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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Reception of the Qur'an in Indonesia: a case study of the place of the Qur'an in a non Arabic speaking community

Rafiq, Ahmad January 2014 (has links)
This Dissertation is on the reception of the Qur'an as it elaborates the place of the Qur'an in a non-Arabic speaking community in Indonesia. The Qur'an is the scripture and the primary source of Muslim teachings, a universal text in terms of time and place. The Qur'an was revealed during the life of Muhammad (pbuh) and has been transmitted and preserved in Arabic as its only language as all the prophets in Islam had been sent in the language of its immediate people. For its universal purpose, its target audience is all humankind regardless of their language or even religious affiliation. For Muslims, not only does it urge them to respond to its message and information, but also to believe in it. Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country in the world. Although Arabic is not the language of the people of this country, they perceive and share the Qur'an in Arabic as other Muslims do all over the world, and place it in the context of their local needs and situation. This study addresses two main issues: how Indonesians, in the case of The Banjars, the primary inhabitant of Banjarmasin, the Capital of South Borneo, as non-Arabic speaking Muslims perceive the Arabic Qur'an and how they appropriate the Qur'an for themselves in both their local contexts and its universal meaning. In both questions it identifies strategies of local community in claiming a universal value of the scripture (the Qur'an) as well as keeping their local identity. These strategies provide explanations of modes of reception of the Qur'an in various aspects of their life. In order to answer the questions, the Qur'an is placed in the axis of Muslims life. This scripture is a product of a revelation process during the era of the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions composing the early Muslim community. This community is regarded as the models for perceiving and practicing the Qur'an. On the other side of the axis, contemporary Muslims perceive and practice the Qur'an in their particular contexts. In the distance of time and space, they may read the models and universal values, while they may also create new practices to fit particular contexts. So, during this period, contemporary Muslims may perform a dual appropriation, namely appropriating their reading and practices to the past as a model and universal value and to the present as an actual need and strategy to respond to their own context. Using a phenomenological approach, this study finds that Muslims as a community of faith perceives the Qur'an as a written as well as recited text, which each form of it has different but related structures to be received. As the implied readers of the Qur'an, Muslims receive perspectives from those structures, while entertain their own perspectives responding the text in "structured act". In the case of this study, the Qur'an has been in the lives of Banjars extensively. The Qur'an fills in most critical situations of Banjar lives, exemplified by its presence in various life passages rites from cradle to grave. Dealing with language barriers, the main mode of reception of the Qur'an among the Banjars is through recitation. It emphasizes the oral tradition of the Qur'an, which is perceived as a way to invite the blessing, rewards, and devotional values of the Qur'an, rather than its guidance value. Any parts of the Qur'an recited would be valuable and efficacious to meet their material and spiritual needs. In most--if not all--rites, the recitation is followed by supplication in which they leave the case to God's final destiny to be followed wholeheartedly. By this mode of reception, the Banjars in the case of this study, in general preferred functional reception with performative functions of the Qur'an. However, it is not necessarily that their functional reception is totally free from the exegetical tradition. The latter might come through the layers of works, or extra-Qur'anic texts, inciting the practices and the role of local religious leaders as cultural brokers. Such works range from a thorough explanation of the meaning, excellences, and practices of the Qur'an to handbooks of particular use of the Qur'an. The local leader might play a role to connect the provided information to popular practices in order to justify, found, or transform the performative functions of the Qur'an. In the second problem of this study, the Banjar use a dual appropriation: they appropriate themselves to the model and also the current local context. They can relate themselves to the model and idealized past through tradition, which keeps their memory as well as structures of the model. Materially, they have kept a long-lasting tradition of knowledge preservation and transmission in Islam through ijazah (sacred pedigree). As a cultural broker, a religious leader who has personal ijazah infuses the communal tradition and practices of the Qur'an. The tradition can also be transmitted communally through the consulted works on the practices. It can be merely substantial by considering the general value of practices in the past to be appropriated in a totally new situation. The Qur'an is then appropriated into their local context to answer their specific needs and ends through creative reading of the past presented in several layers of extra-Qur'anic texts. / Religion


