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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Tjatsex är inte våldtäkt" : Våldtäktsrapportering i förändring

Svensson, Frida, Johansson, Ylva January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa hur tre gruppvåldtäkter i Stockholm skildrats i Aftonbladet. Fallen vi valt att studera närmare är Rissnefallet 2000, Stureplansvåldtäkten 2007 samt Tenstafallet 2013. De frågor som ligger till grund för vår undersökning är: Vilka får uttala sig? Hur framställs offer och gärningsmän? Finns det några skillnader och likheter i rapporteringen av fallen? Vi har också valt att undersöka hur journalisterna förhåller sig till de pressetiska reglerna. För att besvara våra frågeställningar har vi valt att använda oss av en textanalys med kvalitativ ansats. Med hjälp av Teun van Dijks kritiska diskursanalys gör vi först en övergripande analys av samtliga 57 artiklar i Aftonbladet. Därefter gör vi en djupgående granskning av fem artiklar från varje fall, som särskilt karaktäriserar rapporteringen. De teoretiska ramarna för uppsatsen är den postkoloniala teorin, den journalistiska etiken och journalistikens roll i samhället. Vi har även använt oss av teorin om våldtäktsmyter samt hur invandrarbegreppet används i medierna. I vår studie har vi sett att rapporteringen om de tre fallen innehåller flera likheter. Rapporteringen följer ett tydligt mönster där rättsprocessen spelar en stor roll. Vi upplever att medierna ibland har tagit ställning för offret, som ges stort utrymme i rapporteringen. Vi har upptäckt skillnader i Aftonbladets förhållningssätt till de pressetiska reglerna. Från att ha beskrivit de två första fallen mycket ingående, har journalisterna i Tenstafallet utelämnat detaljer som kan vara till skada för de inblandade. / <p>En analys av Aftonbladets rapportering om tre gruppvåldtäkter i Stockholm.</p>

En nypa socker : En kvantitativ analys av hur socker framställs i Aftonbladet 1995 och 2013

Ericsson, Karin, Östergren, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
The subject for our bachelor thesis is how sugar is portrayed in Aftonbladet. By analyzing newspapers from 1995 and 2013 we wanted to research if the portrayal of sugar has changed during the years. We have noticed that there is a trend of being healthy and fit today. “Strong is the new skinny” is a quote we can see in social media and on blogs today. In the humans pursuit of becoming healthy and strong the sugar has become the villain in todays society. In 2014, many cookbooks with sugarfree recipies have been published and the media can’t seem to stop writing about new diets and how to loose weight. To analyze the difference in how sugar is portrayed in Aftonbladet between 1995 and 2013 we made a quantitative content analysis. A conclusion of our analysis shows that there are more texts about sugar in 2013 than in 1995 and that the recipies are the dominant kind of texts in the latter. Most texts in 1995 was recipes and texts about the risk of sugar came second. In 2013 the recipes had decreased but there had been an increase in dietary recommendations. The authors behind the texts are mostly the writers or celebrities, but when it comes to the texts about the risks of sugar it’s usually a researcher who is the author. 2013 there was only written about one celebrity who lost weight, while in 1995 it was the individuals behind the texts. There is a mixed message about sugar, it is written about both as an ingredient in a recipe at the same time as critical voices warning the reader about the same type of foods are heard.

Den rödbrusige öldansken : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur danskar framställs i tre svenska tidningar / The rubicund beer drinking Danish : A qualitative study about how Danish are people represented in three swedish newspapers

Rensmo, Mattias, Lithner, Lotta January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to examine how the Danish people and Denmark are represented in the daily Swedish press. We wanted to examine how the Danish people were represented, the characteristics given to the Danes and the differences we see between the different genres. We used theories about discourse, representation, stereotype and national community, too see what underlying messages was hidden in the texts. We analysed 30 texts from three Swedish daily newspapers: Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. The method we used was discourse analysis based on Faircloughs theories and methods.One of the most interesting results we found was that the Danish people often were represented as different kinds of stereotypes. We found the following stereotypes that we named: the drunken Danish, the racist, the laidback Danish and the criminal Danish. The drunk Danish stereotype is mostly seen in the text about sports when the journalists are writing about the Danish football supporters. In these texts the supporters are given properties like drunk and that they like to drink a lot of beer when they are watching football. The stereotype that we named the racist, we mostly see in the texts that were about politics and about the Dansk Folkeparti. The laidback Danish is particularly evident in texts that describe the Danish culture. The fourth stereotype, the criminal, we see in the texts about gang violence.Our study also showed that the Danish people and Denmark are represented through people that are not Danish. In many of the texts we could see that Swedish journalists interviewed other Swedish people about Denmark and the Danish people.</p>

“– Om vi kommer till Sverige ...Där är vi välkomna, visst?” : En kvalitativ studie om hur representationen av flyktingar har förändrats över tid i genren reportage i Aftonbladet. / “If we come to Sweden ...Will they welcome us?” : A qualitative studie of how the representation of refugees have changed over time in the genre reportage in the newspaper Aftonbladet.

