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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När inkludering blir exkludering : En essä om hur man tar sig an rollen som elevassistent till ett barn med NPF

Blomhage Engdahl, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna essä är att undersöka hur elever med NPF (neuropsykiska funktionsnedsättningar) kan bli inkluderade i skolan och på fritidshemmet, samt öka kunskapen kring hur lärare ska bemöta elever med NPF. Denna uppsats är skriven i essäform. I essän delar jag med mig av händelser där dilemman uppstått från min yrkeserfarenhet gällande en elev med NPF. I början av essän försöker jag, genom att berätta om några konkreta händelser från mitt arbete som assistent till en pojke med NPF, få läsaren att se vad mitt arbete innebär. Essän har fyra frågeställningar som uppsatsen utgår från: Hur ska jag inkludera elever i behov av stöd på bästa sätt på fritidshemmet men även i klassrummet? Vilka kunskaper hade jag behövt för att möta Noel på bästa sätt? Vem ansvarar för Noels skolgång och tillvaro? Vad hade behövts för skapa en hållbar arbetssituation för mig? Essän avslutas med en reflektion kring resultatet som framkommit i essän. Jag har genom denna essä kommit till slutsatsen om att teoretisk kunskap är en viktigt del i arbete med elever med NPF. / The purpose of this essay is to investigate how students with NPF (neuropsychiatric disabilities) can be included in school and at the after-school center, as well as increase knowledge about how teachers should treat students with NPF. This article is written in essay form. In the essay, I share events where dilemmas have arisen from my own professional experience regarding a student with NPF. At the beginning of the essay, by telling a story about my own work with a boy with NPF, I try to involve a readers a wittnes of my work etails. The essay deals with four questions on which the essay is based: How should I include students in need of support in the best way in the after-school center but also in the classroom? What knowledge would I have needed to meet Noel in the best way? Who is responsible for Noel's schooling and existence? What would have been needed to create a sustainable work situation for me? The essay ends with a reflection on the results that have emerged in the essay. Through this essay, I have come to the conclusion that theoretical knowledge is an important part of working with students with NPF.

Foggy realisms? Fiction, nonfiction, and political affect in Larry Beinhart’s Fog facts and The librarian

Herrmann, Sebastian M. January 2015 (has links)
This paper reads Larry Beinhart’s novel The Librarian (2004) and its nonfiction companion Fog Facts (2005) as a double attempt at writing that is politically invested in representing reality but that nevertheless is openly aware of the postmodern crisis of representation. In this sense, I read both books as indicative of a broad cultural search for forms of writing that engage their readers’ reality without simply attempting to return to a less complicated moment before postmodernism. The paper situates both books within crucial textual contexts: a broad ‘epistemic panic’ about the facts and reality at the time, a surge of political nonfiction published in response to George W. Bush’s Presidency, and a longer tradition of political fiction. Tracing how the novel struggles with its nonfiction aspects and how the nonfiction book relies on fiction to make its point, I then look at how the two books evoke political affect to have a realist appeal of sorts despite their insistence on the precarious nature of all realist representation. Reading both books as distinctly popular, mass-market products and thus bringing together the debate around post-postmodernism from literary studies with an interest in reading pleasures informed by popular culture studies, I argue that the two books constitute decidedly popular attempts at a new, meta-aware yet politically engaged textuality.

Lärares erfarenheter av lågaffektivt bemötande: En tematisk analys / Teacher's Experiences of Low Arousal Approach: A Thematic Analysis

