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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國貨幣政策運作機制之全面性檢視 / The comprehensive review of the monetary policy operation mechanism in Taiwan

賴科宏, Lai, Ke Hung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著美國次級房貸衝擊世界經濟的影響不斷擴大,各國政府對於全球景氣的提振,莫不推出各種拯救方案。同時,為使相關拯救政策的效果得以發揮,各國央行莫不競相調降基準利率,以減輕投資者與消費者的資金成本壓力,企求藉此增加企業的投資意願與民眾的消費慾望,進而促使經濟景氣得以反轉為多。然而,欲使一國貨幣政策發揮其效果,除了社會大眾對於通貨膨脹預期的心理是否可以獲得消弭外,更重要的是央行貨幣政策傳遞管道是否暢通,是否對於整體經濟情勢仍具有相當的控制能力。而這些條件是否可以達成,而使央行貨幣政策確實可以發揮功效,其最主要的關鍵點除了與其所採行的貨幣運作機制有密切關係外,央行的獨立性、權責性與透明性的良窳更是具有決定性的因素。 然而,就臺灣而言,我國中央銀行法自一九七九年重新訂定後,僅於民國一九九七年大幅修訂,且於二OO二年時小幅修訂部分條文。但面對目前金融情勢變化快速與國內政治局勢的動盪,條文中對於有關央行獨立性地位的確認與央行權責性暨透明性的提昇等等現代化中央銀行所需具備的前提要件,卻似乎規範不甚明確。加以面對因金融自由化所造成市場中貨幣定義的模糊,以及貨幣目標制下政策效率不彰的困境,對於目前仍採行貨幣目標制做為政策執行架構的我國央行而言,其是否擁有其他可行的因應方式與選擇?是否需要追隨世界金融先進國家的腳步,更改目前的貨幣運作機制?是否通貨膨脹目標制對我國央行而言,具有執行上的絕對優勢?我國央行是否已經具備執行此項貨幣機制的相關必要條件?這些議題在國內相關文獻的探討中尚屬進一步探索的領域。故本文希冀透過對於我國央行獨立性、權責性、透明性以及其他主客觀經濟情勢的重新檢視,提出面臨的問題點以及可行的解決方案,以增進我國貨幣政策執行的有效性。 / With the more impacts on the economics in the world from the shocks of subprime-mortgage in America, many policies were proposed from every government to make the economic return the normal situation. For strengthening the effects of these policies, many central banks announced to cut the key interest rates. Because they wish could lighten the enterprises’ and consumers ‘costs of the capital by these policies, and then make them increasing the desires of the investments and consumptions to let the whole economic situations back to good ones. However, whether the monetary policies really have the effects or not, it depends on many elements, including if the central bank eliminates the expectations of inflation of the public or not, the monetary transmission channels could work successfully or not, the central bank could control the key economic variables or not and others seriously. Nevertheless, the monetary policy mechanism of this country, the level of independence, accountability and transparency of the central bank are the key factors that could influence these conditions work valid or not. In Taiwan, The Central Bank of China Act was amended in 1979. In 1997, this law was modify widely and revised few articles in 2002. However, these articles were not being considered how to make affirm the independence position of the central bank, and how to improve the accountability and transparency of the central bank to make the CBC meet the conditions of the modern central bank. Beside this, in the difficult status of the blurred definition of the money and of weakly effectiveness of the monetary policy in the monetary targeting framework, whether the CBC which still adopts the monetary targeting to be the main monetary policy mechanism has any choices to break these problems or not ? Whether the CBC needs to follow the advanced countries to alter the monetary policy mechanism to the inflation targeting framework? Whether the CBC could get more benefits to adopt the inflation targeting? And whether the CBC could meet all the preconditions of the inflation targeting? These issues are so important but not to be discussed in domestic academic literatures. Therefore we want to review the level of the independence, accountability and transparency of the CBC and other economic conditions to see the problems of the monetary policy mechanism in Taiwan. And then, we will provide the feasible suggestions to these problems to improve our monetary policy effectiveness.

