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小報文化中的影劇新聞產製策略與權力關係 ── 以《壹週刊》為例 / The production strategy of celebrity journalism and dominance relation in tabloid culture: a case study of next magazine劉于甄, Liu, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣《壹週刊》的影劇新聞為例,以批判論述分析法(Critical Discourse Analysis)的思考精神為啟發,從性別角色、發言權、新聞的語言特色等面向分析《壹週刊》文本。接下來,以明星、經紀人/宣傳的和小報記者的訪談,釐清台灣小報影劇新聞的產製方式,以及明星體系小報文化當中的運作過程,從中分析小報影劇新聞中誰掌握了發言權,明星和經紀人會使用哪些媒體策略來獲得正面助益。
本研究結果發現,小報媒體在全球不同文化間依循著類似的軌跡發展,從單元、圖片與題材編排的類似手法,將明星八卦、醜聞、性等細節無限制放大,透過主觀、嘲諷的口語敘事與大量圖片,讓讀者看到明星報導的幕後感與故事性。小報記者參與新聞製作時的立場是正向高度肯定的,因為小報調查式的新聞手法需要長時間籌畫、收集資料、蒐證,因此,記者認為小報才是為讀者揭發社會真相、真正敢言的媒體。另一方面,記者與明星的互動關係是多種權力交織而成的動態協商,多數時間記者掌握了報導發展的詮釋空間,但是,佔上風的角色會隨著藝人實力產生變動。操作過程中,經紀人為了徹底保護明星形象,將明星視為必須保護的文化商品,控制了明星對外發言的權力,也拉開了明星和媒體的距離。面對小報新聞可能造成的傷害,通常經紀人會預先設定立場、準備模板答案,來維護明星聲望在小報文化的侵入下能順利運作。 / Taken the entertainment news of Next Magazine as the example, the main research frame is inspired by Critical Discourse Analysis. The study analyzed the text of Next Magazine from the roles of gender, the voices and the linguistic characters of news to clarify the production logic of Taiwanese tabloid news. Next, from the interviews of entertainers, agents /publicists and tabloid journalists, the study tried to figure out how celebrity news production and Star system work within tabloid culture.
Who take the initiative of speech and utilize what kind of strategy to manipulate media relations.
The study found that, the tabloid media has developed along a similar path even in different cultures around the world. By using similar manners of the arrangement of units, images and subjects, the tabloids unlimitedly enlarge the details of the gossip, scandals and sex affairs of entertainers; additionally, a colloquial description in a subjective and mocking way and plenty of pictures are utilized to give readers a feel of behind-the-scene and narrative to the entertainers’ news. Nowadays, tabloid journalists hold a positive attitude toward the manner of digging out newsworthy materials, which requires a long time planning, information-gathering and evidence-collecting. On the other hand, the interaction between journalists and entertainers is a dynamic negotiation established by a variety of powers. What’s more, the agent may regard stars as a cultural goods, then control the power of speech of stars in order to completely protect the media image of stars. At the same time, agents block the normal communication between stars and media. To prevent the harm caused by tabloid, the agents might pre-set position and answer the template answer to maintain the reputation of stars.
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設計鏈:豪華車輛行動服務體系與使用者導向創新 / Design chain: mobility service organizing for luxury vehicle and User - centric innovation李志豪 Unknown Date (has links)
進一步可預期,更多的應用程式可經由無線通訊,被安裝在車上,想像在不久的將來,我們只需記住自己的鑰匙編碼,到任何一部具有車身區域及無線網路的車輛上,就可以馬上使用你的電子信箱,你的Car App store,也可以將你個人化的設定做轉移,如:你習慣的乘坐的位置、習慣收聽的電台,甚至是你的駕駛模式等,這些都可以透過隨機存取功能的應用程式來實現。
本論文透過行動研究員的身份,採用質性研究方法,經過長時間的田野調查,從汽車雲端技術的組織、雲端技術在服務廠的維修應用、相關人員的工作形態與技能、使用者的行為模式等,做一全面性的資料搜集與整合,並逐一追溯每一細節,分析服務體系創新的元素為何,並透過進一步推論,找出對於其他豪華車廠、其他產業公司之間的啟示,並由此發現,經由雲端維修的應用,可以預見從汽車產業打開的新事業服務平台。 / The fast development of cloud computing has enabled applications in different industries. For the automotive industry, the competitions for cloud computing is particularly intensive in the luxury car sector. This is due to that CAN-BUS local area network specifically designed for in-car communication is widely implemented and utilized for data recording, transmission and management. A lot of services provided by the car manufacturers and dealers can be integrated with this system for more user friendly approaches. For example through the connectives of 3G and wireless network, related maintenances and diagnoses can be carried out over a distance, therefore the cloud network service providers do not need to be on-site for supports. This breakthrough also diminishes the location barrier, and improves the service efficiencies (e.g. remote unlock service and remote engine start service).
