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周萬順, Zhou, Wan-Shun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之目的主要是研析當前台灣地區非都市土地使用管制問題,嘗試提出改進措施 ,配合各項相關建設事業,使土地使用管制達到積極的效益。全文共分七章,首章敘 述研究動機、方法、範圍,第二章敘明我國非都市土地使用所產生的問題及其形成原 因,第三章引述以前對高等則水田依土地法規定編定為農業用地之管制,以及目前依 實施區域計劃對非都市土地以劃定各種使用區及編定各種使用地管制方式,第四章比 較美國夏威夷州、日本及丹麥各國之管制類型與我國管制型態,第五章檢討現行管制 體制、型態、內容、法令及有關配合措施之執行情形,第六章針對檢討缺點而提出改 進方法,包括相關的配合建設措施,第七章係摘要與建議。


王文隆, Wang Wenlung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分為四章,各章重點如下: 第一章「農技外交的開展」。1960年代初期,我國仍是接受美援資助的國家,根本稱不上有外匯,於此之時,農技為何成為外交爭取之工具?當時的動機與思考為何?與美國之間的關連又為何? 第二章「援非技術合作的運作」。農技既為我外交工具,必然有其操作思維,本章試圖自農耕隊的派遣、運作來觀察其操作。外交部的策略為何?而1960年代最大之外交危機莫過於1964年的中法斷交,此一被稱為「外交核爆」的重大外交事件,對我對非外交策略有何影響?我國與中共在非洲之競奪中,外交部又如何將農技援助作為對抗中共「銀彈攻勢」的利器? 第三章「輔助工具與管理」。農技援助作為我對非爭取的主要工具,仍須與其他輔助工具相互搭配,方能徹底展現其成果。我如何培訓與管理農耕隊員?如何掌握農耕隊的狀況?如何以「禮尚往來」的方式,邀請非洲國家派員來台接受訓練?我如何宣傳農耕隊的成果,使其廣受世人矚目? 第四章「援非技術合作的成果」。本章可說是對非援助的「總檢討」,從各方觀點及統計數據上觀察我農耕隊在非洲之成績與影響,以及農技援助是否真使非洲各國心向我國?而既然我對非援助之目的乃是保住聯合國中之「中國代表權」,非洲各受援國在聯合國大會中的表現又是如何?我退出聯合國後,國際人格橫遭消滅,至此,農技援助的角色跟任務有著怎樣的改變? 結論之中,筆者將試圖擬出以農技援助為主要工具的策略思考以及佈局。綜合上述種種史實,以及外交部支持農技援外的輔助工具,窺探我國在1960年代對非外交之思維。以之作為觀察我國在六零年代的國際局勢,以及兩岸外交競爭的情況下,爭取非洲國家之全盤佈局的起點。本研究更是進一步觀察1960年代,我國外交佈局不可或缺的一角,也是觀察1970年代我國外交崩解的重要部份。 我國在退出聯合國後,在國際社會上漸形孤立,這不僅是一個政治議題,更是一個歷史問題,若不回到歷史中尋求其起點與源頭,將不能洞悉其來龍去脈,更無法尋出解套良方。本研究由外交史的觀察入手,俾能為戰後我國國際關係之研究略盡綿薄之力。


盧承完, Ro ,Seung-Wan Unknown Date (has links)
眾所週知,對於發展中國家來說,人口、糧食、就業與通貨一直是其經濟發展中的重要問題。其中,人力資源是經濟發展過程中最重要的因素。充分開發利用人力資源,不僅是社會經濟的需要,也是勞動力自身生存和發展的需要。 中國大陸是一個農業大國,12億多人口中有3/4在農村,所以農村經濟的發展和農村社會的穩定關係是非常密切的。中共在現代化過程中要完成從二元經濟向一元現代經濟的轉變。在廣大的農村,是屬於勞動力資源相對於土地資源等生產要素大大過剩的情況,龐大的人口基數使農村勞動力供給的增長一直快於農村經濟發展的勞動力的需求。 1978年以前,在傳統計劃體制下,政府一方面通過嚴格的戶籍制度和其他配套性措施把農村勞動力限制在土地上,另一方面通過實施以集體化經營和平均工資為特徵的人民共社制度,以維護低效率的就業均衡。經濟改革以來,中共當局放棄了傳統的「統包統配」的就業制度,而農村勞動力也突破了傳統體制的束縛,使得農業生產力大幅度提高、農產品產量增長迅速,農村地區出現了相對過剩的勞動力。 但80年代中國大陸農村勞動力的跨地區流動並不活耀,農村勞動力的轉移主要以發展鄉鎮企業為主的農村內部就地轉移的方式。進入90年代之後,轉移模式的局限性日益突出。眾多的農村勞動力外出打工,固然與城鄉之間、區域之間收入差距擴大。 但是,隨著市場經濟改革的深入發展,國有企業越來越不能適應市場經濟要求,農村剩餘勞動力流入城市就業越來越艱難。 農民佔中國大陸總人口的3/4。農民問題不僅僅是農民的問題,而是國家根本的問題。所以,農村勞動力轉移的問題是國家一定要解決的一個難題。對於農村剩餘勞動力轉移的問題,主要的論點為加快工業化的發展進程、農村勞動力的素質提高、積極培育「統一、開放、競爭、有序」的勞動力市場,轉換就業制度與戶籍制度。


