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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


鄭少禎 Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代末期,美國摩托羅拉公司率先引進六標準差管理系統以改善其產品品質,使得成本大幅下降、獲利上升後,聯訊、德州儀器公司等公司也相繼在1990年代初期導入六標準差管理系統,也從中獲得了相當大的利益,而真正讓此一管理手法受到重視的則是於1995年時,奇異公司將六標準差全面性的導入奇異公司內部的所有流程中,總裁傑克•威爾許更視六標準差為奇異公司最重要的管理突破,也由於如此之重視,奇異公司所獲得的效益也最大,從此,六標準差管理手法盛名遠播,而從1999年起,國內廠商也陸續跟進採用六標準差管理系統。 由於六標準差管理系統擁有採取專案型式以改善流程的特性,本研究即針對此專案特性,配合過往學者所研究出之六標準差關鍵成功因素,發展出工作環境、專案領導人能力、團隊運作情形以及專案績效等四個構面,採用實證問卷調查方式,並利用線性結構關係模式(LISREL)來探討在六標準差架構下,四個構面之整合關聯性,所得到的結論如下: 1.工作環境對專案領導人能力有顯著之正向關係。 2.專案領導人能力對團隊運作有顯著之正向關係。 3.工作環境對專案績效有顯著之正向關係。 4.團隊運作對專案績效有顯著之正向關係。 5.工作環境對團隊運作以及專案領導人能力對專案績效不具顯著之正向關係。