A peek into the future, there will be more applications enabled by the wireless connectives between the vehicles and the cloud networks. Imagine that by simply remember a set of P-I-N number, the user will be able to access personal email accounts, on-line Car App store accounts, frequently used GPS maps, and preferred driver setting such as seat positions, favor radio channels and engine driving models in the near future. All these are independent of which car the user is actually driving.
This thesis is developed through qualitative researches over a long period of field studies from a leading luxury car manufacturer in the industry. It has in-depth discussions on the organization infrastructures, technologies and service flows required to enable cloud computing services related to the after-sale supports and maintenances in the automotive industry. The skills and on-job awareness particular to the front-line staffs and back-end supportive staffs are highlighted, and will be analyzed with different users’ use scenarios. Over these step-by-step examinations, the key elements for service innovation will be identified. To take one step further, these findings will also be related for their implications to other luxury car manufacturers and industries. This is to justify that through the applications of cloud services in the vehicle maintenances, it opens the way for service innovation in service network platform.
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小型開放經濟體系總體經濟政策之研究 / Estimating the Effects of Fiscal Policy in a Small Open Economy: The Case of Taiwan李麗華 Unknown Date (has links)
本文建立小型開放經濟體系的VAR模型,利用符號限制法(Sign Restrictions)認定財政政策衝擊,評估台灣財政政策的總體經濟效果。符號限制法係利用對衝擊反應函數做符號限制的方式認定財政衝擊,對關心的變數如:實質GDP、民間消費、民間投資、貿易收支等變數對財政政策衝擊的反應則不設限制,讓資料來回答。本研究參酌Mountford and Uhlig(2009)及Ho and Yeh(2010)的方式認定總合供給衝擊、總合需求衝擊、貨幣政策衝擊、政府支出衝擊以及政府收入衝擊。研究結果發現,政府支出衝擊對民間投資短期會產生排擠效果,中長期(二十季)則有提振的效果。政府支出衝擊引發短期名目利率上漲,國外資金流入,實質有效匯率上升,貿易收支因而下跌。政府支出衝擊對於實質GDP一開始有正向效果,但排擠效果短期會使實質GDP下跌,一旦政府支出帶動中長期民間投資後,對實質GDP有正向效果,但並不顯著。
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國民小學教師發展班級文化之研究 / The Study of Developmental Classroom Culture for Teachers in Taiwan張月鳳, Chang, Yueh-Fong Unknown Date (has links)
最後,根據本研究之文獻分析、研究結果分析與討論,提出幾點建議,以供教育行政機關、國民小學學校行政、國民小學教師及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study are to understand the current situation of elementary school teachers’ developmental classroom culture and how different teacher backgrounds are reflected in the developmental classroom culture. The major concerns of this study were as fellows: (1) to investigate the current situation of teachers’ developmental classroom culture in elementary schools, (2) to analyze the relationships between teachers’ developmental classroom culture and classroom management efficacy, (3) to explore the predictive power of teachers’ developmental classroom culture on their classroom management efficacy, (4) to provide reference and suggestions based on the conclusions suggested by the survey data.
The investigation was based on questionnaires which were distributed at 100 elementary schools in Taipei county, Taipei city, Kee-Long city, Tao-Yuang county, and Yi-Lang county. The data was analyzed statistically employing the method of descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, the Scheffé method, correlation analysis, and multi stepwise regression analysis.
