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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alterações biomecânicas da córnea de suínos induzidas pela confecções de lamelas pediculadas de diferentes espessuras por laser de femtossegundo / Biomechanical changes after flap creation with different thicknesses with the femtosecond laser in swinish cornea

Medeiros, Fabricio Witzel de 22 July 2011 (has links)
Objetivo: Investigar as alterações biomecânicas da córnea de suínos induzidas pela confecção de lamelas pediculadas de diferentes espessuras pelo laser de femtossegundo. Métodos: Para a formação dos dois grupos, 12 olhos de porcos foram usados: lamelas pediculadas de 100 e de 300 micrômetros confeccionadas pelo laser de femtossegundo. Cada olho foi submetido aos seguintes exames, antes da criação das lamelas: topografia por rasterstereography, Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA), tomografia do segmento anterior por coerência óptica para a avaliação paquimétrica corneal e das lamelas criadas e sistema de velocidade de onda (SVO), que mede a velocidade de propagação de ondas acústicas entre dois transdutores posicionados na superfície corneal antes e imediatamente, após a feitura da lamela. O primerio passo foi desenhado para o estudo das diferenças em relação à histerese corneal, fator de resistência corneal, mudanças na curvatura e velocidade de propagação de onda acústica entre córneas com lamelas finas e espessas. Posteriormente, as lamelas foram amputadas, e as medidas do sistema de velocidade de onda foram repetidas. Resultados: A média de espessura das lamelas ± desviopadrão (DP) foi de 108,5±6,9 (8,5% da espessura total) e 307,8±11,5 m (22,9% da espessura total), para os grupos de lamelas finas e espessas, respectivamente (p< 0,001). Histerese corneal e o fator de resistência corneal não apresentaram diferença estatística, após a criação de lamelas finas (p = 0,81 e p = 0,62, respectivamente). Histerese corneal foi significantemente mais baixa, depois da confecção de lamelas mais espessas (8,0±1,0 para 5,1±1,5 mmHg para medidas pré e pós-operatórias, respectivamente, p = 0,003, diminuição de 36,25%) e fator de resistência corneal também mostrou significante diminuição nesse grupo, após o procedimento cirúrgico; valores médios pré e pós-operatórios de 8,2±1,6 e 4,1±2,5 mmHg respectivamente (p= 0,007), diminuição de 50%. A ceratometria média simulada apresentou maiores valores, após a confecção das lamelas mais espessas em relação ao pré-operatório (ceratometria pré e pós-operatória de 39,5±1 D e 45,9±1,2 D, respectivamente, p= 0,003). Para o grupo de lamelas finas, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (ceratometria pré e pós-operatória de 40,6±0,6 D e 41,4±1,0 D, respectivamente, p=0,55). Em relação ao Sistema de Velocidade de Onda, após a criação das lamelas e sua amputação, houve diminuição da velocidade de propagação acústica, embora na maior parte das posições não fosse estatisticamente significante. Conclusão: Nas condições experimentais estabelecidas por este estudo, a criação de lamelas de maior espessura pareceu exercer efeito mais relevante sobre a biomecânica da córnea de suínos / Purpose: To study the impact of programmed flaps at two different thicknesses on the biomechanical properties of the swine corneas. Methods: Twelve pig eyes were enrolled in this study and were formed two groups: 100m and 300 m flaps performed with the femtosecond laser. Each eye had the following procedure before the flap creation: raster photograph topographic maps, Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA), Optical Coherence Tomography to measure the pachymetry and flap thickness and Surface Wave Velocity system which is a prototype system that measures sonic wave propagation time between two transducers positioned on the corneal surface before and after flap creation. This first step was designed to investigate the differences in respect to corneal hysteresis, corneal resistance factor, curvature change and ultrasonic wave propagation between the groups with thinner and thicker flaps. After this initial procedure, flap amputation was performed and new measurements with the surface wave velocity system were taken again. Results: Measured flap thicknesses averaged 108.5±6.9 (8.5% of the total cornea) and 307.8±11.5 m (22.9% of the total cornea) for thin and thick flap groups, respectively (p< 0.001). Hysteresis and corneal resistance factor did not change significantly after flap creation in the thin flap group (p = 0.81 and p = 0.62, respectively). With thicker flaps, both parameters decreased significantly from 8.0±1.0 to 5.1±1.5 mmHg (p=0.003, reduction of 36.25%) and from 8.2±1.6 to 4.1±2.5 mmHg, respectively (p = 0.007), reduction of 50%. Simulated keratometry values increased in the thick flap group (from 39.5±1 D to 45.9±1.2 D, p=0.003) after flap creation and not in the thin flap group (from 40.6±0.6D to 41.4±1.0D, p= 0.55). Regarding surface wave velocity analysis, the surgical procedures induced lower values in some positions although most of them did not present statistically different results. Conclusion: In this experimental model, thicker flaps seemed to have a greater effect on the biomechanics of the swinish cornea