蕭耀宗, Hsiao,Yao-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解屏東縣國民中學家長會之運作,並分析不同規模與所在地學校其家長會運作情況,最後依據研究結果,提出建議,做為學校經營者辦學之參考。 本研究的目的為:一、探討「學校家長會」組織的功能。二、瞭解屏東縣國民中學家長會運作的現況。三、瞭解屏東縣國民中學家長會運作的問題。四、分析影響屏東縣國民中學家長會運作因素及改進之道。五、根據研究結果提出建議,供教育行政機關、學校行政人員、家長及相關人員參考。 本研究以屏東縣國民中學家長會為研究範圍,針對家長會運作的現況做深入的探討,以問卷為研究的方法,分析不同規模類型學校家長會異同及其影響因素,藉以瞭解屏東縣國民中學家長會運作之概況。問卷題目為研究者自編,依據本研究需要,將樣本背景變項設定為性別、學校規模、學校所在地區、家長會職務、學校職務等五項。研究對象採普查方式調查屏東縣38所國民中學學校家長會,每校寄發學校人員專用問卷三份,請學校校長、負責家長會業務處室主任、家長會幹事填答;家長會成員專用問卷三份,請家長會會長、家長委員2員填答;總計學校人員部分寄發114份問卷,家長會成員部分寄發114份問卷,共計228份問卷。所得資料經整理後,以次數分配與百分比、卡方考驗及複選題分析等統計方法分析資料。 本研究主要結論如下: 一、屏東縣國民中學家長會的運作,多數未能完全依照「屏東縣各級學校家長會設置辦法」行事。 二、屏東縣國中學家長會組織運作之正面功能,多於負面功能。 三、屏東縣國民中學不同規模的學校家長會運作差異:(一)每年家長會召開會議的次數有達到法定標準者,除30班以上學校高達83.3%,其他學校,均未達一半。(二)不論學校規模大小,其家長費經費來源多依靠「學生繳交的家長會費」、「家長的捐款」及「家長委員的捐款」,其三者佔的比例均相當。 四、屏東縣國民中學不同所在地(屏東市、鄉鎮、原住民地區)的學校家長會運作的差異:(一)每年家長會召開會議的次數有達到法定標準者,屏東市學校,則高達100%。(二)經費來源,屏東市學校,均以「家長委員的捐款」比例最高,鄉鎮及原住民學校則以「學生繳交的家長會費」、「家長的捐款」及「家長委員的捐款」為主,三者佔的比例均相同。(三)原住民學校有很高的比例,完全沒有捐款。 五、屏東縣國民中學家長會運作面臨的困難主要有:「經費不足」、「學校安排活動的時間,常常不利家長的參與」、「家長委員熱心不足」及「家長委員不熟悉運作模式及教育理念不足,無法有效參與。」 六、屏東縣國民中學家長會組織的改善之道主要有:「建立一套具體可行之法令,做為家長會運作之依據」、「地方教育局與家長會共同辦理家長委員訓練」、「家長會成員應不限於家長,可加入熱心的社區人士」、「成立地方性,全國性家長會團體組織,成為支持體系」。 七、屏東縣國民中學家長會運作的改善之道主要為:「配合家長時間,提升家長委員參與校務的出席率」為主,其次為「辦理家長委員研習,提升其參與校務的知能」,其餘依序為:「辦理教育訓練,提高家長會成員素質」、「營造支持家長會參與校務的氣氛」及「建立家長會獎勵辦法,獎勵推動家長會有功人員」。 八、調查結果顯示:多數贊成屏東縣各國民中學共同成立聯合家長會與建議訂定「家長參與教育法」做為家長會運作的法源基礎。 最後依據研究結論提出建議以供教育行政、學校以及家長會相關人員參考,並對未來後續研究等方面提出具體建議。 關鍵字:屏東縣國民中學、家長會、家長會運作 / The aim of this research is to understand the operation of junior high school parents’ association of Pingtung County, to analyze the function of it in different school varied in scale and location, and, ultimately, to put forth the conclusion as a reference for principle executive decision, which is routed in the research. The purpose of this research is to: A, inquire into the function of “parents’ association” organization, B, understand how the current conditions that the junior high school parent of Pingtung County operate, C, understand what the problem will the junior high school parent of Pingtung County come across, D, analyze which of the factors influence the parents’ association and how to improve it, and, E put forth a suggestion based on the research as a guide line for educational administration organization, the administrative personnel of the school, and the parents and related personnel. This research covered all the junior high school parent of Pingtung County and did a deep survey aiming at understanding the operating situation of parents’ association in Pingtung County by questionnaire and influencing factors analyzing debate on types and scales of parents’ association, try to understand the system function of parents’ association in Pingtung County. The questionnaire the oriented from researcher, which is designed for fitting the purpose of this research, set the variable of the sample background into: sex, school scale, school place region, parents’ association duty, and school duty. The research object adopts a census method to investigate 38 junior high school parents’ association in Pingtung County, by mailing 3 copies of questionnaire for 3 school personnel, which are principle, the chairman of the parents’ association affairs of school, and executive officer of parents’ association of school, and 3 copies for members of parents’ association, which are the chairman of parents’ association and 2 other members. We collect 114 questionnaires from each party and have 228 copies totally. After sorting and calculating, we analyze the data with number of times allotment, percentage, Chi-Fung square test, the indirect election analysis, and the covariance method. The main conclusions are as follows: First of all, the majority of the operation of association of junior high school parent in Pingtung County can not completely obey the “rule for all levels of school parents of Pingtung County”. Second, Pingtung County parents’ association is much more positive function than negative. Third, there is difference between parents’ association of levels of junior high school in Pingtung County. (A) the number of times of meeting the parent will convene every year have already reached the legal standard, the rate of more than 30 classes schools are up to 83.3%, others have not reach a half. (B) In spite of scale size of the school, its parent fee budget source depends on “parents’ membership dues that the student hands in”, contributing money of parent”, and “contributing money of parents’ member of committee”, each of them is equally one third. Fourth, the school parent of junior high school location (ex. Pingtung City, village, or the region of aborigine) in Pingtung County will make huge difference. (A) The number of times of meeting the parent will convene every year have already reached the legal standard in Pingtung City School, and then be up to 100%. (B) the budget, source, Pingtung City school, all” parent the number of committee contribute money” rate is the highest, village and the school of aborigine then take “the membership dues of the parent whom the student hands in”, “the parent contribute money”, and “parent the member of committee contribute money” as majority source, each of them is equally the same. (C) There is very high rate of aboriginal school didn’t collect any money. Fifth, the junior high school parent of Pingtung County will face the difficulty such as” budget shortage”,” time arrangement of school enabling the participation of the parent”,” low enthusiasm parent association member”, and” not acquaint with the operating mode or short in foresight to effectively participate”. Sixth, the ways to improve the organizational defect are” build up a set of ordinance that concretely working as a basis of parent association guide line”,” local bureau of education and parent altogether held the parent association training”,” parent association members could be selected from non-parent and open for warmhearted neighbor”, and”fund a local or national parents’ association to be a strong back-up system”. Seventh, the ways to improve the operational defect are” first of all, fix the school schedule to fit the parents’ leisure time to enhance the participation of parents”,”second,carry out a parent association member study to improve their ability to participate in school administration”,and”carry out a training to enhance the quality of parents’ association”,then”try to support and encourage the parents to participate the school affair”,finally”build a reward system to praise the enthusiastic parents”. Eighth, the research shows that: the majority of all approve to co-establish “parent participation education rule” by both school personnel and parents to be the legal basis for parent to participating school affaire and parent association in Pingtung County. Finally, here I present some concretely advice for educational administration, school personels,amd parents to be some guide line, and also direct some possible suggestion as future survey direction. Key word:Pingtung County junior high school, parent’s association, working of parents’ association

