Spelling suggestions: "subject:"drottning"" "subject:"brottning""
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Kravanalys för grekisk-romersk elitbrottningVaziripour, Mahmoud January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Meningsfull kamp : värdeskapande praktiker inom kampidrottFredriksson, Erik January 2008 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna studie undersöker på vilket sätt kampidrott beskrivs som viktigt och värdefullt av de som inom kampidrotterna kan anses har formell makt eller tolkningsföreträde. Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet är att analysera meningsskapande praktiker inom kampidrott. • Vilka former av värdeskapande genom utövande av kampidrott framhävs avföreträdare för kampidrotterna? • Vilka skillnader och likheter finns mellan värdeskapande inom kampidrotter och Riksidrottsförbundets officiella styrdokument? Metod Metoden kan beskrivas som deduktiv tematisk analys och forskningsansatsen är främst deskriptiv och analytisk till sin karaktär. Hemsidor publicerade av kampidrotternas specialidrottsförbund samt tidningen Fighter magazine under åren 2007-2008 analyseras utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk. Överensstämmelser mellan källmaterialets innehåll och teorin registreras som data och analyseras. Resultat Utövande av kampidrott som en form av fysisk träning med målet av förändra sin kropp och förbättra sin hälsa framhävs ofta i materialet. Även färdighetsträning är en ofta förekommande meningskapande praktik inom kampidrott. Tävling och rangordning framstår som mycket viktigt inom vissa kampidrotter men som totalt eller tämligen ointressant inom andra. Självförsvar är en central del i vissa arter men förekommer inte alls inom andra. Det tycks finnas en inneboende konflikt mellan praktikerna tävling och självförsvar. Fysisk träning och socialt värde är praktiker som ofta betonas av både Riksidrottsförbundet och i källorna. Slutsats Färdighetsträning, fysisk träning och personlig utveckling framhävs mycket. Kampidrotterna förefaller kunna ge speciella förutsättningar för sociala kontakter mellan utövare. Det tycks finnas en konflikt mellan tävling i kampidrott och självförsvarsträning. Kampidrotternas värdeskapande praktiker överensstämmer på vissa punkter med de som framhävs av idrottsrörelsen generellt.
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En brottningsmatch med olika förutsättningar : En kvantitativ studie av brottarnas väg till det svenska landslaget / Wrestling with different prerequisitiesStempel, Malin, Ålund, Emanuel January 2018 (has links)
Sports are changing along with the development of society; commercialization and professionalization of the sports movement is today demanding more of the athletes than before. These demands have created a trend of early specialization, not only amongst the biggest global sports, but also the less practiced ones. This study investigated the sport of wrestling, in Sweden, focusing on socioeconomic factors in the families of the wrestlers, when they were growing up. Furthermore, how family members influenced the athletes, as well as their thoughts of early specialization in order to reach the national team, was included in the research. The conclusion of this study was that the majority of the wrestlers who reached the national team, grew up in families where both parents where present, and their parents had a great interest in sport. Moreover, the families had a medium to high socioeconomic status, indicating that this might have been a contributing factor to the success of the athletes. The wrestlers in the national team started training when they were between five and nine years old, whilst making a debut in competition one year later, and started training for an elite career around the ages of 15 to 16. Still, they had divided opinions whether an early specialization is necessary in order to reach a very high level of the sporting society.
