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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳由平 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於以交易成本的理論架構,運用交易成本的四個構面外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本以及專屬陷入成本來分析消費者的通路/品牌取向,並嘗試了解專業知識如何影響交易成本的各構面。   本研究以功能性休閒旅遊服飾產業為例,以「墾趣生活」的VIP貴賓為研究對象,共郵寄350份問卷,回收有效問卷152份,經統計資料分析,本研究主要結論如下:   一、費者專業知識程度會影響消費者的內隱交換成本。消費者專業知識程度與其知覺資訊搜尋成本有顯著負相關;消費者專業知識程度與其知覺與通路商間的專屬陷入成本有顯著正相關。只有主觀的專業知識程度會影響消費者知覺的交易成本,客觀的專業知識程度並不會影響消費者知覺的交易成本。   二、消費者與通路商間的交易成本會影響消費者的通路/品牌取向。消費者知覺通路商外顯單位效益成本與通路取向有顯著負相關;消費者知覺資訊搜尋成本與通路取向有顯著正相關,與品牌取向有顯著負相關;消費者知覺與通路商間道德危機成本與其通路取向有顯著負相關;消費者知覺與通路商間專屬陷入成本與其通路取向有顯著正相關,與品牌取向有顯著正相關。   三、消費者專業知識程度與消費者通路/品牌取向並無相關。   本研究同時根據上述結論,對實務運作提出具體建議。

突圍 – 軟體代理商的競爭模式 / Software distributor competition strategy

洪志輝 Unknown Date (has links)
電腦軟體這個伴隨著電腦科技,成為今後人類最具影響力的產品,隨著網際網路的發展已經進入了一個新的世代。在網際網路普及之前,軟體的發展除了要靠軟體開發廠商的創造力,最重要的就是代理商的傳播力、行銷力、及銷售力,把這樣無形性、智慧性的商品,提供給所需要的顧客。網際網路普及後則發生了本質性的轉變,尤其是數位影像及多媒體這類比較偏向一般使用者的套裝軟體。 本文將以數位影像及多媒體的代理商,在台灣的通路發展為主軸,探討這樣通路商所面臨的問題及策略決策模式。其中我們將以該產業最著名代理商為個案研究標的,以該個案為主軸探討此類通路商的如何應用五力分析在市場處於發展階段,用以發展自身的競爭優勢及其策略,在市場面臨成熟時如何應用技術採用生命週期的觀點,面對網際網路普及其對通路的衝擊,並提出可行的對應策略及建議。 / Computer softwear had been the most powerful and imfluenced tool to humannity for the then and now on, which drived by Internet and hardware popularity. Before the Internet age, software’s diffusion would depend on the orginial developer’s creativity and local Distributor’s marketing, sales force to deliver this kind of intelligent and intangible products to the customer. However as the Internet age comes, some of these connection had been changed. Image and Multi-media products could be on of the the most dramatice impact groups. In this thesis we would focus on Image and Multi-media software Distributor’s. With the most famous Distributor’s case study, we could further understand how they to build core competition and long term strategy to compet the competition and fulfill the consumer and orginal developer’s needs. Especially after the Internet age, what’s the key strategy make it survive and stronger. In this case we would learn how to use Five Fore Analysis to build core competetion in the market growing age, and how to fit in Technology Adoption LifeCycle theory in the realy world and wha’s the solution for the coming age.

台灣電影如何利用國際影視市場展進行國際發行之探討-以釜山與香港市場展為例 / Exploration of international distribution for Taiwan cinema via international film market:case studies of Asia film market & HK filmart

