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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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高中職藝術群教師工作壓力、復原力及幸福感之研究 / The Research on the Work Stress, Resilience and Well-being of the Arts Field Teachers of High or Vocational School

張玲玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解高中職藝術群教師工作壓力、復原力及幸福感之概況、不同背景變項高中職藝術群教師工作壓力、復原力及幸福感差異、不同背景變項高中職藝術群教師工作壓力、復原力及幸福感間的關係及工作壓力及復原力對幸福感的預測力。 本研究以高中職藝術群教師為施測樣本,以「教師工作壓力量表」、中文版「成人復原力量表」及「中國人幸福感量表」為研究工具,共發出問卷246份,有效樣本168份。所蒐集的資料採用t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步迴歸進行資料分析,最後獲致四項結論: 一、 高中職藝術群教師工作壓力屬中下程度,其中以「工作負荷」的工作壓力感受程度最高,「教學輔導」次之。其復原力屬中上程度,其中以「社會資源」復原力得分最高。高中職藝術群教師幸福感屬中上程度。 二、 背景變項不同之高中職藝術群教師工作壓力、復原力及幸福感的差異為: 1.「男性」之高中職藝術群教師在整體復原力及「個人強度」、「社交能力」、「未 來組織風格」復原力方面高於「女性」高中職藝術群教師。 2.「30至39歲」之高中職藝術群教師在整體工作壓力及「組織因素」、「工作負 荷」、「教學輔導」工作壓力高於「29歲以下」的高中職藝術群教師。「40歲以 上」高中職藝術群教師,在整體工作壓力及「組織因素」、「人際關係」、「工作 負荷」工作壓力高於「29歲以下」的高中職藝術群教師。 3.「未婚」之高中職藝術群教師在「專業知能」工作壓力上高於「已婚」高中職 藝術群教師,「已婚」高中職藝術群教師在「教學輔導」工作壓力及整體復原力 及「個人強度」、「社會資源」、「社交能力」復原力上高於「未婚」高中職藝術 群教師。 4.「學士」之高中職藝術群教師在「未來組織風格」復原力優於「研究所以上」 之高中職藝術群教師。 5.年資「15年以上」之高中職藝術群教師,其「組織因素」及「工作負荷」工作 壓力均高於年資「5年以下」之高中職藝術群教師。 6.學校規模方面,「49班(含)以上」之高中職藝術群教師 整體工作壓力及「組 織因素」、「教學輔導」分項工作壓力均高於「25-48班」之高中職藝術群教師, 「49班(含)以上」之高中職藝術群教師在「工作負荷」工作壓力高於「24班 (含)以下」之高中職藝術群教師,「24班(含)以下」之高中職藝術群教師在 「教學輔導」分項工作壓力高於「25-48班」之高中職藝術群教師。 三、 不同背景變項之高中職藝術群教師,其工作壓力、復原力與幸福感間的關係為: 1.不同背景變項之高中職藝術群教師,其工作壓力與幸福感間的關係皆為負相 關。 2.不同背景變項之高中職藝術群教師,其復原力與幸福感間的關係皆為正相關。 四、 高中職藝術群教師的工作壓力、復原力與幸福感的解釋力: 1.「專業知能」工作壓力可以有效預測高中職藝術群教師的「幸福感」,解釋總變 異量為29.8% 2.「未來組織風格」復原力可以最有效預測高中職藝術群教師的解釋力,解釋變 異量為35.2%;其次為「社交能力」、「個人強度」與「家庭團結」。 3.「未來組織風格」復原力、「專業知能」壓力、「社交能力」復原力的解釋力最 大,「個人強度」復原力及「教學輔導」壓力等五個變項,可以有效預測高中職 藝術群的「幸福感」,解釋總變異量為55.4%。 4.不同背景變項之高中職藝術群教師的復原力與工作壓力皆能預測其幸福感。其 中,以「24班(含)以下」高中職藝術群教師的「未來組織風格」復原力對幸福 感的預測力最高,達61.6%。 最後,依本研究所獲結論,分別對高中職藝術群教師、學校方面及後續未來研究者提出相關建議。

高中職教師人際關係與幸福感關係之研究 / The study of the relationships between interpersonal relationship and well-being of the high school and vocational school's teachers

