利能力與經營效率方面之表現皆優於對照組。期望此研究結果能提供資本市場一有用訊息,做為投資人形成投資決策時之參考。 / In 2003, Shanghai Stock Exchange of China promoted a program encouraging companies to voluntarily file financial information using XBRL format. This paper examines whether these early and voluntary filers of financial information in XBRL format demonstrate superior operating performance relative to their non-adopting peers. Samples of this study include 90 listed companies of Shanghai Stock Exchange from 2000 to 2009. Half of them are voluntary filers and the others are the non-adopting peers. The measure of operating performance is divided into five levels: long-term solvency, liquidity, profitability, operating efficiency and growth capacity. Debt ratio, current ratio, net profit margin, return on equity, total assets turnover and sales growth rate are used as the indicators of these measurement levels, respectively. The empirical results of this study show that debt ratio, current ratio, net profit margin, return on equity and total assets turnover are significant, which mean that early and voluntary filers of financial information in XBRL format have superior performance in long-term solvency, liquidity, profitability and operating efficiency. These findings should provide a useful message to the capital market, as investors concern when forming investment decisions.

保險合約會計處理對壽險業之影響─以歐盟實施IFRS為例 / The influence of insurance contracts accounting on life insurance industry─ based on European union adopting IFRS

江蕙伶 Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟保險業者於2005年開始,將強制採用IFRS之相關規定。而過去IFRS對於保險業之影響主要以理論探討為主,因此本研究以歐盟壽險業為主要研究對象,探討IFRS適用對壽險業之影響。研究結果發現歐洲壽險業者於適用IFRS後,整體而言的確對於其盈餘波動程度產生正向影響;在資金成本方面則為負向之影響。有關投資配置之影響部分,IFRS之實施對於壽險業者之投資決策並未產生顯著之影響。另一方面,壽險業者之審計公費有降低之趨勢,但其資訊揭露成本有顯著增加之趨勢存在。 / Beginning in 2005, compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has been required in the European Union insurance industry. In the past, the influences of IFRS on the insurance business primarily take the theory discussion. The study takes the European Union life insurance industry as the main objects of study, trying to discuss what the influences of life insurance industry to adopt IFRSs. The study finds that after European Union life insurance industry adopting IFRS, the earning volatility increase and cost of capital would decrease. But in the investment allocations, the influences of IFRS are not significant. In the other hand, audit cost would decrease and information disclosure cost would increase.

我國生醫產業初次上市櫃公開說明書之資訊揭露程度對初級市場承銷定價效率暨次級市場投資人信念異質性之影響 / The effects of disclosure level of IPO Prospectus on pricing efficiency and divergence of opinion for biotechnology companies in Taiwan

陳韻涵, Chen, Fabienne Y. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國生醫產業公開說明書之資訊揭露程度對初次公開發行 (IPO, initial public offering)定價效率及次級市場投資人信念異質性程度之影響。當初級市場認購人間資訊不對稱程度越大時,IPO價值之事前不確定性越高。為均衡各交易參與者之利益,發行人與承銷商將主動提升公開說明書之資訊揭露程度,以制定適當的IPO折價幅度、維持承銷商合理的承銷風險與報酬,並協助認購人適切評定IPO之價值。異質信念觀點強調次級市場投資人對企業價值看法之歧異程度越大,將導致IPO蜜月期報酬之異常現象。本研究預期若無形資產密集度越高,IPO事前不確定性越大,則IPO折價幅度越大,並預期公開說明書之資訊揭露程度將改變無形資產密集度對折價幅度之影響程度。此外,本研究預期,生醫產業IPO案件之無形資產密集度、公開說明書之資訊揭露程度及者配售情形均可能影響投資人信念異質性,進而影響掛牌初期之成交價量表現。 本研究參考國外證券主管機關之無形資產資訊揭露規範,自行建立資訊揭露指標,系統性地衡量我國生醫產業公開說明書之資訊揭露程度,並以多元迴歸分析檢測假說。實證結果顯示,我國生醫產業IPO案件之無形資產密集度對IPO折價幅度存在顯著正向影響;公開說明書之資訊揭露程度改變無形資產密集度對折價幅度之影響程度;發行人之無形資產密集度、公開說明書資訊揭露程度及初級市場配售情形皆影響掛牌初期之投資人信念異質性及價格震盪幅度。研究結果證實公開說明書之資訊揭露提供預期效益,及初級與次級市場間之資訊相互流通、交易行為相互連動之關聯性。 / This research examines how the disclosure level of prospectus influences the efficiency of IPO (initial public offering) pricing in the primary market and the degree of divergence of opinions in the secondary market. The literature of IPO underpricing suggests that ex ante uncertainty due to information asymmetry has a positive impact on IPO discount and voluntary disclosure of prospectuses may reduce the uncertainty level. This research hypothesizes that, for biotechnology companies, a greater disclosure level of prospectuses would lower the impact of intensity of intangibles on IPO discount. Further, this research hypothesizes a relation between the pricing efficiency in primary market and the level of divergence of opinions in secondary market. The empirical results from regression analyses of hand-collected data show that, for biotechnology IPOs, the disclosure level of prospectuses reduces the impact of the intensity of intangibles on IPO discount. In addition, the intensity of intangibles, disclosure level of prospectuses, and trading behaviors in the primary market have an effect on the degree of divergence of opinions in the secondary market. In sum, this research evidences the expected benefits of the increased level of voluntary disclosure of prospectuses for biotechnology IPOs.

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