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台灣TFT-LCD產業因應供應鏈管理與全球運籌現況之對策古昌平 Unknown Date (has links)
Samsung/LG是台灣面板廠最大勁敵,其垂直整合至LCD TV品牌,已直指台灣面板廠之罩門,如何突破下游應用產品品牌之發展與通路,是我國面板業者外銷重大課題之一。
惟考量兩岸分工整合,及未來全球最大四個客戶區域市場─歐洲、美國、中國與日本之JIT/VMI送貨,則如何同時滿足兩岸生產與全球配銷之消費性電子快速D2D(Door to Door)物流運籌特性,乃成為本產業之國際經營最大考驗。
目前業者最殷切之物流需求為:(1)兩岸間快速物流運輸之改善與提供 (2)大陸VMI/JIT/JMI之儲配服務 (3)東/西歐之需求端發貨配送服務。
海運直航後,兩岸中小船快運業務將迅速興起,陽明海運等已針對奇美(高雄-寧波)規劃大船接中小船再接陸運之一條龍配送。未來亦將針對統寶/瀚宇彩晶之南京/武漢配送,再進行內河航運或內陸運輸之Door to Door服務,使產業與物流業雙雙得利。
加速與物流業者聯盟合作,建立兩岸Door to Door海空陸聯運快速暢達之一條龍運輸配送體系,使此關鍵快捷運輸體系,成為面板業贏過日、韓“ Samsung / LG / Sharp / SONY ”之秘密武器。
建議46吋以上之LCD TV及高品質NB、智慧型手機之前期製造,能於台灣研發、製造及全球服務,使我國之高端製造業能重返台灣本土,並持續帶動及增強我國物流運籌業之發展。
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全球運籌管理模式下資訊系統架構之研究-以國內筆記型電腦產業為例許良誠 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,速度已經成為企業全球化競爭的關鍵要素,但企業無法單憑一己之力,及時地突破技術或市場上的瓶頸,因此,企業需專注於對自身具競爭優勢之價值活動,並集中力量維持與強化企業生存之核心資源,建立不易被取代之優勢,再透過產業間的分工,將產品從研發、設計、製造、組裝、行銷、售後服務,藉由分佈全球不同區域與不同國家的公司分別進行,共同塑造出具備彈性、速度與競爭力的合作方式,而此也就是全球運籌模式(Global Logistics)。其中資訊系統更為全球運籌模式的中樞,擁有完整的資訊系統,才可將分散全球的銷售、生產、庫存、出貨等資訊加以蒐集及整合,並提供做為迅速分析、預測、反應的依據。
筆記型電腦產業是目前台灣最具發展潛力的產業之一,而且台灣筆記型電腦產業所面臨的是國際化的競爭,業者一定要具備優良之全球運籌管理能力才可能接獲國際系統大廠之訂單,所以全球運籌管理對於筆記型電腦代工業者而言是非常重要的課題。因此,本研究將先藉由相關文獻的深入探討,分析目前國內外學者已經提出來之全球運籌管理模式資訊系統架構,接著歸納整理出全球運籌管理運作模式,再針對國內筆記型電腦產業現存問題的分析、現況觀察後,提出符合國內筆記型電腦產業之一般性全球運籌模式(General Global Logistics Models),並將依循著此模式,提出一個可行的全球運籌管理模式之資訊系統架構,最後利用雛型系統之建置,驗證其可行性。希望透過此資訊系統架構,使資訊流能跨越組織藩籬順暢地在供應鏈中往返,使整個供應鏈就像是一個虛擬企業,縮短產品上市時間,以最少成本、最低存貨,提供顧客最大的滿意度。 / In recent years, ”Speed” is a critical factor determining the competitive edge of globalized enterprises. For this reason, a successful manufacturer must first carefully maintain its competitive edge and do its best to increase its core resources for existence before seeking for cooperation of other companies in different areas of different countries to carry out R&D activity, design, manufacturing, assembling, marketing and after-sales service. When these companies cooperatively achieved the complete process of production based on a world industrial labor division system, they created a cooperative method with features of flexibility, speediness and competitiveness. And this is a start of global logistics models. Among these global logistics models, information system is regarded as a hub. With a complete information system, the manufacturer may collect and systematize the information of its marketing, production, stock and delivery coming from different countries and may also make analyses, predictions and responses on this systematized information.
