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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les Antigones espagnoles : modalités esthétiques et idéologiques des reprises de la figure mythique, de la Guerre Civile à la Transition / Rewriting Antigone : ideology and aesthetics in the Spanish versions of the tragedy, between the Civil War and the transition to democracy

Blin, Fanny 22 September 2017 (has links)
En réponse au traumatisme de la division nationale suscitée par la guerre civile et cristallisée pendant le franquisme, la figure d’Antigone resurgit avec force dans la dramaturgie espagnole. Le parcours de résistance de cette héroïne grecque devient, sous la plume des auteurs espagnols du XXème siècle, l’emblème de la « juste mémoire » (Ricœur, 2000). Partant de l’hypothèse que le corpus des Antigones espagnoles constitue un ensemble relevant d’une dynamique commune de relecture de l’histoire, cette thèse recherche, à travers un travail comparatif des structures et des symboliques, la cohérence des versions catalanes, galiciennes et castillanes, de l’exil comme de l’intérieur, pour la période comprise entre 1936 et 1989. Dix-huit pièces sont ainsi mises en perspective pour démontrer la conquête de discours mémoriels et compensatoires à partir des sources hypotextuelles que constituent la tragédie de Sophocle, mais aussi les autres versions théâtrales du mythe. La première partie examine les procédés de réécriture du mythe, de l’histoire et de la tragédie, pour qualifier les pièces et déterminer un éventuel noyau mythique ou un schéma référentiel récurrent. La notion de « (re)configurations contemporaines » au prisme du contexte politique émerge alors pour désigner les objets de ce travail. La deuxième partie analyse les convergences esthétiques et les motifs récurrents dans les textes, car les Antigones espagnoles contemporaines placent au centre de la scène la métaphore de la marge pour figurer l’exclusion politique, ou encore celle du chemin pour représenter les destins brisés et l’exil. Fondamentalement, ces œuvres forgent un tombeau littéraire pour les défunts oubliés, mais aussi un monument en l’honneur des invisibles. La dimension esthétique de cette place théâtrale compensatrice ouvre une réflexion sur son sens cathartique dans une société en recomposition pendant la Transition. En effet, le troisième volet de cette thèse est centré sur la théâtralisation de l’histoire : il s’agit d’étudier les dispositifs de déconstruction des récits nationaux à travers les différents réagencements du mythe des Labdacides. Cette clé de lecture révèle les stratégies de démythification-remythification qui président aux nouvelles charges sémantiques des épisodes mythiques, dépeignant un autoportrait déformant de la communauté espagnole en crise. À l’horizon de ces pratiques de réécriture, se lit la conception d’une époque historique comme une épopée, que la parole cérémonielle et le dispositif scénique peuvent contribuer à purger, par une distance qui englobe un large prisme, de la sacralité au grotesque. / Echoing the traumatic conflict within the nation caused by the Civil War and crystallized during Franco’s era, Antigone’s reappearance was extremely intense in Spanish dramatic creation. In contemporary rewritings, the resistance of this tragic character from Greek mythology turned out to be the emblem of a “fairer memory” (Ricoeur, 2000). This work asserts that the Spanish Antigones converge and share a common signification when it comes to rewriting History; and resorts to a comparative study of structures and symbols to shed light on the continuity between the Castilian, Catalan and Galician versions, between those written in exile or not, from 1936 to 1989. In order to establish the common dynamic, eighteen plays are compared, whose key idea is to create a memorial and a redeeming discourse based on the Greek sources but also inspired by other versions of the tragedy. Therefore, the first part examines the strategies implemented to rearrange the mythical pattern, the historical context and the tragic genre. This leads to the conclusion that there is no permanent mythical core nor a fully recurrent referential scheme. As such, the notion of “contemporary (re)configurations” through the prism of politics seems relevant to describe the rewritings. The second part analyses the aesthetic convergences and the recurring themes and metaphors throughout the texts and concludes that in the contemporary Spanish Antigones, the image of the margins embodying exclusion takes on centre stage while the image of the path is resorted to in order to evoke broken destinies and exile. Basically, these plays create a literary tomb for the forgotten deceased but also a monument in honour of the invisible –alive– ones. The aesthetic dimension of this compensatory play requires a reflection upon its cathartic sense in a transforming society during the Transition to democracy. Indeed, the third part of this work focuses on the dramatization of History, making it crucial to study the scenic devices that dismantle the official stories and political myths. This reveals the strategies of “demystification” followed by new mythifications that portray a distorting image of the Spanish community in crisis. Ultimately, these practices of rewriting show that the playwrights conceived their time as an epic and mythical phase which could be purged by theatrical ceremonial thanks to a distancing effect that covers a large prism, from sacred to grotesque.

