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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extractive Violence on Indigenous Country : sami and Aboriginal Views on Conflicts and Power Relations with Extractive Industries / Extraktivt våld på urfolks marker : konflikter och maktrelationer mellan utvinningsindustrier och urfolk i Sverige och Australien

Sehlin MacNeil, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
Asymmetrical conflicts and power relations between extractive industries and Indigenous groups often have devastating consequences for Indigenous peoples. Many Indigenous groups are struggling to maintain their lands as Indigenous perspectives on connection to Country are frequently undervalued or dismissed in favour of extractivist ideologies. While this conflicted interface has been researched in various parts of the world, studies exploring conflicts and power relations with extractive industries from Indigenous perspectives are few. This thesis is an international comparison aiming to illuminate situations of conflict and asymmetrical power relations caused by extractivism on Indigenous lands from new viewpoints. By drawing on two single case studies, the situations for Laevas reindeer herding Sami community in northern Sweden and Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners in South Australia are compared and contrasted. Yarning (a form of interviewing) is used as a method for data collection and in order to stay as true as possible to the research participants’ own words a number of direct quotes are used. The analysis employs peace researcher Johan Galtung’s concepts of cultural and structural violence as analytical tools to further explore the participants’ experiences of interactions with extractive industries and industrial proponents, including governments. In addition, the thesis introduces the concept of extractive violence as a complement to Galtung’s model. Extractive violence is defined as a form of direct violence against people and/or animals and nature caused by extractivism, which predominantly impacts peoples closely connected to land. The concepts of structural and cultural violence are understood as unjust societal structures and racist and discriminating attitudes respectively. A number of main themes could be identified in the research participants’ narratives. However, the most prominent on both continents was connections to Country and the threat that extractive violence posed to these connections. The results show that although the expressions of cultural, structural and extractive violence experienced by the two Indigenous communities varied, the impacts were strikingly similar. Both communities identified extractive violence, supported by structural and cultural violence, as threats to the continuation of their societies and entire cultures. Furthermore, the results suggest that in order to address violence against Indigenous peoples and achieve conflict transformation, Indigenous and decolonising perspectives should be heard and taken into account. / Konflikter och maktrelationer mellan utvinningsindustrier och urfolksgrupper får ofta förödande konsekvenser för urfolken. På grund av assymetriska maktförhållanden mellan urfolk och majoritetssamhällen som råder på de flesta ställen i världen utsätts många urfolk systematiskt för rättighetskränkningar. Många urfolksgrupper kämpar idag för att bevara sina marker eftersom urfolks perspektiv och kopplingar till marken ofta förminskas eller ignoreras när de står i motsättning till extraktiva ideologier. Även om extraktivism och påverkan på urfolk och urfolksgrupper varit fokus för tidigare studier saknas forskning som utgår från urfolkens perspektiv. Denna avhandling är en internationell jämförelse med syfte att, från nya synvinklar, belysa konfliktsituationer och asymmetriska maktrelationer som orsakats av extraktivism på urfolks marker. Avhandlingen jämför och kontrasterar två fallstudier som utförts med Laevas č earru (sameby) i norra Sverige och Adnyamathanha-folket i delstaten South Australia. I fallstudien som utförts tillsammans med Laevas č earru ingår en grupp av totalt sex forskningsdeltagare, fyra män och två kvinnor. Det var dock framför allt två forskningsdeltagare som intervjuades med anledning av den konfliktsituation mellan Laevas č earru och gruvbolaget LKAB, som står i fokus för artikel I i avhandlingen. I den australiska fallstudien, som utförts tillsammans med Adnyamathanha-folket, ingår en grupp av sju forskningsdeltagare bestående av fyra kvinnor och tre män. Denna studie, artikel II, behandlar Adnyamathanhafolkets kamp mot de australiska och sydaustraliska regeringarnas förslag om att inrätta kärnavfallsdepåer på Adnyamathanhas marker. För att inhämta material användes yarning (en typ av intervjumetod) och för att återge forskningsdeltagarnas ord så rättvisande möjligt inkluderades ett antal direktcitat i texterna. För att möjliggöra en mer djupgående analys av forskningsdeltagarnas upplevelser av konflikter med utvinningsindustrier och förespråkare för extraktivism, inklusive regeringar och stater, användes Johan Galtungs modell, känd som Galtungs våldstriangel, som analysverktyg. Galtungs modell innefattar strukturellt, kulturellt och direkt våld. Direkt våld definieras som fysiskt våld eller hot om fysiskt våld, strukturellt våld utgörs av orättvisa och diskriminerande samhällsstrukturer och kulturellt våld är de attityder som får det strukturella och således även det direkta våldet att te sig legitimt. Föreliggande avhandling introducerar även konceptet extraktivt våld som ett komplement till Galtungs modell där xvi det ersätter direkt våld. Jag definierar extraktivt våld som en typ av direkt våld mot människor och/eller djur och natur orsakat av extraktivism som framför allt påverkar människor med starka kopplingar till sina marker. Extraktivism förstås här som alla typer av aktiviteter som extraherar stora mängder av resurser från marker och människor, exempelvis gruvdrift, skogsbruk, fiske, lantbruk och turism. I forskningsdeltagarnas utsagor identifierades ett antal nyckelteman. Dessa teman uppvisade både likheter och skillnader beroende på deltagarnas olika situationer och förutsättningar. Det mest framträdande temat på båda kontinenterna var dock ”connection to Country” eller kopplingar till marken. Båda grupperna beskrev hur marken och deras förhållande till den innefattade historia, kunskap, traditioner och kultur. För Adnyamathanhagruppen var det mest centrala att rädda och bevara heliga platser som hotas av extraktivism och för Laevas č earru sågs renskötseln och bevarandet av markerna för renarnas skull som det mest väsentliga. Avhandlingens resultat visar att även om de former av kulturellt, strukturellt och extraktivt våld som forskningsdeltagarna upplevde varierade, var effekterna av våldet slående lika. Båda grupperna identifierade extraktivt våld, understött av strukturellt och kulturellt våld, som hot mot fortlevnaden av deras samhällen och kulturer. Resultaten pekar även på vikten av att urfolkens perspektiv inkluderas och blir hörda om konflikttransformering mellan utvinningsindustrier och urfolk ska kunna uppnås.

