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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Explorando o negócio do sexo : uma etnografia sobre as relações afetivas e comerciais entre prostitutas e agenciadores em Porto Alegre/RS

Tedesco, Leticia da Luz January 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma análise antropológica sobre as relações afetivas e comerciais entre mulheres que se prostituem e os demais agentes da prostituição, os chamados rufiões ou proxenetas. Através do trabalho etnográfico buscamos compreender os sentidos e representações sobre as concepções de trabalho e de exploração. Este trabalho foi construído a partir do método etnográfico e da observação participante iniciado em uma organização não-governamental de prostitutas em Porto Alegre e ampliado a outros entrevistados que participam das redes de relações dos pesquisados. Realizamos o trabalho de pesquisa através de entrevistas individuais e registros em diários de campo, estabelecendo uma interlocução com as mulheres que se prostituem e com os/as proprietários/as e gerentes de estabelecimentos onde se realiza a prostituição. Esta etnografia está organizada a partir de um debate desencadeado pela interlocução com entrevistados e em um novo cenário em que os protagonistas tecem ações políticas e reflexões sobre as possibilidades de alguma regulamentação e reconhecimento profissional da prostituição. Procuramos conhecer os relacionamentos entre agenciadores e prostitutas, em diferentes espaços de prostituição (públicos e privados) através de seus depoimentos e reflexões sobre a experiência direta e diversificada com a prostituição na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS. / This work is an anthropological analysis about the affective and commercial relationships between prostitutes and their agents, the so called caftans. Using the ethnographic work we sought to understand the interactions between work and exploitation. The ethnographic work started with the prostitutes belonging to a nongovernmental organization based in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state (Brasil), and broadened to other people acquainted to them. The work was accomplished by personal interviews with the prostitutes, their managers and the owners of the places where prostitution takes place. Starting with a discussion about the nowadays situation, the people involved did present some suggestions about the possibilities for professional organization, and, at the end, a state recognition and regulation. We sought to understand the relationships between caftans and prostitutes in different environments (public and privately), based on their interviews and intimate experience and suggestions.


De La Rosa, Jessica Ann, Tanase, Ruxandra Elena 01 June 2016 (has links)
Existing stigma in the form of negative attitudes towards individuals with severe mental illness by mental health practitioners, has the potential to set barriers towards recovery. A survey of 72 mental health practitioners from three disciplines were surveyed, in an attempt to measure mental health practitioner attitudes towards individuals with severe mental illness, and how their attitudes impact their belief in client recovery. This was a quantitative study, based on two Likert Scale surveys and distributed both in paper form and using Survey Monkey. Participants were gathered through a snowball effect, and consisted of 42 social workers, 18 marriage and family therapists, and 12 clinical psychologists. The Opening Minds Stigma Scale for Mental Health Practitioners was utilized in an attempt to measure stigmatizing behaviors. The Consumer Optimism scale was also incorporated in an attempt to measure practitioner’s belief in recovery. Content analysis was conducted through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. The findings of the study were inconclusive and did not support the original hypothesis, as no relationship between mental health practitioner attitudes towards individuals with severe mental illness and their belief in recovery was found. However, two key finding emerged through further content analysis. A positive relationship was found between negative attitudes and the practitioner’s desire to be socially distant from individuals with severe mental illness. Practitioners from inpatient work settings showed higher levels of belief in client recovery, than those in outpatient and private practice. Further research can be conducted regarding the potential reasons that inpatient mental health workers have higher belief in client recovery, in order to help outpatient agencies and private practice individuals also achieve higher levels of optimism towards recovery. The findings of negative attitudes in mental health practitioners and their desire to remain socially distant from individuals with a severe mental illness can also be a key component in recent efforts to combat stigmatizing behaviors.

