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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Lill-Marta” och ”Granen” med hela svenska folket : En kvantitativ studie om Aftonbladets gestaltning av herrarnas och damernas världsmästerskap i fotboll / “Lill-Marta” and “Granen” with the entire Swedish people : A quantitative study on how Aftonbladet constructed the men's and women's FIFA World Cup

Rydeberg, Herman, Kilvéus, Isabella January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet wrote and constructed their articles about the FIFA World Cup 2018 and the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019. The other purpose was to see if the Sweden men’s national football team and the Sweden women’s national football team got the same space in the newspaper and to see if the teams are portrayed in different ways. This study is based on both a quantitative content analysis and a critical discourse analysis. To do so we analyzed all of the articles that were published during both of the World Cups group stages. In total, the study examines 291 articles, split between two time periods. For our critical discourse analysis, we used six articles, all written the day after a game in the group stage.   The great conclusion that was made in our study showed that Aftonbladet more often wrote about the Sweden men’s national football team then they did about the Sweden women’s national football team. It was also common that the articles constructed about the men’s team were more likely to be about their achievements and their game on the pitch when the articles about the women’s team were more likely to be about feelings and their personal life. A pattern that we could follow during our study was that it was more often male journalists wrote about the men’s World Cup and that women wrote about the women’s World Cup.

Hjältarnas frammarsch : En komparativ retorikanalys av journalistikens gestaltade hjältar / The advance of the heroes. : A comparative rhetorical analysis of journalisms portrayed heroes

Viktorsson, Julia, Södlund, Natalie January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how heroes are constructed in two article series, “My local hero” and “Swedish Heroes”. The study intended to investigate similarities and differences between a local perspective and a national perspective, similarities and differences between the modern story of the hero and the myth of the hero and journalistic use of stereotypes. We used a rhetorical analysis to study 19 articles from Mitt i Stockholm and 7 articles from Aftonbladet. The result of our analysis showed that there are differences between the journalistic ways of describing the heroes qualities. In summary these are bravery, uniqueness, devotion, self-sacrifice and hard work. We found a pattern that showed that journalism use stereotypes in order to simplify and establish various roles in stories. The hero, as well as the battle and the vulnerable are ascribed stereotypical qualities that we consider establish these roles. We found similarities and differences regarding the journalistic way of describing the hero compared to the myth of the hero. Several dramaturgical differences was shown in the analysis. The hero did not always come from something humble but was placed straight into a battle and these stories contained a battle or a journey but not necessarily both. Our analysis also showed that the articles from Aftonbladet tended to offer stories with a focus towards details that where sensational, spectacular or shocking. Articles from Mitt i Stockholm occasionally had similar characteristics but more restrained and they often tended towards a concrete describing of the hero.

”Mord, ökad brottslighet, våldtäkt, rädsla och shariazoner” : En diskursanalys av artiklar om invandring i etablerade kontra alternativa medier / “Murder, increased crimes, rape, fear and sharia areas” : A discourse analysis of news about immigration in main stream media and alternative media

Sjöberg, Anton January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the discourse on immigration in mainstream media and alternative media and to compare the similarities and differences between two Swedish newspapers. These were Aftonbladet from established media and the right-winge alternative media Nya Tider.   The thesis focuses on analyzing news texts from both newspapers. The method used was critical discourse analysis based on Norman Fairclough's three-step model.   Aftonbladet and Nya tider both represent immigration as a terror threat, a threat of mass immigration, being criminal and being hostile to Swedes. Aftonbladet was alone in representing immigration as opressing women and immigrants as victims, while Nya tider was alone in representing immigration as an economic problem, a part of a exchange of the Swedish population and immigrants as violent. The main conclusion was that none of the analysed news stories containted aspects that represented immigration as someting positive in the Swedish society.

