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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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單一性別環境對國中女生數學成就的影響 / Effects of a Single-sex Curriculum on Girls' Achievements in Mathematics during Junior High School

林詩琪, Lin,Shih-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從教育社會學角度探討造成數學成就性別差異現象的成因,以班級的性別環境為研究脈絡,研究影響國中女生數學成就的可能原因。假設數學成就的性別差異是受到後天學習歷程影響,班級環境中隱含的性別刻板印象為其中一個重要社會文化影響因素。透過比較國一到國三階段女生班和一般男女合班女生數學成就的異同,嘗試找出造成數學成就性別差異現象的成因,是否與班級性別環境、師生的性別刻板印象等因素有關。利用階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Models,HLM)統計方法,分析資料取自由中央研究院、教育部和國科會共同規劃的全國性長期的調查計畫:「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS)。研究結果發現女生班、數學老師性別及班級學業氣氛等因素對於國中女生數學成就有顯著影響力,但進一步考慮學校公私別變項之後,女生班的影響力即消失。 / The main purpose of this study is to assess the magnitude of individual and contextual influences to explain gender differences in math achievements. Adopting the hierarchical linear model analysis to determine whether or not statistically significant differences between the mathematical achievements of 7th grade students who attend all-girls classes compared with those who attend coeducational classes at the same time, and their academic performance after two years. The result shows that there are three factors that have significant influences on girls’ math achievement in junior high schools, which are the single-sex classes, female math teachers and the academic climate of each class. However, if private schools are taken into consideration, the significant influence of the gender composition of classes will disappear.


謝欣芸 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自2002年解除外資資格及投資額度之限制後,除少數特殊產業外,外資可以持有國內企業百分之百股權,而原本即活躍在亞洲各地之資金,開始「錢」進臺灣。此波沛然莫之能禦之錢潮,其氣勢可從以下之數字得知,根據花旗集團之研究報告顯示,至2006年10月止,國外直接投資匯入我國之金額累計達112億美元,約新台幣3600億元左右,比2005年的16.25億美元超出近6倍,這也是我國近二十年來的最高紀錄。 隨著外資投資我國資本市場的比重日益增加,近年來由於我國股價被低估及利率偏低等因素影響下,我國市場對外資(含私募基金)具有相當大之吸引力,故併購國內上市櫃公司之案例日趨增多,其中尤以私募基金凱雷集團於2006年11月宣佈擬收購國內最大封裝測試上市公司日月光,並準備於併購後自台灣證券交易所下市乙案曝光後,引發社會各界許多層面的討論。雖該案最終以破局收場,惟其典型之經營階層收購特質,對國內併購法制之適用,存在ㄧ定程度之衝擊,而其中,又以少數股東之權益得否受到公平合理之對待,為討論中的核心課題。 其實私募基金結合標的公司管理團隊進行管理階層收購在美國並非新聞,惟因美國上市公司之董事會,管理團隊佔董事席位比率低於四分之ㄧ,換言之,於管理階層收購程序中,標的公司有將近四分之三之外部董事或獨立董事,於併購決策與價格上為全體股東做出最有利之判斷。惟當管理階層收購到了國內,於上市公司之管理階層通常是大股東,掌握董事會之控制權下,標的公司少數股東之權益是否還得受到合理之保障?國內現行併購法規,從企業併購法、公司法乃至於臺灣證券交易所之上市規則,是否足以規範此種新型態之併購模式?如於現行公開收購制度下,少數股東於管理經營階層併購(MBO)程序中是否真能實質享有控制權溢酬?又現行公開收購關於資訊揭露之規範,是否足以規範管理經營階層併購(MBO)及融資併購(LBO)等態樣?少數股東應如何救濟?而於併購程序違反忠實義務之董事又應負何責任?現行上市公司之退場機制有無再行檢討之空間等問題,對少數股東權益之影響甚鉅,為深入探討此些疑問,乃筆者撰擬本篇論文之背景及目的。

