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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王俊凱, Wang,Chun-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
1999年台灣發生九二一地震之後,中央政府為因應災後重建需要,制定「九二一震災暫行條例」,並依法設置「行政院九二一震災災後重建推動委員會」負責重建事項之協調、審核、決策、推動及監督。其次再將中央政府所收震災捐款設立「財團法人九二一震災重建基金會」,聘任政府相關單位代表與民間社會人士組成董監事會共同管理基金。 財團法人九二一震災重建基金會為一公設的財團法人(GONGO),成立之初主要功能仍是在配合政府施政,並未因面對地震應變而有所調整。然而2000年台灣進行50年來首次的政黨輪替,卻也意外地改變了基金會的組織型態,以「議題導向、主動規劃」成為基金會新的思考方向,並在此基礎之上展開策略規劃。 本文主要以「策略矩陣分析法」對於基金會所推動的住宅重建策略進行分析,並以政府所推動相對之住宅政策作為比較基準(benchmark),透過實務上的驗證分析,說明在一個創新的組織型態下,確實能更為有效地處理「公共」議題,同時為「公設財團法人」或是「行政法人」的角色找出新的價值與定位。 / Following Taiwan’s September 21 (921) Earthquake in 1999, the central government answered post-disaster reconstruction needs by drawing up the Temporary Statute for 921 Earthquake Reconstruction. On this basis it established the Executive Yuan 921 Earthquake Post-Disaster Recover Commission to address problems of co-ordination, policy approval and development, process advancement and overall supervision. In addition, it formed the 921 Earthquake Relief Foundation using donations received by the central government, while placing government representatives from applicable agencies as well as members of the public on a board of directors to manage the foundation’s funds. The 921 Earthquake Relief Foundation was a “government-organized non-governmental organization” (GONGO). Its main function at the time of its formation was to coordinate with the government in the implementation of policy, but it was not able to adjust its role in the face of new contingencies. In 2000, however, Taiwan’s first transfer of political power in fifty years unexpectedly reshaped the foundation. Its line of thinking became “issue-oriented and planning-proactive,” and on this basis it began to be involved in strategic development. This article uses strategic matrix analysis to investigate the residential reconstruction policy advanced by the foundation. With the corresponding residential policy advanced by the government as a benchmark, and using practical verification and analysis, it argues that an organization that has undergone change is indeed able to efficiently deal with “public” themes while at the same time seeking out new value and orientation in the role of a GONGO or the “administrative corporation.”

由地面光達資料自動重建建物模型之研究 / Automatic Generation of Building Model from Ground-Based LIDAR Data

詹凱軒, Kai-Hsuan,Chan Unknown Date (has links)
地面光達系統可以快速獲取大量且高精度之點雲資料,這些點雲資料不但記錄了被掃描物體之三維資訊,還包含其色彩訊息。但因光達點雲資料量過於龐大,若要直接於電腦上展示其三維模型,必須配合有效的資料處理技術,才能迅速且即時地將資料顯示於螢幕上。 我們針對地面光達系統獲取之建物點雲,提出一套處理方法,期盼透過少數關鍵點雲,就足以表示整個建物的模型。研究流程主要分為三階段,首先採用三維網格資料結構,從地面光達系統獲取之建物點雲中,萃取出關鍵點雲,並利用三維不規則三角網建模方式,進行模型建構工作,產生建物大略模型。其次再逐點判斷是否將剩餘之點加入此模型中,持續更新模型細微之部分。最後將點雲中的色彩資訊轉成影像,敷貼在模型表面上,讓整個模型更為逼真。 我們以政大綜合大樓進行實驗,成功地減少大量冗餘的點雲資料,只需要約原始點雲的1%,就足以將綜合大樓模型建構完成。為了達到可以從不同視角即時瀏覽建物模型,我們採用虛擬實境語言(VRML)來描述處理後的三維模型,遠端使用者只需透過一般網頁瀏覽器,即可即時顯示處理過的三維建物模型。 / Ground-based LIDAR system can be used to detect the surface of the buildings on the earth. In general, it produces large amount of high-precision point cloud data. These data include not only the three-dimensional space information, but also the color information. However, the number of point cloud data is huge and is difficult to be displayed efficiently. It’s necessary to use efficient data processing techniques in order to display these point cloud data in real-time. In this research, we construct the three-dimensional building model using the key points selected from a given set of point cloud data. The major works of our scheme consists of three parts. In the first part, we extract the key points from the given point cloud data through the help of a three-dimensional grid. These key points are used to construct a primitive model of the building. Then, we checked all the remaining points and decided whether these points are essential to the final building model. Finally, we transformed the color information into images and then used the transformed images to represent generic surface material of the three-dimensional model of the building. The goal of the final step is to make the model more realistic. In the experiments, we used the twin-tower of our university as our target. We successfully reduced the required data in displaying the building model and only about one percent of the original point cloud data are used in the final model. Hence, one can see the twin-tower from various view points in real-time. In addition, we use VRML to describe our model and the users can browse the results in real-time on internet.


