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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beslutsanalys av medicinska åldersbedömningar inom asylprocessen

Elenius, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
Här presenteras ett ramverk för beslutsanalytisk metod baserad på principen om maximering av den förväntade nyttan gällande värdering av olika alternativ för åldersbedömning av ensamkommande inom asylprocessen. Med detta ramverk som utgångspunkt görs en jämförelse mellan ett antal metoder (mognad hos visdomstand, knäled och handled samt Rättsmedicinalverkets metod baserad på både visdomstand och knäled) för medicinsk åldersbedömning. Dessa metoder jämförs vidare med tre referensalternativ (i) lita på den ensamkommandes åldersuppgifter vilket i praktiken innebär att bedöma alla som barn, (ii) bedöma alla ensamkommande som vuxna och (iii) det absurda alternativet att singla slant för att avgöra vem som är barn eller vuxen. Det som behövs för beslutsanalysen är antaganden och/eller skattningar på åldersfördelningen av ensamkommande som åldersbedöms samt skattning för de olika metoderna på hur stor sannolikheten är att en person bedöms som vuxen givet den faktiska åldern. Vidare krävs en kvantifiering av nyttan för en felklassificering av en vuxen, då en felklassificering av ett barn antas ge lägst nytta och en korrekt klassificering antas ge högst nytta. Åldersfördelningen av ensamkommande som åldersbedöms antas här bestå av en kombination av två likformiga och kontinuerliga fördelningar, där intervallen är 15-18 år (barn) respektive 18-21 år (vuxna). Två nyttomodeller undersöks, en diskret som endast tar hänsyn till om individen är barn eller vuxen samt en kontinuerlig linjär nyttomodell som tar hänsyn till åldersskillnaden från 18-årsgränsen vid en felklassificering. De genomförda analyserna demonstrerar hur ramverket kan användas i praktiken. Givet de antaganden som gjorts är slutsatsen att det alternativ som ger högst förväntad nytta i stor utsträckning beror på prevalensen (andelen vuxna) tillsammans med hur nyttan för en felklassificerad vuxen värderas. Oavsett värdering, vid prevalens nära 0 bör alla bedömas som barn, för att när prevalensen ökar ersättas ersättas av en metod som i stor utsträckning klassificerar barn korrekt, när prevalensen ökar ytterligare ersättas av en metod som i större utsträckning klassificerar vuxna korrekt och slutligen när prevalensen är nära 1 bör alla bedömas som vuxna. / A framework for a decision analysis method that is based on the principle of maximization of the expected utility regarding alternatives of age assessment for unaccompanied asylum seekers is here presented. Using the framework, different methods (dental, knee joint, hand wrist and the method used by The National Board of Forensic Medicine (RMV) that combines the methods for dental och knee joint) for medical age assessment are compared. These methods are further compared with three benchmark alternatives, (i) to trust the age given by the unaccompanied asylum seeker which results that all are considered to be children, (ii) to consider all the unaccompanied asylum seekers as adults and (iii) the absurd alternative to flip a coin to decide who is a child or an adult. For the decision analysis, assumptions and/or estimates for the age distribution of the unaccompanied refugees are needed and estimates for the different methods regarding how probably it is to be considered an adult given the actual age. The outcome of a child that is incorrectly classified is assumed to give the lowest utility and a correct classification (both children and adult) is assumed to give the highest utility. The utility of the outcome of an adult that is incorrectly classified as a child needs to be quantified. The age distribution of unaccompanied refugee, considered for age assessment is here assumed to be a combination of two continuous uniform distributions, with the interval 15-18 years (child) and 18-21 years (adult). Two utility models are examined, a discrete model that only consider if the individual is a child or an adult and a continuously linear utility model that consider the age difference from 18 years given an incorrect classification. The analyzes carried out demonstrates how the framework can be used in practice. Given the assumptions that are made the conclusion is that the alternative that gives the highest expected utility depends on the prevalence (proportion of adults) together with the valuation of the utility for an incorrect classified adult. Regardless of the valuation, when the prevalence is close to 0 all should be considered to be children, when the prevalence increases should be replaced with a method that largely classifies children correct when the prevalence is further increased should be replaced with a method that largely classifies adults correct and finally, when the prevalence is close to 1 all should be considered as adults.