Svedberg, Helen January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att öka kunskapen om lärares erfarenheter av arbetet med lågaffektivt bemötande. De frågeställningarna som ställts handlar om lärares erfarenheter av metoden lågaffektivt bemötande, vilka perspektiv på lågaffektivt bemötande som framträder i lärarnas utsagor och vilka resultat som lärare menar att metoden lågaffektivt bemötande kan ge i skolan. Uppsatsen bygger på åttaintervjuer med lärare som undervisar i förskoleklass till årskurs 6. Teori i uppsatsen är de tre specialpedagogiska perspektiven, det kritiska perspektivet, det kompensatoriska perspektivet och dilemma perspektivet (Nilholm, 2020). Resultatet visar att lärarna menar att de ska tillägna sig metoden lågaffektivt bemötande eftersom den ger dem redskap att bemöta de elever som lätt hamnar i affekt. Ett lågaffektivt bemötande leder också till att elever känner sig sedda och accepterade och relationer skapas mellan lärare och elev. Lärarna beskriver att lågaffektivt bemötande ska implementeras i deras uppdrag med hjälp av ökad kunskap som lärarna kan tillägna sig genomhandledning av specialpedagog, kollegialt lärande, föreläsningar och fortbildning. Lärarna påpekar också att det behöver avsättas tid i organisationen för detta. Lärarna påpekar att det krävs samsyn ibland kollegorna på skolan för att implementeringen av lågaffektivt bemötande i deras uppdrag ska lyckas. Lärarna beskriver också att metoden lågaffektivt bemötande leder till en ökad måluppfyllelse i skolan för elever som lätt hamnar i affekt, genom att förebygga och anpassa skolmiljön minskas affektutbrotten och det blir en lugnare tryggare studiemiljö för alla elever i skolan. Den slutsats som kan dras i uppsatsen är att lärarna anser att lågaffektivt bemötande är en användbar metod i arbetet med de elever som lätt hamnar i affekt. Lärarna i uppsatsen menar att om elever ges rätt förutsättningar minskas affektutbrotten. / The purpose of the essay is to increase the knowledge of teachers' experiences of the work with low arousal approach. The questions asked are about teachers 'experiences of the low arousal approach, what perspectives on low arousal approach appear in the teachers' statements and what results a teacher believes that the low arousal approach can give in school. The essay is based on eight interviews with teachers who teaches from preschool class to grade 6. The theory in the essay is the three perspective on special educational, the critical perspective, the compensatory perspective and the dilemma perspective (Nilholm, 2020). The result shows that the teachers believe that they should adopt the method of low arousal approach because it gives them the tools to cope with the students who are easily affected. A low arousal approach also leads to students feeling seen and accepted and a relationship is created between the teacher and the student. The teachers describe that low arousal approach should be implemented in their assignments with the help of increased knowledge through the supervision of a special educator, collegiate learning, lectures and continuing education. The teachers also point out that time needs to be set aside in the organization for this. The teachers point out that consensus is required among colleagues at the school in order for the implementation of low arousal approach in their assignment to succeed. The teachers also describe that the low arousal approach leads to increased goal achievement in the school for students who are easily affected. By preventing and adapting the school environment, the impact of the outbreak will be reduced, and the study environment becomes calmer and safer for all students in the school. The conclusion that can be drawn from the essay is that teachers consider low arousal approach as a useful method in the work with students who easily comes into effect. The teachers in the essay believe that if students are given the right conditions, the outbreaks will be reduced.

The Everyday Performing Textiles

Nordenlöw, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Living as a human being in the 21st century is a more or less constant three-dimensional textile experience. Textiles have a continuous proximity to our bodies as clothing but also as an essential material in our dwellings, both with practical and emotional functions. The Everyday Performing Textiles derives from my deep interest in the qualities and embedded connotations of textiles, the stuff that affectively shapes our material reality. These soft things play different roles in our lives, as parts of a web of function and meaning.  In this thesis I focus on the unobtrusive position of everyday textiles, searching to reflect upon the significance and substance they have within our homes. I predicate that our wellbeing is deeply dependent and connected to the comfort of textiles – it being an emotional material as much as a physical. I use the expectations of materiality as a method, balancing between the familiar and the strange, to challenge and expand our perception of cloth, both as a statement and a query of its value in modern society. I depict everyday textiles in a skewed way, mixing the realistic and the unrealistic, to create an expanded perception of them – playing with their immanent, possibly unspoken, expectations. The Everyday Performing Textiles is an acknowledgement of our textile reality – the existence of this interactive, interdependent relationship in our everyday practice of living.