簡健育 Unknown Date (has links)
理性概念所具備的統一性特徵在傳統的形上學背景之下表現為一種普遍的統一學說,然而這樣的論點在當代受到很大的挑戰,當代思想中很多都表現為一種多元主義的立場,對於理性統一性的論點多有批判。於是乎一場一與多之間的哲學辯論就此展開。哈伯馬斯對於理性統一性有其獨特的見解,重新考慮在多元之中理性統一性的可能性。基本上哈伯馬斯採取跳脫形上學立場,不在一與多兩者間的對立為任何一方進行辯護,而是提出一種新的見解,由後形上學的立場來談在多元中理性統一性的可能性。 哈伯馬斯認為現今存在著兩類針鋒相對的觀點,一種是有鑑於當代形上學統一性的喪失而努力回歸前康德時代的形上學,另一種則是以被壓制的多元性向統一性思想提出抗議。為了要釐清其中有關一與多之間的對立與關聯,哈伯馬斯對於傳統以來一與多之間的論點提出了個人的見解,同時也對當代反對統一性的相關論點做討論,進而提出自己的看法以求一條新的解決之道,試著調和一與多之間的對立性。本論文將透過對後形上學思想趨勢的討論,說明哈伯馬斯重建理性概念的進路及其對不同立場的學者所抱持的態度。


游淑綺 Unknown Date (has links)

重建真實後再一次心跳?: S. J. 華森《別相信任何人》中記憶與女性自我 / Rebuilding Reality to Relive and Relove?: Memory and Female Identity in S. J. Watson’s Before I Go to Sleep

