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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energieffektivisering av bostäder - En studie om energistrategiskt arbete i fastighetsbolag

Stranne, Fredrika January 2015 (has links)
Fastigheter står för en stor del av samhällets energianvändning och därför behövs åtgärder för att effektivisera energianvändningen i dagens fastighetsbestånd. Denna studie handlar om fem fastighetsägare i Malmö och deras arbete med energieffektivisering. Studien bygger på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med representanter från de fem fastighetsbolagen. Intervjuerna har analyserats med hjälp av ett resursbaserat teoretiskt ramverk kring strategiskt miljöarbete i organisationer. Ramverket beskriver hur ett framgångsrikt strategiskt arbete kräver investeringar i fyra centrala resurskategorier; fysiska resurser, personalresurser, sociala resurser samt organisatoriska resurser. Studien visar att fastighetsägarna ser energi som en prioriterad fråga och ser både möjligheter och problem med att energieffektivisera i sina bostadsbestånd, då de lyfter fram bristen på ekonomiska incitament som det mest problematiska. Studien visar att större respektive mindre fastighetsbolag prioriterar olika när det gäller sitt energiarbete. I det strategiska arbetet lyfter större fastighetsbolag fram investeringar i fysiska samt organisatoriska resurser som viktiga, medan mindre bolag snarare fokuserar mer på de sociala än de organisatoriska resurserna. Storleken på organisationen verkar också ha betydelse för om man väljer att ha energikompetens internt eller om man väljer att köpa in extern kompetens vid behov. Sammantaget visar studien att fastighetsbolagen anser sig prioritera frågan och att deras arbete med att energieffektivisera är igång. / Buildings account for a large part of society's energy consumption and therefore action is needed to improve energy efficiency in today's real estate properties. This study concerns five real estate companies in Malmö and their work with energy efficiency measures. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with representatives of the five companies. The interviews have been analyzed using a resource-based theoretical framework on strategic environmental work in organizations. The framework describes how a successful strategic work requires investment in four key categories of resources; physical resources, human resources, social resources and organizational resources. The study shows that the property owners consider energy as a priority and see both opportunities and problems with actions of energy efficiency, as they highlight the lack of financial incentives as the most problematic. The study shows that companies prioritize in different ways when it comes to energy activities, depending on the size of their organization. Larger property companies highlight investments in physical and organizational resources as important, while smaller companies focus on social resources, rather than organizational. The size of the organization also seems to influence whether they choose to have energy expertise internally or choose to buy external knowledge when needed. Overall, the study shows that the property owner’s claims to prioritize the energy issue and their efforts to improve energy efficiency are underway.

Spårfaktorn - En begreppsanalys

Bengtsson, Vincent, Strömberg, Sanne January 2012 (has links)
Spårfaktorn är ett begrepp som idag används inom trafikplanering men utan att det finns en enhetlig definition. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att definiera spårfaktorn genom att göra en begreppsanalys. Detta har gjorts genom att titta på tidigare forskning samt tidigare utredningar av spårvägsprojekt. Även pågående spårvägsprojekt i Lund och Malmö har undersökts genom intervjuer med nyckelpersoner för att få ett bättre grepp om hur begreppet används idag samt för att kunna pröva begreppet. Vårt resultat har visat att ett antal faktorer utgör kärnan för begreppet spårfaktor. Spårfaktorn är det ökande resandet som inträffar när ny spårväg ersätter busstrafik. En förutsättning är att det finns en god planering och en bra strategi samt att mjuka faktorer tas i beaktning. Det leder till att förtroendet för spårvägen, och resandet, ökar. För att spårfaktorn ska vara lättare att påvisa bör resan vara minst 40 minuter. Vår begreppsprövning har pekat på att intervjupersonerna kan identifiera några av dessa faktorer men inte se en helhet kring dessa. / The rail bonus is a term used in traffic planning which has no clear definition. The purpose of this paper has been to define the rail bonus by doing a concept analysis. This has been done by looking at previous research and previous investigations of light rail projects. We have also studied current light rail projects in Lund and Malmö through interviews with key persons. The purpose of the interviews has been to get a better view on how the term is used today and to compare this with our definition. Our results have shown that a number of factors are the core of the concept of the rail bonus. The rail bonus is the growth in travel that occurs when new tramway replaces buses. One condition is that there is a good planning and a sound strategy, and that soft factors are taken into consideration. This leads to reliability for the tram, and traveling with the tram will increase. To easier prove the rail bonus the journey needs to be at least 40 minutes. Our concept testing has indicated that the interviewees identify some of these factors without seeing them in a bigger perspective.

