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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張文魁 Unknown Date (has links)
自民國91年,國內法令准許私募,私募是指公司的內部人,透過協商,尋求願意投資公司的投資人,把公司的股票,售給少數的投資人,不需經過承銷商,揭露也比較少。 國外的文獻,有些學者實證的結果,私募宣告時有正的異常報酬,但有些學者實證的結果發現有負的異常報酬,本篇主要探討國內宣告私募時,對公司價值的影響,以及國內公司大多屬於家族企業,在這麼高的控制權之下,股權集中度對於私募發行公司的價值又有什麼影響? 實證的結果發現,國內公司宣告私募時有正的異常報酬,除了資訊不對稱會影響公司價值之外,本文還發現,公司在私募時,家族集團的控股如果低於30%時,增加公司持股,可以增加公司的價值,但當家族集團的股權超過30%時,就不明顯了。 此外,當股權集中度在10%~30%時,公司價值的變化與股權集中度成反比,顯示國內股權集中度在10%~30%時,符合利益掠奪假(Entrenchment Hypothesis),增加公司的股權集中度反而會減少公司的價值。


林翰廷 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇研究主要在於運用追蹤各國指數的指數股票型基金(ETF)來形成國際性投資組合,以長期持有為主搭配市場擇時策略以改進投資績效並比較各種策略下的投資組合表現。就投資組合組成方面:1.效率前緣投資組合是能有效的分散風險的,但實際操作的結果發現其投資組合權重比例很容易受樣本以及取樣期間所影響。2.基本面投資組合由於各國的經濟基礎不同,所以只用一般總體經濟通則來預測各國股市未來的表現其實很容易產生盲點。就擇時策略來說:1.長短利差擇時策略的優點在於買入或賣出的判斷,決策時點明確且交易次數較少。缺點在於容易產生錯誤訊號且錯誤訊號易連續產生。2.移動平均擇時策略的優點在於買賣的上下限明確,能有效的利用報酬的波動性而提升績效。缺點在於:買賣決策需具有即時性,決策延遲則投資績效將會被嚴重影響。 國際性投資組合與擇時策略結合後可發現基本面分析投資組合的績效表現最較佳,可獲得較高之報酬。但其所承受之風險也較其他投資組合來的高,屬於高風險高報酬的投資方式;效率前緣投資組合則為一種對風險較為趨避的投資方式;等比例投資組合若能與擇時策略搭配,從投資績效表現來看不失為一較適合一般投資大眾之投資策略。將風險分散(投資於追蹤大盤的ETF)再分散(組成國際性的投資組合),以長期持有的方式且運用擇時策略避開空頭市場的損失(化被動為主動),確實是能為投資者帶來不錯的投資績效的。


方尹妏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2003年、2004年之國內非金融業上市公司為研究對象,嘗試從股權結構、董事會職責、董監事專業性及財務透明度四項組成構面建構一套衡量公司治理品質之公司治理評等系統,以探討公司治理評等表現與公司價值、公司經營績效及股價報酬間之關聯性。研究結果顯示,公司治理整體與四項組成構面表現愈佳之公司其公司價值愈高。在經營績效方面,無論以資產報酬率或是權益報酬率作為公司經營績效之衡量變數,公司治理綜合指標與公司之經營績效皆呈現顯著正相關,代表公司治理機制愈好,公司經營績效表現愈優異;且公司治理機制與當期或是次期股價皆有顯著正關係;但在股價報酬方面,除了董事會職責構面與次期股價報酬有顯著正相關外,公司治理綜合指標與其他組成構面與本期或次期之股價報酬皆無顯著關聯性存在。 / Based on a sample of non-banking firms listed on Taiwan Securities Exchange over the period of 2003 to 2004 , this thesis attempt to develop a Taiwan Corporate Governance Index ranking system (TCGI) and then explores the relationship of market value, operation performance, stock returns and the scores derived from TCGI which is composite of aspects of ownership structure, board responsibility, profession of the board and transparency of financial information. The empirical findings show that the TCGI score, measured as a whole or as individual aspects, is significantly and positively related to market value and operating performance, in terms of return on assets or return on equity. Finally, TCGI score is positively related to current and next year stock prices. However, with the exception of the board responsibility aspect, the other three aspects are found unrelated to stock returns of the current or next year.