家庭作業完成時間與頻率對學習成就的影響之研究-TIMSS 2003台灣數學科資料的階層線性模式分析 / The Effects of homework time and homework frequency on academic achievement: A hierarchical linear modeling analysis using the TIMSS 2003 mathematics data of Taiwan

洪川富, Hung, Chuan Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以TIMSS 2003台灣數學科資料為資料來源,使用階層線性模式為統計分析方式,探討國小四年級及國中二年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率,對於學生數學學習成就的影響。研究結果顯示:在國小四年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與學生數學學習成就為負相關;教師指派數學家庭作業頻率與學生數學學習成就之間為正相關,但並不顯著。在國中二年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率,對學生數學學習成就皆有正向的影響。在國小四年級中,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率的交互作用,對學生數學學習成就為負相關,但不顯著。在國中二年級中,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率的交互作用,對學生數學學習成就為正相關,但不顯著。 / The research was to explore the effects of mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency on mathematics achievement in the fourth and eighth grades, using TIMSS 2003 Taiwan mathematics data as the resources and Hierarchical Linear Modeling as the statistical analysis method. The results showed that in the fourth grades, mathematics homework time had a negative relationship with mathematics achievement while mathematics homework frequency had a positive, but non-significant, relationship with mathematics achievement. In the eighth grades, both mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had positive effects on mathematics achievement. In the fourth grades, the interaction between mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had negative, but non-significant, effects on mathematics achievement while in the eighth grades, the interaction between mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had positive, but non-significant, effects on mathematics achievement.

財務報表舞弊之探索研究 / Exploring financial reporting fraud

徐國英 Unknown Date (has links)
Financial reporting fraud leads to not only significant investment risks for external stockholders, but also financial crises for the capital market. Although the issue of fraudulent financial reporting has drawn much attention, relevant research is much less than issues of predicting financial distress or bankruptcy. Furthermore, one purpose of exploring the financial reporting fraud with various forms is to obtain a better understand of the corporate through investigating its financial and corporate governance indicators. This study addresses the challenge with proposing an approach with the following four phases: (1) to identify a set of financial and corporate governance indicators that are significantly correlated with the financial reporting fraud; (2) to use the Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map (GHSOM) to cluster the normal and fraud listed corporate data; (3) to extract knowledge about the financial reporting fraud through observing the hierarchical relationship displayed in the trained GHSOM; and (4) to make the justification of the extracted knowledge. The proposed approach is feasible because researchers claim that the GHSOM can discover the hidden hierarchical relationship from data with high dimensionality.

廣告量對品牌態度與購買率之影響 / The effects of advertising outlay on consumers’ brand attitude and purchase rate