邱詩淳 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於台灣市場狹小,本地電影公司較難自給自足,基於台灣電影產業未來永續發展的前提下,應積極拓展海外市場,獲取利潤以支撐本地產業。然而由於台灣本土電影長期票房低落,美商八大發行系統基於商業考量,較不願發行國片,因此台灣電影通常選擇獨立發行公司或代理商協助進入市場。而前述拓展海外市場之最佳管道為「國際影視市場展」。透過市場展以爭取發行之優勢在於其經費成本較低、參與集會成員廣且眾,適合預算與知名度較低、題材較不商業的台灣電影爭取曝光進而取得國際發行管道。基於以上背景,本研究以台灣電影於「國際影視市場展」中爭取國際發行與販賣海外版權為主題,以通路理論為基礎,經由針對「2009年釜山亞洲電影市場展」與「2010年香港影視市場展」兩項活動進行實地考察並訪談與會者,同時選擇《刺陵》與《父後七日》兩部台灣參展電影做為研究個案,訪談負責該片國際發行與版權銷售的電影工作者,以瞭解並分析評估個案在國際發行與國際市場展活動、交易的策略及執行成效。 本研究發現:第一,華語電影在國際市場的發展,由於卡司、語言文化,與影像風格等因素而有所侷限,宜將重心先著力於華語市場,再依序拓及亞洲市場與非亞洲市場將較符合經濟效益;第二,台灣電影的風格、題材等因素是台灣電影在國際接受度不高的主因,而台灣電影人口市場狹小加上長期以來票房不佳,導致投資方信心不足,則相當程度侷限本土電影的拍片規模。儘管台灣電影現階段規模較小,但仍可透過強化故事內容、題材層次等方式來拍攝品質精良的中、小型電影,再透過有效的宣傳包裝來塑造電影形象;第三、台灣缺乏類型電影,導致操作空間與可行銷性低,若未來選擇走藝術電影類型,將面臨藝術電影市場競爭激烈,以及亟需提昇藝術層次的問題。最後,就國際發行策略而言,若能從電影主題與劇本開始就鎖定目標市場,再根據市場偏好修正製作方向,進而藉由參與國際市場展、影展等途徑爭取曝光,將是台灣電影突破海外銷售瓶頸的良方。

數位產品的通路服務需求與創新服務模式之研究 / Research for digital product's channel service demand and innovative service model

