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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pražské motivy v díle Karoliny Světlé a Jana Nerudy / Prague motives in the work of Karolina Světlá and Jan Neruda

Blažková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the work of two Prague natives: Karolina Světlá and Jan Neruda and their conception of image of the Prague. The thesis target is to find out, which role prague motives play in the work of both writers due to a fact, that both writers were born in Prague. At Jan Neruda we concentrate on his feuilletons, at Karolina Světlá we focus on her autobiographical work except two of them. First part of thesis focuses on the life and fate of both writers and their entering in the literature. Second part is concentrated on the analysis of their representative works.The target of these analysis is to find, which role Prague plays in particular works. In the final part we try to compare the interpretation of Prague motives of both writers. We try to find the diferrences and identical features as well. Karolina Světlá approaches Prague history, with all its forgotten tales. On the other hand Neruda's Prague is current and alive. Also the diference of both conceptions lies in the themes. Světlá has a aims toward romanticism and nobility, Neruda is consistently realistic and he embraces the stress of everydayness. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Copingstrategier hos anhöriga till personer med Alzheimers sjukdom : En empririsk studie av självbiografier / Coping strategies among next of kin to a person with Alzheimers disease : An empirical study of autobiographies

Rosén Hagert, Frida, Borg, Othilia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom medför många förändringar som inte bara påverkar de drabbade utan även de anhöriga. Dessa förändringar hanteras med hjälp av olika copingstrategier. Syfte: Att beskriva vilka copingstrategier anhöriga till personer med Alzheimers sjukdom använder sig av. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats, där materialet samlats in från självbiografier. Det insamlade materialet analyserades och delades in med hjälp av formuläret “Ways of Coping”. Resultat: Anhöriga använde sig av copingstrategier så som att till exempel “sätta ner foten” (konfronterande coping), skylla på annat (avståndstagande), dölja sina känslor (självkontrollerande) samt hjälp och stöd från omgivningen (söka socialt stöd), att lägga skulden på sig själva (accepterande av ansvaret), distraherande tankar och aktiviteter (undkommande och undvikande), informationssökande (planerande problemlösning) och positiv självförändring (positiv omvärdering). Slutsats: Kunskap om copingstrategier hos vårdpersonal kan hjälpa anhöriga i sin roll som vårdare till personer med Alzheimers sjukdom. / Background: With Alzheimer's disease comes many changes that affect not only the affected but also their families. These changes are managed using a variety of coping strategies. Aim: To describe coping strategies among informal caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study with a deductive approach, where the data is collected from autobiographies. The data was analyzed and sorted with help from the instrument "Ways of Coping". Result: The caregivers of the study used coping strategies such as, for example, putting the foot down (confrontive coping), blame others (distancing), hiding emotions (self-controlling) and help and support from the surroundings (seeking social support), to blame oneself (accepting responsibility), distracting thoughts and activities (escape-avoidance), information seeking (planful problem solving) and positive personal change (positive reappraisal). Conclusion: Knowledge of coping strategies among health care workers could help families in their role as caregivers of the person with Alzheimer's disease.

L'écriture de l'histoire et l'écriture de soi dans l'oeuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar / Writing about history and writing about self in Marguerite Yourcenar's oeuvre

Lukajic, Radana 12 March 2010 (has links)
Dans notre travail qui porte sur les productions romanesques majeures de Marguerite Yourcenar, nous nous sommes proposé de suivre deux axes d’investigation : d’un côté, l’écriture de l’histoire, qui s’avère être indissolublement liée à une vision mythique du monde ; et de l’autre, l’écriture de soi, celle-ci amplement définie par les conceptions empruntées au bouddhisme qui cherchent à dénoncer l’illusion du « je » et la vacuité substantielle de toute notion identitaire. Ceci dit, nous avons tâché de montrer que l’écriture autobiographique de notre auteur devient amplement problématisée pour être muée enfin en une écriture hétérobiographique. De même, nous avons essayé de dégager une certaine réversibilité de thèmes et de procédés narratifs qui est à l’origine de la fluctuation générique des œuvres romanesques de M. Yourcenar / In our paper, we suggest two planes of the examination of Marguerite Yourcenar’s major novels: on the one hand, her novels are seen as a form of a narrative indistinguishably associated with a mythic vision of the world; on the other hand, they are seen as the writing of the self, utterly defined by the concepts based on Buddhism that denounce the illusion of ‘’I’’ and substantially leave out the notion of identity. Having stated this, we endeavor to show that the autobiographical writing of the author in question becomes greatly problematized as it is being misinterpreted as a heterobiographic piece of writing. We have also tried to clear out some uncertainties about themes and narrative procedures which are the basis of generic fluctuations of Marguerite Yourcenar’s novels