The view on integration in Sweden : A critical discourse analysis of the debate on exempting the whole of Malmö from the EBO law

Ebba, Carlson January 2021 (has links)
This study examines the view on integration in Sweden. The material consists of debate articles from 2020 regarding exempting Malmö from EBO, the law on the right for asylum seekers to arrange their own housing. The findings reveal two dominating positions representing different views on successful integration: the municipalities’ right to self-government and the individual’s right to self-determination. The municipal position and politicians who represent the municipalities interests are mainly represented, while no interest groups or asylum seekers are active in the debate. The municipal position reproduces a negative view on integration and reproduces the discourse of failed integration. The individual position tries to change the negative discourses. Lastly, the dominating position moves towards an assimilatory approach, implying a shift in the view on integration in Sweden. This study contributes with an updated analysis of the perception of EBO and increases the knowledge about views on integration in Sweden.

The provision of low cost housing in the Limpopo Province : challenges for poverty alleviation from 1994-2008

Mohlapamaswi, Mokgohloe Lorraine 06 August 2015 (has links)
PhD / Department of Development Studies

Ny i Sverige, ny på bostadsmarknaden : En studie om asylsökande och nyanländas boendesituation / New in Sweden, new on the housing market : A study of the housing situation for refugees

Lindroos, Paulina, Lidhäll, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Sweden has had an increase in refugees in recent years, while the situation in the housing market has been increasingly constrained. Housing has in earlier research been shown to form an important part of the integration of refugees in society. In Sweden, refugees have the option to arrange for their own housing (in Swedish ‘Eget boende’, EBO) or be accommodated by the immigration authorities (‘Anläggningsboende’, ABO). This study aims to examine how the national strategies EBO and ABO are applied in municipal practice through a case study of Botkyrka municipality. The primary source material for this study consists of interviews conducted with people who are working with the accommodation of refugees, but also related government official reports. The study indicates that there are a number of problems related to the strategies EBO and ABO. Interviewees expressed a desire for a more equitable and planned receiving system. As is argued in the study, social housing, housing subsidies and investigating the municipal housing companies' competitive opportunities, are important solutions that could provide refugees with better chances on the Swedish housing market. In sum the study contributes in part to a deeper understanding of the relationship between the Swedish housing market, policies and long-term planning, and in part of the opportunities for persons with newly granted residence permits to establish themselves on the Swedish housing market. / Sverige har haft ett ökat flyktingmottagande de senaste åren, samtidigt som situationen på bostadsmarknaden blivit allt mer ansträngd. Bostaden har i tidigare studier visat sig vara viktig för flyktingars etablering i samhället. I Sverige kan en asylsökande välja mellan att ordna ett ‘Eget boende’ (EBO) alternativt att bo i Migrationsverkets Anläggningsboenden (ABO). Om en asylsökande beviljas uppehållstillstånd, kan den som nyanländ i ABO bli anvisad en bostad i en kommun. En nyanländ som bott i EBO under asyltiden fortsätter göra det när den fått uppehållstillstånd. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur de nationella strategierna EBO och ABO omvandlas till kommunal praxis genom en fallstudie i Botkyrka kommun. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar genomfördes intervjuer med personer som har arbetsuppgifter kopplade till asylsökande och nyanländas boende, men även rapporter och artiklar studerades.  Studien indikerar att det finns ett antal problem kopplade till boendestrategierna EBO och ABO. EBO kan innebära osäkra boendeförhållanden för individen karakteriserade av trångboddhet och otrygghet. Ur ett kommunperspektiv innebär EBO svårigheter i planering för funktioner som skola och bostadsförsörjning eftersom kommunen saknar vetskap om hur många EBO som är bosatta i kommunen. ABO kan innebära trångboddhet men också att individen får vänta länge på att etableringsinsatserna kan startas. Studien visar att det finns skillnader i vilka möjligheter boende i ABO och EBO har för att få en permanent bostad. Enligt materialet från intervjuerna finns en önskan om ett mer jämlikt och planerat mottagningssystem. Genom att testa lösningar som social housing, bostadsbidragslöfte och utreda de kommunala bostadsbolagens konkurrensmöjligheter skulle nyanlända kunna få en bättre chans på bostadsmarknaden. Sammanfattningsvis bidrar studien med en djupare förståelse av relationen mellan bostadsmarknad, politik och långsiktig planering och om vilka möjligheter nyanlända har att etablera sig på bostadsmarknaden. Studien ringar också in problem som uppkommer i arbetet mellan stat, region och kommun när det gäller bostäder för nyanlända, och ger rekommendationer på möjliga lösningar.

