Spelling suggestions: "subject:"administrative law"" "subject:"dministrative law""
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A formative evaluation of the implementation process of the supply chain management policy framework in Eastern Cape Provincial AdministrationSandler, Jeanette Louise January 2011 (has links)
The Eastern Cape Provincial Administration has, since the promulgation of the Supply Chain Management Policy Framework in 2003, been challenged with the implementation of the said Policy.Some departments have progressed better than others, but all of the provincial departments have been challenged in one way or another.It was therefore, necessary to research the reasons for the erratic implementation process by the different departments. An analysis, based on answers provided by senior officials of the Eastern Cape Provincial Administration in an interviewing process, was needed to get an understanding of the challenges the departments are faced within the implementation process. In order to provide quality goods and services, this dissertation aims to evaluate the implementation process, provide insight to the challenges that the departments are faced with and offer recommendations on how to remedy these challenges. The lessons learned from this research study will assist the provincial departments to re-engineer their implementation processes and move forward to greater success and embracement of the Supply Chain Management policy Framework.
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Les voies de recours spéciales en contentieux administratif français / Special remedies in French administrative lawConstant, Anne-Laure 13 December 2016 (has links)
Pour contester les décisions juridictionnelles du juge administratif français, un éventail de voies de recours est mis à la disposition des justiciables. Si l'appel et la cassation sont les plus connues et les plus usitées, il existe six autres voies d'action que l'on peut qualifier de « spéciales » dès lors qu'elles remettent en cause un manquement précis à l'office du juge. A la différence des voies de recours habituelles qui constituent une critique globale, les voies de recours spéciales correspondent chacune à une hypothèse d'erreur judiciaire spécifique. Ainsi, le requérant exerçant une telle voie de droit attaque la décision de justice non pas dans sa totalité mais sur un aspect particulier, de forme ou de fond. Cette argumentation étroite ne préjuge cependant pas l'objectif recherché : une modification voire une rétractation de la décision initiale.Présentées généralement sous la forme d'une simple énumération de voies de recours exceptionnelles, leur étude révèle qu'elles suivent une logique d'ensemble propre à leur reconnaître la qualité de catégorie juridique. Cette cohérence de groupe complémentaire de l'appel et de la cassation permet de mettre en évidence une théorie générale des voies de recours en contentieux administratif français. / In France, all defendants have several remedies to contest an administrative judge's decision. If appeal and cassation complaints are the best known and the most used, there are six other remedies which can be qualified as « special » as they demonstrate a specific failure of the judicial function. Unlike common remedies which are a general criticism of the judgment, each special remedy relates to a particular error of the judge. Thefore, a defendant who applies one of these remedies is challenging not the whole judgment but its specific aspect, whether form or substance. However, by applying one of these remedies, the defendant is targeting the modification or revocation of the judgment.Frequently presented as a list of unusual remedies, the research shows that they actually follow a general pattern that allows one to consider them as a legal category of their own. Complementary to appeal and cassation complaints, this group system serves to highlight the existence of a general theory of remedies in French administrative law.