L’émergence du sujet dans le récit autobiographique : une étude sémiotique des œuvres autobiographiques de Simone de Beauvoir / The emergence of the autobiographical subject : a semiotic study of autobiographical works of Simone de Beauvoir

Gürses, Selin 22 February 2013 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif l’étude de l’émergence du sujet dans le récit autobiographique. Notre corpus est formé de trois œuvres de Simone de Beauvoir qui appartiennent au genre autobiographique. Pour l’étude du « sujet », nous nous proposons de rester fidèle à l’approche sémiotique de l’énonciation et à l’approche de la sémiotique narrative-discursive. Selon l’approche sémiotique de l’énonciation, le sujet émerge en deux niveaux : le niveau de l’énonciation principale dite énonçant aussi et le niveau de l’énoncé énoncé. Dans le niveau de l’énonciation principale, nous définissons le sujet « énonçant » comme « énonciateur ». Pour ce niveau, nous visons à faire une étude sur la relation entre l’énonciateur et l’énonciataire et sur la relation entre l’énonciateur et le sujet de l’énoncé dite « acteur ». Dans le niveau de l’énoncé énoncé, nous nous proposons d’étudier la disposition figurative de l’acteur autour de quelques thèmes. Les analyses faites à la lumière de l’approche sémiotique narrative-discursive nous permettront de définir la structure énonciative de notre corpus et la disposition figurative du sujet de l’énonciation et de l’énoncé. / This work aims to analyze the process of emergence of the subject in the autobiographical discourse. Our corpus is composed of three books of Simone de Beauvoir, a French writer and intellectual of the 20th century. We propose to apply the methods that defined by the scientific approaches called semiotics of the enunciation and literary semiotics. According to the approach of enunciation, the subject emerges in two levels: the level of main enunciation and the level of utterance. On the level of main enunciation, the subject of enunciation is defined as enunciator. The analysis that we will make on this level is based on the relations between enunciator and enunciated and on the relations between enunciator and the subject of utterance also called as the actor. On the level of utterance, by the light of literary semiotics, we will study within the framework of some themes, the figural roles that assumed by the actor. Theses analysis leaded by the semiotic approach of enunciation and the literary semiotics will allow us to define the narrative levels’ structure of autobiographical discourse and the roles and functions of the subjects who emerges on those levels.

L'écriture de la mémoire dans l'œuvre de Paul Auster : « croisement de mémoire personnelle et collective » / Memory writing in the work of Paul Auster : “crossing of personal and collective memory”

