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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transporte TDM em redes GPON / TDM transport in GPON networks

Marcelo Alves Guimarães 17 February 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho analisamos e propomos a utilização de TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) nativo canalizado/estruturado em redes PON (Passive Optical Network) com padrão GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network), com ênfase na estrutura de transmissão do legado das redes de telefonia. O objetivo principal é obter um aumento na eficiência de banda transmitida através da fragmentação de sinais E1 sem que seja necessário o uso de técnicas de emulação de circuito (que reduzem a eficiência de banda devido à adição de cabeçalhos). Inicialmente, é descrito o transporte TDM em redes GPON, como efetuado pelos equipamentos comerciais atuais através de duas técnicas: CES - Circuit Emulation Service e TDM nativo não estruturado. Em seguida, é introduzido o conceito de comutação digital visando sua aplicação no transporte TDM nativo estruturado em redes GPON. Nesta etapa, é proposta uma solução para este transporte, é descrito o protocolo utilizado bem como seu funcionamento. Por fim, como prova de conceito, é apresentada uma implementação em HDL (Hardware Description Language) para FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). / In this work we analyze and propose the use of native channeled /structured TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) in GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network), with emphasis on the structure for transmission of the telephone network legacy. The main target is to achieve an increase in transmitted bandwidth efficiency by fragmenting E1 signals, thus avoiding the use of circuit emulation techniques (which reduce the bandwidth efficiency due to overhead addition). Initially, it is described in TDM transport in GPON networks, as it is performed in present commercial equipment by two techniques: CES - Circuit Emulation Service and Native TDM - unstructured. Next, we introduce the concepts of digital switching aiming its application on the transport of native and structured TDM in GPON. At this stage, we propose a transport solution, describe its protocol and functionalities. Finally, for concept proof, we present an implementation in HDL (Hardware Description Language) meant to FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) application.

Upplevelsen av fastighetsförmedlingsprocessen i Sverige & Frankrike : En jämförande studie utifrån ett kundperspektiv / The experience of a real estate brokerage process in Sweden & France : A comparative study based on a customer perspective

Munck af Rosenschöld, Anna, Hult, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
En fastighetsförmedlingsprocess skiljer sig markant mellan Sverige och Frankrike, vilket kan påverka uppfattningen hos köpare och säljare. I Sverige betonas transparens och trygghet genom en opartisk fastighetsmäklare, medan Frankrike använder sig av separata köp- och säljmäklare, med en notarie som hanterar den slutgiltiga affären. Skillnader i dessa processer skulle kunna leda till varierande kundupplevelser och därmed direkt påverka kundens nöjdhet. Att förstå dessa skillnader och anpassa tjänsterna därefter är avgörande för fastighetsmäklarens framgång och för att upprätthålla ett fungerande mäklarsystem i landet. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka och mäta kundupplevelsen från förmedlingsprocesserna i Sverige och Frankrike för att förstå vilken process som uppskattas mest av kunden.  I studien har en kvalitativ metod valts där semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att samla in material. Den grundar sig i teorier om kundens upplevelse, nöjdhet, upplevda servicekvalitet och lojalitet samt olika mätinstrument som kan fånga upp de olika aspekterna. Arbetet har belyst kundernas perception utifrån skillnaderna i de olika processerna enligt sju olika dimensioner från mätinstrumentet RESERV. Dessa är pålitlighet, beredskap, säkerhet, empati, materiella tillgångar, professionalism och tillgänglighet.  Studien har visat att kundens upplevelse påverkas av de olika förmedlingsprocesserna. Områden som säkerhet, beredskap och professionalism har dominerat de insamlade svaren och har ansetts ha en stor betydelse för kundens upplevelse. Sverige utmärker sig inom områdena beredskap och professionalism och Frankrike inom säkerhet. Studien konstaterar att olika processer föredras utifrån ett sälj- och ett köpperspektiv. Vidare går det att konstatera att kunderna värderade beredskapen mer än säkerheten eftersom de inte upplevde något av länderna som direkt osäkert. Studien resulterade i att den svenska processen var mer omtyckt än det franska i helhet - men att en kombination av de båda hade varit det bästa alternativet. Detta där en förmedlingsprocess både innehåller hög säkerhet men även hög beredskap som gör processen smidig och snabb. / The mediation process differs significantly between Sweden and France, which can affect the perception of buyers and sellers. In Sweden, transparency and security are emphasised through an impartial Real Estate Broker, while France uses separate buyer and seller Brokers, with a Notary handling the final transaction. Differences in these processes could lead to varying customer experiences and thus directly impact customer satisfaction. Understanding these differences and adapting services accordingly is crucial for a Broker's success and to maintain a functioning Brokerage system in the country. This study aims to investigate and measure the customer experience from the mediation processes in Sweden and France to understand which process is most appreciated by the customer.  In the study, a qualitative method was chosen where semi-structured interviews were used to collect material. It is based on theories of customer experience, satisfaction, perceived service quality, and loyalty, as well as various measurement instruments that can capture these different aspects. The work has highlighted customers' perceptions based on the differences in the processes according to seven different dimensions from the RESERV measurement instrument. These are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles, professionalism, and availability.  The study has shown that the customer experience is influenced by the different mediation processes. Areas such as security, readiness, and professionalism have dominated the collected responses and have been considered to have a significant impact on the customer experience. Sweden stands out in the areas of readiness and professionalism, and France in security. The study concludes that different processes are preferred from a seller and buyer perspective. Furthermore, it can be noted that customers valued readiness more than security because they did not perceive any of the countries as directly unsafe. The study results in Sweden being considered to have a somewhat more preferred process overall - but that a combination of the two would have been the best option. This meaning that the process contains both a high level of security but also a high level of readiness for a smooth and fast process.