Espace public, patrimoine et milieu affectif (Exemples du Marais d'Orx et du Domaine d'Abbadia)

Claire, Damery 27 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'intéresse aux nouvelles formes d'espace public contemporain, à partir de l'étude des espaces naturels patrimonialisés du Marais d'Orx et du Domaine d'Abbadia (Pyrénées Atlantiques). Aussi, elle s'inscrit dans un mouvement plus large de la communauté scientifique qui cherche aujourd'hui à cerner les conditions d'émergence de l'espace public, à l'heure où le lien entre le citoyen et le politique s'opacifie. La spécificité de notre approche tient dans l'éclairage de la problématique de l'espace public par la question patrimoniale. Il s'agit d'abord de considérer la forme patrimoniale comme un potentiel d'émergence d'espace public, à partir des expériences des visiteurs sur les sites étudiés. Ce travail nous permet de mettre en lumière l'émergence de moments d'espace public, à partir de l'expérience des ambigüités de la forme patrimoniale par le public. L'observation d'un «milieu affectif » relatif à la forme patrimoniale nous conduit ensuite à définir les conditions nécessaires à l'avènement d'un espace public et à proposer une grille de lecture originale dans cette perspective. L'étude de la relation du public à la forme patrimoniale met alors en exergue la force de la dimension scénographique et la nécessité de la dimension affective du milieu pour expliquer les nouvelles formes d'émergence de l'espace public. Elle appuie en ce sens l'incontournable spatialité du politique et la nécessité de prendre en compte les affects dans le processus et les circonstances qui le font émerger. Cette recherche ouvre ainsi des perspectives pour identifier de nouvelles modalités de gestion des espaces publics dans les champs du patrimoine, de l'aménagement et de l'urbanisme.

Capturing and Analysing Emotions to Support Organisational Learning : The Affect Based Learning Matrix

Olsson Neve, Theresia January 2006 (has links)
This thesis deals with the importance of managing employees’ thoughts and feelings in relation to organisational learning. To visualise and to identify affections within organisations is of major importance since most of our actions and the decisions we make are steered by our emotions rather than rational thinking. In this work we show that employees’ thoughts and feelings can be managed by implementing the cognitive therapeutic process into the organisational setting. In comparison to the more traditional way of managing problems within organisations, i.e. the two activities of problem identification and problem solving, the cognitive therapeutic process also addresses the importance of identifying associated feelings and underlying automatic thoughts in relation to an occurrence or a situation. Consequently, the overall purpose of this thesis has been to develop an approach for improving the quality of organisational learning processes which should stimulate employees’ contribution and facilitate the identification of their thoughts and feelings in relation to their work. As a result, ‘The Affect Based Learning Matrix’ (TABLe MATRIX) was developed. TABLe MATRIX can be used either in a paper-based or in a Web-based format and identifies and analyses individuals’ affections in relation to an organisational occurrence or change, a subject or a problem. Our empirical investigations show that TABLe MATRIX contributes to improving the output of organisational learning processes since unspoken negative emotions make people passive in finding new solutions. TABLe MATRIX has been evaluated by interviewing thirteen operational development representatives within eight different branches and also by testing the paper-based version at two large organisations within retail fast moving consumer goods and within education.

Désir et vulnérabilité. Études sur le problème politique de Hobbes et le façonnement social-historique de la subjectivité

Bissonnette, Jean François 08 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à cerner les raisons historiques, intellectuelles et affectives de l’importance que reçoit le problème de la vulnérabilité individuelle dans la culture politique des sociétés modernes. Il s’agit de tenter de comprendre pourquoi et par le concours de quelles transformations normatives et structurelles nous en sommes venus, comme citoyens, à attendre de l’État qu’il nous protège des affres de l’existence. L’oeuvre philosophique de Thomas Hobbes, fondée sur une anthropologie individualiste où l’homme apparaît mû par deux affects, le désir et la crainte, nous paraît être la première formulation théorique de ce problème de la vulnérabilité, et à ce titre, nous posons qu’elle a été déterminante pour l’institutionnalisation d’une rationalité politique proprement moderne. De manière à saisir quelles ont pu être les conditions de possibilité de la philosophie de Hobbes, de même que son influence sur l’imaginaire politique occidental, il nous faut tenter de comprendre non seulement pourquoi l’affectivité humaine a pu se trouver ainsi posée comme enjeu du gouvernement, mais comment elle est aussi liée, de manière générale, au fonctionnement des institutions sociales, lequel est historiquement contingent. Il en va ainsi d’une interrogation, que nous poursuivrons dans un relevé des principaux concepts à l’aide desquels Sigmund Freud, Norbert Elias, Max Weber et Michel Foucault ont pensé les modalités du façonnement social et historique de la subjectivité, et par le biais de laquelle nous espérons expliquer pourquoi le « type d’homme » sur lequel s’appuie le régime libéral moderne implique le vécu d’une expérience affective marquée par un rapport tendu entre le désir et le sentiment de la vulnérabilité.