Kochbati, Mehdi 19 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la genèse de l’écriture mémorielle dans l’œuvre de Paul Auster à travers un mouvement de reconstruction de la mémoire collective et personnelle. Partant de l’hypothèse que le mécanisme de la reconstruction de la mémoire collective et de la mémoire individuelle est le résultat de l’expansion et de la réduction de l’espace mémoriel, nous analysons dans une démarche croisée entre un premier mouvement dirigé vers l’extérieur et regroupant le collectif et un deuxième vers l’intérieur et regroupant le personnel. En se référant à la dialectique mémorielle paradoxale personnel/collectif, intérieur/extérieur, ouvert/enfermé, nous avons tenté de définir comment le discours mémoriel, transcendant la simple notion de l’individualité unique, s’associe à un espace collectif par une interaction sans cesse établie entre le « moi » et l’« autre ». Notre recherche invite à vérifier si l’expansion de l’espace mémoriel, par le texte parallèle, l’intertextualité et les multiples renvois métatextuels à une tradition littéraire antérieure américaine et européenne, à un vaste registre de genres (journal intime, littérature de voyage et tradition littéraire judaïque) permet de construire une mémoire collective. Le passage du collectif à l’individuel et la reconstruction de la mémoire personnelle s’apparente à l’exploration de l’espace intérieur du sujet favorisé par la réminiscence des souvenirs d’enfance et la quête filiale, des origines, de l’engendrement, de la transmission générationnelle et des substituts paternels. / This thesis questions the genesis of memory writing in the work of Paul Auster following a movement of reconstruction of collective and personal memory. On the basis of the assumption that the mechanism of the reconstruction of collective memory and individual memory is the result of the expansion and the reduction of memory space, we examine the crossing between a first movement directed towards the outside and gathering together the collective and a second one directed towards the interior and gathering together the personal. While referring to the paradoxical memory dialectics of personal/collective, interior/external, opening/seclusion, we tried to define how the memory speech, transcending the simple notion of isolated individuality, joins a collective space through a constant interaction established between the “self” and the “other”. Our research prompts us to check if the expansion of memory space, through the parallel text, intertextuality and the multiple metatextual references to the American and European former literary tradition, and to a vast register of literary genre (diary, travel literature and Judaic literary tradition) makes it possible to reconstruct a collective memory. The movement from the collective to the individual and the reconstruction of personal memory are connected with the exploration of the individual’s interior space supported by the reminiscence of childhood memories and filiation, the search for origins, fathering, generational transmission and surrogate fathers.

Bakom raderna och mellan orden. : En diskursanalys om före detta hemlösas upplevelser genom självbiografier. / Behind the lines and between the words. : A discourse analysis based on the experiences from former homeless people through autobiographies.

Hökerud, Marianne, Svensson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur bilden av hemlösa/hemlöshet konstrueras i självbiografier som är författade av före detta hemlösa. Avsikten är att undersöka vad författarna uttrycker när de talar om hemlöshet genom att undersöka vilka mönster vi kan hitta i deras berättelser. För att analysera detta fenomen använder vi diskursanalys och det socialkonstruktivistiska perspektivet eftersom de lämpar sig väl när man vill studera diskurser utifrån textmaterial. Vår studie grundas i fyra självbiografier som är författade av före detta hemlösa. I vår studie har vi funnit tre framträdande diskurser som beskriver tre möjliga konstruktioner av hemlöshet och även vilka konsekvenser konstruktionen får för individen. Diskurserna är utestängning, maktlöshet och beroende. Diskurserna företräder den styrande ordningen utifrån vilken hemlöshet kan förstås och är därmed ett sätt att uppfatta verkligheten. Slutsatser som vi kan dra utifrån denna studie är att hemlösa konstrueras som avvikande subjekt som inte tillåts att vara en del av innanförskapet i samhället. Vår studie beskriver också en annan sida av hemlösheten kopplat till frihet från ansvar men även maktlöshet och beroende kopplat till individens utsatthet gentemot myndigheter och organisationer. Vår önskan är att studien ska bidra till en ökad reflektion inom det sociala arbetet i syfte att stärka klientens självbestämmande och delaktighet. Vi är också glada om vi kan bidra till en allmän tankeställare kring hur vi bemöter människor i vår vardag, speciellt de socialt utsatta som ofta möts av förakt och avsky. I vår studie kunde vi se ett ökat våld gentemot de hemlösa vilket visar på att vårt samhälle blir allt tuffare att leva i och att det finns ett ökat behov av att utöka empatin. Vårt resultat kan också vara användbart för de professionella i mötet med de som står utan bostad och som har en bakgrund liknande författarna till självbiografierna. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how the image of homeless/ homelessness is constructed in autobiographies written by former homeless people. The intention is to examine what the authors express when they talk about homelessness by examining patterns found in their stories. To analyze this phenomenon, we use discourse analysis and the theory of social construction because they are well suited for studying discourses based on textual material. Our study is based on four autobiographies written by people who have been former homeless. In our study, we found three prominent discourses describing three possible constructions of homelessness, also we found construction consequences for the individual. The discourses are exclusion, powerlessness and dependence. The discourses represent the governing order of which homelessness can be understood and is thus a way of perceiving reality. Conclusions that we can draw from this study are that homeless people are constructed as deviating subjects that are not allowed to be part of the inner society of the community. Our study also describes another side of homelessness linked to being free from responsibility but also powerlessness and dependence linked to the individual´s vulnerability to authorities and organizations. The wish is for this study to contribute to an increased reflection in social work in order to strengthen the client´s self-determination and participation. Also, it would please us if we could contribute to a general mindset about how we deal with people in our everyday lives, especially those socially vulnerable who are often met by contempt and disgust. In our study we could see increased violence against the homeless, which shows that our society is getting harder to live and that there is an increased need to expand the empathy among citizens. Our result can also be useful for professionals in the meeting with those who are without housing and who have a background resembling the authors of the autobiographies.