Política pública de saúde e a intersetorialidade: um olhar sobre o Conselho Estadual de Saúde do Pará (CES/PA)

MEDEIROS, Thaize de Sousa 18 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Hellen Luz (hellencrisluz@gmail.com) on 2018-03-27T17:16:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_PoliticaPublicaSaude.pdf: 1645257 bytes, checksum: 0995d63bdc37dcfeca3c9ef9d4658d0d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Borges (aline@ufpa.br) on 2018-04-11T16:20:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_PoliticaPublicaSaude.pdf: 1645257 bytes, checksum: 0995d63bdc37dcfeca3c9ef9d4658d0d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-11T16:20:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_PoliticaPublicaSaude.pdf: 1645257 bytes, checksum: 0995d63bdc37dcfeca3c9ef9d4658d0d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-18 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho apresenta o estudo realizado sobre o Conselho Estadual de Saúde do Pará (CES/PA) quanto ações de caráter intersetorial no campo da política pública de saúde. Como objetivo geral buscou-se investigar como a intersetorialidade está sendo trabalhada no CES/PA para a efetivação dos serviços de saúde. E, como objetivo específico buscou-se identificar em documentos do CES/PA se ações que caracterizem a intersetorialidade são desenvolvidas, assim como analisar a compreensão dos conselheiros sobre a intersetorialidade, e identificar limites e possibilidades do CES/PA para a efetivação da intersetorialidade. O desenvolvimento do trabalho foi pautado pelo método da pesquisa qualitativa, tendo como subsídio as pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e de campo, sendo utilizada nesta última a entrevista de caráter semi-estruturado enquanto instrumental à coleta dos dados, além da técnica da observação sistematizada. Os resultados mostraram, por sua vez, como o CES/PA vêm inserindo em sua agenda a discussão sobre a intersetorialidade, no que concerne ao campo da política pública de saúde. De tal forma, que os documentos analisados (no período de 2013 a 2015) revelam se o Conselho apresentou ações que denotem a intersetorialidade. Além da compreensão dos conselheiros entrevistados sobre a intersetorialidade, de tal sorte que foi empreendido um trabalho de aproximação das falas dos entrevistados com a literatura trabalhada no que concerne a temática em questão, apresentando a visão dos conselheiros sobre o assunto. E, também, os limites e possibilidades do CES/PA, indicados pelos conselheiros, para a efetivação da intersetorialidade. / This paper presents the study on the State Board of Health of Pará (CES / PA) and inter-sector actions in the field of public health policy. As a general objective we sought to investigate how the intersectoral approach is being worked on CES / PA for the effectiveness of health services. And, as a specific objective sought to identify in the ESC / PA documents are actions that characterize the intersectionality are developed, as well as analyze the understanding of the directors on the intersectionality, and identify the limits and possibilities of the ESC / PA for effective intersectoral. The development work was guided by the method of qualitative research, taking as input the bibliographical research, documentary and field, being used in the latter semistructured character interview as instrument to data collection, as well as the systematic observation technique. The results showed, in turn, as the ESC / PA have been inserting in its agenda the discussion of intersectionality, as regards the field of public health policy. So that the documents analyzed (in the period 2013-2015) show that the Council presented actions that denote the intersectionality. In addition to understanding of respondents advisers on intersectionality, in such a way that was undertaken an approach work of the interviews with the literature worked as regards the issue in question, presenting the view of the directors on the subject. And, too, the limits and possibilities of the ESC / PA, indicated by the directors, for the realization of intersectionality.

