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穩定性與多重性-以二部門體系動態調整方式為例 / Stability and indeterminacy --the dynamic adjustment of two-sector economy連科雄, Lian, Ke-Shaw Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣競爭力優劣勢研究 --以Michael E. Porter之國家競爭優勢理論分析之 / The research of Taiwan's Competitiveness-analysis with Michael Porter's National Advantage Theory游柏峰, Yu, Po-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本文藉由波特教授之國家競爭優勢理論以及做為參考指標之主要工業國發展過程的研究,歸納出結論,另以總體分析法--運用各種具體指標由上而下加以分析之,亦即在國家的層次上定義國家競爭力,然後找出影響國家競爭力的因素,最後加以綜合分析,促進對於國家綜合的競爭能力表現之了解。第一章緒論探討本文研究動機、目的與方法,第二章針對波特教授的菱形鑽石體系與競爭發展四階段理論分析,並以其理論兼論我國發展情勢,第三章為各國產業發展過程的比較研究,重點在於以鑽石體系四要素來檢視發展進程,並論述九十年代以後各國發展情形,最後則綜合歸納政府政策對於各國產業影響。第四、五章為我國競爭力優劣勢研究,主要依照「行政院提昇國家競爭力行動小組」所擬定之項目與洛桑國際管理學院(IMD)之競爭力排名加以分析,第六章結論探討本文主要發現,政策性意涵與啟示以及未來可能之發展。 / The major theory of dissertation according to Michael Porter's "National Competitive Theory" and the other facts, which would affect National Competitiveness Advantage. Then, conclude all of facts and make it meaningful.
Chapter 1 describes about the motive and method of this research. Chapter 2 aims to the Diamond determinants of national advantage, also usethis theory to analyze Taiwan's recent competitive situation.Chapter 3 mainly talking about the industrail developing process of advancedcountry, include USA, Switzerland, Swedwn,Germany,Japan,Italy,UK and Korea,also compare with each other's different apperance after 90's.Chapter 4 and 5 focus on Taiwan's
Competitiveness Report by IMD .Chapter 6 is conclusion and
major discoveries of the whole dissertation.
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我國文化行政組織體系變遷與發展之研究 / The Change and Development of Cultural Administration in China林志冠, Lin, Jyh Guan Unknown Date (has links)
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外匯市場非線型時間序列之實證研究 --自迴歸條件異質變異數與類神經網路模式分析法 / A Non-linear Series Analysis of Foreign Market --An ARCH and Neural Approach葉俊雄, Yeh, Jiunn Shyong Unknown Date (has links)
異質變異數,非條件尖峰態 ... 等特性o 固然金融資產報酬具有線型不可
構正是真實體系的表徵, 否則無論該特定模式的結構特性多完美,均難以
建構一令人信服的數理化模式來表徵真實體系之行為o 不幸地,此一問題
在高度非線型的動態隨機體系中尤其嚴重, 甚至是否存在一 ``真實''
模式來據以表徵體系之行為,亦是相當值得懷疑, 故考慮一種無需特定結
構訊息假設的無母數方法或函數逼近法實屬必要o 類神經網路中的倒傳遞
資產報酬序列資料所產生的 ARCH 效果本身是否為真實序列資料產生機制
特性之顯現, 還是應歸咎於被忽略掉條件均數方面之非線性所衍生模式設
定錯誤情況下的代用模式, 並不得而知;另一方面, ARCH 模式的顯著成就
及其價值亦不能予以輕易地漠視, 因此, 試圖將 ARCH 模式所能提供的攸
質變異數 (BPN-ARCH) 模式以增進樣本外預測能力的精度便是本論文最
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立法委員選舉制度變革對我國政黨體系之影響 / The impacts on Taiwan’s party systems from its’legislative members election reform張家愷, Chang, Chia Kai Unknown Date (has links)
過去由於我國立法委員選舉所採用的「複數選區單記非讓渡投票制」,常造成選風敗壞、偏激取向、派系政治等諸多負面影響。有鑑於此,立法院於2004年8月23日通過「席次減半」及「單一選區兩票制」的修憲案,並於2005年6月7日經國民大會複決通過,自第七屆開始,立法委員任期改為4年,席次減半為113人。2008年1月12日第七屆立法委員選舉首次實施「單一選區兩票制」,而本文將檢視此次立委選舉結果相關資料,探討選制改變後對我國政黨體系之影響,並從過去的理論評析與實際運作層面相互驗證,探討理論與實務之間異同,及其可能之影響因素,然而,由於僅是一次實施的結果,因此相關後續發展仍須持續觀察。 / In the past, our national elections of members of Legislative Yuan adopted “multi-member-district, single non-transferable vote.” It usually caused negative influences such as deterioration of election, extreme trends, and faction politics. Therefore, Legislative Yuan passed constitution-amending bills “seats reduction in half” and “single-district two votes system” on August 23rd, 2004. These bills were passed by National Assembly on June 7th, 2005. The term of service for the seventh legislators was prolonged into four years and the seats were reduced in half to 113 seats. The seventh legislator election adopted “single-district two votes system” for the first time on January 12th, 2008. The essay will survey information related to the outcome of the legislator election, discussing the influence of changing election systems on the systems of political parties. Through the mutual demonstration between past theory criticism and practical operation, it discusses common and different points between theories and practices and finds out possible influential elements. However, it is just the outcome of single practice so it’s following development requires constant observations.
