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醫療資源優先配置決策程序之評估-以全民健保醫療給付協議會議為例 / An Evaluation of Decision Procedure in Health Resource Priority Setting: The Payment Committee of NHI in Taiwan蔡翔傑, Tsai, Hsiang-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
全民健保醫療給付範圍的相關決策缺乏資訊公開性與參與性,引發許多醫療給付的糾紛案件,加上醫療資源有限,醫療需求隨國內人口平均餘命提升而增加,醫療資源優先配置的問題更顯其重要性。本研究建立一個合理的醫療資源優先配置決策程序評估架構,以改善目前國內資源優先配置決策程序,使用Daniels & Sabin(1997)所提出的「要求合理性的課則」(Accountability for Reasonableness)作為評估架構的主要構面,採用文獻分析法與層級分析法建構出一個完整的評估架構並且比較指標間的相互權重,接著使用深度訪談法試圖探索評估指標相對權重背後所代表的意涵。研究結果顯示醫事團體代表強調相關性與決策修正機會,政府代表則注重公開性與執行力,兩者對於醫療資源優先配置決策程序的期待有相當大的落差。基於研究發現,本研究主張應該增加協商機會以減少決策成員間的認知落差,帶動社會大眾對於資源優先配置的認識與參與,並針對目前決策程序的公開性、相關性、決策修正機會與執行力進行改善。 / The lack of information publicity and participation in the payment system of National Health Insurance (NHI) in Taiwan has been a critical issue. Besides numerous insurance payment disputations, the limited health resources and increasing health demand all call for an immediate solution to the problem of health resource priority setting in NHI.. This study aims to establish a systemic evaluative framework to improve on the health resources priority settings. In answer to the need, analytical hierarchy process and in-depth interviews have been conducted to develop a framework based on Accountability for Reasonableness. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the surveys indicate some criteria and the meaning of the relative weight of each criterion. The results show a discrepancy between the governmental representatives and the healthcare organization ones on the expectation of health resources priority settings. The former focus on relevance, revision and appeals while the latter emphasize publicity and enforcement. According to the findings, this study suggests that an increase of negotiation is necessary to eliminate the discrepancy between the two groups. The government also need to introduce the public the idea of health resources priority settings and to modify the current procedure based on the four factors in Accountability for Reasonableness.
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半導體產業供應鏈網路資源分配模式之研究 / The Model of Resources Allocation in Supply Chain Network for Semiconductor Industry徐豐祺, Hsu, Feng-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
混合整數線性模式常會面臨許多問題,由於模式的複雜,變數與限制式過多,造成求解的困難。對電腦資源的需求很大,花費的時間也很長。同時對於問題的規模亦造成制限。於是本研究藉著修改Kim (1995) 的 backward list scheduling 演算法概念,建構一個解決問題的啟發式演算法,可快速求得一組近似最佳解之可行解。
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一般帳戶投資型年金之資產負債管理:免疫理論與最適資產配置之應用謝冠生 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,以某知名的保險公司所推出的投資型年金商品作為本研究之實證對象,透過模擬之方法,將研究模型中之各項參數予以評估,並且根據上述之研究過程將免疫理論與投資組合理論相連接,以檢視投資型年金商品在規避利率風險的狀態下,其最適之資產配置比例是否與現行法令之規範相牴觸,而能給予適時之建議。另外,由本實證結果可知,經由本研究的分析流程,可以有效地給予年金管理者規劃出年金資產負債管理時的最適投資組合比例,並且在增加外國投資資產時,更能有效的增加年金資產之報酬,同時也不影響保險法對於投資資產的比例與總金額之限制。再者,對於探討規避利率風險前後之資產組合之資產報酬之變化時,可以進一步了解到,當年金管理者在運用免疫策略來規避利率風險時,其所面對的風險成本之多寡,以作為制定避險決策時的依據。 / This research explores the asset-liability management (ALM) for the Investment-Link-Annuity. Two aspects investigated in this research are the interest rate risk and the optimal asset allocation. Moreover, the major issue investigated here is the trade-off between the optimal investment return and the hedge of interest rate risk. We refer this trade-off as ALM cost. By using stochastic interest rate model, Immunization theory and Portfolio Selection Model, we construct an ALM model to achieve the optimal asset allocation given on hedging the interest rate risk under the immunization strategies for the insurance company. First, we utilize the public trading data for investment market in Taiwan and in USA from 1985 to 2000 and the investment-link annuity product of a well-know insurance company in Taiwan to simulate the cash flow and demonstrate the implementation of our model.