金學宗, Hank Jim Unknown Date (has links)
本研究回顧過去「資訊通路」相關研究發現,主要集中在幾個議題,例如:經營或競爭策略、通路管理、產品訂價模式、顧客忠誠度、通路服務品質、供應商關係管理、或個案公司之研究;而回顧關於「技術採用生命週期」與「跨越鴻溝」相關研究較少且多集中於高科技技術,如LED、IC設計、網站平台..或個案產品之研究,如iPod、筆記型電腦、電子書、網路電視..等。且大部研究的探討範圍較缺乏以產業角度研究數位產品之相關通路服務需求;且並未發現根據Geoffrey A . Moore(1991)跨越鴻溝一書所論述「高科技行銷通路」理論之提出有效履行「完整產品」之實務架構並進行可行性研究。   就實務面觀察,多數創新數位產品在通路推展成功機率很低且擴散速度緩慢,因此本研究針對影響數位產品成敗因素分為企業內部因素、外在環境因素與通路因素三部分,並針對品牌原廠非完全可控制之通路因素進行深入分析研究。關研究方法方面,本研究以通路服務業觀點先探討數位產品的演進趨勢對消費者與品牌原廠通路服務需求的影響,接著探討消費者與品牌原廠對現有主要數位產品通路型態之滿意度分析,找出「市場需求缺口」是否存在與各項服務需求與滿意度(放心度)之差異程度;再進一步驗證本研究提出創新服務模式-「官網下單&透過區域專業經銷商交貨」之適用性與滿意度改善之比較。本研究進一步分析可能影響各項通路服務需求與滿意度的因素,包括消費者類型與品牌原廠類型。   經過資料分析,本研究的主要研究結果有五點,包括:消費者與品牌原廠之通路服務需求的確存在且被數位產品的演進所影響、不同類型消費者會影響對通路服務需求與通路型態的放心程度、不同類型品牌原廠影響對通路服務需求的程度不大;但會影響推展新產品初期通路選擇之策略、創新通路服務模式(官網下單&透過區域專業經銷商交貨) 符合消費者與品牌原廠需求並提升滿意度、數位產品之採用生命週期曲線之「鴻溝現象」仍然存在,且與Geoffrey A . Moore(1991)之技術採用生命週期曲線之結構有所不同。 根據上述的研究結果,本研究提出下列建議給予實務界參考: 一、對數位產品通路服務公司:跳脫「競爭」與「去服務化」思維,以實際市場需求出發以建構企業價值鏈與提升附加價值、 有效整合數量龐大區域加值經銷商的在地力量建構「售後服務」機制、優先建構「導入時效」通路價值鏈。二、對創新數位產品之品牌原廠:運用創新通路服務模式彌補目前面臨通路服務滿意度之落差、以官網發展虛實整合的創新通路服務模式較可滿足消費者需求。 / In this study, we have reviewed the existing thesis and research about keyword of IT channel and found that focused on several issues , such as: business or competitive strategy, channel management, product pricing model, customer loyalty, channel service quality, supplier relationship management, or the case company the study; About the number of existing thesis and research of "technology adoption life cycle" and "Crossing the Chasm" is rare and found that more concentrated in high technology product, such as LED, IC design, web platform .. or some case studies, such as iPod, notebook, e-books, network TV .. and so on. And lack of research to explore the issue of digital products industry ‘s real demand for channel services; and we have not found according to the theory of "high-tech marketing channel" discussed by the book of Geoffrey A. Moore’s "Crossing the Chasm" to proposed the effective implementation architecture of "whole product" and do some research. Through the observations of the practical , most innovative digital products is very low probability of success in channel marketing and spread slowly, so the study of divided the success or failure factors of digital products into three parts,including business internal factors, external environmental factors and channel factors, and in this study focus and analysis depthly to the channel factor that the brand company ‘s non-completely control . About research methods, this research study first the impact of channel service demand of the consumers and brand company by evolution of digital products through channel service’s viewpoint. Then we analysis the the satisfaction of consumer and brand company to existing major channels of digital products to identify "market demand gap" and the difference degree between the service needs and satisfaction (comfort level); further validate the applicability and satisfaction improvement degree of the innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" . This study further analyzed the various factors that may affect the service needs and satisfaction, including types of consumers and the types of brand company. After data analysis, the main findings of this study have five points, including: The demand of consumer and the brand company for channel services are affected by the evolution of digital products; The demand for channel services and comfort level will be affected by the different types of consumers;The demand for channel services won’t be affected by the different types of brand company, but the choice of the initial channel strategy will be affected by the different types of brand company;The innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" can meet the demend and improve satisfaction of the customer and brand company;The " Chasm phenomenon" of " the digital product adoption life cycle curve " still exists, and different with the structure of Geoffrey A. Moore (1991) of the technology life-cycle curve . Based on the above findings, this study proposes to practitioners the following recommendations: First, for channel services company of digital products: Give up "competition" and "off service" thinking t o construct the enterprise value chain and value- up by actual market demand;To integrate the huge forces of local value-added- reseller to construct the "after-sale- service" mechanism;Give the high priority to construct the value chain of "Time to market". Second, for the brand company of digital product : Take advantage with the innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" to make up for the satisfaction of the channel service;To create the innovation virtual-physical- channel service model by the official website to meet consumer demand.

台灣半導體通路商發展策略之研究 / A study on the development strategies of semiconductor distributors of Taiwan