趙育農 Unknown Date (has links)
過去關於臺灣家庭計劃發展的觀點主要有兩種,一種是視家庭計畫為一成功的「臺灣經驗」,一種則從女性史的角度,強調家庭計畫是政府對於女性身體的控制與壓迫。本文則試著從第三種觀點出發,回到歷史原本的脈絡中,引領讀者從臺灣家庭計畫最初的前十年開始看起,首先使讀者了解到臺灣實施家庭計畫的緣由及其背景,而後在這樣的背景之下,第一個推動家庭計畫的機構:中國家庭計畫協會成立了,在本文中將呈現家庭計畫協會的創辦人──舒子寬女士及其他工作者,他們是在怎樣的動機之下加入家庭計畫的推展並成為開拓者,他們在此特殊的時空背景之下,如何獲得各方的資助而得以順利推動,而他們推動的方法又為何?藉由這些面向的探討,以呈現臺灣家庭計畫發展中的女性經驗。 本文相對於過去研究的突破如下:在資料的運用上,本文的寫作運用了過去研究者所未曾使用的農復會檔案,並和家庭計畫的工作者舒子寬女士進行口述訪談,以補充過去研究所未探討到的問題;在新的發現上,本文試圖呈現家庭計畫中的女性經驗,並試圖提出一新的主張:臺灣家庭計畫最初的推動者,基於自身的女性經驗,以試圖改善母性健康為出發點而推動家庭計畫。


何垂芬 Unknown Date (has links)
預售屋制度在臺灣地區已行之多年,惟預售屋交易金額龐大、興建期間長又不固定、簽約到履約歷時久,且涉及諸多法律及地政登記等專業知識,此外,投入預售屋交易者,除消費者外,還有建設公司、代銷公司、提供土地之地主、承包工程廠商、金融服務業等,預售屋交易模式極為複雜,再加上消費者購買經驗有限,及購屋資訊不足,其衍生出之消費糾紛不勝枚舉。 內政部公布之『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』 及修訂公布之『預售屋買賣契約書範本』,其中『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』依消費者保護法第17條第2項規定違反公告之定型化契約之一般條款無效,使該上開公告事項具有法律上強制規定之效力,而該公告事項依內政部(90)內中地字第9083627號函稱「本應記載及不得記載事項自公告六個月後生效」,所以該公告事項自91年3月6日起對預售屋交易之當事人發生強行法規之拘束力,締約雙方對此應有所認識。本文以91年3月6日『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』生效後,最高法院對預售屋定型化契約條款見解,作一分析,希望能分析出內政部公布『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』及『預售屋買賣契約書範本』,對預售屋實務上產生之影響及產生何種新型態的紛爭,並尋求解決之道。

農地集團化利用治理結構之比較分析 / A Comparative Study on the Governance Structure of Integrated Farmland Use