浦憶娟, Pu, Yi Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高中職教師之幸福感與個人背景、學校環境和人際關係間之關係,分層選取臺北地區公私立高中職教師1011人進行問卷調查,並以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雙因子變異數分析、相關分析和多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。主要研究結果如下: 一、臺北地區公私立高中職教師之幸福感呈中上程度,人際關係各構面與其幸福感呈顯著中度正相關。 二、女性教師在人際關係的和諧度上顯著優於男性教師。 三、年齡越長、已婚、有兩位以上子女和越資深的教師顯著具較佳之人際關係與較高之幸福感。 四、學校規模在31至50班的高中職教師,其人際關係之整體層面及信賴度構面,不如30班以下的教師;在人際關係的合作度構面上,不如30班以下和51班以上的教師。 五、私立學校教師的人際關係信賴度顯著優於公立學校教師。 六、學校類型為完全中學的高中職教師,其人際關係整體層面、信賴度與自我揭露度構面皆顯著優於純高中之教師。 七、個人背景變項、學校環境變項(規模和屬性)與人際關係,並不會交互影響高中職教師的幸福感。 八、學校類型與人際關係會交互影響高中職教師的幸福感。 九、個人背景變項、學校環境變項及人際關係對高中職教師的幸福感具37.2%之預測力,其中人際關係中的合作度對教師幸福感的預測力最強,達到31.1%。 本研究根據上述研究結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships between the high school teachers’ interpersonal relationship, personal backgrounds, school environments and their sense of well-being. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the high school teachers in Taipei via stratified sampling. The valid sample size was 1011. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The major results of the study are as follows. 1.The well-being of high school teachers in Taipei was above the medium level. Significant positive correlations were found between the factors of interpersonal relationship and the well-being of high school teachers. 2.Female teachers maintained much more harmonious interpersonal relationship than male teachers. 3.Teachers who are older, senior, married, and have more than two children had better interpersonal relationship as well as higher level of well-being. 4.In the overall level of interpersonal relationship and reliability factor, high school teachers teaching in medium-sized schools (of 31 to 50 classes) had poorer performance than those in small-sized schools (of 30 classes and under). In the factor of interpersonal cooperation, they also performed poorer than those in large-sized schools (of more than 50 classes). 5.Private school teachers had higher level of interpersonal reliability than public school teachers. 6.Teachers at high schools with both junior and senior level students did better than those in the typical senior high school teachers as far as the interpersonal relationship, reliability and self-disclosure factors were concerned. 7.The well-being of high school teachers was affected by neither the interaction between their interpersonal relationship and personal background, nor the interaction between their interpersonal relationship and school environment. 8.Types of school and interpersonal relationship had interactive effects on the well-being of high school teachers. 9.The well-being of high school teachers was effectively predicted, up to 37.2%, by their personal background, school environment, and interpersonal relationship. The interpersonal cooperation had the strongest predictive power (31.1%) among all these independent variables. Both academic and practical implications based on the findings and discussions had been provided for the reference of future studies.

臺灣與韓國高中第二外語教育之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of Second Foreign Language Education in High School between Taiwan and Korea