"Turning Duty into Joy!" Optimierung der Selbstregulation durch Motto-Ziele / "Turning Duty into Joy!" Optimating Selfregulation with Motto-Goals

Weber, Julia 27 March 2014 (has links)
Die Studie untersucht die Wirksamkeit eines neuen Zieltypen (Motto-Ziel), welcher im Rahmen der theoretischen Überlegungen und praktischen Erfahrungen mit dem Selbstmanagement-Training nach dem Zürcher Ressourcen Modell ZRM (Storch & Krause, 2007) entwickelt wurde (Storch, 2009). Durch die Verankerung im Unbewussten ermöglichen es Motto-Ziele Menschen Handlungen in der Selbstregulation auszuführen, für welche normalerweise Selbstkontrolle benötigt wird (unangenehme Pflichten). In der Studie werden die Motto-Ziele zwei anderen Zieltypen gegenübergestellt, welche im Selbstmanagementbereich zur Erzeugung von Motivation eingesetzt werden: hohe spezifische Ziele nach Locke & Latham (1990, 2007) und Schwelgen in positiver Zielerreichungsphantasien (ein Teil des mentalen Kontrastieren nach Öttingen, 1999). Um die Zieltypen hinsichtlich ihres Stellenwertes für das innerpsychische Zielsystem einordnen zu können, dient als theoretische Grundlage die Theorie der Persönlichkeits-System-Interaktion (PSI-Theorie) von Kuhl (2001). In einem kontrollierten randomisierten Untersuchungsdesign mit 67 Probanden werden die Zieltypen hinsichtlich verschiedener Konstrukte untersucht und verglichen: Willensbahnung, intrinsische Motivation, Selbstregulations- und Affektregulationskompetenz, Handlungskontrolle, implizite und explizite Affektlage, Entschlossenheit/Bindung/Realisierbarkeit des Ziels, Selbst- und Fremdinfiltration, Einfluss auf Blutglukosewert, Verankerung im Unbewussten. Dazu wurden nebst mehreren Fragebögen der Emoscan (Kazén & Kuhl, 2005) und der Panter (Baumann, Kuhl & Kazén, 2005) eingesetzt und der intraindividuelle Glukosewert (Galliot & Baumeister, 2007) erhoben. Die ersten Ergebnisse zeigen auf, dass Motto-Ziele im Vergleich mit den beiden anderen Gruppen signifikant den Optimismus erhöhen und die Affektregulationskompetenz nach Misserfolg verbessern. Des weiteren kann die Hypothese bestätigt werden, dass Motto-Ziele durch ihre Verankerung im Unbewussten nicht überexplizite Kontrolle (wie die hohen spezifischen Ziele) sondern intuitiv umgesetzt werden.

Emotional Intelligence and Positive Affect as Protective Factors Against Burnout in Syrian Teachers: Emotional Intelligence and Positive Affect as Protective Factors AgainstBurnout in Syrian Teachers: The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on the Teachers’ Relationships with their Students