歐陽楡 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自第一階段農地改革後,逐漸有為降低生產成本與提高農民收入之大規模策略出現。本研究定義出台灣歷經包括農業生產專業區、農地利用綜合規劃之共同經營班與其後之產銷班、稻米產銷專業區與農業經營專區等四種大規模策略之農地集團化利用階段,是在公共秩序之法規命令,與集團成員契約簽訂所建立之私人秩序下而得以成立運作,符合混合式治理的特徵;而此治理理念的應用,可以新制度經濟學中微觀的角度,對組成各階段公共秩序和私人秩序的規則和執行機制,進行治理結構之比較分析。此係分別展現公共秩序與私人秩序規則中,誘因和安全措施是如何的賦予,與集團運作時是藉由第三者執行或自我執行之執行機制,以分析各農地集團化利用階段所採行的混合式治理,其治理結構如何具有階層與市場屬性程度的差異,進而探討所呈現的變遷趨勢,供政府對農地集團化利用輔導之策略擬定,與營運主體設計契約化私人秩序時之參考。研究發現在市場越來越競爭之下,台灣各農地集團化利用階段之治理結構,不僅於規則中誘因的提供與安全措施的設置朝向由私人秩序賦予,更從集團之規劃召集、與集團成員行動的裁決等,都趨向依私人秩序訂定條款,由集團成員自我執行。故政府對農業經營的混合治理,在逐漸有由營運主體自發地根據公共秩序組織集團,擬定私人秩序自我執行運作的趨勢下,建議可增強公共秩序需對私人秩序治理結構之支持,並於公共秩序執行排除考量給予改善之機會,讓農地集團化利用更具競爭力與建立永續發展的空間。 / In Taiwan, after the first farmland reform, an integrated strategy has been adopted to pursue lower production cost and higher agricultural profit. This study defines four stages of integrated farmland use in Taiwan, i.e. Agricultural Production Special District, Agriculture Production Section and Production Group, Rice Production Special District, and Special Agriculture Enterprise District. Those stages of integrated farmland use have characteristics of hybrid governance which are established under laws i.e. public ordering and contracts among members of groups i.e. private ordering. The idea of hybrid governance, derived from the New Institutional Economics, is a micro-analytic point of view and can be employed to conduct a comparative study on governance structures. The governance structures, namely the rules and the enforcement mechanism in the public and private ordering of every stage, are analyzed and compared. How incentives and security measures are adopted in the rules and whether third party enforcement or self-enforcement is used in the enforcement mechanism of the public and private ordering are provided. After the analysis of hybrid governance structures, differences on their hierarchy and market orientation will be revealed. In Taiwan the governance structures of integrated farmland use has a tendency of market orientation and private ordering. The result can be considered by the government in deciding the policies for integrated farmland use, and can help the operating group to formulate private contracts for their own private ordering.

生質燃料補貼在WTO協定下相關適用之法律問題—以SCM協定與農業協定為中心 / The Legal Analysis of Biofuels Subsidies under the WTO Agreements—in Particular the SCM Agreement and the Agriculture Agreement

羅錦嵐, Lo, Chin-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
自從「京都議定書」在2005年2月16日經160個國家簽署生效後,為兼顧環境保護及經濟發展,各國政府便開始鼓勵其國內能源產業發展生質燃料作為替代燃料,以減少溫室氣體排放。然生質燃料產業起步階段,因技術與市場交易機制均未成熟,故有賴政府的補貼才能順利推廣。是以,目前生質燃料的補貼是否應受到WTO協定之規範仍是備受爭議,而實有討論與研究之必要。 本論文主要研究目的,遂在分析目前德國、美國、巴西等主要生質燃料生產國為鼓勵、推廣生質燃料產業之發展,其獎勵措施所涉及的補貼是否會對未受補貼的國內外競爭者形成不公平待遇,以及是否違反WTO補貼暨平衡稅措施協定及農業協定補貼規範的情形,以政策事實套法律要件的方式,深入討論現階段各國生質燃料補貼措施:市場保證、價格補貼、投資補貼、稅賦優惠四種措施態樣,在和平條款落日後,於生質燃料製程上游、中游、下游的協定管轄情形與適法性,以期對目前生質燃料補貼政策作一完整的評估與建議。 / Since the Kyoto Protocol was signed by 160 countries and entered into forced on 16 Feburauy 2005, the governments of above countries began encouraging their enery industries to develop biofuels as substitute to reduce green house gases in pursuit of environmental protection and economic development. While the technologies and trading mechanisms of biofuel industries were immature at the preliminary stage, the prevalence of the biofuels will be dependent on government subsidies. Therefore, whether biofuels subsidies shall be subject to the rules of WTO Agreements is still a controversial issue and needs to be discussed and studied. The main purpose of the thesis is to analyze the domestic policies and incentives of those key biofuel-producuing countries such as Germany, United States and Brazil, and find if such subsidizing measures constitute unfair treatments to foreign compeitiors and violate the SCM Agreement or Agriculture Agrmment under the WTO. In order to conduct a comprehensive analysis and come up with feasible suggestions, the thesis will take the four main incentives, the so-called“Market Assurance”, “Price Support”, “Investment Support”and “Tax credit”as facts to conduct legal analysis as well as discuss the applicability of agreements when Peace Clause came to an end and analyze the legality of each incentive from upstream to downstream of the biofuel production process.