陳怡穆, Chen, Yi Mu Unknown Date (has links)
廣告量的文獻中,一派是以實驗設計為主的研究,多以廣告的展露 (exposure) 次數與時間,以及廣告版面尺寸等替代性指標做為衡量廣告量多寡的依據,並探討其對消費者心理變數的影響;另一派則是以經濟計量模型為主的研究,著重於探討廣告支出與其他行銷投入變數對銷售量或市場佔有率的影響。為了彌補以往廣告量文獻中的計量模型研究未能探討消費者心理變數的缺口,本研究以計量模式,加入消費者對品牌的態度做為中介變數,探討廣告支出對消費者的品牌態度與購買率的影響。 本研究採用資料庫資料針對廣告量對於消費者的品牌態度與購買率的影響進行分析,分別探討廣告量函數的形狀、廣告的階層效果、遞延效果、與競爭效果,並採用panel data分析法進行分析。研究樣本包括三大類的常購品與四大類的選購品,以及連鎖店的品牌。另外,連鎖店品牌的架構中,納入店數為自變數,因為店數愈多表示其在消費者展露的次數也愈多,類似廣告量的效果。 研究結果發現,不論在常購品、選購品、亦或是連鎖店品牌都顯示廣告量佔比的確對於消費者對該品牌的態度與購買率都有正向的影響。在廣告量佔比對購買率的函數形狀部份,常購品中的食品類與飲料類產品呈現向原點凹進的concave函數,而常購品中的家庭用品類、選購品,以及連鎖店品牌皆顯現出線性函數。 採用Baron and Kenny (1986) 三步驟,檢驗消費者對產品的品牌態度為廣告量佔比與購買率關係的中介變數,進而推論廣告的階層效果。結果顯示,食品類、飲料類、與電器機車類產品中,為呈現部份中介效果,而金融產品類的產品,如信用卡、保險、存款等金融服務,因與長期的金錢投入有關,消費者也較為謹慎,此時消費者對於品牌的評估較為完整與週延,呈現出完全中介效果。 另一方面,透過九年的資料分析並以Koyck model探討廣告量的遞延效果,從結果分析中無法得到前期的廣告量效果影響本期消費者的購買率,反而是前期的廣告效果透過影響消費者前期品牌態度或者是前期購買率,進而間接地影響本期的購買率,說明廣告的展露會隨著時間的經過,轉化成為公司的一項無形資產。 相對廣告量的效果與品牌知名度所帶來的競爭效果顯示,品牌之間相對的廣告投入對標的品牌的購買率有正向影響;而知名度高的品牌較不易受到知名度低品牌所進行的廣告活動所影響,唯獨在服飾配件類產品中,品牌知名度所產生的競爭力並無法在本研究中觀察到,可能與服飾的產品特性有關。 最後,依據分析結果建議行銷人員不應只注重廣告帶來的短期或當下的利益,對於廣告的長期與持續的投入,在日常生活中,逐漸改變消費者的態度,使得廣告在長期投資下,發揮其效果。因此,廠商若能規劃長期的廣告投入,便能夠在廣告持續效果消失之際,減緩消費者對廣告印象消退的速度。再者,新加入市場的品牌愈來愈多,再加傳統的大眾傳播媒體已部份被新興媒體所替代,這些現象已侵蝕了以往最有效率的電視廣告,稀釋了廣告的效果。然而,這些新興媒體的績效尚未有一明確的指標或工具予以衡量之,但其對廣告效果的衝擊不容小覷。企業在面臨前有競爭者不斷地進入市場,還得應付後起之新興媒體帶來的更多無法掌握性,建議行銷人員除了建立品牌的權益之外,更應該時時檢視自己與競爭者之間的相對地位,才能保有品牌的競爭力。 / Most experimental literature took advertising exposure time, frequency, and/or size to substitute real advertising amount, and analyzed how the effects of advertising amount on consumers’ psychological variables. But econometric literature focused on the effects of advertising outlay and other marketing mix variables on sales and/or market share. This study is inspired by these two streams of research and trying to mix them together, that is taking consumers’ brand attitude as mediator of the “ad-sales function”; moreover, explores how the advertising outlay affect consumes’ brand attitude and purchase rate. The current research aims to study the relationship between advertising expenditure and consumers’ attitude and purchase rate. In addition, the store number is included in the framework of chain store brands because the larger store number, the more ad exposure. To fulfill the research purposes, three datasets, Rainmaker XKM’s advertising outlay report, Eastern Integrated Consumer Profile (E-ICP), and Taiwan Chain Store Almanac are adopted. After matching these three databases, 76 frequent purchased brands, 81 selective purchase brands, and 21 chain store brands with 10-year period data are generated. Panel data analysis is selected since it can avoid the estimation bias from single cross-sectional or time-series analysis only. The results show that the higher ad share of voice (ad share), the better consumer’s brand attitude and higher purchase rate in all kinds of product categories. The shape of ad share-purchase rate function is concave in food and drink products, but linear in others. In addition, the shape of ad-attitude function is similar to ad share-purchase rate function. Brand attitude is considered a mediator of the relationship between ad shares and purchase rate base on advertising hierarchy models (e.g. AIDA model) that the advertising influences consumers’ attitudes prior to their behaviors. Baron and Kenny’s (1986) three steps of testing mediation effect is adopted to check the role of consumers’ brand attitude. The results reveal partial mediation effect in food, drink, and electronic product, full mediation effect in financial products, such as credit card, insurance, and saving account. The lagged effect of advertising on the consumers’ purchase rate makes the effect of advertising last from four to eight months, or even one year (Dekimpe and Hanssens, 1995; Winer, 1980). Koyck model shows better model fit than prior ad share direct effect model. Therefore, ad investment is transferred into a business reputation and affect consumers’ purchase rate in the long run. Advertising and brand awareness competition effect are also discussed in this research. The business with higher relative advertising outlay, the higher purchase rate it has. Moreover, the purchase rate of brand with higher awareness is not affect by the advertising of brand with lower awareness. But the clothing is an exception. Because the clothing brand has clear segmentation and position, the consumers loyal to certain brand. Thus, the consumers’ purchase rate of target brand might not be affected by the advertising of other competitive brands. Summary of above results, marketers should not only focus on short run advantages, but also long run advertising investment. Through day-to-day advertising exposure to change or transform consumers’ brand attitude. Therefore, the business could plan a long run advertising exposure schedule to lessen the speed of consumers’ advertising attenuation. Suggesting the marketers should build up their brand equity and identify the position among competitors to survive in the uncontrolled environment.