The concept of autochthony in Euripides' Phoenissae

Sanders, Kyle Austin 05 September 2014 (has links)
Euripides’ Phoenissae is a challenging work that is often overlooked by scholars of Greek drama. This study analyzes how the concept of autochthony occupies a central thematic concern of the play. On the one hand, autochthony unites humans to soil, political claims to myths, and present to past. On the other hand, autochthony was often invoked to exclude foreigners, women and exiles from political life at Athens. We observe a similar dichotomy in the Phoenissae. Autochthony unites the episode action–the story of the fraternal conflict—with the very different subject matter of the choral odes, which treat the founding myths of Thebes. By focalizing the lyric material through the perspective of marginalized female voices (Antigone and the chorus), Euripides is able to problematize the myths and rhetoric associated with autochthony. At the same time, Antigone’s departure with her father at the play’s close offers a transformation of autochthonous power into a positive religious entity. I suggest that a careful examination of the many facets of autochthony can inform our understanding of the Phoenissae with respect to dramatic structure, apparent Euripidean innovations, character motivation, stage direction and audience reception. / text

Where is Meaning Construed?: A Schema for Literary Reception and Comparatism in Three Case Studies

Pérez Díaz, Cristina January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation claims contributions on two fronts. First, it aims to contribute to the theory of reception with a practical model of reading postclassical texts that substantially engage ancient ones. In the second place, it contributes three individual readings of three important works of literature on which nothing has been written by anglophone classicists working on classical reception: José Watanabe’s Antígona, Christine Brooke-Rose’s Amalgamemnon, and Anne Carson’s Economy of the Unlost. This dissertation’s contribution to the theory of reception is the proposition of a practical schema of reading, which is a figure upon which the imagination can operate. Simply put, it posits a schema as the place where meaning is construed. The schema calls attention to the constructedness of meaning and to the act of construction and organizes different moments of “reception”: that of the postclassical text receiving the ancient one (which the schema imagines as a vertical line) and that of the scholar receiving that particular instance of reception, the “I” of interpretation, which is theorized as one of two axes of transcendence of the schema (the other one being the world of/to which the schema speaks and means). Furthermore, the schema puts the “where” of meaning in the relation of (at least) two texts, but the “of” of meaning belongs to the postclassical texts. The postclassical text receiving ancient text(s) is proposed as a complex work, simultaneously in relationship with texts from the past as well as other texts from other periods. The relations of the postclassical text with each of these texts are different and need to be differently traced or theorized. The relation with the ancient texts is properly textual and thus the primary way of tracing it in the schema is a vertical line that first and foremost pays attention to form, with the tools of structural analysis and philology. Then, the theorization of the vertical line is made thicker with the operation of concepts upon it. As each of these texts (the classical and the postclassical) mean in relation to webs of texts that are relevant to the vertical relation, the schema imagines an additional dimension to the vertical one: the horizontal. Each of the horizontal lines traced for both the classical and the postclassical texts are in one way or another “historicist” readings, they trace contexts for the texts, but the way that context is understood in the theorization of the horizontal dimension of the schema is plural and never saturated. While this horizontal aspect of meaning is understood as textual, the schema also imagines for it an axis of transcendence, the world on which writers write and in which the reader is situated. The first chapter’s primary goal is to provide a reading of José Watanabe’s Antígona using the schema to illuminate the ways in which this text makes meaning in relation to Sophocles’ Antigone and part of the body of texts that have come to form part of that name. This reading counters the predominant approach to this work (and to many a work in classical reception), which reads it allegorically, as a commentary on a particular moment in the history of Peru. That predominant way of reading not only ignores the vertical orientation of the text in relation to its avowed ancient source, it also limits itself to one way of tracing the horizontality of the postclassical text, construing “context” in the most immediate and literal sense. The chapter contributes a reading that opens up Antígona to much more than allegory, highlighting its powerful affective and aesthetic dimension, as well as its intersection with recent feminist readings of the Greek tragedy that turn towards the figure of Ismene and the politics of sisterhood. The second chapter sets itself to the analysis of the complex role that ancient texts play in Christine Brooke-Rose’s radically experimental novel Amalgamemnon. This novel has not been the focus of attention of any work by a classical scholar, and those scholars who have written about it in other fields have failed to analyze the importance that Herodotus’ Histories and Aeschylus’ Agamemnon play at both the structural and the thematic levels. Tracing the vertical line, the chapter shows how these two texts are essential to the novel’s writing and themes. In the horizontal dimension, the schema situates the novel’s engagement with those ancient sources in the context of contemporary feminist discourse, especially as it concerns the question of the possibility of a feminine discourse and an outside of the phallocentric system of signs. That intersection illuminates both how Brooke-Rose is reading the ancient sources as well as what are arguably some of the limitations of her writing in contrast to the ethical commitments of feminisms. Finally, the third chapter is a reading of Anne Carson’s Economy of the Unlost, a text that is perhaps better known than the texts treated in the previous two chapters, at least in the Anglophone world, but which has nonetheless been fairly disregarded in the scholarship. The chapter provides a rigorous analysis of the “work” of this text, of what it does and how it does it, as the scholarship on Carson’s work has failed to posit or satisfactorily respond to the important questions regarding what constitutes the undeniable originality of her writing. In this particular book, which combines academic and poetic discourses into a new form that partakes of both, Carson proposes a comparative mode of making meaning that cannot be captured with a structural analysis of inter- or -trans- textuality, as the previous two chapters construed the vertical dimension of the schema. Instead, the theory of metaphor developed by Paul Ricoeur provides the appropriate tool to imagine the vertical dimension of the schema and analyze Carson’s exercise in bringing an ancient and a modern author together. This particular construction of the schema brings into the terrain of classical reception the possibility of interpretating comparative works that do not fit nicely within the theoretical margins of this subfield of classical studies. Finally, the chapter provides the occasion to trace another aspect of the schema, its other axis of transcendence, which is the “I” of interpretation.

