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金融集團監理之研究-以集團內交易為中心邱琇偵 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣金融機構集團化後之營運綜效-以H金融集團為例 / The Study of Synergy of Taiwan Financial Institutions after Conglomerate - An Example of H Financial Group.劉易昌 Unknown Date (has links)
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金融集團監理之研究–以資本監理為中心 / A Study on Supervision of Financial Conglomerates – Focusing on Capital Adequacy and Regulation張少威, Chang, Shao Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來金融市場產生金融機構業務多元化的特質,傳統銀行、證券、保險之金融商品區隔日益模糊。為此,各國均興起金融改革之風潮,而在跨業經營的環境中,許多金融業者在大型化與集團化下,如歐洲採取以綜合銀行(Universal Banking)、美國採取金融控股公司(Financial Holding Company)等方式朝跨業經營之方式以增強其競爭力,然此種集團化之經營亦容易伴隨相當之風險。因此,如何穩定而健全之金融機構係經濟成長之基礎,而如何對於從是銀行、證券及保險等各種金融業務之金融集團進行有效的監理與管制,亦是現代金融體系維持穩定及提升金融產業競爭力之關鍵之一。此外,2008年9月中旬爆發的美國華爾街金融風暴,並演變成全球金融危機,而金融監管之疏忽與不足是這波全球金融危機的主要原因之一,有鑑於此,各國亦紛紛推動金融改革,改革的範圍包括金融機構權責劃分、金融市場規範、擴大金融監理範圍、消費者與投資人之保護、國際間之合作,以及發生金融危機之及時處理。而我國主管機關也持續在尋找最適當之監理方式,期能在增加本國金融產業競爭力的同時,亦能有效維持金融穩定。
在金融機構業務營運多樣化之監理方式上,金融監理機制勢必得做一番調整,主要的問題包括:集團之資本適足性、集團內部交易、風險集中、監理機構間之資訊交流等,這也是金融機構在建構適當的金融集團政策時應加以考量的問題。而依照巴賽爾銀行監理委員會(The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)2003年所訂定之「新版巴賽爾資本協定(New Basel Capital Accord)」強調應重視資本適足性、主管機關之審查程序(Supervisory Review Process)及市場紀律(Market Discipline)等三大支柱,以期建構金融機構之穩定監理,即可看出金融監理模式的改變,企圖透過內國與國際間之相互合作之方式進行監理。除巴賽爾銀行監理委員會之外,國際證券監理關組織(International Organization of Securities Commissions,IOSCO)和國際保險監理官協會(International Association of Insurance Supervisors,IAIS)於1995年所組成的「聯合論壇」(Joint Form),也已經體認到監理金融集團所可能面臨的相關問題,並提供一些相對應之原則與方法提供監理機關進行參考。
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我國金融控股公司資本適足率探討吳啟林 Unknown Date (has links)
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論保險業與其他金融行業組織上結合之監理 / A study on the conglomerating among the insurance companies and other financial businesses張冠群, Chang, Kuan-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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金融集團資本適足性及監理制度之研究 / Study on Capital Adequacy and Regulation of Financial Conglomerates邱虹元, Chiu, Hung-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國主管機關對於金融控股公司要求以合併基礎計算資本適足比率,並訂定了「金融控股公司合併資本適足性管理辦法」,以期能發揮適度的監理功能。然該辦法中僅以簡單的加減乘除運算求得之資本適足率,是否為反映集團資本需求的良好指標實不無疑問。因此,本文除了研究國際監理官組織所發布的相關報告外,並藉由介紹和討論歐盟指令對金融集團的補充監理原則和措施,如:資本適足性、集團內部交易、風險集中等問題,以及美國對於金融控股公司之相關監理規範,加以比較研究後,來探討我國現行規範是否妥當,並提出相關監理制度改善之建議,以期能作為我國建構健全金融市場之參考。 / Under current competitive circumstances, the development of Taiwan’s financial market will be bound to move forward in the direction of cross-sector business. In Taiwan, Legislative Yuan also has passed the “Financial Holding Company Act” in June 2001. With the passage of the act, it not only gives Taiwan’s financial institutions authority to operate cross-sector activities, but also creates a trigger for financial institutions to become financial conglomerates in order to meet the objectives of financial modernization and globalization. Although financial institutions may diversify their business, additional risks may arise. Financial regulatory mechanisms have to adjust their function to ensure the safety and soundness of financial system.
Our competent authorities demand financial holding companies calculating their capital adequacy ratio on a consolidated basis, and enact “Regulations Governing the Consolidated Capital Adequacy of A Financial Holding Company.” However, in this regulation, the ratio was calculated in simple aggregated method, and it is doubtful that such ratio is a good index to reflect consolidated capital requirement. Therefore, this thesis not only studies on related publications issued by international supervision organizations, but also introduces EU Financial Conglomerate Directive with regard to some supervisory issues (e.g. capital adequacy, intra-group transactions and risk concentrations etc.) and U.S. framework for financial holding company supervision. After investigating and comparing different models, this study tries to find whether current regulation is appropriate or not, and make some suggestions concerning the supervisory system in order to construct a sound financial market as a reference in our country.
