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複合型保護層信用擔保債權憑證之評價與風險分析:機率杓斗法則之延伸 / On the valuation and risk characteristic of synthetic CDOs with compound protection layers: extending probability bucketing algrithm謝伊婷, Hsieh, Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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各國不動產證券指數對抗通貨膨脹之研究江東穎 Unknown Date (has links)
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動態隱含波動度模型:以台指選擇權為例 / Dynamic Implied Volatility Functions in Taiwan Options Market陳鴻隆, Chen,Hung Lung Unknown Date (has links)
本文模型在波動度的時間不穩定部分配適非對稱GARCH(1,1)過程,以描述隱含波動度的時間序列特性。本文使用的非對稱GARCH(1,1)過程將標的資產的正報酬與負報酬對價平隱含波動度的影響分別估計,並將蘊含於歷史價平隱含波動度中的訊息及標的資產報酬率與波動度之間的關連性藉由價平隱含波動度過程納入隱含波動度函數中,使隱含波動度函數能納入波動度的時間序列特性及資產報酬與波動度的相關性,藉此納入最近期的市場資訊,以增加隱含波動度模型的解釋及預測能力。時間穩定部分則根據Pena et al.(1999)的研究結果,取不對稱二次函數形式以配適實證上發現的笑狀波幅現象。時間穩定部分並導入相對價內外程度做為變數,以之描述價內外程度、距到期時間、及價平隱含波動度三者的交互關係;並以相對隱含波動度作為被解釋變數,使隱含波動度函數模型除理論上包含了比先前文獻提出的模型更多的訊息及彈性外,還能描繪「隱含波動度函數隨波動度的高低水準而變動」、「越接近到期日,隱含波動度對價內外程度的曲線越彎曲」、「隱含波動度函數為非對稱的曲線」、「波動度和資產價格有很高的相關性」等實證上常發現的現象。
本文以統計測度及交易策略之獲利能力檢定模型的解釋能力及預測能力是否具有統計與經濟上的顯著性。本文歸納之前文獻提出的不同隱含波動度函數模型,並以之與本文提出的模型做比較。本文以台指選擇權五分鐘交易頻率的成交價作為實證標的,以2003年1月1日~2006年12月31日作為樣本期間,並將模型解釋力及AIC作為模型樣本內配適能力之比較標準,我們發現本文提出的模型具有最佳的資料解釋能力。本文以2006年7月1日~2006年12月31日作為隱含波動度模型預測期間,以統計誤差及delta投資策略檢定模型的預測能力是否具有統計及經濟上的顯著性。實證結果指出,本文提出的模型對於預測下一期的隱含波動度及下一期的選擇權價格,皆有相當良好的表現。關於統計顯著性方面,我們發現本文提出的動態隱含波動度函數模型對於未來的隱含波動度及選擇權價格的預測偏誤約為其他隱含波動度函數模型的五分之一,而預測方向正確頻率亦高於預測錯誤的頻率且超過50%。關於經濟顯著性方面,本文使用delta投資組合進行經濟顯著性檢定,結果發現在不考慮交易成本下,本文提出的模型具有顯著的獲利能力。顯示去除標的資產價格變動對選擇權造成的影響後,選擇權波動度的預測準確性確實能經由delta投資組合捕捉;在考慮交易成本後,各模型皆無法獲得超額報酬。最後,本文提出的動態隱含波動度函數模型在考量非同步交易問題、30分鐘及60分鐘等不同的資料頻率、不同的投資組合交易策略後,整體的結論依然不變。 / This paper proposes a new implied volatility function to facilitate implied volatility forecasting and option pricing. This function specifically takes the time variation in the option implied volatility into account. Our model considers the time-variant part and fits it with an asymmetric GARCH(1,1) model, so that our model contains the information in the returns of spot asset and contains the relationship of the returns and the volatility of spot asset. This function also takes the time invariant in the option implied volatility into account. Our model fits the time invariant part with an asymmetric quadratic functional form to model the smile on the volatility. Our model describes the phenomena often found in the literature, such as the implied volatility level increases as time to maturity decreases, the curvature of the dependence of implied volatility on moneyness increases as options near maturity, the implied volatility curve changes as the volatility level changes, and the implied volatility function is an asymmetric curve.
