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論複製技術之管制與複製人之身分認定彭英泰 Unknown Date (has links)
在章節安排上,第一章緒論為研究動機及研究方向之介紹,並對論文結構進行概要之說明。第二章分別由生物學及社會學角度,說明血緣關係之認定標準、血緣對於生物行為之影響,以及生物個體間如何辨別血緣關係。同時,本章亦將介紹血緣與社會團體之關係、血緣對於社會行為之影響, 並以我國社會制度作為血緣影響力之檢驗對象。最後,本章就與血緣相關之婚生推定及否認制度予以介紹。第三章先就不孕症與現行人工生殖技術之意義及態樣加以介紹,並闡明相關專業名詞,接著則是介紹近年來熱門之複製技術,其中除了技術原理及操作過程之解釋外,亦將對其發展過程及可能用途予以說明。
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在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程 / People-Driven Processes in Customer Relationship Management陳志翔, Chen,Chih-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
構假說和經由深度個案研究來驗證他們。目標是檢驗顧客特性、資訊內容、員工能力和組織環境對於在顧客關係管理中以人為本流程的相關性。 / Customer relationship management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes, and technology that seeks to provide understanding of customer needs, to support a business strategy, and to build long-term relationships with customers. Successful utilization of the integrated technology requires appropriate business processes and organizational culture to adequately address human behavioral elements. Because it is not simply a technology solution, success in CRM business revolves largely around people. In order to build a clearer understanding of the content and role of the people-driven processes of CRM, this study analyzes the literature on CRM processes and people dependencies and forms propositions about the need for people-driven processes in CRM. It emphasizes the responsibility of executives and operational staff in making critical decisions and using intimate communications to conduct relationship management with their customers.
Typical people-driven processes in CRM are those that are difficult to implement or that cannot be carried out using technology solutions alone, including such activities as planning customer strategy, designing CRM processes, coping with customer problems, understanding customer needs, handling intimate communications, and integrating customer responses. Factors that affect the dependency of people-driven processes in CRM are related to customer characteristics, the content of information, employee capabilities, and the organizational environment. Propositions formed in this study are that the dependency on people-driven processes in CRM is affected by (1) customer emotional needs, customer involvement in transaction processing, and the dynamics of the customer needs; (2) the need for tacit customer information; (3) employee experience and knowledge; and (4) the organizational culture.
To build a clear understanding of the people-driven processes of CRM, this research constructed propositions based on literature findings and verified them through an in-depth case study. The objective is to explain the effects of customer characteristics, the content of information, employee capabilities, and the organizational environment on the dependence of people-driven processes in CRM.
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非營利組織推動顧客關係管理對顧客造成信任和關係承諾之影響--以產業同業公會為例林俊伊 Unknown Date (has links)
第二學期 碩士論文
本研究以非營利組織-玩具公會和其會員為研究標的,探討顧客對於公會信任和關係承諾的形成原因以及信任和關係承諾對於雙方未來合作意願的影響,並參考國內外文獻列舉出「資訊科技運用能力」、「資訊科技運用業務的程度」、 「顧客關係管理的應用程度」、「服務人員的特質」、「服務人員和廠商之間的關係」「組織特質」、「分享價值」、以及「關係成本利益」等變數描述建立信任和關係承諾的原因,進而影響未來合作意願,以形成本研究之架構。在非營利組織特質之中,本研究舉出非營利組織名聲、非營利組織規模兩個因素代表之;在服務人員和廠商之間的關係變數中舉出服務時間以及廠商對服務人員的喜歡、相似作為研究變數;在服務人員特質方面則以專業素養和公益服務熱忱作為研究變數,服務人員的特質與服務人員和顧客的關係會影響到顧客對服務人員的信任,進而影響到顧客對非營利組織的信任;而顧客關係管理的應用程度包括了非營利組織對顧客客製化服務的程度和非營利組織對顧客的了解。本研究為了實證的需要,從觀念性架構中進一步發展出實證研究架構,將部分變數分為「目前現況」和「期待未來」兩種情況。
本研究使用SPSS for Windows Release 8.0.1中文視窗版統計套裝軟體,針對所收集之資料進行統計分析。為符合研究目的,研究透過三個階段進行資料的分析,首先分析各構面之認知情形,按著為了分析各構面間的互動關係做相關分析和複迴歸分析,最後能以路徑分析進行整體架構分析與驗證。
非營利組織 (Non-Profit Organization)
顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)
資訊科技 (Information Technology)
信任 (Trust)
關係承諾 (Relationship Commitment)
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美印戰略夥伴與中共區域強權之互動張皖民 Unknown Date (has links)
中國「和平崛起」強調努力發展和壯大自己,維護世界和平,堅持開放與平等互利原則,與各國發展經貿,強調現在與未來不稱霸。美印戰略合作,將使得中共在海洋戰略發展受限,同時更影響了中、印兩國的經貿發展。中國為了防止美、印戰略關係所形成的衝擊,必須展現其大國外交作風,穩固與印度經貿上的合作,深化與歐盟實質關係,運用「上海合作組織」來強化其在區域大國的地位,以防範美國對其所實施的新圍堵策略。 / India, one of emerging countries in recent years, has had great progress in politics, economics, information, technology and military. India’s current social status and economic strength has drawn everyone’s attention, especially in BRICs, it plays an important part. In terms of its geo-strategic prospects, India, locating between Strait of Malacca and Persia Gulf, is an essential commercial access.