GUSTAVO TARANTO MALHEIROS 05 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho buscou identificar a trajetória percorrida por professores universitários que se apropriaram de tecnologias digitais em suas práticas docentes, tendo por recorte de análise um grupo de professores de universidades públicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Inicialmente apresenta-se uma revisão do conceito de apropriação e como este conceito se tangibiliza quando seu objeto são as tecnologias digitais. Em seguida, foi elaborada uma matriz de identificação no intuito de reconhecer, dentre os professores destas universidades, aqueles que se apropriaram de tecnologias digitais no contexto educativo; para tal, foram consideradas as aulas conduzidas na plataforma digital do Consórcio Cederj, partindo da premissa de que as aulas na modalidade de Educação a Distância on-line são mais propensas à integração da educação com estas tecnologias. Com estes professores identificados, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, com entrevistas presenciais como instrumentos de coleta/produção de dados e análise de conteúdo para identificar suas trajetórias. Por fim, apresentaram-se relatos destes professores e concluiu-se que as trajetórias não são contínuas, mas feitas de marcos, que apontam para a evolução e a aprendizagem na relação com as tecnologias, a superação dos obstáculos existentes neste processo de apropriação e a inefabilidade, situação na qual o objeto está de tal forma apropriado, que se torna impossível descrever os caminhos desta apropriação. / [en] This work aims at identifying the trajectory of university professors who managed to integrate digital technologies in their teaching practice. To this end, we selected as a sample a group of professors from public universities in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Initially, we present a revision of the literature on the appropriation concept, in addition to an explanation on how this concept applies to the digital technologies. Subsequently, we elaborate a matrix to identify the professors, within the selected corpus, who could appropriate digital technologies in their educational practices. With this purpose, we consider the classes conducted in the Cederj Consortium online platform, based on the premise that distance education classes are more likely to use digital technologies. After identifying these professors, we propose a qualitative research, using the instrument of face-to-face semistructured interviews to collect the data, followed by a content analysis aiming to find out about their trajectories. We conclude that the professors trajectories were not continuous, but had specific landmarks, which way about an evolution of the learning process in relationship to technologies, the need to overcome obstacles in the appropriation process; and the ineffability. The latter being a situation in which the object is appropriated in a way that it becomes impossible to describe the process.

La protection du tatouage traditionnel en tant qu'élément du patrimoine culturel immatériel au prisme du droit d'auteur

Olivier, Apolline 23 November 2023 (has links)
Il s'agira d'étudier la protection juridique dont bénéficient les expressions culturelles traditionnelles par le droit d'auteur. Cette analyse sera conduite sous l'angle d'un élément du patrimoine culturel immatériel : le tatouage traditionnel. Celui-ci fait fréquemment l'objet d'appropriation culturelle de la part de tiers. Les peuples et communautés autochtones, détenteurs de ces savoirs traditionnels et expressions culturelles traditionnelles, revendiquent donc la nécessité de mettre en place une protection de leur patrimoine. Cependant, en l'état, le droit d'auteur ne permet pas la protection du patrimoine culturel des peuples et communautés autochtones. Il n'a pas été conçu en ayant à l'esprit leurs intérêts particuliers, la culture autochtone s'éloignant de la logique privative et commerciale enjointe par un tel système individualiste et eurocentré. Le droit d'auteur n'étant pas compatible avec le patrimoine culturel immatériel, ses lacunes le rendent insuffisant à assurer une telle protection. À ce titre, le tatouage traditionnel, en tant qu'élément de patrimoine culturel, ne peut convenablement être protégé par le droit d'auteur. Des solutions ont donc émergé afin de combler les lacunes du droit d'auteur, qui pourraient être appliquées à la protection du tatouage traditionnel. Cela passe par la consécration d'un droit spécifique adapté à la nature du patrimoine culturel des peuples et communautés autochtones. Toutefois, ce droit sui generis peut parfois se révéler inefficace / It will be studying the legal protection enjoyed by traditional cultural expressions through copyright. This analysis will be conducted from the perspective of an element of intangible cultural heritage : the traditional tattoo. Because it is frequently the subject of cultural appropriation by third parties, indigenous communities, holders of this traditional knowledge and cultural expressions, claim even more today the need to put in place a protection of their heritage. However and as it stands, copyright does not efficiently protect their cultural heritage. Indeed, it was not conceived with their particular interests in mind, the indigenous culture moving away from the private and commercial logic enjoined by such an individualistic and Eurocentric system. There is therefore an inherent incompatibility between copyright and intangible cultural heritage, and its shortcomings make it insufficient to provide a protection. Hence, traditional tattooing, as part of cultural heritage, cannot properly be protected. Solutions have therefore emerged in order to remedy the shortcomings of copyright, that could be applied to traditional tattoos. This requires the consecration of specific rights or systems adapted to the nature of the cultural heritage. However, these solutions can sometimes be proved ineffective.