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論台灣資訊軟體產業發展策略-從開源碼到混合碼的國際發展趨勢分析 / The developing strategy of Taiwan software and information industry–analysed from the international trend of moving from open source to mixed source施立成, Shih, Vincent L.C. Unknown Date (has links)
開放原始碼軟體(Open Source Software;OSS)或稱自由軟體(free software)近年來備受矚目,許多政府、企業、機構團體認為相較於專屬軟體(proprietary software),開放原始碼軟體的成本低廉、安全性高,因而支持開放原始碼軟體,一些國際知名大廠也投入開發相關產品以支援開放原始碼軟體;然而,深入分析開放原始碼軟體與專屬軟體在價格、穩定性及功能性之優、缺點,可發現開放原始碼軟體未必如其支持者所稱較專屬軟體具有低成本、高技術性等之優點;至於市場佔有率方面,近十年來開放原始碼軟體雖在網頁瀏覽器(Brower)及行動設備作業系統的市占率呈現顯著成長,但在桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、小筆電及伺服器的市場占有率則仍遠不及專屬軟體。
隨著開放原始碼軟體的興起,相關的問題及風險亦隨之產生。在商業模式方面,過去鼎力支持開放原始碼軟體,並且保證決不會以自家專利攻擊Linux社群及業者的IBM,如今也開始手持自家專利對付開放原始碼軟體業者,此一案例凸顯了開放原始碼軟體追求自由、開放分享的精神,與追求市占率及利潤為目標之企業經營環境,兩者間存在著本質上的衝突與矛盾。而為了降低使用開放原始碼軟體可能產生之風險,已有越來越多使用開放原始碼軟體的企業,改採混合碼(Mixed Source)的軟體策略,亦即在一項產品中,同時使用開放原始碼軟體和專屬軟體,儼然已成為國際趨勢;現今,已有超過50%的開放原始碼軟體供應商將開放原始碼軟體結合其內部專屬原始碼使用,有60%以上的開放原始碼軟體供應商已採用某些類型的商業授權方式,而一些原本非開放原始碼軟體的公司也開始利用開放原始碼來加強其市場競爭力。
在歐洲、美洲及亞洲等世界各主要國家的軟體政策方面,過去雖有許多積極推動開放原始碼軟體計劃之媒體報導,然而,近幾年來,各國政府已較少採取獨厚開原碼的推廣政策,而大多數是以技術中立(Technical Neutral)或強調互通性的方式兼容並蓄的廣納各種不同的軟體授權模式,此也印證了混合碼的國際發展趨勢。至於我國的軟體發展政策,過去一直偏重在開放原始碼軟體的發展及補助上,然而執行的結果,不但市場現況與預期成果有相當大的落差,投入與產出顯不成比例,且由我國政府的自由軟體發展政策,亦可看出我國政府在資訊軟體產業發展政策上存在著將對開放原始碼的補助方案當作對整體資訊軟體產業的政策發展方向等等之混淆及迷思,此皆阻礙了我國資訊軟體產業之發展。
有鑑於此,本研究乃由策略大師麥可•波特(Michael E. Porter)所提出之國家競爭優勢鑽石體系(National Diamond)架構,分析我國在資訊軟體產業發展上的國家競爭力,並針對我國政府的資訊軟體產業發展政策,由組織領導、法令環境、創新商業模式、施政指標及匡正智庫角色等面向提出具體建議,期能對我國資訊軟體產業之發展有所貢獻及助益。 / Open Source Software (OSS) or Free Software has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. Comparing with traditional proprietary software, many governments, enterprises and institutions seems to believe that OSS is more cost effective and more secure, and thus support OSS. Similarly, a number of global companies have also started to invest in the development of related products that support OSS. However, after some in-depth analysis of the advantages and shorcomings in pricing, stability and functionality between OSS and proprietary software, it could be found that OSS may not have such high advantages in cost and technical level as its supporters asserted. Regarding the market shares in the last ten years, OSS has gained significant growth in the markets of Web Browser and Mobile Devise OS, but its market shares in Desktop Computer, Notebook, Netbook and Server markets are still far hehind proprietary software.