黃身安, Huang, Shen An Unknown Date (has links)
在這日益競爭的國際化時代,臺灣能否與國際接軌,甚至搶先在國際上佔有一席重要之地即顯得非常重要,而第二外語教育絕對是其重要關鍵之一,關係著國家在世界舞臺上的競爭力。 然而我國高中第二外語教育落實緩慢,遲至1994年才有第二外語課程開設,且高中第二外語教育在現今仍有諸多問題點。鄰近國家之中,韓國第二外語教育發展悠久,也重視第二外語人才培育,因此本研究希望藉由臺韓高中第二外語教育之比較,找出可借鏡韓國之處,給予臺灣高中第二外語教育發展建議,進而提升國家競爭力。 為了達到研究目的,本研究方法採用文件分析法與G.Z.F. Bereday的比較研究法,進行臺灣與韓國高中第二外語教育之比較研究。內文主要探究兩國高中第二外語教育之發展歷程、高中第二外語課程、高中第二外語師資與培育、第二外語於大學入學之採計等四大面向。 研究結果發現過去韓國高中第二外語因長期列為必選修而深植在高中教育,目前第二外語雖與臺灣同樣列為選修科目,但韓國的選修比例仍遠高於臺灣。此外,韓國第二外語科目分化且專精,另有外語高中與國際高中專門培育外語人才,並有教育部主導的線上學習課程,整體第二外語教育規劃比臺灣完善。在師資方面,韓國第二外語師資培育機構遠多於臺灣,第二外語普遍由合格師資教學,也有特色聘用制度解決師資問題,師資狀況較臺灣理想,且韓國的教師在職進修體系也較臺灣完整,第二外語教師進修方式多元,皆值得臺灣參考學習。另外,韓國第二外語為大學考科之一,第二外語的重要性及與大學入學選才的連結程度均較臺灣高。 根據研究結果,本研究針對臺灣高中第二外語教育發展提出以下建議:(一)課綱編制應具有系統性。(二)增設外語高中與國際高中。(三)增加第二外語特色開課方式。(四)開發高中第二外語線上課程。(五)發展高中第二外語課程教材。(六)短期輔導第二外語在職教師取得教師證,長期應增設大學第二外語科系及師資培育機構。(七)加強第二外語教師在職教育。(八)實施巡迴教師制度。(九)短期提高大學採計第二外語的意願,長期應將第二外語納入大學入學考試選擇考科。 / In this era of increased internationalization, it is impossible for Taiwan to keep itself from the international situation. Therefore, it is of great importance to keep up with the international practice and even preemptively occupy an important place in the world. The second foreign language education is absolutely one of the most crucial keys to the country's competitiveness on the world stage. However, the implementation of the second foreign language education in Taiwan’s high schools is slow. The second foreign language course in high schools was not opened until 1994, but it still has many problems nowadays. Among neighboring countries, second foreign language education in South Korea has a long history, and the country also values the importance of cultivating second foreign language talents. Thus, this study hopes to compare the second foreign language education in senior high schools between the two countries, and to find out what Taiwan can learn from the experience of South Korea. Lastly, it is hoped that the paper could shed some light on the development of second foreign language education in Taiwan's high schools so as to enhance the national competitiveness. This study adopted document analysis and G. Z. F. Bereday's comparative method in education to conduct a comparative study of the second foreign language education in Taiwan and South Korea. The paper mainly explores four major aspects — the development of the second foreign language education in high school, the second foreign language curriculum in high school, the second language teachers in high school and teacher education, and the requirement of the second foreign language for university admission. It was found that the second foreign language in South Korea was deeply rooted in high school education by being a required subject in the long-term. Even though the second foreign language in South Korea is currently listed as an elective as in Taiwan, the elective ratio in South Korea is relatively higher than Taiwan. Furthermore, the second foreign language subjects in South Korea are diverse and specialized. It also has foreign language and international high schools to cultivate foreign language talents, together with online learning courses led by the Ministry of Education. On the whole, educational planning of the second foreign language programs in South Korea is more complete than that of in Taiwan. In terms of teachers, there are relatively more teachers training institutions in South Korea than in Taiwan. The second foreign language is generally taught by qualified teachers and also has a special employment system to solve the problem of employment of teachers. As a result, teachers' status is better than Taiwan. Moreover, on-the-job training system of teachers in South Korea is also more complete than that of Taiwan, and the second foreign language teacher has a variety of training methods; all of which are worth learning. In addition, the second foreign language in South Korea is one of the subjects tested in college entrance exams, making the importance of the second foreign language and the degree of connection with university entrance candidates both higher than Taiwan. According to the research results, this study proposed the following suggestions for the development of second foreign language education in high school in Taiwan: (1) The syllabus should compile more systematically. (2) To increase the establishment of foreign language high school and international high school. (3) To increase the second foreign language special start mode. (4) To develop high school online second foreign language courses. (5) To develop high school second foreign language teaching materials. (6) In the short-term, counseling second foreign language in-service teachers to obtain teacher's certificate. In the long term, the university should increase the second foreign language department and teacher training institutions. (7) To strengthen the second foreign language teacher in-service education. (8) To implement floating teacher system. (9) In the short-term, to improve college recognize second foreign language certification. In the long-term, the second foreign language should be included in the college entrance exams as an alternative.