Contribution à l'étude $p$-adique des sommes de caractères

Régis, Blache 30 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dans ce mémoire, on se propose de décrire certains résultats de l'auteur sur les propriétés $p$-adiques des fonctions $L$ associées à des caractères sur les corps finis, à la suite des travaux de Dwork, Robba, Adolphson et Sperber, Wan, entre autres. On parlera aussi de sommes de caractères (et de leurs fonctions $L$) définies sur certains anneaux locaux.

CO2 Ventilation, Hydrological Cycle over Southern Ocean and Clumped Isotope Thermometry in Biogenic Carbonates

Prasanna, K January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis presents observations on the CO2 concentration and carbon isotopes in air CO2 (δ13C) to constrain the inter-annual variability of carbon inventory over the Southern Ocean between the years 2011-2013. Based on the observation, the region of CO2 venting was identified over the Southern Ocean. Further, isotopic characterization allowed inferring about the possible sources of CO2 degassing and contribution from the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) that exsolved to generate CO2. It is concluded that the origin CO2 is mainly from the degassing of CO2 available from the dissociation of DIC or organic degradation. Live Foraminiferal samples of Globigerina bulloides from towing were captured, separated and analysed for δ18O and δ13C from various locations across the Southern Ocean between 10°N−60°S. A large similarities in the estimated values (deduced from simultaneous composition of ocean water 18O, δ13C in DIC and temperature i.e. SST under equilibrium condition) and measured δ18O and δ13C values were observed until 40°S from the equator, and hence it was concluded that the calcification depth of G. bulloides is confined to a depth of ~75-200m till 40°S latitude. However, further south (>40oS) disequilibrium from the estimates was detected. A number of possible reasons were cited for the observed disequilibrium such as (1) Deeper depth habitat (2) Partial dissolution (3) Non-equilibrium calcification (4) Oceanic Suess Effect and (5) Genetic Variability. A box model of isotopic mass balance was presented in this study to explain the pattern of enrichment in the 13C values of sea water DIC with latitude (up to about 43°S). The model shows that a steady state of the carbon isotope ratio of water is achieved in a relatively short time of ~5000 days. Rainwater isotope in the open marine condition across the latitudinal transects over Southern Ocean marking zone of precipitation and evaporation is another element of this thesis. A variation with excess lighter isotopes in rainwater was observed in high latitude rain in this study. Observed isotopic depletion is attributed to rainout process over the ocean. The average rainout fraction over the Southern Ocean in the region of zone of precipitation is ~44%, while it drops to ~25% in the zone of evaporation. Second part of the thesis presents a novel method of isotope thermometry which is called “clumped isotope (13C18O16O16O-2 in the calcite structure) thermometry”. A revision in the thermometry equation relating 47 vs T in synthetic carbonates precipitates and otoliths was proposed. The revised calibration was used on fish otoliths from the modern and past environment to estimate the temperatures. Together with the clumped isotope, conventional stable isotopes in the shell carbonates were measured to effectively reconstruct the seasonal fresh water fraction at seasonal time scales.

Des effecteurs candidats de rouille fongique non homologues agissent sur des voies apparentées = Unrelated fungal rust candidate effectors act on overlapping plant functions

Gonçalves Dos Santos, Karen Cristine January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

The Effects of Cultural Orientation Change on Metabolic Health in a Sample of Mexican Immigrants to the United States

Walker, Jillian L. 26 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Studies have identified metabolic health factors to be a major concern in Mexican-Americans, including Mexican immigrants to the United States (U.S.). Acculturation stress has been hypothesized to be a factor in the development of many health-related concerns in this population. Specifically, previous studies have shown that acculturation stress contributes to health concerns, including metabolic health concerns (e.g., diabetes, metabolic syndrome). The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between cultural orientation, a measure of acculturation designed to provide more information than traditional acculturation measures, and metabolic health outcomes. Specific acculturation-related stressors (social support, job-related stress, and depression) were hypothesized mediators in this relationship among a convenience sample of 98 foreign-born Mexicans living in Utah County, Utah controlling for age, gender, socio-economic status (SES), and years in the U.S. Data were collected twice with a three year interval to examine change over time. Changes in these constructs were examined through the use of Growth Modeling with Bayesian estimation. The Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican-Americans (ARSMA-II) was used to measure Anglo Cultural Orientation and Mexican Cultural Orientation. Standard blood analyses were used to measure metabolic health outcomes, which included glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), insulin, and glucose. The Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL-12) was used to measure social support, the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) was used to measure job-related stress, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) was used to measure depression. No change was identified in Anglo Cultural Orientation or Mexican Cultural Orientation over time in the majority of subjects. A positive relationship between Anglo Cultural Orientation and HbA1c was found, as was a negative relationship between Mexican Cultural Orientation and HbA1c. Mediation analyses showed a mediation effect of depression on the relationship between Anglo Cultural Orientation and glucose. Implications of findings, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.