The increasing popularity of OSS has inevitably triggered relevant issues and risk. From business model perspectives, previously IBM has been a long term OSS supporter and also publicly announced that it will never attack Linux companies and communities with its own patents. However, IBM recently began leveraging its patent portfolio and sending patent infringement warning to an OSS company who may compete with IBM in the server market. This recent case is a good example to highlight the inherent conflict and contradictions between the pursuit of freedom and open sharing spirit in OSS and the pursuit of profit and market shares in enterprise business environment. In order to reduce or manage the potential risk that could be triggered by OSS, more and more companies who use OSS begin to adjust their software strategy by adopting Mixed Source strategy. It has also become a trend in the global ICT industry to adopt or combine both OSS and Commercial Software into one product. Nowadays, more than 50% of OSS vendors start to combine OSS with their internal proprietary source code, more than 60% of OSS vendors have adopted certain types of commercial software licensing model, and some of the original non-OSS companies are also starting to leverage OSS to improve their market competitiveness.
With respect to intellectual property rights (IPR), even though some OSS communities still strongly oppose to the concept of IPR protection, some recent cases clearly prove that this kind of ideology is contrary to the trend of further improving IPR protection in the era of knowledge-based economy. Consequently, OSS still inevitably needs to face IPR management, infringement risk and licensing terms enforcement issues. However, due to the lack of professional legal or IPR management personnels in traditional OSS community and OSS projects usually involve numerous technical or code contributors, adopting OSS in current business environment will face many difficulties and challenges in IPR management, IPR enforcement and litigation risk. Another issue lies in the enforcement of OSS licensing terms, recently some OSS communities began to increasingly emphasize that users must strictly comply with all the licensing terms or requirements of the OSS model, and subsequently began to actively pursue legal enforcement actions against those violators. Therefore, it is imperative for any enterprise organization to establish comprehensive risk management and internal control/audit mechanism if it wishes to adopt OSS model.
In the past there were lots of media reports that actively promote government sponsored OSS policies in Europe, Asia and other major countries. However, there were less and less OSS only policy in recent years, governments around the world began to take Technical Neutral position or focus on interoperability by adopting a variety of different software licensing models. This development also confirms the international trend of adopting Mixed Source model. As for the software industry development policy in Taiwan, previously it has been focus on OSS related development and subsidy programs only. However, from the execution results, not only there is a huge gap between current market status and the expected results, the return of investment (ROI) from all those government funding programs is also extremely low. Furthermore, from the OSS development policy announced by the government, it is quite clear that there are confusions and myths among related government agencies that our current OSS development or subsidy programs equal to our national information software industry development policy. All of the above issues have seriously hindered the development of information software industry in Taiwan.
Based on the above analysis, this study leverages the National Diamond model proposed by the famous compete strategy expert, Michael E. Porter, to analyse the competitive advantages of Taiwan's information software industry. The study further proposes specific recommendations focusing on the organizational leadership, legal environment, innovation of business models, policy index, and the accurate role of think tanks in our government's information software industry development policy. Hopefully there will be some value-added and contributions to the development of information software industy in Taiwan.
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英國學派-被忽視的國際關係理論 / English School- The Neglected International Relations Theory李卓濤, Lee, Juo-Tau Unknown Date (has links)
本論文認為抱持多元開放、重視整體性、社會性、規範性的英國學派更能面對接踵而來的環境議題、全球化相關問題及人道干涉等全球性議題,如果正視國際關係也是社會關係的一部分,英國學派是能成為較適當的國際關係理論。 / Social relations encompasses international relations so that the inquiry for international relations must embark on the historical, social, cultural context that states involved in. Otherwise we can’t envisage a comprehensive image of international relations. Under the dominance of positivism led by American international relations, English School, whose intellectual focus is International Society, has been neglected for a long period of time and immerged in the linear history.
