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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svengelska eller Engelska? : En kvalitativ studie om lärares användning av målspråket i det engelska klassrummet för årskurs 4-6

Bel Haj, Somaya January 2022 (has links)
Considering teacher talk as the main input into the English as a foreign language classroom, this study aims to highlight and gain a deeper understanding of how target language use can look like in a foreign language classroom in Sweden. To investigate in this essay, the following research questions are addressed: • What is the teachers´ attitude towards the use of the target language in English teaching? • To what extent does the teacher communicate orally in English during English lessons? And on what occasions does the teacher choose to use the target language andthe first language during English lessons? The study was conducted in four different elementary schools, and four teachers were observed who taught in different grades. An interview was held after every observation, and through the interviews a deeper understanding was obtained. The material consists of notes through observation schedules and recordings of interviews and recording of observation. The study is based on Krashen's (1981) input hypothesis as well as Vygotskijs (2001) notion of Zone of proximal development. Research indicates that using the target language consistently can create learning opportunities for students, and a relaxing environment for them to use the target language themselves fluently during English lessons. Furthermore, studies has alsoshown using the first language can affect the students own language production and learning of the target language. However, other have shown that in some cases it can be an advantage to use the first language to include all students during English lessons, especially for the weak students in the class. Therefore, taking into consideration these different perspectives, I investigate four teachers´ use of English and Swedish in the Swedish EFL classroom.The findings show that three out of the four teachers observed used the target language in the beginning of the English lesson, while giving instructions, commanding the students to use the target language and asking them questions however, only one of them used the target language consistently during the English lesson. The findings also shows that the teachers used the first language to facilitate the students´ comprehension and to translate when they didn’t seem to understand what was said in English. Notably, some of the participating teachers indicated a desire to use the target language to a larger extent during English lessons, but they felt obligated to use Swedish in order to include all the students. The overall 3conclusion of this study is that it can be beneficial for both teachers and students if the teacher is aware of their approach toward the target language. They can thereby reflect on the impact this can have on their students´ language learning, their English lessons and their students´ use of the target language.

The Role of Songs for ELL in Extramural Contexts / Sångers betydelse för inlärning av engelska i extramurala sammanhang

Johansson, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Investigations of the Swedish upper secondary school show that almost one fifth of the students struggle with low motivation. Hence, this paper concentrates on two different contexts in which increased motivation for ESL has been highlighted: contexts where songs and music are used, and extramural contexts. Nevertheless, there is a research gap in the combination of these two aspects. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the role of songs in extramural contexts regarding motivation and vocabulary acquisition. Moreover, the purpose is to investigate these contexts in the plurilingual and culturally rich country of South Africa and thereafter explore how this can be implemented in the Swedish ELL classroom. Hence, a student questionnaire and two qualitative interviews with youth leaders were used to answer the two research questions: To what extent does the use of songs in extramural contexts affect the perceived vocabulary acquisition among high school students and youth leaders in South Africa? Furthermore, how does extramural use of English songs affect the perceived motivation and joy for learning English as a second language? The results revealed a positive impact of songs in extramural contexts, where social media was the most common context, both regarding motivation and vocabulary acquisition. Nevertheless, the effects were stronger when using songs productively, and the genre that had most effect on the vocabulary was HipHop. Hence, there is much to bring into the Swedish ELL classroom from the song-based extramural contexts, which can fulfil and develop requirements from the Swedish National Curriculum.

Comics in Education; Can Comics Facilitate Reading Comprehension for ESL learners / Serietidningar i undervisning; kan serietidningar främja läsförståelsen för elever med engelska som andraspråk

Jatta Kölin, David January 2021 (has links)
Följande kunskapsöversikt ämnar att undersöka effekten serietidningsliknande läsmaterial har på läsförståelsen hos andraspråksinlärare av Engelska. För att undersöka detta formulerades följande forskningsfråga: I vilken mån kan serietidningsliknande material påverka läsförståelsen hon andraspråksinlärare av Engelska? En prototypisk definition av serietidningar (Mayer, 2007) användes för att tillåta denna kunskapsöversikt att använda både studier som använde serietidningar och studier som använde seriestrippar som läsmaterial. I denna kunskapsöversikt kommer därför termen serietidningsliknande läsmaterial (Comic reading materials) användas som en paraplyterm för de två mediumen. För att granska om serietidningsliknande material kan påverka läsförståelsen för andraspråksinlärare i engelska har nio vetenskapliga artiklar som behandlar ämnet valts ut. Studierna I denna kunskapsöversikt har delats upp beroende på om de använder seriestrippar eller serietidningar/grafiska noveller då dessa två material bör åkalla effekten av de kognitiva teorier som presenteras i studien. Studierna gav inte ett tyligt svar på huruvida läsmaterialen påverkade läsförståelsen bland deras deltagare. Studierna hade även olika definitioner av nyckelord så som läsförståelse, skilda metoder för att mäta läsförståelse samt variation i hur de utförde texter tester. De olika resultaten från studierna har lett till följande slutsatser. Serieliknande läsmaterial har en potential som läromedel då de kan främja läsförståelse trots att det i fallet av de valda studierna inte alltid gör det. Det behövs vidare forskning i ämnet, då definitioner av nyckelbegrepp samt tester varierar i hög grad och detta gör det svårt att dra en tydlig slutsats.