Hedberg, Amanda, Rindhagen, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Author: Amanda Hedberg &amp; Julia Rindhagen   Title: “If we come to Sweden ...Will they welcome us?” A qualitative studie of how the representation of refugees have changed over time in the genre reportage in the newspaper Aftonbladet. Location: Linnaeus University  Language: Swedish  Number of pages: 41 The aim of this study was to examine if there were any differences in how the swedish newspaper Aftonbladet represented refugees over time. The main question examined was: How do the newspaper Aftonbladet represent refugees in the genre reportage over time? We added three more questions in order to get a more precise result. The questions were: Which discourses were found in the years 1995, 2005 and 2015, were there any differences or similarities? Have the representations of the actors of the text changed?  How can the texts contribute to stereotypes of refugees in order of the postcolonial theory with focus of “us” and “them”?  We made a critical discourse analysis of 15 reportages over time. Five reportages of three different years; 1995, 2005 and 2015. The result showed that Aftonbladets representation of the refugees over time in the genre reportage had an up going curve in the focus area of “us” and “them”. Through all the examined years, the refugees were described as victims. In 2005 Aftonbladet started to represent the refugees as “the others” and in 2015 the refugees started to be described as “a threat”.

Vem är syndabocken i den tragiska olyckan? : En kvalitativ studie om rapporteringen av bussolyckan i Sveg / Who is the scapegoat in the tragic accident? : A qualitative study about the news reporting of the bus accident in Sveg

Blomqvist, Linn, Lygnebrandt, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how three newspapers covered the question of guilt while reporting about the bus accident in Sveg where three school children died. The questions examined were: How does the local newspaper Borås Tidning and Barometern and the evening newspaper Aftonbladet report about the question of responsibility of the bus accident in Sveg? What are the differences and similarities between the three newspapers? We made a discourse analysis of 23 news articles from three different newspapers. The result shows that the newspapers reported about possible reasons that caused the disaster. If the society had taken responsibility and maintained the road then maybe the bus had not crashed. The passengers are described as guilty because of their lack of using seat belts. Simultaneously the bus driver is represented as irresponsible who could have prevented the misfortune by not driving so recklessly. Another aspect of the question of responsibility produce the bus company as the scapegoat of the tragical incident because of the miserable working conditions. We discovered that the newspapers are driven by figuring out the question of guilt in order to give answers to the readers about the tragedy in Sveg. Conclusions drawn from this study are that the media coverage are influenced by news values like their proximity to the persons involved.

"Han är som en ung man som precis fått körkort" : En studie om hur konflikten mellan Nordkorea och USA gestaltas i Aftonbladet. / “He is like a young man who just got his driving licence”

Viktor, Merell, Max, Karlsson January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor study was to examine how the conflict between USA and North Korea is framed by the swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and if there was a change in their use of frames after Donald Trump got inaugurated as president of The United States.   By using framing analysis we identified three different frames, “The dictatorship as a threat against world peace”, “The careless leader” and “The incompetent leader”.   We could then with a quantitative approach examine how often these frames was used by Aftonbladet and if there was a change after Donald Trump got inaugurated as president.   These were the questions examined: Which frames of the conflict between North Korea and USA are used in Aftonbladet and how often are they used? Is there any difference in which frames is used after Donald Trump became president of The United States?   We read 131 news articles from Aftonbladet which focused on the conflict. The period spanned from 2013-01-01 to 2017-12-07.   We found that the most commonly used frame was “The dictatorship as a threat against world peace” and we could also see that after Donald Trump became president a new frame emerged, “The careless leader”.

Förgiftad av svartsjuka eller driven av hat? : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga och manliga gärningspersoner i svensk nyhetsjournalistik / Poisoned by jealousy or driven by hatred? : A qualitative study of female and male perpetrators in Swedish news journalism

Löfgren, Evelina, Elfving, Emily January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how female and male murder perpetrators are represented in Swedish news journalism. We examined four specific murder cases, with two female and two male perpetrators, and the questions examined were: How are female and male perpetrators represented in news journalism, and what differences and similarities can be found in these representations? We made a critical discourse analysis of 21 news articles, published between the day of the crime and the day of the verdict, from the tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen. The result shows that female perpetrators are represented as driven by their emotions, either as victims for unrequited love or as evil, jealous women. Male perpetrators, on the contrary, are represented with attributes that are associated with masculinity. The reporting of female perpetrators is also more intense and dramatically structured. Our study also shows similarities between perpetrators regardless of gender. They are represented as cold hearted and deviant, and the news articles are constructed almost as fiction, with sensational writing and dramatic storytelling.