Navigating aid in Armed Conflicts: Forms, Challenges of, and Strategies to Overcome, Politicization

Grapengiesser, Luc January 2024 (has links)
The Politicization of the humanitarian space in armed conflicts takes various forms such as instrumentalization, obstruction, or appropriation, and is correlated to uneven power dynamics between the actors involved. This politicization has adverse effects both in a global context, such as undermining International Humanitarian Law, and in local contexts, in eroding the principles and consequently the lack of access to provide relief to those intended. The ‘war on terror’ in Afghanistan, and the imbalances of postcolonial powers among actors involved show how politicization, especially US instrumentalization, affected the humanitarian space and created a situation of extreme violence against aid workers. On the other hand, the current situation of gendered obstruction under the Taliban regime makes it difficult to assess and deliver the necessary aid to Afghan women. Humanitarian organizations must therefore maintain coordination with each other, be transparent with the actors, and maintain dialogue with all levels of authority in order to alleviate the difficulties generated by politicization in establishing a humanitarian space.

Analysis of the Distribution of the Public School Funds

Bentley, Jack C. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent the present laws for distributing the public school funds meet certain criteria set up for apportioning the public school funds of Texas.

Processus d'appropriation des gestes, outils et savoirs professionnels; l'activité de stagiaires en enseignement