楊子儀, Yang, Linda Tzu-Yi Meimei Unknown Date (has links)
心理驚悚小說體現了當代犯罪文學作品的多樣性。隨著時代的變遷,最受大眾喜愛的文學體裁也備受考驗。近來有一股潮流試圖重新定位犯罪小說,而S. J. 華森的小說《別相信任何人》正是最佳典範。此書之所以引起各界的熱烈討論與受到全世界廣泛讀者的喜愛即在於它將看似毫無交集的元素完美融合─懼怕、懸疑、愛情、兩性關係、記憶與真實、女性意識、身分認同及重建。傳統犯罪文學的敍事結構中總著墨於主角對清楚絕對答案的追尋;然而,在這個帶有家庭黑色小說(domestic noir)色彩的文本中,最終的真理卻是遙不可及。 書中的女主角克莉絲汀是名失憶患者,為了重新找回自己,她只能盡力從破碎的記憶中找尋蛛絲馬跡,拼湊被遺忘許久的自我。重新建構自我顯然並非易事,而個人記憶的真實性也有待商榷。事件發生與否和當事者是否能記得之間的落差所造成的空缺又該如何填滿?事實上,克莉絲汀渴望的絕非只是單單地活得如普通人般緬懷過去並展望未來,而是能重建一個充滿女性意識及自主的自我, 因此克莉絲汀也必須細心體會、感受並專注於眼前的生活及人事物。《別相信任何人》為犯罪文學帶來嶄新風貌,不僅成功突破以往的角色設定發展框架,劇情安排描述也導向了有關記憶真實性與身分重建的可能性探討,而對愛情的悸動、兩性婚姻關係的維繫、作為女人與母親身分的意識更是與克莉絲汀重建女性自我密切相關。 / The psychological thriller demonstrates how diversified contemporary crime writing can be like a chameleon. In the emergence of reconstituting the much-loved literary form, S. J. Watson’s Before I Go to Sleep infatuates the reader with its high concern for elements that unusually match: fear, identity, love, reality, relationship, memory, and female consciousness. The clear-cut answer featured by traditional crime fiction cannot be offered in this novel that blending literary thriller and domestic noir together when the female protagonist only possesses fragmentary memory. To regain her sense of self, Christine the main character has to recall her reminiscence, which sometimes can be imaginary. In fact, what she longs for is not simply rebuilding her identity as a normal person, but the identity that has a lot to do with female consciousness and autonomy, which requires her to live her present life as well. Rather than another psychological thriller that tells an old story depicting the quest for the truth, Before I Go to Sleep shifts the focus from the deeply-rooted tradition in crime fiction, exploring the question of (un)reliability and (un)reconstructability of memory as well as what love means in a relationship. Only when Christine can relive as a woman, a wife, and a mother to re-experience love can she reframe her female identity.

民生史觀與唯物史觀的對比研究 / The Contrast study of Dr. Yat-Sen Sun's Historical-Social Theories and Karl Marx's Materialist Interpretation of History

王佳煌 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文對民生史觀與唯物史觀作對比研究,以期全盤重建這兩種史觀。透過對比研究法的運用、周邊還原(政治還原與系絡還原)的程序、詮釋學方法,本論文構築一個共同的時空對比架構(歷史進化論、社會發展論、人本主義)、彰顯民生史觀與唯物史觀的結構對比及兩種史觀之間的動態對比,提出新的理解與批評,並進而以這兩種史觀為領會對比韻律的理論工具,為對比哲學奉獻心力。 第二章探討民生史觀與唯物史觀的歷史進化論。孫中山為宇宙進化畫分明確的階段,有強烈的目的論傾向,馬克思則反對用目的論解釋宇宙進化。他們都認為生物進化與社會進化有明顯的區別。孫中山的歷史分期論,包括自然進化與歷史進化之分、三民進化論與民權進化論、知行進化論。馬克思第一階段的歷史分期論基於歐洲中心主義,將歐洲的歷史分期分成原始、古代、封建、近代資產生產方式等階段,後來注意到非歐世界的歷史進化及資本主義之前的經濟形構。孫中山與馬克思的歷史路線論分別是中心線東西對照論與中心線擴散論。前者出於中國中心主義,後者則基於歐洲中心主義。 第三章討論民生史觀的社會發展論。首先歸納出國內論者詮釋民生史觀的五條公式。繼而重建民生史觀的理論體系,以人民的生活為總綱,以社會的生存與國民的生計為途徑,以群眾的生命為最終目的。 第四章討論唯物史觀的社會發展論。首先羅列以往中西論者所詮釋的唯物史觀,如經濟決定論、技術決定論、多重決定論、功能解釋、有機論、公式套用論,並指出其優缺點。繼而建構馬克思唯物史觀的四種概念圖式:中心輻輳模式、中心三角模式、基礎-上層建築模式、中心直線模式。最後建構一個共同的對比模式。 第五章討論民生史觀與唯物史觀的人本主義。首先探討孫中山與馬克思的人性概念(人的定義與人的需要),對比其看法的異同。孫中山對人與自然、社會、歷史的看法的特徵是以主領客,馬克思則強調人與自然、社會、歷史的關係是辯證式的,顯露主客合一的思維。 第六章結論。第一節綜述各章研究成果。第二節略論本論文的缺點與局限,並以本文的對比架構(歷史進化論、社會發展論、人本主義)為準,展望未來的研究方向(時間分殊化、空間區隔化、生活相對化)。 / Using the methodology of Dr. Vincent Shen's philosophy of contrast, this dissertation studies Dr. Yat-Sen Sun's and karl Marx's theories fo historical evolution, social development, as well as humanism. An abstract framework is constructed and the method of hermeneutics is used to demonstrate the dynamic contrasts between Dr. Yat-Sen Sun's and Marx's views pertaining to the evolution and development of humans' history, society as well as their assumptions of philosophical anthropology, together with the structural contrast of their theories. In terms of historical evolution, the author finds out that, while Dr. Sun's view of history reveals the tendency of teleology, makes a sharp division between natural and humans' evolution, and conceptualizes humans' history from Chinese standpoint, Marx's early conception of history divides European history into a number of stages and part of this later attention is paid to non-European societies. With regard to social development, the author generalizes scholars' explanations about Dr. Sun's social theory and reconstruct his theory of social development. The author also epitomizes scholars' interpretation of Marx's materialist conception of history and reconstructs four conceptual schemas of his theory of social development. As for Dr. Sun's and Marx's humanism, the author concludes that, while Dr. Sun's humanism emphasizes the leading role of the subject, i.e., the human beings, over the objective structures, that is, the nature, the society, and the history, Marx's humanism underscores the dialectic relationships between the subject and the object structures. Finally, not only the above-mentioned argument is summarized, but the future of developing a more complete framework for the construction of the philosophy of contrast if discussed.