台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制之研究 / A Study of Establishing Military Confidence Building Measures Across the Taiwan Strait

許舜南, Hsu, Shun-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
身為一位學習「戰略及國際安全」並從事「野戰戰略」與「中外戰史」研究與教育的軍人,深知唯有堅實的國防武力,才能在中共不放棄以武力解決台灣問題的文攻武嚇下,以「勝兵先勝」之作為,來達到「止戰而不懼戰,備戰而不求戰」,確保「有效嚇阻、防衛固守」戰略構想之達成,然基於深切體認到「兵凶戰危」,不忍國人與大陸之對立紛爭而引發戰火,導致同胞「生靈塗炭」。自當從「避免戰爭」、「防止戰爭」等戰略及國際安全之考量,研究「台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制」,藉由國際間已實施多年的「信心建立措施」(Confidence-Building Measures,以下簡稱CBMs),期能喚起台海兩岸之領導人,本著同根同源,藉展現誠意、溝通、協商、交流,進而建立互信,以降低兩岸緊張情勢,避免因誤判而引發衝突,進而導致戰爭發生。 「信心建立措施」的主要概念,在於透過資訊交換與交流,增加彼此的瞭解,避免雙方因對彼此軍事意圖的誤解,而導致擦槍走火,引發衝突與戰爭。並希望透過「軍事互信機制」等交往原則的確立、軍事行動的規範,以及檢證措施的運用,建立台海兩岸彼此信任之關係,以達到避免戰爭、防止戰爭,確維台海兩岸安全與永久和平之目標。 本論文「台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制之研究」,其主要的理論基礎是參考國際間已施行多年的「信心建立措施」(CBMs),該措施見諸於1975年「赫爾辛基會議」(Helsinki Conference)的「最終議定書」(Final Act)。而在歐洲中立及不結盟國家提議下,至1986年「斯德哥爾摩會議文件」(Document of the Stockholm Conference),第二代的「信心建立措施」被歐洲各國改稱為「信心暨安全建立措施」(Confidence and Security-Building Measures, 以下簡稱CSBMs )。一般而言,後者較前者更強調軍事意涵的重要性及查證措施的使用,也意味脫離前者的萌芽階段,進入較繁複、具體、強制發展的階段。除歐洲與亞太地區外,非洲、拉丁美洲、中東地區都有相關類似的安排。1991年,南北韓所簽訂的「和解、互不侵犯及交流合作協議」與「朝鮮半島非核聯合宣言」,中共、俄羅斯及其他三個中亞國家於1996年4月26日所簽訂的「關於邊境地區加強軍事領域信任的協定」,均屬於「信心暨安全建立措施」。冷戰結束後成立的「東協區域論壇」及「亞太安全合作理事會」所倡導的安全對話,也是「信心建立措施」的一環。 台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制可採用「信心建立措施」(CBMs)各類作法,即(一)宣示性措施(declaratory measures)、(二)透明性措施(transparency measures)、(三)溝通性措施(communication measures)、(四)海上安全救援措施(maritime measures)、(五)限制性措施(constraint measures)、(六)查(檢)證性措施(verification measures)…等,並參考國際間建立互信之成功案例,區分目前已在執行的公布「國防報告書」、宣布「軍事演習之種類、範圍、時間、地點」、遂行「海上救難行動」、建立「海峽中線共識」…等,並配合國統綱領的進程,再分為近、中、遠程軍事互信作為,逐步建立台海兩岸軍事互信,降低緊張,化解衝突,以避免導發台海間之戰爭,共創台海兩岸中國人之雙嬴。 當前台海兩岸之紛爭,乃導因於雙方領導人及政府之互信不足,故在推動台海兩岸互信機制時,初期階段,須由單方面展現誠意、培養互信,在時機及條件成熟後,則雙方展現誠意、建立互信,當然我方應審慎規劃,並時時觀察,若中共仍抱持傲慢心態,未能遵守相關協定,必要時可以停止各項交流,以免單方面對中共做出過多的讓步,以確保我國家安全與利益。 從研究中可以深切體會,台海兩岸維持和平與穩定,是台海兩岸中國人的共同期盼,也唯有「台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制」,才能避免雙方因誤解、衝突,而刺激中共以武力犯台,或引爆戰爭。故僅提出具體建議,供決策單位及後續研究此一問題者參考: 壹、台海兩岸不可輕啟戰端。 貳、推動兩岸間制度化互信機制。 參、藉助國際友人加強多邊協商促進兩岸交流。 肆、審慎擬定建立軍事互信措施之優先順序。 伍、推動兩岸建立軍事互信立法逐步執行。 陸、賡續研究集思廣益尋求兩岸雙贏策略。 台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制,雖然還有相當多的困難與窒礙,但相信只要台海兩岸領導人有決心,必可早日達成兩德統一與兩韓和解的光明坦途,這也是台海兩岸中國人所衷心期盼的抉擇,但願不久的將來,台海兩岸的中國人,均可走出免於戰爭與殺戮之夢魘,進而同享自由、民主與均富的和平幸福生活,共創台海兩岸的繁榮與發展。