The notebook computer industry is now regarded as one of potential industries in Taiwan. What this industry is faced with is the fierce competition on the global market. A notebook computer manufacturer, who lacks the ability to manage global logistics, cannot obtain orders from world leading buyers of reputable systems. In other words, world logistics management is a very important issue to OEM manufacturers of notebook computers. In this research, the first focus is placed on discussion and analysis made, in accordance with related literature, on the framework of information system built on global logistics management models submitted by domestic and overseas modern scholars. From this discussion and analysis is drawn an operating model of global logistics management. Besides, accompanying an analysis given to the existing problem and an observation given to the present situation of this industry, general global logistics models that meet with the demand of domestic notebook computer industry and the framework of information system built on feasible global logistics management models is submitted. Finally, verification is given to this feasibility through the erection of a model system. This information system is expected to make information flow more easily run in the supply chain over structural barriers and the entire supply chain serve as a simulated enterprise so that products can be more quickly put on the market and customers are satisfied with the least cost and the lowest stock rate.
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具可靠度及穩健考量的新產品全球運籌模式之探討 / A Reliable and Robust Model for Global Logistic Systems in New Product Development林尚達, Lin, Shang Da Unknown Date (has links)
許多供應鏈管理數量模式相關文獻針對全球運籌、新產品供應鏈等議題多有所探討,利用數量模式的計算以反應真實世界中的種種不確定性,讓管理者在供應鏈策略規劃時有所依據,但卻少有同時探討全球運籌以及新產品供應鏈的相關文獻。學者Butler, Ammons, and Sokol認為過去新產品供應鏈模式忽略了新產品將有可能無法存活下來的情形,因此發展一套新產品供應鏈模式,使新產品供應鏈能夠順利從上市成長到成熟階段,並利用此模式決定新設施、新機器購入的時機。
本研究所提出之規劃與分析方法可提供決策者在進行新產品全球佈局規劃時,能當作其新產品運籌配置之決策參考。 / When putting out new products under the environment of globalization, enterprise not only faces the uncertain factors in the demand of the customers and the costs that change with product life cycles, but considers all sorts of challenges which come with global operation.
Many researches into supply chain quantitative model that probe into global logistics and the new product supply chain employ the quantitative model to reflect all sorts of uncertainty in the real world. They provide managers with the basis for the supply chain strategy and management. But few researches discuss about the global logistics and the new product supply chain simultaneously. Bulter, Ammons, and Sokol argue that the model of new product supply chain of the past neglects the condition which new products may not survive. Thus they developed a new product supply chain model to enable new products to launch the market and grow to maturity as well as decide when to purchase new supply chain facilities and equipments.
This research which extends the new product supply chain model of Bulter et al. considers issues on global logistics from a more integrated view. First of all, it solves the global logistic settings problem in new product development by means of mixed-integer linear programming. Secondly, it uses the scenario-based robust optimization to lower the risk in the supply chain design. Then it adds the reliability calculation to make up for the gap between the plan and the real operation. At last it calculates and analyzes the quantitative model on the basis of the case data. This research establishes a methodology for decision makers to apply to plan and analyzing their new product supply chain when they make the global arrangement of new products.
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紡織業全球運籌績效指標架構 / Global logistic performance indicators framework of the textile industry陳璟鴻, Chen, Jing Hong Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字: 紡織業、績效指標、系統動力學、灰色理論、全球運籌 / The trend of global logistic makes companies to change the pattern of supply chain. In Taiwan and the global environment, the companies have to locate elsewhere, to lower production costs, to increase the competitiveness of enterprises. The companies have to link the global production, marketing, research and development base with the headquarter of Taiwan to cooperate. Thus the efficiency of global logistic and the overall competitive can be more upgraded. We proposed a Global logistic performance indicators framework, through literature review in three areas in this framework: supply chain, the textile industry and global logistic. And then we compare the framework with performance indicators of eight cases of the textile industry. And the results have been used Delphi interviews with scholars and experts. After analysis of the Delphi’s results, we use a rigorous approach to build a system dynamics model of Taiwan's textile industry’s supply chain. We use simulation to test the sensitivities of each indicator in the framework to selected key indicators which can meet Taiwan textile industry’s need and rapidly respond to the real situation.