Miocene climate as recorded on slope carbonates : examples from Malta (Central Mediterranean) and Northeastern Australia (Marion Plateau, ODP LEG 194)

John, Cédric Michaël January 2003 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurden die Hangkarbonate von zwei miozänen heterozoischen Karbonatsystemen näher untersucht: die Malta Inselgruppe (zentrales Mittelmeer) und das Marion Plateau (Nordost Australien, ODP Leg 194). Die Auswirkungen der mittelmiozänen Abkühlung (Mi3), die auf 13.6 Ma datiert wird und starken Einfluß auf die Sauerstoffisotopenkurve hatte, in den oben genannten Flachwassersystemen stellten das Ziel dieser Arbeit dar. Dieses Abkühlungsereignis beeinflußte außerdem sehr stark die ozeanographischen und klimatischen Muster, die im weiteren Verlauf zum modernen Eishausklima führten. So steht insbesondere die Vereisung von Ostantarktika mit diesem Ereignis in Verbindung. Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluß dieses Ereignisses auf Flachwassersysteme, um vorliegende Untersuchungen in Tiefwassersystemen zu ergänzen und so zum globalen Verständnis des miozänen Klimawechsels beizutragen.<br /> <br /> Die Profile auf der Maltainselgruppe wurden mit Hilfe von Kohlenstoff- und Sauerstoffisotopen Auswertungen im Gesamtgestein, Gesamtgesteinmineralogie, Tonmineralanalyse und organischer Geochemie untersucht. Durch einen Wechsel von karbonatischeren zu tonigeren Sedimenten beeinflußte das mittelmiozäne Abkühlungsereignis die Sedimentation in diesem Gebiet sehr stark. Weiterhin wurde beobachtet, daß jede Phase der antarktischen Vereisung, nicht nur das mittelmiozäne Hauptereignis, zu einem erhöhten terrigenen Eintrag in den Hangsedimenten der Maltainselgruppe führte. Akkumulationsraten zeigen, daß dieser erhöhte terrigene Eintrag den einzelnen Vereisungsperioden zusammenhängt und die karbonatischen Sedimente durch tonreiche Sedimente &ldquo;verunreinigt&rdquo; wurden. Das daraufhin entwickelte Modell erklärt diesen erhöhten terrigenen Eintrag mit einer nordwärtigen Verlagerung der innertropischen Konvergenzzone durch die Bildung von kalten, dichten Luftmassen, die zu verstärkten Niederschlägen in Nordafrika führten. Diese verstärkten Niederschläge (oder verstärkter afrikanischer Monsun) beeinflußten die kontinentale Verwitterung und den Eintrag, mit der Folge, daß verstärkt terrigene Sedimente im Bereich der Hangsedimente der Maltainselgruppe abgelagert wurden. Die tonreichen Intervalle weisen Ähnlichkeiten zu sapropelischen Ablagerungen auf, was mit Hilfe der Spektral analyse des Karbonatgehalts und der geochemischen Analyse des organischen Materials gezeigt wurde. <br /> <br /> Auf dem Marion Plateau wurden die Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotopenkurven anhand von Foraminiferen der Gattung Cibicidoides spp. rekonstruiert. Der Karbonatgehalt wurde mit Hilfe einer chemischen Methode (Coulometer) ermittelt. Genauso wie die Sedimente der Maltainselgruppe beeinflußte das mittelmiozäne Abkühlungsereignis (Mi3) auch die Sedimente auf dem Marion Plateau. So kam es bei 13,8 Ma, in etwa zur Zeit der Vereisung von Ostantarktika, zu einem Abfall der Karbonatakkumulationsraten. Weiterhin traten Änderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Sedimente auf, so nehmen neritische Karbonatfragmente ab, der planktische Foraminiferengehalt nimmt zu und es wurden verstärkt Quarz und Glaukonit abgelagert. Ein überraschendes Ergebnis ist die Tatsache, daß der große N12-N14 Meeresspiegelabfall um 11,5 Ma die Akkumulationsraten der Karbonate auf dem Hang nicht beeinflußte. Dieses Ergebnis ist umso erstaunlicher, da Karbonatplattformen normalerweise sehr sensitiv auf Meeresspiegeländerungen reagieren. Der Grund, warum sich die Karbonatakkumulationsraten schon um 13,6 Ma (Mi3) und nicht erst um 11,5 Ma (N12-N14) verringerten, liegt in der Tatsache, daß die ozeanischen Strömungen die Karbonatsedimentation auf dem Hang des Marion Plateau schon im Miozän kontrollierten. Das mittelmiozäne Ereignis (Mi3) erhöhte die Stärke diese Strömungen und als eine Ursache wurde die Karbonatakkumulation auf den Hängen reduziert. Die Amplitude des N12-N14 Meeresspiegelabfalls liegt bei 90 m unter der Berücksichtigung der Sauerstoffisotopendaten aus der Tiefsee und Berechnungen des Meeresspiegels anhand des &ldquo;coastal onlaps&rdquo;, die während Leg 194 gemacht wurden. Die Isotopendaten dieser Arbeit weisen hingegen auf einen verringerten Meeresspiegelabfall von 70 m hin.