孫玉芬 Unknown Date (has links)
我國財務會計準則委員會於2004年7月1日發佈財務會計準則第35號公報《資產減損之會計處理準則》,此號公報允許公司可選擇於2004年提前認列資產減損,且公司擁有認列資產減損金額之裁量權。當公司擁有認列資產減損時點與金額的裁量權時,資產減損之認列可能成為一項新的盈餘管理工具。由於我國公司的代理問題是起因於控制股東剝削外部股東之財富,故本研究擬探討控制股東之股權結構與公司提前認列資產減損之關聯性。 / 本研究以2004年年報與2005年第一季季報宣告資產減損的上市櫃公司為研究對象。研究目的有三,首先探討控制股東之控制權偏離現金流量權引發的代理問題,是否會影響公司提前認列資產減損的可能性與金額。其次探討公司的控制股東持股質押的現象,是否會加深公司的代理問題,因而影響公司提前認列資產減損的可能性與認列減損的金額。最後本研究將探討市場對於宣告資產減損資訊的反應,是否會受到公司治理結構不同所影響。 / 研究結果發現,控制股東之控制權偏離現金流量權幅度愈大的公司,提前認列資產減損的可能性愈大,但是與提前認列資產減損的金額無顯著的關聯性。其次,控制股東有持股質押的公司,提前認列資產減損的可能性與金額皆愈大。最後,本研究並未發現股票市場對於不同公司治理結構的公司宣告資產減損的訊息有不同的反應。 / Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No.35 “Accounting for Assets Impairments” was released on July first of 2004. The provision of this Statement should be effective for quarterly financial statements ending on or after first quarter of 2005, but earlier application on the forth quarter of 2004 is encouraged. In Taiwan, the agency problem arises from the divergence between controlling owner’ voting right and cash flow right. Thus the regulation on the early adoption provides controlling owner with stronger incentive to manage reported earnings by manipulating the recognition timing and amount of write-off of impaired assets. / The primary objective of this paper is examine the association ownership structures, measured as the control divergence and the percentage of collateralized stock by controlling owners, and the likelihood of the early adoption of SFAS No. 35 and amount of assets impairments. Second, we further examine whether market valuation on assets impairment systematically varies depending on the agency problem level. / The results show that, as predicted, firms with greater control divergence and greater percentage of collateralized stock by controlling owners are more likely to early recognize impartment of assts. In addition, we find that the amount of asset impairment is associated with the percentage of collateralized stock by controlling owners, as predicted, but is not related to the control divergence. Finally, contrary to our prediction, we find no evidence that the market reaction to the announcement of asset impairments is significantly associated with the corporate governance structures.

中國大陸人壽保險公司之股權結構與經營效率分析 / Ownership Structure and Management Efficiency for Life Insurers in Mainland China

呂旺坤 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸於2001年12月11日加入WTO後陸續開放人壽保險市場,目前中國大陸人壽保險市場之公司股權結構可分成中資公司、合資公司與外資公司三種類型,由於外資公司僅限於美國友邦人壽一家公司,本研究針對中資公司與合資公司分析其股權結構對於經營績效之相互關係,採用2005中國保險年鑑之公開財務資訊,分析2004年中國大陸壽險公司在不同股權結構(中資壽險公司與合資壽險公司)下對其經營績效之影響,共計有合資壽險公司18家及中資壽險公司8家,依實證研究結果顯示: (1)中國大陸人壽保險公司之營運規模與保費收入與股權結構存在顯著相關,中資公司(2004年平均公司資產規模99,929百萬人民幣、保費收入25,616百萬人民幣)相較於合資公司(2004年平均公司資產規模1,241百萬人民幣、保費收入202百萬人民幣)擁有顯著的公司規模與保費收入; (2)股權結構顯著影響中國大陸人壽保險公司之資產報酬率與股東權益報酬,中資公司(2004年平均ROA為-1.45%、ROE為-4.28%)相較於合資公司(2004年平均ROA為-10.26%、ROE為-22.85%)擁有顯著較高的資產報酬率與股東權益報酬。 受限於中國大陸歷年財務資訊揭露之透明度與完整性,會計制度損益認列之差異,本研究之實證分析著重於2004年中國大陸壽險公司之財務報表資訊,檢視保險公司於2004年之橫斷面經營績效,提供後續長期時間序列之研究參考。


