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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] Este estudo aborda o Food Design como uma lente para o Design Sistêmico e de Serviço em gastronomia, mais especificamente, para instrumentar chefs de restaurantes no Rio de Janeiro a revisar e modificar relacionamentos em cadeias curtas de produção e consumo de alimentos. Esse conjunto de ações objetiva influenciar e estimular a consciência do consumidor, mudando assim o modo como os alimentos são percebidos e consumidos e a relação entre o usuário final e o produtor. A Design Science Research foi aplicada como espinha dorsal metodológica para desenvolver uma solução (artefato) que melhore o fluxo do campo à mesa no Rio de Janeiro, conscientização do consumidor e cadeias agrícolas locais. Para complementar, os métodos de Pesquisa-ação Participante, Food Design, Design Thinking e Design de Serviço foram também adotados, em um processo imersivo e empático na questão em análise, aprimorada neste estudo pela vivência pessoal da autora, experiente chef de cozinha. O estudo aborda os desafios de uma cadeia de alimentos mais saudável e sustentável, benefícios e obstáculos enfrentados pelos chefs que trabalham com agricultores familiares e pequenos produtores. A pesquisa se debruça sobre barreiras existentes e busca entender como o design pode contribuir na superação desses obstáculos, na interação com os prestadores de serviços de alimentação e na promoção do consumo consciente com sistemas e serviços para chefs. Este trabalho é fortemente apoiado pelo conhecimento empírico dos chefs locais selecionados, com iniciativa relevante para encurtar a cadeia, uma vez que a referência escrita sobre o assunto é um tanto escassa e quase nenhum estudo de Design se concentra no restaurante como sistema alimentar ou seus impactos. Outro sustentáculo da pesquisa se apresenta na experiência didática de Design de Serviço para alimentação em um exercício com alunos da Graduação sobre o tema. Os resultados levantados por esta pesquisa fornecem insights e anteveem a possibilidade de replicação, tendo explorado principalmente questões logísticas, culturais, e as facetas diretas de inovação social que ela contém. / [en] This study approaches Food Design as a lens for the Systemic and Service Design in gastronomy, more specifically, to provide tools for chefs in Rio de Janeiro to review and modify relationships in short food supply chains; wherewith influencing and encouraging conscious consumption, thus changing the way food is perceived and consumed and the relationship between the end user and the producer. Design Science Research was adopted as a methodological backbone to develop a solution (artifact) that improves the flow from farm to table in Rio de Janeiro, consumer awareness and local agricultural chains. Participatory Action Research, Food Design, Design Thinking and Service Design methodologies were also adopted, in an immersive and empathetic process in the question under analysis, which was enhanced in this study by the personal experience of the author, versed restaurant chef. The study approaches the challenges of a healthier and more sustainable food supply chain, benefits and obstacles faced by chefs who work with family farmers and small-scale producers. This has been done by surveying existing barriers, understanding how to overcome these obstacles with systems and services for chefs, who rely on a network of small farmers to surpass the difficulties of interacting with food industry service providers and promoting conscious consumption. This work is strongly supported by the empirical knowledge of the selected local chefs with relevant initiative in bypassing this chain, since written reference on the subject is somewhat scarce, and hardly any Design study has focused on the restaurant as a food system or its impacts. Another support of the research is presented in the didactic experience of Service Design for food in an exercise with undergraduate students on the theme. The results raised by this research provide insights and foresee the possibility of replication, having explored logistics and cultural issues mostly, and the direct social innovation facets it contains.

Samspelet mellan chef och HR-avdelning : vilken inverkan har det vid stresshantering? / The relationship between manager and Human Resource department : what impact does it have on stress management?