Borta bra - nära bäst?

Andersen, Daniel, Kroon, Niclas January 2012 (has links)
Begreppet närproducerat är nuförtiden allmänt känt och används av såväl företag som privatpersoner. Begreppet har aldrig fått någon officiell definition, och därför florerar det också olika uppfattningar om närproducerat. Till exempel anser många att närproducerade varor framställs i närområdet där de befinner sig, andra att det gäller för all produktion inom nationens gränser och ytterligare en grupp anser att det beror på vilken typ av produkt det handlar om. Denna uppsats syftar till att genom intervjuer med aktörer inom värdekedjan för livsmedel undersöka hur de uppfattar innovationen närproducerat, hur det skiljer sig åt för varje aktör och helt enkelt se vad närproducerat betyder för deras organisation. Vi anser att närproducerat har uppstått som en innovation, som innebär en ny idé skapad av människor och dess inträde i samhället. Utefter en modell av denna process har vi analyserat hur intervjupersonerna har påverkats av processens tre första steg som är kunskap, övertygelse och beslut. Främst drar intervjupersonerna paralleller till det ekologiska jordbruket som mer eller mindre blir närproducerats motsvarighet och detta öppnar diskussionen kring om närproducerat har någon framtid. Vi har även funnit att intervjupersonerna, både privat och i sitt yrkesliv, påverkas av olika kommunikationskanaler som kan ha stått som grund för den kunskap som senare bidragit till deras beslut gällande vad begreppet närproducerat innebär. / The concept of locally produced food is nowadays widely known and used by both companies and private individuals. The term locally produced food has never been assigned an official definition, and therefore the opinions about it are separated. Many believe that locally produced goods are produced in their neighborhoods, others that it applies to all production within national boundaries, and another group believes that it depends on what product it is. This papers purpose is that through interviews with actors in the value chain of groceries, examine how they perceive the innovations that is locally produced food, how it is different for each operator and simply see what local produced means for their organization. We believe that locally produced food has emerged as an innovation, which means a new idea created by humans and its entry into the society. Along the model of this process, we analyzed how respondents were affected by the process and its first three steps, knowledge, persuasion and decision. Mainly drawn parallels to organic farming as more or less the contrast of the term locally produced food, and this opens up for discussion concerning the future of locally produced food. We have also found that respondents, both privately and in their professional lives, are affected by various communication channels that may have been the basis for the knowledge that later contributed to their decision about what the term locally produced food really means.

Lysande design - att skapa ljus utan elektricitet

Pålsson, Natalie January 2013 (has links)
Denna uppsats är ett examensarbete på 22,5 Hp, gjort av Natalie Pålsson, student på produktdesignprogrammet på Malmö Högskola, under våren 2013.Projektet handlade om att undersöka möjligheten till att skapa en ljuskälla utan elektricitet. Syftet med projektet var att uppmärksamma problematiken av den höga energiförbrukningen av ljuskällorna i belysning. Projektet hade under hela dess gång ett biomimetiskt förhållningssätt och under förstudien gjordes en grundlig studie av ämnet biomimetik. Biomimetik innebär att man som designer lär och inspireras av naturen i sin produktutveckling. Förstudien behandlade även ämnet naturens ljus och då framför allt bioluminiscens som valdes som ljuskälla i armaturen. Utifrån en intervju med Lars Olof Björn, pensionerad professor i biologi, så togs ett beslut att använda levande organismer i armaturen eftersom bioluminiscens är svårt att framställa på kemisk väg. Under studierna av bioluminiscens så framkom det att det finns en bioluminiscent alg, dinoflagellat som skulle vara lämplig att använda som ljuskälla. Dinoflagellater avger ett bioluminiscent ljus då de sätts i rörelse, vilket användes som en sorts strömbrytare i produkten. Resultatet blev lyktan Lumi oh! En lykta, utformad som ett timglas som ser ut som två droppar som i sitt möte bildar en virvel. När lyktan vänds upp och ner, virvlar algerna ner och börjar då lysa, vilket de gör så länge de är satta i rörelse.Projektets mål var att det skulle resultera i ett produktkoncept, därför presenteras slutresultatet i form av en utseendemodell. / This diploma work (22,5 ECTS) at bachelor level is made by Natalie Pålsson, student at the Product design program at Malmö University, in the spring of 2013. The project explored the possibility of creating light without electricity. The purpose of the project was to highlight the problem of the high energy consumption of our current lightsourses. The project had a biomimetic approach and a thourough study of the subject was made. Biomimicry means that designers learn and get inspired by nature in their development of products. A study about natural light was made, especially bioluminescence, since that was the choice of lightsource. Based on an interview with Lars Olof Björn, a retired proffessor in Biology, it was decided to use living organisms in the lantern, since bioluminescence is difficult to produce chemically. The research regarding bioluminescence showed that there is a bioluminescent algae, called dinoflagellate, that would be suitable for use as a light source. Dinoflagellates emit a bioluminescent light when they are put in motion, which was used as a sort of on and off switch in the product. The project resulted in the lantern Lumi oh! A lantern, shaped like an hour glass which looks like two drops, that forms a swirl where they meet. When the lantern is turned upside down, the alge swirls down and starts to glow, for as long as they are set in motion. The result of the project was to be illustrated as a product concept and is presented as a prototype that shows the form but not the function.