林奕良, Lin, Yi Liang Unknown Date (has links)
通路商在「供應鏈」的角色,除了必須發揮原廠與客戶端中間橋樑之基本功能以外,尚須面對外部競爭及內部營運績效提昇之考驗。在面臨內外在環境的衝擊及市場的激烈競爭,通路商如何發展其競爭策略來厚植其競爭力,謀求生存利基,是一值得探討的問題。 本研究主要目的是在探討台灣半導體通路商之發展策略,透過對於國內有效問卷之180家通路商作分析,經有系統的收集與整理資料後,利用隨機效果的橫斷時間序列資料迴歸模式分析,結果顯示: 一、組織績效正差會增加通路商對於新產品與新客戶開發的發展策略。 二、組織績效負差會增加通路商對於新產品開發的發展策略,但減少新客戶開發。。 三、領導者的認知度需求度對於新產品與新客戶開發的發展策略有負向影響。 四、領導者的冒險傾向對於新產品與新客戶開發的發展策略有正向影響。 五、領導者的認知需求度對於績效差與新產品開發有調節效果。 六、領導者的冒險傾向對於績效差與新產品開發有調節效果。 / The role of distributor, basically, not only supply chain management but also “bridge” between suppliers and customers, Meanwhile, they encounter external competition as well as challenge of internal performance improvement. Beset by difficulties both at home and abroad as well as fierce competition, distributors need to modify their competition strategies in order to enhance their competitiveness and chip in the niche category they can rely on. It is worthwhile to understand how the semiconductor distributors in Taiwan keep their competitive capability under the challengeable situations. The aim of this study is to investigate the development strategy of Taiwanese small and medium distributors who exclusively manage semiconductor products. After the collection of 180 leader-company dyadic data, this study utilized the random-effects panel regression models to examine the hypotheses. The results showed: 1. The positive difference between organizational performance and past performance increased distributors’ development strategies of new product and new customer exploration. 2. The negative difference between organizational performance and past performance increased distributors’ development strategies of new product exploration but decrease new customer exploration. 3. Top leaders’ need for cognition had negative effect on both of new product and new customer exploration of development strategy. 4. Top leaders’ risk-taking propensity had positive effect on both of new product and new customer exploration of development strategy. 5. The need for cognition of a top leader had moderating effects on the relationships between performance differences and new product development. 6. The risk-taking propensity of a top leader had moderating effects on the relationships between performance differences and new product development.

日系液晶顯示器關鍵材料廠商在台灣市場之策略行銷分析: 以4C架構分析 / Strategic marketing 4C analysis of Japanese LCD key component’s materials manufacturers in the Taiwan market