LEE, EUNSUK 22 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Lichtabsorption und Energietransfer in molekularen Aggregaten

Roden, Jan 29 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Aggregate aus Molekülen, in denen die Moleküle über ihre elektronischen Übergangsdipole miteinander wechselwirken, finden wegen ihrer besonderen optischen und Energietransfer-Eigenschaften vielfach Anwendung in Natur, Technik, Biologie und Medizin. Beispiele sind die wechselwirkenden Farbstoffmoleküle, die in den Lichtsammelkomplexen Photosynthese betreibender Lebewesen Sonnenlicht absorbieren und die Energie als elektronische Anregung hocheffizient zu Reaktionszentren weiterleiten, oder Aggregate aus tausenden von organischen Farbstoffmolekülen in einem flüssigen Lösungsmittel. Die Wechselwirkung der Moleküle (Monomere) führt zu über mehrere Moleküle delokalisierten angeregten elektronischen Zuständen, die die Energietransfer-Dynamik und die Absorptionsspektren der Aggregate prägen. Die Lichtabsorption und der Energietransfer in molekularen Aggregaten werden oft stark von Vibrationen beeinflusst, sowohl von internen Vibrationsfreiheitsgraden der Monomere als auch von Vibrationen der Umgebung (z. B. das Proteingerüst in Lichtsammelkomplexen oder eine Flüssigkeitsumgebung), an die die elektronische Anregung koppelt. Da es schwierig ist, diese Vibrationen in die theoretische Beschreibung des Transfers und der Spektren einzubeziehen, ist ihr genauer Einfluss noch nicht gut verstanden. Um dieses Verständnis zu verbessern, entwickeln wir in dieser Arbeit neue Berechnungsmethoden und untersuchen damit die Auswirkungen der Vibrationen. Zuerst betrachten wir die diskreten internen Vibrationsfreiheitsgrade der Monomere. Dazu haben wir eine effiziente numerische Methode entwickelt, die es uns erlaubt, mehrere Freiheitsgrade pro Monomer explizit einzubeziehen und die volle Schrödinger-Gleichung zu lösen. Mit den Modellrechnungen können wir experimentelle Aggregat-Spektren der Helium-Nanotröpfchen-Isolation-Spektroskopie, mit der man die einzelnen Vibrationslinien der Monomere auflösen kann, zum ersten Mal quantitativ reproduzieren. In früheren theoretischen Behandlungen wurde oft nur ein einziger Vibrationsfreiheitsgrad pro Monomer berücksichtigt – nun zeigen wir, dass die Einbeziehung möglichst vieler Freiheitsgrade für eine realistische Beschreibung von Aggregat-Spektren wichtig ist. Um neben den internen Vibrationen auch den Einfluss der Umgebung beschreiben zu können, nutzen wir den Zugang offener Quantensysteme und nehmen an, dass die elektronische Anregung an ein strukturiertes Kontinuum von Vibrationsfreiheitsgraden koppelt. Erstmals wenden wir die sogenannte nicht-markovsche Quanten-Zustands-Diffusion auf die molekularen Aggregate an, wodurch wir mit Hilfe einer Näherung Spektren und Transfer mit einer sehr effizienten stochastischen Schrödinger-Gleichung berechnen können. So können wir Merkmale gemessener Aggregat-Spektren, wie das schmale J-Band und das breite strukturierte H-Band, in Abhängigkeit der Anzahl der Monomere und der Wechselwirkungsstärke zwischen den Monomeren beschreiben. Auch können wir den Übergang von kohärentem zu inkohärentem Transfer erfassen. Eine für den Transfer relevante Größe ist die Anzahl der kohärent gekoppelten Monomere im Aggregat. Diese schätzt man häufig aus der Verschmälerung des Aggregat-Spektrums ab. Wir finden jedoch für verschiedene Spektraldichten des Vibrationskontinuums sehr unterschiedliche Verschmälerungen des Aggregat-Spektrums, die wir analytisch erklären. So zeigen wir, dass die bisherige einfache Abschätzung der Anzahl der kohärent gekoppelten Monomere nicht gerechtfertigt ist, da die Verschmälerung stark vom angenommenen Modell abhängt.