Synthese und Charakterisierung von Limbusepithel-Amnion-Transplantaten aus langzeitorgankonservierten Hornhäuten und kryokonservierten Amnionmembranen

Henkel, Tassilo 05 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurden Methoden entwickelt und verglichen, um aus Corneoskleralringen langzeitorgankonservierter Hornhäute und intakten, kryokonservierten Amnionmembranen Limbusepithel-Amnion-Transplantate herzustellen. Als erfolgreichste Kultivierungsmethode stellte sich hierbei signifikant die Explantat-Technik mit nach unten gerichtetem Limbusepithel heraus. Hier konnte eine Auswachsrate von 42 % erzielt werden. Es wurde weiterhin gezeigt, dass das ausgewachsene, mehrschichtige Limbusepithel proliferationsfähige TACs (Transient Amplifying Cells) enthält. Weiterhin konnten mittels Regressionsanalyse signifikante Zusammenhänge zwischen Spenderalter, Post-mortem-Zeit, Organkultur-Dauer und der Auswachsrate beschrieben werden. Kurzgefasst wurde die Vermutung bestätigt, dass jede Verlängerung der unterschiedlichen Zeiten eine Verringerung der Auswachsrate zur Folge hat. Die hergestellten Limbusepithel-Amnion-Transplantate könnten für Patienten mit Limbusstammzellinsuffizienz unterschiedlicher Genese verwendet werden.

Étude comparative de l'anatomie des plaies de greffe de cornée par tomographie de cohérence optique (OCT)