松岡志保, Matsuoka Shiho Unknown Date (has links)
TFT-LCD(薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器)是台灣全力發展的重點產業。TFT-LCD 產業特徵是專業分工產業,LCD產業價值鏈可分成上游材料廠商、中游面板廠商、下游應用廠商。主要的上游零件及材料包括玻璃基板(glass substrate)、彩色濾光片(color filter)、偏光板/膜(polarizer)、背光模組(backlight module)、驅動IC(Driver IC)、配向膜(alignment layer)。 LCD面板生產所需要的這些原材料占面板生產總成本的70%以上。對面板製造商來說,透過整合減少成本成為一個重要的議題。許多面板的關鍵零組件是設計導入(design in)的產品,對於面板設計,需要配合製造商的要求和規格。所以面板廠商和關鍵零組件廠商之間的快速溝通和反應是非常重要。 目前部分材料是從國外進口的,其中配向膜是日商擁有90%的市佔率。雖然LCD面板成本結構中的比重不高,但是液晶配向膜是決定液晶顯示器面板品質的關鍵材料。主要的配向膜廠商分別是日產化學和JSR。雙方都是日商的化學公司。JSR是2005年投入台灣市場,設立JSRmicro(台灣捷時雅邁科股份有限公司),日產化學則是2010年才進入台灣市場。而且日產化學是液晶配向膜的先鋒者,10年前的市占率大約80%,但是今年降低到50%。日產化學進來台灣時,透過日系綜合商社來交易。而JSR在台灣則是透過台灣的中間商(華立通路商)來交易。 本研究以日系液晶顯示器關鍵材料配向膜廠商「台灣日產化學」為實例,進行專業訪談。探討台灣日產化學之中游面板廠商的產業鏈,並希望運用邱志聖(2010)之策略行銷4C架構分析,進行深入探討日產化學在台灣市場中,如何降低台灣LCD面板廠商的交易成本包含外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本、專屬陷入成本,進而了解此公司的競爭優勢,繼而進行跟競爭對手的4C成本比較分析,提供個案公司建議。 本研究目的為了解: 1.日產化學跟客戶之間的4C關係 2.日產化學與通路商之間的關係 3.日產化學跟競爭對手(JSR)的作法比較 研究結果發現: 1.中間商的選擇、數量、提供的產品種類多寡,以及中間商提供的服務都會影響到日產化學對面板廠商的交易成本。 2.相同產業內供應商提供的產品種類多寡會影響到對面板廠商以及中間商的交易成本。 3.製造商之知名度的高低會影響到中間商的選擇權力。 / TFT-LCD (thin film transistor liquid crystal display) is one of the key industries in Taiwan. TFT-LCD industry is characterized as a specialization industry. The LCD industry value chain can be divided into upstream materials manufacturers, the midstream panel manufacturers, and downstream application vendors. Upstream material parts include glass substrate, color filter, polarizer film, backlight module, the driver IC, and alignment layer. These essential components needed in LCD panel production account for more than 70% of the total cost in panel production. Therefore an important issue for panel makers is to reduce costs through integration. As many of the key components of the panel is the “design in product”, which need to be designed according to manufacturer's requirements and specifications, rapid communication and response between panel manufacturers and key components manufacturers is very important. Some materials are imported from abroad; Japanese companies have 90% market share in the alignment film market. Although the proportion of the cost structure of the LCD panel is not high, but the alignment layer is the key material to determine the quality of liquid crystal display panel. Two main alignment film makers are Nissan Chemical and JSR. They both are Japanese chemical companies. JSR devotes into Taiwanese market in 2005, and established JSRmicro. Nissan Chemical started its business in Taiwan at 2010, by establishing Taiwan Nissan Chemical. Nissan Chemical is the pioneer in liquid crystal alignment film and once had approximately 80 percent of market share 10 years ago, but it has declined to 50% as of now. Nissan Chemical transact through Japanese Sogo Shosha in Taiwai. JSR transact through Taiwanese intermediaries (Wahlee distributor) in Taiwan. In this study, Japanese liquid crystal alignment layer manufacturer Taiwan Nissan Chemical were professionally interviewed, then explored between Taiwan Nissan Chemical and the panel manufacturers’ industry chain. This study will also apply strategic marketing 4C framework for analysis, then conduct an in-depth investigation on how Taiwan Nissan Chemical reduces transaction costs for Taiwan LCD panel manufacturers, illustrate the company's competitive advantage through the transaction costs analysis, including buyer utility cost, information searching cost, moral hazard cost, and asset specificity cost, and lastly compare with the competitor’s transaction cost. The purposes of this research are: 1. The 4C relationship between Nissan Chemical and the client 2. The relationship between Nissan chemical and the distributors 3. The 4C comparison between Nissan Chemical and the competitor (JSR) The results of study show that: 1. A choice of intermediaries, the number of intermediaries, the number of product that intermediaries offer, and the services intermediaries provide will affect the transaction costs of Nissan Chemical for panel makers. 2. The product range provided by the suppliers within the same industry would affect the transaction costs of panel makers and intermediaries, 3. The well-known level of the manufacturer will affect the power of choice for intermediaries.

比較「智慧型手機主導之行動網路購物」與「電腦網路購物」兩者之相對屬性與重要性 / Relative attribute importance of smartphone driven mobile commerce compared to computer based electronic commerce