For the empirical results, we used a sample of 5 minutes transaction prices for Taiwan stock index options. For the in-sample period January 1, 2003–June 30, 2006, our model has the highest adjusted- and lowest AIC. For the out-of-sample period July 1, 2006–December 31, 2006, the statistical significance shows that our model substantially improves the forecasting ability and reduces the out-of-sample valuation errors in comparison with previous implied volatility functions. We conjecture that such good performance may be due to the ability of the GARCH model to simultaneously capture the correlation of volatility with spot returns and the path dependence in volatility. To test the economic significance of our model, we examine the profitability of the delta-hedged trading strategy based on various volatility models. We find that although these strategies are able to generate profits without transaction costs, their profits disappear quickly when the transaction costs are taken into consideration. Our conclusions were unchanged when we considered the non-synchronization problem or when we test various data frequency and different strategies.
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波動度選擇權套利分析與策略:應用於香港衍生性金融市場 / The Long & Short Volatility Option Trading Analysis: With Application to Hong Kong Derivatives Warrants Markets鄭凱名, Cheng, Kai-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的理論研究先進入選擇權的理論基礎,探討選擇權重要的定價理論與選擇權最新的避險理論,再進一步探討波動度選擇權套利理論,分析利用買權與賣權持入波動度(Long Volatility)或放空波動度(Short Volatility)的組合價值變化。
我們發現在過去1998年香港權證市場應用波動度選擇權套利策略都能產生超額的利潤,而且比較三種波動度估計下的套利表現,發現採取Garman & Klass波動度估計式整體套利表現優於隱含波動度(Implied Volatility)與傳統的歷史波動度(Historical Volatility) 的計算方式。
另外發現的是:採取持入波動度套利時,股價大幅下跌,較股價大幅上漲的套利利潤要高出許多,這樣的實證結果與股價下跌市場波動度上升、股價上漲市場波動度下降的理論現象完全一致,因此發現當我們採取持入波動度策略,面對股價大幅下挫而使得市場股價波動度上升,所能捕捉到的套利利潤亦隨之大增。此外,我們利用認購權證推算隱含波動度亦可發現香港備兌權證具有波動度微笑(Volatility Smile)的現象。故本研究實證結果與理論皆獲得一致的結論。
第一章 前言與緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機…………………………………..….…1-1
第二節 研究問題與目的 ……………………………………….1-2
第三節 研究範圍與內容…………………………………….…..1-2.
第四節 論文架構流程…………………………………………...1-4
第二章 現代選擇權定價理論
第一節 Black-Scholes Model .…………………………………..2-1
第二節 Black-Scholes Extended Model…………………………2-3
第三節 CRR Binomial Tree Model……………………………...2-7
第四節 B-S Model的缺陷與實務上的限制……………………2-8
第三章 現代選擇權避險理論
第一節 影響選擇權價值的因素及其價格敏感性……….…….3-1
第二節 風險中立避險法…………………………………..……3-8
第三節 永恆靜態避險法…………………………………….….3-3
第四節 選擇權在交易成本下之間斷性避險…………………..3-16
第四章 股價波動度下之選擇權套利理論分析
第一節 持入波動度套利理論分析……………………………..4-1
第二節 放空波動度套利理論分析……………………………..4-19
第三節 波動度賣權套利理論分析……………………………..4-27
第四節 選擇權合成套利理論分析……………………………..4-37
第五章 香港認購(沽)權證市場之析論
第一節 備兌認購權證與權益認股權證…………………………..5-1
第二節 香港股票選擇權、認股權證與恆指選擇權之比較……..5-2
第三節 香港權證市場之交易制度與投資成本分析……………..5-5
第四節 香港備兌權證市場之投資實務…………………………..5-8
第六章 香港實務界常見的選擇權套利策略
第一節 多頭市場:牛市認購(沽)跨價套利…………………6-1
第二節 空頭市場:熊市認購(沽)跨價套利…………………6-3
第三節 波動市場:購入馬鞍式與勒束式組合…………………6-6
第四節 盤整市場:比率認購(沽)跨價套利…………………6-8.
第五節 各種選擇權套利策略之總結……………………………6-11
第七章 波動度套利實證分析與結果
第一節 分析香港權證市場近況…………………………………..7-1
第二節 資料描述與選取採樣……………………………………..7-7
第三節 股價波動度與市場交易成本之計算……………………..7-10
第四節 波動度套利: 以香港備兌認購(沽)權證市場為實證……7-13
第八章 結論與建議
第一節 結論…………………………………………………………8-1
第二節 建議…………………………………………………………8-2
第三節 對後續研究之建議…………………………………………8-3
參考文獻 / First, Our research tries to get into the theoretical base of the options:the important pricing theories and the most advanced hedging ones of the derivatives instruments. Further than that, by analyzing the changes of the portfolio value composed of long volatility and short volatility of call and put options, it would explore the essence of volatility option trading theory.