Boutin, Pier-Ann 04 September 2024 (has links)
L'importance que prennent les stages dans la formation à l'enseignement n'est pas sujette à débat. En effet, les études s'étant penchées sur la formation pratique s'entendent sur le fait que les stages sont largement considérés comme l'élément le plus formateur de la formation initiale à l'enseignement. Cependant, cette expérience en stage n'est pas que positive, certaines recherches se sont notamment penchées sur les tensions et difficultés des stagiaires à naviguer entre différents contextes et attentes. Malgré l'importance accordée aux stages dans la formation initiale à l'enseignement, il subsiste une certaine part d'ombre sur la manière dont ils constituent des occasions d'apprentissage authentiques de la profession et de développement des compétences professionnelles. Cette thèse se propose de répondre, en partie, à cette vaste question en examinant la façon dont les stagiaires naviguent dans les attentes, interactions et activités proposées lors des stages. L'objectif est de comprendre ce qui est significatif pour eux et elles dans cette expérience et d'identifier quels sont les éléments qui constituent de réels objets d'apprentissage et de développement. Pour ce faire, la perspective des stagiaires est considérée comme essentielle pour mieux comprendre leur expérience en formation pratique. Nos travaux s'inscrivent dans une perspective enactive de l'analyse de l'activité, postulant que les personnes sont en interaction continuelle avec leur environnement et s'adaptent aux situations en sélectionnant ce qui est significatif pour la poursuite de leur activité. Les processus d'appropriation sont au cœur de cette adaptation, impliquant l'intégration d'éléments du monde, d'outils et de dispositifs à l'organisation interne (ressources pour agir) de la personne. Cette étude documente l'expérience des participantes à travers trois types de processus d'appropriation : l'In-situation (intégration d'éléments du monde), l'In-corporation (intégration d'outils et de dispositifs dans l'action de la personne), et l'In-culturation (intégration d'éléments de la profession enseignante). Nous postulons que ces processus se manifestent dans les expériences des étudiantes et étudiants pendant leurs stages contribuant à l'actualisation de leurs schèmes d'action et de savoirs. La méthodologie utilisée repose sur des entretiens de remise en situation par les traces, permettant de reconstruire l'activité des stagiaires au-delà du sens commun attribué par un observateur externe. Pour documenter les processus d'appropriation de nos participantes, nous avons mis à profit la notion analytique du signe hexadique et ses composantes qui nous permettent de décomposer l'activité de la personne en un enchainement de signes et ainsi documenter les processus d'In-situation, d'In-corporation et d'In-culturation. À l'aide d'une catégorisation émergente, nous avons repéré des thèmes récurrents, voire typiques, issus des verbalisations des sept étudiantes finissantes participantes, à savoir : les premiers jours de classe, la planification pédagogique et l'évaluation des apprentissages des élèves. Nous avons consacré deux articles scientifiques aux thèmes abordés par plusieurs participantes (7), à savoir la planification pédagogique (6/7) et l'évaluation des élèves (3/7). Ces thèmes permettent de faire des recoupements dans l'analyse de leur activité respective. Durant l'étude, la thèse s'est confrontée au défi de documenter l'expérience en stage en tant qu'activité. En effet, les activités réalisées en stage, telles que l'enseignement en classe, les interactions avec les élèves et les enseignants associés, ainsi que les entretiens avec les superviseurs universitaires sont divers et contribuent au développement des stagiaires. En conclusion, la thèse vise à mieux comprendre l'expérience des stagiaires en formation pratique, en mettant en lumière les processus d'appropriation des stagiaires dans différentes activités en stage. En misant sur l'approche enactive de l'analyse de l'activité, elle contribue à la compréhension des éléments significatifs qui conduisent à réaliser des apprentissages liés à la profession enseignante. / The importance attributed to internships in teacher training is beyond dispute. Indeed, studies delving into practical training unanimously agree that internships are widely regarded as the most formative component of initial teacher education. However, this internship experience is not solely positive; certain research endeavors focus on documenting the tensions and difficulties faced by preservice teachers in navigating diverse contexts and expectations. Despite the emphasis placed on internships, there remains a degree of mystery surrounding how they serve as authentic learning opportunities for the teaching profession and skill development. This thesis aims to address these questions by examining how trainees navigate the expectations, interactions, and activities presented during internships. The goal is to understand what holds significance for them in this experience and what elements constitute genuine objects of learning and development. To achieve this, the trainees' perspective is deemed essential to better understanding their practical training experience. Our work aligns with an activity analysis perspective derived from the enactive paradigm, positing that individuals are in continual interaction with their environment. These interactions are asymmetrical, and individuals adapt by selecting what is meaningful for the maintenance of their internal organization. The processes of appropriation and individuation lie at the core of this adaptation, involving the integration of elements from the world, tools, and devices into the individual's internal organization (resources for action). This study documents the participants' experience through three types of appropriation-in-action processes: In-situation (integration of elements from the world), In-corporation (integration of tools and devices into action), and In-culturation (integration of cultural objects into the teaching profession). These processes manifest in the trainees' experiences during their internships, contributing to the actualization of their action patterns and knowledge. The methodology employed relies on situation recall interviews through traces, allowing for the reconstruction of trainees' activities beyond the common meaning attributed by an external observer. The analytical concept of the hexadic sign and its components are utilized to finely document the sequences of signs and their dynamics in the In-situation, In-corporation, and In-culturation processes. We leveraged the analytical concept of the hexadic sign and its components to document the In-situation, In-corporation, and In-culturation processes. Through an emergent categorization, recurring themes were identified from the statements of the seven participating graduating students, namely: the first days of class, pedagogical planning, and student learning assessment. Two scientific articles were dedicated to the most frequently addressed themes by the participants (7), namely the appropriation and individuation processes integrated into the themes of student pedagogical planning (6/7) and assessment (3/7). The thesis faced the challenge of documenting the internship experience as an activity. Activities conducted during internships, such as classroom teaching, interactions with students and cooperating teachers, as well as interviews with university supervisors, are diverse and contribute to trainees' development. In conclusion, the thesis aims to better understand the practical training experience of trainees by shedding light on appropriation and individuation processes in various internship activities. Grounded in an enactive perspective, it contributes to the understanding of significant elements that lead to learning related to the teaching profession. Cette traduction a été en partie générée à l'aide d'un outil d'intelligence artificielle générative, Chat GPT 4

Le plagiat dans les littératures hispaniques : histoire, théorie et pratique / Plagiarism in Spanish Literatures : history, Theory and Praxis / El plagio en las literaturas hispánicas : historia, Teoría y Práctica