柯思維, Servio Fernando Kloeth Unknown Date (has links)
現今智慧型手機之網路通路價值與電腦相比仍較低,也使得現今使用智慧型手機網路交易的比例仍低於使用電腦網路交易的比例。本研究採用付出為結構模型及恆等性分析,研究結果顯示,智慧型手機因其有用性及易用性較電腦低,因此使用者以手機網路交易的傾向也偏低。本研究以科技接受模型發現70%至80%的使用者都是因受社會及同儕影響,而較不傾向使用手機進行網路交易。一般認為,手機的便利性相對也使手機網路交易平台的風險提高。然而,研究結果顯示,以電腦從事網路交易的風險與手機網路交易的風險相當,便利性也幾無差異。因此本研究以社會影響為探討方向,認為其為影響現代人以手機從事網路交易的重要關鍵。 / The net channel value of smartphone driven mobile-commerce measured against the alternative of computer based electronic-commerce is at this point in time still low. In an exploratory effort structural modeling and invariance analysis reveals mobile commerce is viewed with a less positive usability disposition in the light of usefulness and effortlessness. An adaptation of the Technology Acceptance model accounting for 70-80% of usage intention indicates social influences experienced from peers to engage the mobile platform is lower. Convenience and perceived risk are usually considered attributes relatively important for the m-commerce platform. However, the analysis reveals little difference of these attributes' salience compared with e-commerce, absolute scores for convenience are similar, and perceived risk seems to have marginal effects on usage in general. Social influences, experienced as lower for mobile commerce is a especially salient concept in determining usability disposition and ultimately intention to use mobile commerce, as is the salience of the usability disposition larger for mobile commerce than for electronic commerce.

以競合策略的觀點探討企業虛擬通路與實體通路的互動關係 / Exploring the Interaction Relationship between Virtual Channel and Physical Channel in Enterprises from the Perspectives of Co-opetition Strategy

江馨瑩, Chiang, Hsin Ying Unknown Date (has links)
近年來資通訊科技與網路帶動了電子商務之發展,網路商店如雨後春筍般的成立,許多具有實體通路的企業,亦紛紛投入網路市場建立網路商店以分食網路市場利潤,成為所謂的「虛實整合」企業。而成功的虛實整合企業不僅需要虛實通路間的相互合作以擴增市場,同時也得克服兩通路間可能因業績而產生自相競食的狀況。由此可知虛實通路間存在既競爭又合作的複雜關係。 因此本研究藉由競合策略的觀點,來探討具實體通路的企業經營虛擬通路的過程以及其虛實通路間的競合關係。研究方法上採取質性的個案研究方式,並以特力集團做為深入的個案研究對象。期望研究成果同時帶來實務上與學術上的貢獻。 本研究所得到的結論如下: 1.企業在已有實體通路下經營虛擬通路時,會將虛擬通路部門定位為行銷平台,並採取「網站接單,但實體出貨」的營運方式,同時也會透過品牌、商品品項、品質及價格等方面的統一來避免消費者的混淆。 2. 企業的虛擬通路部門面對實體通路部門時,會透過換位思考的方式運用利誘和施壓之策略,且同時搭配篩選實體合作店與分配訂單的配套措施,使實體通路部門在競爭下與之合作。 3. 企業的虛擬通路部門面對實體通路部門時,打破營運框架引導網站顧客至實體通路消費,並結合自身的核心優勢吸引更多顧客前往網站瀏覽、下單,以提升其營運業績。 / In recent years, Internet brought along the growth of electronic commerce; Internet shops sprung up like mushrooms, and many companies with physical distribution channels one after another have also invested into online marketing to create Internet shops and to share Internet market profits, becoming so-called “click-and-mortar” business. However, for expanding the market successful “click-and-mortar” businesses not only the enterprises need to ensure mutual cooperation between virtual and physical channels, but at the same time also have to overcome mutual cannibalization of the two types of channels. Thus, it can be seen that there exist both cooperation and competition between virtual and physical channels. The study aims to investigate the operations of virtual channels in the enterprises of “click-and-mortar” with existing physical channels. We will analyze “co-opetition” relations between virtual and physical channels by modifying the framework of game theory’s five elements for the situation of co-opetition. Then, we select corporate group Test Rite International Co., Ltd. for our case study subject and use in-depth interview so major approach for the study. We hope the research results bring both academic and practical contributions. The study will examine research problems from three perspectives. Firstly, how does the company position and manage virtual channels under already with established physical channels. Secondly, how does the department of virtual channels cooperate with the department of physical channels for using its resources? Thirdly, how does the department of virtual channels compete with the department of physical channels? Through the case study in our research, we conclude: (1) The enterprise with established physical channels, positions the department of virtual channels as the platform for distribution and performs the operation mode “take orders by website, deliver products through physical channel”, and avoids confusing customers by unification of brands, product items, quality, and price.(2) When working with the department of physical channels, the department of virtual channels develops inducement and suppression strategy by “putting itself in other’s place” thinking pattern. It makes the department of physical channels cooperate under competition by adjusting measures for choosing cooperation with physical channel stores and distribution of orders. (3) By the special strategies, such as attracting customers to visit virtual channels, the department of virtual channels breaks down the operating framework by combining its own advantages, and wins over more customers to visit the webpage for browsing and ordering, by this increasing the operating performance.