運作模式之意涵 / The significance of operational model

燕珍宜, Yen, Jen-I Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

國小教師的課程詮釋與課程運作經驗之分析-以一年級社會科教學觀察為例 / The analysis of the teachers' curriculum interpretation and curriculum operation experiences in the elementary school

陳秀玉, Chen, Hsow-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是對三位國小一年級教師的社會科教學進行觀察,以分析她們的課程詮釋與課程運作經驗,並深入理解與探討這些經驗所顯示的意義與教師課程詮釋時的內在世界。具體言之,主要研究目的如下: 一、瞭解教師在生活脈絡下所形成的課程詮釋觀點。 二、分析教師在與環境互動下所採取的教學統整方式。 三、瞭解教師在教學後對教學評量結果所作的省思。 四、探討課程詮釋與課程運作經驗所顯示的意義,及教師課程詮釋時的內在世界。 本研究採取個案研究法,最常用到的是教室觀察、訪談、文件分析、問卷、測驗等方式。研究對象是在同一學校任教一年級的三位教師,學歷分別是師範、師專和師院,曾任教一年級社會科年資是2年、10年和0年,研究時間約為一個多月,以進行社會科一個單元完整的教學觀察。 研究者建構了三位個案報告,並將所有資料加以綜合分析和歸納,以理解三位教師課程詮釋與課程運作經驗所顯示之意義,及教師的內在世界,主要研究發現如下: 一、三位教師的課程詮釋與課程運作經驗 (一)教師的許多課程詮釋觀點,會統合地呈現在對任教課程的理解上。 (二)教師的某些課程詮釋觀點會影響某些教學統整方式。 (三)教師的各種教學統整方式之間相互關連。 二、課程詮釋與課程運作經驗所顯示的意義 (一)教師在課程運作時主體意識的存在,並不為自己所察覺。 (二)教師在課程實施層面所扮演的角色,已不是忠實者,可算是調適者,某部份確實展現了課程締造者的角色。 三、教師課程詮釋時內在的教學需求 教師的教學統整行動是一套為了結合理想與現實的因應策略,大都是為了滿足下列需求:(1)重視課業表現(2)符合教師的人生觀和教育觀(3)因應學生的特性和能力(4)維持良好的常規(5)配合資源和時間等環境因素。這些需求的背後,即是教師心中最期盼的,一個能獲得成就感的成功教學。 / The purpose of this study was to find out what curriculum interpretation and curriculum operation experiences the elementary school teachers have, and to explore the meanings from those experiences, and also to understand the inner worlds of the teachers who interpret the curriculum. The researcher used the case study method. She collected data from observation, interview and test. The subjects of the study were three 1th-grade teachers teaching Social Studies in the same school. There were two years, ten years and zero years in their teaching 1th-grade Social Studies, and also graduated from different level teacher schools. It took more than one month to complete the observations of a whole unit instruction. The researcher wrote up three case reports, and analyzed the meanings of those experiences. The findings of the study were as follows: A. The teachers’ curriculum interpretation and curriculum operation experiences: a) The teacher’s curriculum interpretation perspectives integrated to comprehend the teaching subject. b) Some of the teacher’s curriculum interpretation perspectives influenced some instructional integration methods. c) All of the instructional integration methods were interactively connected. B. The meanings of those experiences: a) The fact that teachers were the subject instead of the object in the curriculum operation was not perceived by teachers. b) In the curriculum implementation process, teachers were not loyal to the curriculum but keep a mutual-adaptation relationship with it. They sometimes even created part of the curriculum. C. The instructional needs on the inner worlds of the teachers: a) Teacher’s needs emphasized the academic expectations. b) Teacher’s needs fit for their life and pedagogical perspectives. c) Teacher’s needs adapted to students’ characteristics and ability. d) Teacher’s needs emphasized maintaining a good classroom control. e) Teacher’s needs considered about instructional resources and time. These needs could be subsumed into the need toward a successful instruction.