Alvarez Ferré, Luis 05 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de l’anatomie de la cornée après 3 techniques de greffe soient, la greffe totale traditionnelle (GTT) et des techniques de greffe lamellaire postérieur (GLP) telles que la greffe lamellaire endothéliale profonde (DLEK) et la greffe endothélium/membrane de Descemet (EDMG) pour le traitement des maladies de l’endothélium, telles que la dystrophie de Fuchs et de la kératopathie de l’aphaque et du pseudophaque. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse contribue également à démontrer l’utilité de la tomographie de cohérence optique (OCT) pour l’étude de l’anatomie des plaies chirurgicales la cornée post transplantation. Au cours de ce travail nous avons étudié l'anatomie de la DLEK, avant et 1, 6, 12 et 24 mois après la chirurgie. Nous avons utilisé le Stratus OCT (Version 3, Carl Zeiss, Meditec Inc.) pour documenter l’anatomie de la plaie. L'acquisition et la manipulation des images du Stratus OCT, instrument qui à été conçu originalement pour l’étude de la rétine et du nerf optique, ont été adaptées pour l'analyse du segment antérieur de l’oeil. Des images cornéennes centrales verticales et horizontales, ainsi que 4 mesures radiaires perpendiculaires à la plaie à 12, 3, 6 et 9 heures ont été obtenues. Les paramètres suivants ont été étudiés: (1) Les espaces (gap) entre les rebords du disque donneur et ceux du receveur, (2) les dénivelés de surface postérieure (step) entre le les rebords du disque donneur et ceux du receveur, (3) la compression tissulaire, (4) le décollement du greffon, 6) les élévations de la surface antérieure de la cornée et 7) la pachymétrie centrale de la cornée. Les mesures d’épaisseur totale de la cornée ont été comparées et corrélées avec celles obtenues avec un pachymètre à ultra-sons. Des mesures d’acuité visuelle, de réfraction manifeste et de topographie ont aussi été acquises afin d’évaluer les résultats fonctionnels. Enfin, nous avons comparé les données de DLEK à celles obtenues de l’EDMG et de la GTT, afin de caractériser les plaies et de cerner les avantages et inconvénients relatifs à chaque technique chirurgicale. Nos résultats anatomiques ont montré des différences importantes entre les trois techniques chirurgicales. Certains des paramètres étudiés, comme le sep et le gap, ont été plus prononcés dans la GTT que dans la DLEK et complètement absents dans l’EDMG. D’autres, comme la compression tissulaire et le décollement du greffon n’ont été observés que dans la DLEK. Ceci laisse entrevoir que la distorsion de la plaie varie proportionnellement à la profondeur de la découpe stromale du receveur, à partir de la face postérieure de la cornée. Moins la découpe s’avance vers la face antérieure (comme dans l’EDMG), moins elle affecte l’intégrité anatomique de la cornée, le pire cas étant la découpe totale comme dans la GTT. Cependant, tous les paramètres d’apposition postérieure sous-optimale et d’élévation de la surface antérieure (ce dernier observé uniquement dans la GTT) finissent par diminuer avec le temps, évoluant à des degrés variables vers un profil topographique plus semblable à celui d’une cornée normale. Ce processus paraît plus long et plus incomplet dans les cas de GTT à cause du type de plaie, de la présence de sutures et de la durée de la cicatrisation. Les valeurs moyennes d’épaisseur centrale se sont normalisées après la chirurgie. De plus, ces valeurs moyennes obtenues par OCT étaient fortement corrélées à celles obtenues par la pachymétrie à ultra-sons et nous n’avons remarqué aucune différence significative entre les valeurs moyennes des deux techniques de mesure. L’OCT s’est avéré un outil utile pour l’étude de l’anatomie microscopique des plaies chirurgicales. Les résultats d’acuité visuelle, de réfraction et de topographie des techniques de GLP ont montré qu’il existe une récupération visuelle rapide et sans changements significatifs de l’astigmatisme, contrairement à la GTT avec et sans suture. La GLP a permis une meilleure conservation de la morphologie de la cornée, et par conséquence des meilleurs résultats fonctionnels que la greffe de