楊淑妃, YANG, SHU-FEI Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究目的:(一)探討權力基礎、參與決定之意義、理論及相關研究,期經歸納 、分析後有助未來研究者之驗證。(二)探討省立高中校長權力基礎、教師參與決定 性形,及二者間是否相關。(三)對校長如何運用適當權力基礎以使教師獲得適當之 參與決定需求,提出建議,供學校及教育行政實務之參考。 二、研究方法:(一)文獻分析法。(二)問卷調查法。 三、研究結論:(一)省立高中校長之權力基礎主要為法職權和專家權。(二)不同 性別校長之權力基礎並無不同。(三)不同學歷、年齡校長之權力基礎有顯著差異。 (四)高中教師在一般校務、訓導事務上呈剝奪參與,在教務上呈適度參與。(五) 不同性別、年齡、教育程度之教師在參與類型上並無不同。(六)不同服務年資、任 教科目、地區之教師在參與類型上有顯著差異。(七)校長以專家權和參照權為基礎 者,教師在參與決定上較傾向於適度參與。 四、建議:(一)校長對教師之領導方式應以專家權和參照權為基礎 。 (二)學校對各項活動之推行,應多徵詢教師們之意見。 (三)採行適度參與決定方式,如以委員代表方式參與。 (四)校務會議一學期至少召開二次,並增加教師們發表意見機會。 (五)已做成之決定應責成考核單位,評鑑執行成果。 (六)對未來研究之建議。

高中職校長轉型領導、知識管理與學校效能之研究 / The study of school effectiveness, knowledge management and transformational leadership of senior/vocational high school principals

林金福 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究主要在探討高中職校長轉型領導、學校知識管理與學校效能的關係。為達成研究目的,首先進行轉型領導(transformational leadership)、知識管理(knowledge management)及學校效能(school effectiveness)的相關文獻分析,並發展調查問卷初稿,經過預試後之項目分析及因素分析等過程,據以建構「高中職學校狀況調查問卷」研究工具。隨後依學校所在地區分為北區、中區、南區及學校類別屬於高中或高職,採分層叢集隨機取樣之方式,抽取台灣地區之高中職學校教師1300人進行問卷調查,問卷回收率為91.62%,剔除無效樣本31人,有效樣本人數為1160人。研究資料,使用SPSS for Windows 11.5版進行統計分析;依研究目的,除了做描述性統計之外,並依調查樣本背景之不同,進行單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA),考驗不同背景變項之差異情形,並以Scheffé法進行事後比較;另以典型相關(canonical correlation)、皮爾遜積差相關(Pearson product-moment correlation)及逐步多元迴歸分析(stepwise multiple regression analysis)等統計方法,了解校長轉型領導、學校知識管理與學校效能各層面間的相關及預測情形;最後並以訪談做深入之探討。綜合文獻分析、問卷調查之統計考驗及訪談資料分析,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、目前高中職校長之轉型領導最常使用「建立願景」,較少使用「個別關懷」;知識管理較為注重「顯性知識」及「知識中心」層面;學校效能則關注於「行政領導」及「學生表現」層面。 二、教師服務學校校長為男性者,其在轉型領導各層面及整體層面的知覺,顯著高於服務學校校長為女性者。 三、高中職校長轉型領導、學校知識管理及學校效能的知覺,隨背景因素不同而有顯著差異:高中職之男性教師高於女性教師;年長資深教師顯著高於年輕資淺教師;兼任行政職務之教師顯著高於未兼行政職務之教師;私立高中職學校教師顯著高於公立高中職學校教師;中南部高中職教師顯著高於北部高中職教師。 四、高中職校長轉型領導與高中職學校知識管理有顯著相關。 五、高中職「校長轉型領導」、「學校知識管理」各層面與「學校效能」有高度相關。 六、高中職「校長轉型領導」各層面變項,對「學校效能」的解釋變異量約為61.9%,以「啟發才智」最具有預測力。 七、高中職「學校知識管理」各層面變項,對「學校效能」的解釋變異量達59.2%,以「人員系統」及「隱性知識」最具有預測力。 依據研究所得結論,本研究最後並分別對教育行政機關、高中職校長、學校及後續研究提出建議,提供校長轉型領導、學校知識管理及提升學校效能之參考。 / Abstract This study aimed to explore the correlations among three factors, i.e. school effectiveness, knowledge management and transformational leadership of senior/vocational high school principals. In order to achieve the objective of this study, the methods of literature review about the correlated themes were first adopted, and then this study proceeded to do the first draft questionnaire survey. After the processes of item and factor analysis from the prior test, the research instrument–“The questionnaire of senior/vocational high schools” was formed according to the above analysis. Afterward, all schools here were divided into north district, middle district, south district, senior high and vocational high based on their location and category to do cluster sampling. The survey subjects included teachers from senior high and vocational high schools in Taiwan, namely, 1300 teachers were sampled through the way of random. The rate