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關係行銷與顧客關係管理研究-以處方藥品市場個案公司為例黃世淵, HUANG, SHIH-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:關係行銷、顧客關係管理、處方藥品市場、西藥產業 / Prescription market is defined as an ethical industry. The PSR (Pharmaceutical Sales Representative) of pharmaceutical company have to keep the long-term partnership with doctors and hospital. The PSR not only face the drug pricing deduction pressures come from BNHI/Hospital, but also the ethical behavior requested by company internal and pharmaceutical industry. The most challenge of PSR is how to execute the relationship marketing well by enhance their own professional knowledge. Besides, how do they reach sales goal in using the new Internet Technology to accomplish the customer relationship management. The thesis will focus on the probe of relationship marketing and CRM in prescription market.
Key words: Relationship Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and Prescription Market, Pharmaceutical Industry
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品牌代理商降低拉式策略威脅之研究:三方交換關係觀點 / An investigation on how distributors reduce pull strategy threats: A triadic exchange relationship perspective林智偉 Unknown Date (has links)
子研究二則從代理商觀點出發,研究結果指出,當「下游客戶對品牌商與代理商的關係承諾正向差距」越大,則「代理商對品牌商的依賴」將越高;在這樣的情況下,若代理商提高「對下游客戶的專屬資產投入」與「對下游客戶的快速回應能力」,將有助於減少「下游客戶對品牌商與代理商的關係承諾正向差距」。另外,「代理商高層與下游客戶高層間的人際關係」與「代理商與品牌商的結盟程度」在本研究中則扮演調節變數角色,當「代理商高層與下游客戶高層間的人際關係」及「代理商與品牌商的結盟程度」越好時,將弱化「下游客戶對品牌商與代理商的關係承諾正向差距」與「代理商對品牌商的依賴」的負向關係。 / Increasing numbers of brand owners are actively investing marketing resources in not only their direct customers(distributors), but also those customers’ customers (downstream customers). This indirect customer marketing approach follows the “pull strategy” principle proposed in the channel literature. This kind of strategy provides the brand owner with valuable market information, creates product preference among the downstream customer, and aims to stimulate derived demand. Thus, the distributor faces a lock-in situation, and this leads to the brand owner occupying a stronger position and enhancing its profits. Under such a situation, the distributor may change its cooperative behaviors with the brand owner.
The study interviewed 177 independent distributors who sell brand owners' products to downstream customers. The dissertation has two sub-studies. Study One is from the brand owner's perspective to investigate how the brand owner get stronger position in the channel system when it expands in overseas markets. The result showed specific investments from the brand owner to the downstream customer and the brand owner's good brand image may increase the downstream customer's relationship commitment to the brand owner. If the downstream customer’s commitment to the brand owner is high, the distributor may increase its dependent on the brand owner. In addition, the research also found that the number of distributors plays a moderating role in this study. If there are multiple distributors, the positive relationship between commitment of the downstream customer to the brand owner and the dependence of the distributor on the brand owner may become stronger.
Study Two of the dissertation is from the distributor’s perspective. The brand owner's pull strategy may cause a decrese in the relationship performance of the distributor to the downstream customer. In order to solve this difficult situation, the study provides the distributor with the following solutions. The distributor can make specific investments to the downstream customer or improve its responsive ability to decrease the difference of commitment between the downstream customer to the distributor and the downstream customer to the brand owner. Moreover, the distributor can develop personal guanxi with the downstream customer or try to align with the brand owner to reduce the negative impact from this commitment disparity.
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2008年後的中日政治與經濟關係 -變化中的「政冷經熱」 / "Hot Economics, Cold Politics" - the Evolving Political and Economic Relations between China and Japan after 2008黃羽汶, Huang, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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中國大陸建構與美國「新型大國關係」的努力:以北韓核武議題為例 / On China’s Attempt to Build "New Type of Great Power Relations" with the United States : North Korean Nuclear Issue As An Example潘丁央, Pan, Ting Yang Unknown Date (has links)
因此,整個東北亞的關係結構,就是有關各國在中共與美國之間,取得對自己最大利益的位置。 / Xi Jinping proposed to Obama in the "Ennenberg Estate” summit in California during June 2013, Beijing has aftermath tried every effort to establish a “New Type of Great Power Relations” with Washington. China rise has been an obvious trend in the Asia-Pacific region. In this critical moment, Pyongyang has been aware of the pressure of big powers, in the face of China and the United States increasingly conciliatory relationship. In order to stabilize the North Korean regime and continue to take advantage of power politics in this area, North Korea tries to facilitate its bargaining gravity within the Sino-American interaction when they seek to use Pyongyang to counterbalance against each other. Particularly North Korea tends to exert its caliber of brinkmanship policy while it notices that the East Asian area is in the process of regime reshuffles. .