<br /> <br /> Als allgemeine Schlußfolgerung kann gesagt werden, daß der mittelmiozäne Klimaumschwung die Karbonatsysteme zumindest an den beiden untersuchten Lokalitäten beeinflußt hat. Allerdings waren die Auswirkungen sehr von den unterschiedlichen lokalen Gegebenheiten abhängig. Insbesondere wirkten sich die Anwesenheit einer Landmasse (Malta) und die Abwesenheit einer Barriere vor den Einflüssen des offenen Ozeans (Marion Plateau) stark auf die Ablagerung der Karbonate aus. / This study investigated the slope carbonates of two Miocene carbonate systems: the Maltese Islands (in the Central Mediterranean) and the Marion Plateau (Northeastern Australia, drilled during ODP Leg 194). The aim of the study was to trace the impact of the Miocene cooling steps (events Mi1-Mi6) in these carbonate systems, especially the Mi3 event, which took place around 13.6 Ma and deeply impacted the marine oxygen isotope record. This event also profoundly impacted oceanographic and climatic patterns, eventually leading to the establishment of the modern ice-house world. In particular, East Antarctica became ice covered at that period. The rational behind the present study was to investigate the impact that this event had on shallow water systems in order to complement the deep-sea record and hence acquire a more global perspective on Miocene climate change.<br /> <br /> The Maltese Islands were investigated for trends in bulk-rock carbon and oxygen isotopes, as well as bulk-rock mineralogy, clay minerals analysis and organic geochemisty. Results showed that the mid Miocene cooling event deeply impacted sedimentation at that location by changing sedimentation from carbonate to clay-rich sediments. Moreover, it was discovered that each phase of Antarctic glaciation, not just the major mid Miocene event, resulted in higher terrigenous input on Malta. Mass accumulation rates revealed that this was linked to increased runoff during periods when Antarctica was glaciated, and thus that the carbonate sediments were &ldquo;diluted&rdquo; by clay-rich sediments. The model subsequently developed to explain this implies feedback from Antarctic glaciations creating cold, dense air masses that push the ITCZ Northward, thus increasing precipitation on the North African subcontinent. Increased precipitation (or stronger African monsoon) accelerated continental weathering and runoff, thus bringing more terrigenous sediment to the paleo-location of the slope sediments of Malta. Spectral analysis of carbonate content and organic matter geochemical analysis furthermore suggest that the clay-rich intervals are similar to sapropelic deposits.<br /> <br /> On the Marion Plateau, trends in oxygen and carbon isotopes were obtained by measuring Cibicidoides spp foraminifers. Moreover, carbonate content was reconstructed using a chemical method (coulometer). Results show that the mid Miocene cooling step profoundly affected this system: a major drop in accumulation rates of carbonates occurs precisely at 13.8 Ma, around the time of the East Antarctic ice sheet formation. Moreover, sedimentation changes occurred at that time, carbonate fragments coming from neritic environments becoming less abundant, planktonic foraminifer content increasing and quartz and reworked glauconite being deposited. Conversely, a surprising result is that the major N12-N14 sea-level fall occurring around 11.5 Ma did not impact the accumulation of carbonates on the slope. This was unexpected since carbonate platform are very sensitive to sea-level changes. The model developed to explain that mass accumulation rates of carbonates diminished around 13.6 Ma (Mi3 Event) instead of 11.5 Ma (N12-N14 event), suggests that oceanic currents were controlling slope carbonate deposition on the Marion Plateau prior to the mid-Miocene, and that the mid Miocene event considerably increase their strength, hence reducing the amount of carbonate being deposited on slope sites. Moreover, by combining results from deep-sea oxygen isotopes with sea-level estimates based on coastal onlaps made during Leg 194, we constrain the amplitude of the N12-N14 sea-level fall to 90 meters. When integrating isotopic results from this study, this amplitude is lowered to 70 meters.<br /> <br /> A general conclusion of this work is that the mid Miocene climatic shift did impact carbonate systems, at least at the two locations studied. However, the nature of this response was highly dependant on the regional settings, in particular the presence of land mass (Malta) and the absence of a barrier to shelter from the effects of open ocean (Marion Plateau).