After the Cold War, the new-generation elites think India should take the strategy of replacing democratic function with power. Because of the fear resulting from the India-Pakistan conflicts and the threat of nuclear power in China Communist, India must rebuild its military forces by developing nuclear power so that some threat to the national defense will be released. The problem about nuclear competition is getting worse. As a result, America and India start to set up “the relationships of strategic partnership toward 21st century” to face the challenge coming from “Peaceful Rise” in China.
After Soviet invaded Afghanistan in December 24, 1979, the Cater Administration, realizing the importance of India’s strategic status, regarded India as a defense stopping the communist from spreading and regained the nuclear cooperation plan between America and India to make India a member of the alliance of anti-china communist. After the Cold War, the Clinton Administration addressed the strategy of “enlargement and engagement”, emphasizing that safety, economics and democracy are three main parts in diplomatic policy in U.S.A. America started to cooperate with India in commerce and military to meet their own national interest.
George, W. Bush considered China a “strategic competitor” and regarded “Peaceful Rise” as a threat to America. After 911 terror attack. America made efforts to establish the relationship of “strategic partnership toward 21st century” with India and prevent China’s “Peaceful Rise” from challenging America’s powerful status.
America and India’s cooperation restricts the development of China’s ocean strategy and influences the development of economics and commerce between China and India. Therefore, China tries hard to make use of “Shanghai Cooperation Organization” to reinforce its status and guard against America’s “Geopolitics”.
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台灣期貨市場價量之因果關係 / Causality between returns and traded volumes in Taiwan futures market官欣, Kuan, Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
This paper follows Ghysels, Gourieroux, and Jasiak (1998), examines the causal relation between price and volume in Taiwan Futures Market. I use high frequency intraday data of Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index in Taiwan Futures Exchange; and analyze the causality between returns and volume series, which are transformed into Markov chain, with Granger’s causal tests. I analyze the data with two different time category, trading time and calendar time. In our research we find out that Taiwan futures market has a bi-directional causality between price and volume in trading time analysis, as to the calendar time analysis, only price to volume unidirectional causality exists. Unlike the unidirectional causal relation that Ghysels, Gourieroux, and Jasiak (1998) observed in French security market.
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B2B供應商夥伴關係之管理:以結合力與關鍵成功因素為衡量準則陳玟妤, Chen, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
(Partner Relationship Metrics)之概念,讓企業據此分數來選擇供應商夥伴。
本研究首先由17 篇關於夥伴關係的文獻中找出18 個夥伴關係的關鍵
成功因素(Critical Success Factor, CSF),並在每一關鍵成功因素下,定義若
干個關鍵執行項目(Key Practice Items, KPI)。這些關鍵執行項目都代表著供
關鍵字:B2B、供應商夥伴關係、關鍵成功因素、夥伴關係度量 / Over the past few years, companies have faced increasing challenges in
their relationships with external competitors as well as internal employees.
Recent years, managers tend to build a long term, ongoing relationships which
are called partnerships. Researches have found that developing partnerships can
contribute to the profit of a company and reduce the risk. Some researchers
focused on the factors of the successful partnership; others on the bonds
between partners. However, studies is lacking on how to manage a partnership.
The purpose of this project is to find factors that make a successful supplier
partnership and propose some key practice items (KPI) as well. Furthermore,
we define partner relationship metrics (PRM) by combing bonds and success
factors of partnership to help managers evaluate their supplier partners.
This project is based on partnership literatures and business interviews.