Perromat Augustín, Kevin 13 November 2010 (has links)
La présente recherche a pour objet le plagiat littéraire dans les littératures hispaniques d’un point de vue historique, théorique et pratique. Si la perception du plagiat et sa représentation discursive ont été l’objet d’importantes évolutions tout au long de l’Histoire, un certain nombre d’éléments semble récurrent. Un plagiaire est un «faux auteur», mais cette notion de base n’a cessé de s’enrichir à partir de matériaux provenant d’horizons divers, tant épistémologiques que discursifs. Considéré comme une simple infraction morale ou juridique et rattaché par la suite à une diffuse notion d’intertextualité, les études les plus récentes ont recours à la Pragmatique pour essayer d’appréhender la nature ambiguë et polémique de la question. Ce travail adopte une approche pluridisciplinaire du phénomène, réunissant des contributions jusqu’à présent éparpillées entre la Littérature Comparée, le Droit, l’Histoire ou les différentes littératures nationales, mais gardant toujours son centre d’intérêt dans les littératures hispaniques. L’étude est divisée en trois parties. La première concerne l’apparition, la consolidation et l’évolution de la notion jusqu’à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Ensuite, nous exposons les différentes théories sur le plagiat, mises en relation avec les approches disciplinaires adoptées. Enfin, nous offrons une analyse sur les applications pratiques du plagiat : on y découvre leurs différents emplois normatifs, stratégiques, idéologiques ou artistiques. Cette étude propose une perspective d’ensemble ainsi qu’un corpus théorique et littéraire sur ces contenus, en vue d’ouvrir de nouveaux axes de recherche dans le domaine des littératures hispaniques. / The object of this study is literary plagiarism in Spanish Literatures, from a historical, theoretical and practical approach. From a historical point of view, plagiarism perception and representation have encountered important evolutions. However, they have preserved common elements. A plagiarist is an ‘untruthful author’, but to this basic notion other materials have been attached from a number of epistemological and disciplinary perspectives. Considered first as a mere moral or legal infringement and subsequently assimilated to a certain concept of intertextuality, recent studies make use of pragmatic approaches to intend an explanation of the ambiguous and polemic nature of the subject. This thesis studies the phenomenon from a multidisciplinary approach, gaining with the contributions collected from Law, Comparative Literature, History or the different national literatures, though maintaining its focus on Spanish Literatures. The study is divided in three parts. The first one deals with the emergence, instauration and evolution of the concept until approximately the end of the XVIIth century. Secondly, different theories are reviewed in relation with the particular disciplinary approaches adopted. Finally, practical applications of plagiarism are considered: normative, strategic, ideological or artistic uses.This study offers a general view of the subject and both a theoretical and a literary corpus, until presently scattered in monographic works, in order to propose some possible research guidelines on plagiarism in the realm of the Spanish Literatures. / La presente investigación tiene como objeto el plagio literario en las literaturas hispánicas desde una dimensión histórica, teórica y práctica. Desde el punto de vista histórico, la percepción del plagio y su representación discursiva han sufrido evoluciones importantes, aunque siempre han conservado elementos comunes. Un plagiario es un “falso autor”, pero esta noción de base se ha ido enriqueciendo a partir de materiales provenientes de numerosos horizontes epistemológicos y discursivos. Considerado como una mera infracción moral o jurídica y, posteriormente, asimilado a una difusa noción de intertextualidad, los estudios más recientes se sirven de la pragmática para intentar explicar la naturaleza ambigua y po-lémica de la cuestión. Esta tesis aborda el fenómeno desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, reaprovechando las contribuciones hasta ahora dispersas en la literatura comparada, el derecho, la historia o las distintas literaturas naciona-les, pero conservando en su centro de interés las literaturas hispánicas. El estudio se divide en tres partes. Una primera que concierne la aparición, consolidación y evolución de la noción hasta fines del siglo XVII. En la segunda parte, se exponen las distintas teorías sobre el plagio, en relación con las perspectivas disciplinarias adoptadas. Por último, se ana-lizan las aplicaciones prácticas del plagio: sus usos normativos, estratégicos, ideológicos o artísticos. El plagiarismo como procedimiento creativo está presente en numerosos movimientos de diferentes épocas, asociado especialmente a la vanguardia y a la Posmodernidad.Este trabajo propone una visión y un corpus teórico y literario de conjunto sobre estos contenidos, hasta ahora dispersos en obras esencialmente monográficas, con la esperanza de que abran nuevas líneas de investigación en el ámbito de la literatura hispánica.