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Le juge administratif et la séparation des Eglises et de l'Etat sous la IIIe République : un exemple des interactions entre les institutions républicaines et le contrôle juridictionnel de l'administration / Administrative courts and the separation of Church and State during the Third Republic : an example of interactions between republican institutions and judicial review of administrative actionAmédro, Jean-François 27 January 2011 (has links)
Le contentieux administratif de la séparation des Eglises et de l’Etat sous la IIIe République est un objet ancien de curiosité doctrinale. Un renouvellement de l’approche traditionnelle était cependant possible. Alors que les études classiques insistent sur l’apport du Conseil d’Etat à la réussite de la Séparation et à la protection des libertés de conscience et des cultes, il est envisageable d’étudier la jurisprudence sous l’angle des interactions entre les institutions républicaines et le contrôle juridictionnel de l’administration. Soumise à cette problématique, l’oeuvre du Conseil d’Etat permet une approche monografique de l’histoire de la juridiction administrative républicaine révélant les influences réciproques entre le juge administratif et les institutions républicaines. Dans le cas du contentieux de la Séparation, la jurisprudence administrative a ainsi joué un rôle décisif dans la mise en oeuvre et l’approfondissement des grands principes de la loi du 9 décembre 1905, contribuant à donner une consistance à la notion juridique de laïcité de l’Etat. Dans le même temps, et spécialement dans le cadre du contentieux de la police des cultes, le contexte politique et juridique de la Séparation a contribué à la construction du recours pour excès de pouvoir républicain. Cet apport s’est manisfesté par la modernisation des techniques de contrôle juridictionnel et par un encadrement plus étroit du pouvoir discrétionnaire de l’autorité de police. En abordant ces deux aspects du contentieux de la Séparation, cette étude voudrait éclairer la transformation d’une justice administrative d’inspiration impériale en une justice administrative démocratique et républicaine. / Law scolars are traditionnally interested in the implementation of the separation of church and state by the administrative courts during the Third Republic. However, a renewal of the classic understanding was possible. While classic studies focus on the contribution of the Conseil d’Etat to the success of the Séparation and the protection of freedom of thought and religion, it is conceivable to study administrative case law from the angle of interactions between republican institutions and judicial review of administration. This methodological framework allows to underline mutual influences between the judiciary and republican institutions in the history of the administrative jurisdiction. Thus, as the Séparation is concerned, case law has played a strategic part in the implementation and enrichment of the principles established by the 9 december 1905 Act, therefore contributing to provide substance to the legal concept of laïcité de l’Etat. In the same time, and especially concerning the case law relating to the administrative regulation of expressions of religious beliefs in the public space, the political and legal context of the Séparation has had a decisive influence on the construction of the republican recours pour excès de pouvoir. This contribution consisted in a modernization of the judicial review techniques and a more accurate control of discretionary powers of the administrative authority. Through the study of the two main aspects of administrative case law relating to the Séparation, this research would like to enlighten the transformation of the traditional imperial-type administrative jurisdiction into a democratic and republican one.
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Limites da supremacia do interesse público quando contrapostos ao interesse do cidadãoSilva, Denise Martins Moura 09 July 2013 (has links)
This dissertation examines the stated principle of the supremacy of the public interest over private interest, which is considered in the Brazilian administrative law as one of its pillars, as opposed to the interests of the citizen. The objective is to examine whether this implicit principle really exists in the legal system. Therefore, based on introductory talks-about historical notes about administrative law and state power, and seek the origin and relevance of the principle of the supremacy of the public interest, investigating the indeterminate concept of the public interest as well as the various understandings light on this principle and its influence on the construction of administrative law with current reflections on essentially the period of the welfare state, in pursuit of achievement of full citizenship rights. Then goes on to investigate the situation of the individual, on the rights and guarantees inherent to human dignity. We continue doing an investigation on existing concepts about legal standard, detailing the concept of legal principle and identify proportionality as a measure for weighting of core values and not as a principle. The conclusion reached by pervades counterbalancing and the mitigation principle in favor of the democratic rule of law and protecting citizens. / A presente dissertação versa sobre o dito princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o interesse particular, sendo este considerado no direito administrativo brasileiro como um dos seus pilares, quando contrapostos aos interesses do cidadão. Objetiva-se examinar se esse princípio implícito realmente existe no ordenamento jurídico. Para tanto, em sede introdutória, discorre-se sobre notas históricas acerca do direito administrativo e do poder estatal, além de buscar a origem e relevância do princípio da supremacia do interesse público, investigando o conceito indeterminado do interesse público, bem como os diversos entendimentos acerca do comentado princípio e sua influência na construção do direito administrativo atual com reflexos diante essencialmente do período do Estado Social, em busca da conquista de uma cidadania plena de direitos. Em seguida, passa-se a investigar a situação do indivíduo, diante dos direitos e garantias fundamentais, inerente à sua dignidade humana. Prossegue-se fazendo uma averiguação acerca dos conceitos existentes sobre norma jurídica, pormenorizando o conceito de princípio jurídico, além de identificar a proporcionalidade como medida de ponderação de valores fundamentais e não como princípio. A conclusão alcançada perpassa pelo sopesamento e pela mitigação do princípio em prol do Estado Democrático de Direito e da proteção ao cidadão.