Detenční zařízení pro imigranty ve Spojených státech amerických v kontextu dodržování základních lidských práv / Detention Facilities for Immigrants in the United States of America in the Context of Compliance with Basic Human Rights

Kubíčková, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
Immigration is a topic that plays an important role in American society, it manages to capture both the general public as well as the political world. Especially in the United States of America, it is a very complex issue that affects a large number of sectors which is why a specific area has been selected for this thesis in order to narrow the researched field and provide detailed information. The thesis seeks to analyze the situation in immigration detention facilities throughout the U.S. with regard to basic human rights violations. For this reason, the thesis focuses on international humanitarian law and the Constitution of the United States, which should protect both legal and illegal immigrants, however, their non-compliance is one of the main points interconnecting all chapters of this paper. Due to the availability of resources and greater relevance this paper focuses on the situation of the last 15 years (namely from 2008 onwards) and attaches great importance to the final 3-4 years and the administration of Donald Trump. The thesis finds repeated and long-term violations of domestic and international law concerning human rights as well as the rights of asylum seekers and shows wrongful criminalization and dehumanization of immigrants (documented and undocumented). Furthermore, the thesis...

Refugee music jako performance imigrace / Refugee Music as a Performance of the Immigration

Skopec, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Keywords music, immigration, asylum seekers in Czech republic, audience, theatre, cultural and medial studies, identity, globalization, postmodernism, cultural antropology, semiotics Summary The aim of this thesis is analyse a music, which cohere with the refugees and the other forms of immigration in Czech republic. Concretely is about the music, which originate from Archa Theatre,which is few years attending to this theme. In this music performance cooperate the asylum seekers and the czech and foreign professional artists altogether. I want to analyse how this artistically cooperation is proceeding, which meanings the particular musicians consider in this concept and which message of this music should be adress to audience. This music is set in the context of the complex artistic production with the immigration themes of Archa Theatre. The related intention of this thesis is to show, which meanings of this music and the relative artistic production find the audience.

The national security implications of illegal immigration to South Africa

Vermaak, Corneluis Grugorius Buitendag 21 September 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study is to confirm whether illegal immigration to South Africa is being regarded as a threat to national security and to analyse the implications thereof. The dissertation presents three assumptions to be explored and tested, namely: <ul> <li>Illegal immigration poses a growing threat to South Africa’s national security. The latter is due to an increase in the number of illegal immigrants entering the country as well as their seemingly increasing involvement in especially violent crime.</li> <li>The South African government does not adequately acknowledge the threat potential of illegal immigration with regard to the country’s national security status and as such adequate measures are not being taken to curb the influx of illegal immigrants.</li> <li>Violent attacks on foreigners in South Africa have been seen as xenophobia, however, specific factors exist that contributed to these attacks.</li> </ul> The study is conducted and contextualised in terms of the theory of national security, more specifically as it applies to developing countries. It aims to analyse the security implications of illegal immigration for South Africa, with specific reference to the involvement of foreigners in crime in South Africa and also focus on the political implications, more especially the role of foreigners in fomenting political violence. The study accepts the notion that the phenomenon is multi-dimensional and that it cannot be divorced from its socio-economic implications. Reference is therefore made to the political, social, economic and crime dimensions. The dissertation also focuses on the official and public views on illegal immigration and analyse measures adopted by the South African government to address the issue. The study predominantly focuses on the period 1994 to 2008 in an effort to demonstrate the extent of the increase in the number of illegal immigrants to South Africa following the advent of the new dispensation. It further attempts to ascertain whether this increase could be linked to the rise in incidences of violent crime in South Africa during the period in question. AFRIKAANS : Die doel van die studie is om te bepaal of onwettige immigrasie na Suid Afrika toenemend beskou word as ‘n bedreiging vir nasionale veiligheid en, tweedens, om die implikasies daarvan te analiseer. Die studie stel drie aannames voor vir toetsing en verdere bespreking, naamlik: <ul> <li>Onwettige immigrasie bedreig Suid Afrika se nasionale veiligheid toenemend. Laasgenoemde stelling is gebaseer op die toename in die getal onwettige immigrante wat Suid Afrika binnekom, sowel as aan die betrokkenheid van onwettige immigrante in misdaad (veral geweldadige misdade) in Suid Afrika.</li> <li>Die Suid Afrikaanse regering beskou die potensiële bedreiging van onwettige immigrasie vir nasionale veiligheid nie met die nodige erns nie en gevolglik word die nodige maatrëels nie ingestel om die toenemende instroming van omwettige immigrante na Suid Afrika te bekamp nie.</li> <li>Geweld teenoor vreemdelinge in Suid Afrika word alom gesien as xenofobies van aard, alhoewel spesifieke faktore teenwoordig is wat bydra tot sulke aanvalle.</li></ul> Die studie is gebaseer op die teoretiese beginsels van nasionale veiligheid en meer spesifiek soos dit van toepassing is op ontwikkelende lande. Die studie poog om die veiligheidsimplikasies van onwettige immigrasie na Suid Afrika te analiseer, met spesifieke verwysing na die betrokkenheid van onwettige immigrante by misdaad in Suid Afrika. Daar word ook gefokus op die politieke gevolge, insluitend die opvatting dat vreemdelinge betrokke is by, of bydra tot politieke spanning in sekere gemeenskappe. Die studie aanvaar die beginsel dat onwettige immigrasie multi-dimensioneel is en dat dit onlosmaaklik verbonde is aan die sosio-ekonomiese impak daarvan. Gevolglik word verwys na die politieke, sosiale, ekonomiese en misdaad impak van onwettige immigrasie. Die studie fokus verder ook op die amptelike en nie-amptelike standpunte oor onwettige immigrasie en analiseer die maatrëels deur die Suid Afrikaanse regering ingestel ten einde die vraagstuk aan te spreek. Die studie fokus oorwegend op die periode 1994 tot 2008 ten einde die toename in die getal omwettige immigrante wat die land sedert 1994 binnegekom het, aan te dui. Verder poog die studie om vas te stel of daar ‘n verband bestaan tussen die toename in onwettige immigrante en ‘n toename in geweldadige misdaad in Suid Afrika in die periode onder bespreking. Copyright / Dissertation (MSS)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Political Sciences / unrestricted