By analyzing different simulations under various scenarios, the empirical results are as the followings:
1.The ALM cost for immunization strategies is very small, and is estimated to be about 1% to 2%. Therefore, we suggest that insurance companies should start to undertake the asset liability management as soon as possible.
2.If relaxing the investment restrictions of Insurance Law or allowing insurance company to invest in foreign investment market, the overall investment return will be increased and the ALM cost will be reduced effectively.
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限制下方風險的資產配置 / Controlling Downside Risk in Asset Allocation簡佳至, Chien, Chia-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
實證部分選取資料分成本國及全球,研究發現對於何種分配或模擬方法的資產配置績效最好?沒有一定的結論。其原因是各種分配或模擬方法皆必須視資料的性質而定,因此,本論文的貢獻僅在建議使用厚尾分配及利用模擬方法,來符合資產報酬率呈現厚尾的現象,並利用此分配,以期在考慮最低報酬要求限制條件下的資產配置更為精確。 / The distributions of many asset returns tend to be fat-tail. This paper attempts to add the shortfall constraint in Mean-Variance Analysis. When the distribution is known, we find the optimal asset allocation under student-t distribution and normal distribution. On the other hand, we use Classical Bootstrap, Moving Block Bootstrap, and Stationary Bootstrap to stimulate the distribution of asset return, and to obtain the optimal asset allocation.
We also examine the risk management of asset allocation. When we use the correct estimators of parameters under the known distribution, the threshold in shortfall constraint is the value-at-risk in asset allocation. Otherwise, if using the wrong estimators, we get the incorrect asset allocation and the improper risk management. When the distribution is unknown, using simulation to generate the distribution, the value-at-risk is the threshold.
The empirical study is conducted in two parts, domestic and global asset allocation. The results cannot point out which distributions and simulations are suitable. They depend on the data’s property. The contribution of this paper is to introduce some methods to fit the fat-tail behavior of asset return in asset allocation.
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資產配置之動態規劃 / An Application of Dynamic Asset Allocation: Two-period Investigation蔡秉寰, Tsai, Ping-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文提供一種多期動態的資產配置,可以改良過去單點估計值的缺點,同時能夠將未來情境納入考量,使多期資產配置更富策略性。並實證在兩期的情況下,期中調整資產組合與不調整的差異性。從而瞭解持續的動態規劃,方能提升資產配置的效率性。 / Asset allocation is the process of dividing an investment fund among major asset classes such as equities, bonds, cash, etc. Traditional mean-variance portfolio selection is widely used for asset allocation. However, as time goes by, the financial condition changes rapidly. The method of mean-variance analysis has some limitations. It not only can’t deal with multiperiod asset allocation, but also cannot reflect future economic circumstances, especially for long-term investments.
This research tries to use the method of multi-stage dynamic programming for asset allocation. This method can improve the pits of single estimate in using mean-variance analysis, and take future scenarios into account so that the model will become more useful in practice. The two-period empirical results have shown that using continuous dynamic programming to build strategic asset allocation decision can improve the efficiency of asset allocation.
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連續時間模型下退休基金最適策略之研究陳絳珠 Unknown Date (has links)
最後以勞動基準法規範下的企業退休金計劃為實證對象,透過動態模擬估計模型中之參數,並且利用數值方法求出所需的函數值,將控制理論與情境模擬連結,藉以檢視現行固定給付退休基金之最適策略。由實證結果可知,透過本研究的方法的確可以有效管理基金同時符合財務清償能力的要求。利用動態規劃所得的最適策略與給定的風險評估函數相關,因此,基金決策者可以依據基金的特性給定適當的風險評估函數,依照不同的投資期限擬定合適的基金策略。 / This study explores two critical issues in pension fund management: funding policy and asset allocation. The traditional valuation of pension fund is restricted in one-period setting under discrete-time framework, and it is not efficient comparing to the continuous-time models. Therefore, in this study, control theory is employed to obtain the optimal strategy based on a specific plan dynamics. Employer's contributions and investment proportions are treated as the controllers in our model. Optimal solutions are obtained by minimizing the given risk performance in monitoring the multi-period fund management.
First, the stochastic differential equations are constructed to describe the dynamics of the funding levels and the accrued liabilities. Geometric Brownian motions are used to model the assets held by the fund manager. Secondly, a stochastic control model with given risk measurement is formulated in a continuous-time framework to investigate the optimal decisions. In our approach, the plan's normal costs and accrued liabilities are simulated through plausible scenarios while the optimal contribution and asset allocation are solved through Bellman equation.