Exclusion in Sophocles

Spiegel, Francesca 30 November 2020 (has links)
"Exclusion in Sophocles" dass Exklusion als Motiv sich durch alle erhaltenen Sophoklesstücke zieht nebst einiger der längeren Fragmente. Auffällig ist die Vielfalt des Motivs, welches sich auf einen Ausschluss aus der Familie (Elektra), der Stadt (Ödipus-Dramen), der Armee (Philoktet), der Gemeinschaft der Menschen (Tereus) und noch vieles Weitere bezieht. Diese Arbeit sammelt, ordnet und analysiert sophokleische Exklusionsszenarien. Insbesondere wird der Gebrauch von Tropologien des Un/Menschlichen in der extrinsischen Charakterisierung der tragischen Protagonisten herausgestellt sowie damit verbundene Metaphern des Pathologischen, Monströsen, Bestialen und sog. Primitiven als Marker und Auslöser von strukturellen Exklusionen. Dabei wird das Exklusionsmotiv nicht als vollendete Tatsache erfasst, sondern als dynamischer und sich teilweise über ganze Plots hinweg erstreckender Prozess, als Narrativ eines ehemals gut Eingegliederten und von der Gemeinschaft nach und nach Exkludierten. Gleichwohl diese Entwicklung vom tragischen Protagonisten in eloquenten und selbstdarstellerischen Reden vehement kritisiert wird, erwächst im Bereich der Metaphern und rhetorischen Bildsprache der Gemeinschaft eine regelrechte Ausradierung und Neuzuweisung seiner Identität. Durch eine vergleichende Gegenüberstellung beider Standpunkte stellt sich heraus, wie tiefgreifend die als Exkludierend handelnde Gemeinschaft in das Vorantschreiten des tragischen Geschehens involviert ist und die Dramen eben nicht nur—wie in zahlreichen Forschungsstandpunkten festgehalten—die Manci des Exkludierten Protagonisten als moralische Fabel vorführen. / Social exclusion as a literary theme is common to all of Sophocles' fully extant plays as well as some of the longer fragments. The variety of settings is wide, between exclusion from the family like for example in Electra, exclusion from the city as in the case of Oedipus, from a regiment of the armed forces like in Ajax or Philoctetes, or even humankind, like with Tereus. This inquiry sets out to present, taxonomize and unpack Sophoclean discourses of exclusion and their attaining literary tropes of the pathological, the bestial, the brutish, the monstrous, and the so-called uncivilized. The aim is to demonstrate how deeply implicated the whole cast of characters and their language are in the process of a tragedy unfolding, rather than the causes of tragedy being lodged in the doings of one protagonist alone. One key point argued here is that, instead of taking 'the isolation of the tragic hero' as fait accompli, exclusion is a dynamic process that often takes up the entire plot arc of a tragedy. In the space of extrinsic characterization, it is argued that a process of rhetorical erasure and overwriting of identity takes place, where peer groups gradually dismantle a formerly well-established identity and re-assign a new and undesirable one. It is shown how the protagonists seek to resist, lament or somehow negotiate this process through long and expansive speeches of futile self-reinstatement. In the synthesis of both, it is argued that Sophocles' deployment of the theme puts a critical spotlight on the rhetorics of exclusion and its discourses of the bestial, the brutal, and especially the pathological, which embed and frame the work's overall literary, cultural and dramatic effects.