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Internacionalização regulatória no sistema financeiro nacionalHellwig, Guilherme Centenaro January 2018 (has links)
L’ objectif principal de cette thèse est de développer une analyse critique de ce qu’on apelle internationalisation regulatoire du système financier brésilien. Celui-ci constitue um phénomène relativement noveau que n’a pas reçu suffisament d’attention. Deux evenements peuvent être considerés comme étant directement responsables pour cette internationalisation: d’une part, la création au niveau mondial d’un accord international de réglementation financière et, d’autre, la substitution (dans les systèmes juridiques européens et brésilien) du modèle de l’Etat Positif par celui de l’Etat Régulateur. L’adoption, par les autorités brésiliennes (Conselho Monetário Nacional et Banco Central) d’un nombre considerable des règles infra-legales fut etayée sur les Recommendations et Standards des organisations internationales. Les decisions de ces organisations ont influencée également le discourse et la philosofie régulatoire des institutions brésiliennes, modifiant les procedures et les pratiques adminitratives internes. Les autorités brésiliennes participent de plus em plus des activités de coopération régulatoire avec des entités étrangères dans le but d’obtenir une homogeneité régulatoire des systèmes finacières. Cette thèse soutient l’hypothèse qu'il existe une singularité distinctive dans la façon dont la régulation financière au Brésil s'est internationalisée, dérivée de l'existence d'une relation fondamentale d'interaction et de complémentarité entre les idées d'internationalisation et de régulation dans le secteur financier brésilien. / O objetivo central desta tese é descrever e analisar criticamente o que chamo de internacionalização regulatória no Sistema Financeiro Nacional, um fenômeno relativamente recente e, em certa medida, ainda subteorizado na academia brasileira. Sustento no presente trabalho que sua manifestação, iniciada no Brasil em meados da década de 1990, está associada a dois acontecimentos que somente ganharam força no último quarto do século passado: a afirmação, em nível global, de um arranjo internacional de regulação financeira e a transição, nos sistemas jurídicos da Europa Ocidental e do Brasil, para o modelo de Estado Regulador. Como consequência direta desses dois acontecimentos, um significativo e crescente conjunto de normas infralegais editadas pelas principais autoridades administrativas financeiras nacionais, o Conselho Monetário Nacional e o Banco Central do Brasil, passou a fundamentar-se em recomendações e padrões regulatórios elaborados por organismos internacionais Da mesma forma, a atuação de organismos internacionais passou a moldar tanto o discurso quanto a filosofia regulatória dos órgãos reguladores brasileiros, transformando procedimentos e práticas administrativas internas. Por fim, as autoridades brasileiras de regulação financeira passaram a se engajar crescentemente em atividades de cooperação regulatória com seus congêneres estrangeiros, em um esforço internacional cujo resultado vem sendo a obtenção de uma maior homogeneização regulatória nos sistemas financeiros nacionais em todo o mundo. Ao descrever e abordar criticamente esse fenômeno, proponho nesta tese a hipótese de que há uma singularidade marcante no modo como a regulação do sistema financeiro no Brasil se internacionalizou, singularidade esta que decorre de uma fundamental relação de interação e complementariedade no modo como as ideias de internacionalização e regulação se afirmaram no universo financeiro brasileiro. / The central goal of this dissertation is to describe and critically analyse how regulatory internationalization took place in the Brazilian Financial System, a relatively recent phenomenon that still didn’t receive proper academical consideration. This dissertation argues that its occurrence, which started during the 1990s, is related to two events that only came into place in the last quarter of the 20th century: the consolidation, on a global level, of an architecture of international financial regulation, and the transition, in Western Europe and Brazil, to the Regulatory State. As a consequence of that, a rising body of infralegal regulations enacted by the Central Bank of Brazil and the National Monetary Council, the two main brazilian financial authorities, began to adopt as its theoretical foundation standards and recommendations made by international bodies. Moreover, the activity of these international bodies became an important influence on brazilian domestic financial regulatory policies, shaping administrative practices and procedures. Lastly, brazilian financial authorities increasingly engaged in international regulatory cooperation with its foreign peers, as part of an effort that resulted in regulatory harmonization in national financial systems throughout the world. This dissertation argues that there is a distinctive singularity in the way financial regulation in Brazil became internationalized, derived from the existence of a foundational relationship of interaction and complementarity between the ideas of internationalization and regulation in the brazilian financial sector.