La preservation d'une gare historique et la perspective de l'usager

Chemaly, Joumana 08 1900 (has links)
Les théories contemporaines en conservation, en urbanisme, en architecture se rallient toutes pour intégrer la participation citoyenne dans leurs processus, dans la perspective d‘un développement durable. Plusieurs enjeux entrent en ligne de compte et influencent les décisions prises en ce qui concerne le destin de gares de train abandonnées. Cette etude tente d‘éclairer l‘impact de certains de ces enjeux dont : le ou les nouveaux usages qui seront octroyés à la gare dans sa nouvelle «vie », l‘architecture de la gare elle-même et la façon dont elle sera traitée ou modifiée, l‘espace de la gare ainsi que sa transformation et finalement l‘appropriation de cet espace par le citoyen. L‘approche qualitative est l‘approche méthodologique choisie. La recherche combine la méthodologie d‘analyse de contenu et l‘étude de cas. Le cas de la gare de Westmount est examiné en comparaison avec le cas de la gare d‘Orsay transformée en Musée d‘Orsay. Le point de vue de l‘usager est exploré afin de comprendre comment il vit l‘espace de la gare dans le cas où l‘architecture de la gare resterait intacte et un nouvel usage lui est octroyé, et dans le cas où l‘architecture intérieure ou extérieure serait modifiée en y ajoutant des structures contemporaines pour accommoder un ou plusieurs nouveaux usages. La comparaison entre les résultats obtenus pour le Musée d‘Orsay et pour la gare de Westmount a permis de mieux comprendre le contexte et ses variables politiques / économiques, patrimoniales / de développement durable et sociales /spatiales. Un mélange entre architecture historique et architecture contemporaine favoriserait la préservation des parties historiques en remettant le bâtiment ainsi que ses installations à niveau et en prolongeant leur utilisation, cependant, tout cela ne se concrétisera pas sans la réalisation de certaines conditions, notamment l‘appui politico-économique de la part de la ville, une architecture contemporaine qui soit épurée et simple ou une architecture qui imite l‘architecture existante, les opinions sont partagées, et finalement l‘appropriation de l‘espace par les usagers, chose qui semble dépendre de l‘architecture finale et de son harmonisation avec l‘architecture existante; les usagers semblent s‘approprier davantage l‘espace de la gare avec ou sans nouvelle structure surtout s‘il y a participation de leur part au processus de sa réhabilitation. Donner une voix aux usagers et à leurs suggestions est chose importante : ils «habiteraient» mieux l‘espace s‘ils participaient au projet. Également, prendre en considération les recommandations en matière de conservation, puisqu‘un vent de changement pourrait s‘y opérer, plus précisément en matière de mélange entre architecture historique et architecture contemporaine. / Contemporary theories of conservation, urban planning and architecture all work together to integrate citizen participation into their processes, with a view to sustainable development. Several issues influence decisions regarding the fate of abandoned train stations. This study attempts to clarify the impact of some of these issues such as what are the new uses that give the station its new "life", what is the architecture of the station itself and how it will be treated or modified, the space of the station and its transformation and ultimately the appropriation of this space by the citizens. The methodological approach that is chosen is qualitative and combines content analysis and case study methodologies. The case study chosen is of Westmount station in Westmount, Quebec, Canada, it is examined in comparison with the case of Orsay station transformed into the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, France. The views of users are explored to comprehend how they understand the space of the station, how they might react in case its architecture remains intact and a new use is granted to it, and in case the interior and/or exterior architecture is modified by adding contemporary structures to accommodate one or more new uses. Comparing the results of the Musée d'Orsay and Westmount station helped to better understand the context and its political/economic, heritage/sustainability and social/spatial variables. While divided, many participants expressed various and rich opinions. These included having a mix of historic architecture and contemporary architecture to favour the preservation of the historic sections by updating the building and its facilities and extending their use. However, this could not materialize without the fulfillment of certain conditions, including political/economic support from the city, a contemporary architecture that is uncluttered, simple or an architecture that mimics existing architecture, and finally the appropriation of space by users. This appropriation seems to depend on the final architecture and its harmonization with the existing architecture. Users seem to appropriate more the space of the station, with or without a new structure, especially if there is participation on their part in the process of rehabilitation. Giving a voice to users and their suggestions is important as they would "inhabit" better the space if they participate in the project. In addition, recommendations on conservation, especially that some changes could occur, more specifically in terms of the mix of historic architecture and contemporary architecture, are to be considered.

Communication, développement et appropriation des médias émergents en Afrique francophone subsaharienne : approche critique