Hallum, Suhair 08 October 2012 (has links)
Bisherige Studien deuten an, dass Emotionale Intelligenz eine wichtige Rolle in der Lehrtätigkeit spielt. Sie hilft dem Lehrer bzw. der Lehrerin mit sich selbst, aber auch mit Schülern klarzukommen. Jedoch ist bislang noch weitgehend unklar, welche Mechanismen dem Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und berufsnahen Kriterien zugrundeliegen. Zur Klärung dieser Frage soll die vorliegende Arbeit einen Beitrag leisten. Emotionale Intelligenz wird dabei in Anlehnung an Mayer und Salovey (1997) als Fähigkeit aufgefasst. Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst drei Artikel. Der erste Artikel beschäftigt sich mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen wahrgenommener Emotionaler Intelligenz des Lehrers und Schülerverhalten im Klassenraum. Gefunden wurde, dass Lehrer über weniger unpassendes Verhalten ihrer Schüler berichten, wenn sie selbst über hohe emotionale Fähigkeiten verfügen. Hohe Emotionale Intelligenz scheint positiv verbunden zu sein mit der Tendenz, auf die Bedürfnisse der Schüler zu fokussieren, die wiederum weniger unpassendes Verhalten im Klassenraum zeigen. Im zweiten Artikel wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout untersucht. Proaktives Coping wurde als Mediator zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout angenommen. Daneben wurde geprüft, ob die wahrgenommene Unterstützung durch den Vorgesetzten den vermuteten Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout und die Dimension moderiert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Lehrer mit hoher Emotionaler Intelligenz deshalb weniger Burnout-Symptome zeigen, weil sie dazu tendieren, proaktives Coping als Strategie der Stressbewältigung zu nutzen. Sie können ihre Kompetenzen und Ressourcen offensichtlich situationsangemessen einsetzen, um emotional anspruchsvolle Situationen am Arbeitsplatz zu meistern. Darüber hinaus zeigt sich, dass wahrgenommene Unterstützung durch den Vorgesetzten den Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout moderiert: Für Lehrer, die angaben, von ihrem Vorgesetzten unterstützt zu werden, zeigte sich der indirekte Effekt von Emotional Intelligenz auf wahrgenommene Leistungsfähigkeit über proaktives Coping deutlicher. Die Beziehung zwischen positivem und negativem Affekt, Arbeitszufriedenheit und Burnout ist Inhalt des dritten Artikels. Gefunden wurde, dass Lehrer mit hohem positiven Affekt zufriedener mit ihrer Arbeit sind als Lehrer, die negativen Affekt im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Arbeit berichten. Darüber hinaus war Arbeitszufriedenheit negativ mit dem Level an Burnout verbunden. Die Ergebnisse der Mediationsanalyse zeigen, dass Arbeitszufriedenheit den Zusammenhang zwischen Affekt und Burnout vermittelt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich also sagen, dass Lehrer mit hoher wahrgenommener Emotionaler Intelligenz erfolgreicher und zufriedener im Beruf sind und zudem eine höhere psychische Gesundheit aufweisen. Schüler von Lehrern mit hohen emotionalen Fähigkeiten scheinen deshalb weniger unpassendes Verhalten im Klassenraum zu zeigen, weil auf sie mehr geachtet und ihre Probleme und Bedürfnisse besser erkannt werden. Emotional intelligente Lehrer versuchen, Problemen im Klassenraum schon bei deren Entstehung zu begegnen, was wiederum dazu führen könnte, dass sie weniger Belastung erleben und langfristig weniger Burnoutsymptome zeigen. Dieser Prozess kann durch die Unterstützung des Vorgesetzten positiv beeinflusst werden. Daneben zeigt sich auch, dass Lehrer, die positiven Affekt gegenüber ihrer Arbeit erfahren, zufriedener mit ihrer Arbeitstätigkeit sind, was wiederum damit verbunden ist, dass jene Lehrer Burnout-Symptome in geringem Maße erleben. Daher scheint es gewinnbringend, in die Personalauswahl Emotionale Intelligenz als ein wichtiges Entscheidungskriterium einzubeziehen. Bestehende Qualifizierungsprogramme sollten zusätzlich auf eine Verbesserung der emotionalen Fähigkeiten abzielen. Weiteres Potential zur Intervention von Burnout besteht im Aufbau oder der Stabilisierung kooperativer Beziehungen zwischen Lehrer und Vorgesetztem.:1 Introduction 1 2 Burnout 3 2.1 Risk factors for burnout 3 2.2 Assessment of burnout 4 2.3 Consequences of burnout 6 2.4 Protective factors against burnout 6 2.4.1 Protective facotrs at the individual level 6 2.4.2 Protective factors at the organizational level 8 3 The situation of Syrian teachers 8 4 General questions of the studies and general hypotheses 9 4.1 Emotional Intelligence, Attention to Student Needs, and Student Misconduct 10 4.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, Burnout, and Supervisor Support 10 4.3 Positive Affect, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout 11 5 Studies 12 5.1 Attention to Student Needs Mediates the Relationship between Teacher Emotional Intelligence and Student Misconduct in the Classroom 12 5.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, and Burnout in Syrian Teachers: Examination of a Mediation Model 25 5.3 The Role of Job Satisfaction as a Mediator between Positive Affect and Burnout 45 6 General Findings of the Three Studies 58 6.1 Emotional Intelligence, Attention to Student Needs, and Student Misconduct 58 6.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, Burnout, and Supervisor Support 58 6.3 Positive Affect, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout 59 7 General Discussion 59 8 Limitations and implications for future research 61 9 Conclusions 63 10 References 65 / Many teachers experience high levels of stress from their work, but not all of them suffer from burnout. Why are some teachers less likely to succumb to burnout than others? How can teachers avoid suffering from burnout and continue to have a good influence on the behavior of their students? One reason that some teachers are able to avoid burnout might be that these teachers embody personality characteristics such as emotional intelligence and proactive coping, and these characteristics may act as resources that counteract burnout. Another reason might be that they experience feelings of positive affect from their work and feel satisfied with their jobs. Perhaps this occurs because emotional intelligence helps teachers to understand the emotions of their students and to interact with them. Or perhaps these teachers are engaged in their jobs, and this might reduce the risk of burnout. Proactive coping helps teachers to use their resources to overcome their difficulties and to manage the demands they face, which