For the sake of exploring English School, the thesis sets out three schemes. First, it retrospects the history, leading figures and label of English School. Second, it elucidates the arguments of English School, including the three ontologies- International System, International Society and World Society as well as three traditions, namely Realism, Rationalism and Revolutionism. Third, beginning with the discuss of Positivism and Interpretivism, the author argues Positivism has its limitation in societal international relations. Consequently, it is English School, which tilts toward an open and diverse inclination, that can tell a better story.
The author concludes that English School that stresses on holism, society and social norms can take on the upcoming global issues, such as environmental issue, globalization and humanitarian intervention. If we square up to the fact that international relations is a part of social relations, English School can be a more adequate international relations theory.
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景觀計畫架構體系與操作方法之研究﹣以宜蘭縣政中心地區為例 / The Preliminary Research of the Landscape Planning Framework System and Operation Procedure ﹣A Case Study of the I- Lan County Government Development Area林玄宜, Hsuan- I Lin January 1993 (has links)
本研究探討「景觀法(草案)」施行前後,對於現行都市計畫體系等所產生改變,以及未來在景觀法下景觀計畫,將不再僅為都市計畫定期通盤檢討實施辦法第八條內都市設計應辦事項,乃提升為更上位指導性計畫(法定程序與計畫位階),以充份發揮在地所屬地方特色且能因地制宜。因此,本研究乃依據政府當前所施行主要「政策趨向」與「法令規範」為基礎,從「景觀計畫」理念涵構、內容範疇、架構體系、操作方法等面向來加以探究。並於理論研議之後再透過案例模擬,以「宜蘭縣政府」為主導單位來探討合理推動「宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫」之操作程序與策略指引研議。以下是本研究在研討過程當中,根據理論與模擬結果,所歸納出來主要成果,並可供未來發展景觀計畫工作時建議方向。其一為政策機制:1.重視計畫擬訂過程整合、2.計畫主體縣(市)政府、3.設景觀計畫審議委員會、4.落實行政專業專職人員、5.提供修訂上位計畫參據、6.建蔽率與容積率的檢討、7.景觀計畫之行銷與考核、8.鼓勵公私合夥廣籌財源等。其二為管理維護:1.定期與不定期資料蒐集、2.城鄉景觀資源有效整合、3.訂定管理維護獎懲條例、4.成長管理的監測與評估、5.嚴格監督整體開發成果、6.提供經驗技術專責單位、7.整合相關查報取締工作、8.教育民眾自我意識提升、9.落實環境宣導教育推廣、10.閒置土地綠美化等。其三為案例模擬:1.通盤檢討落實、2.審議制度建構、3.當地民眾參與、4.自治條例研擬、5.預期成效模擬、6.行銷策略推廣等。 / The study process is based on the "Qualitative Research- Exploratory & Conclusive Research" & assistant by "Practical Prove" of the landscape planning framework system and operation procedure. In past years, the effort to promote townscape so as to create a rural feel has demonstrated its results in many places. However, it has always lacked the guidance of a prospectus and long- term planning. Local development has been the focus of attention for a long time; there are important theme for discussion, is a local intent of the landscape planning is to complement the defeat of two- dimensional arrangement of traditional urban planning and to achieve three- dimensional control of the townscape. Furthermore, Landscape planning can also integrate the activities in city, rural and shape the unique townscape characteristics. A practice of the landscape law will be a trend in Taiwan. This study is consisted of the three parts; namely basic study, the analysis and verification, and remedies. This study would probe concepts and theories of sustainable townscape via the relative literatures. To review the bottom- up