Transspråkande i undervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om hur svensklärare beskriver att transspråkande implementeras i det flerspråkiga klassrummet / Translanguaging in teaching : A qualitative study of how Swedish teachers describe that translanguaging is implemented in the multilingual classroom

Afrem, Maggie January 2022 (has links)
I dagens skolor är allt fler elever flerspråkiga. De flerspråkiga eleverna bär med sig språket som en resurs i undervisningen och tenderar därmed att utveckla en djupare och bredare kunskap inom andraspråksinlärningen. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om hur och med vilket resultat grundskollärare med inriktning årskurs 4–6 beskriver att de arbetar transspråkande för att främja flerspråkiga elevers språkutveckling inom svenskämnet.Följande frågeställningar har besvarats för att uppfylla studiens syfte: • På vilka sätt beskriver lärare att elevers förstaspråk påverkar andraspråksutvecklingen? • På vilka sätt uppger lärare att de använder elevers förstaspråk för att arbeta språkutvecklande? • Vilka resultat anser lärare kunna uppnå med att arbeta transspråkande? En kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie har genomförts med sammanlagt fem grundskollärare med inriktning årskurs 4–6. Samtliga lärare undervisar i svenskämnet och arbetar i en flerspråkig skolverksamhet, vilket innefattar erfarenhet av arbete med flerspråkiga elever. Studien har sin utgångspunkt inom det sociokulturella perspektivet. Resultatet som framkom i undersökningen visar att samtliga lärare har varierade uppfattningar kring transspråkande som arbetssätt. Det synliggörs att transspråkande implementeras i olika grader och på varierade sätt i klassrummen. Resultatet tyder på att lärarna har olika mycket erfarenheter och de anser att det finns andra sätt att arbeta på för att utveckla andraspråket. En del av lärarna menar att flerspråkiga elevers andraspråksutveckling främjas genom bland annat samspel med andra och digitala verktyg som hjälpmedel. / In today´s schools more pupils are multilingual. The multilingual pupils carry the language with them as a resource in the teaching and thus tend to develop a deeper and broader knowledge in second language learning. The purpose of the study is to increase knowledge about how teachers describe that translanguaging is implemented in the Swedish subject and how it affects the second language development of the multilingual pupils.The following questions have been answered to fulfill the purpose of the study: • In what ways do teachers describe that pupils’ first language affects second language development? • In what ways do teachers use pupils’ first language to work on language development? • What results do teachers think they can achieve by working translingual? A qualitative semi-structured interview study has been conducted with a total of five elementary school teachers with a focus on grades 4-6. All teachers teach the Swedish subject and work in a multilingual school, which includes experience of working with multilingual pupils. The study is based on the sociocultural perspective.The results that emerged in the survey show that all teachers have varied perceptions about translanguaging as a way of teaching. It is visible that translanguaging is implemented in different degrees and in varied ways in the classrooms. The results indicate that the teachers have different amounts of experience and they believe that there are other ways of working to develop the second language. Some of the teachers believe that multilingual pupils’ second language development is promoted through, among other things, interaction with others and digital tools as aids.

Transspråkande och flerspråkighet i klassrummen : En kvalitativ studie kring fem gymnasielärares upplevelser av transspråkandets utmaningar och möjligheter