戴龍睿 Unknown Date (has links)
目前世界各地風起雲湧的創業競賽,不論是大學或民間單位主辦,都有規模逐漸變大,參加隊伍數量增多等趨勢。參賽的隊伍由某區域性大學擴展到該國所有大學,進而全球化。這一波大學生參加創業競賽的風潮,也帶動各知名大學逐漸重視創業研究,在創業課程的數量、種類、重要性也日趨增加。   在各國創業競賽風行之時,國內兩大創業競賽也已悄悄地邁入第四屆的比賽了,也算是漸入成熟的階段。本研究嘗試以參賽者主觀評鑑的角度來探討其對於參加創業競賽的學習效果。   因此不同的創業競賽模式、團隊背景、參賽動機甚至於團隊運作情形對於知識學習與能力提升的學習成效否有不同的影響?若是不同,又有哪些差異?這便是本研究欲探討的問題。   本研究採用結構式問卷輔以個案訪談來收集資料,主要研究對象為第三屆TIC100科技創新競賽與第三屆台灣工業銀行創業大賽之團隊成員。   經分析資料,研究發現如下:   1. 透過創業競賽的學習,確實可以學習到創業的知識與能力。   2. 透過創業課程的要求與輔助參加創業競賽,對於創業知識與能力的學習成效最佳。   3. 不同的創業競賽模式其對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效無明顯差異。   4. 學習型導向創業競賽整體學習成效較實務型導向創業競賽佳。   5. 競賽參與動機對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效有明顯正相關。   6. 不同的團隊背景其對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效無明顯差異。   7. 團隊運作情形對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效有明顯正相關。 / There are more and more entrepreneurial competitions held by universities or big famous companies years by years. The number of teams participating games grows rapidly and the region of some contest expands from within a college activity to a global one. With this popular activities, it also makes all famous universities and colleges pay much attention to entrepreneurial research and the quantity and variety of entrepreneurial courses have become increasingly important.   With foreign entrepreneurial competitions’ popular, the tow entrepreneurial competitions in Taiwan are also get into 4th . This study try to focus on entrepreneurial competitions’ learning effect.   Therefore, if there any different learning effect on entrepreneurial knowledge and skill between different competition model, team background, motivation, even if teamwork situation?   This study has adopted structural questionnaire and case study to collect data and information. The major study targets are the members of 3rd TIC100 Technology Innovation Competition and 3rd Industrial Bank of Taiwan Cross-Century Entrepreneur Competition.   After doing interview and analysis, it gets several conclusions in this investigation:   1. It indeed can learn about entrepreneurial knowledge and skill through entrepreneurial competition.   2. The learning effect on entrepreneurial knowledge and skill will be better by taking entrepreneurial course and participating in entrepreneurial competition.   3. There are not noticeable different on learning effect between different entrepreneurial competition model.   4. Learning-orientated entrepreneurial competition’s learning effect is better then practical-orientated entrepreneurial competition.   5. There are noticeable correlation between participating motivation and learning effect.   6. There are not noticeable different on learning effect between different team background.   7. There are noticeable correlation between teamwork situation and learning effect.