processing & top- down processing on the relative literatures and theories- probes the concepts, a theory, control elements of the landscape planning, and furthermore, establishes the research framework system- consequence strategies of behavior change and antecedent strategies of behavior change of this study; the landscape law and institutions should fit the needs of landscape planning. And the researcher will make clear the operating mechanism of the landscape planning framework system in every law level according to the enforceable contents of current urban planning. The processing procedure timeline will be improving and thus the landscape law will be satisfied. Implementation for the plan is divided into current stage and future stage, according to the physical environment potentials, constraints and the planning goals. Thus the government authorities show the confident of implementing the planning and win public trust. In a long run, continuing the sustainable development process. For the principles of setting up the regulation, it needs to clearly explain on the three levels, the goals, objectives and criteria. Furthermore, we try to apply the concepts of landscape law in the landscape planning of case and discover the potential and limits of the local region with the analysis methodology of the S.W.O.T. analysis method to construct a reasonable and suitable landscape development strategy of the "I- Lan county government development area". Finally, the purpose is to understand whether the local administration institution does suit introduces on the "landscape law and planning" in Taiwan. Besides, on this research also attempt to consult the factors that affect the landscape law & planning development of Taiwan today, and then to bring up the vision of the future in Taiwan. All these efforts enhance Taiwan townscape’ style shape and characterize on the districts with a sustainable development townscape vision. / 目 錄
誌 謝iv
目 錄v
表 目 錄viii
圖 目 錄ix
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究動機與目的5
1.2.1 研究動機5
1.2.2 研究目的8
1.3 研究範疇與架構10
1.3.1 研究範疇10
1.3.2 研究架構11
1.4 研究方法與流程13
1.4.1 研究方法13
1.4.2 研究流程15
1.5 名詞定義18
第二章 文獻回顧21
2.1 臺灣城鄉風貌問題21
2.2 創造城鄉新風貌行動方案趨勢26
2.2.1 計畫回顧26
2.2.2 計畫探討29
2.3 永續城鄉觀點34
2.3.1 基本觀念探討35
2.3.2 發展思考脈絡38
2.4 景觀計畫涵蓋範疇芻議49
2.4.1 相關文獻回顧50
2.4.2 計畫內容研議52
2.5 小結58
第三章 景觀計畫架構體系59
3.1 景觀計畫定位59
3.2 景觀法(草案)探討60
3.2.1 擬訂背景60
3.2.2 綜合探討65
3.3 景觀計畫體系衍議66
3.3.1 現行都市計畫體系對於景觀計畫影響67
3.3.2 未來景觀計畫於都市計畫體系中定位73
3.4 景觀計畫架構探討79
3.4.1 景觀計畫架構體系79
3.4.2 都市計畫位階內容84
3.5 小結95
第四章 景觀計畫操作方法97
4.1 景觀計畫執行97
4.2 景觀計畫操作範疇99
4.2.1 推動程序99
4.2.2 調查內容102
4.3 景觀計畫操作方法111
4.3.1 規劃認知111
4.3.2 規劃步驟112
4.4 景觀計畫操作建議129
4.4.1 政策機制的操作方向129
4.4.2 管理維護的操作方向131
4.5 小結133
第五章 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫操作模擬(先期研究)135
5.1 宜蘭縣(研究範圍)環境調查分析135
5.1.1 地區發展背景與政策定位136
5.1.2 相關上位計畫與發展計畫139
5.1.3 研究範圍景觀資源的分析140
5.1.4 小結142
5.2 宜蘭縣政中心地區(計畫範圍)環境調查分析142
5.2.1 計畫地區發展背景與定位142
5.2.2 計畫地區主要與細部計畫146
5.2.3 計畫範圍景觀資源的分析148
5.2.4 小結156
5.3 蘭陽地區(案例研析)地域性規劃設計案例探討156
5.3.1 規劃案例一:冬山河親水公園159
5.3.2 規劃案例二:羅東運動公園162
5.3.3 設計案例一:宜蘭縣政中心行政大樓165
5.3.4 設計案例二:宜蘭厝168