Como se pelos dedos escorresse... uma tese / Like (a thesis) flowing through my fingers

Almeida, Geruza Zelnys de 21 March 2014 (has links)
Esta tese está dividida em duas partes. A primeira, DERIVAS, propõe-se a analisar a incidência da liquidez na literatura contemporânea a fim de verificar suas implicações nos elementos narrativos de duas obras literárias: Amuleto, de Roberto Bolaño, e Um crime delicado, de Sérgio SantAnna. Entretanto, no decorrer da pesquisa, o interesse pelos procedimentos formais dilui-se na leitura de um corpus teórico privilegiadamente filosófico (Derrida, Lévinas e Agamben, especialmente) fazendo emergir temas margeantes como crime, culpa, perdão, liberdade, que exigiu a elaboração de um pensamento úmido a respeito da literatura e de seus agentes, reais ou ficcionais. A segunda parte da tese reelabora-se no espelhamento com o corpus teórico e ficcional da pesquisa, atestando os deslimites e limiares entre discurso argumentativo, análise crítica das obras, reflexão autobiográfica e inserção de subjetividades poéticas. Esta seção é, praticamente, uma revisão da primeira e seu objetivo é trazer à tona o processo de escritura no contínuo de um acontecimento que se lança ao infinito, num movimento incapturável de solidificação e diluição conceitual que, em última instância, questiona o próprio gênero tese. O interesse, quase obsessivo, com relação à verdade, ética, sacrifício, cegueira, suicídio, lágrimas, infinito, segredo, entre outras questões im-possíveis, resulta do elemento traumático fundador do indecidível numa escritura empenhada, antes de tudo, em reconstruir o desejo pela própria pesquisa quando ela já não é o que importa. Nas duas partes da tese, embora quase nada se fale a respeito, o que secretamente tenta se reelaborar é um pensamento sobre o trauma. Nas duas partes da tese, embora quase nada se fale a respeito, o que secretamente tenta se reelaborar é o desejo pela vida. / This thesis is divided in two parts. The first one, DRIFTS, proposes to examine the contemporary literature liquidity occurrence in order to verify its implications on narrative elements of two literary works: Amuleto by Roberto Bolaño, and Um crime delicado by Sérgio Sant´anna. Nonetheless, during this study, the interest in formal procedures was diluted over a privileged philosophic theoretical corpus (Derrida, Lévinas and particularly, Agamben) giving rise to fringe topics as crime, guilty, forgiveness, freedom, demanding the development of a liquid thought process concerning literature and its real or fictional agents. The second part of the study, reworks itself by mirroring the research theoretical and fictional corpus, indicating the absence of constraints and thresholds between argumentative speech, critical analyses, autobiographical though and poetical subjectivity insertion. This section is, in a practical way, a review of the first part, aiming to reveal the writing process continuity over an event stretching up to infinity, in a elusive solidification movement and conceptual dilution which, at last, inquires the thesis own substance. The nearly obsessive interest regarding the truth, ethics, sacrifice, blindness, suicide, tears, infinity, closeness, among other impossible inquires, results from the traumatic element creating the radical indecision in a writing endeavor to, up and foremost, rebuild the desire for its own research when it is not so important anymore. The two parts of the thesis, although not emphatically pointed out, aims to rework secretly a reasoning of trauma. The two parts of the thesis, although not emphatically pointed out, aims to rework secretly the desire for life.