Maneli Golpagoon, Mina, Lundman, Malin January 2015 (has links)
Arbetsrelaterad stress är en stor riskfaktor i dagens organisationer vilket har påvisats av en stor mängd forskning. Trots att arbetsgivarens skyldighet att motverka ohälsa hos sina anställda är lagreglerad kvarstår problematiken om stress på arbetsplatser. I denna problematik existerar det delade meningar om det är chefen eller HR-avdelningen som kan utföra den mest gynnsamma stresshanteringen. I denna studie har vi därmed behandlat hur samspelet mellan chef och en centraliserad alternativt decentraliserad HR-avdelning påverkar en chefs agerande vid stresshantering. För att få en bättre insikt för detta sampel har vi utfört en jämförande fallstudie i två olika företag där vi fått möjligheten observera den rådande arbetsmiljön och att utföra 13 intervjuer med chefer, medarbetare och en HR-representant. I vår teoretiska referensram har vi kombinerat organisatoriska perspektiv för att bättre kunna förstå det komplexa samspelet som finns mellan HR-avdelning och chef.Ur det empiriska materialet framgår det att majoriteten av respondenterna i båda företagen betraktar den centraliserade HR-avdelningen som en extern funktion utan insikt i den operativa verksamheten. Detta innebär att cheferna självständigt och med stor handlingsfrihet får hantera problematiska situationer som kan vara stressrelaterade. Vidare framgår det även att samspelet mellan cheferna och HR-avdelningarna vid stresshantering är begränsad eftersom de centraliserade HR-avdelningarna saknar insyn i den operativa verksamheten. I vår analys framhävs det att chefens inställning tillsammans med organisationskulturen i företagen påverkar implementerandet och användandet av HR-avdelningens tjänster i den operativa verksamheten.Inställningen som chefen har till HR-avdelningen influerar övriga aktörer i verksamheten och således även organisationskulturen. Då en centraliserad HR-avdelning bidrar till en självständighet för chefen kan detta försvåra alternativt underlätta chefens agerande vid stresshantering. Om en chef kan hantera ett situationsanpassat ledarskap kan detta bidra till välmående medarbetare och en gynnsam stresshantering. Dock har både denna studie och tidigare forskning visat indikationer på att en chef inte alltid hinner prioritera faktorer som stresshantering. I dessa fall kan närmare kontakt med HR-medarbetare vidareutveckla chefens stresshantering. Oavsett utformning av HR-avdelning är det avgörande att organisationskulturen, som formas av cheferna och medarbetarna, främjar denna strukturering. / Work related stress is a major risk factor in today’s organisations proven by an extensive amount of research. Even though employers are obligated by law to ensure the wellbeing of their employees, the problem of stress still remains in work environments. Within this complex of problems, there exists a difference of opinion, whether it is the manager or the HR-department who can implement the most favourable stress management. In this study, we have consequently treated how the relationship between managers and a centralised alternatively de-centralised, HR-department affects a manager’s pursuance with stress management. In order to further improve the insight for this relationship, we have conducted a comparative case study in two different enterprises, where we got the opportunity to observe the prescribed working environment and to perform 13 interviews with managers, employees and an HR-representative. We have combined the perspective of the organisation in our theoretical framework of thesis, in order for us to better understand the complex relationship between the HR-department and manager.The empirical material indicates that the majority of the respondents, in both companies, regard the centralised HR-department as an external function without insight in the operational business. This denotes that the managers independently, and with freedom of action, can handle the problematic situations that could be stress related. Furthermore, it also shows that the synergy between the managers and HR-department during stress management is limited, due to the fact that the centralised HR-departments do not possess the proper perception of the operational business. Presented in our analysis is that the emphasis of the manager’s attitude, together with the culture of the organisation within the business, affects the implementation and usage of the HR-department’s services in the operational business.The fact that a centralised HR-department contributes to independence for the manager makes it either difficult or simple for the manager to act during stress management. The manager’s attitude towards the HR-department influences the remaining actors in the operational business and thus also affecting the culture of the organisation. When a manager can manage a situational leadership it can contribute to the wellbeing of the employees and a successful stress management. However, this study and earlier researches show implications that a manager does not always have the time to prioritize stress management. In these cases a closer relationship with HR-employees could further advance the manager’s stress management. Regardless of the HR-departments structure it is crucial that the organizational culture, which is created by the managers and employees, promotes this structure. The paper is presented in Swedish.