5.3.5 小結172
第六章 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫操作模擬(計畫整合)173
6.1 宜蘭縣政中心地區相關景觀議題整合173
6.1.1 自然景觀向度議題175
6.1.2 人文景觀向度議題177
6.1.3 實質景觀向度議題179
6.1.4 SWOT分析181
6.2 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫策略指引186
6.2.1 景觀計畫發展願景與目標187
6.2.2 景觀計畫擬訂標的與原則191
6.2.3 小結202
6.3 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構體系與操作建議207
6.3.1 縣(市)綜合發展計畫位階體系架構207
6.3.2 都市計畫主要計畫位階景觀計畫內容213
6.3.3 都市計畫細部計畫位階景觀計畫內容216
6.3.4 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫操作建議221
第七章 結論與建議229
7.1 結論229
7.2 建議231
A 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫發展原則(策略指引)245
B 宜蘭縣相關景觀資源整理289
C 宜蘭縣政中心地區建築及土地使用分區管制要點305
D 宜蘭縣建築管理自治條例311
E 景觀法(草案)條文內容說明317
F 創造城鄉新風貌行動方案整理323
G 相關法令規章331
H 研究文獻評析335
表2.1 傳統城鄉規劃與永續城鄉規劃的差異性41
表2.2 相關文獻回顧整理與應用51
表3.1 景觀法(草案)計畫架構與本研究計畫層級內容比較82
表4.1 公部門擬訂景觀計畫之計畫內容與計畫範疇99
表4.2 自然景觀向度之計畫調查內容103
表4.3 人文景觀向度之計畫調查內容105
表4.4 實質景觀向度之計畫調查內容108
表4.5 落實景觀計畫執行方法與執行範疇125
表4.6 景觀計畫構成比較分析134
表5.1 研究範圍(宜蘭縣)相關景觀資源;對於「景觀計畫」應用屬性140
表6.1 「綜合策略評估(SWOT)」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀影響因子構成(一)181
表6.2 「綜合策略評估(SWOT)」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀因應策略矩陣(二)182
表6.3 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構內容204
表6.4 「主要計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(一)214
表6.5 「主要計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(二)215
表6.6 「細部計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(一)217
表6.7 「細部計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(二)219
表6.8 落實宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫執行方法與執行範疇223
圖1.1 宜蘭縣政中心區位示意圖11
圖1.2 宜蘭縣政中心主要發展區11
圖1.3 研究理論架構與範疇12
圖1.4 研究方法架構與範疇16
圖1.5 研究流程17
圖1.6 永續景觀﹣德國漢堡20
圖1.7 自然景觀﹣宜蘭石牌20
圖1.8 人文景觀﹣宜蘭縣政中心20
圖1.9 實質景觀﹣台北士林20
圖2.1 永續觀念下生態規劃概念﹣以基地(小)尺度開發為例44
圖2.2 計畫架構層次示意圖54
圖2.3 景觀計畫架構內容初擬57
圖3.1 歷年來創造城鄉新風貌政策推動主要演進點62
圖3.2 景觀法(草案)計畫體系示意圖64
圖3.3 狹義屬性景觀計畫體系72
圖3.4 廣義屬性景觀計畫體系78
圖3.5 景觀計畫架構體系初擬80
圖3.6 景觀計畫行政體系初擬81
圖3.7 主要計畫位階景觀計畫架構與範疇89
圖3.8 細部計畫位階景觀計畫架構與範疇94
圖4.1 景觀計畫執行架構初擬98
圖4.2 落實景觀計畫民眾參與執行方法122
圖4.3 臺灣地區實施景觀計畫操作流程127
圖5.1 宜蘭縣區位分析137
圖5.2 宜蘭縣政中心地區計畫發展構想144
圖5.3 宜蘭縣政中心地區都市計畫範圍示意圖145
圖5.4 宜蘭縣政中心地區都市計畫主要發展區145
圖5.5 縣政中心主要發展區公共設施分佈圖145
圖5.6 縣政中心主要發展區公共設施紋理圖145
圖5.7 縣政中心主要發展區土地使用分區圖145
圖5.8 縣政中心主要發展區土地使用紋理圖145
圖5.9 宜蘭市區﹣舊街區紋理比較151
圖5.10 羅東市區﹣舊街區紋理比較151
圖5.11 宜蘭縣政中心地區城鄉風貌結構紋理演變進程152
圖5.12 景觀資源分佈﹣社區發展現況部份153
圖5.13 景觀資源分佈﹣人文景觀現況部份153
圖5.14 景觀資源分佈﹣交通系統現況部份154
圖5.15 景觀資源分佈﹣公共設施現況部份154
圖5.16 景觀資源分佈﹣植栽景觀現況部份155
圖5.17 景觀資源分佈﹣夜間景觀現況部份155
圖5.18 冬山親水公園﹣防洪與遊憩157
圖5.19 羅東運動公園﹣教育與休閒157
圖5.20 縣政行政大樓﹣機能與公園157
圖5.21 宜蘭民居形塑﹣氣候與模式157
圖5.22 冬山河親水公園規劃手法圖示說明161
圖5.23 羅東運動公園規劃手法圖示說明(一)163
圖5.24 羅東運動公園規劃手法圖示說明(二)164
圖5.25 宜蘭縣政中心行政大樓設計手法圖示說明167
圖5.26 宜蘭厝設計手法圖示說明171
圖6.1 宜蘭縣內高山景觀資源175
圖6.2 宜蘭縣內溪流景觀資源175
圖6.3 宜蘭縣內平原景觀資源175
圖6.4 宜蘭縣內田園景觀資源175
圖6.5 宜蘭縣內山地不當破壞175
圖6.6 宜蘭意象所在景觀資源176
圖6.7 宜蘭多樣豐富景觀資源176
圖6.8 宜蘭縣內河川景觀資源176
圖6.9 宜蘭縣內海岸景觀資源176
圖6.10 地區農村產業景觀資源176
圖6.11 宜蘭風俗民情景觀資源177
圖6.12 地區人文歷史古蹟資源177
圖6.13 地區竹圍農舍景觀資源177
圖6.14 地區周邊土地利用現況177
圖6.15 國道北宜高速公路現況178
圖6.16 北迴線鐵路的發展現況178
圖6.17 計畫區內風貌發展現況178
圖6.18 計畫區內日間景觀現況178
圖6.19 計畫區內夜間景觀現況178
圖6.20 台九省道日間景觀現況179
圖6.21 台九省道夜間景觀現況179
圖6.22 內環道路日間景觀現況179
圖6.23 內環道路夜間景觀現況179