of retrieve was 91.62% and the valid samples were 1160 copies, exclusive of the ineffective samples. The research data acquired was analyzed by SPSS for Windows 11.5 version based on the research purpose. The statistic procedures included the means, standard deviation and one-way ANOVA, examining variances in different variables. Scheffé method was used for post-comparison to examine the interrelations among each subject groups. Besides, canonical correlation, Pearson & stepwise multiple regression analysis were applied in the research to comprehend interrelations as well as predictions among the three aspects of transformational leadership from principals, knowledge management in schooling and school effectiveness. Further exploration on the issue was made through the interviews. According to the integrated analysis, which was from the adoption of research methodologies of literature review, questionnaire survey and interview. And the conclusions were as follows: 1. For the topic of “Transformational leadership of a principal from senior /vocational high schools”—The way of “establishing perspective” was used instead of “individuals concerns” commonly; And “dominate knowledge” as well as “knowledge center” were emphasized on the issue of knowledge management. With regard of the theme of school effectiveness, the “administration leadership” and “students’ behavior” were paid much close attention to. 2. Male principals performed much higher effectiveness than female principals on the transformational leadership in consciousness. 3. The consciousness from transformational leadership, knowledge management and school effectiveness differed greatly from backgrounds. Male teachers were higher than female teachers. Experienced teachers were more superior to new teachers. Teachers served in administration position were more excellent than common teachers. Teachers from private schools were finer than those from public schools. Teachers from middle or south Taiwan were greater than those from north Taiwan. 4. There were remarkable interrelations between “ transformational leadership” and “ knowledge management”. 5. The strong interrelation among the “transformation leadership”, “knowledge management” and “school effectiveness” occurred obviously. 6. The cumulative variance of transformational leadership to the school effectiveness was about 61.9%. And the “inspired intelligence” possessed strongly predictable effects. 7. The cumulative variance of knowledge management to “school effectiveness” was about 59.2%. And “ the staffing systems” and “ recessive knowledge” held the strongly predictable effects. According to the conclusions of this study, the further suggestions were provided to the department of educational administration, principals from senior/vocational high schools and schools for reference and the views of promoting research about “transformational leadership”, “knowledge management” and “school effectiveness” were raised also.