鄭郁芳 Unknown Date (has links)
現代化與工業化改變了人們的生活方式,也對傳統的家庭型態與關係造成莫大的影響。在世界各國,同樣也面臨家庭解組、傳統價值逐漸瓦解的問題,隨著離婚率的逐年攀升,傳統家庭道德對現代人的規範力逐漸式微。這些現象意味著,若我們要理解台灣家庭或婚姻情況的真實樣貌,我們必須得先瞭解影響台灣離婚率和行為背後的離婚態度為何?而影響離婚態度的因素又是什麼? 本研究所採用的是台灣社會變遷調查資料庫1984、1995、2000和2005年共四年份的調查資料。在這四年的問卷題組當中,受訪者都被問到「夫妻不合而離婚有沒有錯?」之相同問題。藉由長時期、相同問題重複的資料特性,並結合「階層式年齡-時期-世代別」之分析模型,本研究從個人層次、時期層次和世代層次來探討影響離婚態度變遷和差異的重要因素,進而描繪出台灣社會在過去二十多年的變遷軌跡。 本研究發現:首先,因為在婚姻市場上男性獲益較大,且女性隨教育提升、經濟獨立機會大增,女性對於傳統的婚姻價值會比男性更易鬆動,並且較能接受離婚。其次,男性和女性隨生命歷程的轉變,年齡效果沒有呈現非線性關係的倒U型趨勢。第三,在戰後嬰兒潮時期以及嬰兒潮之後出生的世代,對於離婚行為傾向較能接受;反之,出生於戰前和二戰期間的世代,對於離婚行為都會比較保守。第四,當外在社會瀰漫著一股離婚的風氣時,個人容易受周遭同儕和整體環境的影響,覺得離婚並非一件負面的事情,形成離婚世俗化的潮流,所以當社會的總體離婚率愈高的時候,人們的離婚態度就會愈開放。另外,在自變項與控制變項方面,受過高等教育者和白領職業的女性,其對離婚行為會偏向贊同和接受,而有宗教信仰者則會傾向保守並反對。

高速鐵路對土地使用之短期影響分析─台灣之實證研究 / The short-term impact of high-speed rail (HSR) on land use: the empirical study of the Taiwan HSR