陳進益, Chen, Vidocq Jin-yi Unknown Date (has links)
聯合國維持和平行動自1948年至今(2004),已經成立了五十九次行動。本文為這五十九次行動的內容作一分類,提出「維持和平」(Peace-keeping)、「製造和平」(Peace-making)、「重建和平」(Ppeace-building)三大類型。每一次的聯合國維和行動其任務內容有涵蓋一類者,也有同時或前後涵蓋兩類者,也有同時或前後涵蓋三類者,再進一步根據維和行動的成立背景、聯合國安理會的授權、與維和行動執行的實際內容,來歸納整理這三類型的維和行動。 本文除了序論與結論外,內容簡介如下: 第二章簡述聯合國維持和平行動的發展,從其起源到冷戰期間和後冷戰期間的轉變。 第三章回顧有關維和行動的相關類型定義。有關維和行動的類型定義多見於和平研究中,並且在後冷戰時期始多這方面的研究。本章並整理歸納各家的分類及其定義,以為「維持和平」、「製造和平」和「重建和平」下一個通盤的定義。 第四章至第六章則分別探討「維持和平」、「製造和平」和「重建和平」三種維和行動類型的內涵。每一類型再劃分其執行的次要類項,在每一個次要類項中逐一探討每一次聯合國維和行動的成立背景和經過、安理會的授權內容和實際上的運作情形。「維持和平」的次要類項包括監視停火/停戰/撤軍/脫離戰鬥協議、駐守緩衝區/安全區/非軍事區、監視警察的值勤、預防部署部隊;「製造和平」的次要類項包括提供安全維護/使用武力、監視自由公平的民主選舉、監視/協助國家行政單位的正常化、協助恢復法律與秩序、監視人權/建立保護人權能力、提供人道援助/清除地雷、解除武裝/復員/遣返/重新安置和重返社會;「重建和平」的次要類項包括透過選舉成立民主新政府、臨時統治/行政機構、民事行政管理、協助建立現代化軍隊、協助建立民警部隊/司法體系、建立人權保障制度、基礎設施/經濟重建、資訊/宣傳 第七章則進一步探討影響維和行動內容演變的因素,分聯合國內、外因素來一一加以說明。最後並比較「維持和平」、「製造和平」和「重建和平」三種維和行動類型的演變過程。

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