管美蓉, Kuan, Mei-jung Unknown Date (has links)
大學入學考試 (以下簡稱「大考」)制度,顧名思義,是為了選拔中學生進入大學就讀所形成的考試制度。從國家發展觀點來看,一國高等教育的良窳正是其國力發展的重要指標之一;高等教育的重要目標即在於培養優秀人才,而大考的施行,正是國家得以公平分配高等教育機會的主要手段。半個世紀以來,台灣地區大考制度一直肩負著為大學選才的重要任務,儘管各界對於大考扭曲高中教學、強化升學主義、造成「高分低能」等現象有諸多批評,但它仍能維持高度的公信力,形成一種至高無上的權威,廣泛而持續地影響著好幾代的學生、老師、家長,甚至牽動整個社會。究竟這套原本只是作為大學校院選才工具的大考制度,如何成了高中教育的「指揮棒」?它為何具有如此的影響力?又是透過哪些方式來發揮影響力?其權威感如何形塑?何以能維持其權威於不墜?政府與命題者在大考中扮演什麼角色?如何透過大考達到教育控制的目的?大考與傳統科舉文化有著怎樣千絲萬縷的關聯?又如何深深牽動千萬考生的應試生活?凡此種種,均是本文探究的重點。


蘇雅莉 Unknown Date (has links)
「國文」是本國語文、本國文學與本國文化的總稱,為奠定國民基本語文能力,培養人文素養,涵詠精神品德的最主要學科。影響國文教育的因素很多,其中居於核心者為課程標準,因課程標準為教學之最高領導原則,它明確規定各學科的教學目標、課時分配、教材大綱及實施方法,課程標準的更動將直接影響國文教學的面貌。其次是國文教科書,因為教科書是課程理念轉化為師生具體教學經驗的主要連結,而中學國文教科書係以文選型的編輯型態為主軸,選文的變化為影響教科書內容的主要關鍵。當我們想探究高中國文教育之歷史演變,釐清國文教育應興應革的問題時,課程標準與國文課本選文都是不容忽略的研究議題。 本研究採取文獻分析、歸納、比較、內容分析、統計等方法,以遷臺後(1952-2004年)高中國文課程標準與國文課本選文變遷為研究主體,參酌清末新學制國文設科後到民國卅七年之課程標準、遷臺前國文審定本教科書,並以大陸高中語文課程、教科書、香港中國語文課程、教科書為參照對象,藉以呈現臺灣高中國文課程與教科書半世紀以來之演進歷史,並評論其利弊得失,以作為今後高中國文教育興革之取法及借鏡。 全文共分六章,第一章為「緒論」,概述研究動機與目的,說明研究之必要性與意義;其次確定研究對象與範圍,對論述之主體加以說明,並限定論述範圍;接著整理前人研究成果,指陳其不足之處;而後說明研究方法,並以本文侷限及有待開發之主題,期待更多學者投入課程與教材之研究。 第二章為「統編本時代課程標準之發展」,首先分析統編本時期課程標準制定之時代背景,以掌握課程標準與時代間的互動關係;其次就課程標準中之課程目標、範文選材原則加以梳理,觀察其不同時期之變化;而後評論統編本時期課程標準所呈現的現象與衍生的相關問題。 第三章為「統編本選文之面貌」,本章以統編本時期課程標準修訂為分節點,歷述民國四十二年(1953)、五十二年(1963)、六十年(1961)、六十四年(1975)、七十三年(1984)、八十三年(1994)五個階段之高中國文課本編寫概況與選文面貌,梳理國文課本選文之演進史,並評述統編本選文所呈現之現象與利弊得失。 第四章為「現行課程標準與審定本選文面貌」,首先說明現行(1995年公佈)高中國文課程標準之內容與變化,對課程標準修訂之背景與特色加以梳理;其次整理教科書開放後一綱多本編寫架構和選文變化的共同點;而後再分述三民版、東大阪、南一版、翰林版、康熙版、龍騰版等六家版本之編寫概況與選文特色;最後對現行課程標準與一綱多本所衍生的問題加以探討。 第五章為「新修訂之高中國文暫行課程綱要」,第一節就暫行課綱制定之背景加以說明,第二節則就暫行課綱的內容,包括課程目標、選材原則與選修課程之規定加以解讀,第三節則對暫行課綱所引發爭議,提出評論與建議事項。 第六章為「結論與建議」,分就課程綱要與教科書編選提出建言。課程綱要部分呼籲回歸國文教育的本質,課綱制定時應求周延與民主,並希望政府相關單位能重視課程的研究。教科書編選方面,希望選文應具有典範性,以學生為中心,建立具體而微的文學史系統,並期盼教科書編纂與業者能開發有效的編寫設計,提供適時的修訂。

探討Instagram對品牌體驗及廣告效果之影響:以高中生為例 / Exploring the Influence of Instagram on Brand Experience and Advertisement Effectiveness: An Example of Senior High School Students

鄭心怡, Cheng, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
探討Instagram對品牌體驗及廣告效果之影響:以高中生為例 / Having a presence on social mobile applications has become a popular marketing strategy for brands. Instagram, a photo-sharing and video-sharing social mobile application became the second largest social network site in the US in 2014 (eMarketer, 2015). Its image-intensive and social interactive nature provides brands a perfect environment for marketing. However, does it help brands to improve the brand experience? Is it a good platform for enhancing advertisement effectiveness? This study aims at exploring Instagram’s influence on brand experience and advertisement effectiveness. Four brands were chosen in this study, they are Nike, Starbucks, Hollister, and BMW. Senior high school students in Taiwan were chosen as the participants of this study. Quasi-experiment and Latin square design were used in this research to explore the influence of Instagram on these senior high school students. The four brands’ Instagram contents were taken as experimental treatment. Students completed measurements in both controlled condition and experimental condition. The result of these two conditions was compared to see Instagram’s influence on brand experience and advertisement effectiveness. The results showed that Instagram significantly improved students’ overall brand experience towards Nike and Starbucks. Instagram also improved the overall advertisement effectiveness of Starbucks and Hollister. However, the Instagram contents of BMW did not have any influence on improving students’ brand experience or advertisement effectiveness. Moreover, participants’ purchase intention toward the four brands was also not affected by Instagram. Based on the insight of this study, Instagram did help improve the brand experience and advertisement effectiveness for some brands. These brands were mostly the apparel and food & beverage brands which was welcomed among younger audiences. Brands that participants were most familiar with were also successful in improving its brand experience on Instagram. Instagram contents that participants can relate to were most influential in improving the advertisement effectiveness. Brands that were less familiar with participants could also gain success on Instagram by providing the right contents. Therefore, when marketing brands among senior high school students in Taiwan, brand types, strengths of brand, and the force of pull from familiarity are crucial on improving their brand experience and advertisement effectiveness on Instagram.