謝佳姍, Shieh,Jia-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球金融機構藉由購併朝向國際化及大型化金融集團的發展趨勢,而我國的金融機構過於零散以及規模過小,且加入WTO之後面對國內金融市場必須開放的壓力。政府對此內外問題憂慮的情況下,陸續通過「金融機構合併法」、「金融控股公司法」,期望藉此推動金融機構的整併,以提升我國金融機構的競爭力。 為了解金融控股公司有無達成政府當初立法的目的,本研究欲以財務觀點來評估金融控股公司成立至今的經營績效,又因金融機構性質的不同,樣本選取包含金控旗下13家銀行、7家證券公司、7家保險公司、3家票券公司,共計30家子公司。財務資料為金控成立前後四年的各季財務資料。將其財務比率資料加以彙整後,利用因素分析法萃取出適合衡量金融控股公司經營績效的財務績效指標,再利用Wilcoxon符號等級檢定,分別探討這四類子公司加入金控前後的經營績效是否有所差異,並加以探討個別子公司加入金控之後的獲利情況。 實證結果顯示: 一、銀行業:具顯著差異的財務比率如下:「安全性」因素構面中的淨值比率、存放比率以及淨值週轉率皆比加入前下降、而「成長性」因素構面中的淨值成長率也比加入前下降、「效率性」因素構面中的營業費用率增加,且總資產週轉率下降。以平均數來看,「獲利性」因素構面的財務比率皆比加入降低。因此,銀行業者加入金控後經營績效並未改善。 二、證券業:具顯著差異的財務比率如下:「效率性」因素構面中的淨值週轉率與固定資產週轉率下降,而營業費用率則是增加,「成長性」因素構面中的淨值成長率下降。然而以平均數來看,「獲利性」因素構面的財務比率有些微提昇。 三、保險業:僅有「財務槓桿度」此項財務比率具有顯著的降低,表示財務風險降低。以平均數來看,「資本適足性」因素構面的各項財務比率平均值皆提昇,而「成長性」因素構面的各項財務比率平均值皆降低。顯示保險業者採取保守穩健的經營方式。 四、票券業:財務比率皆沒有顯著差異。 五、個別銀行、證券、保險、票券業子公司的獲利情況作分析,有許多子公司仍屬於獲利的狀態。例如:13銀行業在加入金融控股公司之後仍有7家銀行的稅後淨利率呈顯著增加的情況,僅有1家呈顯著的減少。證券業及保險業個別子公司皆未達顯著水準。3家票券業者獲利有顯著增加的有1家。 / Following the trend of the worldwide financial institutions heading for internationalization and large-scale financial conglomerates by M&A, the financial institutions of Taiwan are too scattered and small-scale. Besides, after joining the WTO, the financial institutions of Taiwan must face the pressure of competitions upon the domestic financial market. The government of Taiwan falls into the situation of beset with difficulties both at home and abroad. Therefore, the government enacting "The Financial Institutions Merger Act" and "The Financial Holding Company Act" expects to consolidate financial institutions to improve performance in financial environment. In order to understand whether the establishment of financial holding companies has reached the purpose of legislation, the research is taken to evaluate the operation performance of financial holding companies from the financial point of view. Because of the differences of financial fields, the sample of this study contains 13 banks, 7 securities companies, 7 insurance companies and 3 bills finance companies. It adds up to 30 subsidiaries of 14 financial holding companies in Taiwan. Data include from 1998 1st season to 2006 1st season quartered financial data. At first, Factor analysis is applied to select the factor dimension. Then, the study uses Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test to test the operation performance of financial holding companies. The results of this empirical study are: 1. After bank subsidiaries join the financial holding companies, Net-worth Ratio, Growth Rate of Net-worth, Turnover Rate of Net-worth, Turnover Rate of Total Assets and Loan to Deposits Ratio are significantly dropping. Operating Expenses ratio is significantly growing up. 2. After securities subsidiaries join the financial holding companies, Turnover Rate of Net-worth, Turnover Rate of Fixed Assets and Growth Rate of Net-worth are significantly dropping. Operating Expenses ratio is significantly growing up. 3. After insurance subsidiaries join the financial holding companies, only Financial Leverage is significantly dropping. 4. There are no differences in financial ratios among bills finance companies joining the financial holding companies before and after. 5. There is still net profit margin of 7 bank subsidiaries and 1 bills finance company significantly growing up. In sum, the empirical results are found that the whole financial institutions joining the financial holding companies still don't get up to the purpose of performance improvement. However, some of the subsidiaries still earn profits.