On the empirical analysis front, we will apply the volatility option trading theory to the most liquid derivatives warrants market in the world □ Hong Kong derivatives warrants markets. The subjects in this research are Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd , HSBC Holding Plc , Hong Kong Telcom Ltd □ the three heaviest components in HK Heng Seng stock Index. And the sample period is 1998 with the derivatives warrants data of the three companies, we test the volatility option trading theory. In order to fit the HK market conditions while the arbitrage operation take place, we analyze the HK trading system and the investment costs derived from the interest charge by the bank in HK to reach the opportunity costs in line with practical environment. By comparison of these three different volatility estimators, we can define the most objective way to do the trading in the most discreet manner. On the top of that, we enumerate the common trading strategies with warrants and options in HK markets.
We find that the volatility option trading theory can yield excess return in the 1998 HK warrants markets. Moreover, adopting Garman & Klass volatility estimators outperforms the implied volatility and the historical volatility ones as well. On the side line: when the investors trade with long volatility in the falling stock market profit from the strategies are much larger than the ones generated from sharply stock price rise market. The conclusion is consistent with the theory that when the stock price is falling; the market volatility increases and vice versa. Therefore the more market volatility caused by the stock price fall at the large scale, the more profit captured by the options trading method. By the way, in this process that we infer the implied volatility by using the market information, we can also find phenomenon of volatility smile which is coherent with the original theory.
It worth mention that our research is approximated the implied volatility in the market with the warrants. By wisely adopting different volatility trading strategies in the different time and long & short volatility could profit better than purely the performance of long volatility trading strategies. That could pave the way for the market participants to study further on such issues in the near future.
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以SIMEX摩根台股指數期貨規避台灣股價指數風險之研究 / Hedging Taiwan's stock indices with SIMEX MSCI Taiwan index futures溫曜誌, Wen, Yao-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分別利用傳統 OLS、誤差修正模型以及 Bivariate GARCH 模型研究以摩根台股指數期貨規避台灣股價指數的避險效果,現貨部分除了摩根台股指數現貨之外,亦考慮了台灣加權股價指數,目的在於瞭解摩根指數期貨的避險效果,並提出未來台灣加權股價指數上市後一套研究指數期約避險績效的研究架構。
(1)將台灣加權股價指數、摩根台股指數現貨以及摩根台股指數期貨的每日收盤價取對數值,並且依照避險期間分為三種情況,利用 ADF(Augmented Dicky and Fuller)進行單根檢定,結果顯示三個時間數列皆非定態(stationary)。
(2)時間數列取一階差分之後,視為指數的報酬率,同樣利用 ADF 進行單根檢定,結果顯示三個時間數列呈現定態(stationary),亦即時間列服從 I (1)。此時,報酬的迴歸式存在具有實質意義。進行供整合檢定之結果顯示,無論是台灣加權指數與摩根台股指數期貨市場間,或是摩根台股指數之現貨與期貨市場間存在長期穩定之均衡關係。因此欲研究現貨與期貨市場的避險比率,應考慮誤差修正項。
1.在樣本內實證中,傳統 OLS 除了在避險期間為每日的情況之外,所造成投資組合變異數降低幅度較大,有較好的樣本內避險效果表現。
2.在樣本外實證中,傳統 OLS 無論在何避險期間,所造成投資組合變異數降低幅度較小,其避險效果皆較差。
3.避險誤差均方根比較方面,傳統 OLS 表現較差。
1.在樣本內實證中,傳統 OLS 在各避險期間,所造成投資組合變異數降低幅度較大,有較好的樣本內避險效果表現。
2.在樣本內實證中,傳統 OLS 無論在何避險期間,其避險效果差皆較差。
3.避險誤差均方根比較方面,同樣以傳統 OLS 表現較差。 / Investors of Taiwan Stock Market have been long lack of hedging tools. SIMEX has provided a new merchant, MSCI Taiwan Index Future on January 9,1997. In addition, Taiwan Futures Exchange is going to run on July, 1998. Though investors are still not familiar with the new derivatives. Futures will be the new markets in Taiwan and it is the right time for us to analyze it. This research use different econometrics methods to check if it is a good hedge tool for the investors. The results are as followed.
1.The time series of MSCI Taiwan Index futures, MSCI Index Spots and Taiwan Weighted Index are not stationary. They are integrated of order 1.
2.There exist cointegrations between MSCI Taiwan Index futures and MSCI Index Spots, in addition to MSCI Taiwan Index futures and Taiwan Weighted Index.
3.OLS Regression, Error Correction Model and Bivariate GARCH Model are applied to find the optimal hedge retio. Among them, the hedge ratios of Bivariate GARCH Model are dynamic while the other two are constant.