Effekten av metallhaltigt vatten på dagsländor (Ephemeroptera) i recipienter till aktiva och nedlagda gruvor i Norr- och Västerbotten / Effects of metals from mining regions on mayfly (Ephemeroptera) larvae in recipient waters in Norr- and Västerbotten

Lundbäck, Jenny January 2024 (has links)
Metal pollution from Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is one of the most serious environmental challenges associated with mining operations as well as a potential threat to biological life. Effects of AMD from mining regions are site-specific and depend on several biotic and abiotic factors in the recipient waters. The aim of this thesis was to assess the effects of metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, U, Zn) on mayfly (Ephemeroptera) larvae presence in recipient waters in Norr- and Västerbotten counties, Sweden. To fulfil this aim I used data from recipient surveys that has sampled benthic fauna with the kick-net method and collected water samples for chemical analysis. Regression analyses were performed to determine the relationships between dissolved and bioavailable concentrations of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. Additional regression analyses were performed to assess the relationships between the dissolved concentration of each metal and number of mayfly species as. Lastly, a regression analysis was performed for number of mayfly species and water pH. Results revealed that the number of mayfly taxa decreased exponentially as metal concentrations increased. There was also a correlation between number of mayfly taxa and pH, with the highest number of species in the pH interval 6,7 – 7,7. The ability to draw any definitive conclusions about the effects of metal pollution on mayflies in this geographical area are complicated by water pH, which for some sites is quite low. Further studies may be needed to determine how much of the effect can be attributed to high metal concentrations and how much is a consequence of low water pH.

Jämställdhet? Hjärna det! : En studie om neurologiska och biologiska könsskillnader och dess inverkan på musikämnet och den svenska skolan

Nyström, Joe January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines in Swedish teacher education often neglected areas to increase the understanding for the essential differences between the two sexes and furthermore: how these differences affect us from an evolutionary and biological perspective. The study investigates previous research within the area - particularly evolution, neurology, hormones and genetics that affects our behavior. It also scrutinizes theories of social construction which primarily lodged the foundation for learning within the last century and served as explanation model for how human beings turn out in life. Research is analyzed regarding how music may be perceived differently and how they may affect stereotypical choices regarding instrument and other preferences. Also, the study evaluates research regarding how the Swedish school is designed to uphold gender equality in their goals and in their national curriculum. Finally, conclusions whether the Swedish school is providing enforcement regarding scientific regulations, which the law demands from it – in this case biological factors – are being looked at. The results show that biological differences between males and females may influence human behavior to a greater degree than earlier predictions, and that the Swedish school is mostly founded on a social constructionist point of view. These results indirectly question the Swedish National Agency for Education’s definition of equality, which paradoxical may lead to equity. Or, equality by outcome. Which do not take biological sex differences, or even individual differences into account.

Att växa upp med fostersyskon : En studie om upplevelsen av att växa upp med fostersyskon som biologiskt barn i ett familjehem / Growing up with foster sibling : A study about the experience of growing up whit foster sibling as a biological child in a family home