First, we chose 18 critical success factors (CSF) of the partnership from 17
literatures. Then, we surveyed 6 businesses of Taiwan Information & Electronic
Industry and divided them into 3 categories to get the empirical data. We found
all companies agree that Adaptability, Trust and Participation are the top 3
important factors in managing their supplier partner relationships. In addition,
we discovered that the size of the companies and the one who holds the power
in the supplier-buyer relationship influence the research results.
Key words: B2B, supplier partner relationship, critical success factor (CSF),
partner relationship metrics (PRM)
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現階段中國對韓半島政策:以地緣經濟學觀點分析 / Contemporary Chian's Policy toward Korean Peninsula: A Geoeconomic Perspective河凡植, Ha, Bum Sig Unknown Date (has links)
在政治與安全領域,中國與南北韓透過領導人和高層人士進行頻繁互訪、建立相互對話機制或設立熱線管道,提高相互信任,加強雙方關係、謀求地區安全和發展。在經濟上,中國引進為自身經濟建設所需要的資金、高技術及礦物資源,而提供為南北韓經濟成長所需的巨大出口市場,尤其是中國也提供北韓經濟所需的原油和工業產品。由此,最近幾年來,中國成為南北韓對外貿易最大夥伴,與此同時,引起南北韓經濟對中國依存度的深化,因而,中國對韓半島的影響力正在擴大。 / Since the start of the 21st century, with constant intensification of the process of economic globalization and regional economic integration, China has pursued much-evolved Korean Peninsula policy for its own strategic goals as following: First, to strengthen its own economic interest; Second, to make the geoeconomic partnership with the two Koreas; Third, to make the partnership as the leverage for regional strategy.
For the sake of securing economic common interest and geoeconomic complementarities with the two Koreas, China seeks to develop the cooperative relationship with North and South Korea. At the same time, China seeks to ensure its influence on the Korean Peninsula by using its geoeconomic advantage on the Korean Peninsula. Based on the relations, China hopes to remove the destabilizing factors in the security on the Korean Peninsula, and seeks to restrain American influence and Japan’s power. From this viewpoint, China’s Korea Policy is the starting point of China's foreign policy.
From the perspective of geoeconomic strategy, the relationship between China and the two Koreas are much important with regard to building favorable environment for economic development. At the same time, the relations of China-South Korea and China-North Korea have economically and politically beneficial space.
Therefore, on the one hand, China has been strengthening political cooperation with South Korea, and China has been forcing the North Korea to abandon the brinkmanship diplomacy by using economic inducements through cooperation with South Korea. As a result, it was designed for maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, by utilizing the geoeconomic advantage with the two Koreas, China has strengthened the economic cooperation with the two Koreas; it has deepened the two Koreas’ economic dependency on China; As a result, it has been taking the lead in geoeconomic cooperation with the two Koreas; and it has been securing its strategic advantage and influence over the Peninsula.
The objective of China’s Korea policy is to make the Peninsula be the ditch of China’s economic development; to maximize its geoeconomic interest; besides, to make the Koreas become neutralizing by taking advantage of geoeconomic influence. Since the implementation of China’s geoeconomic policy on the Peninsula, its relations with the two Koreas have become much closer. In some realms, China surpassed neighboring big powers’ influence.
In the realm of politics and security, China has pursued the mutual confidence building by the means such as reciprocal visits, mutual dialogue mechanism and hot-line setting with the leadership of the two Koreas for the sake of strengthening of the bilateral relationship and securing of the regional security.
And, in the realm of economy, while China brought in investment and high technology from the South side and the mineral resources from the North side, it provided the huge export market for the Peninsula, especially the crude oil and industrial products for the North. Recently, China has become one of the two Korea’s biggest trade partner.
Consequently, the two Koreas’ economic dependency on China has been deepening and China’s influence on the Peninsula has been expanding.
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移動彈性與組織間關係策略之研究 / A study of mobility of flexibility and interorganizational relationship strategy張朝清, Chang, Chao Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結合交易成本、資源依賴、廠商行為等理論觀點,以中心廠及主要供應商雙方的移動彈性作為組織間關係之決策準則,探討中心廠與其主要供應商之關係策略與管理作法,並進行理論意義與實務意涵之討論。 / Managing the transaction relationships with the key supplier is a critical decision related to vertical integration. The previous literature suggest that a firm can achieve the strategic benefits such as reducing operation cost and focusing on organizational core competence through outsourcing, while maintaining a close cooperative relationship with the key supplier who provides essential key factors such as key components or key material. However, focal firm may also hold-up by the key supplier when it over-dependent on the opposite site. Therefore, the practical puzzle is how to maintain flexibility of relationships in vertical transactions as well as to avoid hold-up by specific key supplier and to extend the transaction stability with the key supplier.