Sabah, Akram January 2023 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att undersöka lärarupplevelser kring transspråkande inom svenskt skolsammanhang. För att besvara syftet ställdes tre frågor som bidrog med en omfattande resultat baserade på lärarupplevelser. För att besvara frågorna genomfördes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod och svaren analyserades genom en innehållsanalys och abduktiv ansats. Studiens resultat tyder på att lärare använder transspråkande som en organiserad, omedveten eller osystematisk form i undervisningen. Resultaten visar också att lärarna upplever att transspråkande påverkar elevernas skolutveckling positivt genom meningsfullhet,goda relationer, inkludering och globalisering men också negativt i förhållande till utmaningarna. Utmaningarna är lärarnas och elevernas språkkunskaper, läroplanen, konflikthanteringen och exkludering. Detta innebär även att lärare upplever såväl möjligheter som utmaningar med transspråkande i klassrummen. Lärarnas upplevelser och studiens tidigare forskning samt bakgrund innehar aspekter som går att relatera till varandra beträffande transspråkandes positiva effekter på elevernas skolutveckling, kunskapsutveckling, identiteter och inkludering. Lärarna upplever dock att utmaningarna som de upplever överstiger möjligheterna vilket gör att möjligheterna inte kan betraktas som fördelaktiga enligt lärarnas upplevelser och studiens analys. / The purpose of this study is to investigate teacher experiences around translanguaging within a Swedish school context. To answer the purpose, three questions were asked that contributed to a comprehensive result based on teacher experiences. To answer the questions, qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted as a method and the answers were analyzed through a content analysis and abductive approach. The results of the study indicate that teachers use translanguaging as an organized, unconscious, or unsystematic form in teaching. The results also show that the teachers feel that translanguaging affects the students' school development positively through meaningfulness, good relationships, inclusion and globalization, but also negatively in relation to the challenges. The challenges are the teachers' and students' language skills, the curriculum, conflict management and exclusion. This also means that teachers experience opportunities as well as challenges with translanguaging in the classroom. The teachers' experiences and the study's previous research and background have aspects that can be related to each other regarding translanguaging's positive effects on the students' school development, knowledge development, identities and inclusion. However, the teacher’s experiences that the challenges exceed the opportunities, which means that the opportunities cannot be considered beneficial according to the teachers'experiences and the study's analysis.

Teacher perceptions of ESL target language use in grades 4-6 in Swedish Schools / Lärares syn på målspråksanvändning av engelska iårskurserna 4-6 i svenska skolor

Mårtensson, Nora, Sjödin, Ella January 2024 (has links)
A monolingual target language (TL) teaching norm has been promoted in second language learning over recent decades. Despite this, international studies indicate substantial variation in how and why teachers use the TL. This study investigates the extent of TL use during English lessons in Swedish classrooms in primary school, and how the choice of language correlates with teachers’ beliefs regarding second language learning (SLL) and the inclusion of the first language (L1). This study discusses the teachers’ didactic considerations and implementations of languages during their English lessons, and the teachers’ view on how the students are affected by the use of the TL in the classroom. Semi-structured interviews are carried out with three certified primary school English teachers. The interview data from this study show that the teachers’ main perception of TL use is that it should be used as much as possible. However, they all occasionally include the use of L1 in order to aid comprehension and prevent students’ anxiety. All three teachers emphasized the importance of a safe learning environment, especially when learning a new language. Even though the teachers agreed that the knowledge criterias for the subject of English in primary school do not place high demands on the students’ abilities in English, they as teachers place higher demands. The reason being that Swedish students’ level of English is higher than ever before and in turn teachers’ expectations are higher.

Attaching Meaning to Chinese Characters : A retrieval practice study of learners with no knowledge of Chinese

Tønnesen, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
En ökad efterfrågan på talare av mandarin kinesiska (hädanefterkinesiska) i väst har lett till ett ökat behov av högkvalitetsundervisning i kinesiska. I den här undersökningen studerade 24 svenska modersmålstalare utan tidigare kinesisk språkerfarenhet 60 svenska ord i kombination med deras kinesiska motsvarighet. Hälften av paren lärdes genom upprepade studier (där ordparen presenteras samtidigt) och hälften av paren genom aktiv minneshämtning (där ordparen presenteras separat). Varaktigheten av upprepade studieroch aktiva minneshämtningen likställdes. Alla de kinesiska tecknen presenterades tillsammans med en fonologisk representation. Efter att ha lärtde 60 ordparen, utfördesett flervalstest för att bedöma läranderesultatet. För att testa för den fonologiska representationens betydelse vid inlärning så presenterades hälften av ordparen från varje betingelse utan deras fonologiska representation under testningen. Logistikblandade modellerfann att prestationvar signifikant bättre förupprepade studier jämfört med aktiv minneshämtningoch att tillgång till en fonologisk representation under testninginte gav signifikant bättre testprestanda. / An increased demand for speakers of Mandarin Chinese (henceforth Chinese) in the West has lead to an increased need for high quality teaching of Chinese. In the present study, 24 native Swedish speakers with no prior Chinese language experience studied 60 Swedish words paired with their Chinese equivalents. Half of the pairs were learned by repeated studying (with the word pairs presented simultaneously) and half of the pairs by active retrieval (with the word pairs presented separately). The durations of repeated study and active memory retrieval were equated. All the Chinese characters were presented along with a phonological representation. After learning the 60 word pairs, a multiple-choice test was conducted to assess learning outcome. To test for for the importance of the phonological representation, half of the word pairs learnt in each condition had the representation removed during testing. Logistic mixed models found that performance was significantly better for repeated studying compared to active memory retrieval and that having access to a phonological representation during testing did not yield significantly better test performance. Keywords: Mandarin Chinese, second language learning, the testing effect