Kvinnor och män på ledande positioner / Women and men in leading positions

Siggers, Chanelle, Vahebi, Negin January 2016 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur ledarskap bland män och kvinnor ser ut i den privata sektorn, därvi valt ett specifikt företag att studera. Frågeställningen är om det finns skillnader i hur enman respektive kvinna antar sin ledarroll och hur denna speglas i organisationen samt vad dentillför den organisatoriska framgången. Frågeställningen studeras utifrån olika ledarskapsstilardär vissa framhävs mer än andra.Fördelningen av studiens population har syftet att företräda ett kvinnligt och ett manligtledarskap för att sedan utföra en analys av hur de olika speglas i organisationen. Intervjueroch observationer utfördes i syfte av att skapa en kontakt med deras ledarroller för att få enverklig uppfattning. Med observationer menas att vi fick chansen att betrakta respektive chefunder en viss tidsperiod för att upptäcka beteendemönster.Resultatet vi fick fram var att egenskaperna inte är könsbaserade utan snarareindividorienterade. Vi kom fram till slutsatsen att en man och en kvinna speglar olika normeri samhället och förväntas ha vissa egenskaper men att det i själva verket handlar om vilkenorientering individen har. Med andra ord vad personen lägger sin allra största fokus på. / This study examines leadership among men and women in the private sector where we havechosen a specific company to study. The question is if there are differences in how a man anda woman assume its leadership role and how this is reflected in the organization. Further morewhat it may add to organizational processes. The study is examined by different leadershipstyles where some emphasized more than others.The choice of the population in this study are supposed to reflect and represent the female andmale leadership where we got an opportunity to make an analysis of how the differences arereflected in the organization. Interviews and observations were carried out with the aim ofcreating a bigger understanding of how their leadership reflects on the staff and theenvironment in general. By observing the leaders, we were able the see different patterns ofbehavior in how they talked, reacted and thinked regarding their staff and the organization. Inother words, we got to see how they really work.The results we got was that there are no differences that are based on the gender, wediscovered that the differences are individualoriented.We came to the conclusion that manand a woman reflects the different standards in society and are expected to have certaincharacteristics, but that it is in fact an individualorientedmatter and difference. In otherwords, it depends on what the person put their greatest focus on.This thesis is written in Swedish.

Första linjens chefers upplevelser av den egna psykosociala arbetsmiljön i en vårdorganisation

Sellman, Åsa January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att förstå och sammanfatta hur första linjens chefer (FLC) i en vårdorganisation upplever sin egen psykosociala arbetsmiljö, vad de tycker fungerar bra, vilka utmaningar de ser, och vilket stöd de behöver för att kunna förbättra den egna psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Jag genomförde semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att samla in data och två klassiska modeller inom psykosocial arbetsmiljöforskning: krav-kontroll-stöd och ansträngning-belöning, har fungerat som teoretiska tolkningsramar. Tematisk analys användes för att analysera data och identifiera teman för resultatet. Resultatet visade på sju teman som respondenterna upplevde påverkade deras egen psykosociala arbetsmiljö: chefsrollen, arbetsbelastning, styrning av den dagliga verksamheten, påverkan/beslutsutrymme, information/kommunikation, arbetsrelationer/samarbete och stödfunktioner. Några utmaningar för FLC är: orimligt höga krav, stora arbetsgrupper, bemanningsproblem, tidskrävande administration, brist på långsiktig planering och förbättringsarbete, mycket övertid och behov av mer stöd för att minska arbetsbelastningen. En närliggande tolkning av resultatet är att flera delar behöver förändras för att förbättra FLCs psykosociala arbetsmiljö och förutsättningarna för chefsuppdraget. / The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand and summarize how first-line managers (FLM’s) in a healthcare organization is experiencing their own psychosocial work environment, what they think works well, what challenges they see, and what support they need to improve their own psychosocial work environment. I conducted semi-structured interviews to collect data and two classic models in the psychosocial work environment research: demand-control-support and effort-reward, have served as theoretical frameworks of interpretation. Thematic analysis was used to analyze data and identify themes for the result. The result showed seven themes that the respondents experienced affected their own psychosocial work environment: the manager role, workload, control of daily operations, impact/decision latitude, information/communication, working relationships/cooperation and support functions. Some challenges for FLM are: unreasonable high demands, large workgroups, challenges with staffing, time-consuming administration, lack of long-term planning and improvement work, a lot of overtime and more support needed to reduce workload. An interpretation of the result is that the organization needs to change several parts to improve FLM’s psychosocial work environment and conditions for the manger role.