Ridsporten i svensk media : En underrepresenterad "tjejsport"

Carlsson, Erica, Daniele, Veronica January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ridsport representeras i svensk media. Studien har som fokus att både jämföra mängden representation som ridsport får i jämförelse med ishockey, samt att undersöka hur kvinnliga och manliga ryttare gestaltas i svensk media. I den här studien har vi räknat och analyserat artiklar från Aftonbladet, Sydsvenskan och Dagens Nyheter under en period på tio år, mellan 2009-2019. Därefter gjordes en innehållsanalys med gestaltningsteorin och en kritisk diskursanalys som grund. Det vi undersöker i studien är framförallt hur ryttare representeras i media. Vi har valt att studera hur det rapporteras om ryttares prestationer, privatliv och relation till sina hästar för att ta reda på om rapporteringen skiljer sig mellan manliga och kvinnliga ryttare. Studiens fokus ligger även i att analysera vem det är som nämns och får komma till tals i artiklar som publicerats av de tre medierna, och om det skiljer sig i antalet manliga och kvinnliga ryttare i artiklarna.   Studien visar att det skiljer sig i antalet artiklar som publiceras om ridsport och ishockey i de analyserade medierna. Artiklarna om ishockey är fler. Slutsatsen är att ridsport är en underrepresenterad sport i svensk media, samt att kvinnliga ryttare ges mindre utrymme i medierna till skillnad från sina manliga kollegor.

Pandemi; Sveriges nya demokratiska problem? : En kritisk diskursanalys som undersöker Aftonbladets krisrapportering i relation till covid-19 och svininfluensan

Attar, Klara, Montes, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att synliggöra på vilket sätt Aftonbladet förhåller sig till mediernas roll som en granskande och informerande institution i relation till krisrapporteringen om pandemier. För att vidare offentliggöra vilka verktyg som tillämpas för att gestalta diskursen kommer studien att exemplifiera rapporteringen om svininfluensan A (H1N1) och covid-19 (SARSCoV-2). Studien utgår från följande frågeställningar: • Hur gestaltade Aftonbladet “coronapandemin” under 11 - 24 mars 2020? • Vilka likheter och skillnader kan man urskilja i aftonbladets rapportering om Svininfluensan? På vilket sätt kan dessa likheter och skillnader förstås utifrån tidigare forskning och begreppet krisrapportering? Metod och material: En kritisk diskursanalys som grundas på van Dijks riktning. Tillämpas med hjälp av ett frågeschema som förtydligas under rubriken; bilaga 1. Huvudresultat: Studiens huvudresultat belyser att det finns en pågående konflikt i medias roll som en granskande och informerande institution vid en samhällskris. Konflikten bidrar till att Aftonbladet inte gestaltar svininfluensan och covid-19 på ett balanserat sätt i relation till mediernas roll i samhället. Konflikten kan i förlängningen utgöra ett demokratiskt problem.

"De utpekade" under coronapandemin : En retorisk analys av porträtteringen av svensksomalier i svensk nyhetsrapportering om covid-19 / "The exposed" during the corona pandemic : A rhetorical analysis of the portrayal of Swedish Somalis in Swedish news reporting on covid-19

Logge, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Allting började med en villkorstrappa : En kvantitativ analys om kvällspressens framställning av fotbollssupportrar / Everything started with a term stair : A quantitative analysis on how the tabloid press describe football supporters

Gustafsson Tengberg, Simon, Holm Stålhand, Simon January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine if there been a change of attitude in sports journalism in the reporting on supporter-related issues in Swedish elite football after the new police method that was applied in 2019, called the terms stair. We have analyzed the differences between two football seasons, 2018 and 2019, with a quantitative content analysis on Sportbladet and Sportexpressen, which is the two biggest papers when it comes to sport. he most interesting result we got from our study was that there has been a shifting in the attitude from sport journalist concerning football supporters. Another interesting result was that the word ”hooligan” is rarely used to describe football supporters.

Flyktingvågen 2015 – En samhällsbelastning eller en humanitär kris? : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur flyktingkrisen gestaltades i svensk nyhetsjournalistik. / The refugee wave 2015 – a burden to the society or a humanitarian crisis? : A quantitative and qualitative content analysis of how the refugee crisis was shaped in Swedish news journalism.