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L’efficacité des décisions administratives étrangères dans l’Union européenne : Étude de droit administratif transnational / Recognition of Foreign Administrative Decisions in the European Union : A Transnational Administrative Law StudyElkind, Damien 05 December 2018 (has links)
La littérature juridique a montré que les décisions administratives adoptées par les administrations nationales dans le champ d’application du droit de l’Union européenne peuvent avoir des effets extraterritoriaux. En remettant en cause le principe de territorialité du droit public, ce phénomène ouvre un nouveau champ d’étude qui a pour objet la dimension transnationale de l’activité administrative. A travers l’étude de la coopération administrative entre Etats membres, ce travail explore la mise en place d’un système de reconnaissance des décisions administratives dans l’espace administratif européen. / Legal literature has shown that the administrative decisions adopted by national administrations within the scope of EU law may have extraterritorial effects. By challenging the principle of territoriality of public law, this phenomenon opens a new field of study whose object is the transnational dimension of administrative activity. Through the study of administrative cooperation between Member States, this work explores the establishment of a system of recognition of administrative decisions in the European administrative space.
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Les usages traditionnels de l'eau à l'épreuve du droit de l'environnement / Traditionnal uses of water confronted to environmental lawBailly, Gaëtan 10 December 2018 (has links)
L’eau constitue un élément naturel fondamental dans la constitution des communautés humaines qui se sont regroupées autour d’elle. Ces sociétés de l’eau se sont organisées en fonction de la ressource qui fonde les liens juridiques entre leurs membres. L’on remarque alors l’existence d’une solidarité écologique qui lie les individus entre eux, et conduit à l’émergence de règles de droit en fonction des pratiques mises en œuvre au sein de ces communautés. Généralement qualifiées de coutumes, ces règles sont spontanées dans le sens où ses promoteurs en sont également les récepteurs, et sont transmises à l’échelle d’un groupement identifié qui assure leur pérennité. Les usages de l’eau désignent alors tant les utilisations qui sont faites de la ressource, que les règles de droit qu’elles induisent. La généralisation d’un droit commun à vocation uniformisatrice du système juridique français conduit à marginaliser l’existence de systèmes de droit traditionnels. Pour autant, certains territoires ruraux appliquent encore des règles spontanées et coutumières dans le cadre de l’exploitation de la ressource en eau, à des fins d’irrigation ou de pisciculture. S’opposent alors le droit coutumier et le droit commun qui s’appliquent à l’eau. Ces usages sont alors confrontés aux règles propres à la préservation de la propriété et à la protection de l’environnement. Bien que leurs finalités diffèrent radicalement, le droit spontané contribue à la réalisation des objectifs du droit de l’environnement dans la mesure où il participe à une gestion équilibrée et durable de la ressource en eau. Le renouvellement des formes juridiques des règles traditionnelles permet ainsi d’envisager la coexistence de ces deux ordres normatifs sur certains territoires ruraux dans la perspective de consacrer un pluralisme juridique. / Water is a fundamental natural element in the formation of human communities that have gathered around it. These water societies are organized according to the resource that bases the legal links between their members. We notice the existence of an ecological solidarity that binds people together and leads to the emergence of rules of law based on the practices implemented within these communities. Generally referred to as customs, these rules are spontaneous because their promoters are also the receivers, and are transmitted on the scale of an identified group that ensures their sustainability. The uses of water then designate both the uses that are made of the resource, and the rules of law they induce. The generalization of a common law with a unifying purpose of the French legal system leads to the marginalization of the existence of traditional systems of law. However, some rural areas still apply spontaneous and customary rules for the exploitation of water resources for irrigation or fish farming purposes. Customary law and the common law that applies to water seem to be opposed. These uses are then confronted with the rules dedicated to the protection of property rights and the environmental preservation. Although their purposes differ radically, the spontaneous right contributes to the achievement of the objectives of environmental law insofar as it contributes to a balanced and sustainable management of the water resource. The renewal of the legal forms of the traditional rules makes it possible to envisage the coexistence of these two normative orders on certain rural territories in the perspective of devoting a legal pluralism.