Lichtabsorption und Energietransfer in molekularen Aggregaten

Roden, Jan 10 March 2011 (has links)
Aggregate aus Molekülen, in denen die Moleküle über ihre elektronischen Übergangsdipole miteinander wechselwirken, finden wegen ihrer besonderen optischen und Energietransfer-Eigenschaften vielfach Anwendung in Natur, Technik, Biologie und Medizin. Beispiele sind die wechselwirkenden Farbstoffmoleküle, die in den Lichtsammelkomplexen Photosynthese betreibender Lebewesen Sonnenlicht absorbieren und die Energie als elektronische Anregung hocheffizient zu Reaktionszentren weiterleiten, oder Aggregate aus tausenden von organischen Farbstoffmolekülen in einem flüssigen Lösungsmittel. Die Wechselwirkung der Moleküle (Monomere) führt zu über mehrere Moleküle delokalisierten angeregten elektronischen Zuständen, die die Energietransfer-Dynamik und die Absorptionsspektren der Aggregate prägen. Die Lichtabsorption und der Energietransfer in molekularen Aggregaten werden oft stark von Vibrationen beeinflusst, sowohl von internen Vibrationsfreiheitsgraden der Monomere als auch von Vibrationen der Umgebung (z. B. das Proteingerüst in Lichtsammelkomplexen oder eine Flüssigkeitsumgebung), an die die elektronische Anregung koppelt. Da es schwierig ist, diese Vibrationen in die theoretische Beschreibung des Transfers und der Spektren einzubeziehen, ist ihr genauer Einfluss noch nicht gut verstanden. Um dieses Verständnis zu verbessern, entwickeln wir in dieser Arbeit neue Berechnungsmethoden und untersuchen damit die Auswirkungen der Vibrationen. Zuerst betrachten wir die diskreten internen Vibrationsfreiheitsgrade der Monomere. Dazu haben wir eine effiziente numerische Methode entwickelt, die es uns erlaubt, mehrere Freiheitsgrade pro Monomer explizit einzubeziehen und die volle Schrödinger-Gleichung zu lösen. Mit den Modellrechnungen können wir experimentelle Aggregat-Spektren der Helium-Nanotröpfchen-Isolation-Spektroskopie, mit der man die einzelnen Vibrationslinien der Monomere auflösen kann, zum ersten Mal quantitativ reproduzieren. In früheren theoretischen Behandlungen wurde oft nur ein einziger Vibrationsfreiheitsgrad pro Monomer berücksichtigt – nun zeigen wir, dass die Einbeziehung möglichst vieler Freiheitsgrade für eine realistische Beschreibung von Aggregat-Spektren wichtig ist. Um neben den internen Vibrationen auch den Einfluss der Umgebung beschreiben zu können, nutzen wir den Zugang offener Quantensysteme und nehmen an, dass die elektronische Anregung an ein strukturiertes Kontinuum von Vibrationsfreiheitsgraden koppelt. Erstmals wenden wir die sogenannte nicht-markovsche Quanten-Zustands-Diffusion auf die molekularen Aggregate an, wodurch wir mit Hilfe einer Näherung Spektren und Transfer mit einer sehr effizienten stochastischen Schrödinger-Gleichung berechnen können. So können wir Merkmale gemessener Aggregat-Spektren, wie das schmale J-Band und das breite strukturierte H-Band, in Abhängigkeit der Anzahl der Monomere und der Wechselwirkungsstärke zwischen den Monomeren beschreiben. Auch können wir den Übergang von kohärentem zu inkohärentem Transfer erfassen. Eine für den Transfer relevante Größe ist die Anzahl der kohärent gekoppelten Monomere im Aggregat. Diese schätzt man häufig aus der Verschmälerung des Aggregat-Spektrums ab. Wir finden jedoch für verschiedene Spektraldichten des Vibrationskontinuums sehr unterschiedliche Verschmälerungen des Aggregat-Spektrums, die wir analytisch erklären. So zeigen wir, dass die bisherige einfache Abschätzung der Anzahl der kohärent gekoppelten Monomere nicht gerechtfertigt ist, da die Verschmälerung stark vom angenommenen Modell abhängt.

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