Dynamiques d'urbanisation des villes intermédiaires au Maghreb (Algérie, Maroc,Tunisie) : Effet chef-lieu et perspectives de développement. / Dynamics of urbanization of the secondery cities in the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) : effect administrative centre and perspectives of development.

Kasdallah, Najet 18 December 2013 (has links)
Les villes intermédiaires apparaissent d'un intérêtmajeur, à partir des années 1970, dans les paysdéveloppés, compte tenu du rôle qu'elles doiventassurer dans la structuration globale des systèmesurbains et permettre un développement plusharmonieux du territoire. «Elles sont sensées devenirle relais dans la redistribution de la croissance entreles métropoles et grandes villes d'une part, et lesbourgs et petites villes de l'autre». La questionémerge ainsi, dans des discours aussi divers que ceuxdes aménageurs, des architectes ou des chercheurs ensciences-sociales.Au niveau de l'ensemble Maghreb-Moyen-Orient, cesvilles sont peu représentées dans la hiérarchie urbaineglobale et se trouvent souvent à la tête des systèmesrégionaux un peu déséquilibrés où la primauté estdonnée à l'échelon national. En revanche, à partir deannées 1980, on a assisté à un changement destendances ; le ralentissement de la croissance desmétropoles et grandes villes et l'envolée des villes demoindre taille, en particulier les villes intermédiaires.Cela est du essentiellement au rôle central de l'Étatdans la simulation de leur dynamiquedémographique, par une politique volontariste dedéveloppement axée selon les cas soit surl'industrialisation, le tourisme mais aussi lapromotion administrative.Elles jouent ainsi, le rôle de pôle économique,culturel et de services, leur permettant de relayer lesgrandes villes et capitales nationales et régionales, etapparaissent comme des noeuds structurants dedesserte et d'animation des petits centresenvironnants étant peu équipés et souvent éloignésdes grandes métropoles.Cette recherche consiste à une analyse comparativede l'organisation et l'évolution des systèmes urbains,afin d'identifier la place des villes intermédiaires, enAlgérie, Maroc et Tunisie, qui présentent uneévolution contrastée du fait urbain et des dynamiquesd'urbanisation différentes et particulières à chaquepays, notamment en ce qui concerne la strate desvilles intermédiaires, en dépit des configurationsgéographiques, historiques et culturelles qu'ils separtagent. / Abstract :Intermediate cities appear of great interest , from the1970s, in developed countries , given the role theymust ensure the overall structure of urban systemsand allow a more harmonious development of theterritory. « They are supposed to be over in theredistribution of growth between cities and cities onthe one hand, and the villages and small towns of theother». The question thus emerges, in as diverse asthose of planners, architects and social - scienceresearchers speeches.At all Maghreb- Middle East, these cities are poorlyrepresented in the global urban hierarchy and areoften found at the head of a little unbalanced regionalsystems where priority is given to the national level.In contrast, from 1980, there has been a change intrends, the slower growth of cities and large townsand soaring smaller towns , especially intermediatecities. This is due mainly to the central role of thestate in the simulation of their population dynamics,through a proactive development policy as the case ison industrialization, tourism as well as theadministrative promotion.They play well, the role of economic hub, culturaland services, allowing them to carry large cities andnational and regional capitals, and appear asstructuring serving nodes and animation surroundingsmall centers are poorly equipped and often remoteof large cities.This research is a comparative analysis of theorganization and evolution of urban systems in orderto identify the role of intermediate cities in Algeria,Morocco and Tunisia, which have a mixed changingurban and urbanization dynamics different andspecific to each country, particularly with regard tothe stratum of intermediate cities , despite thegeographical, historical and cultural configurationsthat share.