Brottets anatomi : Om sambandet mellan berättelsestruktur och ledfamiljer i fyra artiklar om Anders Behring Breiviks attentat på Utöya

Persson, Anders January 2015 (has links)
I föreliggande studie undersöks berättelsestruktur och ledfamiljer i fyra nyhetsartiklar. Syftet är att bidra till den textlingvistiska traditionen med en studie av referensbindning och ledfamiljer i nyhetsrapporterande text. Den analysmodell som används för studiet av referensbindning och ledfamiljer är den som Nyström presenterar i Hur hänger det ihop? En bok om textbindning (2001). Analysen av texternas berättelsestruktur görs med utgångspunkt i Labovs schema för muntliga berättelser. Materialet utgörs av en artikel vardera om Anders Behring Breiviks attentat på Utöya ur de två kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen, och morgontidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet. Resultatet visar ett samband mellan berättelsestruktur och ledfamiljer som bland annat yttrar sig på så vis att en mer komplex berättelsestruktur i morgontidningarna där ger upphov till en central ledfamilj tidpunkter vilken saknas i kvällstidningarna. Slutligen undersöks utifrån tidigare forskning olika innehållsliga stildrag i kvällstidningarna. Mest påfallande likheter upptäcktes mellan Expressen och en tidigare analyserad artikel ur samma tidning.

Så blir du slank och deprimerad : En kritisk diskursanalys om kost och träning i livsstilsmagasin

Hestréus, Susanna, Renemar Jeansson, Signe January 2017 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur kost och träning gestaltas i magasinen Aftonbladet Söndag och Expressen Söndag. I studien genomförs en kritisk diskursanalys utifrån Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella modell och kopplas till forskning och teorier om det senmoderna samhället.  Det globala och moderna samhället kännetecknas av föränderlighet och valmöjligheter, vilket har skapat en individ vars självidentitet har blivit ett så kallat självreflexivt projekt. Genom att analysera tidningsartiklarna med verktygen modalitet och värdering framkommer fyra övergripande teman som är Kost och träning som självidentitet; Självmedvetenhet och eget ansvar; Planering är a och o och Förändring och förbättring. Individen representeras som ensam ansvarig för att uppnå det som artikuleras som eftersträvansvärt eller nödvändigt och som någon som ständigt söker svar på nya metoder för att förverkliga eller uppdatera självet.  Samtliga artiklar har en hög grad av interdiskursivitet och de olika diskurserna korsar varandra vilket skapar otydliga gränser. De diskurser som främst finns representerade är reklamdiskursen, expertdiskursen, självhjälpsdiskursen och konsumtionsdiskursen. Diskurserna talar till självets reflexivitet, att följa en viss diet eller träningsform har blivit en del av individens självidentitet och är en form av rutinisering som främjar känslan av ontologisk trygghet. Genom att skapa material som får individen att tro att den vill ägna sig åt självförbättring och självförverkligande med koppling till kost och träning stärks även den rådande hegemonin.

Det viktigaste är kändisar och mjukisar : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av vad Aftonbladet och Expressen väljer att publicera på Instagram / The most important are celebrities and softies : A quantitative content analysis regarding what Aftonbladet and Expressen choose to publish on Instagram Location

Allgren, Amanda, Clemensson, Fanny January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish tabloids value and prioritize news on different platforms and what kind of pictures they primarily publish on these platforms. The study answered the three following questions: what type of news do Swedish tabloids publish on Instagram? What kind of pictures Swedish tabloids publish on Instagram? And, what are the differences regarding tabloid news for Instagram compared to the tabloids’ front pages. The method used to answer the research questions was quantitative content analysis and our empirical materials consists of 783 social media posts and news articles. Based on a quantitative categorical scheme, we have analyzed the Swedish tabloids' Instagram pages and the front pages during the course of two months. Our study established that the most prominent news on Instagram is news that we have chosen to call soft news (news that does not inform or educate the reader), news regarding celebrities/elite were also found preeminent. The pictures that were most widely published on the Swedish tabloids' Instagram pages were pictures of celebrities/elites and montage pictures. The biggest difference when we compared the Instagram posts and the front pages was that, on the tabloids' Instagram pages, soft news is published to a greater extent than on the front pages. It also turned out that celebrity news is significantly more often published on the Swedish tabloids’ front pages compared to Instagram.

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