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後冷戰時期中共對朝鮮半島政策:經濟與安全層面分析 / Mainland China's policy towards the Korean peninsula in the post cold war era: analysis of strategic and economic factor金承漢, Kim, Seung-Han Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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臨床實驗藥量特性之研究 / Characterizing dose response curve in clincal trials方廷企 Unknown Date (has links)
在多數的情況下,我們對於藥物動力學之參數與藥物劑量間的線性關係,有著特別的興趣。基於這個目的,一些典型的方法即是由一般線性模式發展而成的。然而,這些典型的統計方法常遇到下列的難題而違反其假設:(一)不同藥物劑量間的異質變異性。(二)不滿足常態性的假設。針對這些問題,我們藉由比較不同劑量間的斜率關係的無母數檢定程序來評估其線性關係並刻劃出藥物的反應曲線,文中並藉此方法舉出交叉實驗之實例。 / The problem of characterizing dose response curve for a pharmacokinetic parameter over a specific dose range is considered. In many cases, it is of interest to determine dose linearity (or dose proportionality) between the pharmacokinetic parameters and dose levels. For this purpose, several classical methods based on a general linear model procedure are available. However, two difficulties commonly encountered, namely (i) heterogeneity of the varibility at different dose levels and (ii) violation of the normality assumptions, often make the classical methods not applicable. To account for these problems, we propose a general nonparametric test procedure by comparing the slopes at different dose level to asses dose linearity and to characterize dose response curve. An example concerning the study of dose response of a compound based on a four-way crossover experiment is presented.
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中共和諧世界戰略與美中台關係之研究 / The Impact of the PRC’s “Harmonious World” Strategy and US-China-Taiwan Relations陳朝鑫, Chen, Chao Shin Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,和諧世界戰略充滿理想主義色彩,但本質仍是追求權力平衡的觀點,企圖改變現階段美中權力結構的不和諧與不對等;和諧世界戰略提出後,受到主要國家的歡迎,相對的拉近美中之間權力結構的差距;但美國對中共威脅認知、雙方對權力的觀點、其他主要國家(戰略樞紐者如:俄、日、印、歐盟等)的抉擇及台灣問題的潛在衝突等,仍將影響美中台關係的未來發展。 / The rise of emerging powers is bound to affect the power structure of the international. Since the conclusion of the Cold War, a uni-multipolar system with the US as the only superpower has been dominating the arena of international politics. However, the US power diffuses and descends as a result of globalization. On the other hand, China’s rise to regional hegemony and the subsequent adjustment of its international strategy is posing a challenge to the US-dominated international political system. The interaction between Washington and Beijing has become a critical factor in the development of global politics.
The PRC’s international strategy aims to secure and consolidate its national interests in the global society. Since the establishment of the Communist regime, the paramount leaders have examined the dynamics of international power structure and formulated its international strategy accordingly in order to pursue the maximum national interests in the operations of balance of power. Since the sixteenth Communist Party Congress, Hu Jintao and Wen Jia Bau has enshrined “harmonious world” as the guidelines for the country’s foreign policy. The latest international strategy sets a new direction for the development of the US-China relations. Since then whether or not the nominally idealistic “harmonious world” strategy helps reduce America’s suspicion of the potential rival has taken the limelight of international politics.
This paper adopts document analysis and employs diversified research approach to explore, in terms of balance of power, the development process of the PRC’s international strategy, the contents of the “harmonious world” strategy, and the influence of the strategy upon the relations between the US- China and Taiwan.
The findings of this study include the following points: The PRC’s “harmonious world” strategy is only idealistic in name but in essence, it still holds the Chinese traditional wisdom of balance of power; the strategy aims to rectify the existing discord and asymmetry in the power structure of US-China relations; and, although the strategy reduces the gap in the US-China power structure to a certain extent, America’s perception of China threat, mutual recognition of the contrast of national power, the decisions of other strategic pivots (such as the strategic hub are: i.e. Russia, Japan, India, and the European Union), and the dispute on Taiwan will continue to dictate the development of the bilateral relations between the US - PRC and the Taiwan.
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連結強度與關係對Facebook台灣使用者的資訊交換行為之影響 / Tie strength and guanxi on Taiwan Facebook users’ information exchange behavior張翠芬, Chong, Chui Fen Unknown Date (has links)
Granovetter proposed that weak ties connect different sections of social networks, thus function as the channel for individuals to gain access to useful information unavailable at existing social circles. The first motivation of this study is to explore to what extent strength of ties theory explains information exchange behaviour of Taiwanese Facebook users. According to past research, Chinese rely on those with close guanxi, such as family members and close friends to satisfy individual’s needs. This leads us to ask if guanxi would also play an important role in satisfying individual’s needs for information. Thus the second motive of this study is to explore the significance of guanxi for Chinese Facebook users in selecting the counterpart for information exchange. It is hoped that the results of this investigation will contribute to social networks, guanxi, information behaviour research and social network sites users’ study, especially in Taiwan. Based the data collected via online survey, this study found that respondents tend to rely on strong ties as their primary sources of information. If their strong ties were not able to provide the information, respondents would rely on the connections of these strong ties, rather than the weak ties in their network, to find the information they needed. Thus strong ties are the key to information exchange in a social network.