Den nationella värdegrunden i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie utifrån enhetechefernas beskrivning av implementeringsprocessen på särskilda boenden för äldre / The national core values in practice : A qualitative study based on managersdescriptions of the implementation process at residential homes for elderly

Elm Ågren, Nicolina, Ahonen, Minna January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge of the implementation process of the national core value at residential homes for the elderly, based on manager’s descriptions. The national core values were introduced in the Social Service Act (SFS 2001:453) 2011 with the aim to increase the quality in the elderly care. According to previous research, leadership has a major impact on the implementation of the national core values; therefore the study takes its outset from the managers perspective. The study is designed as a case study where qualitative interviews are used as a method. Through semi-structured interviews, managers at residential homes for elder have been interviewed. The collected material from the interviews has been analyzed based on theories of implementation and leadership. The result shows that the managers use different methods to implement the national core value in their operations and that different factors affect the implementation process. The factors that arise are mainly the manager, the staff’s attitude and resources. The result shows that managers are important in the implementation process, it is about the meaning that the managers gives the national core value and that the managers can be seen to take an active or a passive role in the implementation process. The managers are requesting education about the national core values, despite the government’s formulated guidance materials and education. The result shows that the managers don’t use these instruments, witch means that the managers are asking for something that already exists. In order for the operations to work in accordance with the national core values, the result shows that both managers and employees requires to provide the right conditions in terms of resources.

Fina fisken : Krögares erfarenheter av etiskt märkt fisk & hållbarhet i haven / There are plenty of fish in the sea, maybe.

Fridlund, Angelica, Strömberg, Susanna January 2019 (has links)
Den stora konsumtionen förväntas öka i framtiden då befolkningen ökar. Livsmedelskonsumtionen står för en fjärdedel av alla utsläpp i Sverige och en del i detta finns restaurangmåltiderna. Restaurangbranschen är en konsumentstyrd marknad, där det stora utbudet av restauranger innebär att restaurangerna behöver erbjuda det konsumenterna vill ha. Fler och fler väljer att konsumera sina vardagsmåltider ute på restaurang. Trots att undersökningar visar att svenskar är väl medveten om hållbarhet finns det en stor bristande kunskap när det kommer till hållbara val på restaurang. Syfte med vårt arbete är att belysa utifrån hållbar fisk om hur olika organisationer och verksamma personer i restaurangbranschen ser på och arbetar med hållbart fiske. Målet med studien är att kunna diskutera om hur en samtid och en framtid kan ställa krav på branschen. Kvalitativa undersökningar har genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer på tre krögare som är verksamma inom fiskrestauranger. En intervju har även genomförts med en anställd på MSC. Intervjuerna har både varit fysiska och per telefon. Fokus i studien har varit krögarens perspektiv och undersökningen har fokuserat på hur de upplever konsumtionen, kunskapen och framtiden inom hållbar fisk på restaurang. Studiens resultat visar att det krävs en förändring i branschen samt ett förändrat konsumentbeteende för att fisken ska förbli kvar på vår tallrik. En omställning är något som måste ske snarast då världens befolkning blir allt större och pressen på haven ökar i samma takt. Idag utvecklas och diskuteras nya fiskemetoder för att undvika att hamna i en negativ spiral av utfiske. Dels försöker länder tillsammans politiskt sätta upp bestämmelser och regler, dels jobbar MSC och liknade organisationer med att utveckla nya verktyg och övervaka fisket ute till havs.  På grund av en pågående samhällsdebatt och exponering i media blir konsumenten mer medveten om hållbarhet och hotade fiskarter. Något som tidigare inte fanns tillgänglig i samma utsträckning. Tack vare ny tillgänglighet av information med både spårbarhet av fisket och kunskap inom branschen, vill fler krögare välja certifierad fisk och välja bort hotade arter. Detta är något som visar sig i intervjuerna där samtliga valt bort att arbeta med hotad fisk och det finns en förhoppning om att konsumenterna ska ställa högre krav i framtiden. Konsumenterna tillsammans med krögare har en gemensam roll i att driva utvecklingen mot en mer hållbar framtid. / The large consumption is expected to increase largely due to an increase of the population on earth. The food consumption stands for a 25 % of the emissions in Sweden and the restaurant visits contribute to this. The restaurant industry is a consumer-driven market, where the large range of restaurants make the restaurants dependent to offer something the costumer wants. More people are eating their everyday meals at restaurants. Even though surveys show that Swedish people are well aware about sustainability, there is a lack of knownledge garding sustainabe choices at restaurants.  The purpose of this study is to examine how restauranteurs at fish-restaurants sees their own contribution, along with the costumers, and other organisations contribution, in promoting sustainable fishing. Qualitative studies have been carried out with the help of semi-structured interviews with three restaurateurs who are active in fish restaurants. An interview with a MSC employee has also been conducted. The interviews have been conducted both physically and via telephone. The focus of the study has been the restauranteur's perspective on how they experience consumption, knowledge and the future in sustainable fish at a restaurant. Everyone who participated in the study believes that a change in the industry and a changed consumer behavior are required for the fish to remain on our plate. A changeover is inevitable since the world's population is growing and the human pressures on the oceans increase at the same rate. Globally, the development of new fishing methods are on-going to avoid ending up in the negative spiral of depleted oceans. Firstly, countries are trying to agree on politics and to set up rules and regulations, and secondly, organisations such as MSC are working with developing new tools and monitor the fishing offshore. Due to an ongoing social debate and exposure in the media, consumers become more aware of sustainability and endangered fish species. Something that was not previously available to the same extent. Because of new availability of information with both traceability of fishing and knowledge in the industry, more restaurateurs want to choose certified fish and opt out of endangered species. This is also something shown in the interviews where the restauranteurs has opted out of working with endangered fish and there is hope that consumers will have higher demands for sustainable options in the future. Consumers and restauranteurs have a common goal to work towards a more sustainable future.