DEL MONTE, DIANA 30 May 2017 (has links)
Una performance teatrale è un meccanismo complesso che viaggia attraverso molte variabili. L'approccio della lettura dell'evento performativo come nodo d'incontro e scambio di diversi agenti e aspetti è stato inoltre presentato dall'International Federation for Theater Research (IFTR) nella pubblicazione Theatrical Events. Borders, Dynamics, Frames. La tesi dottorale, in accordo con tale lettura, presenta tre case-study: Motus, Punchdrunk e Robert Wilson. I tre esempi sono qui analizzati nella loro totalità di opere d'arte, fenomeni culturali e meccanismi organizzativi, evidenziandone peculiarità, similitudini e differenze. Di ognuno sono stati valutati il processo creativo, le strategie di produzione, la relazione con la stampa e/o i mezzi di diffusione, le collaborazioni con la comunità artistica, la relazione con il pubblico. La ricerca è stata portata avanti coordinando diverse metodologie: la preferenza è stata data alle fonti primarie e al lavoro di campo nell'area di New York - interviste, fotografie, raccolta di dati e materiale iconografico. Sono stati poi consultati gli archivi della New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, della Byrd Hoffmann Foundation e del The Watermill Center. Il secondo capitolo si avvale inoltre della preziosa collaborazione sul campo dei ricercatori del gruppo ISPOCC (Initiative for the Study and Practice of Organized Creativity and Culture) della Columbia University Business School / A performance is a dynamic system that involves many variables. The importance of theatre performances as aesthetic-communicative encounters of a wide range of agents and aspects has also been stressed by IFTR, through the working group "Theatrical events" and its publication Theatrical Events. Borders, Dynamics, Frames. In accordance with the IFTR approach, the dissertation presents three case-study: Motus, Punchdrunk and Robert Wilson. The three international artists and companies are studied here as a crossroad of interactions among art, marketing, and social context, tracing similarities and differences in their theatrical productions. Specifically, the research analyzed four theatrical events: Sleep No More by Punchdrunk, Syrma Antigones project by Motus, The Discovery Watermill Day and The Old Woman by Robert Wilson. The essay is the result of a combined archive and fieldwork research based in New York. The archival materials is from New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Byrd Hoffman Foundation, The Watermill Center, Motus theater company's archive, while the fieldwork collected visual materials such as pictures, sketches, videos as well as interviews and artists notes during the events. Part of the Sleep No More's fieldwork is in collaboration with ISPOCC (Initiative for the Study and Practice of Organized Creativity and Culture) at Columbia University Business School.

Tolerated illegality and intolerable legality: from legal philosophy to critique

Plyley, Kathryn 26 April 2018 (has links)
This project uses Michel Foucault’s underdeveloped notion of “tolerated illegality” as a departure point for two converging inquiries. The first analyzes, and then critiques, dominant legal logics and values. This part argues that traditional legal philosophers exhibit a “disagreement without difference,” generally concurring that legal certainty and predictability enhance agency. Subsequently, this section critiques “formal legal” logic by linking it to science envy (specifically the desire for certainty and predictability), and highlighting its agency- limiting effects (e.g. the violence of law en-force-ment). The second part examines multiple dimensions of tolerated illegality, exploring the permutations of this complex socio-legal phenomenon. Here the implications of tolerated illegality are mapped across different domains, ranging from the dispossession of Indigenous peoples of their lands, to the latent ideologies embedded in superhero shows. This section also examines the idea of liberal “tolerance,” as well as the themes of power, domination, politics, bureaucracy, and authority. Ultimately, this project demonstrates that it is illuminating to study legality and (tolerated) illegality in tandem because although analyses of “formal legality” provide helpful analytical texture, the polymorphous and entangled nature of tolerated illegality makes clear just how restricted and artificial strict analyses of legality can be. / Graduate