pleine épaisseur. Ceci nous permet d’avancer que la GLP pourrait être la technique chirurgicale à adopter comme traitement pour les maladies de l’endothélium cornéen. / This thesis aims to study the anatomy of the corneal wound following 3 techniques of corneal graft: traditional penetrating keratoplasy (PK) and two techniques of posterior lamellar keratoplasy (PLK) which are deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasy (DLEK) and Endothelial-Descemet’s Membrane Graft (EDMG) for the treatment of the endothelial corneal diseases, such as Fuch’s dystrophy and aphakic and pseudopakic bullous keratopathy. In this context, this thesis also contributes to show the utility of the time domain optical coherence tomography (TD-OCT) for studying the anatomy of surgical wounds after corneal transplantation. In this work we studied the anatomy of DLEK, before and 1,6,12 and 24 months after surgery. We used the Stratus OCT. (Version 3, Carl Zeiss, Meditec Inc.) to document the anatomy of the wound. The acquisition and the handling of the images of the Stratus OCT, an instrument originally designed for the study of the retina and the optic nerve, were adapted to analyse the anterior segment of the eye. Vertical and horizontal central images of the cornea, in addition to 4 radial measurements perpendicular to the wound at 12, 3, 6 and 9 hours were obtained. The following parameters were studied: (1) the gap between the edges of the donor disc and those of the recipient, (2) posterior surface mismatch (step) between the edges of the disc donor and those of the recipient, (3) tissue compression, (4) graft detachment, 6) elevations of the anterior corneal surface and 7) the central pachymetry of the cornea. Measurements of the total thickness were compared and correlated with those obtained with an ultrasound pachymeter. Measurements of visual acuity, manifest refraction and topography were also acquired in order to evaluate the functional results. Lastly, we compared the data of DLEK with those obtained from the EDMG and the PK, in order to characterize the wounds and to highlight the advantages and disadvantages relative to each surgical technique.Our anatomical results showed important differences between the three surgical techniques. Some of the studied parameters, like the step and the gap, were more pronounced in PK than in DLEK and completely absent in the EDMG group. Others, like tissue compression and graft detachment were observed only in the DLEK group. This let us predict that the distortion of the wound varies proportionally with the depth of recipient posterior stromal dissection. The less dissection towards the anterior surface (as in EDMG), the less it affects the anatomical integrity of the cornea, the worst case being full thickness trephination as in PK. However, all the parameters of sub-optimal posterior surface apposition and anterior surface elevation (this last only observed in PK) ended up decreasing with time, evolving with variable degrees to a topographic profile more similar to that of a normal cornea. This process appears longer and more incomplete in the cases of PK because of the type of wound, the presence of sutures and the longer healing period. The mean values of central thickness were normal after surgery. Moreover, these mean values obtained by OCT. were strongly correlated with those obtained by ultrasound pachymetry and we did not notice any significant difference between the mean values of the two measurement techniques. OCT proved to be a useful tool for the study of the microscopic anatomy of the corneal surgical wounds. The results of vision, refraction and topography of the techniques of posterior lamellar grafts showed that there was a fast visual recovery and without significant changes in astigmatism, contrary to PK with and without sutures. Posterior lamellar grafts allowed a better conservation of the morphology of the cornea, and consequently better functional results than PK. This enabled us to conclude that posterior lamellar corneal grafts could be the surgical technique of choice for the treatment of corneal endothelial diseases.