台灣壽險業健康保險損失率影響因素之探討 / The factors that influence the loss ratio of health insurance policies for life insurance companies in Taiwan

邱于君, Chiu, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討台灣壽險業健康保險損失率之影響因素。首先,了解健康險損失率是否因為壽險公司規模不同而有顯著差異。再者,將壽險公司依主要專注之通路類型分為三類,包括業務員通路、經代通路以及其他通路,而觀察通路對於健康險損失率的影響情形。最後,藉由個體變數與總體變數之分析,期望以其他不同的角度協助保險公司未來對於損失率的風險控制。 研究結果發現: (一)當壽險公司之資產規模不同時,對於健康險損失率有顯著差異上的影響。大型壽險公司的平均健康險損失率顯著高於小型壽險公司之健康險平均損失率。 (二)壽險公司行銷通路的注重程度不同,確實會使健康保險損失率產生顯著的差異。研究結果發現其他通路運用程度越高的壽險公司,其健康險損失率顯著比使用經代人通路和業務員通路的壽險公司之損失率低。 (三)本研究發現健康險損失率受到總體因素的影響,一般而言比壽險公司個體因素的影響微弱。個體因素確實會顯著影響壽險公司健康險損失率,而且壽險公司不同的規模型態,其主要影響健康險損失率的因素亦會有所不同。 / This study examines the factors that influence the loss ratio of health insurance policies for life insurance companies in Taiwan. First, this thesis intends to investigate whether there are significant differences in loss ratios among insurers due to firm size. Secondly, the impact of marketing channels on health insurance loss ratio is analyzed where the distribution systems mainly used by insurers are divided into three categories: employee sales, agent/broker channel, and others. Finally, this study conducts regression analyses on the health insurance loss ratio with firm-specific and macroeconomic variables to help insurers in controlling risks in the future. The empirical results are shown as follows. 1.The loss ratios of health insurance vary significantly with firm size. The loss ratio of large insurance companies is significantly higher than that of small insurances companies. 2.Distribution system has a significant impact on the loss ratio of health insurance. When the insurer relies more on other channels, instead of employee sales and agent/broker, the insurer will have lower loss ratio. 3.The impact of macroeconomic variables on the loss ratio of health insurance is less than that of firm-specific variables. Additionally, the influential variables for loss ratio may be different between insurers of large and small sizes.

中國行銷通路策略創新之研究—以T家具公司為例 / The Innovation of Sales Channel Strategy in ChinaA-Case Study T Furnishing Company