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性別特質與愛情關係滿意度:關係他人-自我取向的中介效果 / Gender traits and relationship satisfaction: The mediation of other-self orientation林津儷, Lin, Chin Li Unknown Date (has links)
過往研究發現性別特質在愛情關係中扮演重要角色。人們在選擇理想的愛情對象上經常反映出性別特質的互補性,例如男性化特質高的男性和女性化特質高的女性是多數人同意的理想伴侶。然而實際的關係中,女性化特質比男性化特質更能有效的預測婚姻滿意度和婚姻關係適應。這是因為女性化特質有助於人際關係的建立與維繫,女性化特質高的人展現較多自我揭露和情緒依賴,或以人際關係中的互動對象來認同自己,在關係互動中更經常表現出回應且滿足他人需求、考量他人感受等行為,係具有較高程度的關係他人-自我取向。而關係他人-自我取向是親子、密友、愛情等親密關係常見的人際行為表現,它可以增進關係親密感、滿足對方期望,以及引起對方相對回應,在過去研究中被認為是提升關係品質的重要因素。因此本研究假設,女性化特質會透過關係他人-自我取向之中介來預測愛情關係的滿意度,並進一步探討關係他人-自我取向如何影響個人在決策事件中考量伴侶的程度。本研究中以兩個樣本(共149對未婚情侶)檢驗成對情侶的徑路模型,在模型一中驗證了過去研究發現女性化特質對於關係滿意度的正向預測力,模型二則發現個人的關係他人-自我取向是女性化特質和關係滿意度之間的部分中介變項。此外,個人的關係他人-自我取向可以反映出預期的決策事件(樣本一74對情侶)和真實的決策事件(樣本二75對情侶)中考慮他人意見的程度,這樣的預測效果在只關乎情侶兩人的決策事件中最為明顯,涉及任一方普通朋友、異性友人、家人等的決策事件無此發現。而後續分析發現,在真實的決策事件中,男性的決策他人取向可以預期自己的關係滿意度,女性則未發現此現象。本研究於綜合討論中解釋這些結果,並探討影響關係品質的可能歷程。 / Past studies have shown that gender traits play an important role in romantic relationships. Complementary gender traits are desired in heterosexual mate selection since people describe masculine men and feminine women as their ideal partners. In real relationships, however, femininity works as a better predictor of both marriage satisfaction and dyadic adjustment than masculinity. Femininity, derived from the caretaker roles in society, is related to emotional expressivity and relationship development. Feminine individuals show more self-disclosure and emotional dependency, identify themselves with current interpersonal relationships, and consider others when making decisions. They are also responsive to others’ needs, displaying a high level of other-self orientation. The higher one is in the other-self orientation, the more one is concerned for others’ welfare. While high other-self orientation is not limited to feminine individuals. People, regardless of their gender traits, tend to show a high level of other-self orientation in intimate relationships, such as parents and children, close friends, and couples. Research showed that high other-self-orientation individuals enjoy better relationship quality for that they meet partners’ needs and this brings the mutual responsiveness. As a result, we postulate that other-self orientation is a mediator between femininity and relationship satisfaction, and that other-self orientation predicts the degree one considers the partner when making decisions on romantic relationships. Two path models with two samples (149 unmarried couples totally) were examined in our study. Results indicated that femininity has a positive effect on one’s own as well as his or her partner’s relationship satisfaction (path model 1) and that the effect of femininity on one’s relationship satisfaction is partly mediated by his or her own other-self orientation (path model 2). In addition, other-self orientation is positively correlated with the degree he or she considers the partner’s needs when making decisions in hypothetical events (sample 1 with 74 couples) and real-life events (sample 2 with 75 couples). Those positive correlations are found in events involving the couple without the third party such as friends, potential relationship rivals, and the family. Follow-up analysis revealed that the more a man considers his partner’s needs in real-life decision making, the more he is satisfied with the relationship. Details were discussed in the conclusion.