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La notion de non-discrimination en droit public français / The notion of non-discrimination in French public lawCharruau, Jimmy 12 December 2017 (has links)
C’est en tant que principe du droit de l’Union européenne et de la Convention européenne des droits de l’Homme que la non-discrimination est souvent étudiée. Rattachée au droit français, la notion a fait l’objet d’analyses qui, pour la plupart, se sont limitées à un critère (sexe, race,etc.) ou à un domaine en particulier (fonction publique, marchés publics, etc.). On saisit l’intérêt d’une étude globale de la non-discrimination en droit public français ; et ce d’autant plus que si la notion émerge, sa mise en oeuvre rencontre des difficultés qui tiennent aux spécificités de ce droit par rapport au principe d’égalité. Adapté à la culture juridique anglosaxonne, ce principe attire la suspicion : il entraînerait avec lui des conséquences a priori peu compatibles avec l’universalisme français. Le principe d’égalité ne semble pourtant plus entièrement suffire pour répondre aux réalités sociales. Les juges recourent aux dérogations, au risque d’affaiblir la norme. Et la doctrine se livre à des acrobaties conceptuelles pour en minimiser l’importance. La non-discrimination offre de ce point de vue des perspectives utiles au droit français en alliant interdiction active des discriminations et promotion des différenciations. Au fond, la notion ne vise rien d’autre que la recherche de l’intérêt général, ou plus exactement de l’ « utilité commune » (article 1er de la Déclaration de 1789). Au-delà des préjugés, elle s’avère conforme à notre tradition juridique. Forte d’une dimension holistique et plus centrée sur la manière de vivre en commun que sur l’exacerbation de droits strictement catégoriels, la non-discrimination mériterait d’être élevée à la dignité constitutionnelle. / Non-discrimination is often studied as a principle of both European Union law and European Convention on Human Rights. In French law, the notion has been the subject of analyses which have mostly been limited to a criteria (sex, race, etc.) or to a particular field (public service, public contracts, etc.). We can see the significance of a global study of non-discrimination in French public law ; all the more that if the notion is appearing, it is still difficult to implement it, due to the specificities of French law regarding the principle of equality. Adapted to the Anglo-Saxon legal culture, this principle attracts suspicion : it would trigger some consequences which would not be seen at first as befitting French universalism. However, the principle of equality does not seem to be sufficient in itself to address social realities. Judges use derogations, risking to weaken standards. And the doctrine has to adjust through conceptual feats to minimize its scope. Non-discrimination offers, from this point of view, useful perspectives for French law by combining active prohibition of discrimination and promotion of differentiation. Basically, the notion only aims to seek general interest, or more precisely the "common utility" (article 1 of the Declaration of 1789). In spite of appearances, non-discrimination is in agreement with our legal tradition. Because it has a holistic dimension and it is focusing more on how to live together than on making categorical rights worse, non-discrimination deserves to be raised to constitutional dignity.