利益團體遊說策略模式--台灣經驗研究 / Lobbying Strategy Models for Taiwan Interest Groups

蔣念祖, Chiang,Nien-Tsu Unknown Date (has links)
一國之國會運作可謂民主進步的原動力,其運作之良善更有賴社會大眾有力之監督,利益團體在遊說時出現盲點,甚至抓不到遊說程序的重點,就會陷入「事倍功半」的窘境,很難期待行政官員或立法委員能夠支持,甚至願意挺身而出為政策執行或立法盡一份心力。 本研究自文獻參考中整理出一「台灣利益團體遊說」研究模型,然後自1993年-2005年十三年間,從中挑選了二十個案例,以具體交叉分析該等利益團體在遊說過程時所須注意或引用之各項因素,透過質化分析,探討利益團體其策略運作情形及優缺點;並且套用策略管理學上所常用的SWOT分析模式,試圖找出利益團體遊說之台灣經驗模式。 研究發現,遊說不管是公益性組織或私利性組織,清楚知道本身的遊說目的、遊說的方法固然重要,亦必須考慮遊說的外在環境以及遊說主體本身的性質問題,若太過偏重於遊說行動策略的單向思考,而忽視外在環境的現實問題以及操作主體實力的優劣勢分析,易於產生僵化式的遊說策略模式。 所以有心進行遊說之組織均應洞悉和操作方式,但操作之前亦必須先充分掌握遊說之外在環境和操作主體的優劣勢後,再視輕重緩急、量力而為,並適時做調整,以達到截長補短、前景預測的最佳狀態,以利遊說目的圓滿成功。 關鍵詞:利益團體、遊說、倡議、國會運作、策略、SWOT / The Congress operation functions as the driving force for a country to progress towards democracy. The operational performance of the Congress depends upon powerful supervision by the general public. Sometimes the interest groups may fall into the “fruitlessness” dilemma in the event that they run into a blind spot, or even when they fail to hit the nail on the head. In turn, they can hardly win support from government officers or congressmen. They will come forward to defend the executive or legislative performance. Through literature review, this research designs a model and applies it to analyze the performance of 20 interest groups in Taiwan selected between 1993 and 2005. In particular, this model analyzes the pros and cons of different strategies employed by these interest groups. In addition, this model also uses the SWOT analysis developed from strategic management to generalize the behavior patterns of selected interest groups. This research finds out that the external environment and the nature of issues are also important factors affecting the lobbying results. If an interest group focuses only on the lobbying strategies but ignores the external environment or relative strength between the subject and others, it may generalize rigid lobbying strategies. Therefore, the success of lobbying depends on an interest group’s assessment of external environment and relative strength before operation, as well as the lobbying strategies and adjustments during operation. Key words: Interest groups, Lobby, Advocacy, Congressional operation, strategies, SWOT


梁哲賓 Unknown Date (has links)
公共關係的推展,是近年來流行趨勢。無論政府或企業團體,在進行本身施政作為或推動工作效能之餘,也要注重對內部的溝通,以及對外相關單位的交流。就對外部分,以政府機關而言,主要面對民眾和媒體;以企業團體來說,主要方向是產品或勞務能取得消費者認同,以及企業形象的建立。 因此,為了要提高自身能見度,積極建立正面形象,同時避免不良的事件造成負面影響,公共關係的推展成為各單位的重要工作。而媒體關係是所有機構,尤其是政府單位所要致力經營的工作,因為政府施政計劃和運作,本來就是媒體報導的新聞素材,也是人民所關心的議題。傳播媒介在社會變遷的過程中,扮演的是營造者、反映者的角色,政府應建立一個良好的溝通管道,透過媒體向民眾解釋政策,建立彼此的共識和互信,以達互利的效果。 近年中央政府人事精實案,警力將縮減。除了編制和員額精簡外,警政署亦著重人力素質的提昇。刑事警察局自身訓練和偵防器材精進各方面要求固然重視,對外的公共關係,尤其是媒體關係也要持續努力。刑事警察局公共關係室是刑事警察新聞發佈的最高機構。現有的運作模式似已將警政的新聞工作導入具體化、規格化的軌導,因此本研究即針對刑事警察局公共關係室的運作及其媒體關係的各項作法,進行初探性研究,試圖了解刑事警察局這個性質迥異於其他政府機構,更不同於民間企業的單位,其發言人制度特別之處,以利後續研究者參考。