關仲芸, Guan, Jhong Yun Unknown Date (has links)
多年來,交通運輸與土地使用之交互影響關係受學界所廣泛討論,本研究主要探討高速鐵路與土地使用之交互影響關係。關於高鐵對土地使用影響之研究,分為兩大類別,分別為建立模式預測未來地區發展狀況,以及實證分析高鐵通車後對地區的影響效果。過去研究指出,高鐵營運後,可能對土地使用產生之影響包括:無顯著之土地使用改變、地區間互動改變、聚集效果(Cluster effect)、離散效果(Disparties)以及「隧道效果(Tunnel effect)」或「廊道效果(Corridor effect) 」。   本研究為以階層線性模型分析高鐵通車後對台灣土地使用影響之實證研究。根據實證,高鐵站之有無以及高鐵站所在區位對鄉鎮市區土地使用有顯著影響,且相較其他控制變數,為影響鄉鎮市區土地使用之重要變數。有高鐵站之鄉鎮市區與無高鐵站之鄉鎮市區相比,土地使用可能成長較多,而位於高鐵一定服務範圍內之鄉鎮市區之土地使用,亦受高鐵所影響。另外,不同區位之高鐵站對土地使用之效果有所不同,而該區位效果隨產業特性可能有所差異。人口、及業人口以及三級產業及業人口可能因市中心區位之高鐵站聚集,但二級產業及業人口未有因市中心區位高鐵站而聚集的現象;郊區區位之高鐵站鄉鎮市區或縣市,則有人口、及業人口或三級產業及業人口流失的現象。由上述結果可驗證,高鐵服務範圍內有聚集效果之發生,而不同區位之高鐵站,聚集之效果並不同。 / For many years, the interactive relationship between transportation and land use has been widely discussed by scholars. This study is trying to assess the short-term impact of high-speed rail (HSR) on land use. There are two types of studies on the impact of high-speed rail on land use. One is establishing models to predict future land use development; the other is evaluating the effect of HSR empirically. Past studies have shown that possible impacts on land use after the operation of HSR include: no significant land use change, inter-regional interaction change, cluster effect, disparities, and "tunnel effect" or "corridor effect."   In this empirical study, the results of hierarchical linear model show that the existence of the HSR station and the location of the HSR station have a significant effect on the land use in the city. Controlling for other control variables, the existence and location of the HSR station are important factors influencing the land use in the city. Land use development in cities with the HSR station may be more evident than those without the HSR station. Cities within the HSR service area are also effected by HSR. In addition, there may be different land use effects due to different locations of the HSR stations, and these location effects may be different due to different industrial characteristics of the area. Population, employment, and employment of tertiary industrial sectors in a city may cluster due to the HSR station in central area location, but employment of secondary industrial sectors doesn’t. Otherwise, population, employment, and employment of tertiary industrial sectors in a city or county may lose due to the HSR station in rural area location. In conclusion, there is a cluster effect within the HSR service area, and this effect varies according to the location of the HSR station.

中國菁英政治中的女性流動 / Promotion under the Glass Ceiling? Female Elite Mobility in Chinese Politics, 1997-2017

顧梅 Unknown Date (has links)
本文從中國精英政治的性別角度提出女性幹部遷調分析,並提供如何突破有關中國的政治體制內的女性棈英幹部被稱為“玻璃天花板”的資訊。本文意旨在專業鑑別女性幹部的特質或屬性,來找其可能的連結,如果有這些特質的話,如何在中國政治逐步制度化的範圍內,分析出這些特質和女性幹部的遷調速率之關係。 / This thesis is an analysis of mobility in Chinese elite politics from a gender perspective and provides information on the women who break the so-called “glass ceiling” within the Chinese political system. It aims specifically to identify the prevailing characteristics or attributes of female elite cadres to find possible links, if any, between these characteristics and their mobility rates, within the context of increasing institutionalization of Chinese politics.