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L'originalité de la responsabilité du fait des dommages de travaux publics / The originality of public liability for wrongs caused by public worksFerreira, Jean-Philippe 11 December 2018 (has links)
La responsabilité du fait des dommages de travaux publics est habituellement considérée comme une hypothèse originale de responsabilité. Son ancienneté, sa structure et les règles qui la composent l’éloigneraient des droits administratif et civil de la responsabilité. L’étude de la matière des travaux publics montre toutefois qu’à deux époques différentes, l’isolement de ces règles doit être relativisé. Historiquement, elles ont été fondatrices de la responsabilité administrative. En tant que toute première hypothèse de responsabilité, les dommages de travaux publics ont constitué un véritable prélude à son principe, et partant, ont détenu un rôle précurseur. Ils ont en outre formé la matrice des régimes et des conditions de la responsabilité administrative. Actuellement, l’originalité de certaines règles propres à la matière des travaux publics est en déclin. Elle est d’abord en voie de réduction, car malgré la persistance du particularisme attaché à la classification des dommages de travaux publics, la spécificité de ses règles techniques est de plus en plus atténuée. Elle est ensuite en voie de disparition, au regard de son éviction par d’autres règles situées en dehors du droit commun de la responsabilité administrative, voire de son effacement à la comparaison avec le droit civil. L’originalité de la responsabilité du fait des dommages de travaux publics tend ainsi à devenir progressivement un vestige du passé. / Public liability for wrongs caused by public works is usually understood as an original and peculiar case of liability. Its existence, its structure and the rules applied to it made it different from classical administrative accountability or civil liability. Nevertheless, the study of the topic shows that at two different times such an assessment should have been more balanced. From an historic perspective, rules for public liability in the context of wrongs caused by public works are the foundation of French administrative accountability. Rules for public works had the leading role in the development of administrative accountability and were the mould for the doctrines and principles of administrative responsibility. Currently, the peculiarity of some rules applied to public works are in decline. Firstly, despite the persistence and the use of a classification specific to public liability in the context of public works, the particularity of its rules is lessened. Secondly, this peculiarity is endangered as other rules for liability coming from administrative law or civil law are preferred to its application. Thus, the originality of the public liability for wrongs caused by public works seems to become a thing of the past.
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[pt] O caso Cesare Battisti ficou amplamente conhecido dentro e fora da esfera jurídica, tornando-se um caso de grande interesse público. Dentro do meio jurídico, o caso despertou diversas questões, tais como a concessão de refúgio para criminosos condenados, a possibilidade de cassação da condição de refugiado e possibilidade de negativa do Chefe do Executivo de efetivar a extradição como uma decisão política e uma questão de soberania nacional. Ainda, o presente caso permanece suscitando questões, tendo o Supremo Tribunal Federal sido novamente provocado a se manifestar sobre a prescrição e decadência do ato administrativo que negou a entrega de Cesare Battisti para as autoridades italianas e sobre a possibilidade de sua expulsão e deportação. A presente pesquisa pretende, com base em estudos doutrinários, na análise do caso de Cesare Battisti e dos julgados do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre extradição, analisar a possibilidade de revogação do ato administrativo do Chefe do Executivo que decidiu pela não entrega de Cesare Battisti ao Estado Italiano. / [en] The Cesare Battisti case became wildly known within and outside the legal scope, becoming a case of great public interest. Within the legal atmosphere, the case raised a number of issues, such as granting refugee status for convicted criminals, the possibility to cancel the refugee status and the possibility of the
Chief of the Executive Branch to refuse the enforcement of extradition as a political decision and a matter of national sovereignty. Moreover, the present case is still raising questions, and the Federal Supreme Court has once again been called upon to rule on the statue of limitations regarding of the administrative act
which denied Cesare Battisti s surrender to the Italian authorities and on the possibility of his expulsion and deportation. Based on doctrinal studies, the analysis of the Cesare Battisti case and the Supreme Court trials on extradition, the present work intends to study the possibility of repealing the administrative act
of the Chief of the Executive Branch, who ruled that Cesare Battisti would not be surrendered to the Italian State.
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