Corneal injury to ex-vivo eyes exposed to a 3.8 micron laser /

Fyffe, James G. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 2005. / Typescript (photocopy).

Avaliação multidimensional da dor no pós-operatório da ceratectomia fotorrefrativa e fatores preditivos de dor / Improved multidimensional pain evaluation and predictors of early postoperative pain after photorefractive keratectomy

Renato Garcia 11 November 2016 (has links)
OBJETIVOS: Validar o uso de questionários multidimensionais, como o Inventário Resumido da Dor (BPI) e o Questionário de Dor de McGill (MPQ) no pós-operatório da ceratectomia fotorefrativa (PRK). Comparar o perfil da dor no pós-operatório da PRK entre os dois olhos operados sob as mesmas condições e verificar preditores de dor como sexo, estado de ansiedade, conhecimento prévio da cirurgia e equivalente esférico do erro refrativo (EEER). MÉTODOS: Oitenta e seis olhos de 43 pacientes submeteram-se à PRK com intervalo de 14 dias entre cada olho. Uma hora antes da cirurgia, os pacientes responderam ao Inventário de Estado de Ansiedade (IDEA). No pós-operatório os pacientes receberam tratamento usual para dor e responderam aos questionários Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), BPI e MPQ após uma, 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas. Estudaram-se a consistência interna e as correlações de cada questionário. Compararam-se as pontuações de dor e a ansiedade entre primeiros e segundos olhos operados usando o teste de Wald, pareados através do teste t de Student. Utilizou-se o teste de Wald para comparar o comportamento da dor de acordo com sexo e EEER. RESULTADOS: Os questionários MPQ e BPI demonstraram alta consistência interna. Os questionários apresentaram pontuações mais elevadas na primeira mensuração da EVA (4.93 ± 2.38), MPQ - Índice de Estimativa de Dor (PRI) (26.95 ± 10.58), BPI - Índice de Intensidade de Dor (IID) (14.53 ± 7.36) e o BPI - índice de Interferência Funcional de Dor (IIFD) (22.30 ± 15.13), reduzindo-se gradativamente a cada momento subseqüente de avaliação. O MPQ-PRI na subescala subjetiva, apresentou curva de dor com redução lentificada. Todas as escalas apresentaram redução média estatisticamente significativa de um momento para o outro (p < 0.05) no pósoperatório, exceto no MPQ-PRI Subjetivo. Observaram-se correlações positivas entre as subescalas BPI e MPQ com a EVA (p < 0.05). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa nas pontuações de dor da EVA, BPI e MPQ-PRI entre ambos os olhos para todos os momentos avaliados. Os pacientes estavam menos ansiosos antes da PRK do segundo olho (p < 0.001), mas isto não apresentou correlação com níveis de dor após a cirurgia. O sexo e o conhecimento prévio do procedimento cirúrgico não influenciou significativamente em qualquer das escalas de dor. O EEER entre -3D to -5D correlacionou-se (p=0.035) com o BPI. CONCLUSÃO: O BPI e o MPQ apresentaram boas propriedades psicométricas em relação a confiabilidade e validade. Questionários multidimensionais fornecem uma avaliação mais abrangente sobre o perfil de dor após a PRK, se comparados à EVA, principalmente nos aspectos afetivos e cognitivos. O perfil da dor pósoperatória da PRK apresentou-se similar em ambos os olhos sob as mesmas condições. O EEER entre -3D to -5D foi o único fator preditor deste estudo para elevado nível de dor pós-operatória / PURPOSE: to validate the use of multidimensional questionnaires, such as the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) in the postoperative photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). To compare the profiles of postoperative PRK pain between both eyes operated under the same conditions and to verify the preoperative predictors of pain such as gender, anxiety, knowledge of the procedure, and spherical equivalent refractive error (SERE). METHODS: eighty-six eyes of 43 patients with myopia underwent PRK in both eyes at an interval of 14 days between the procedures. One hour before surgery, subjects answered the State Anxiety Inventory (SAI). After surgery, usual PRK pain treatment was given and subjects answered to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), BPI and MPQ pain questionnaires at one, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours intervals. The internal consistency was evaluated and convergent validity of each questionnaire was assessed using correlation testing. Pain scores and anxiety were compared between each eye using the Wald test and paired Student t test. Wald test was also used to test gender and SERE for each eye separately. RESULTS: both BPI and MPQ questionnaires showed internal consistency higher than 0.70. Subjects reported higher postoperative pain scores at the first measurement of the VAS (4.93 ± 2.38), MPQ - Pain Rating Index (26.95 6 10.58), BPI - Pain Severity Index (14.53 ± 7.36), and BPI- Pain Interference Index (22.30 ± 15.13) with decreasing scores at each subsequent observation period in all scales. All scales showed statistically significant (p < 0.05) pain reduction from one measurement to the next postoperatively, except the MPQ-PRI Evaluative. The majority of the scales and subscales showed a statistically significant (p < 0.05) direct correlation with the VAS at all of the evaluation periods. There were no statistically significant differences between the two eyes at all examination intervals regarding the VAS, BPI, and MPQ scores. Subjects were less anxious on average before the second surgery compared to the first surgery (p < 0.001), but this finding was not related to pain ratings after surgery. Gender and knowledge of the procedure did not significantly interfere with any scale of pain. The SERE between -3 D (diopters) and -5 D (p=0.035) revealed interference on the BPI. CONCLUSION: the BPI and the MPQ showed good psychometric properties regarding reliability and validity. The multidimensional questionnaires expanded the assessment of the PRK postoperative pain profile, compared to VAS, mainly in cognitive and affective aspects. The profiles of postoperative pain after PRK were similar between both eyes under the same conditions. In this study, a high SERE was the only predictor for increased pain after PRK

Conception, réalisation et évaluation d'un implant diffractif bifocal intracornéen pour la correction de la presbytie / Design, elaboration and implementation of a diffractive bifocal intracorneal implant to correct presbyopia