Försvarsmaktens personaltjänst i svallvågor : En studie med bäring på medarbetarsamtalet i marinen

Lindgren, Patrik, Lönnqvist, Carl January 2019 (has links)
I svallvågorna efter det senaste decenniets omstruktureringar och omorganisationer har ansvaret för stora delar av innehållet i personaltjänsten inom Försvarsmakten transformerats. Detta är utgångspunkten för vår induktiva studie genom intervjuer av chefer i marinen, deras erfarenheter och förutsättningar i att kunna effektuera medarbetarsamtalets resultat i form av utvecklingsplaner. Cheferna upplever en uppsida av att medarbetarsamtalet som i stort är bra och att syftet är en ökad operativ effekt – nedsidan som framkommer mycket tydligt är bristen på beslutsmandat i förhållande till uppgifterna och leder till en ökad administrativ belastning. Genom en organisationsteoretisk referensram konstaterar studien att situationen består av kollisionen mellan personaltjänstens centralisering i förhållande till den militära linjestyrningen och deras inbördes logiker och värderingar. Om det är en medveten omsvängning eller en olycklig omständighet genom reformprogram att chefer ska lägga mer tid på personaltjänst och administration framgår inte av vår empiri. Studien konstaterar däremot att det är chefernas ansvarstagande och professionella militära värderingar som gör att fiaskot undviks men succén uteblir för personaltjänsten när de ställs inför uppgifter som de inte har förutsättningar att lösa. Vår förhoppning är att denna undersökning bidrar till ökad förståelse för chefers situation och kan utgöra ett underlag för vidare utveckling av Försvarsmaktens personaltjänst. Detta i syfte att skapa motivation och tillit till personaltjänstens processer, öka den operativa effekten och behålla Försvarsmaktens personal. / Responsibilities for the personnel services in the Swedish Armed Forces have the last decade transformed in the backwash of reorganization and restructuring. This is the outset for our thesis and the research on how executives in the Navy can execute the personal development plan as a result of staff appraisals. As authors we have had confirmation in some of ourprejudice as well as developed new knowledge. The executive’s experiences are mainlypositive and the recognitions of the staff appraisal to gain operational effect are clear. The downside is also clear in accordance with the result of our research – the magnitude of the staff appraisal is too big, take too much time and necessary mandates are missing. Our empirics do not tell us if the executive ́s extended workload on personnel service are an intentional turn or an unfortunate circumstance of New Public Management. Our conclusion is nevertheless – it is not likely to gain operative effect by executive ́s doing more admin work.