aids in preventing burnout. Emotional intelligence can help teachers to control their emotions and be able to think effectively and use active strategies to find solutions to their problems. In my thesis, I expected that emotional intelligence would have a direct negative effect on burnout and an indirect effect on it through proactive coping. Furthermore, proactive coping was expected to be positively related to emotional intelligence and negatively related to burnout. Perceived supervisor support in the form of information, advice, and feedback provided by supervisors may help teachers to more actively deal with stressors. I assumed that perceived support from supervisors would moderate the influence of emotional intelligence on reduced personal accomplishment through proactive coping. However, teachers with positive affect tend to derive enjoyment from their work and to find their jobs interesting in spite of many difficulties. They are satisfied with their jobs, and this may prevent them from experiencing burnout. Positive affect is considered to be a stable personality variable, whereas job satisfaction is a temporal attitude toward one’s job; therefore, positive affect was expected to predict job satisfaction and to be positively related to it. Burnout is more of a job outcome that results from having excessive stress for a long time, whereas job satisfaction is an evaluative response to one’s job. Job satisfaction also means that a person enjoys his or her career and is engaged in it; people who are satisfied tend to feel energized and competent and are protected from being at risk of burnout. Thus, job satisfaction was expected to contribute to the prediction of burnout by being negatively linked to it. In addition, teachers who experience positive emotions while working as teachers tend to want to keep working as teachers despite any setbacks that they experience. They have positive attitudes about their jobs and are thus satisfied with them. Therefore, it was expected that positive affect would predict job satisfaction and would be positively related to it. Having positive emotions in the workplace can help teachers to like their work and to find pleasure in it. They then probably exhibit good job performance and this prevents them from suffering from burnout. Therefore, I assumed that job satisfaction would mediate the relation between positive affect and burnout. Little attention has been given to the relation between teachers’ emotional intelligence and student misconduct in the literature, but these factors may be linked. Emotionally intelligent teachers are aware of their own emotions; thus, they can regulate their own negative emotions so they can act as a role model for the students and influence the behavior of their students. Emotional intelligence also helps teachers to understand their students’ emotions, to address their students’ emotions in a positive fashion, and to establish warm relationships with their students. Emotionally intelligent teachers can understand their students and motivates these students so the teachers can focus on helping their students to accomplish their goals. These factors strengthen the relationships between the teachers and their students and have a positive impact on the behavior of the students. This thesis consists of three studies.The aim of the first study was to investigate the link between emotional intelligence and student misconduct through attention to student needs. The findings showed that attention to student needs mediates the emotional intelligence- student misconduct relation. Identifying the factors that are related to burnout is important as this can help to reduce the risk of such negative outcomes. Although many studies have been conducted on the resources that protect teachers from burnout, few studies have examined the relation between burnout and personal resources such as emotional intelligence and proactive coping. Therefore, I tested how these factors are related to burnout in direct and indirect ways. The role of perceived supervisor support has also been neglected. Thus, I tested the relation between emotional intelligence and burnout through proactive coping in the second study. In addition, I tested the moderating role of perceived supervisor support on the link between emotional intelligence and reduced personal accomplishment through proactive coping. The results showed that proactive coping mediated the impact of emotional intelligence on burnout, and perceived supervisor support moderated the influence of emotional intelligence on reduced personal accomplishment through proactive coping. Emotions in the work environment play an essential role in job satisfaction and seem to protect teachers from experiencing burnout. The purpose of the third study was to examine the relations between positive affect, job satisfaction, and burnout and to determine whether job satisfaction would mediate the association between positive affect and burnout. The results indicated that positive affect was positively related to job satisfaction and negatively related to burnout, and job satisfaction functioned as a mediator between positive affect and burnout.:1 Introduction 1 2 Burnout 3 2.1 Risk factors for burnout 3 2.2 Assessment of burnout 4 2.3 Consequences of burnout 6 2.4 Protective factors against burnout 6 2.4.1 Protective facotrs at the individual level 6 2.4.2 Protective factors at the organizational level 8 3 The situation of Syrian teachers 8 4 General questions of the studies and general hypotheses 9 4.1 Emotional Intelligence, Attention to Student Needs, and Student Misconduct 10 4.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, Burnout, and Supervisor Support 10 4.3 Positive Affect, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout 11 5 Studies 12 5.1 Attention to Student Needs Mediates the Relationship between Teacher Emotional Intelligence and Student Misconduct in the Classroom 12 5.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, and Burnout in Syrian Teachers: Examination of a Mediation Model 25 5.3 The Role of Job Satisfaction as a Mediator between Positive Affect and Burnout 45 6 General Findings of the Three Studies 58 6.1 Emotional Intelligence, Attention to Student Needs, and Student Misconduct 58 6.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, Burnout, and Supervisor Support 58 6.3 Positive Affect, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout 59 7 General Discussion 59 8 Limitations and implications for future research 61 9 Conclusions 63 10 References 65