群眾募資法制之研究- 以P2P借貸及股權模式群眾募資平台為中心 / A Study of the Regulation of Crowdfunding: Focusing on Crowdfunding Platform of P2P Lending and Equity Model

趙毓馨 Unknown Date (has links)
P2P借貸及股權模式群眾募資(即所謂金融回報型群眾募資)在過去五年間快速地成長,被認為係使中小企業及新創公司可有效率籌資之工具。為維持其制度之功能-籌資之效率性,在對籌資公司或平台之規範強督不宜過高,以降低其法規遵循成本。惟由於投資P2P借貸及股權模式群眾募資伴隨許多種類之風險,故在降低對籌資公司或平台之法規遵循負擔時,投資人保護之問題亦不可忽視,如何在此二者間達成平衡,為監管上之重要議題。 本文首先介紹在P2P借貸或股權模式已有發展或正在發展之美國、英國以及日本之規範概況。其次,在我國法部分,先就我國之股權模式群眾募資規範之發展為介紹,並參照比較法之規範為評析。其後,則就我國若引進P2P借貸制度,在我國既有法制如銀行法上可能碰到之問題及規範方向為分析。 在股權模式部分,櫃買中心在2014年1月開始營運功能相似之創櫃板。於2015年,金管會宣布證券經紀商經主管機關核准後,可經營股權性質群眾募資平台(後稱民營平台),二者均受櫃買中心所發布之法規命令所規範。創櫃板與民營平台在功能及規範上有其相似之處,當二者在未來採雙軌並行時,可能有市場區隔及風險控制不足與櫃買中心在主導創櫃板同時,亦作為民營平台之監管者之利益衝突等問題。再者,在各自制度之問題上,二者亦有共通之處。關於投資人保護部分,第一,投資人可否適用相關規範為救濟,除證交法之反詐欺條款外,目前尚不明確。其次,關於投資限額之規範,則有計算與驗證限額之方式與轉售限制之規範必要性及周邊問題等之討論。關於籌資公司,則有籌資限額規範之寬嚴問題及僅可發行普通股之規範等之討論。在平台業者之規範,在民營平台部分,有關於平台業者准入規範、名義股東制度之可行性、單一業務經營及重大禁止行為等問題之討論。 在P2P借貸制度部分,關於我國法制,本文認為在各該模式是否使平台甚而借用人有構成銀行法收受存款之問題未能被釐清之前,P2P借貸制度恐無法被順利引進,可能須透過銀行法之修正,並輔以主管機關之解釋始能解決此一問題。關於對P2P借貸平台之規範,P2P借貸平台是否被定位為金融機構之一環,亦可能影響其應遵循之法律或規範為何。惟本文認為為促進P2P借貸平台之發展,即使主管機關將其定位為金融機構之一環,亦需適當設置例外,藉此可避免繁重之法規遵循成本讓使P2P借貸之制度失其設計之原意。關於貸與人之保護,在救濟途徑、投資限額、風險之評估與預告、中間帳戶之監管、資訊揭露、平台是否應提存準備金及設置意外準備基金、貸與人是否適用存款保險制度以及平台倒閉時對流通在外借款之處理機制等,亦應設置相關規範,惟亦應注意貸與人保護與上述平台法規遵循成本之平衡問題。在法規之規範方式上,本文則認為P2P借貸之商業模式可能乃與傳統借貸之商業模式有所落差,而平台之定位亦可能與傳統金融機構有所不同,故認為宜單獨就P2P借貸修訂專法或至少由主管機關單獨訂定法規命令,較為妥適。 / P2P lending and equity crowdfunding (so called “financial return crowdfunding,” FR crowdfunding for short), having grown rapidly in the last 5 years, are considered as an efficient vehicle for funding small and medium enterprises as well as start-ups. For maintaining the function of FR crowdfunding that is the efficiency of raising fund, it’s not appropriate to put strong regulations on the enterprises needing fund and the platforms of FR crowdfunding. However, because investing in FR crowdfunding associates with several types of risks, while reducing the burdens of the enterprises or platforms on compliance with the regulations, the issue of investor protection also cannot be ignored. How to balance between these two topics mentioned above is an important issue on the regulations of FR crowdfunding. Firstly, this article introduces the regulations on FR crowdfunding in U.S., Britain and Japan where P2P lending or equity crowdfunding has developed or is developing. Secondly, in the regulation of Taiwan, the article presents the regulation on equity crowdfunding of Taiwan first and make some comments, referred to the foreign regulations mentioned above. Afterwards, the article analyzes the problems, encountered on the existing laws, such as the Banking Law, and studies how to regulate P2P lending, if P2P lending is introduced to Taiwan. In the section of the equity crowdfunding, Taipei Exchange (GreTai Securities Market) started Incubation Board for Startup and Acceleration Firms (GISA) in January 2014 whose function is similar to that of the equity crowdfunding platforms. In 2015, Financial Supervisory Commission declared that securities brokers are permitted to operate platforms of equity crowdfunding (called private platforms hereinafter) once the securities brokers are authorized by the competent authority. Both GISA and private platforms are regulated by the regulations issued by Taipei Exchange. The functions