The major findings are as fellows:
1. The characters of the organization in the classroom are adaptive to shape and form the developmental classroom culture. And the developmental classroom culture is approximately to be possible to carry on five parts: (1) develop the classroom culture environment, (2) breed the classroom culture activity, (3) build the classroom culture characteristic, (4) condense the classroom culture, (5)stimulate the members of the class to act.
2. The current situation of elementary school teachers’ developmental classroom culture is good. There is high perception for teachers’ developmental classroom culture among the elementary school teachers.
3. Significant differences exist among the gender, age, service years, and school location for teachers’ developmental classroom culture.
4. Significant difference exists among high, middle, and low teachers’ perception of teachers’ developmental classroom culture for their classroom management efficacy.
5. Significant positive correlation exists between teachers’ developmental classroom culture and their classroom management efficacy.
6. The classroom management efficacy can be predicted by the teachers’ developmental of classroom culture.
Based on the results of this study, some suggestions are made for educational administration, the elementary school administration, the elementary school teachers and future study.
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中國農村基礎教育的階層化:偏遠地區教育資源分配的不均等趙鈺芬 Unknown Date (has links)
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跳脫國際政治的攻勢及守勢現實主義:體系穩定的互動與結構解釋之嘗試 / Beyond the Offensive and Defensive Realism in the International Politics: An Attempt of Interaction and Structure Explanations on the Stability of the International System楊仕樂, Yang, Shih-Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
本文指出,互動能力的概念,不僅是新的解釋來源,也是界定體系範疇的前提,未來的國際政治理論應利用攻守平衡的解釋邏輯,在結構之外的互動能力解釋來源中,開發科技與地理等兩項解釋變數;並發掘結構解釋來源中,絕對的權力分配作解釋變數,再分別從此導出推論;而有關穩定的意涵,也應從戰爭的避免,擴大為對和平的威脅。本文的實證研究範圍訂在一六四八年至今的歐洲乃至全球體系,本文將先分別呈現各項解釋變數在各個時代的變化,以及依據推論所應出現的結果,再對照實際上體系穩定的變異狀態,以檢驗各項推論。整體而言,本文所進行的實證研究大致上是獲得了相當的正面結果。 / The purposes of this thesis are: examining the current obstructions in Realist theory of international politics, proposing alternatives, and conducting empirical studies. The thesis finds that, the debates between Offensive and Defensive Realism are unnecessary. The level of analysis problem is still crucial: unit level explanations are complex and hard to test, but system level explanations base on the structure of relative power distribution are not satisfactory either. Thus, to get rid of the offensive and defensive labeling, the thesis proposes two alternatives within the Realist material tradition: “interaction” and “structure” explanations on the stability of the international system.
The thesis argues that, interaction capacity is both a source of explanation and the precondition of a system. In the future, the theory of international politics should take offense-defense balance as logic of explanation to explore technology, geography, and absolute power distribution as independent variables. In addition, the concept of stability as a dependent variable should also be expanded. Stability is not merely the avoidance of war, but the threat to peace. The scope of the qualitative empirical studies are European and global international systems from 1648 to present. In general, the thesis finds rather positive results to support the interaction and structure explanations.
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人口因素對兩岸競爭力影響之研究章元勳, Chang, Yuan-shin Unknown Date (has links)
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銀行資本與金融控股體系對銀行放款管道的影響-追蹤資料分析 / The impact of bank capital and financial holding company on the bank lending channel-a panel data analysis郭羿伶 Unknown Date (has links)
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雲端環境下台灣筆記型電腦代工業者轉型至平板電腦經營策略之探討 / A study of business transformation on Taiwanese ODMs - from notebook PC to tablet PC industry under cloud computing environment袁正華 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 降低筆記型電腦代工比重,尤其是適度減少Ultrabook投入,以挪出資源給新產品。
2. 增加伺服器等相關產品線的投入,轉型為雲端硬體供應商。
3. 發展在雲端運算與相關生態體系業者的合作夥伴關係,包括與印度軟體代工業者的合作。
4. 選擇平板電腦適合的行業用產業,先從小範圍的行業用雲端運算,例如雲端英語教學,作為培養實力與經驗的起點,藉以熟悉雲端運算的商業模式,同時尋求保持良好的營運利潤水準。 / After 20 years of endeavor, Taiwanese notebook PC, or Laptop, ODMs have gained more than 90% of world share in terms of annual notebook PC shipment. However, these ODMs have been facing detrimental challenges which the profit margin is getting slimmer, and even worse is their customers have been losing markets due to both the world economy downturn, and severe challenges from Apple’s so-called “iDevice” since 2010. Through the approach the case study of a notebook PC ODM who is diversifing from notebook PC to tablet PC industry, and through SWOT analysis, I hope to figure out some feasible solution to bail the ODMs out with some innovative and profitable business models.