資訊揭露對股票市場的波動性與流動性之影響 / The Impacts of Market Transparency on Volatility and Liquidity

張景婷 Unknown Date (has links)
知訊者與非知訊者資訊不對稱之議題在學術殿堂一直廣為學者所研究討論,且各國證管機關為了維持證券市場公平性、保護非知訊者權益並且維持股票市場的穩定運作,適度的資訊揭露以維持證券市場的公平性一直都是各國證券交易所重視的政策目標。 是故,本研究利用代理人基人工股票市場來探討資訊揭露對於金融市場之影響。在此架構下之交易者皆已有限理性方式來呈現。他們是以遺傳規劃(genetic programming)之方式來學習並修正他們對於未來之金融市場之預期。在透過即時的模擬價格之資訊揭露,我們嘗試探討此資訊揭露之金融政策措施對於市場之波動性、市場之流動性之影響。 / The topic of asymmetric information between the informed traders and uninformed traders has been widely discussed by researchers in academics. To maintain the fairness of securities market, an appropriate information disclosure is quite important for authorities of securities regulation to protect the rights and interests of uninformed traders, and to maintain the operations of securities market stable. Based on these reasons, we construct an agent-based artificial stock market to investigate how information disclosure affects a financial market. In this framework of artificial stock market, all traders are characterized by bounded rationality. The traders are able to learn and adjust their predictions of financial market by means of a genetic programming algorithm. We try to understand how market transparency affects the volatility and the liquidity of a securities market.

中國上市公司強制實施XBRL財務報導格式對於經營績效之影響 –中國國有企業觀點 / The Mandatory Adoption of XBRL and The Firm Performance – Evidence from the State-owned Enterprises in China

文經堯 Unknown Date (has links)

非國家行為者之跨國運作--以國際透明組織之全球反貪運動為例 / Transnational Advocacy of Non-State Actors--A Case Study on Transparency International's Global Anti-corruption Movement

葛傳宇, Ko, Chuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
跨國公司與開發中國家官員之賄賂關係被稱為骯髒聯盟。非國家行為者是形塑與改變國際規範之重要參與者,本研究檢視重點在於國際透明組織為切斷骯髒聯盟之供需關係,如何運用其獨特之跨國倡議網絡模式,透過建立聯盟(coalition-building)途徑,促成國際公約並且改變簽署國之國家行為。該非政府組織影響國際關係之具體成果為1997年簽署之OECD反賄公約,該公約是第一個從供應方(supply-side)切斷跨國商業賄賂鏈之國際規範,其立法歷程與會員國之國家偏好改變足以證明國際透明組織之影響力。 主流學派之結構現實主義者主張國際關係是結構決定論,以強權國家為主要的、具決定性之行為者,國家偏好是外生給定的利益排序。本研究主張以建構主義為基礎之全球反貪運動則是反其道而行,國際透明組織建構之跨國倡議網絡,擅用人氣政治與切身性政治,以合作取代對抗,有效促成已開發國家採取集體行動,簽署OECD反賄公約。當強權之間拒絕改變現狀時,非國家行為者之理念說服行動可以逐一改變國家偏好,進而改變國際規範。在倡議國際反貪議題上,國際透明組織的確是國際新規範之催生者。 本文採案例研究,主體為國際透明組織,客體為OECD反賄公約,交叉運用深度訪談與調查式過程追蹤研究,密集而深入取得相關當事人提供之第一手資料,彌補既有文獻靜態分析之不足。 / Non-state actors are essential participants in shaping and changing international norms. There has been a long-standing practice of a tacit “dirty alliance” between multinational corporations and developing countries officials. This research focuses on Transparency International(TI), which seeks to sever the supply and demand chain relationships of the dirty alliance by mobilizing a unique model of transnational advocacy network (TAN), engaging coalition-building, lobbying for a new set of international norms and persuading the changes of signatory states’ behavior. The fruits are the adoption of the 1997 OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, which is the first supply-side norm to cut off transnational business bribery chain. Both the key events of the legislative process and the changes of state preferences among the signatories validify the argument for the TI’s significant influence. Contrary to mainstream international relations theories such as structural realism claiming structural determinism, predominant role of powerful states, and exogenously given nature of state preferences, this research proves constructivism prevails. TI’s TAN model artistically exercises popularity politics as well as proximity politics, advocates cooperation instead of confrontation against bribe-givers and bribe-takers, and effectively persuades developed countries to take collective actions by adopting and ratifying the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. While powerful states resist changing the status quo, non-state actors indeed demonstrate their capability of persuading states to change their preferences. TI is entitled to be the midwife in formulating new international norms against transnational corruption. This research applies case study methodology, making TI as the subject and the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention as the object. Diligent analysis and interpretations are based on the cross-references of in-depth interviews and investigative process-tracing method to extract the primary data from relevant parties so as to supplement the deficiencies of the available literatures.