A canoa da escritura formativa: trajetórias do barro pelo rio ao mar / The formative writing canoe: trajectories of the clay through the river to the sea

Castro, Miraci Tamara 24 September 2015 (has links)
A dissertação investiga a escritura formativa, simultaneamente, como processo de criação e como processo formativo. Para tanto, se lastreia num enfoque autobiográfico com base no ensaio (Larossa, 2006) amplamente matizado pela obra poética da pesquisadora, num diálogo intenso com pensadores, escritores e escritoras que têm a palavra como universo de investigação e criação artística, entre eles a perspectiva fenomenológica de Gaston Bachelard, a hermenêutico-simbólica de Ferreira-Santos (1998, 2004 e outros), Ferreira-Santos e Almeida (2001 e 2012), Loureiro (2008), Willms (2013) e Rubira (2006 e 2015), bem como a dos poetas da terra Guimarães Rosa e Manoel de Barros, e das poetisas das águas Neide Arcanjo e Clarice Lispector. A investigação poética durante o próprio processo (in process) explicita as dificuldades, os obstáculos, impasses, bem como a rica produção escrita e poética derivada desse processo, mais como registro do que como produto. Tal estilo investigativo, incomum aos modelos tradicionais de pesquisa acadêmica, ainda lastreados por uma lógica aristotélica e um pensamento cartesiano, linear e previdente, apresenta-se, no desdobramento e na investigação imagética, nas metáforas da palavra com o barro, a ostra, a canoa, o rio e o mar, cotejando a travessia como grande metáfora formativa. Com originalidade de estilo, esta investigação da escrita de si tenta contribuir com os processos de formação inicial de professores, tanto na especificidade do campo da literatura como da educação em geral que façam uso da escrita de forma ensaística e autoral como criação artística e de si e das artes no cotejamento da alteridade. / The dissertation investigates the formative writing simultaneously as creative and as formative process. Therefore, the background of this research is an autobiographical approach from essay (Larossa, 2006) largely tinted by the researchers poetic work in an intense dialogue with thinkers, writers and woman writers who has the word as research and artistic creation universe, including the phenomenological perspective of Gaston Bachelard, hermeneutic-symbolic of Ferreira-Santos (1998, 2004 and others), Ferreira-Santos and Almeida (2001 and 2012), Loureiro (2008), Willms (2013) and Rubira (2006 and 2015) and poets of the earth Guimarães Rosa and Manoel de Barros and poets of water Neide Arcanjo and Clarice Lispector. The poetic research during the process itself (in process) explains the difficulties, obstacles, hesitations and rich writing and poetic derived from production process, more like record than as a product. Such unusual investigative style to traditional models of academic research also backed by an Aristotelian logic and Cartesian thought, linear and thoughtful; presents itself in the unfolding investigation and imagery in word metaphors with clay, the shell, the canoe, the river and the sea, comparing the crossing as a major formative metaphor. With stylish originality, this research writing himself, tries to contribute to the initial training process of teachers in both the specificity of the field of literature and education in general to make use of writing of essays and authorial how artistic creation and himself and the arts like form to understand the alterity.

Sous le signe du je : pratiques introspectives dans le roman mexicain (2000-2010) / Writing the Self : Introspective Practices in Mexican Novel (2000-2010)