Cishahayo, Fabien 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’appropriation de l’Internet et du multimédias dans la population universitaire d’Afrique francophone, en l’an 2001. Elle couvre six pays : le Bénin, le Burkina Faso, le Cameroun, la Côte d’Ivoire, le Mali et le Togo. La recherche porte sur le recensement des centres de recherche démographique en Afrique francophone subsaharienne et sur une enquête auprès des universités de Yaoundé II et de Douala au Cameroun. La problématique de l’accès et de l’usage est centrale dans notre démarche. Elle est traduite dans la question de recherche suivante : « Dans un contexte dominé par les représentations des NTIC comme symboles de modernité et facteurs d’intégration à l’économie mondiale, quelles sont les modalités d’appropriation de ces technologies par les universitaires des institutions de l’enseignement et de la recherche en Afrique considérées dans cette étude ? » Pour aborder le matériel empirique, nous avons opté pour deux approches théoriques : les théories du développement en lien avec les (nouveaux) médias et la sociologie des innovations techniques. Enracinées dans la pensée des Lumières, complétée et affinée par les approches évolutionnistes inspirées de Spencer, le fonctionnalisme d’inspiration parsonienne et l’économie politique axée sur la pensée de W. W. Rostow, les théories du développement ont largement mis à contribution les théories de la communication pour atteindre leur objet. Alors que la crise de la modernité occidentale menace de délégitimer ces paradigmes, les technologies émergentes leur donnent une nouvelle naissance : dans la continuité de la pensée d’Auguste Comte, le développement est désormais pensé en termes d’intégration à un nouveau type de société, la société de l’information. Cette nouvelle promesse eschatologique et cette foi dans la technique comme facteur d’intégration à la société et à l’économie en réseau habitent tous les projets menés sur le continent, que ce soit le NEPAD, le Fond de solidarité numérique, le projet d’ordinateur à 100$ pour les enfants démunis ou le projet panafricain de desserte satellitaire, le RASCOM. Le deuxième volet de notre cadre de référence théorique est axé sur la sociologie des innovations techniques. Nous mobilisons la sociopolitique des usages de Vedel et Vitalis pour ramener la raison critique dans le débat sur le développement du continent africain, dans l’optique de montrer que la prérogative politique assumée par les États a encore sa place, si l’on veut que les ressources numériques servent à satisfaire les demandes sociales et non les seules demandes solvables essentiellement localisées dans les centres urbains. En refusant le déterminisme technique si courant dans la pensée sur le développement, nous voulons montrer que le devenir de la technique n’est pas inscrit dans son essence, comme une ombre portée, mais que l’action des humains, notamment l’action politique, peut infléchir la trajectoire des innovations techniques dans l’optique de servir les aspirations des citoyens. Sur le plan méthodologique, la démarche combine les méthodes quantitatives et les méthodes qualitatives. Les premières nous permettront de mesurer la présence d’Internet et du multimédia dans l’environnement des répondants. Les secondes nous aideront à saisir les représentations développées par les usagers au contact de ces outils. Dans la perspective socioconstructiviste, ces discours sont constitutifs des technologies, dans la mesure où ils sont autant de modalités d’appropriation, de construction sociale de l’usage. Ultimement, l’intégration du langage technique propre aux outils multimédias dans le langage quotidien des usagers traduit le dernier stade de cette appropriation. À travers cette recherche, il est apparu que les usagers sont peu nombreux à utiliser les technologies audiovisuelles dans le contexte professionnel. Quand à l’Internet et aux outils multimédias, leur présence et leurs usages restent limités, l’accès physique n’étant pas encore garanti à tous les répondants de l’étude. Internet suscite de grandes espérances, mais reste, là aussi, largement inaccessible en contexte professionnel, la majorité des usagers se rabattant sur les lieux publics comme les cybercafés pour pallier l’insuffisance des ressources au sein de leurs institutions d’appartenance. Quant aux représentations, elles restent encore largement tributaires des discours politiques et institutionnels dominants, selon lesquels l’avenir sera numérique ou ne sera pas. La thèse va cependant au-delà de ces données pour dessiner la carte numérique actuelle du continent, en intégrant dans la nouvelle donne technologique la montée fulgurante de la téléphonie cellulaire mobile. Il nous est apparu que l’Internet, dont la diffusion sur le continent a été plus que modeste, pourrait largement profiter de l’émergence sur le continent de la culture mobile, que favorise notamment la convergence entre les mini-portables et la téléphonie mobile. / This thesis addresses the appropriation of the Internet and of multimedia in the university population of French-speaking Africa, in the year 2001. It deals with six sub-Saharan countries: Benin and Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali and Togo. The research is specifically interested in the inventory of demographic research centers in sub-Saharan French-speaking Africa and the investigation with the universities of Yaoundé II and Douala in Cameroon. The question of access and use is central to our approach. Articulated as a research question, the focus is as follows: "In a context dominated by the representations of the ICTs as symbols of modernity and ways of integrating the world economy, what are the modalities of appropriation of these technologies by academics within postsecondary institutions of teaching and research in Africa considered in this study?" Two theoretical approaches were adopted to deal with the empirical data : theories of development tied to the (new) media and the sociology of technological innovations. Rooted in the thought of the Enlightenment, completed and refined by the evolutionist approaches inspired by Spencer, Parsonian functionalism and the political economy centered on the thought of W.W. Rostow, theories of development have made much use of theories of the communication in order to achieve their objectives. Even as the crisis of Western modernity threatens to delegitimize these paradigms, the emergent technologies give them a new lease on life: in continuity of the thought of Auguste Comte, development is henceforth thought in terms of integration within a new social structure, the information society. This new eschatological promise and this faith in technology as the factor of integration within society and the network economy animate all the projects undertaken on the continent, whether it is the NEPAD, the Digital Solidarity Fund, the $100 Computer Project for Deprived Children or the Pan-African project of satellite sideboard, the RASCOM. The second part of our theoretical framework is centered on the sociology of technical innovations. We make use of the socio-political approach to usage developed by Vedel and Vitalis to re-introduce critical reason into the debate on the development of the African continent, with a view to showing how political prerogatives at the State-level still have their place, if we want to develop digital resources that satisfy social demands and respond not only to demands deemed solvent and essentially arising out of urban areas. By refusing the technical determinism so current in thinking about development, we would like to show that the future of technology is not inscribed in its essence, like a shadowy presence, but that human action, notably political action, can reorient the trajectory of technological innovation in the direction of responding to the aspirations of citizens. Methodologically, our approach combines quantitative methods and qualitative methods. The former will allow us to measure the presence of the Internet and multimedia in the environment of those concerned. The latter will help us to grasp the representations developed by the users in contact with these tools. Within a socio-constructivist perspective, these discourses are constitutive of these technologies, inasmuch as they are so many modalities of appropriation, of the social construction of usage. Ultimately, the integration of the technical language specific to these multimedia tools into the every day language of the users signals the last stage of this appropriation. Through this research, it became evident that few users utilize audiovisual technologies in a professional context. As for the Internet and multimedia tools, their presence and their use remain limited, physical access not yet being guaranteed to all the respondents of the study. The Internet, while creating large expectations, also remains largely inaccessible in a professional context, the majority of the users making use of public spaces such as cyber-cafes to mitigate the lack of resources within their own institutions. As far as representations go, they remain still widely dependent on the dominant political and institutional discourses, according to which the future will be digital or will not be. The thesis, however, goes beyond this data in order to draw up the current digital map of the continent, by integrating within the technological landscape the phenomenal rise of mobile cellular technology. It appeared to us that the Internet, the availability of which on the continent has been modest at best, could widely take advantage of the emergence on the continent of the mobile culture, which facilitates in particular the convergence between netbooks and mobile telephones (smartphones).