Eriksson, Bettina, Bergh, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Titel: Att växa upp med fostersyskon – en studie om upplevelsen av att växa upp med fostersyskon som biologiskt barn i ett familjehem. Författare: Bettina Eriksson och Johanna Bergh Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka de biologiska barnens upplevelser av att växt upp med fostersyskon, vilken inverkan det haft på deras liv och hur det har påverkat relationerna inom familjen. Vi har genomfört fem kvalitativa intervjuer med kvinnor som idag är vuxna. Vi har analyserat materialet genom systemteori och ett symbolisk interaktionistiskt perspektiv. Vi kom fram till att de biologiska barnen hade en övervägande positiv syn på sin uppväxt. De upplevde att de har fått en ökad förståelse, en ökad empati och insikter de annars inte skulle tilldelats sig, vilket de upplevde som positivt. Det som påtalas och återkommer i flera av respondenternas berättelser var att de har fått mindre med tid med sina föräldrar efter dem blivit familjehem. Något som påtalas och eftersöks av respondenterna är att de ville vara mer delaktiga och sedda av socialtjänsten. Kontakten med socialtjänsten har varit mycket bristfällig. En slutsats som vi gör i studien är att de biologiska barnen inte alls uppmärksammats av socialtjänsten. Nyckelord: familjehem, biologiska barn, familjehemsplacerat barn, fostersyskon / Title: Growing up with foster sibling – a study about the experience of growing up with foster sibling as a biological child in a family home Authors: Bettina Eriksson och Johanna Bergh The purpose of this study was to investigate the biological children experiences of growing up with foster sibling, what impact it had on their lives and how it has affected the relationships within the family. We have conducted five interviews with women who today are adults. We have analyzed the material through system theory and the symbolic interactionist perspective. We concluded that the children had a predominantly positive view of his upbringing. They felt that they have gained a greater understanding, greater empathy and insight they would not otherwise assign to, which they perceived as positive. What was reported and repeated in several of the respondent’s stories is that they have had less time whit their parents after becoming family home. What was objected and sought by the respondent was that they want to be more involved and seen by social service. The contact with the social service has been very inadequate. The conclusion that we do in this study is that the biological children did not get attention of social service Keywords: Family home, biological child, family home placement child, foster sibling

Methane flux from Carex ramenskii on coastal meadows and grazing lawns in western Alaska

Lynöe, Kaj January 2017 (has links)
In this study we determined the magnitude of plant mediated CH4 emission (flux) in two vegetation types of Carex ramenskii. The objectives of this paper were to quantify the proportion of CH4 emissions from plant mediated flux and the total flux (plant and soil). This information is needed in order to understand how grazing affects plant mediated CH4 flux. In addition, we differentiated between two vegetation morphs, grazed and ungrazed, and determined the plant mediated CH4 flux for vegetation type.  This study was conducted at a field site on the Tutakoke River (61 15’N, 165 30’W) which is located in the coastal region of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Three replicate plots of the two vegetation morphs of Carex ramenskii were established. Methane flux was measured with a total flux chamber (plant and soil) and a single leaf chamber using a Picarro Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Analyzer (Model G2308, Picarro Inc., Santa Clara, California). Plant density for the two plant types was determined. Temperature measurements were taken and correlated with gas flux. This study found that total net CH4 emissions from Carex ssp. were the same in both vegetation types. This similarity could indicate that plant mediated flux through vegetation is not affected by grazing in the sense that grazing is neither facilitating nor inhibiting plant mediated CH4 flux. The magnitude of plant mediated flux was still greater in the ungrazed meadow type, indicating on both greater facilitation of CH4 flux, and below ground oxygen transport enabling higher rates of CH4 consumption.

Microalgae : A Green Purification of Reject Water for Biogas Production

Waern, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Microalgae are a diverse group of unicellular microorganisms found in various environments, ranging from small garden ponds to lakes with extreme salinity. Common for all microalgae is their ability to convert solar energy and carbon dioxide into chemical energy via photosynthesis. Additionally, they are capable of assimilating large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus to produce proteins and lipids. These abilities have made microalgae an interesting candidate for next generation wastewater treatment coupled with production of biogas, a renewable energy source in advancement. At the Nykvarn wastewater treatment plant in Linköping, Sweden, 15,400,000 m3 of wastewater are treated annually to remove nitrogen and phosphorus that otherwise would risk to cause eutrophication in surrounding lakes and rivers. Moreover, the treatment plant manages large amounts of sewage sludge that is anaerobically digested to produce biogas and simultaneously reduce the sludge volumes. At the Nykvarn wastewater treatment plant, dewatering of the digested sludge results in a sludge fraction of about 30 % dry content and reject water, which is very nutrient-rich and therefore requires treatment in a SHARON process before it is reintroduced to the main stream of the wastewater treatment plant. In this thesis, the potential of microalgae for nutrient assimilation was studied by monitoring the nutrient removal efficiency of a mixed culture of microalgae when fed with 1) 100 % incoming wastewater, 2) 80 % incoming wastewater + 20 % reject water and 3) 60 % incoming wastewater + 40 % reject water. Furthermore, the effect of a process additive on the nutrient removal efficiency was evaluated. The results showed that microalgae are capable of removing 100 % of ingoing ammonium nitrogen and phosphate phosphorus when fed with incoming wastewater. At transition to 20 % and 40 % reject water, the culture was light-limited with a resulting ammonium reduction of 60 % and a phosphate reduction of around 30 %. The process additive slightly improved the ammonium reduction, however, mainly by formation of nitrite and nitrate by nitrifying bacteria. Moreover, a bio-methane potential test compared the methane potential of the microalgal biomass and the biomass from the SHARON process. The test resulted in an accumulated methane production around 70 mL g-1 VS-1 for the microalgal biomass and 35 mL g-1 VS-1 for the biomass from the SHARON process. That is, the mixed microalgal culture used in this experiment has a methane potential twice that of the biomass from the SHARON process. Finally, an economic analysis of a microalgae based process for purification of reject water showed that the operating costs exceed those of the SHARON process due to high energy consumption. It is thus necessary to choose a cultivation system that effectively utilize the solar energy, as well as maximize the biogas yield from anaerobic digestion of microalgal biomass.