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"Jag vill bli bäst i världen" : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på kopplingen mellan inre motivation och elitsatsning inom svensk brottningLindroth, Alexander, Östlund, Maija January 2018 (has links)
A global race between countries for the most valuable medals has triggered the demand of the athletes even more than before. To cope with the increased pressure the athletes not only need physical but also mental strength. Athletes and coaches stresses the importance of motivation to build the mental strength that is needed. This study researched Swedish wrestling and was built on eight elite wrestlers thoughts and experiences regarding motivation. The goal was to examine these experiences in relation to the athletes ongoing athletic career and goal achievement. The study started as a working project from the Swedish Wrestling Association and their purpose was to study the athletes road to becoming wrestlers at the highest levels of the game. Qualitative data form the eight elite wrestlers was gathered from interviews with questions regarding their journey from starting with wrestling to becoming athletes at the highest level of the game. The respondents ages varied from 19 to 31 and during the interviews they had to reflect on the subjects at hand. Results of the study pointed out the importance of high objectives and the self belief that is necessary to become the best in the world. The athletes that participated in the study also felt the need for interim goals to push forward and pinpointed all the sacrifices that is key to succeed at the highest level of international wrestling. The paper also discusses three key psychological needs within the Self-Determination theory connected with the athletes experiences. The essential need to be apart of something larger, be able to influence their own existence and also be pushed to limits where development occur but not surpass their own ability. As a conclusion this study tries to give answers to how the athletes stay motivated in the ever-changing sports climate.
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Vad vet du om RF:s jämställdhetsmål? "Faktiskt ingenting" : En kvalitativ studie om styrelseledamöters upplevelser av arbetet mot jämställdhetsmålen / What do you know about the SSC's gender equality goals? "nothing really" : A qualitative study of board members' experience working towards the gender equality goalsBerneke, Linda, Nordin, Mikaela January 2020 (has links)
Since 1989, The Swedish Sports Confederation (SSC) has had the same gender equality goals for the decision-making bodies and election committees. Even so, men continue to be over represented in most national sport federations and clubs. This has led the SSC to adopt a formal regulation specifying that no gender should be represented by less than 40% in the boards of the national sport federations. This formal regulation does however not extend to the sport clubs, although it is still considered a goal to work towards. The aim of this study was to investigate how board members of Swedish wrestling club sexperience working towards the SSC’s gender equality goals. This was done by qualitative interviews with eight board members, investigating their attitudes towards the work regarding gender equality,what strategies the board members described were being, or could be, used and what might affect the work towards the gender equality goals. The results show that all board members have a positive attitude towards gender equality, although there seems to be uncertainty regarding the definition of gender equality as well as the gender equality goals. The results also show that the strategies described by the board members include strategies aimed at directly achieving the gender equality goals, as well as more general strategies aiming for gender equality in the whole club. What mainly seems to affect the conditions for achieving the gender equality goals seems to be the traditionally male-dominated history and culture of the sport, as well as the lack of interest in being a member of the board.
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Vad lockar vuxna individer att delta i Wresfit? : En kvantitativ studie av motivationsfaktorer och hinders påverkan på deltagandet i träningsformen / What attracts adult individuals to participate in Wresfit? : A quantitative study of how motivational factors and barriers affect participation in trainingJansson, Anton, Åkerblad, Thomas January 2020 (has links)
This quantitative study has been done in cooperation with the Swedish Wrestling Association within the research field of sport science. The sports movement in Sweden wants to get more individuals physically active and the Wrestling Association wants to be a part of this by introducing a new training form, called Wresfit. A form of physical training aimed at exercisers, old wrestlers, exercise wrestlers, sports teams, and people who have never before been in contact with neither wrestling or any other sport for that matter. In short, for anyone who wants to try a challenging form of training. The purpose of the study was to investigate what motivates and how barriers influences adult individuals to participate in Wresfit and to describe and compare patterns in participants' responses. To explain this, a psychological theory called Self-Determination theory was used, which is a simplification of reality to investigate people's motivation. Data was collected with the help of a web survey (n=95) among 25 different wrestling clubs in Sweden. The result showed some motivating factors that motivate adult individuals more than others. The highest-rated motivation factors were for the sake of strength, for joy, for the community, and good instructors. The results also show that there are some differences between people with and people without earlier wrestling background. Participants consider that barriers to not participating in the training form are that there is a lack of time, injury problems, laziness, and prejudice against the wrestling. The study's results conclude that in the responses, there were a lot of interesting explanations about problems and measures that the business should change to attract more people without previous wrestling experience.
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Akharas : En studie kring hinduisk brottningskulturFellers, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Akharas : En studie kring hinduisk brottningskulturFellers, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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