Spelling suggestions: "subject:"took grade"" "subject:"look grade""
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French influences in Russia, 1780s to 1820s : the origins of permanent cultural transferCoker, Adam Nathaniel January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation defines aspects of Russian culture which bear the marks of French influence and explores the historical origins of that influence. While it is generally acknowledged that Russia’s culture has been influenced by France, no systematic history of the origins of this influence has been written. Previous research has dealt only superficially with the topic, focusing almost exclusively on the Francophile preferences of society’s elite. The present study examines Russian society more broadly and explores those elements of French cultural influence still relevant today through an historical analysis of the Russian language. French loanwords found in dictionaries from the time of Peter the Great to the present are analyzed chronologically and topically, yielding the conclusion that the most significant period of long-lasting French influence was the turn of the nineteenth century and was primarily cultural in nature—including the areas of fashion, cuisine, the arts, interior design and etiquette—but was also in areas related to technology and official administration. Following this lexical analysis, other primary sources—archival documents, military memoirs, and periodical publications from the resultant period—are searched for influences in these areas, especially during the period’s two major Franco-Russian events: the wave of immigration to Russia following the French Revolution and Russia’s war with Napoleon. The former facilitated deep cultural enrichment as native Frenchmen and French women, engaged in various occupations, acted as cultural mentors to the Russian nobility. The latter facilitated broad cultural immersion as tens of thousands of Russian troops—noble and common alike—marched into France and experienced French culture firsthand. This dissertation concludes that both of these explosive events, though by no means the beginning of French influence, were unique in the depth and permanence of their mark upon Russia’s culture.
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Poesifloden : Utgivningen av diktsamlingar i Sverige 1976–1995 / A Tide of Poetry : Collections of Poetry Published in Sweden 1976–1995Warnqvist, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is the publishing of poetry in Sweden 1976–1995. The purpose is to examine the position of poetry in the Swedish book market and in the literary process. It is an empirical and statistical study based primarily on an inventory of the published works. The study shows that the publication of Swedish poetry collections in 1976–1995 consisted of 3 848 titles (new works only), which was more than ever before. Publication was consistent over the period, partly due to the allocation of the literature grant introduced by the Swedish government in 1975, but also to the technical development which made it possible for small and private publishers to release collections of poetry at a lower cost. The main publishers were the general publishing houses of Bonniers, Norstedts and Wahlström & Widstrand, but more than a third of the collections were published by vanity press and self publishers. Publication was strongly concentrated to the capital area. Regardless of the size of the publisher, poetry collections were printed in small numbers and generally sold poorly. Along with the technical development offset-printed books replaced duplicated publications, and more books were hardbound. The publishing houses made bigger efforts than ever before to publish female poets. The number increased over the period, but the men were still in a clear majority by 1995. The women were also largely responsible for rejuvenating the body of authors. The number of debutants was relatively constant during the period. The results in this dissertation indicate a hierarchic order among the publishing houses that determine the conditions for the authors and their works. This is verified through analyses of coverage in the national and regional daily papers, as well as three analyses of the authorships of Yngve Aldhagen, Else-Britt Kjellqvist and Bruno K. Öijer. The dissertation concludes that poetry exists on the publishing lists mainly for symbolical reasons; to publish poetry gives cultural capital to the publishers.
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Il lavoro ha indagato alcuni aspetti del primo trentennio di vita dell'officina tipografica bolognese fondata da Francesco Platone de' Benedetti (1482-1496), focalizzandosi in particolare sulla produzione del primo erede, il nipote Giovanni Antonio (1499-1512), sui rispettivi cataloghi culturali e, infine, sul mercato librario bolognese a cavallo fra il XV e il XVI secolo. Tre i punti nodali della ricerca: 1) la rappresentazione del circuito intellettuale che gravitò attorno ai due de’ Benedetti, con particolare attenzione per i curatori editoriali; 2) l’accertamento delle edizioni sine notis ancora da attribuire in via definitiva a Francesco de’ Bendetti, per una comparazione credibile dei cataloghi di zio e nipote e per comprendere, fin dove possibile, le logiche commerciali che Francesco progettava per la sua azienda; 3) un’analisi del progetto culturale di Francesco de' Benedetti basandosi sul suo inventario di magazzino, da cui si evincono: il pubblico cui l’officina mirò, le coordinate (geografiche e culturali) del mercato del libro a Bologna sullo scorcio del secolo XV, i confini del network commerciale in cui Platone de’ Benedetti seppe inserire la sua impresa. / The research has investigated some aspects of the first three decades of the bolognese typography founded by Francesco Platone de 'Benedetti (1482-1496), focusing, in particular, on the production of the first heir, his nephew Giovanni Antonio (1499-1512), on their cultural catalogs and, finally, on the book trade in Bologna between Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries. Three key points of the research: 1) the representation of the intellectuals (their life, their work) gravitated around the typography, with particular attention to the editors; 2) analysis of the sine notis editions still attributed to Francesco Benedetti, for a comparison of the catalogs of uncle and nephew, and to understand, as far as possible, the commercial logic Francesco was planning for his business; 3) an analysis of Francesco Benedetti's cultural project, based on his famous shop inventory, from which can be deduced: the custumers the typography aimed to, geographical and cultural coordinates of the book trade in Bologna at the turn of the XV century, the shape of the commercial network in which Francesco de 'Benedetti entered his business.