林尚志 Unknown Date (has links)
建構一套健全的公司治理評等機制,為落實公司治理相關議題的核心工作。本研究以經濟暨合作發展組織之公司治理原則、世界銀行之公司治理架構與國內外公司治理相關實證文獻作為理論基礎,透過分析量化之公司層級衡量指標,嘗試建構一套可行且適合衡量台灣企業之公司治理評等指標,以作為投資人制定投資決策與授信機構評估企業債信風險時之參考。 本研究以2002年國內523家非金融業上市公司為樣本,利用LISREL方法 (線性結構關係模式統計方法)建構台灣公司治理評等指標。分析結果共得出:股權結構構面 (盈餘股份比、專業機構投資者持股率);董事會職責構面 (盈餘席次比、外部董事席次比率、外部監察人席次數與外部董監持股率);財務透明度構面 (盈餘管理幅度、損益平穩化程度與財報重編率)等3個構面、9項衡量指標。 透過與企業當期及次期經營績效、公司價值與投資人投資風險間之關聯性實證測試,本研究發現,前項公司治理評等指標與企業之經營績效、公司價值呈顯著正相關,而與投資人投資風險呈顯著負相關。此項實證結果一方面顯示,前項公司治理評等指標愈佳,企業當期與次期之經營績效與公司價值愈高,投資人之投資風險愈低;另方面亦表示本研究所建構之公司治理評等指標對於企業之經營績效、公司價值與投資人投資風險,具有一定程度之關聯性與預測能力。 / A well-developed corporate governance ranking system is essential to implantation of corporate governance. Base on principles proposed by OECD, a framework provided by the World-Bank and empirical literature on corporate governance, this research attempts to develop a workable TCGI (herein Taiwan Corporate Governance Index or TCGI) ranking system. The purpose of provision of TCGI is to help investors and creditors to make better decisions. Using data for 523 non-banking corporations publicly traded at Taiwan Stock Exchange in 2002, and LISREL as the analytical tool, this research constructs a three-aspect (including ownership structure, responsibility of the board and financial transparency) TCGI ranking system with 9 corresponding indicators in total. The empirical results of association tests show that TCGI indicators are significantly and positively (negatively) related to operation performance and market value (the occurrence of firms encountering financial difficulties). The findings thus imply that the TCGI ranking system developed in this research may be useful in investors and creditors decision-making.

異常住宅價格檢測與處理之研究-以個別估價觀點分析 / The study of singular residential price detection and management - with the valuations by appraisers' perspective

