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美加雙方關係之魁北克因素 / The Impact of the Quebec Factor in the Canada-U.S. Bilateral Relations李祿思, Laprise,Louis Sebastien Unknown Date (has links)
The Quiet Revolution, and the unceasing changes that characterize the Québec of the 60’s marked an enormous step forward for Québec studies. From the end of the 60’s, and beginning of the 70’s, a series of research on Québec started to see the light. With the October Crisis of 1970, the emergence of the “Parti Québecois” and the province’s first lost of referendum; hundreds of articles, books, and researches have been written. Québec’s economic relationship with the United States, the quest for Québec’s identity and its place within the Canadian federation, the tensions within Canada, its relations with other Canadian provinces, as well as the whole cultural aspects, i.e. French language, politic, well almost everything has been studied over and over, everything but the implication of Québec, or “The Québec Factor ” in the Canada-U.S. bilateral relations. A few texts have been written about, the sovereignty movement and the Canada-U.S. relations, still not so numerous amounts of data related to the strength of the Québec factor and its role in the Canadian decision-makings toward the U.S. This is where the motive emerges, the fact that this subject has rarely been touched is not only extremely attractive, it is also a once in a lifetime opportunity to contribute considerably not only to Taiwan’s Canadian studies, but also to the field of Québec studies.
The main objective of the present thesis will be to demonstrate that the Québec factor influences not only relations with the rest of Canada, but as well, from time to time, Canadian bilateral relations with its southern neighbor: the United States. The extent to which Québec is implicated in the Canadian decision-making toward the United States will be explored. Furthermore, Québec’s distinct cultural background, its cultural insecurity generated by domestic tensions with Canada, and the role played by those tensions in the Québec government’s decision to slightly detach with the rest of Canada and get closer to the United States will be addressed. The study will put its emphasis not on the fact that Quebec is extremely powerful, because it would be a lie, but more on the fact that Quebec, which is only a province, as well can greatly influence Canada and its neighbor. The study will be structured as follow; the second chapter will define what really is the “Quebec factor”, and will emphasize on the definition of Quebec’s potential influence on Canada, as well as its origin i.e. the domestic tensions present in the federation that led to the two referendums for independence. The third chapter will introduce the Canada-U.S. bilateral relation in order to further comprehend the considerable importance of both actors for each other. The fourth chapter will put its focus on the actual economic power of the province, taking as example the signature of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement and the role played by the province in the Canadian decision-making toward this issue, which we will see was much more desired in the U.S. as it was in Canada. Moreover, as well in this chapter, the actual strength of the province’s economy, prior and post CUFTA, will be assessed. The fifth chapter will exhibit the influence of the Quebec public opinion on political issues i.e. the Iraq incursion and the first refusal of Canada to participate to the building of the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD). Finally, the last chapter will conclude on what really represents the province for the triangular Quebec-Canada-U.S. relation.
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影響立法委員介入官僚行政因素之研究 / The Factors Influencing Legislators' intervention in the Bureaucratic Administration黃士豪 Unknown Date (has links)
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總統大選對有政商關係企業之股票異常報酬之影響陳岱佑, Chen, Tai Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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專屬科技與架構科技互動關係之研究-以Google與網際網路為例 / Research on Interaction between Proprietary Technology and Infrastructural Technology-A Case Study of Google and Internet詹傑麟, Chan, Chieh-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
1. 架構科技為專屬科技提供價值創造的環境,也為專屬科技帶來潛在的資源與市場。當架構科技的使用者愈多時,專屬科技所能獲得的潛在資源與市場規模也愈大。而當專屬科技能提供給架構科技使用者愈多價值時,也能為架構科技帶來愈多使用者。
2. 架構科技與專屬科技可增加彼此在使用者心中的價值,其為互補性關係。當專屬與架構科技間的互補程度愈高時,表示其所創造的價值愈高。
3. 專屬科技可能必須結合其他建構於架構科技上的互補專屬科技,才能從所創造的價值中獲取價值。當專屬科技的不可取代性愈高時,其所獲取的價值愈高。
4. 使用專屬科技建構系統時,需要搭配利用其他互補科技,當利用的架構科技愈多時,其系統成本愈低,彈性愈高。
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中華民國務實外交之研究(1988-2000)朱啟華 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:國際關係、新現實主義、務實外交、外交政策 / The Pragmatic Diplomacy during Lee Teng-hui's presidency was an important issue discussed by many people. The Republic of China has tried to build diplomatic relations with more countries, or to strengthen substantial relations with the countries that the diplomatic relations could not be built. In the twelve years, her efforts on the top leaders' visiting foreign countries, the economic operations, and the participating the United Nations were fruitful but restrictive.