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Palladine of England (1588) Translated by Anthony MundayLópez Avilés, Agustín 15 September 2017 (has links)
Edición crítica en inglés de Palladine of England, libro de caballerías traducido al inglés por Anthony Munday en 1588 a través de su versión francesa L'Histoire Palladienne, de 1555. El libro original, ibérico y de autor anónimo, que Claude Colet tradujo al francés, es Don Florando de Inglaterra (1545). Esta edición crítica proporciona una introducción a la época, género y prácticas traductológicas de Munday; un seguimiento histórico de la obra, descripción bibliográfica, transcripción y edición del texto original con notas eruditas; y glosario, emendaciones y un apéndice de notas traductológicas.
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Historie a současnost klášterní knihovny u sv. Tomáše v Praze / Past and Present of the Convent Library of Saints Thomas in PragueSladká, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Monastery library of Order of Hermits of Saint Augustin in Prague is an outstanding book collection of considerable scientific and historical value. Nowadays, it consists of more than 18 000 volumes. Saint Thomas monastery was founded by Wenceslaus II. in 1278 and had, from the very beginning,, a leading role among other monasteries of this order in Bohemia. From the early 14th century an Augustinian university was run there - as the only one in vast province of Bavaria, to which Bohemia belonged. In the 17th century, an independent Bohemian province was established and Saint Thomas monastery became a natural centre of it. This diploma thesis aims to provide an overview of a history of library and to introduce significant members of Augustinian order, who contributed to development (in time of prosperity) of library. Author is particularly focused on early modern period, to which scholars have not paid attention yet, and events connected to the end of the Thirty Years War, when, as it was assumed in the past, the library sustained big damage. Apart from that, everyday interest and care for books and libraries inside the order will be characterised and the cultural and historical impact of the library of Saint Thomas convent will also be emphasized. Origins and medieval period of the library is...
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The Secret Trade : Booksellers, advertisement and sexually transmitted diseases in eighteenth-century LondonHjälm Ellnemyr, Makrina January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship between booksellers, medicine for sexually transmitted diseases, and advertising in eighteenth-century London. The analysis is based on trade cards, prints and advertisement in newspapers and periodicals. The results of the thesis show that booksellers were an active part of the medical marketplace and came to influence the sale of patent medicine in both the capital and in other parts of England during the eighteenth century. The study thus shows that booksellers had a much more important role in the English medical marketplace than previous research has shown. Sex and sexually transmitted diseases regularly featured in advertisement, demonstrating that both sex and sexually transmitted diseases were part of everyday life in eighteenth century London. / I den här uppsatsen undersöks förhållandet mellan bokhandlare, medicin mot könsjukdomar och reklam i 1700-talets London. Analysen baseras på handelskort, tryck och reklam i tid- ningar och tidskrifter. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att bokhandlare var en aktiv del av den medicinska marknaden och kom att påverka försäljningen av patenterad medicine i både huvudstaden och i andra delar av England under 1700-talet. Studien visar därmed att bok- handlare hade en mycket viktigare roll i den engelska medicinska marknaden än vad tidigare forskning har visat. Sex och könssjukdomar förekom regelbundet i reklamen från London och demonstrerar att både sex och könssjukdomar var en del av vardagen i 1700-talets London.
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From Gutenberg to Luther / transnational print cultures in Scandinavia 1450 - 1525Undorf, Wolfgang 26 January 2012 (has links)
Der Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind die physischen, bibliographischen und infrastrukturellen Dimensionen skandinavischer Buchdruckkultur im Spannungsfeld zwischen Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit, Scholastik und Humanismus, spätem Katholizismus und früher Reformation. Ihr theoretischer Ausgangspunkt ist die Erkenntnis, dass die vorreformatorische skandinavische Buchkultur nur im Zusammenhang und Wechselspiel mit der gleichzeitigen kontinentaleuropäischen Buchkultur verstanden werden kann. Der von Deutschland ausstrahlende Vertrieb von gedruckten Büchern erweiterte sich im Gefolge der Preiskrise der 1480er und dem Ausbau Export-orientierter kontinentaler Buchdruckzentren zu einem fest etablierten, zuverlässigen Buchhandel europäischen Ausmasses. Er stellte für skandinavische Drucker eine grosse Herausforderung dar, der sie erst nach 1525 mehr und mehr gewachsen zeigten. Auch wenn die (selbstverständlich nur ungenau zu schätzende) Zahl der gedruckten Bücher, die vor der Reformation in Skandinavien vorhanden waren, an sich klein war, stützt die weit höhere Zahl der Provenienzen eindeutig die Erkenntnis, dass wir es mit einer wesentlich grösseren Buchkultur zu tun haben als bislang angenommen. Die skandinavische vorreformatorische Buchkultur unterschied sich dabei grundsätzlich nicht von der zeitgenössischen kontinentalen oder westeuropäischen Buchkultur. Gegenüber der dynamischen zeitgenössischen kontinentalen Buchzentren entwickelte