By scrutinizing the trends of Cloud Computing and Global English under the macro environment, and the current industry status of notebook PC, tablet PC, Indian software ODMs, Apple’s iPad and its business model, we intend to figure out the overall opportunities and threats from the macro environment for the notebook PC ODMs who are keen to diversify into tablet PC field. Also, through the research to identify the internal strengths and weakness of the case company, the summary and suggestion to Taiwanese notebook PC ODMs are as follows:
1. Lower the percentage of notebook PC lines among their products portfolio. Ultrabook is not suggested to have heavy investment on.
2. Allocate sufficient resources to develop cloud-related equipments such as servers and tablet PCs.
3. Develop the crirical compentence set which are necessary for Cloud Computing, through the close partnership with major ecosystem participating companies. The cooperation between Taiwanese hardware ODMs and Indian software ODMs are highly recommended.
4. Start with one small but manageable ecosystem, such as English teaching through cloud, and get familiar with the business model and ways of sustaining profits.
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轉型經濟下的中國城市住房改革-以重慶為例 / Transitional urban housing reform in China-the Chongqing case吳欣純, Wu, Hsin Chun Unknown Date (has links)
重慶的住房模式在短短幾年間引起學界關注,主因在於近年中國城市面臨高房價的困難,雖自1998年即開始推動各種保障性住房,但在各城市的運作中面臨許多困難,對社會弱勢保障效果有限。重慶近年在住房制度設計上形成住房保障與商品住房雙重運作體系,透過各種推動公共租賃住房及其他保障性住房,為中國各城市乃至世界各國面臨居住問題者所關注。有鑑於目前尚未有完整探討重慶住房制度改革的文獻,對住房的重慶模式也未有完整的討論,因此本文以中國住房制度改革做為背景脈絡,探討重慶住房改革歷程,分析重慶保障性住房政策與商品房市場的政策設計,進一步聚焦住房的「重慶模式」運作內容,整理分析重慶住房制度超越其他城市建立雙軌制的因素,並探討重慶住房保障體系能在幾年內快速建設的關鍵,為後續研究中國住房改革及重慶住房雙軌制者提供研究發現。 / As China went through the progress of economic reform during late 1980’s, the housing policy also started to change. It was used to be welfare housing distribution system in the past years, however, many problems raised in practice, such as insufficient charge in rent, unfair distributions, or insufficient housing units. Therefore, the housing policy started to practice commercialization and marketization, in order to resolve the old problems. Chinese government officially stopped the welfare housing policy in 1998. During the transformation to commercialized housing market, the Chinese government also developed indemnificatory apartments with multilayer protections, including the construction of low-rent housing, affordable housing and public housing accumulation fund. The government attempted to provide dual housing system by investing constructions, providing land for housing and other policies. The most well known case is the “Chongqing model” The goal of their policy is to realize “the socialism market economy with Chinese characteristics”.
The “Chongqing model” drew a lot of attention in academia in very few years. The main reason is the rising housing price in the cities in China. Although indemnificatory apartments project formed since 1998, the practical operation is problematic with limited protection for people with lower social status. By having public rental housing and other secured housing, the city government of Chongqing has developed a dual system with both secured housing and commercialized housing. Their achievement is known by other Chinese cities and the rest of the world. This thesis will address the background of the reform of Chinese housing policy, the progress of the reform of the housing policy in Chongqing , the analysis of the policy design and the operation of their policy. The reason why the “Chongqing model” is better than other cities in China will be discussed as well. We hope that we will provide the key of the fast and growing development of the Chongqing’s housing system, to people who are interested in reform of Chinese housing policy and the dual housing system in Chongqing.
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