Large scale resistivity surveys combining magnetic and magnetotelluric observations / Examples from central Australia / Großräumige Leitfähigkeitsstudien mittels Kombination magnetischer und magnetotellurischer Untersuchungen / Beispiele aus Zentralaustralien

Hanekop, Ole 24 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

AlterNative memories kulturspezifische Inszenierungen von Erinnerung in zeitgenössischen Romanen indigener Autor/inn/en Australiens, Kanadas und Aotearoas/Neuseelands

Birk, Hanne January 1900 (has links)
Zugl.: Giessen, Univ., Diss., 2008

Adansonia digitata and Adansonia gregorii fruit shells serve as a protection against high temperatures experienced during wildfires

Kempe, Andreas, Neinhuis, Christoph, Lautenschläger, Thea 09 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The thick and woody shell of the fruit of Adansonia species cannot be explained solely by adaptation to zoochory or hydrochory. Since the trunks of Adansonia possess a thick and fire-resistant bark and wildfires occur regularly in its habitat (savannah), we examined with the African Adanonia digitata and the Australian Adansonia gregorii whether the fruit offers protection against high heat typically experienced in wildfires. Heat-resistance tests were conducted by applying a simple heat test based on known temperature and temperature residence times occurring in savannah fires and complemented by tests to reveal the impact of heat on germination since long-term seed dormancy is known for Adansonia. Germination tests with acid treated and heat treated seeds were performed to establish if heat also increased germination rate as effectively as acid treatments have been found to do. Heat was found to increase germination rate, but not as effectively as treatment with acid, therefore fruits exposed to high temperatures experienced in wildfires may have a better chance of germination than fruits that were not exposed to wildfires. The ability of the investigated fruits to protect seeds from high temperatures suggests that wildfires may have played a role in the evolution of the hard-shell structure typically found in Adansonia.