臺北縣市高中校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship Between Principals' Transformational Leadership and Teachers' Organizational Commitment in the Senior High Schools in Taipei City and Taipei County

方淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北縣市高中教師知覺校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾的現況,並分析教師人口變項、學校環境變項在校長轉型領導以及教師組織承諾的差異情形,最後探討校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾之關係。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,訪談為輔,所稱「高中」校長,僅包括公立(含國立與縣市立)高級中學,不含私立高中與綜合高中。問卷調查法以自編「高中校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾調查問卷」(內含基本資料、校長轉型領導量表與教師組織承諾量表)為工具,對臺北縣市公立高中進行問卷調查。問卷以高中教師為調查對象,計調查41所學校,發出問卷668份、回收534份、有效問卷513份,可用率76.8%。調查所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法實施資料分析,據以進行研究結果的分析與討論。 研究結論如下: 一、目前高中校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾現況表現均屬中上程度。 二、在教師人口變項中,不同年齡、職務的教師在所知覺的校長轉型領導上具有顯著差異。其中以年齡較大教師以及兼任主任教師知覺的校長轉型領導程度較高。 三、在教師人口變項中,不同年齡、學歷、年資與職務的教師在教師組織承諾上具有顯著差異。其中以年齡較大教師、四十學分班結業、年資較久以及兼任主任之教師組織承諾較高。 四、在教師人口變項中,不同性別、學歷與年資教師在所知覺的校長轉型領導上沒有顯著差異。不同性別教師在教師組織承諾上沒有顯著差異。 五、在學校環境變項中,不同學校歷史與學校規模的教師在所知覺的校長轉型領導上具有顯著差異存在。其中以學校歷史為11-20年及學校規模為13-24班的教師知覺的校長轉型領導程度較高。 六、在學校環境變項中,不同學校性質、歷史與規模的教師在教師組織承諾上具有顯著差異。以學校歷史較久、班級數較多的一般高中教師組織承諾較高。 七、在學校環境變項中,不同學校性質、學校位置的教師在所知覺的校長轉型領導上沒有顯著差異。不同學校位置的教師在教師組織承諾上沒有顯著差異。 八、在不同性別校長與校長在本校年資變項中,教師所知覺的校長轉型領導有顯著差異,在教師組織承諾上沒有顯著差異。教師知覺男性校長與第一年在本校服務的校長轉型領導程度較高。 九、整體而言,高中校長轉型領導與教師組織承諾具有正相關。 十、校長轉型領導對於教師組織承諾具有預測力。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、學校校長以及未來研究的參考。 / This study aims to investigate the current situations of principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment in senior high schools and to analyze the differences in teachers’ personal variables and school environmental variables concerning principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment. Finally, it explores the relationship between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment. This study employs the research method of questionnaire surveys and interviews. There were two survey tools used in the study, including Principals’ Transformational Leadership Questionnaire, and Teachers’ Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. Six hundred and sixty eight subjects are randomly selected from forty-one public senior high schools in Taipei city and county. The number of effective samples is 513. The data are analyzed using the methods of description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple stepwise regressions. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The current situations of principals’ transformational leadership and the teachers’ organizational commitment in senior high schools are both above average. 2. Among teachers’ personal variables, there is significant difference in principals’ transformational leadership based on the two variables, teachers’ age and teachers' positions. Senior teachers and teachers with administrative affairs get higher scores. 3. Among teachers’ personal variables, there is significant difference in teachers’ organizational commitment based on the variables of teachers’ age, educational degrees, seniority and positions. Older and senior teachers, teachers who completed forty-credits in-service training courses and teachers with administrative affairs get higher scores. 4. Among teachers’ background variables, there is no significant difference in principal’s transformational leadership based on the variables of the teachers’ sex, educational degrees and seniority; and there is no significant difference in teachers’ organizational commitment between male and female teachers. 5. Among the school environmental variables, there is significant difference in principal’s transformational leadership based on the variables of the school’s history and scale. Teachers in schools older than ten years but less than twenty years and teachers in schools with the number of classes more than 13 but less than 24 get higher scores. 6. Among the school environmental variables, there is significant difference in teachers’ organizational commitment based on the variables of school type, history and scale. Teachers in older and bigger schools get higher scores. 7. Among the school environmental variables, there is no significant difference in principals’ transformational leadership based on the variables of school type and location .And there is no significant difference in teachers’ organizational commitment for teachers who serve in different school locations. 8. Based on the variables of principals’ sex and serving years in the school, there is significant difference in principal’s transformational leadership, but there is no significant difference in teachers’ organizational commitment. Male principals and the principal serving for the first year in the school get higher scores. 9. In general ,there is positive correlation between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment. 10. Principals’ transformational leadership can serve to predict teachers’ organizational commitment. In the end, based on the findings and conclusions of this research, some suggestions are given to our educational administration authorities, senior high principals and future studies for reference.