中國大陸農民抗議與國家政治行動選擇:中央與地方差異性的探討 / Peasant protest and state actions:central-local relations in Mainland China

周俊宏, Chou, Chun Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本文以國家行動為研究目標,意欲探究的是中共政治行動對農民抗議產生的影響以及遭遇農民抗議時中共政治行動的回應。其中,主要探討的是中共中央與地方行動上的差異性。兩者行動上的差異在本文中一方面認定為導致農民抗議產生的外部環境因素(即政治機會),一方面據以探究面對農民抗議時中共中央與地方在回應時所採取的政治行動分別為何。 本文以政治機會結構理論及國家與社會互動理論作為研究理論,並在「中央—地方—農民」三分的分析框架下,提出中央與地方的差異作為研究面向。整理農民抗議的定義、特點、方式、類型及成因時,並討論與之相關的農民權益。在探究行動上的差異對農民抗議的影響以及面對農民抗議時中央與地方的各自行動時,本文從稅費問題及土地徵用來看行動差異對農民抗議的影響,而中央政府的回應行動包括國家重建、事件定調、策略防範以及守住底線。基層政權的回應行動則分別就「官方論調」、「力量對比」、「對上訪時幹部行動的參酌」、「秩序共識下的行動劇碼」,以及「角色扮演」等予以解讀。 / State action is regarded as the research target, intending for the influence on peasant protest by PRC’s action and the response to peasant protest by PRC. Focusing on these two topics, action discrepancy in central-local relations is what I’d like to discuss in this research. For one thing, action discrepancy is seen as the outer environmental factor that brings about the begin of peasant protest. For another, based on action discrepancy,while responding to peasant protest, what the central do and what the local do can be explored. Based on the political opportunity structure theory and the state-society interaction theory, and analyzed on the framework of “central-local–peasant” tripartition, this research presents the discrepancy in central-local relations as main dimension. While definitions, characters, measures, types, and reasons concerning peasant protest are organized, peasant rights and interests are also discussed. The influence on peasant protest by action discrepancy and the actions separately by the central and the local when encountering peasant protest are then explored. This research examines the influence through tax-fee problem and land expropriation, and then concludes that the central actions include state-rebuilding, affair-identifying, strategy-guarding, and deadline-defending, and moreover, interprets the local regime’s actions in such ways like “official-like statement”, “power contrast”, “reference to local cadres’action toward peasant appealings to higher levels(shangfang)”, “act performance on the consensus of order”, and “role play”.

福爾摩莎的糧食民主: 台灣有機食品自耕農的問題與前景 / Food Democracy in Formosa: Problems and Prospects for Independent Farmers in Taiwan’s Organic Food Sector

辛介石, Peter Singer-Towns Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的主要是根據參與有機事業的觀點更進一步了解台灣有機領域的狀況。 訪問七位於北台灣的有機領域的參與者進行非正式訪談:有機農戶、店家、有機商品認證機構回答相關有機領域的問題和消費者問卷調查。研究結果顯示獨立有機農戶所面臨一些挑戰和台灣糧食民主機制下運作的潛力—獨立有機農戶處理大部分財團的競爭和有機標誌混淆消費者的狀況下。由於真正問題並非在食物的品質本身於是焦點可轉向對於有機農戶或其他獨立生產機構有利的狀況。最後,本研究將提供一些建議給未來的研究以及提供目前問題的可能解決方法。 / The purpose of this study is to further the understanding of the state of the organic food industry in Taiwan with special consideration given to the perspectives of those participating in it. Seven participants in the organic foods industry in Northern Taiwan were selected for informal interviews. Farmers, store owners, and an organic food certification authority answered questions about the organic food industry, and consumers were surveyed as well. The findings uncovered several challenges that independent organic farmers face, and that the rate of Food Democracy in Taiwan is operating below its potential, as independent farmers deal with competition from dominant corporations, while the organic labeling system confuses consumers. Since the problem is not with the quality of the food, focus can be shifted toward ensuring a level playing field for farmers with smaller independent operations. Finally, this study gives several suggestions for avenues of future research and offers possible solutions to the problems uncovered.