Keywords: Global logistic、Performance indicator、System dynamic、Gray statistics、textile industry
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企業導入供應鏈管理系統之個案研究 / Case study to identify appropriate process to adopt supply chain management system宋清國, Sung, Ching-Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
彈性與速度是企業進入二十一世紀賴以生存的命脈,特別是在以製造業聞名的台灣,更感受到全球運籌與彈性應變的壓力,從近來國內企業資源規劃(Enteprise Resources Planning;ERP)與供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management; SCM)軟體的蓬勃發展,便可以知曉企業以資訊夥伴關係,建置商業快速回應系統(Quick Response;QR)提升顧客滿意度的企圖心。
最後則提出了有關供應鏈成員關係等未來研究方向:如供應鏈管理推動後所產生的效益(有形與無形效益)如何與供應鏈成員分享(主導者、上下游及最終顧客)。此外,供應鏈管理成功與否,上下游供應鏈成員間的互動、「信任」、「合作」往往扮演著關鍵性的地位,因此,應可進一步應用社會學中有關「信任」(trust)方面的領域、理論到供應鏈管理成員信任關係,及該信任關係對供應鏈管理績效的影響。 / "Supply chain management system; SCM" has been deemed as one of the useful tools for businesses to promote their competitiveness, and to build up their trust relationship with up and down stream businesses. According to the evolved business operation modes, such as precise collaboration and BTO (build to order) systems, businesses need to reconsider whether it is necessary to allocate massive resources to improve the function of their supply chains.
Traditionally, the key factors, including the necessity, effectiveness, process and appropriate timing for SCM adoption, always lack valid criteria for evaluation. This research, therefore, aims to explore the key factors that are required to achieve successful adoption of supply chains to manufacturing industry, and to provide specific references for management policy making. This research begins with elaborating the outcomes of the supply chain literatures published by international scholars. One company each from information hardware and car industries will then be chosen to conduct field study and in-depth research in order to identify the key factors for adopting SCM, and to derive conclusions helpful to optimize business operation. The
aforementioned conclusions include:
1.Exogenous factors analysis (external driving factors of SCM adoption):
(1)How does advanced information technology, which overcomes the difficulties of information transferring, processing, and analysis that help promote the adoption of SCM.
(2)How do marketing paradigm and consuming concept shifts put SCM under the spotlight.
(3)How does globalization trend urge domestic industries to adopt SCM.
(4)How does severe competition, between international and domestic businesses, makes SCM become businesses competition forces.
(5)How do information sharing and communication needs reinforce the importance of SCM.
(6)How do government incentives help impose and promote SCM.
2.Intra –business SCM:
(1)Introduce and integrate SCM based on overall business development condition.
(2)Introduce business process reengineering as the key factor to adopt SCM.
3.Inter-business SCM: To adopt integration of intra- and inter-businesses, and resource sharing as KSF.
4.Procedures to introduce SCM:
(1)Identify business strategic goal, role and purpose
(2)Forge reform vision, strategic plan and feasible resolutions.
(3)Review and design the mechanism that controls the business activities process and responsibility sharing.
(4)Establish a SCM committee, and designate a top management as its chairman.
(5)Build up trust relationship among supply chain member business.
(6)Propose an integration plan to integrate suppliers (up stream) and clients (down stream).
(7)Implement outcome-oriented approach.
(8)Provide necessary personnel training to supply chain member businesses.
(9)Incorporate the reengineering spirit into business culture.