Affectivity in the classroom : A contribution to a feminist corpomaterial intersectional pedagogy

Åkesson, Emilia January 2014 (has links)
In this study I aim to contribute to the field of feminist corpomaterial intersectional pedagogies, which I understand as a part of the broader field of feminist postconstructionist pedagogies. Against the background of feminist postconstructionism I wish to overcome binary understandings of for example discourse/materiality, theory/practice, male/female and mind/body in pedagogies. To follow this through I have analysed how affects and emotions are present in a classroom by studying the possibility of taking a starting point in the body while rethinking the anti-oppressive and norm critical pedagogical idea of the self-reflective teacher. In order to challenge the idea of the teacher as a neutral, universal and rational knowledge producer, I have in this study analysed how one can affectively and emotionally situate teacher-bodies and participant-bodies in a classroom.   The analysis was carried out on the basis of empirical material collected at a workshop on corporeality and norm critical pedagogy organised in a teacher-training program at a Swedish university. The workshop was conducted as intra-active-research and the material consists of my field diary, eight written interviews, one oral interview and my experiences from leading the workshop. I argue in this study that teacher-bodies affectively and emotionally could be situated as both following a corporeal schema, an expected plan for how a teacher-body should act and move, and also as stepping away from and disrupting this schema. Further on I argue that teacher-bodies could be situated as memory banks and as working from memory. I stress how important it is in pedagogic situations to be aware of the ways in which bodies in a room affect and are affected by each other, in other words; how bodies “do not end at the skin”. This affective and emotional situatedness shows how it is possible to overcome the idea of teachers and students as bodily neutral. I also argue that it might be important to integrate workshops on corporealities in teacher training. This could be one possible way to start to think on one’s affectively and emotionally situatedness as teacher, something I claim as required if one aspires for a feminist intersectional corpomaterial pedagogy.

La combinatoire des verbes d'affect : analyse sémantique, syntaxique et discursive français-arabe / Affective verbs’ combinations : semantic, syntactic and dicursive analysis in French and Arabic

Zouaidi, Safa 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le principal enjeu de notre recherche est d’aboutir à un modèle intégratif fonctionnel pour l’analyse des verbes d’affect en français et en arabe. Nous avons choisi d’étudier quatre V_affect : deux verbes d’émotion (étonner et énerver en français et leurs équivalents [ʔadhaʃa], [ʕaɣḍaba] en arabe]) et deux verbes de sentiment (admirer et envier et leurs équivalents [ʔaʕʒaba] et [ħasada]) appartenant aux champs sémantiques de la surprise, la colère, l’admiration et la jalousie. Plus concrètement, l’analyse se situe :– au niveau sémantique et syntaxique : les dimensions sémantiques véhiculées par les collocatifs verbaux comme étonner tellement, énerver prodigieusement, en français, et [ʔaʕʒaba ʔiʕʒāban kabīran] (admirer admiration grand) , [ɣaḍaba ɣaḍabaan ʃadīdan] (énerver colère sévère), en arabe, sont systématiquement reliées à la syntaxe (les constructions grammaticales récurrentes) (Hoey, 2005).– au niveau syntaxique et discursif : les emplois actifs, passifs, et pronominaux des V_affect sont étudiés dans la perspective des dynamiques informationnelles au sein de la phrase (Van Valin et LaPolla, 1997).D’un point de vue méthodologique, l’étude s’appuie sur une démarche quantitative et qualitative de la combinatoire verbale et privilégie la démarche contrastive. Elle est fondée sur le corpus journalistique français de la base de données EmoBase (projet Emolex 100 M de mots) et du corpus journalistique ArabiCorpus (137 M de mots).La thèse contribue ainsi à l’étude des valeurs sémantiques, du comportement syntaxique et discursif de la combinatoire des V_affect, en arabe et en français, ce qui permet de mieux structurer le champ lexical des affects par rapport à ce que proposent les études existantes en lexicologie. Les principaux résultats de l’étude peuvent être appliqués en didactique des langues, en traductologie et en traitement automatisé du lexique des affects dans les deux langues comparées. / The paramount stake of this research is to achieve an integrative functional model for the analysis of affective verbs in French and Arabic. I have chosen four affective verbs: two verbs of emotion (to astonish and to rage in French and their equivalent in Arabic) and two verbs of sentiment (to admire and to envy in French and their equivalent [ʔadhaʃa], [ʔaɣḍaba] in Arabic) they belong to semantic dictions of Surprise, Anger, Admiration, and Jealousy. More concretely, the analysis is shaped:- On the semantic and syntactic level: the semantic dimensions carried by verbal collocations such as to extremely astonish, to rage prodigiously in French, and [ʔaʕʒaba ʔiʕʒāban kabīran] (admire admiration big)*, [ɣaḍaba ɣaḍabaan ʃadīdan] (to rage rage extreme), and in Arabic are systematically linked to syntax (the recurrent grammatical constructions) (Hoey 2005).- On the syntactic and discursive level: the usage of passive, active and reflexive forms of affective verbs are dealt with from the perspective of informational dynamics in the sentence. (Van Valin et LaPolla 1997).From a methodological point of view, the study is based on the quantitative and qualitative approach of the verbal combination and favours the contrastive one. It is founded on the French journalistic corpus of Emobase Database (Emolex project 100 M of words) and the journalistic corpus Arabicorpus) (137 M of words).Furthermore, the thesis participates in the studies of semantic values, the syntactic and the discursive behavior of affective verbs’combinations, in Arabic and in French, which will enable to better structure the diction of emotions in relation to what is proposed by current studies in lexicography. The main results of the study can be applied in language teaching, translation, and automated processing of emotions' lexicon in the two compared languages.