任惠蓮, agogo Unknown Date (has links)
中國經濟最近二、三十年一直保持高速增長的趨勢,尤其是2006至今中國股市的井噴式發展,為中國資本投資市場帶來巨大發展機遇的同時,也帶動了相關產業的發展,如家居零售業就存在著顯著的連動效應。一方面,持續的牛市給股民帶來了高收益,提高了潛在消費者的購買力;另一方面,投資市場的發展也為家居業融資提供了便利。但是,中國家居業市場現有的行銷通路策略,存在嚴重的趨同性,眾多廠家依靠幾乎雷同的通路策略進行著殘酷的零和博弈競爭。家俱工廠,都必須依靠幾家大規模的大型家具賣場通路為載體在裡面開店,方能順利行銷自己產品到客戶手上,家具工廠產品通常交由經銷商在各城市代理販售,或開自營店,若有家俱工廠和家具大賣場因為經銷商的資訊不對接,家俱工廠可能就會失去黃金店面,壓縮到自己生產的傢具品牌空間通路。近年中國火熱的零售通路家樂福、大潤發、沃爾馬,馬不停蹄的在中國展店分食上千億人民幣的量販銷售額,家居業能否藉由前述迥異的通路模式,並充分發揮工廠本身有的資源基礎與核心技術,進而探索出一種創新的行銷通路模式,為顧客創造更高的讓渡價值的同時,擺脫殘酷的紅海競爭,成為家居業競爭參與者面臨的一大挑戰。本文以傢俱工廠T公司為例,通過對其行銷通路策略的綜合系統分析,從傳統家居商場到零售通路的量販店中展店,探索出一套適合中國市場的行銷通路創新模式。 本文分六章,第一章是本文的緒論部分,介紹研究背景及意義,並對相關概念進行界定,提出本文的研究思路和方法,以及文章的結構安排和創新之處。在第二章中主要對資源基礎理論、藍海策略及創新理論等文獻進行了綜述,作為整篇文章的理論支柱。第三章介紹了中國零售業市場的發展概況,著重分析了中國市場量販店發展的情況,為後面提出行銷通路創新提供背景與動機。第四章分析了中國家居業市場現行的幾種主要的行銷通路模式,並綜合分析其特點。第五章以T公司為例提出為何開創新通路及其在中國市場行銷通路模式創新實務。第六章結論與建議。 / In last decade, China's economy kept growing at top speed. The booming stock market, while bringing the enormous opportunity for the Chinese capital market development, has driven the development of relevant industries too. The effect on furniture business is absolutely apparent. On one hand, the bullish stock market has brought high returns to stock holders, while raising the purchasing power of potential consumers. On the other hand, the development of capital market has offered the convenience to financing in furniture business too. However, the homogeneity and zero-sum game of marketing strategy in furniture business is serious enough to be a catastrophe to everyone concerned. In order to approach potential customers, the furniture factories must all rely on several sales channels of high market share to run their own shops inside. Furniture factories usually have their own distributors to promote their sales, or run their own shops. If there is information asymmetry between the furniture factories and sales channels, the furniture factories will encounter the possibility of the loss of shop presence and brand damage. In recent years, Carrefour, RT-Mart, and Wal-Mart develop their own sales channels in China at high speed in order to share the millions of dollars market. How to take advantage of the above-mentioned sales channels and leverage their own resources and core competence to create innovative sales channels, while offering higher value for the customers and getting rid of the cruel Red Sea competition is a challenge to the furniture factories and every participant concerned nowadays. This text takes furniture factory T Company as an example, through comprehensive and systematic marketing strategy analysis, and researches on T Company’s traditional sales channels and new sales channels within retailing chains, to explore a set of sales channels innovation model which is suitable for the Chinese market. This research consists of six chapters. Chapter one which is an introduction part mainly focuses on the basis of the selected title and related definition, introduces relevant concepts, ways of thinking and method studied, and last but not least recommends the thesis structure and its possible innovation. Chapter two is literature review and comment. Representative figures, relevant fields of the thesis and their research results are reviewed on a chronological basis, including several following respects: Resource-Base Theory, Blue Ocean Strategy, and Innovation Theory. Chapter three is the development overview of Chinese retailing business and also analyzes the development of hypermarkets in China emphatically in order to illustrate the background and motive for sales channels innovation. In Chapter four, this research analyzes existing models of sales channels and its characteristics of Chinese furniture business comprehensively. Chapter five takes T Company as an example and further elaborates its strategy and operation on the innovation of sales channels construction. Chapter six is the conclusion and follow-up study suggestion.

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