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模糊統計在社會調查之應用 / The Application of Fuzzy Statistics in Social Survey鄭勝元 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文即是利用模糊之概念來改良傳統之問卷,允許受訪者在數個選項中填寫百分比,解決上述傳統問卷之缺失,並以家庭關係問卷為例,來比較傳統及模糊問卷結果的差異性。更進一步建構一家庭關係模糊指標及定義一家庭關係警訊燈號,用來衡量一般人家庭關係之優劣。分析結果我們可以得到以下三點結論:1.傳統問卷之結果,往往容易集中在某個選項上;而模糊呈現的較為均衡。2.由於模糊問卷答題方式較為多樣化,故家庭關係模糊指標分布較為廣泛且均勻。3.整體而言,較多數人之家庭關係警訊燈號為綠燈,顯示家庭關係不錯。 / In survey question design, people used the method of traditional selection to let respondent to answer. This method let respondent to select an appropriate answer in several options. However, his selections would not be absolute, and the options that he did not select would happen. Such data may skew the reality.
In this paper, we make use of fuzzy concept which allow respondent to write down percentage in several options to improve traditional survey question and to resolve the shortcoming of traditional survey. Also, we take family relation survey question for instance to compare the difference of traditional and fuzzy survey question result. Furthermore, we build a family relation fuzzy index and define a family relation warning signal to judge the good and the bad of one's family relation.
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從法律與政治觀點檢視美台關係 / US-Taiwan relationship: from legal to political perspective游佩儒, Yo, Pei Thu Unknown Date (has links)
Denny Roy describes the current political situation in Taiwan as both “peculiar and intriguing.” Roy also uses the terms “beautiful” and “beleaguered” to define Taiwan. These oxymoronic terms are natural reactions to the political turmoil and the economic success that characterize this island. The island itself appears harmless enough, yet it remains an indirect military threat to the world’s two most powerful nations: China and the US. At the heart of this threat is the question of Taiwan’s political status. Is it a sovereign nation in its own right or is it a part of mainland China? Taiwan believes it is sovereign and entitled to recognition as a sovereign state. China believes Taiwan is merely a renegade state and will eventually return to mainland China. The US is torn between foreign policies and relationships with both Taiwan and China and takes a rather ambiguous position. The result is decades of diplomatic wars between Taiwan and China with the US quite often caught in the middle. The purpose of this research study is to analyze and trace the origins and developments of Taiwan’s “peculiar and intriguing” circumstances and the consequences for world peace. This will require a detailed examination of the relations between Taiwan, China and the US and how foreign policy strategies and world politics have steered this triangle and the legal developments that have emerged.
Certainly, conflict in the Middle East is a threat to world peace and security. However, no conflict or political impasse exists with the threat of war between the world’s two superpowers juxtaposed against one another as does the situation in the Taiwan Strait. A war between the US and China over Taiwan’s legal status may or may not happen. However, the mere prospect of such a war shapes and steers Taiwan’s domestic and international affairs.
The focus on the colliding interests in and over the Taiwan Strait, automatically follow from the current status quo. For the second half of the 20th century each of the parties involved have gravitated toward largely incompatible goals. China takes the position that there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of China. Taiwan originally believed just as vociferously in the opposite contention and declared Taipei rather than Beijing as China’s legitimate capital. In recent years Taiwan has pursued autonomous status and international recognition. However, the greatest part of Taiwan’s population favors the status quo: rejecting independence and Chinese control all at once. The US is similarly positioned: acknowledging China’s one-China policy without expressing or demonstrating acceptance of it. Meanwhile the US has legally bound itself to providing military and economic assistance to Taiwan. These are the peculiar and intriguing circumstances surrounding the situation in Taiwan that motivate this study. / Denny Roy describes the current political situation in Taiwan as both “peculiar and intriguing.” Roy also uses the terms “beautiful” and “beleaguered” to define Taiwan. These oxymoronic terms are natural reactions to the political turmoil and the economic success that characterize this island. The island itself appears harmless enough, yet it remains an indirect military threat to the world’s two most powerful nations: China and the US. At the heart of this threat is the question of Taiwan’s political status. Is it a sovereign nation in its own right or is it a part of mainland China? Taiwan believes it is sovereign and entitled to recognition as a sovereign state. China believes Taiwan is merely a renegade state and will eventually return to mainland China. The US is torn between foreign policies and relationships with both Taiwan and China and takes a rather ambiguous position. The result is decades of diplomatic wars between Taiwan and China with the US quite often caught in the middle. The purpose of this research study is to analyze and trace the origins and developments of Taiwan’s “peculiar and intriguing” circumstances and the consequences for world peace. This will require a detailed examination of the relations between Taiwan, China and the US and how foreign policy strategies and world politics have steered this triangle and the legal developments that have emerged.