and the regulation structures of GISA and private platforms are similar. When GISA and private platforms operate in a double-track way in the future, there are some problems like the insufficiency of market segmentation and risk control. Because upon the regulations, Taipei Exchange also supervises the private platforms, there exists a problem of interest conflict. Moreover, the regulations of GISA and private platforms also have common issues. About the protection of investor, firstly, whether the remedy regulations of other laws could apply for the investors of GISA and private platforms, except for the anti-fraud regulation of Securities and Exchange Act, is not clear so far. Secondly, there are also some discussions on the regulation of investment cap like the approach to calculate and verify the cap, the necessity of the measure of resale limitation, etc. About the enterprises raising fund on the GISA or private platforms, there are some discussions on whether the cap of raising fund should be higher and whether those enterprises should be permitted to offer preferred stock to raise fund, etc. About the platform, concerning to the regulations on the private platforms, there are some discussions on the industry access regulation, the feasibility of nominee structure, the operation of single business and the acts prohibited by the regulation, etc. In the section of the P2P lending, the article notes that before the problem, whether the borrowers or the platforms under different business models be considered as doing the business of accepting deposits under the Banking Law, could be clarified, it’s afraid that P2P lending cannot be introduced to Taiwan smoothly. This problem could be solved by the amendment of the current Banking Law or by the legal interpretations issued by the competent authority of Banking Law. About the regulations to the P2P lending platforms, whether the P2P lending platforms are considered as a financial institution affects which laws or regulations the P2P lending platforms might obey. However, for promoting the development of P2P lending, the article thought even if P2P lending platforms are considered as a financial institution, it’s necessary to set exceptions appropriately on it. By doing that, the purpose of P2P lending might not be destroyed by the heavy burden of compliance of regulations. About the protection of lenders, the regulations on P2P lending should include the issues on remedies of P2P lenders, investor investment cap, rating and precaution of risk, the supervision on the account of fund raised from lenders, information disclosure, whether the platforms should deposit reserves and set contingency fund, whether P2P lenders are protected by the deposit insurance, and the mechanism to deal with the loans still outstanding in case of the platform failure. However, the issue of balancing the lenders protection and the cost of regulatory compliance of the platforms still need to be considered. About how to regulate P2P lending, the article thinks that the business model of P2P lending is different from traditional lending model and that the P2P platforms are also different from the traditional financial institutions. Consequently, the article thinks that it’s appropriate to make laws or regulations singly for P2P lending.