複雜抽樣下反應變數遺漏時之迴歸分析 / Regression Analysis with Missing Value of Responses under Complex Survey

許正宏, Hsu, Cheng-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
Gelman, King, 及Liu(1998)針對一連串且互相獨立的橫斷面調查提出多重設算程序,且對不同調查的參數以階層模式(hierarchical model)連結。本文為介紹複雜抽樣(分層或群集抽樣)之下,若Q個連續變數有遺漏現象時,如何結合對象之個別特性,各層或各群集的參數,以及連結各層或各群集參數的階層模式,以設算遺漏值及估計模式中之參數。 對遺漏值的處理採用單調資料擴展演算法,只需對破壞單調資料型態的遺漏值進行設算。由於考慮到不同的群集或層往往呈現不同的特性,因而以階層模式連絡各群集或各層的參數,並將Gelman, King, Liu(1998)的推導結果擴展到將個別對象之特性納入考量之上。對各群集而言,他們的共變異數矩陣Ψ及Σ為影響群內其他參數的收斂情形,由模擬獲得的結果,沒有證據顯示應懷疑收斂的問題。 / Gelman, king, and Liu (1998) use multiple imputation for a series of cross section survey, and link the parameter of different survey by hierarchical model. This text introduces a method to impute missing value and estimate the parameters affected by hierarchical model if Q continuous variables has missing value under complex survey. For each cluster, the parameters are influenced by their variance-covariance matrix Ψ and Σ. The result obtained from the simulation have no clear evidence to doubt the convergence of parameters.

網際網路資料庫選擇模式之研究 / Internet Database Management and Systems Selection Study

謝麗芬, Hsieh, Li-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
最近幾年來,網際網路的出現及應用面的廣泛,改變了企業的資訊架構。從Client/Server擴展到以Web為應用程式的平台,企業面臨了資訊架構的重整,企業網路、電子商務都是現今最新的應用。由於全球資訊網採開放架構,並以HTML、HTTP為標準,使得資訊業者有所依循,開發出許多產品來滿足企業的需求。隨著Web的廣泛使用,應用程式架構、介面與行為特質都將與以往有著大大的不同,元件及交易導向的Web應用程式是勢在必行的路。 對此變革,企業最重要的課題之一是,如何建構完整的企業網路環境以增強競爭力。資料庫系統是企業各種資訊軟體的基礎,在以Web為應用程式的平台的架構下,它仍是其中重要的關鍵元件。選擇資料庫系統必須考慮許多因素,而且現有的資料庫系統的產品很多,各項產品的特性與優點均有不同,每一種產品甚至可再細分成許多元件,可依照需要選用,因此資料庫產品的選擇變成一種複雜的過程。若選擇錯誤則不僅是金錢耗費的損失,更深遠地影響整個企業的順利運作,甚至是企業競爭力的下降,更可能嚴重到影響企業的存續。故資料庫系統的選擇不可不慎。 本文提出一網際網路資料庫體系選擇模式,協助企業在全球資訊網的開放架構及多階層應用系統環境下,評選出符合企業本身狀況及需求的網際網路資料庫系統。此模式內容包含,需求分析與確認、第一至四級網際網路資料庫體系需求屬性之彙整、兩階段的廠商篩選及含加權機制之廠商評比。 最後並將此模式運用於,行政院衛生署藥物食品檢驗局之購置網際網路資料庫設備計劃。 / Internet technology has drastically changed the enterprise computing and platform. Database management and systems represent the core of the change and the key of the new revolution of the information technology and infrastructure. Business information and models have been stored and manipulated through the use of the database technology. Due to the fast growing speed and variety of the database products in the marketplace, managers are having difficult making the right decision in selecting and maintaining the Internet database management and systems. To tackle this issue, we propose a requirements-based software selection model from the user’s viewpoint. In this research, we develop a five-step choice model with an emphasis on the requirement analysis and rank analysis. We collect and compile the functional and non-functional characteristics and features of the Internet database management and systems. We classify and organize them into a four-layer hierarchy and work with the weight mechanism in the rank analysis. This choice model adopts another five-part rank policy in order to produce the final suggestion of software selection. In the end, we apply the new model in a field case study of the Web Database Systems Procurement Project with the National Laboratories of Foods and Drugs, Department of Health, Executive Yuan.

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