Castignoles, Fannie 25 November 2011 (has links)
Actuellement, la presbytie peut être corrigée chirurgicalement à l’aide d’implants intraoculaires réfractifs ou diffractifs multifocaux (chirurgie endoculaire invasive et irréversible) ou en intracornéen avec une correction multifocale réfractive (correction laser irréversible, ou insertion d’un implant dans le stroma). L’objectif de ce travail est de développer un nouvel implant permettant de corriger la presbytie, qui allie l’innocuité et la réversibilité d’une correction intracornéenne, à l’efficacité du diffractif. Le design des profils optiques bifocaux a été permis grâce au développement d’outils de simulation optique. Les efficacités de diffraction sont calculées à partir de la propagation du champ électrique par spectre angulaire. La qualité optique est déterminée d’après les simulations de Fonction de Transfert de Modulation obtenues sous Zemax. Des simulations de rendu d’images permettent de visualiser les effets de différents profils envisagés. Les paramètres critiques du design optique sont déterminés. Le choix du matériau dépend des contraintes de biocompatibilité de l’implant et des techniques de fabrication. La solution retenue est un hydrogel à forte teneur en eau, couplé à une nouvelle architecture de l’implant. L’hydrogel est obtenu par polymérisation radicalaire de macromonomères difonctionnels de poly(éthylène glycol) de masses molaires de l’ordre de 8000 g.mol‐1 qui conduisent à des propriétés mécaniques et une perméabilité aux nutriments compatibles avec l’application. La réalisation, la stérilisation et la caractérisation optique de prototypes ont abouti à la preuve du concept d’un implant bifocal diffractif intracornéen / Presbyopia can be corrected with surgery by means of refractive or diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses (which imply an irreversible and invasive endocular surgery) or by intracorneal multifocal refractive correction (irreversible laser correction, or insertion of an intrastromal implant). This work aims at developing a new implant to correct presbyopia, which takes advantage of both the harmlessness and the reversibility of an intracorneal correction, and the efficiency of diffractive optics. The design of the bifocal optical profiles was based on the development of optical simulation tools. The diffractive efficiencies are calculated from the distribution of the electric field with the method of angular spectrum. The optical quality is determined according to the simulations of Modulation Transfer Function obtained with Zemax. Images simulations show the effects of the different profiles studied. The critical parameters of the optical design are also determined. The choice of the material depends on several constraints such as biocompatibility and techniques of manufacturing. The adopted solution relies on the used of an hydrogel with high water content and the design of a new implant architecture. The hydrogel is obtained by radical polymerization of difunctional macromonomers of poly(ethylene glycol) with molar masses around 8000 g.mol‐1, allowing mechanical properties and permeability to nutriments compatible with the application. The realization, the sterilization and the characterization of prototypes showed the proof of the concept of a diffractive bifocal intracorneal implant

Apport de l’élastographie par imagerie des ondes de cisaillement pour l’évaluation de la photo-polymerisation du collagène cornéen / Contribution of shear wave imaging elastography for corneal collagen photo-polymerization assessment

Touboul, David 26 May 2014 (has links)
Le cross-linking du collagène cornéen (CXL) est une cornéoplastie mini-invasive reposant surun concept biomécanique difficile à objectiver physiquement et dont les preuves del’efficacité thérapeutique sont d’interprétation complexe. Les principes, les nuances et lesrésultats du CXL sont colligés dans cette thèse afin de valider l’intérêt du modèleexpérimental choisi pour tester la pertinence de notre travail de recherche sur l’élastographiecornéenne par ondes de cisaillement.Notre cheminement expérimental a abouti au choix du modèle de CXL trans-épithélial (TCXL)assisté par iontophorèse (I-CXL), réalisé in vivo, sur oeil de lapin. Les mesuresélastographiques obtenues après euthanasie ont ainsi pu démontrer une modificationsignificative du profil d’élasticité de la cornée après CXL, testé successivement de manièredynamique et statique.Nos résultats confirment donc l’efficacité biomécanique instantanée du I-CXL et donnent uneidée plus précise de la valeur de la photo-polymérisation du tissu cornéen isolée desphénomènes liés à la cicatrisation. Les enjeux technologiques de l’élastographe cornéen paranalyse des ondes de cisaillement ont pu être définis afin de développer une stratégie de miseen oeuvre d’un système pertinent pour la pratique clinique. / Corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) is a kind of minimaly invasive corneoplasty mainlybased on a biomechanical concept, which is very difficult to measure physically, and whichthe therapeutic efficacy understanding is complex.Principles, different protocols and resultsare summarized in this thesis in order to illustrate the usefulness of the experimental modelchosen in our experimentations about elastographic corneal shear wave imaging.The pathway of our experimental work have led to the choice of trans-epithelial CXL (TCXL)assisted by iontophoresis (I-CXL), performed in vivo, on rabbits eyes. Elastographicmeasurements we obtained after animals euthanasia have shown a significant change of thecorneal elasticity profile after CXL, successively tested in a dynamic and in a static fashion.Our results do confirm the biomechanical efficacy of the I-CXL procedure and give a moreprecise idea of the sole photo-polymerization effect by avoiding any confounding healingconcern. Technological issues for corneal elastography with shear wave imaging have beenraised in this thesis to develop a realistic strategy for the launch of a clinically useful device.