Förskollärares uppfattningar och strategier om att stötta barns känslor : -En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares icke-verbala kommunikation för att stötta barns känslomässiga reglering

Bengtsson, Aleksandra, Lundahl, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur förskollärares strategier och uppfattningar till deras icke-verbal kommunikation för att stötta barns känslomässiga reglering, hos de barn som är 1–2 år som inte har ett utvecklat talspråk. Anledningen till studien är att förstå och undersöka hur betydelsefullt det är att besitta en fungerande kommunikation mellan förskollärare och barn. Frågeställningarna som ligger till grund för studien är följande: Vilka uppfattningar har förskollärare om icke-verbal kommunikation för att stötta barns känslomässig reglering? Vilka strategier uppfattar förskollärare som viktiga i arbetet med icke-verbal kommunikation för att stötta barns känslomässiga reglering? För att få svar på studiens frågor används en kvalitativ metod med hjälp av intervjuer och ljudinspelningar som står för det insamlade empiriska materialet. Materialet analyseras med stöd av tematisk analys och studien tar inspiration från affektteorin och affektutbrottsmodellen. Resultatet presenteras i tre teman som lyder: Förskollärares bemötande när barn är i affekt, Förskollärares tillvägagångssätt för att främja barns känslor och Förskollärares uppfattningar om barns känslomässiga reglering vilket innefattar underrubriker för att studien ska få en konkret struktur. Studiens resultat tydliggör att förskollärare har olika uppfattningar om icke-verbal kommunikation för att stötta barns känslor och de använder olika strategier för att stötta barns känslomässiga reglering. I resultatet synliggörs även förskollärares likformiga strategier och uppfattningar om icke-verbal kommunikation. I forskningsstudiens slutsats skrivs det fram hur väsentligt det är för förskollärare att vara medvetna om användningen av icke-verbal kommunikation för att stötta barn i deras känslomässiga reglering. / The purpose of this study is to examine preschool teachers' strategies and perceptions of their non-verbal communication to support children's emotional regulation, in children aged 1-2 years who do not have a developed spoken language. The reason is to understand the importance of having effective communication between preschool teachers and children. The questions that underlie the study are: What are preschool teachers' perceptions of non-verbal communication to support children's emotional regulation? What strategies do preschool teachers perceive as important in working with non-verbal communication to support children's emotional regulation? In order to get answers to the study's questions, a qualitative method is used with the help of interviews and audio recordings that represent the collected empirical material. The material was then analyzed with the support of thematic analysis and the study takes inspiration from affect theory and the affect outbreak model.  The results are presented in three themes that read: Preschool teachers' response when children are in affekt, Preschool teachers' approach to promoting children's emotions and Preschool teachers' perceptions of children's emotional regulation, which also have subheadings to give the study a concrete structure. The results of the study make it clear that preschool teachers have different perceptions of non-verbal communication to support children's emotions and they use different strategies to support children's emotional regulation. In the result, preschool teachers' uniform strategies and perceptions of non-verbal communication are also made visible. In the conclusion of the research study, it is stated how essential it is for preschool teachers to be aware of the use of non-verbal communication to support children in their emotional regulation. / ¨