圖6.24 集散道路日間景觀現況179
圖6.25 集散道路夜間景觀現況179
圖6.26 外環道路日間景觀現況180
圖6.27 外環道路夜間景觀現況180
圖6.28 凱旋路兩側的連續樟樹180
圖6.29 土地區段徵收整地現況180
圖6.30 地區內原有栽植的果樹180
圖6.31 地區舊存社區建築現況180
圖6.32 城鄉整體景觀(地景)風貌發展概念圖199
圖6.33 適當保留邊緣農業區避免開發無限蔓延199
圖6.34 鄉土樹種為主外來樹種為輔達適地適樹199
圖6.35 透過生態施工方法以降低開發影響程度199
圖6.36 落實鄉土性生態教育與保育觀念的紮根199
圖6.37 營造整體秩序與風格形塑獨有城鄉意象200
圖6.38 配合計畫發展塑造各分區使用空間意象200
圖6.39 計畫單元整體開發營造分區風格與意象200
圖6.40 配合分區使用特性促使新舊建築間和諧200
圖6.41 配合周遭的地景或街景形塑場所自明性200
圖6.42 既有空間綠點的增加提升整體綠美化量200
圖6.43 配合各分區法定空地退縮進行整體設計200
圖6.44 提供多目標活動使用的開放空間或綠地200
圖6.45 設施應與周邊環境結合以體現當地氣候201
圖6.46 設施應適度的加入環境教育與教化功能201
圖6.47 服務設施應透過民眾參與體現當地風格201
圖6.48 服務設施應配合多目標使用與教化功能201
圖6.49 區內建立適當比例混植密林區或荒野區201
圖6.50 透過多層次生態綠化結合休憩活化身心201
圖6.51 針對區內閒置空間進行綠美化環境改善201
圖6.52 採不同時序開花植栽創造四季色彩變化201
圖6.53 重要地標照明以形塑地區夜間視覺焦點202
圖6.54 透過對歷史建築適當照明營造夜間氣氛202
圖6.55 重要交通路徑應加強夜間照明視覺引導202
圖6.56 依分區屬性給予適當照明營造夜間氣氛202
圖6.57 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構層次203
圖6.58 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫行政體系初擬208
圖6.59 「狹義屬性」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫體系210
圖6.60 「廣義屬性」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫體系212
圖6.61 「主要計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構與範疇213
圖6.62 「細部計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構與範疇216
圖6.63 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫執行架構初擬222
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社會國原則、國家保護義務與弱勢者─以社會給付行政相關問題為中心 / The social state principle, state duty to protect and the disadvantaged- administrative issues of benefit payments for the spindle林莅薰, Lin, Lih Shiun Unknown Date (has links)
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潛在的超強:中國崛起的地緣戰略與亞太安全研究 / Potential super power: the study on rising China's geostrategy and its impact on Asia-Pacific security王俊評, Wang, Chun Ping Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:中國、亞太地緣政治次體系、權力平衡、地緣政治均衡、地緣政治密碼、戰略文化、地緣戰略 / The research question of this dissertation is that whether China might seek to apply coercive measures to create an East Asia Geostrategic Realm and to dominate the turf by itself, which just like what pre-modern China’s Empires did. Because of the increasing possibility of armed conflicts between China and other regional powers, including the United States, these measures will put the international security of the Asia-Pacific region in jeopardy. Furthermore, this is not according to what China’s claim on “peaceful development/rising” or the so-called “harmonious world.”
Modern Chinese strategic elites inherit three main geo-strategic legacies such as the Chinese traditional concept of “Tianxia” (天下觀), domestic-oriented strategic culture, and national land-power nature in China’s history. China also receives the European thought of continental-oriented naval strategy from the Soviet Union while Maoist China built its navy which supported by the Soviet’s help in the 1950s. These legacies and foreign naval strategic thought not only shape modern China’s “Land-Power Maritime Geo-strategy,” but also affect the nature, gravity, directions, and the major operations of the geo-strategy.