The top leaders' visiting foreign countries has lighted the ROC's visibility in the world, and clarified her statehood, but the top leaders' titles and the reasons of their visits usually needed to be changed to a resilient one. The ROC has kept huge amount in mutual trade and investment with developed countries, yet the economic ties could not be transformed into diplomatic ties. Foreign aids was helpfUl in keeping diplomatic relations with developing countries, but some of them were trying to benefit from both ROC and PRC, instead of keeping a resolute relation with either side. Joining international organizations was an important step toward the international society, however, the ROC has been accepted by economic international organizations only. Her effort on participating the United Nations or it's specialized agencies was still an international propaganda, instead of a discussion in General Assembly. What was the crucial reason of the restriction of the ROC's Pragmatic Diplomacy? The People's
Repulic of China.
Based on the main ideas of neo-realism: structure, anarchy, and self-help, I have tried to interpret the fruits and the restrictions of the ROC's Pragmatic Diplomacy through four dimensions: international system, power, national interest, and security. I have figured out that Pragmatic Diplomacy was a rational choice, and the possible future diplomatic efforts has also been mentioned at the end of the dissertation.
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革命不只請客吃飯:中共對台青年交流的政治影響曾于蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
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台海兩岸文武關係之比較蘇俊良 Unknown Date (has links)
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台股指數報酬波動性與異常交易量的關係陳榮逢 Unknown Date (has links)
價量關係一直是投資人觀察股市最直接的工具之一,但如何選擇適當的交易量變數卻是另一個難題。混合分配假說(Mixture of Distribution Hypothesis, MDH)認為交易量足以成為替代市場訊息流入的變數,但普通交易量的資訊成分過於複雜,並不能完全反應重大私有訊息的流入市場,在解釋價量關係上便稍顯不足。因此本文利用異常交易量(surprise volume)取代普通交易量,做為新的交易量變數,再加上GARCH-M的時序模型架構,試著解釋台灣股票市場的報酬波動。
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台灣地區「國中歷史課程」對國中生兩岸關係看法之影響--以台北市國中生為例 / Shaping the next generation:influences of Taiwan’s “course of history” on junior high school students’ views on cross-strait relations:take junior-high students in Taipei city as an example李淑芸, Li, Shu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸關係對台灣政治、經濟之影響甚鉅!台灣地區國中生對於兩岸關係之看法主要是受到大眾媒體之影響,其次則為家庭之影響,歷史課程對於國中生兩岸關係之看法的影響僅次於傳媒及家庭。根據統計分析,對歷史課程興趣越高、成績越好的學生對中國大陸之看法越正面,同時也較支持兩岸更積極之交流。此外,公民課程及同儕對國中生兩岸關係之看法也有影響,但不如傳媒、家庭及歷史課程重要。 / Development of cross-strait relations has considerably affected Taiwan’s politics as well as economy for decades. Therefore, it plays a very significant role of people’s perspectives on political and economic issues in Taiwan. During the process of political socialization, junior high students in Taiwan mainly cultivate their views on cross-strait relations under the influences of family, mass media, peers and school education. Findings of the survey conducted for this thesis reveal that the mass media is the main source of influences on students’ views about cross-strait relations. Parents’ educational level, party identification, ethnicity and socio-economic status also affect students’ views on the same issue remarkably. Regarding influences of course of History, it ranks the third most important factor affecting students’ attitudes towards cross-strait relations. Students with higher interest in history and better grades of history tend to have more positive impressions on China (except for its democratic development) and take a more open stance toward Taiwan’s cross-strait policies. Besides, they are more enthusiastic about interaction across the Taiwan Strait. As for peers and course of Civics, they are able to affect students’ views on cross-strait relations as well, yet, not as influential as mass media, family and course of History. In addition to these factors, whether students have visited China or have family in China also influences their attitudes towards Chinese government and people. In general, mainland experience increases students’ good impressions on China along with will to have interaction with Chinese people.
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家庭決策與家務分工:已婚男性與已婚女性的比較分析陳怡吟, Chen, Yi Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖通過實證研究來一探夫妻家庭生活中權力關係的樣貌,並試圖釐清究竟是哪些重要因素影響了這些權力的結果。在蒐集過去相關文獻後,我們認為夫妻的權力關係展現,可以重大家務決策和家務分工作為檢視的代表性指標。過去的相關研究也發現,個人所擁有的資源以及性別角色態度將會影響重大家務決策的權力運作;而在考量夫妻權力關係的另一個指標 - 家務分工時,因家務工作為耗費時間的活動,因此也必須將個人從事家務工作的時間可得性納入討論。此外,本研究也特別針對個人的性別角色態度做多樣化的討論,希望能對性別角色態度在夫妻權力關係中的作用有進一步的了解。
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