4.According to the in-sample hedging effects results, the OLS are outstanding. The low variance of hedging portfolios and the reduction percentage compared to the no-hedged portfolios prove that.
5.Investors may care more about the out-sample results. From the table we know that Error Correction Model and Bivariate GARCH Model perform better than OLS, especially when the time period is longer.
6.When we check the RMSE, we get the same conclusion that OLS is the worst one among the three methods.
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利率風險管理:期貨契約交叉避險之研究林明勳 Unknown Date (has links)
加哥商品期貨交易所(CME) 的美國國庫券期貨、Eurodollar期貨之組合交
叉規避國內商業本票30天期、90天期、 180天期之次級市場的利率風險,
自1989年 1月至1992年10月底,並分為兩部份進行實證,一為整體樣本測
試避險模式、另一為樣本外交叉避險模式,且修正自身相關現象。 根據
本外測試交叉避 險模式--最適避險模式之價差迴歸分析與自身相關迴歸
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在BGM 模型下固定交換利率商品之效率避險與評價 / An efficient valuation and hedging of constant maturity swap products under BGM model蔡宏彬 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上在 LIBOR市場模型架構下,評價固定交換商品一般是透過模地卡羅模擬。在本文中,吾人在此模型架構下推導出一個遠期交換利率的近似動態,並在一因子的架構下提供一個固定交換利差選擇權與固定交換輪棘選擇權的近似評價公式。數值結果顯示這兩者之相對誤差甚小。此外對於這兩個產品,吾人亦提供一個有效率的避險方法。 / The derivatives of the constant maturity swap (CMS) are evaluated by the LIBOR market model (LMM) implemented by Monte Carlo methods in the previous researches. In this paper, we derive an approximated dynamic process of the forward-swap rate (FSR) under LMM. Based on the approximated dynamics for the FSR under one factor model, CMS spread options and CMS ratchet options are valued by the no-arbitrage method in approximated analytic formulas. In the numerical analysis, the relative errors between the Monte Carlo simulations and the approximated closed form formulas are very small for CMS spread options and CMS ratchet options and we also provide an efficient hedging method for these products under one factor LMM.
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投資模型之建構以因應退休基金之投資避險策略 / A Study of Model Building in Investment Hedging Strategy of Pension Fund黃彥富 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是針對退休金的長期負債以資產負債管理的方式提出有效的投資避險策略建議。在過去,傳統精算的資產負債管理大多採用確定投資模型(Deterministic Model),即以過去的經驗設立「精算假設」,但是這樣的假設無法精確的呈現未來的趨勢,所以本文的第一部份,便是根據過去的台灣總體經濟資料,建構一個退休基金的隨機投資模型(Stochastic Investment Model)。首先,我們以ECM(Error Correlation Model)模式建構出第一個投資模型,之後在精簡參數的考量下,建構第二個以因果關係為基礎的Causality投資模型,再以模型配適能力與預測能力比較兩模型,結果顯示Causality投資模型優於ECM投資模型。
有了投資模型,我們設定不同的退休金負債形式,如固定成長型負債MF、隨通貨膨脹成長M<sup>R</sup>負債及隨max{固定成長比例,通貨膨脹}而成長的退休金負債M<sup>L</sup>,以靜態避險的方式去求得各資產的最適配適比例。從模擬的結果中發現隨著到期日的增長,投資在風險性高報酬率佳的投資標的物上的比例也越來越高。另外,隨著負債固定成長比例f的增加,其M<sup>L</sup>負債之期初資產配置額便越接近M<sup>F</sup>負債之期初資產配置額。整體而言,我們由模擬中可得出,使用投資組合的投資方式優於單一資產投資的結論。 / In this study, we investigate the hedging strategies for pension liabilities by using Asset-Liability Management method. In the past, the traditional actuarial valuation usually does not take account of market value for both assets and liabilities. Most of the traditional actuarial valuation adopted the Deterministic Model, that is, setting the assumptions based on the experiences. However, it can not exactly show the trend in the future. In part one of this study, we build a stochastic investment model for the pension funds based on Taiwan Market data. First, we apply the first model : ECM( Error Correlation Model ). And then, we apply the second model : Causality Model under considering parsimonious parameterization. Finally, we compare the results of ECM with Causality Model on fitting and forecasting efficiency, and we find that Causality Model is better than ECM. With the investment model, we set some formulas of pension liabilities calculated to obtain the best fit proportion of each valuation by the static hedging. This involves finding optimal static hedging strategies to minimize riskiness of the investment portfolio relative to the liability. Overall, from the simulation results, for static hedging in these kinds of liabilities, investing in all three assets is a better strategy than investing in a single asset class. This confirms that the more assets we use, the more effectively we can hedge.