Certainly, conflict in the Middle East is a threat to world peace and security. However, no conflict or political impasse exists with the threat of war between the world’s two superpowers juxtaposed against one another as does the situation in the Taiwan Strait. A war between the US and China over Taiwan’s legal status may or may not happen. However, the mere prospect of such a war shapes and steers Taiwan’s domestic and international affairs.
The focus on the colliding interests in and over the Taiwan Strait, automatically follow from the current status quo. For the second half of the 20th century each of the parties involved have gravitated toward largely incompatible goals. China takes the position that there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of China. Taiwan originally believed just as vociferously in the opposite contention and declared Taipei rather than Beijing as China’s legitimate capital. In recent years Taiwan has pursued autonomous status and international recognition. However, the greatest part of Taiwan’s population favors the status quo: rejecting independence and Chinese control all at once. The US is similarly positioned: acknowledging China’s one-China policy without expressing or demonstrating acceptance of it. Meanwhile the US has legally bound itself to providing military and economic assistance to Taiwan. These are the peculiar and intriguing circumstances surrounding the situation in Taiwan that motivate this study.
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公關實務工作者如何看待大學公關課程 / A study of public relations professionals' views on public relations curriculums in universities嚴曉翠, Yen, Hsiao-Tsui Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:公共關係、公共關係教育、核心知識技能、課程目標、領域知識、情境知識 / This study aims to learn public relations professionals’ 1) perspectives on core knowledge and skills that students majoring in public relations should be equipped with; and 2) viewpoints on whether current university public relations education has been sufficient to assist public relations graduates for related job qualification. Through in-depth interviews with public professionals who currently teach public relations-related courses in universities, I probe their philosophies of teaching, perspectives on course objectives, strategies and plans of teaching.
The results of the study indicate that organization theory and business administration were the frequently mentioned as essential knowledge. Meanwhile, getting to know of ever-changing media environment and ability of agenda setting among various communication contexts were essential capability that had been particularly emphasized by all interviewees. On the other hand, research methods, writing skills, and language proficiency were skills frequently addressed by interviewees. Interviewees point out the importance of advancing public relations students’ ‘domain knowledge’ as well as communication scenarios in public relations education. In other words, for the purpose of understanding the strategies and tools of public relations, ‘knowledge of contexts’ in public relations case studies, instead of knowledge of standard operating procedures of public relations practices, should be provided to students during teaching cases.
This study also shows that public relations graduates have not owned advantages in competing for public relations job applications. However, professionals who also teach in universities tend to value public relations education more and favor recruiting public relations majors than those who haven’t had the experiences of teaching. Interviewees also expressed their concern of lacking of the public relations course objectives, basic course supplement information, and curriculum linkage, it is why they tend to think public relations education still have much room to improve. They stated that students will not be able to grasp the meaning of learning if they have not developed a knowledge map of public relations. In addition, public relations educators’ contributions to the learning of public relations should be better leveraged.
Based on the study, the author offers the following suggestions.
1. Instructors should make teaching objectives and class management strategies clear, as well as course assignments and project arrangement logical. This will benefit lecturers in teaching, students in learning, and public relations professionals, who may serve as guest speakers in class.
2. Department should make the best use of the resources of lecturers from public relations practicum to strengthen the education of both domain and contextual knowledge in the public relations industry.
3. Department should encourage students to take the opportunities of internship programs and to compete for off-campus public relations contests so that students will have chances to reflect what they have learned in classroom.
4. Departments should provide core public relations courses based on what public relations has to offer.
Key words: public relations,education,core knowledge and skills, course objectives, domain knowledge, knowledge of contexts
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三角行不行? PTT中三角關係之權力語藝分析 / A rhetorical analysis of power of the love triangle : perspectives from the couple, the player, and the homewrecker on PTT戴宜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
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工會與企業勞資關係之研究─夥伴關係建構及發展 / Study on the industrial relationship between trade union and enterprise: partnership construction and development楊立裕 Unknown Date (has links)
顧及企業經營、勞工生計、和工會生存,可持續發展的夥伴關係並的是「生命共同體」模式。 / Policy-related factors cause the financial loss of state-owned enterprises, and resulting in the business management, the worker livelihoods, and the trade union survival had run into dilemma. In order to solve the predicament, the trade union and the state-owned enterprise in the industrial relationship is needed to develop a new interactive partnership.
This study was to explore the partnership in the industrial relationship between the trade union and the state-owned enterprise with the process of construction and development. This study has found that the existence elements of the partnership are: the right to work safeguard, independent trade union, and worker participation. And the four modes of partnership are: the Pessimistic, the Mutual Gains, the Mutual Restraint, and the Life Together.
Taking into account the business management, the worker livelihoods, and the trade union survival, the partnership for sustainable development is the " Life Together" mode.
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