總統選舉對法國和台灣股票市場的影響 / Impacts of Presidential Elections on the Stock Markets of France and Taiwan

雷坤霆, Quentin Lestra Unknown Date (has links)
總統選舉對法國和台灣股票市場的影響 / The relationship between politics, especially presidential elections, and stock markets has been a topic widely covered in the United States. We propose in this research to focus on France and Taiwan, two free countries regarding the civil rights and politic liberties, with a direct presidential election system. We will put them in perspective and analyse if similarities and differences can be identified, regarding the presidential market cycles and the presence of abnormal returns around presidential elections, in comparison of the US. Regarding the presidential market cycle analysis, a very close, but not significant pattern has been found for both French indices compared to the US. The TAIEX in Taiwan shows a very different pattern as Yearly Average Return are alternatively positive and negative, suggesting two cycles in a presidential term. This observation is not applicable for big and mid-caps indices in Taiwan. In addition, not any significant differences have been found between the YAR of big and mid-caps indices for the two countries respectively. Analysing the abnormal returns, significant positive CAARs are found for Taiwan big and mid-caps. For the big-caps index, this result is found for the (-28, 28) period while for the mid-caps, the associated period is (-28,-15) days before the election. The loss of the incumbent shows significant strong negative CAAR for the 1-month period prior and after the elections. The win of this one shows significant positive CAAR for the period associated to the 15 first days of the presidential campaign. The win of the party in power shows the same results, only when we consider big-caps indices.

社會資本、動員的資訊網絡、與風險投資 / Social capital, mobilized information network, and risk investment

邱偉誠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究爬梳數篇台灣本土的風險投資參與的社會學相關研究,試圖讓前人質性研究的結果與現有的量化資料產生對話,並釐清社會資本、投資人所動員的資訊管道類型、與風險投資行為之間的關係。本研究著眼於風險投資人獲取投資資訊的方式,以此探討投資人的異質性和社會限制,並利用台灣社會變遷基本調查五期三次(2007)的資料區辨出十六種投資人所動員的資訊管道類型。在這些資訊管道類型背後所欲反映的,是投資人「資訊-知識」的社會能力。本研究認為,投資人所動員的資訊管道類型較其一般性質的社會資本能量更能解釋其風險投資行為。   本研究控制了幾個重要的社會人口與經濟地位變項,同時也對投資人的風險承受程度進行控制之後,再分別進行:(1)以社會資本解釋風險投資行為;(2)以社會資本解釋動員的資訊管道類型;(3)對社會資本加以控制,並以動員的資訊管道類型解釋風險投資行為。結果發現,原本社會資本對於風險投資行為有顯著影響,但在模型中加入動員的資訊管道類型之後,社會資本的效果就不再顯著,且這幾種動員的資訊管道類型表現了突出且顯著的解釋力。而部份動員的資訊管道類型可以被社會資本所解釋。此結論驗證了投資人所動員的資訊管道類型在解釋上較貼近風險投資行為的想法。

台灣企業實施員工持股信託計畫與公司績效的實證研究 / The Effect of Employee Stock Ownership Plans on Firm Performance in Taiwan

陳俊雄, CHEN CHUN HSIUNG Unknown Date (has links)
員工持股信託計劃(Employee Stock Ownership Plans,ESOPs)在美、日等國已行之多年,相關研究也相當多。反之,臺灣企業自實施員工持股信託計劃以來,少有專論持股信託之實證研究發表。本文即是想探討臺灣企業實施員工持股信託後對公司績效的影響。本文以在國內某家銀行承作持股信託二年以上的公司為樣本,探討企業實施員工持股信託計畫與公司績效的關連性,實證結果發現在企業實施員工持股信託計劃之後的前三年,其資產報酬率、淨利率及成長機會有明顯上升的趨勢,其中員工持股信託對公司有短期的激勵效果,但其效果會隨著時間遞減,再進一步加入控制變數之結果顯示,員工分紅持股信託對公司績效表現具有較正面的影響,對員工之激勵效果較佳。 / In the US and Japan, Employee Stock Ownership Plans(ESOPs)have been practiced for more than 30 years, and related empirical studies are also abundant . However, similar studies have seldom been conducted in Taiwan. The purpose of this paper to examine whether there is significant impact on corporate performance that adopted ESOPs in Taiwan. We choose firms which have adopted ESOPs for two years or longer in a specific bank as our sample. We find that certain measures of corporate performance such as ROA、PM、Tobin's Q, improve significantly within the first three years after the plans went into effect. In general, ESOPs have positive effects on firms in the short run. However, this positive effect decreases gradually. Our results suggest that firms adopting employee bonus trust have better performance in our sample.

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