Standing the view of focal buyer, the study explores two related questions: how to avoid hold-up problem in an asymmetric buyer-supplier transactions, and, in the ex post transaction, how to increase relational flexibility in highly interdependence situation. The dyadic transactions between focal firm and its key supplier are the units of our analysis to confer with the managerial mechanism of key supplier relationship.
The study conducted interviews dozens of Taiwanese firm as case studies. We model an exploration-exploitation framework adopted by focal firm adapt to ex post asymmetric interorganizational relationships. Thus we see two behavioral mechanisms: reducing key suppliers’ mobility of flexibility through relational exploitation as well as exploration on transaction value and relationship for reinforcing interdependency in dyadic transactions, and, increasing focal firms’ mobility of flexibility through structural exploration as well as transaction value exploitation so as to diminish the dependency on the key supplier and heighten alternatives to cooperate with.
Using structure equation modeling approach, research hypotheses are tested on a sample of 250 focal firms established in Taiwan. We found the positive relationships between focal firms’ mobility of flexibility and cooperative performance perceived by focal firm, and, the negative relationships between key suppliers’ mobility of flexibility and cooperative performance perceived by focal firm. Empirical results confirmed the negative relationships between key suppliers’ mobility of flexibility and focal firm’s exploitation in relationship and transaction value as well as relationship exploration. The positive relationships between focal firms’ mobility of flexibility as well as structural exploration and transactional exploitation were also supported.
The study develop a theoretical extension based on the transaction cost theory, resource dependence theory, and the behavioral theory of firm. We also address dyadic mobility of flexibility as the decision criterion for balancing exploration and exploitation in the interorganizational relationship. These findings provide theoretical and managerial implications for vertical coordination in supplier relationship management in particular.
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歐盟與中國關係的文化面向: 從一帶一路的影響分析 / The cultural aspect of EU-China relations: the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative甜蜜蜜, Miriam Traverso Unknown Date (has links)
本文的最後兩個研究問題「一帶一路將帶給歐洲怎樣的風險與利益?」與「歐盟應如何應對一帶一路?」是相互關聯的。通過對一帶一路將帶來的風險與利益的分析,筆者對中歐雙方如何更有效地推進一帶一路提出了一些政策建議,其中重點分析了歐盟領導人如何與中方開展合作,並認為歐盟必須回應中國的倡議,與之合作,確保中歐雙方實現共贏、對國際規範的遵守、以及幫助中國保持一帶一路所經之地的穩定。 / By recalling the idea of the Silk Road as a place of peaceful encounter of civilizations, China is promoting its new, major diplomatic outreach system called the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a network of roads, infrastructures, investments, policy connections and people to people exchanges with the final objective of connecting the PRC to Europe. Indeed, in view of the current international geopolitical circumstances, the Chinese and European leaders are recently emphasizing the importance of the Brussels-Beijing relationships. Nonetheless, many experts complain that this partnership has not yet developed as fast and deeply as the two sides originally hoped.
This leads to the first research question addressed in the thesis:"which are the obstacles to a deeper EU-China partnership and how to overcome them and improve the overall relations?". By borrowing the constructivist theories, this thesis argues that the real obstacle to deepening the China-EU partnership are the differences in identities, values and culture, and that the improvement of the people to people and cultural interactions will enhance the general bilateral relations. Consequently, the second research question is "which role does BRI play in the China-EU cultural relations?". BRI has the potential to have a positive impact on their relations by providing a new framework and incentives for the collaboration on cultural projects and people to people interactions.
The last two research questions are related to each other: "what are the risks and benefits that BRI will bring to the EU?" and "how should the European Union respond to BRI?". By analyzing the risks and benefits that will derive from the implementation of BRI, the author provides some policy suggestions to both sides on how to efficiently implement BRI, and especially to EU leaders on how to cooperate with their Chinese counterparts: the EU should definitely cooperate in the Chinese initiative, to ensure a win-win outcome for all, to guarantee the respect of the international norms and to help the PRC maintain the stability in the areas crossed by the BRI network.
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危機處理之研究:一九九五至九六年台海危機個案分析 / Crisis Management:Case Study of the 1995-96 Missile Crisis in the Taiwan Strait徐柏峰, Hsu, Po-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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