彰化縣活化休耕農地多功能性之研究 / The Study on Multifunctionality of Revitalizing Fallow Agricultural Land in Changhua County

梁世賢, Liang, Shih Hshang Unknown Date (has links)
我國農業用地實施休耕補貼之相關政策迄今已逾32年,該政策因長期推行,導致大量農田連續休耕及廢耕,致使生產環境惡化及農地資源浪費,龐大的休耕補貼金額不僅侵蝕國家財政亦讓農民產生不勞而獲之錯覺。農委會冀望透過「調整耕作制度活化農地計畫」的政策目標,本研究選取彰化縣福興鄉、芳苑鄉、大城鄉等領取補貼金額將近該縣半數之農業鄉為樣區,目的在於檢視該政策施行是否具有農業多功能性及永續發展,並就計畫產生的問題擬定對策和修正建議。   本研究以文獻分析及深度訪談作為研究方法,透過多功能性的多項評估指標檢視研究結果發現:在經濟生產面向中,量化成果達成率極高,活化農地減少影響鄰地耕作,創造小地主大佃農契機,政策執行成果整體偏向經濟生產面;至於社會生活面,則因農村人口老化、青農返鄉誘因不足與耕地取得不易等,不甚彰顯。另於生態環境面,因多施行慣行農法對於環境較不友善。因而,農業多功能性聯合產出特徵不明顯,離農業永續發展目標仍有距離。   本研究建議,政府對休耕地活化補貼政策應再作調整,就商品產出面言,加重申報不實罰責及建立政策退場機制,以確保農業競爭力,並考量因地制宜明定復耕作物項目;就非商品產出面言,應排除耕作困難地補貼,增加環境生態或景觀維護補貼,俾利展現農業多功能,實現永續農業目標。 / Taiwan has been subsidizing the fallowing of agricultural land for 32 years. Due to the long period of execution of the fallowing policy, large areas of agricultural land have been continuously fallowed or abandoned, causing the deterioration of production environment and waste of agricultural resources. In addition, the large amount of subsidy has not only eroded the country’s financial situation, but also caused misconception of farmers of reaping without sowing. The Council of Agriculture expects to achieve the policy objective through adoption of “Adjustment of Farming System and Plan of Revitalizing Fallow Agricultural Land.” This study selects half of the agricultural townships receiving subsidies in Changhua County such as Fuxing Township, Fangyuan Township and Dacheng Township as examples. It aims to examine whether or not this policy is able to facilitate agricultural multi-functionality and sustainable development, in order to formulate countermeasures and suggestions.     This study utilizes literature review and in-depth interviews as research methods. Through various Multi-functional indices, this study discovered the following phenomenon. First, from the perspective of economic production, the extremely high achieving rate for revitailzing fallow farm land reduces the impact on the farming of neighboring fields, and creates opportunity for small landowners to become big tenant-farmers. The outcomes of policy execution are tilted to the economic production. Second, in terms of the aspect of social life, due to the aging population in the farming villages, less incentives for young farmers to return to hometowns and difficulty of acquiring arable lands, it is difficult to manifest results. Last, regarding the ecological environment, owing to the unfriendliness of conventional farming skill, the characteristics of Multi-functional agricultural outputs are unclear. There is a certain distance to go to reach to goal of sustainable agricultural development.  This study suggests that the government should adjust the Fallow Land Subsidy Policy. As for the output of Commodity outputs, government should aggravate the penalties for false declaration and establish the exit mechanism, in order to keep the competitiveness of Taiwan’s agriculture. It is essential to clearly indicate the replanting items that suits local circumstance. With regard to the Non Commodity outputs, the subsidy for difficult arable land should be abolished. Nevertheless, the subsidy for maintaining environmental ecology and scenery should be increased. These measures can help achieve the Multi-function of agriculture and realize the goal of sustainable agriculture.

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