陳銓, Chen, Chiuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討公立高中創校之經驗。主要研究目的如下:一、了解創校校長於學校建築之規劃設計及施工、發包與驗收等營繕工程之歷程;二、探討創校校長行政領導及形塑組織文化之經驗;三、分析創校校長與社區之互動之情形;四、了解創校校長學校行銷管理策略;五、提出結論與建議供未來學校創辦之參考。 本研究採質性研究方法,邀請三位資深且能夠提供豐富內涵的創校校長為本研究的受訪者,協助研究進行。希望透過訪談與資料分析,了解公立高中在創校過程中,創校校長所持之理念、可用之資源、遭遇之困境及因應策略之經驗。 本研究獲致的結論歸納如下:一、創校校長教育理念、專家學者智慧經驗與建築師設計專業,綜合體現在學校建築規劃設計上;二、創校校長在學校建築施工及驗收時,經常面臨專業與實務經驗欠缺及人力不足的困境;三、創校校長的行政團隊領導主要奠基於成員的慎選與人性化的管理;四、創校校長是新學校組織文化形塑的重要推手,教師對文化發展的影響則不容忽視;五、創校校長認知學校是社區活動場所的延伸,良好的互動策略有助於與社區建立夥伴關係;六、創校校長是主要的學校行銷管理者,策略上大多偏重於向下對國中的行銷。 最後,本研究根據研究結果及結論,分別提出對教育行政當局、創校校長和後續研究之建議。 / The purpose of this research is to explore the experience of founding a public senior high school. The main goals are as follows: 1.to learn the components of the construction process including designing, contracting, implementation, and evaluation 2. to explore experiences of the formation of administrative leadership and culture 3. to analyze the interactions between the founding principal and the neighboring communities 4. to learn the principals’ strategies for marketing 5. to propose conclusions and suggestions for founding a school in the future. This research is conducted through a qualitative case-study approach by interviewing three senior high school principals who provide profound insights as the database. Through the analysis of the data of the interviews, this research is to explore the beliefs the principals adhere to, the resources they have access to, the obstacles they confront, and the strategies they apply in the process of establishing a public high school. The conclusions the research has reached are as follows: First, the designing and planning of school buildings and facilities are a display of collective efforts, combined with the beliefs the principals firmly hold, the insights and experiences scholars and experts share, and the expertise architects possess. Second, a founding principal is likely to face setbacks caused by lack of expertise and experience as well as understaffing problems. Third, the successful leadership of the principal’s administrative team is determined by the discreet selection of the members and the humane management. Fourth, the founding principal is the foremost power engine of the formation of the organization culture, and yet the teachers play a significant part in the process of formation. Fifth, the principal’s realization that school campus is extensions for community activities, and well-functioning strategies of interaction do help build a partner-to-partner relationship between school and community. Sixth, as the main marketer and manager for the promotion of their school, the principals tend to put more efforts in advertising to junior high schools rather than introducing their graduates to colleges. Ultimately, this research, based on the findings and conclusions of the study, proposes suggestions for the administrative authorities, prospective founding principals and future researches in the field.

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