Pitois-Pallares, Véronique 04 December 2015 (has links)
À partir d’un corpus constitué de neuf romans mexicains publiés entre 2000 et 2010 par Guillermo Arreola, Mario Bellatin, Patricia Laurent Kullick, Guadalupe Nettel, Cristina Rivera Garza et Jorge Volpi, ce travail explore les spécificités et les convergences de l’écriture fictionnelle à la première personne à l’aube du XXIe siècle. Qu’il s’agisse de récits ouvertement romanesques, prétendument autobiographiques ou autofictionnels, ils s’éloignent tous du modèle canonique de l’autobiographie et transgressent la frontière entre le référentiel et la fiction. Cette thèse cherche à mettre en évidence les caractéristiques les plus significatives de ces écritures qui accordent une large place à l’introspection, que le je narrateur se livre à l’exercice mémoriel de la convocation de souvenirs d’enfance ou qu’il s’interroge sur son identité et sa relation au monde et à l’altérité. Dans quelle mesure ces romans reflètent-ils les questionnements et les inquiétudes contemporaines sur l’écriture du je ? Quels regards, concordants ou divergents, posent-ils sur le sujet lorsque celui-ci est au centre de l’énonciation et de l’univers narratif ?Dans un premier temps, ce travail propose une partie rétrospective qui s’attache à rappeler les écueils et les principales évolutions qu’ont connus les écritures du je depuis l’avènement de l’autobiographie traditionnelle basée sur le modèle rousseauiste. L’époque contemporaine s’emploie à trouver des alternatives à ce modèle canonique, au point d’abandonner bien souvent l’exigence d’authenticité référentielle.La seconde partie s’attache en effet à observer les nombreuses failles de la mémoire des différents narrateurs. Il en résulte une absence de pacte autobiographique au profit de textes qui revendiquent la place capitale de l’invention dans l’écriture de soi. L’opposition entre fiction et authenticité se fissure : l’activité mémorielle passe en partie par une (ré)invention de soi et, ce faisant, n’en est que plus « authentique ».Il apparaît également une récurrence du thème du double en tant qu’alter ego intérieur, lorsque les narrateurs subissent métamorphoses ou dédoublements. Ce devenir autre est parfois synonyme de dissolution menaçante du sujet ou signe, au contraire, d’une revendication de sa nature changeante, évolutive et inconstante, essentiellement schizo.Enfin, ce travail s’intéresse au rôle déterminant de l’altérité à la fois dans le processus de construction identitaire subjective et dans sa mise en récit. Le je se configure à travers les rapports qu’il tisse avec l’autre. Cela vaut tant pour les protagonistes que pour les romans, qui étendent les pratiques introspectives et autoréflexives au texte lui-même, faisant la part belle à la métatextualité et à la transtextualité.À travers l’étude de la thématique introspective, cette thèse s’interroge en somme sur le regard que posent ces représentants de la jeune génération de la littérature mexicaine sur la place du sujet dans un monde désenchanté ou désarticulé, et sur les possibilités de renouveau de l’écriture créative. / Based on a corpus that includes nine Mexican novels, published between 2000 and 2010 by Guillermo Arreola, Mario Bellatin, Patricia Laurent Kullick, Guadalupe Nettel, Cristina Rivera Garza and Jorge Volpi, this work investigates the specificities and convergences of fictional writing in first person at the beginning of the 21st century. Whether the tales happen to be frankly fictional, supposedly autobiographical or autofictional, they all get away from the canonical example of autobiography and they infringe the border between authenticity and fiction. This thesis seeks to evidence the most significant characteristics of these writings which grant much importance to introspection, when the first-person narrator seeks into childhood memories or wonders about the own identity and relationship towards the around world and alterity. How do these novels reflect the contemporary concerns about the writing of the self? Which converging or diverging looks do they take at the self, as it is the main figure of narrative enunciation and universe?This work opens with a retrospective chapter about the main changes and pitfalls that the self-narratives have encountered since the success of traditional autobiography, based on Rousseau’s example. The past decades have been looking for alternatives to this canonical example and many writers often get away from the absolute requirement of authenticity.The second part endeavours to observe the many breaches in the narrators’ memory. In result, the autobiographical pact disappears in favour of texts which claim the prime importance of invention in the self-writing. Opposition between fiction and authenticity seems to be cracking apart: memorial activity includes a process of self-(re)invention which does not make it less “real”, quite the opposite.It is also clear that the topic of the double as an inside alter ego is recurrent, when the narrators go through metamorphosis and split personalities. This becoming other may be a synonym of a threatening dissolution of the self or, on the contrary, a sign of a claim of its changing, inconstant and essentially schizo nature.Finally, this work focuses on the determining role of alterity both in the process of identity and subjective construction, and in the story of it. The self gets to build itself up through the relationships with otherness. This stands both for the characters and for the novels, in which the introspective and auto-reflexive practices extend to the text itself, meaning a solid presence of metatextuality and transtextuality.By studying the introspective topic, this thesis actually wonders about the look these young Mexican writers take at the place of the self in a disillusioned or dislocated world, and at the possibilities of a renewal for the creative writing.