Soundtrack to the social world

McDonald, Brennan, Böckler, Anne, Kanske, Philipp 26 January 2023 (has links)
Music is a human universal and has the ability to evoke powerful, genuine emotions. But does music influence our capacity to understand and feel with others? A growing body of evidence indicates that empathy (sharing another’s feelings) and compassion (a feeling of concern toward others) are behaviorally and neutrally distinct, both from each other and from the social cognitive process theory of mind (ToM; i.e., inferring others’ mental states). Yet little is known as to whether and how these dissociable routes to feeling with and understanding others can be independently modulated. The goal of the current study was to investigate if emotional music has the potential to enhance social affect and/or social cognition. Using a naturalistic, video based paradigm which disentangles empathy, compassion, and ToM, we demonstrate selective enhancement of social affect through music during the videos. Specifically, we found enhanced empathy and compassion when emotional, but not when neutral music was present during videos displaying emotionally negative narrations. No such enhancement was present for ToM performance. Similarly, prosocial decision making increased after emotionally negative videos with emotional music. These findings demonstrate how emotional music can enhance empathic responding, compassion and prosocial decisions as well as contribute to the growing evidence for separable processes within the social mind.

Der ›Affekt‹ als Ausdruck und Struktur bei Johann Kuhnau dargestellt am Beispiel seiner Musicalischen Vorstellung einiger Biblischer Historien (1700)

Eckert, Stefan 17 October 2023 (has links)
Zwischen 1689 und 1700 lässt Johann Kuhnau (1660–1722) 14 Suiten und 14 Sonaten in vier Sammlungen für das ›Clavier‹ drucken. Den letzten sechs Sonaten, die sich programmatisch mit biblischen Themen befassen, setzt Kuhnau ein Vorwort voran, das sich ausführlich mit Fragen des musikalischen Affekts in der Instrumentalmusik auseinandersetzt. Obwohl Kuhnau jeder Sonate eine zweiseitige Inhaltsbeschreibung vorausstellt und auch im Notetext spezifische Bedeutungsmomente durch Anmerkungen identifiziert, will er nicht, dass das Publikum nach exakten Übereinstimmungen zwischen Programm und Musik sucht, sondern er betrachtet den Text hauptsächlich als Hilfestellung zum Verständnis von »verdächtig vorkommenden Sätzen«, wobei »die Worte [das Publikum] auf die Spur seiner Raison« bringen soll. Kuhnau unterscheidet zwischen Musik, die einen bestimmten Affekt ausdrückt, und Musik, die die Zuhörer zu einem bestimmten Affekt bewegen soll. Bei der ersten handelt es sich z.B. um einen musikalischen Ausdruck durch Wortmalerei oder klangliche Imitation, bei der letzten geht es jedoch um musikalische Umsetzungen, die sich in der Struktur eines Werkes quasi als musikalische Analogie oder Konzeption niederschlagen. Zudem spricht Kuhnau über die Rolle des musikalischen Affekts in Bezug auf die Wahrnehmung und musikalische Komposition in seinem Roman Der musicalische Quacksalber. Ausgehend von Kuhnaus Schriften demonstriere ich, wie der musikalisch dramatische Verlauf der Sonaten beide Aspekte des Affekts beinhaltet und wie rhetorische Figuren nicht isoliert stehen, sondern in die musikalischen Strukturen eingebettet sind. / Between 1689 and 1700, Johann Kuhnau (1660–1722) published four collections of keyboard music containing 14 suites and 14 sonatas. In the preface to the last collection, Musicalische Vorstellung einiger Biblischer Historien, which consists of six sonatas that programmatically deal with biblical themes, Kuhnau extensively addresses the role of musical affect in the context of instrumental music. Although Kuhnau precedes each individual sonata with a lengthy description of its biblical content and identifies specific programmatic moments through annotations in the music, he worries in the preface that his audience might misunderstand his intentions. Kuhnau distinguishes between music that expresses a specific affect and music that moves the audience to experience a specific affect. The former is linked to musical expression by means of word painting and imitation of real-life sound (for example, bird songs), while the latter is concerned with musical realizations of an affect, quasi as a musical analogy that is embedded into the structure of a work. Moreover, Kuhnau further discusses the role of musical affect in relation to sense perception and musical composition in his novel Der musicalische Quacksalber (The Musical Charlatan). Based on Kuhnau’s writings, I demonstrate how the musical dramatic unfolding of the sonatas contains both aspects of the affect, and how they are embedded into musical structures.