Samband mellan fonetiska aspekter och bedömningar av känslor i barnriktat tal / Relationships between phonetic aspects and ratings of affects in infant-directed speech

Karlsson, Denise January 2018 (has links)
Barnriktat tal (BRT) är ett speciellt sätt för vuxna att tala till barn som bland annat kännetecknas av att vissa känslolägen och intentioner ofta uttrycks starkare än i vuxenriktat tal (VRT). Denna studie undersökte subjektivt bedömda känslolägen och intentioner i BRT och hur de korrelerar med fonetiska aspekter. Män och kvinnor bedömde känslolägen i BRT som bestod av 25 sekunder långa yttranden av mammor och pappor som talade till sina barn i åldrarna 3, 6, 9 och 12 månader. Yttrandena av mammorna var både på svenska och australiensisk engelska, medan de av papporna endast var på svenska. De känslolägen och intentioner som bedömdes var positivt/negativt känsloläge, uttrycka kärleksfullhet, trösta/lugna, uppmuntra uppmärksamhet och styra beteende. De fonetiska aspekterna som korrelerades med bedömningarna var medelvärde av grundtonsfrekvensen, grundtonsfrekvensens omfång och medelvärden av den första och andra formanten. Hur yttrandena bedömdes på den positiva/negativa skalan jämfördes även med bedömningar av samma yttranden fast lågpassfiltrerade (till 400 Hz) som användes i en annan studie. Bedömningarna av positivt/negativt känsloläge jämfördes också mellan yttrandena av de två könen och på de två språken. Resultatet visade att bedömningarna inte skiljde sig signifikant. Korrelationen av bedömda känslolägen och intentioner, och fonetiska aspekter indikerar att det främst är grundtonsfrekvensens höjd som har betydelse för hur högt de olika känslolägena och intentionerna bedöms, men även till viss del grundtonsfrekvensens omfång. Den första formanten korrelerade inte med några känslolägen eller intentioner, men den andra formanten korrelerade med uttrycka kärleksfullhet. Bedömningarna av de australiensisk-engelska yttrandena och de svenska skiljer sig inte signifikant trots skillnader gällande de fonetiska aspektera, och detsamma gäller bedömningar av mammornas och pappornas yttranden. Resultaten tillsammans indikerar att främst höjden av f0-medel och omfångets bredd är relevanta för uppfattade känslolägen. / This study examined the subjectively rated affects in infant directed speech and their correlations with acoustic parameters. Men and women rated affects in 25 second utterances of infant directed speech by mothers and fathers speaking to their infants aged 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The mothers' utterances were in both Swedish and Australian English, while the fathers' utterances were only in Swedish. The affects that were rated were positive/negative affect, express affection, soothe/calm, encourage attention and direct behaviour. The acoustic parameters that were correlated with the ratings were mean fundamental frequency, range of fundamental frequency and means of the first and the second formant. How the utterances were rated on the positive/negative scale were compared with ratings of the same utterances but low-pass filtered (to 400 Hz), which were used in a different study. The ratings of positive/negative affect were also compared between the utterances of the two genders and the two languages. The result was that the ratings did not differ significantly between the filtered and unfiltered utterances. The correlation of rated affects and acoustic parameters indicate that most affects are rated higher when the fundamental frequency is higher, and the range of the fundamental frequency also appears to have some bearing on the ratings. The first formant did not correlate with any affects, but the second formant correlated with express affection. The ratings of the Australian English and the Swedish utterances did not differ significantly, nor did the ratings by mothers and fathers. Together the results indicate that mainly the height of the fundamental frequency and the width of the range are relevant regarding which affects are perceived.