Um estudo do estilo nos gêneros do discurso biografia e autobiografia

Mattos, Tiago Ramos e 01 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:33:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tiago Ramos e Mattos.pdf: 556502 bytes, checksum: b6ae84e0c58678135e0d9f60f02cddf8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-01 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This current dissertation aims to put in perspective the contrastive study of speech genres through biographies and autobiographies by means of the style's studies on both speech genres in an attempt to verify in what they converge or dissent. This paper brought up, as the subject of research, a study of biography and autobiography genres, facing the textual process of drafting on its stylistic constitution, such as proposed by Bakhtin. We have made the question: What are the convergent features and more precisely the different features present in the identification of biography and autobiography speech genres, taking into account the style of both speech genres? The main goal of the research was to verify the construction of speech genres biography and autobiography, setting a comparative analysis, in order to typify the similarities and differences between both speech genres anchored in the specific objects that had as starting point: a) checking the discursive-declarative positioning; b) the primary and secondary speech genres; c) the constitutive heterogeneity that leads us to the analysis of the linear and pictorial style as foreseen. As theoretical bases we used considerations of Arfuch (2009/2010), Bakhtin (1992), Bakhtin/Valoshínov (2009), Brait (2006), Brait/Melo (2005), Castro (2014), Fairclough (1992), Fiorin (2006/2008), Vilas Boas (2007). The selected corpora were Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai's biography and autobiography. Based on biography and autobiography speech genres' contrastive analysis we have reached the result that biography as a style has as main characteristic a formal style, "written as if written" with a prominence of pictorial style over the linear style. On the other hand, autobiography is also formal, although it is disguised as an informal intention derived from its discursive-declarative positioning, which requires the unity of the first person singular pronoun "I" and therefore has a written style as if spoken with a prominence of the linear style over the pictorial style / O presente trabalho perspectivou o estudo contrastivo dos gêneros do discurso biografia e autobiografia por intermédio do estudo do estilo em ambos os gêneros do discurso verificando em que convergem e no que divergem a biografia e a autobiografia. Este trabalho trouxe à tona, como tema de pesquisa, um estudo dos gêneros biografia e autobiografia, voltado para o processo de elaboração textual em sua constituição estilística, nos moldes propostos por Bakhtin. Teve como problema de pesquisa a pergunta: Quais são as características convergentes e mais precisamente as características divergentes presentes na identificação dos gêneros do discurso biografia e autobiografia, levando-se em conta o estilo de ambos os gêneros do discurso? O objetivo central da pesquisa estava em verificara construção dos gêneros do discurso biografia e autobiografia, estabelecendo uma análise comparativa entre os gêneros, a fim de caracterizar as semelhanças e as diferenças entre ambos os gêneros do discurso ancorado nos objetivos específicos que tinham como ponto de partida a verificação do posicionamento enunciativo-discursivo, os gêneros do discurso primário e secundário e a heterogeneidade constitutiva para chegarmos à análise do estilo linear e pictórico como havíamos previsto. Como bases teóricas utilizamos as considerações de Arfuch (2009/2010) Bakhtin (1992) Bakhtin/Valoshínov (2009), Brait (2006), Brait/Melo (2005), Castro (2014)Fairclough (1992),Fiorin (2006/2008), Vilas Boas (2007).Os corpora selecionados foram a biografia e a autobiografia de MalalaYousafzai ativista paquistanesa que luta pela questão da educação. Com base na análise contrastiva dos gêneros do discurso biografia e autobiografia chegou-se ao resultado que a biografia quanto ao estilo tem como característica um estilo formal, escrito como se escrito com uma preponderância do estilo pictórico sobre o estilo linear. A autobiografia também é formal, embora seja travestida de uma intenção informal derivada do seu posicionamento enunciativo-discursivo, que pressupõe a unicidade do pronome pessoal do caso reto eu e que tem, portanto, um estilo escrito como se falado tendo uma preponderância do estilo linear sobre o estilo pictórico

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