Temperature-Sensitive Transient Receptor Potential Channels in Corneal Tissue Layers and Cells

Mergler, Stefan, Valtink, Monika, Takayoshi, Sumioka, Okada, Yuka, Miyajima, Masayasu, Saika, Shizuya, Reinach, Peter S. 05 August 2020 (has links)
We here provide a brief summary of the characteristics of transient receptor potential channels (TRPs) identified in corneal tissue layers and cells. In general, TRPs are nonselective cation channels which are Ca ²⁺ permeable. Most TRPs serve as thermosensitive molecular sensors (thermo-TRPs). Based on their functional importance, the possibilities are described for drug-targeting TRP activity in a clinical setting. TRPs are expressed in various tissues of the eye including both human corneal epithelial and endothelial layers as well as stromal fibroblasts and stromal nerve fibers. TRP vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) heat receptor, also known as capsaicin receptor, along with TRP melastatin type 8 (TRPM8) cold receptor, which is also known as menthol receptor, are prototypes of the thermo-TRP family. The TRPV1 functional channel is the most investigated TRP channel in these tissues, owing to its contribution to maintaining tissue homeostasis as well as eliciting wound healing responses to injury. Other thermo-TRP family members identified in these tissues are TRPV2, 3 and 4. Finally, there is the TRP ankyrin type 1 (TRPA1) cold receptor. All of these thermo-TRPs can be activated within specific temperature ranges and transduce such inputs into chemical and electrical signals. Although several recent studies have begun to unravel complex roles for thermo-TRPs such as TRPV1 in corneal layers and resident cells, additional studies are needed to further elucidate their roles in health and disease.

Investigating the Role of Shroom3 in Collagen Regulation and Development of the Corneal Stroma

Lappin, Cory James 14 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Development of Sensitive In Vitro Assays to Assess the Ocular Toxicity Potential of Chemicals and Ophthalmic Products

McCanna, David January 2009 (has links)
The utilization of in vitro tests with a tiered testing strategy for detection of mild ocular irritants can reduce the use of animals for testing, provide mechanistic data on toxic effects, and reduce the uncertainty associated with dose selection for clinical trials. The first section of this thesis describes how in vitro methods can be used to improve the prediction of the toxicity of chemicals and ophthalmic products. The proper utilization of in vitro methods can accurately predict toxic threshold levels and reduce animal use in product development. Sections two, three and four describe the development of new sensitive in vitro methods for predicting ocular toxicity. Maintaining the barrier function of the cornea is critical for the prevention of the penetration of infections microorganisms and irritating chemicals into the eye. Chapter 2 describes the development of a method for assessing the effects of chemicals on tight junctions using a human corneal epithelial and canine kidney epithelial cell line. In Chapter 3 a method that uses a primary organ culture for assessing single instillation and multiple instillation toxic effects is described. The ScanTox system was shown to be an ideal system to monitor the toxic effects over time as multiple readings can be taken of treated bovine lenses using the nondestructive method of assessing for the lens optical quality. Confirmations of toxic effects were made with the utilization of the viability dye alamarBlue. Chapter 4 describes the development of sensitive in vitro assays for detecting ocular toxicity by measuring the effects of chemicals on the mitochondrial integrity of bovine cornea, bovine lens epithelium and corneal epithelial cells, using fluorescent dyes. The goal of this research was to develop an in vitro test battery that can be used to accurately predict the ocular toxicity of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations. By comparing the toxicity seen in vivo animals and humans with the toxicity response in these new in vitro methods, it was demonstrated that these in vitro methods can be utilized in a tiered testing strategy in the development of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations.

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