Explorando o negócio do sexo : uma etnografia sobre as relações afetivas e comerciais entre prostitutas e agenciadores em Porto Alegre/RS

Tedesco, Leticia da Luz January 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma análise antropológica sobre as relações afetivas e comerciais entre mulheres que se prostituem e os demais agentes da prostituição, os chamados rufiões ou proxenetas. Através do trabalho etnográfico buscamos compreender os sentidos e representações sobre as concepções de trabalho e de exploração. Este trabalho foi construído a partir do método etnográfico e da observação participante iniciado em uma organização não-governamental de prostitutas em Porto Alegre e ampliado a outros entrevistados que participam das redes de relações dos pesquisados. Realizamos o trabalho de pesquisa através de entrevistas individuais e registros em diários de campo, estabelecendo uma interlocução com as mulheres que se prostituem e com os/as proprietários/as e gerentes de estabelecimentos onde se realiza a prostituição. Esta etnografia está organizada a partir de um debate desencadeado pela interlocução com entrevistados e em um novo cenário em que os protagonistas tecem ações políticas e reflexões sobre as possibilidades de alguma regulamentação e reconhecimento profissional da prostituição. Procuramos conhecer os relacionamentos entre agenciadores e prostitutas, em diferentes espaços de prostituição (públicos e privados) através de seus depoimentos e reflexões sobre a experiência direta e diversificada com a prostituição na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS. / This work is an anthropological analysis about the affective and commercial relationships between prostitutes and their agents, the so called caftans. Using the ethnographic work we sought to understand the interactions between work and exploitation. The ethnographic work started with the prostitutes belonging to a nongovernmental organization based in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state (Brasil), and broadened to other people acquainted to them. The work was accomplished by personal interviews with the prostitutes, their managers and the owners of the places where prostitution takes place. Starting with a discussion about the nowadays situation, the people involved did present some suggestions about the possibilities for professional organization, and, at the end, a state recognition and regulation. We sought to understand the relationships between caftans and prostitutes in different environments (public and privately), based on their interviews and intimate experience and suggestions.

Instalações interativas computacionais : exercícios de contemplação interfaceada de sensações

Coelho, Alberto d'Avila January 2009 (has links)
A pesquisa aborda experiências estéticas realizadas com Instalações Interativas Computador (IIC), produtos de uma Artemídia que estão em pleno desenvolvimento. A idéia central é produzir um pensamento sobre o funcionamento da interatividade com interfaces digitais em mundos virtuais produzidos como arte, na perspectiva de fundamentar exercícios de uma contemplação interfaceada de sensações, processados por um corpo-interator a partir de sua interação com o entorno. Coloca-se em trabalho o conceito de contemplação estética encaminhando uma abordagem que permita compreender sua compatibilidade com as tecnologias digitais, longe da dicotomia ativo x passivo e fundamentada no conceito de arte como um bloco de sensações, composto de afectos e perceptos. A hipótese principal funda-se na noção de contemplação como contração de sensações, segundo Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, autores que compõem as filosofias da diferença. / The thesis presented here deals with aesthetic experiences done using Interactive Installations through Computer (IIC), products of a Media Art that are at the peak of their development. The main idea is to produce a thought about the dynamics of the interactivity with digital interfaces in virtual worlds produced as art, in a prospect of substantiating the practice of an interfaced contemplation of sensations, dealt by an interactive-body from its interaction with the installation. We deal with the concept of aesthetic contemplation following an approach that allows an understanding of its compatibility with digital technologies, far from the dichotomy active x passive and based on the concept of art as a set of sensations composed by affects and perceptions. The main hypothesis is based on the notion of contemplation as a contraction of sensations, according Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, authors that make part of the philosophies of the difference.

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