Base on China’s rapid economic growth and military modernization, the self-confidential Chinese elites gradually transform the traditional concept of Tianxia into the new “Sino-centricism,” which stress on the superiority of China’s culture and politico-economic systems. In terms of the geopolitical codes of modern China, they pursue the realization of territorial claims for the purpose of “union” on the local level; overwhelming the competitions of leadership in East Asia from Japan, India, and the ASEAN for creating a Chinese-dominated East Asian Geostrategic Realm on the regional level; pursuing multi-polarization of the international system and, establishing new international politico-economic orders on the systemic level, and dispel the influence of United States in East Asia by transforming the Asia-Pacific geopolitical structure into a bipolarity on the sub-systemic level. Over all, these three levels of geopolitical codes and the new “Sino-centricism” would not make China be a status-quo power in the Asia-Pacific geopolitical sub-system. Additionally, with regard to the domestic-oriented strategic culture, although it stresses the priority of domestics, it also values power politics and the effectiveness of forces in the international politics. The domestic-oriented strategic culture of China, therefore, has the strong characteristics of hard “realpolitik” and “parabellum”.
China’s traditional land-power nature aside, its continental-oriented naval strategy is developed from the thought of the Soviet naval strategy and put the gravity and directions of China’s “Land-Power Maritime Geo-strategy” in East Asian continent. China does not go beyond the “Asia-Pacific Rim” actually. What China does is using the “two island-chain” defense in West Pacific as a “Great Wall at Sea,” and the seas around the island chains as strategic buffer zone to distinguish the sphere of influence between China and the United States. China applies the strategic principles of “stabilizing West, relying on North, competing for the Southeast” to organize the region in the west of the island chains and shaping its dominance in the East Asian Geostrategic Realm.
The dissertation argues that since China cannot organize the East Asian Strategic Realm by political and military means at present, China’s participations in East Asian integrations are indirect strategic behavior. The purposes of indirect approaches are to utilize China’s economic interests and to obtain the leadership of East Asian integrations. China would not like to compromise with its neighbors and other Asia-Pacific Powers on highly sensitive traditional security issues, like territorial disputes essentially. Nor does China attempt to shape multi-pole geopolitical arrangements to achieve the geopolitical equilibrium of Asia-Pacific Geopolitical Sub-system by applying multi-pole international regimes.
Furthermore, the purpose of China’s “Land-Power Maritime Geo-strategy” is not to replace the United States as the Sea Power in the system just because China lacks the ability of controlling global strategic sea lines of communications. The Chinese naval strategy of active layer defense can still seriously threaten the Sea Power status of the United States and the important geopolitical interests of China’s neighbors. Therefore, the implementations of aforesaid geo-strategy of “stabilizing West, relying on North, competing for the Southeast,” seriously raise “adversary balance of power” in both West and Southeast fronts due to the convergences of geopolitical interests between China and other powers. Nevertheless, the adversary balancing feedback of other Asia-Pacific powers and even the ASEAN countries enhance China’s adversary behavior as well. This reciprocal process cannot create the necessary “associational balance of power” of geopolitical equilibrium. In other words, China’s geo-strategy belongs to the “traditional” type, which stresses the importance of controlling strategic communication in the Asia-Pacific region. It is not the “new” type of pursuing “harmonious world” and geopolitical equilibrium. Therefore, China’s geo-strategy cannot advance the equilibrium of Asia-Pacific geopolitical sub-system. On the contrary, it may raise the possibility of conflicts between China and Asia-Pacific countries, even the United States.
China is not deemed as major traditional threat by other major Asia-Pacific regional powers due to lacking the capabilities of controlling strategic communication of Asia-Pacific geopolitical sub-system. China must do its best to maintain the stability of the surrounding international environment to continue its economic development. Other major Asia-Pacific powers would like to obtain huge economic interests by engaging with China. As a result, the security of Asia-Pacific geopolitical sub-system will gradually develop into a “cold peace” situation, but not the situation of geopolitical equilibrium. The “cold peace” is a situation not only can fill with geopolitical tensions between China and other major Asia-Pacific powers, but also can interact closely with each other on social, economic, cultural and other dimensions, which prevent the crisis of the outbreak of immediate armed conflicts in the region.
Key Words: China, Asia-Pacific Geopolitical Subsystem, Balance of Power, Geopolitical Equilibrium, Geopolitical Code, Strategic Culture, Geo-strategy
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