At last, a specific pension scheme under the regulation of the Taiwan labor standards law is studied for numerical illustrations. A monitoring mechanism linking plausible scenarios and the closed-form solutions are employed to scrutinize the funding policy and asset allocation. The optimal strategies are estimated through dynamic programming under realistic workforce scenario. According to the result, it shows that the methodology in this study can assist the fund manager in obtaining the plan's financial soundness. Meanwhile, the optimal strategy can fully incorporate the given risk measurement. Hence, the policy maker can input certain managerial considerations into the performance measure to investigate the stability and solvency issues.
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新產品發展過程之資源配置與績效之關係--以我國製造業為例 / The relation between resources allocation of NPD process and performance--for Taiwan manufacturing firms鍾志明, Chung, Chih-ming Unknown Date (has links)
Takeuchi與Nonaka (1986)的研究指出,新產品對利潤的貢獻由七十年代的四分之一提升至八十年代的三分之一;Haas(1989)則指出,在美國的製造業中,有40%的營收來自新產品的銷售,32%的利潤亦來自於新產品的貢獻新產品對利潤的貢獻;而國內相關研究也有類似的結果。雖然新產品的開發上市對公司的貢獻如此大,但相對上,新產品的失敗率也相當高;Booz,Allen 與 Hamilton(1982)估計消費品失敗率約30%,工業品約為40%;Edgett等(1992)調查在英國的本土與日本廠商,發現英國廠商的新產品失敗率為45.7%,日本為40.2%,並認為產品的失敗率三十年來沒有明顯的改善,若從創意的產生到上市評估,則失敗率更高(須滕文德,民80)。新產品發展過程之管理為新產品成功的重要因素之一,但過去文獻多僅及於新產品發展過程之完整性,對於新產品發展過程之資源配置的研究較少,影響資源配置型態之因素為何?以及資源配置型態與新產品發展績效之關係為何?此關係又將受那些情境因素影響?即為本研究的主要動機。
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………...……1
第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………….……1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………….……5
第三節 研究前題與研究範圍………………………………….……7
第四節 研究限制……………………………………………….……9
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………...…..11
第一節 新產品之定義………………………………………….…..12
第二節 新產品發展過程……………………………………….…..17
第三節 新產品發展過程資源配置………………………………..30
第四節 新產品發展績效……………………………….…………..37
第五節 新產品策略……………………………….………………..42
第六節 影響新產品發展過程之資源配置因素……………….…..46
第三章 研究設計……………………………….……………….…..53
第一節 研究架構……………………………….…………………..53
第二節 變數定義、變數衡量與問卷設計…………………….…..55
第三節 研究假設……………………………….…………………..65
第四節 研究對象與資料分析方法………………………………..72
第四章 研究發現--影響新產品發展過程資源配置之因素………..76
第一節 回收問卷基本資料分析……………………………….…..76
第二節 問卷之信度與效度分析……………………………….…..79
第三節 新產品發展過程資源配置型態…………………………..81
第四節 影響新產品發展過程資源配置因素之分析………….…..85
第五節 新產品發展過程資源配置型態與影響因素之關係….…..91
第五章 研究發現--資源配置型態與發展績效之關係……………106
第一節 資源配置型態與發展績效之關係…………………….…107
第二節 影響資源配置與新產品發展績效關係之因素……….…109
第六章 結論與建議……………………………….……………..…119
第一節 研究發現……………………………….…………………119
第二節 理論與實務涵意……………………………….…………129
第三節 對後續研究之建議……………………………….………132
附錄一 問卷……………………………….……………………..…148
附錄二 個案……………………………….……………………..…153
附錄三 附表……………………………….……………………..…166 / The contribution of new product is more and more important for the growth of company today, but the rate of failure of new products is at least 30% (Booz, Allen and Hamilton, 1982; Edgett et al., 1992). There-fore, the management of new product development (NPD) process must be devoted more attention. There were many researches discussing NPD process, but it's hard to find out the researches regarding the resources allocation of NPD process. Resources allocation is a important part of implementation of new product strategy. This study identifies three type of resources allocation of NPD process: Market-resources-load, Tech-nology-resources-load, Manufacturing-resources-load. In addition, the factors influencing the choice of the type of resources allocation includes: the degree of innovation of new product, the growth and the size of market demand, new product strategy, features of new product, available R&D resources, relative competitive advantage. According to the evaluation of respondents, the performance of Market-resources-load resources allocation is better than others, but this relation is contingent under different situations such as the degree of innovation of new product, features of new product, relative competitive advantage, the cost of developing new product.