Im Zwiegespräch mit dem Computer : ICT und digitale Kompetenzen zur Förderung und zur Motivation der Sprachentwicklung von Lernern einer Fremdsprache mit Focus auf die mündliche Sprachentwicklung

Agerberg, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Aim – The paper at hand has three aims which are based on the recent adjustments made to the Swedish curriculum which take effect in summer 2018 and stipulate the implementation of digital competence in all subjects. Firstly, the study examines the effect of ICT and digital media/ aids on the WTC and motivation of second language learners. Secondly, a look is taken at how ICT and digital media/ aids are implemented in teaching today and thirdly, the challenges teachers face by the diverse interpretation and definition of the term digital competence and its realization in the classroom are investigated. Design/methodology/approach – The study is a literature review in which recent literature and research papers in the field of ICT in teaching with focus on second language teaching and learning were examined. Findings – According to the results, the author found that the use of ICT and digital media/ aids have a positive effect on the WTC and motivation of second language learners when used appropriately. The challenges teachers face in this respect is a lack of methods and strategies as well as technical support that are needed to successfully implement ICT in their lessons. Especially the lack of technical support is viewed as a time consuming one as it requires teachers to have a back-up-plan which in effect means more lesson planning on their part. Additionally and in regard to the implementation of digital competences in all subjects, teachers are faced with new challenges which comprise a technical; theoretical and didactical knowledge of the term and its practical realization. Due to the recency of the changes made to the curriculum, the investigation of the challenges that present themselves to the teachers open up for new research that can be made in this field.

Boksamtal : En språkutvecklande metod för andraspråkstalare

Gonzalez, Mary Selva January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this essay is to study how classroom interaction can take place in a class for Second Language Learners (SLL).1 I have applied a case study methodology on a linguistic method used by a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language working on a primary school situated in the Southern suburbs of Stockholm. The learning method is based on extensive reading of books which comprehend several learning techniques organized into a process that support the development of linguistic skills such as discussing in a group, writing, reading and thinking in a second language. The methodology applied is based on observations, on an interview with a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language and on a questionnaire answered by 11 students that participated on “Boksamtal”. Based on a theoretical framework about socio cultural theories on learning and scaffolding,2 I attempt to integrate theory and practice to investigate how the Teacher succeed on applying effective methods for second language learning. Through the analyses of the data is also my intention to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of such a method. In order to clarify the analysis I have identified two different kind of scaffolding: the Teacher-Student interaction and the scaffolding that creates through the learning methods on “Boksamtal”. The results of the analysis shows that a school organization that affirms the student’s identities, has a well organized program based on context-embedded teaching with a combination of different forms of scaffolding succeed to generate critical language awareness and cognitive skills. On the other hand I found several points that are worth attention such as the a lack of cooperation between the mother tongue Teachers and the other Teachers of the school, and the importance of choosing appropriated books on which the students can easily relate to. Furthermore I found two points that need deeper reflection, which strategies can be used for shy students that do not produce a word and how can the school find adequate support for a second language student born in Sweden who has not attained the expected level. 1 Cummins 2001: 3262 Gibbons 2006: 29

Oral Feedback in the English Classroom : Teachers' Thoughts and Awareness

Rydahl, Susanna January 2006 (has links)
<p>The main aim of this paper was to find out if and how teachers in upper secondary school use oral feedback when they correct their students' oral mistakes. I also wanted to find out which approach the teachers find most useful and if they use different approaches depending on the error made by the student.</p><p>I have found that the majority of the teachers find oral feedback as an important tool to help students achieve a higher proficiency in a second and foreign language. My results also show that feedback is most often used when the student makes errors regarding content and pronunciation. Most of my respondents are aware of the necessity of applying different feedback approaches to different errors made by the students. My investigation shows that teachers chose to give feedback on different occasions, both directly, but more commonly, indirectly, to a single student or later on to a full class. Most teachers also prefer a mix of feedback approaches depending on the specific student and situation.</p><p>My intention with this study has also been to determine what factors influence the students' uptake. My respondents have, among several factors, stressed the importance of comfortable learning situations, students' personal interest and size of group.</p>

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