Secondary Educators' Perceptions Of Teaching And Schooling Adolescent Students with Limited, Interrupted, or No Formal Education

Sharpless, Brittany 04 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.


GISELLE FERREIRA B TORRENS 05 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esse artigo argumenta que diferente do Estatuto do Estrangeiro (Lei número 6.815/80) e seu viés securitizador, que esteve em vigor até 2016, a Lei número 13.445/17, que institui a Lei de Migração, garante o direito ao acesso igualitário e livre do migrante à educação pública em território nacional, vedada qualquer discriminação em razão da nacionalidade e da condição migratória. Contudo, mediante o levantamento e o mapeamento de iniciativas e programas implementados para refugiados e solicitantes de refúgio até outubro de 2020 nas 69 universidades federais brasileiras, podemos observar que as políticas públicas educacionais de acesso e integração local nem sempre são iguais, sendo um dos maiores problemas a descoordenação e a falta de integração dessas políticas entre as universidades federais. As iniciativas e programas identificados como recorrentes foram agrupados em categorias de mesma espécie e verificou-se não só a distribuição territorial dessas categorias por regiões, como também as categorias que carecem de maior atenção por parte do poder público e da sociedade civil. Verifica-se que as iniciativas e programas são direcionados para público-alvos variados e que isso pode influenciar na distribuição ou na concentração de migrantes de diferentes status migratórios nas regiões do país. Os resultados da análise indicam também que muitas dessas informações estão esparsas, desatualizadas e majoritariamente em Língua Portuguesa em múltiplos websites institucionais o que dificulta a mensuração e o acesso de refugiados e solicitantes de refúgio a essas políticas. / [en] This paper argues that different from the Statute of the Foreigner (Law number 6.815/80) and its securitizing bias, which was in effect until 2016, the Law number 13,445/17, which institutes the Migration Law, guarantees the migrant s right to equal and free access to public education in the national territory, prohibited any discrimination on grounds of nationality and migratory status. However, by surveying and mapping initiatives and programs implemented for refugees and asylum seekers until October 2020 at the 69 Brazilian federal universities, we can see that public educational policies for local access and integration are not always the same, being one of the biggest problems the lack of coordination and the lack of integration of these policies between federal universities. The initiatives and programs identified as recurring were grouped into categories of the same kind and it was verified not only the territorial distribution of these categories by regions, but also the categories that need more attention on the part of public authorities and civil society. It seems that the initiatives and programs are aimed at different target audiences and that this can influence the distribution or concentration of migrants of different migratory status in the regions of the country. The results of the analysis also indicate that much of this information is sparse, outdated and mostly in Portuguese on multiple institutional websites, which makes it difficult the measurement and the access for refugees and asylum seekers to these policies.

Return Migration in Europe: "A comparative analysis of voluntary return's policies and practices in France and Sweden"

Moullin, Benjamin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis aims to study both French and Swedish return migration policies with a practical perspective. The paper constitutes an attempt to understand how governmental institutions (such as migration authorities) deal with return migration and to clarify significant issues related to migrants’ needs for determining a successful return. Through analyzing competent literature and secondary material as starting point,the conducted study gives an interesting approach on the problematic gap between voluntary return policies in theory and in practice.

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