王幼萍 Unknown Date (has links)
我國之政治文化從早期之臣屬型轉變為參與型,政治體制由威權體制轉型為民主體制,在民主化的過程中,立法院之結構與功能產生極大的變化,從以前「行政院之立法局」,成為今日全國政治運作的中心,復經六次修憲之結果,立法院集所有職權於一身,為民主國家實質的國會。 立法委員係在眾多優秀之候選人之中,經過選舉之洗禮產生,其專業素養、品德修養理應有超於常人之標準。惟揆諸今日之立法院,立法委員之表現似乎違背了多數選民之期待。有鑑於此,立法院於民國八十八年一月十二日,三讀通過了國會改革五大法案,之後復經歷次修正,期能改善目前議事效率與品質低落之窘境。 國會議事運作之失調,並非一朝一夕所造成,而是有其歷史性結構的因素。然時至今日,立法院的生態與以前大不相同,民國八十九年的總統大選亦首度出現政黨輪替的情形,惟國會的議事運作並未隨著民主政治的進步而改變過去非體制內之抗爭,反而有過之而無不及。 議事運作的過程中所產生之諸多問題,大多繫於利益之糾葛,近年來雖已陸續通過國會改革五大法案、公職人員財產申報法、公職人員利益衝突迴避法等規範公職人員倫理的法律,惟拘束力並不彰顯。因此,本研究經深度訪談、參與觀察及蒐集國內、外相關文獻,探討立法院議事運作失調之原因,並提出擬提昇立法品質與效率之方式,應從強化立法院內部之自律機制、公權力制衡與社會之監督三個面向,型塑國會倫理,始能為國會改革帶來新契機。同時,亦能建立我國立法問政之優良典範。 / The political culture of our country transformed from feudalism to participation, and the political system from autocracy to democracy. In the process of getting democratic, the structure and function of Legislative Yuan has altered dramatically. It used to be Legislative Bureau under the Executive Yuan, but now, it has become headquarter of national political operation. After the six constitutional amendments, Legislative Yuan has been literally the all-in-one congress in a democratic state. Legislators are elites with outstanding professional knowledge and morality, chosen out of a number of brilliant participants. On the other hand, though, the incumbent ones in the Legislative Yuan seem to let the voters down. To pull up this declination, the Legislative Yuan passed 5 major acts on congressional innovation after 3rd reading on January 12th, 1999, and several amendments following that, hoping to improve the inefficiency and low quality. The malfunction of Legislative Yuan didn’t start from yesterday but with historical background. Till now, the environment in it has been so different from before. The first rotation of ruling party took place in 2000, but this improvement in democracy made the working of congressional agenda have even more conflicts inside the framework. Most problems derived from the process of agenda processing can find its root in the tangle of benefit. Though the major acts on congressional innovation, the law of official’s property exposure, and the law to prevent official’s benefit conflict, that help regulate the virtues of officials, had been passed respectively, the binding force is not strong enough and obvious. Therefore, on the basis of interview, observation, and collection of the domestic and foreign document, this research will discuss the reasons leading to the malfunction of Legislative Yuan and come up with the quality and efficiency resolution, which is strengthen the self-control inside the structure, the balance of public power, and the monitor of the whole society. To bring a new opportunity for revolution in our congress, we have to mold the congressional ethics, and then a terrific well-function Legislative system can be built as well.


蘇子喬 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採取歷史制度論的研究途徑探討台灣憲政體制自一九九○年代初至今的變遷軌跡。在憲政體制類型的劃分上,本文係將「半總統制」進一步劃分為「一元型半總統制」與「二元型半總統制」,前者係指內閣僅對國會負責,不對總統負責,亦即單向負責的「半總統制」,後者則指內閣既對國會負責,又對總統負責,亦即雙向負責的「半總統制」。 在第一次修憲至第三次修憲中,國民黨具有一黨修憲的實力,但憲改方案仍受既有的制度環境所制約。這三次修憲一方面維持了行政向立法負責的制度精神,另一方面又確立了總統由公民直選的制度,這兩項制度所造成的路徑依循,使得我國憲政體制自此之後的變遷,都被框限在「半總統制」的軌道上。 第三次修憲後,大法官在釋字第三八七號與第四一九號中,透過對閣揆辭職時機的宣示(閣揆隨立院改選而辭職乃憲法義務,至於隨總統改選而辭職則非憲法之義務),將我國憲政體制確立為內閣僅對國會負責、不對總統負責的「一元型半總統制」,但國、民兩黨的第四次修憲取消了立法院的閣揆同意權、賦予立法院倒閣權,並賦予總統解散立法院的權力,儘管就憲法文字看來更趨近於法國第五共和憲法的「半總統制」,但事實上憲政體制運作的原則反而趨於模糊。從第四次修憲前後,我們因此可以看到「一元型半總統制」短暫浮現到修憲後稍縱即逝的過程。 此一內涵不明的半總統制,在二○○○年民進黨籍的陳水扁總統上任後,被操作為內閣須同時對總統與國會負責的「二元型半總統制」,而對於過去六年多持續運作的「二元型半總統制」,大法官亦不斷透過大法官解釋承認其合法性(釋字第五二○號、釋字第五八五號、釋字第六一三號),使得目前二元型半總統制有逐漸確立之勢。自二○○○年陳總統上任至今,我們可以看到「二元型半總統制」由浮現到鞏固的過程。 在描繪了我國憲政體制自一九九○年代初至今的變遷軌跡之後,本文亦以法國第五共和的憲政運作為觀察參考的依據,探討我國當前憲政運作無法順利換軌的制度因素, 並對我國未來憲政體制的變遷路徑進行初步預測。