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開放新銀行設立對舊銀行經營效率的影響鍾怡如, Chung, Yi-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
考慮其他影響效率之因素後,開放新銀行設立對舊銀行之經營效率具有顯著之正向影響。此結果顯示新銀行設立對舊銀行之經營形成很大的競爭壓力,導致本國舊銀行不論在資源投入、規模調整或資源配置上,皆積極努力地改善。本實證結果與政府希望透過開放新銀行,對經營僵化之國內銀行業加以刺激,以提升舊銀行經營效率之目標相一致。 / This study empirically examines whether opening up the new banks to establish affects various efficiency ratios of Taiwan old banks or not. It uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to assess cost efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and allocative efficiency based on the Taiwan old banks data from 1986 to 1997. Then, applies the Tobit censored regression model to examine the relationship between opening up the new banks to set up and these efficiency measures.
The empirical result shows that the usage efficiency of resource inpute of whole old banks isn't up to the appropriate point, so there is plenty of space for improvement. Besides, cost inefficiency primarily results from technical inefficiency, not allocative inefficiency.
After considering other factors of the effects of efficiency, it's obviously positive relationship between opening up the new banks to set up and operating efficiency of old banks. The result shows that these new banks establish put competitive stress on the operation of old banks. So those old banks try hard to improve their resource input, scale adjustment, or resource allocation, etc. This result corresponds with the government's intention to raise the operating efficiency of original banks.
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台灣銀髮族資產持有行為之探討 / The assets-holding of Taiwanese elders張日青 Unknown Date (has links)
我們利用「台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查研究」這份資料,以似無關迴歸(Seemingly Unrelated Regression)模型,探討老人的資產持有行為,發現:一般老年人口並不偏好持有股票,持有行為相當少見,但高教育、高所得、都市化地區(尤其是直轄市)的老人,可能分別因為高教育程度、所得效果影響、都市地區資訊流通快速等因素,使得這類型老人明顯較願意持有股票。
最後,我們認為很重要的一點是,台灣老人資產的持有行為,並不是使用傳統的風險報酬概念就能解釋,我們必須考量其他可能因素,才能有效分析台灣老人所表現出來的資產持有行為。 / The general elders don’t prefer to hold stocks, but the elders of high-level education, the elders of high-level income and the elders in metropolis are more willing to hold stocks.
Besides, the real estate plays a special role. People regard that it is linked up with the family or kindred.
We also find out that the dissolution of relationship in elder’s marriage causes negative wealth effect on holding assets. The similar effect exists in much unhealthy elders.
The elders hold less real estate as they getting older, but hold more stocks. It might due to that elders dissave their real estate.
Finally, besides perspective of risk-reward, it might appropriate that think the behavior of holding assets in other view-points.
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動態規劃數值解 :退休後資產配置 / Dynamic programming numerical solution: post retirement asset allocation蔡明諺, Tsai, Ming Yen Unknown Date (has links)
動態規劃的問題並不一定都存在封閉解(closed form solution),即使存在,其過程往往也相當繁雜。本研究擬以 Gerrard & Haberman (2004) 的模型為基礎,並使用逼近動態規劃理論解的數值方法來求解,此方法參考自黃迪揚(2009),其研究探討在有無封閉解的動態規劃下,使用此數值方法求解可以得到
逼近解。本篇嘗試延伸其方法,針對不同類型的限制,做更多不同的變化。Gerrard & Haberman (2004)推導出退休後投資於風險性資產與無風險性資產之最適投資策略封閉解, 本研究欲將模型投資之兩資產衍生至三資產,分別投資在高風險資產、中風險資產與無風險資產,實際市場狀況下禁止買空賣空的情況與風險趨避程度限制資產投資比例所造成的影響。並探討兩資產與三資產下的投資結果,並加入不同的目標函數:使用控制變異數的限制式來降低破產機率、控制帳戶差異部位讓投資更具效率性。雖然加入這些限制式會導致目標函
數過於複雜,但是用此數值方法還是可以得出逼近解。 / Dynamic Programming’s solution is not always a closed form. If it do exist, the solution of progress may be too complicated. Our research is based on the investing model in Gerrard & Haberman (2004), using the numerical solution by Huang (2009) to solve the dynamic programming problem. In his research, he found out that whether dynamic programming problem has the closed form, using the numerical solution to solve the problems, which could get similar result. So in our research, we try to use this solution to solve more complicate problems.
Gerrard & Haberman (2004) derived the closed form solution of optimal investing strategy in post retirement investment plan, investing in risky asset and riskless asset. In this research we try to invest in three assets, investing in high risk asset, middle risk asset and riskless asset. Forbidden short buying and short selling, how risk attitude affect investment behavior in risky asset and riskless asset. We also observe the numerical result of 2 asset and 3 asset, using different objective functions : using variance control to avoid ruin risk, consideration the distance between objective account and actual account to improve investment effective. Although using these restricts may increase the complication of objective functions, but we can use this numerical solution to get the approximating solution.
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