Ornat, Julia, Sankell, Josef January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines how four of the national newspapers in Sweden portray the events in late 2015 referred to as the refugee crisis. According to previous research, theimmigration received a lot of media attention and has often been portrayed negatively. Due to the size of the wave and the time it lasted, it is necessary to narrow the selection of published news articles about the topic to a specific time frame and event, which is the introduction of temporary border controls in Sweden, that became a turning point during the wave. The selection makes this thesis unique among the broad previous research. The framing theory is a substantial part of this study, that uses both qualitative framing analysis and quantitative content analysis in order to examine whether the events are portrayed by newspapers through a crisis frame or a human interest frame. The mentioned frames mean that the wave is either portrayed as a negative impact on the country or that the media focuses on the humanitarian situation. The study will alsotake into consideration whether the Swedish newspapers frame politics as strategy andgame. As well as who is quoted in the articles and whether there are differences between news coverage before and after the introduction of temporary border controls. The examined newspapers most often portray the refugee wave as a burden to the society. Framing of the events is rarely done through the human interest frame while the crisis frame is applied in most articles. In addition, most of the quotes come from politicians and political commentators and it is only occasionally that quotes from the refugees occur. The applied framing can be then seen as one of politics as strategy andgame, where there are political winners and losers. The analysis showed no significant difference between news coverage before and after the introduction of border controls.

"Varför gick du inte vid första slaget?" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om medias rapportering om mäns våld mot kvinnor under 2020 och 2021. / “Why did you not go at the first stroke?” : A qualitative content analysis about medias reporting about men’s violence against women.

Johansson, Elin, Edström, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
The study “Why did you not go at the first stroke?” aims to examine how the media today illustrate men’s violence against women in modern day Sweden. The study is limited to two established Swedish news media and newspapers; Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. Six articles were chosen based on a qualitative content analysis and analyzed using two different schedules in order to reach a result. The two schedules were produced with the theoretical framework in mind, framing theory, media logic and gender representation. The articles are chosen from 2020 to 2021, to reach up to present time and the fact that men’s violence against women as an issue has been more noticed during the corona pandemic that started in the spring of 2020. The articles are presented separately in the analysis and each connects to media logic storytelling techniques that are used; stereotyping, personation, intensification and polarization. The illustrations of men’s violence against women show that women often get portrayed as victims in this type of crime journalism. These victims always occur with name and age whereas the perpetrators who almost always stay anonymous. In the articles in this study the violence is rarely blamed on external factors. However, several articles involve people who had a previous relationship. Due to the limited material of the study, the discussion and result shows that no difference between the newspapers can be established. Some minor differences are found but not in the amount for any conclusions to be drawn.

Bevakning och framställning av flyktingar i svensk press : En studie om skillnader och likheter mellan Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet i bevakning och framställning av flyktingar. / Monitoring and representing of refugees in Swedish press : A study on differences and similarities between Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet in the monitoring and representation of refugees.

Baker, Akon January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to determine how much the Swedish morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the evening newspaper Aftonbladet wrote about refugees and how they represented them during refugee crisis in September 2015 compared with when the border control began in January 2016. The purpose is to investigate how the news selection is been made, what events surrounding refugees became news and how they are described To be able to answer these questions I have combined two methods. The quantitative method used to observe how many articles were written about refugees, count and analize the number of the articles each newspaper produced during the mentioned period. In the qualitative section the rhetorical method by Karlberg & Mral's model (1998) ethos, pathos and logos concepts been used. In order to understand how the writer structured the text to convince the audience. The findnings of this study has been compared by each other and the reulst has showen a compiling differences and similarities between Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. Both newspapers have different flow of news articles during different periods. At some stag in the refugee crisis period in September 2015 Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet has shown solidarity with the refugees, but during the border control period in January 2016 both newspapers monitoring and representation of refugees was not as positive and as much as during the refugee crises.

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