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可贖回雪球式商品的評價與避險曹若玹 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用Lognormal Forward LIBOR Model (LFM) 利率模型,針對可贖回雪球式債券進行相關的評價與避險分析,而由於此商品的計息方式為路徑相依型態,價格沒有封閉解,故必須利用數值方法來進行評價。過去通常使用二元樹或三元樹的方法來評價具有可贖回特性的商品,但因為LFM是屬於多因子模型,所以不容易處理建樹的過程。而一般路徑相依商品的評價是使用蒙地卡羅法來進行,但是標準的蒙地卡羅法不易處理美式或百慕達式選擇權的問題,因此,本研究將使用由Longstaff and Schwartz(2001)所提出的最小平方蒙地卡羅法,來處理同時具有可贖回與路徑相依特性的商品評價並進行實證研究。 / 此外,關於可贖回商品的避險參數部分,由於商品的價格函數不具有連續性,若在蒙地卡羅法之下直接使用重新模擬的方式來求算避險參數,將會造成不準確的結果,而Piterbarg (2004)提出了兩種可用來計算在LFM下可贖回商品避險參數的方法,其實証結果發現所求出的避險參數結果較準確,因此本研究將此方法運用至可贖回雪球式利率連動債券,並分析各種參數變化對商品價格的影響大小,便於進行避險工作。
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狀態轉換漸進極值因子模型下擔保債權憑證之評價與避險 / Pricing and Hedging of CDOs under a Regime Switching Asymptotic Single Factor Model賴冠宇, Lai, Kuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文使用了LHP的近似方法去評價擔保債權憑證,並推導出漸進極值因子模型,又稱單因子copula模型,單因子copula模型被廣泛運用在CDO之風險管理與一些風險因子模擬之應用,但由於2008年之金融海嘯造成市場標準模型Gaussian copula model會有評價上的誤差,所以為了能在市場不穩定時能更精確的求算出分券價差,我們必須找到一個更簡單且快速捕捉到市場不穩定性的模型。在這篇論文中,我們引用了Anna Schloesser在2009年所提出以NIG copula model為基礎的兩個延伸,讓模型更穩健和且擁有良好的性質去進行模擬,NIG Regime-Switch 模型有兩大特色: (i)可以用一致的方法去評價不同到期日的分券,放寬了同一分券必須是相同到期日的假設,和(ii)有不同的相關係數狀態,對於金融風暴來說,狀態轉換可以有效地降低市場不穩定所帶來的評價誤差。本文也對不同模型下的CDO進行風險分析與避險,分券的期望損失廣泛被信評公司視為一項審定信用評等重要的風險衡量指標,但是並無法真實反映出擔保債權憑證分券之間相對風險之大小,因此本文採用期望損失率的觀念,利用期望損失佔本金的比例來比較各分券之相對風險,且本文也求算出CDO之避險參數,讓投資人了解對合成行擔保債權憑證分券避險時所需之避險部位,分券持有人也可依據所要規避的風險類型,選擇市場上現有的信用違約交換指數或是單一資產之信用違約交換(single-name credit default swap)來進行避險。 / This paper presents the Large Homogeneous Portfolio (LHP) approach to the pricing of CDOs and we derive the one-factor copula model. It is popular that the one-factor copula models are very useful for risk management and measurement applications involving the generation of scenarios for the complete universe of risk factors. However, since the financial crisis in 2008 induces some errors in the valuation by Gaussian copula model, which is originally adopted by credit rating firms, it is necessary to have a simple and fast model that can capture the market unstableness. In this paper we apply two extensions of the NIG copula model, which are first present by Anna Schloesser (2009), since they make the model well defined and powerful for scenario simulation. The NIG Regime-Switch copula model allows for two important features: (i) tranches with different maturities modeled in a consistent way, and (ii) different correlation regimes. The regime-switching component of the NIG copula model is especially important in view of the financial crisis. This paper also targets on different models to conduct risk analysis and hedging strategy. The expected loss of tranches is widely used by credit rating organizations as one of the important indicators for risk measurement. However, it can’t reflect the relative risk level between CDO’s tranches. Therefore, our research adopts the concept of expected loss rate, which use the proportion of expected loss to total principal amount to compare the relative risk of each tranche. Moreover, when we want to hedge the spread risk of synthetic CDO tranches, the holders of tranches can choose the existing CDS index or the single-name CDS based on different risks types to hedge. The employment of the NIG Regime-Switch copula model not only has more precise estimation for the spread of tranches but also possess more stable hedge ratio to hedge.
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