吉武, 純夫 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:10610535 研究代表者:吉武 純夫 研究期間:1998-2001年度

Poésie et pédagogie dans l'oeuvre d'Aratos de Soles / Poetry and pedagogy in Aratus of Soli’s work

Lorgeoux-Bouayad, Laetitia 21 June 2014 (has links)
Au-delà d’être un poème didactique, les Phénomènes d’Aratos sont un poème pédagogique qui unit étroitement le fond et la forme. On y trouve une conscience méthodique de la construction d’un savoir ; l’analyse du vocabulaire, pourtant issu de la poésie homérique, révèle une réflexion sur la transmission scientifique déjà définie comme un processus dynamique, à une époque où les écoles et leurs méthodes sont encore jeunes : percevoir, délimiter, nommer, et enfin assurer la conservation d’un objet de science. Cette idée de transmission prouve la préoccupation pédagogique d’Aratos, qu’il met en scène dans le poème à travers des figures de maîtres et d’élèves. Il s’y lit, notamment dans le mythe de l’Âge d’Or, une foi en la collaboration entre tous les vivants, fondée sur un respect qui tranche avec la dureté des poèmes didactiques archaïques. La pédagogie devient dans les Phénomènes un enjeu poétique : Aratos définit le poète comme un des membres de cette collaboration universelle, derrière laquelle il doit s’effacer, dans une éthique et une esthétique de l’anonymat qui remettent en question le kléos archaïque. La tradition poétique peut désormais être bousculée au nom de la transmission scientifique, et cette nouvelle conception n’est pas sans rappeler les récentes critiques opérées par Platon. Tout se passe comme si Aratos avait voulu relever le défi que Platon a lancé aux poètes de son temps : chanter le Dieu et sa création selon le Vrai ou le Vraisemblable, et devenir par son chant l’éducateur de la cité idéale. C’est probablement la réussite de cette gageure qui a assuré la gloire des Phénomènes dans les siècles où la philosophie de Platon a été suivie et admirée. / The Phaenomena by Aratus are not only a didactic, but also pedagogical poem, in which form and content are tightly bound. One may find in it a methodical conscience of how knowledge is built; the analysis of vocabulary, although taken from Homeric poetry, shows that scientific transmission is already understood as a dynamic process, in a time when schools and their proceedings were still young : to perceive an object of science, to delimitate it, to name it, and at last to guarantee his preservation. This idea of transmission proves that Aratus is concerned with pedagogy, which is illustrated in the poem through different figures of masters and pupils. We can observe, especially in the myth of the Golden Age, all his faith in the collaboration between all kinds of living being bound together by a respect that is really different from the harsh tone of archaic didactic poetry. In the Phaenomena, pedagogy becomes a poetic matter: Aratus defines the poet as a member of this universal collaboration, behind which he has to fade because of an ethic and an aesthetic of namelessness; so is the archaic kleos questioned. Poetic tradition can be shaken up in the name of scientific transmission, and this new conception may remind us of Plato’s recent criticism. Apparently, Aratus did want to take up Plato’s challenge to the poets of his time: to sing the God and his creation according to Truth or Verisimilitude, and to become the teacher of an ideal state, thanks to his song. In all likelihood, Aratus’fame came from the success of this wager, during all the centuries when Plato’s philosophy was followed and admired.

We Are Standing in the Nick of Time: Translative Relevance in Anne Carson's "Antigonick"

Alonso, Michelle 29 March 2016 (has links)
The complicated issues surrounding translation studies have seen growing attention in recent years from scholars and academics that want to make it a discipline and not a minor branch of another field, such as linguistics or comparative literature. Writ large with Antigonick, Carson showcases the recent Western push towards translation studies in the American academy. By offering up a text that is chaotic in its presentation, she bypasses the rigid idea of univocality. By giving the text discordant images, she betrays the failed efficacy of sign and signification, and by choosing a text to be performed and mutually participated in, she exceeds ideas of the individual subject as the site of authorship. Ultimately, Carson enacts a theory of translation that critically deconstructs translation itself.

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