Étude exploratoire sur les espaces équivoques, leurs dynamiques d’appropriation et les enjeux urbanistiques à Montréal

Joncas, Christophe-Hubert 12 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse aux espaces équivoques, soit des espaces jugés ambigus en raison des modes d’appropriation qu’on y retrouve. Par un processus heuristique et à l’aide d’une double étude de cas exploratoire, qui emprunte des méthodes de recherche ethnographiques, cette recherche a pour objectif de mieux caractériser les espaces équivoques. Les deux espaces considérés, tous deux situés dans la partie nord de l’arrondissement du Plateau-Mont-Royal à Montréal, sont un terrain vague informellement appelé le Parc sans Nom et une friche industrielle informellement appelée le Champ des Possibles. Les positions des gestionnaires municipaux et des usagers des deux sites seront analysées selon trois dimensions : les contraintes physiques, les mesures coercitives et les perceptions du risque et du potentiel de conflits. Les résultats issus de ces analyses permettent de constater que les espaces équivoques émergent par processus de co-construction. Ces résultats permettent également de soulever des pistes de réflexion sur les rapports entre les individus et l’espace urbain. / This research takes an interest in the equivocal spaces, which means the ambiguous spaces resulting form different forms of spatial appropriation that take place in them. By a heuristic process and with an exploratory two case studies, which use ethnographic research methods, this master thesis aims to characterize the equivocal spaces. The two spaces considered, both situated in the north part of the Plateau-Mont-Royal’s borough in Montreal, are a wasteland informally called Parc sans Nom and an industrial vacant lot informally called Champ des Possibles. With a qualitative approach, the positions of the municipal authorities and of the users of the two sites, in terms of the physical constraints, the coercive measures and the perceptions of risk and potential of conflict in the two spaces, will be analyzed. The results of this analysis allow us to find that the equivocal spaces emerge from a co-construction process. The results allow us also to underline some considerations on the people’s relationship to urban space.

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