Juvenila ålars preferenser gällande substrattyp i ramper : En studie om vilken typ av substrat i ramper som bäst hjälper den Europeiska ålen (Anguilla anguilla) förbi vattenkraftverk / Juvenile eels’ preferences for substrate type in ramps : A study on which kind of substrate type in ramps best helps the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) get past hydropower plants

Gustafsson, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Sedan 1970-talet har ålbeståndet minskat rejält och under de senaste decennierna har man försökt hitta en lösning på detta problem. En ökad naturlig rekrytering kan hjälpa ålarnas återhämtning. Varje år fastnar en stor mängd juvenila ålar vid vattenkraftverk. För att hjälpa ålarna ta sig förbi dessa kan man installera ramper, vilka hjälper ålarna att klättra förbi vattenkraftverken. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på vilken typ av substrat i ramper vid dessa vattenkraftverk som ålynglen föredrar. Studien utfördes utomhus i två odlingsbassänger där sex stycken ramper hade installerats. Den huvudsakliga studien bestod av ett selektionstest där ålynglen fick välja mellan tre olika substrat. Man antecknade också om det var några yngel som valde att stanna kvar, detta för att kunna testa om det fanns någon signifikant skillnad mellan importerade och vilda ålyngel när det gäller de yngel som inte valt någon av ramperna. Sammanlagt 500 yngel (vilda N=235, importerade N=265) var med i studien. Ålynglen placerades i nätkassar nedanför ramperna. Där hade de möjligheten att antingen välja ett av substraten och vandra uppför rampen, eller stanna kvar i bassängen. De tre substraten som testades var plastkätting, FishPass™ rigid brush mixed green (FishPass™) och Diadrain 25H (D-25). Resultatet blev att både de vilda och de importerade ålynglen föredrog FishPass™ och D-25 framför plastkätting. Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan FishPass™ och D-25. Man kom också fram till att signifikant fler vildfångade ålar än importerade valde att stanna kvar istället för att klättra upp för en ramp. Resultatet från den här studien säger att vi kan öka antalet juvenila ålar som tar sig förbi vattenkraftverk. Placerar man ut ramper klädda med antingen FishPass™ eller D-25 vid de vattenkraftverk där juvenila ålar har svårt att passera så kan man på så sätt hjälpa ålarnas naturliga rekrytering. / Since the 1970s, eel stocks have declined, and in the recent decades people have been trying to find a solution to this problem. An increased natural recruitment could help the eels to recover. Each year a large quantity of juvenile eels get stuck at hydroelectric plants. To help the eels pass by these plants, ramps can be installed, which help the eels to pass the dams. The purpose of the study was to find out what type of substrate in ramps at these hydropower plants that juvenile eels prefer. The study was conducted in two outdoor hatchery ponds where six ramps had been installed. The main study consisted of a selection test where juvenile eels had to choose between three different substrates. It was also recorded if there were some juveniles who chose to remain, in order to test if there was a significant difference between imported and wild eels when it comes to individuals that have not selected any of the ramps. A total of 500 juveniles (Wild N = 235, Imported N = 265) were included in the study. The juvenile eels were placed in net enclosures beneath the ramps, and had to choose one of the substrates and climb the ramp, or else remain in the net enclosure. The three substrates tested were plastic chain, Fish Pass ™ rigid brush mixed green (Fish Pass™) and Diadrain 25H (D-25). I found that both the wild and imported eels preferred Fish Pass™ and D-25 instead of the plastic chain. There was no significant difference between Fish Pass™ and D-25. It was also found that significantly more wild-caught than imported eels chose to stay in the enclosure instead of climbing up a ramp. The results from this study indicate that we can increase the number of juvenile eels that successfully pass by hydroelectric plants. If we place ramps covered with either Fish Pass™ or D-25 at the hydropower plants, we can help the eel’s natural recruitment.

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