計程車派遣公司運作類型之探索 / Exploring operating model of taxi-dispatching companies

謝明宏, Hsieh, Ming Hung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的經濟環境正值產業轉型之際,服務業相對於製造業愈來愈重要,本論文是研究一種服務業的產業,針對各家的派遣計程車隊進行分類,並分析其競爭優勢,期望這樣的研究,能對台灣的服務產業能有一點貢獻。進一步說明如下: 台北市計程車產業,是運輸服務業中的重要的一環,其產值高於捷運及公車服務業之總合。計程車產業特色為個體經營者數量多,透過個體經營的群聚產生派遣車隊,透過派遣車隊產生的正向網路效應,使得加入車隊的個體經營者可獲得更多的好處,因此派遣車隊在此產業角色的重要性與日俱增。 眾多派遣車隊瓜分台北市派車市場就如同戰國時代的多國爭地,車隊的「運作類型」牽動著企業經營體質,之前少見針對多車隊的比較研究,引發本論文的研究興趣,試著將不同的車隊依經營體質分出不同的運作類型,再加以運用競爭優勢的本質,加以排序。 本研究從文獻的回顧探討,確立研究的基礎及架構,透過與業者訪談及資料收集,進行基本資料剖析。進而以車隊規模、成立時間、經營理念、科技採用程度、成立原因、經營立基及其他事業等,歸納出四個營運構面;分別為「策略意圖」、「科技採用」、「營運範疇」及「地理範圍」。 運用這四個構面的參數套用於現有車隊,整理出所有類型,再依其性質推導出三大運作類型,分別為「生存維繫型」、「服務強化型」與「事業拓展型」等。這三大類在本研究的意義分別說明如下:「生存維繫型」是為了攤銷之前所投入成本、「服務強化型」是企業積極的提供服務價值及「事業拓展型」是企業借週邊關聯的事業展開多角化。 最後運用台北市交通局歷年來的評鑑資料佐證本研究的歸納運作類型,結果發現有其正相關,「生存維繫型」的歷年評鑑結果有較差及變差的傾向,「服務強化型」其評鑑結果多於中上,而「事業拓展型」有更優的評鑑結果。這表示運作的類型與服務的品質有正向的關係。 進一步我們推演管理意涵,透過「仲介機構(mediator)」的觀察如NTT DoCoMo的i-mode,是一個市場平台。供應商與消費者運用此平台各取所需。先前學者的研究此類的組織具正向的網路外部性,我們將此類型稱之「組織連結型」。也就是說在本研究的推論之下,派遣車隊發展的最高級,就是以派遣車隊是一個市場平台,這一個市場平台互相連結關聯的週邊事業。 本研究另外一個結論是「不成長、則衰敗」的特性是存在計程車派遣產業。這可提供處在競爭經營環境的服務業省思,可考慮企業成長所投入的風險,也可考慮企業停留原地的風險,相較其風險,決定組織運作的經營方向。 由於篇幅與時間的關係,本文並沒有進一步深入討論這些運作類型該採取怎麼樣經營方式以增強企業體本身,這是未來可以進一步探究的課題。

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