Against the backdrop of North Korea's threat of continuing nuclear tests, Washington successfully accomplished military deployment and dominate direction of world public opinion in forcing China to impose the necessary measures on North Korea. For North Korea's ongoing nuclear test and missile test, China intends to manipulate its advantage based on its national interest. In the meantime, China implements this policy to counterweight the US “Rebalancing” strategy. Beijing goes to use the issue of North Korean nuclear development to further exert its strategy in responding to the pressures from both the United States and international community.
Therefore, the international structure in the Northeast Asia, therefore, is that the concerning countries are seeking for their maximize advantage in the Sino-U.S. strategic engagement.
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社群商務之熟人經濟與關係行銷 / Acquaintance Economy and Relationship Marketing of Social Commerce謝欣芸 Unknown Date (has links)
社群商務(Social Commerce)最早在2005年在雅虎官方部落格Yahoo Search Blog首次成為一個字詞,其後十幾年變化出更多形式,包括團購、募資、購物網站的論壇、社群網站等多元形式。本研究著重於探討在社群網站上的社群商務行為。
依照賣家面向的顧客類型可以分成主要面向認識的人與主要面向陌生人等兩種經營社群商務模式,由於不管是認識的人或陌生人,大家在Facebook上大家都互為「好友」,因此賣家向Facebook好友銷售商品的行為稱為「熟人經濟」。本研究透過個案訪談法分析社群商務中熟人經濟之商業模式與賣方進行關係行銷的作法。 / The term social commerce was first introduced by Yahoo Search blog in 2005. Since then, the scope of social commerce has expanded to include group buying, crowdfunding, forum of online store, and social networking site. The study focuses on the activities of social commerce on social networking site.
Social networking site provides more and more services besides the functions of keeping connections and sharing information, and one of them is social commerce. More than 90% of the Taiwanese internet users are Facebook monthly users, so Facebook will be the observational social platform in this study. The way that sellers do relationship marketing will be analyzed in this study.
This study classifies two social commerce categories according to whether the major customers that sellers sell products are to people that the seller knew or to strangers. Owing to whether seller knew the customer before or not, they call each other “friend” on Facebook, and the behavior that sellers sell goods to friends is called “acquaintance economy.” This study analyzed the acquaintance economy and relationship marketing of social commerce through interview method.
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PCB產業經營策略-以海外回台F股泰國A公司為例 / PCB industry management strategy-A company in Thailand趙敏如 Unknown Date (has links)
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容積銀行制度對相關利害關係人影響之研究 / A study on the effect of TDR bank on involved stakeholders鍾映婕, Chung, Ying Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
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中華民國與沙烏地阿拉伯王國關係之研究吳鎮祺, WU, ZHEN-QI Unknown Date (has links)
第三章則簡略回顧溯伊斯蘭教傳入中國之歷史沿革以及中沙兩國初期交往情形, 尤
來我國回教朝覲團與因兩國領袖互訪而達到高潮之官式互訪, 在維續及提昇兩國關
第五章一一檢視中沙互動關係中更具體而實質之內涵; 包括雙方文教交流與經技合
最後第七章結論部份則就本文各章節所探討之主題做一總結與評析, 尤其呼應第二
見, 最後筆者並就如何因應中沙關係新局加強兩國關係提出原則性的看法, 以做
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政商關係與產業政策--以汽車及資訊電子業為例陳競新, CHEN, JING-XIN Unknown Date (has links)
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台北市勞工政策執行之研究──促進勞資關係之方案執行情形分析楊濟華, YANG,JI-HUA Unknown Date (has links)
第三章,成果分析;台北市勞工局成立兩年間(77.1∼78.12) , 在促進勞資關係的工
作上有下列具體成果: 1.經輔導經辨理「勞資會議」之事業單位有64家( 占北市工商
登記家數的0.064%) ; 2.經輔導面締結「團體協約」者有9 家( 占北市工商登記家數
的0.009%) , 經輔導而實施「分紅入股」者有69家( 占北市工商登記家數的0.069%)
; 4.勞資爭議處理方面, 達成協議1.094 件( 占83.7%), 未達成協議者201 件( 占16
.3% ).
第四章, 影響因素; 計有下列因素影響該政策之執行: 1.眾多的標的群體人數, 2.勞
資雙方價值觀的衝突, 3.政策指令( 法令) 的不明確與不周延, 4.政策資源的不足,
5.政、經社會環境的特性與變遷,6.勞工政策不具優先性( 市政規劃上 ), 7.外力的
第五章,結論與建議;台北市政府勞工局成立至今雖較成立之前( 社會局主管勞工行
政時代) ,增加了諸多促進勞資關係的具體措施,也有明顯的成果。但一則因時間不
長,一則限於前文( 第三章) 所提諸因素影響,其解決的勞工問題,實僅冰山之一角
。故提出下列建議,以為未來參考:1.研擬修訂不合時宜法令, 2.充裕勞工行政人才
及經費, 3.正視勞資衝突的本質, 堅守政府中立立場, 4.建立業務檢討及業務資詢制
度, 5.推動社會資源, 結合民間團體力量以促進政策目標的實現.
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