高裕政, Kao, Yu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
國內近年來有許多文獻在進行特徵價格模型預測時,避免樣本中存在異常點會造成模型估計值產生偏差,會使用統計軟體進行異常點檢測,但皆是直接將檢測出的異常點刪除,未加以著墨探究這些異常點的特徵結構、成因及特色等。因此,本研究透過統計檢定方法,探討刪除異常點前後整體樣本的特徵結構變化,並以個別估價觀點加以探討住宅交易樣本異常點的成因與特色,藉此歸納出實價登錄資料未揭露的重要特徵,以及迴歸模型搜尋疑似申報不實案件之可行性。 透過敘述統計及樣本結構差異檢定結果發現,異常樣本的離散程度相對原始樣本與正常樣本較大,且經過刪除異常點的正常樣本特徵結構差異程度縮小;異常點的形成可能受到區位變數無法反映實際情況及樣本群聚程度影響,也可能因模型未納入某些重要的特徵變數,而使隱含該變數的樣本被判斷為異常點;異常樣本與正常樣本的成交總價、土地坪數、建物坪數、總樓層、所在樓層及屋齡等變數平均數、變異數及中位數有顯著差異。 藉由個案分析結果歸納,可能因異常個案的住宅屬性存在整幢大樓住商混合使用、特殊鄰居、附屬建物占比過高、高總價豪宅產品、都更效益、增建效益、裝潢效益、約定專用空間效益、樓層高度挑高、獨特視野景觀或特殊區位條件;外部環境存在鄰近嫌惡設施或迎毗設施;交易情況存在買方身分特殊之影響,但受限於實價登錄未要求登載並揭露這些特徵,故模型未考量這些因素對價格的影響,使得模型可能將隱含這些特徵的樣本判斷為異常點,並進而影響模型預測結果。另外也發現,實價登錄資料存在登載錯誤及價格申報不實的情況,且可能被模型判斷為異常點。 / Many literatures use statistics-way to detect outliers in preventing any extreme deviation in hedonic price model prediction. Nevertheless, deleting the outliers instead of investigation into the structures, causes and features. Hence, this thesis studies the feature structures variation of the sample before and after deleting the outliers and with the valuations by appraisers’ perspective to inquire into the factors and features of the outliers in residential transactions. Thereby to summarize the significant features that are not disclosed by real price registration and feasibility in searching the possible false declaration of price by regression. Through descriptive statistics and sample structural difference parametric and nonparametric test shows the discreteness level of singular (outliers only) samples is greater than the primary (outliers including) and normal (outliers deleting) samples and the feature structure variation lessened after deleting the outliers in normal samples. The formation of outliers may be influenced by location variable not able to reflect actual circumstances and level of clustering in samples. Maybe some significant variables are not subsumed into the model, which leads to the judgement of samples with this variable to be outliers. The mean, variance and median in total traded price, land size, building size, total floors, exact floor and house age of singular samples are notably different with normal ones. With the analysis of cases, the possible reasons may be residential and commercial mixed-use in building, peculiar neighbors, high proportion of accessory building, luxury houses, urban renewal benefits, building addition benefits, interior decoration benefits, agreed space benefits, high-ceiling benefits, unique view or location, YIMBY and NIMBY property in environment and special relationship between the buyer and seller. Nevertheless, due to the nondisclosure of these features in real price registration that the model does not take these into consideration. That leads to the judgement of samples with these features as outliers and affects the model prediction. Also the registration error and false declaration in price may also be judged as outliers.

定型化勞動契約之司法控制 / 無

洪瑩容 Unknown Date (has links)
定型化契約條款的發展自二十世紀以來,普遍地擴及一切的商品服務業,此種普及之情況在勞動生活實態中亦不例外。在勞動契約的締結過程中,雇主多以預先擬定的契約條款,單方面向勞工提出,就締約實力而言,勞工多半處於弱勢之一方,對於契約內容之形成難有影響力,通常僅能在接受與否間選擇,契約自由原則在此無法達到其保障契約內容的實質正當性功能,從而對於定型化勞動契約之內容有加以控制、審查之必要性。 然而定型化勞動契約之司法控制在我國現行實定法之狀態下,有其適用上之困境,我國制定法中有關定型化契約條款之規範,以消費者保護法之規定(第11條至第17條)最為詳盡,然而該法所適用之對象受到立法定義之侷限,非消費性契約無消保法之適用,勞動契約因而無法直接適用上開規定。我國民法債編於民國88年的修正中雖增訂民法第247條之1,作為定型化契約條款之原則性規定,然此一規範內容僅涉及定型化契約之內容控制,其立法密度顯然小於消保法之規定。 為了釐清定型化勞動契約控制在我國法上之適用依據,本論文蒐羅大量法院判決,觀察法院適用民法第247條之1於勞動契約中之現狀,並譯介德國法制相關討論及規範,希冀對此問題有更進一步之認識,進而提出妥適之解決之道。 本論文首先從定型化契約之理論出發,分析定型化契約須受控制之理由及其控制之基本模式。其後詳述我國法制現狀,探討在法律適用困境下,如何進一步建構起定型化勞動契約之法律體系及適用依據。為能釐清定型化契約的司法控制體系,本論文以大量篇幅分析比較我國與德國法制,依序探討定型化契約條款之定義、納入契約及異常條款之判定、不明確條款解釋原則、內容控制等相關重要問題。再者,若契約不被納入成為契約內容,或者因顯失公平而被判定無效後,其法律效果為何,亦為本論文所要探討之議題。最後,以勞動契約常見之四種定型化契約條款為題,介紹我國法院之處理方式以及德國法制之討論,期能藉由比較法上之分析作為我國將來法律解釋及立法之借鏡。

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