Effekterna på akut sinnesstämning efter ett högintensivt träningspass : En interventionsstudie med unga kvinnor

Wahlstedt, Vanessa, Davidsson, Victoria January 2024 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Psykisk ohälsa är ett växande hälsoproblem i samhället där unga kvinnor mellan 16-29 år är överrepresenterade. Fysisk aktivitet är bevisat effektivt för att förbättra exempelvis psykosomatiska besvär bland unga vuxna. Dock finns det en kunskapslucka kring den kortvariga effekten på upplevd sinnesstämning och vilken träningsintensitet som anses påverka detta mest. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om högintensiv träning kan fungera som en effektiv mekanism för att påverka och förbättra sinnesstämning hos unga kvinnor. Metod: Detta är en pre-poststudie. 21 (24 ± 3,92 år) unga kvinnor deltog i ett fysiskt HIIT träningspass under 45 minuter vid ett tillfälle. Positiv och negativ affektskalan (PANAS) mättes direkt före och efter HIIT interventionen för att bedöma sinnesstämning. General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) användes för utvärdering av ångestsymtom och i relation till PANAS för att se om effekten av träningspasset var relaterat till initial upplevd ångestnivå. För att jämföra sinnesstämning pre och postintervention analyserades data med parat T-test. Två linjära regressionsanalyser utfördes för att se om initial upplevd ångest var relaterat till post poängen på PANAS. Resultat: Deltagarnas genomsnittliga positiva affekter ökade med 12,5% (39,71 ± 3,78) efter träningen och genomsnittliga negativa affekter minskade med 3,4% (13 ± 2,89). Träningsinterventionen inducerade signifikanta ökningar av (PANAS) positiva affekter (p= <0,0001) och signifikanta minskningar av negativa affekter (p= <0,008). Högre ångestnivå korrelerade med högre nivåer av positiva affekter efter interventionen men detta samband var svagt (0,317) och inte signifikant (p= <0,081). För negativa affekter var riktningen på sambandet negativt (-0,121) men inte heller detta var signifikant (p= <0,3).    Slutsats: Denna studie undersökte effekterna av högintensiv träning på unga kvinnors sinnesstämning samt eventuella kopplingar mellan upplevd ångest och sinnesstämning efter träning. Resultaten indikerar att HIIT träning i grupp har en positiv inverkan på sinnesstämningen på kort sikt, och en trend observerades mellan högre initial ångestnivå och högre positiv sinnesstämning efter träning, trots ett svagt samband. Dessa resultat antyder att fysisk aktivitet kan främja känslor av välbefinnande på kort sikt. / Aim: Mental illness is a growing health problem in society where young women between 16-29 years are overrepresented. Physical activity has been proven effective in improving, for example, psychosomatic complaints among young adults. However, there is a knowledge gap regarding the short-term effect on perceived mood and which training intensity is considered to influence this the most. The aim of this study was to investigate whether high-intensity exercise can act as an effective mechanism to influence and improve mood in young women.  Method: This is a pre-post study. 21 (24 ± 3.92 years) young women participated in a physical HIIT training session for 45 minutes on one occasion. The Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) was measured directly before and after the HIIT intervention to assess mood. The General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) was used for the evaluation of anxiety symptoms and in relation to the PANAS to see if the effect of the training session was related to initial perceived anxiety level. To compare mood pre- and post-intervention, data were analyzed with paired T-test. Two linear regression analyzes were performed to see if initial perceived anxiety was related to post scores on the PANAS.  Results: Participants' mean positive affect increased by 12.5% (39.71 ± 3.78) after the training and mean negative affect decreased by 3.4% (13 ± 2.89). The exercise intervention induced significant increases in (PANAS) positive affect (p= <0.0001) and significant decreases in negative affect (p= <0.008). Higher levels of anxiety correlated with higher levels of post-intervention positive affect but this relationship was weak (0.317) and not significant (p= <0.081). For negative affect, the direction of the relationship was negative (-0.121) but this was also not significant (p= <0.3).  Conclusion: This study examined the effects of high-intensity exercise on young women's mood and possible associations between perceived anxiety and post-exercise mood. The results indicate that HIIT training in a group has a positive effect on mood in the short term, and a trend was observed between higher initial anxiety level and higher positive mood after exercise, although a weak relationship. These results suggest that physical activity can promote feelings of well-being in the short term.

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