sich Skandinavien zwar langsamer, ebenso wie Auswirkungen der geographisch periphen Lage nicht ausser Acht gelassen werden dürfen. Gleichzeitig aber war es in vielerlei Hinsicht fest im Gefüge der Netzwerke des kirchlichen, akademischen, intellektuellen und buchhändlerischen Europas verankert. / The subject of this thesis are the infrastructural, bibliographical and physical dimensions of Scandinavian print culture between the contradictory contexts of the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, scholasticism and humanism, late Catholicism and the dawn of the Reformation. Its theoretical point of point of origin is the awareness of the importance of the connection and interplay of Scandinavian pre-Reformation book culture with its contemporary continental counterpart for a deeper understanding of its characteristics and development. The trade with printed books emanating from Germany expanded to a reliable, well-established trade of European dimensions. While being a challenge for Scandinavian printing, which they met successfully not before after 1525, for readers it meant an opportunity. Although the number of printed books available in Scandinavia before the Reformation was not large, the large number of provenances identified and presented in this thesis supports the assumption that this print culture was much larger than assumed up to now. The nature of the Scandinavian pre-Reformation print culture didn’t essentially differ from its continental or Western European siblings. In comparison, Scandinavia did evolve slower and we mustn’t disregard the effects of a position in the geographical periphery. But, at the same time, was Scandinavia firmly positioned in European ecclesiastical, academical, intellectual and book trade networks.
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Die Konstruktion von Lesekultur / im westdeutschen Buchhandel und Öffentlichen Bibliothekswesen der Nachkriegszeit 1950 - 1989Wetzel, Dirk Alexander 10 January 2002 (has links)
Ausgehend von der Unzulänglichkeit, die Lesen als Forschungsgegenstand für jene gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen hat, die über die Didaktik des Lesenlernens hinausreichen, versucht die vorliegende Arbeit einen anderen Zugang zu der Thematik. Nicht die Frage, was, wie, warum und wieviel Menschen lesen, ist hier Forschungsinteresse, vielmehr wird invertiert gefragt, wie Gesellschaftssysteme 'Lesen' definieren, welchen Personen dabei die Rolle des Lesers zugeschrieben wird und welche Motivationen eine solche Differenzierung auslösen und unterstützen. Theoretische Grundlage hierfür ist die Systemtheorie der Bielefelder Schule nach Niklas Luhmann. Anhand der redaktionellen Beiträge der Fachzeitschriften 'Börsenblatt für den Deutschen Buchhandel' sowie 'Buch und Bibliothek [Bücherei und Bildung]' wird die Theorie explizit am Beispiel des Buchhandels und des öffentlichen Bibliothekswesen dargestellt. Bei der Analyse zeigt sich, daß Lesekultur als Produkt eines Traditionssystems wesentlich vom Buchhandel instrumentalisiert wird. Nach innen zur Identitäts- und Marktsicherung sowie nach außen zur Einwerbung staatlicher Sonderkonzessionen, besonders im Kartellrecht. Das Öffentliche Bibliothekswesen indes thematisiert trotz seiner Nähe zum Buchhandel Lesekultur in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren so gut wie gar nicht und nutzt andere Persuasionsmedien zur Systemstabilisierung. Erst provoziert durch empfindliche Etatkürzungen während der Rezession zu Beginn der 1980er Jahre koppelt sich auch das Öffentliche Bibliothekswesen wieder an die Lesekultur als Persuasionmedium zur Einwerbung staatlicher Leistungen. / Taking as its starting point the short-comings of reading as a topic of research for social questions that reach beyond the didactic of learning to read, the present dissertation attempts to approach this subject from another vantage point. The focus of interest is not how many people read what subject matter, in what fashion, and why, but rather its opposite: How do social systems define 'reading', what persons are assigned the role of 'reader' and what are the motivations that this social distinction engenders or promotes. The theoretical foundation for the study is based on the Bielefeld school of systems theory as expounded by Niklas Luhmann. Through an analysis of editorial articles appearing over a period of forty years in the journals 'Börsenblatt für den Deutschen Buchhandel' and 'Buch und Bibliothek [Bücherei und Bildung]', the theoretical model is demonstrated by examples drawn from book-trade and the public library system. In the process it becomes apparent that the culture of reading as a product of a traditional system is fundamentally instrumentalized by the book-trade: inwards for the purpose of identity and market protection, outwards for the purpose of soliciting special national concessions, in particular in the area of antitrust law. In spite of its proximity to book-trade, the public library system all but failed to address reading culture in the decades of 1960s and 1970s and made use of other persuasive media as a means of system stabilization. Only after considerable budgetary cuts during the recession at the start of the 1980s did the public library system couple itself to the culture of reading as a medium of persuasion for soliciting state benefits.
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Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach. Sammler – Stifter – Wissenschaftler / Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach. Collector - Donor - ScientistMeyerhöfer, Dietrich 28 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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