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明□電通公司之動態策略研究鄭金翰 Unknown Date (has links)
(三)、企業體系建構完整、競爭實力強 (「實力」有助於「體系」的建立,「體系」有助於「實力」的強化)。
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兩岸經貿更加緊密對僑外來台投資子公司運籌中心地位之影響因素 / The Determinants of the Role of Subsidiary Logistics Center in Taiwan as Cross-strait Ties Becomes Closer張英姬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係利用經濟部投資審議委員會2007年「華僑及外國人投資事業營運狀況調查表(非服務業)」問卷資料,以1,013家僑外資在台非服務業廠商為分析對象,運用Probit Model進行實證分析,由廠商規模、行業分類、廠商成立年數、國際化程度、技術來源、在台設立區域營運總部、業務種類多樣化、兩岸經貿政策進一步鬆綁及降低關稅,儘速與他國簽署FTA等各個面向,探討兩岸經貿關係更加緊密後,影響僑外商在台子公司運籌中心地位之決定因素為何。經實證結果發現,國際化程度、技術來源、在台設立區域營運總部、業務種類多樣化及兩岸經貿政策進一步鬆綁等變數為影響僑外商在台子公司運籌中心地位之決定因素,除技術來源為在台自行研發之變數呈負向關係,傾向於採行降低及不變之營運策略外,其他變數皆與僑外商在台子公司運籌中心地位呈正向關係,傾向採提升之營運策略。 / This research made use of the 2007 Ministry of Economic Affairs Investment Commission survey entitled "Chinese and Foreign Investment Enterprises Operating Conditions Survey (non-service)" and targeted 1,013 non-service industry overseas foreign manufacturers in Taiwan as research subjects. The Probit model was used to carry out an empirical analysis based on the firm size, industry classification, the year the manufacturer was established, the degree of internationalization, technology source, established regional operational headquarters in Taiwan, business type diversity, steps taken to relax and lower tariffs and promptness in signing FTA and other oriented documents, with other countries. This study discusses why there were influencing factors in the decisions of overseas foreign investment subsidiaries in Taiwan logistics center positions after cross-strait economic and trade relations became closer. The empirical results show that the degree of internationalization, sources of technology, the establishment of the regional operational headquarters in Taiwan, business type diversity and further relaxation of cross-strait trade policy variables are the impacts of overseas subsidiary of foreign logistics center’s factors in determining status. In addition to the fact that the variables of technology sources developing on their own in Taiwan showed a negative relationship and tend to adopt reduced and unchanged operation strategies, other variables are compatible with overseas business subsidiaries in Taiwan logistics center position and showed a positive relationship and tend to enhance the operational strategies adopted.
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保險業因應全球運籌物流風險之對策-以高科技電子產業運輸保險為例 / The Strategy for Insurers on the Global Logistic Risk- A Case Study on the Marine Cargo Insurance of Electronic Industry梁銳華, Liang,Jui-Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
隨著高科技產業的興起,電子產業因應市場快速與客戶滿意度的高度需求,供應鏈物流業的快速發展,使得傳統運送模式之風險形態產生戲劇性的變化,損失頻率及損失幅度均已隨著運籌模式物流的風險由傳統運輸Door to Door構成線性的低度風險,轉變為Hub、組裝中心、物流倉庫、承攬人、次承攬人等複雜的關係方所構成,網狀物流模式的高度風險區塊。而運輸保險長期以來處於保險業者、保險經紀人的惡性競爭市場,高科技電子業基於風險成本考量,強勢壓縮保險費,使得電子業運輸保險損失率居高不下。
損失率。 / With the blooming growth of high-tech industry, the electronic industry pursued for swiftness and clients satisfaction as well as the fast development of logistics business, risk of cargo distribution had transformed from the traditionally low-risk lineal “door to door” model to a high-risk complex structure of network composed by Hubs, Configuration Centers, warehouses, contractors, and sub-tractors. Moreover, the intense competitiveness among insurers and insurance agents as well as the cost-down strategy on cargo transit insurance premium of high-tech companies even make the loss-claim ratio have stayed high for such a long time.
By studying cases of specific high-tech company claiming for great loss amount, we herby conclude several main causes of loss during transit and bring up suggestions on Underwriting, Claim Adjustment, Logistics Warehouse, Carrier Loss Prevention, and Logistics Management for your reference.
In the future, in terms of risk management and diversification, we should not only aggressively adjust our underwriting strategy, enhance co-insurance policy but also strengthen investigations on the warehouse staffs and designate supplier adequate responsibilities.
Besides, what’s more important is to alter the myth of being purely interest-oriented and to discard the thought of expanding market percentage by cutting prices, only then we could really make a sound foundation at the market instead of suffering malignant competition with each other.
Key Word:Electronic Industry,Global Logistic,Supply Chain,Risk Management,Loss Frequency,Loss Severity,Underwriting Strategy,Claim Management,Loss Ratio。
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