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銀行併購後經營績效之個案研究-以英國蘇格蘭皇家銀行與國民西敏寺銀行併購案為例呂子立 Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟全球化、自由化與網路事業發達的趨勢影響之下,近年來金融國際化亦加速發展,各先進國家之銀行產業無不積極擴展海外事業版圖,同時世界各國亦逐步開放其國內金融市場,吸引外國金融機構直接投資,以增加其金融產業競爭力。在因應二十一世紀全球化競爭快速發展之際,歐洲銀行業紛紛藉由國內併購及跨國併購方式以增強其競爭能力。為因應全球金融風暴衝擊或區域性金融風險波及,世界各國金融業者也藉由私募方式趁機在亞洲、拉丁美洲與俄羅斯收購投資標的,藉以低價取得價值被低估資產,擴大其區域營運規模,進而強化客戶網絡關係。 / 本論文研究主題為歐洲銀行業併購後經營績效之探討,採用財務比率、併購動機及經營績效分析其成功的因素。本論文個案研究為英國蘇格蘭皇家銀行(Royal Bank of Scotland)併購國民西敏寺銀行(National Westminster Bank)之案例,此案例為『以小併大』的案例(併購時國民西敏寺銀行約為蘇格蘭皇家銀行的三倍規模大),且創下當時英國銀行史上金額最大的併購案。
本論文案例以併購活動對股價之影響、併購前後三年之財務績效及併購後的營運績效,予以比較分析。本案例研究結果,就國民西敏寺銀行股東而言,雖然蘇格蘭皇家銀行付出併購溢價(PremIum)但因併購綜效的發揮,得以有效增加其股東之財富;蘇格蘭皇也由名不見經傳的小銀行,擠身為英國第二大銀行,並為其後各項鉅額之併購案,建立堅實的基礎與經驗。 / This research investigates the motivations and consequences of a banking merger case - the 1999 merger between Royal Bank of Scotland and National Westminster Bank in the UK, an apparently successful case. Accounting financial ratios and post-merger stock price trends are used to evaluate post-merger performance and we also investigate the sources of synergies by comparing the ratios of pre-merger and post-merger time windows of 3 years. We conclude that the case is successful both in terms of providing a significant bid premium to National Westminster Bank’s shareholders and in terms of the excess returns and improved financial performance of Royal Bank of Scotland /National Westminster Bank over the post-merger period. In addition, the success of this M&A deal can be attributed to Royal Bank of Scotland’ insightful business strategies including focus merger, the strategic goals in line with the takeover motives, accurate estimates of the gains and costs of acquacquisition and, fully exploiting the synergies from the merger, and brand awareness strategy.
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影響集團企業子公司間多點合作因素之研究─台灣金融保險業實證鄭家宜, Cheng, Chia-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文提供若干理論與實務意涵、研究限制和後續研究建議。 / This thesis combines network theory with resource-based view to explore the factors that drive multi-point cooperation between two specific firms in different business groups. Accordingly, this study intends to make a contribution to the implication on network theory and multi-point cooperation. After literature reviewing and case study, the thesis develops a multilevel model, including the firm, dyad and group levels, and relating key properties of resources, partnership and networks to multi-point cooperation. Utilizing survey research, and using 125 data from 36 firms on financial groups in Taiwan, the finding indicates that the likelihood of financial and insurance companies’ multi-point cooperation is related to the business resources, system resources of the business group and its complementarity, status similarity, trust as well as their collaborative items. Network centrality arising form firms’ structural position also plays a very important role in the formation of multi-point cooperation. In addition to theoretical and managerial implications, limitations and future research questions based on the findings and suggestions for future research are also provided.
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金融集團業務經營之法律問題-以關係人交易規範為中心 / A study of regulation of financial business -based on related party transaction朱美蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
最後本文以上述之分析結果,提出對現行金融機構關係人相關法規之建議,以提供未來修法之參考。 / Due to deregulation and globalization in banking system, financial institutions are increasingly burring traditional differences between banking, insurance, and other institutions. As results, intra-group transactions cause more concern about the conflicts of interests.
From a legal point of view, different legal relationships will confer different rights and impose different duties on financial parties. Therefore, it is sensible to analyze the legal nature of the relationships of different participants and their roles in financial institutions’ related party transactions.
This study presents an analysis of regulations of related party transactions within Financial Conglomerates, and proposes reforms to deal with conflicts of interest:
Firstly, discusses the regulations about the business scope of financial holding company, bank, securities and insurance company. Then further analyzes the regulations of related party transactions within each above financial parties.
Secondly, depicts the American regulatory scheme and the frames guidelines and principles of international financial supervisory institutions. The former focuses on the background of banking regulations and the latest issue about The Dodd-Frank Act. The later includes the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) and the Joint Forum on Financial Conglomerates. A comparative analysis of regulations of the above and Taiwan was made.
Thirdly, further analyzes the controversial issues of intra-group transactions based on several judicial cases, and then discusses the operational deficiencies of financial institutions and flaws of law and regulations.
Finally, summarizes the said issues and propositions about related party transactions of financial institutions.
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