Adansonia digitata and Adansonia gregorii fruit shells serve as a protection against high temperatures experienced during wildfires

Kempe, Andreas, Neinhuis, Christoph, Lautenschläger, Thea 09 June 2018 (has links)
The thick and woody shell of the fruit of Adansonia species cannot be explained solely by adaptation to zoochory or hydrochory. Since the trunks of Adansonia possess a thick and fire-resistant bark and wildfires occur regularly in its habitat (savannah), we examined with the African Adanonia digitata and the Australian Adansonia gregorii whether the fruit offers protection against high heat typically experienced in wildfires. Heat-resistance tests were conducted by applying a simple heat test based on known temperature and temperature residence times occurring in savannah fires and complemented by tests to reveal the impact of heat on germination since long-term seed dormancy is known for Adansonia. Germination tests with acid treated and heat treated seeds were performed to establish if heat also increased germination rate as effectively as acid treatments have been found to do. Heat was found to increase germination rate, but not as effectively as treatment with acid, therefore fruits exposed to high temperatures experienced in wildfires may have a better chance of germination than fruits that were not exposed to wildfires. The ability of the investigated fruits to protect seeds from high temperatures suggests that wildfires may have played a role in the evolution of the hard-shell structure typically found in Adansonia.

Till ingen särskild eller alla platser / To no one in particular or all places

Norberg, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Det här är en fritt utforskande uppsats där jag undersöker min konstnärliga praktik genom samlandet av olika material som utgångspunkt. Uppsatsen bär på min längtan efter möten och ger mig tillåtelse att fundera över saker utan att bestämma något. Ibland tar den formen av essäer, andra gånger som brev, men även som tankegångar genom andra personer som jag är intresserad av. Jag vill använda mig av text som ett material att lägga bredvid min praktik för att förkroppsliga de idéer, känslor och tankar som vanligtvis mynnar ut i skulpturala verk. Uppsatsen innehåller element som är återkommande i min konstnärliga praktik, t.ex. samlande av material, ett intresse för vad språk är och gör, en poetisk inställning till världen och ett behov av att se naturen inom och omkring oss. / This is an explorative and associative essay where I look into my practice through the collection of different materials as a starting point. With a mix of short essays, letters and quotations from people that interest me, it is an attempt to materialize the immaterial space where the knowledge production in my practice occurs. I aim to use text as a material to embody the ideas, thoughts and feelings that are often the predecessors of my sculptural works. The essay deals with themes such as collecting, communication, poetry, culture and nature.

Where Life Takes Place, Where Place Makes Life : Theoretical Approaches to the Australian Aboriginal Conceptions of Place

Stenbäck, Tomas January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this essay has been to relate the Australian Aboriginal conceptions of place to three different theoretical perspectives on place, to find what is relevant in the Aboriginal context, and what is not. The aim has been to find the most useful theoretical approaches for further studies on the Australian Aboriginal conceptions of place. The investigation is a rendering of research and writings on Australian Aboriginal religion, a recording of general views on research on religion and space, a recounting of written material of three theoretical standpoints on place (the Insider standpoint, the Outsider Standpoint and the Meshwork standpoint), and a comparison of the research on the Aboriginal religion to the three different standpoints.  The results show that no single standpoint is gratifying for studies of the Aboriginal conceptions of place, but all three standpoints contribute in different ways. There are aspects from all three standpoints revealing the importance of place to the Aboriginal peoples.  The most useful theoretical approaches for studies on the Australian Aboriginal conceptions of place are: Place as a living entity, an ancestor and an extension of itself; place as movement, transformation and continuity; place as connection, existential orientation and the paramount focus, and; place as the very foundation of the entire religion.

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