“Fake it till you make it” : En kvalitativ studie om hur rekryterare bedömer personligheter och hanterar utmaningar vid chefsrekrytering

Nilefrii, Melina, Persson, Ludvig January 2019 (has links)
In order to be hired, an applicant is expected to possess and live up to a variety of requirements. Though competences such as previous work experience and levels of studies are easily presented and measurable, this presumably may not be the case of more inexplicit information such as people's personalities and attitudes. The purpose of this study is to understand how recruiters value and determine personalities of candidates applying for executive positions. Furthermore it seeks to examine how recruiters handle potential challenges with trying to determine these personalities. Addressing these questions, we integrate semi-structured interviews with recruiters and an analysis of 100 job advertisements for executive positions. The interviews were performed with 6 highly qualified recruiters possessing substantial experience in recruitment regarding executive positions. Found was that recruiters do not seek to determine personalities, but rather personality traits relevant to the job position in question. These personality traits were something that recruiters argued being taken highly in to consideration when determining who to hire. In order to determine these traits, recruiters proposed several methods. Usually, a personality test filled by the applicant set the tone for the rest of the recruitment process. The recruiters alleged that the result of the test formed behaviour related questions during the job-interview regarding the personality traits of interest. Another method used, which had a clash of believed validity, was the estimation of applicants personality traits by looking at their behaviour during the actual interview. The challenges with trying to determine these personality traits proved to be 1) Misunderstandings between applicants and recruiters 2) Differences in applicants love of ease and skill regarding the job interview as a format 3) Candidates telling outright lies. In order to avoid misunderstandings recruiters asked candidates to give examples from real life experiences. To handle the risk of candidates being skillful in doing interviews a trial of employment was used so that the recruiter had a chance to evaluate the candidate in its executive position. The risk of applicants telling lies was resolved by either a) Trying to explain as little as possible regarding the job, so that the applicant would not be able to form their answers b) By asking follow up questions regarding the personality traits of interest without revealing what was looked for.

Proust: sobre a obra e a música: reflexões sobre arte, temporalidade e memória / Proust: sur l\'oeuvre et la musique:. réflexions sur l\'art, temporalité et mémoire

Marantes, Bernardete Oliveira 29 January 2007 (has links)
Apesar de ser um trabalho mesclado pela arte literária, a \"Recherche\" de Proust, e pela filosofia da duração contínua de Bergson, literatura e filosofia aqui não se confundem nem se imiscuem em favor de alguma idéia subjacente de identidade comum; contrário a uma concepção simbiótica entre as matérias, ou a fazer da literatura filosofia e vice-versa, o que se procurou foi evolver a reflexão em duas dimensões distintas mas que, além de simpáticas entre si, ainda nutrem-se reciprocamente. A literatura proustiana assume a preponderância no processo, pois é dela que promana o objeto que conduzirá nossas comnsiderações; logo, advém da \"Recherche\" o objeto escolhido para investigação, assim como sua estética exposta na obra; a filosofia bergsoniana, apartada das ponderações literárias e não tendo uma estética formalizada, é o ponto de apoio que operacionaliza indiretamente as reflexões. O objeto escolhido é uma peça musical ficcional que não nos é possível apreciar através de sua audição; porém, e dada sua grandeza inventiva, ela transcendeu as fronteiras da ficção (seu domicílio) e nos permitiu pensá-la como entidade real; o referido símbolo é a sonata de Vinteuil presente na \"Recherche\" de Proust; ela será nosso \"grund-motiv\" que estabelece as diretrizes da reflexão filosófico-literária; os desdobramentos advindos dos estudos acerca deste objeto músico-ficcional apontam para as questões obra de arte e temporalidade; na obra proustiana a sonata sintetiza o modelo de obra-prima e tal concepção vincula-se ao conceito de permanência no tempo; por outro lado, no pensamento bergsoniano a arte musical foi modelar e o filósofo, em várias ocasiões, lançou mão dela para ilustrar seu pensamento. / Même étant travaille un mélangé de l´art littéraire, la Recherche de Proust, et de la philosophie de la durée continue de Bergson, litteratura et philosophie y ne se confondent pas et ni se introduisent en profit de quelqu´une idée subjacent commun; contraire à une conception symbiotique entre las matiéres, ou à faire de la litterature philosophie et vise versa, qui on a cherche dérouler été la réflexion en deux dimension différent, que en outre de sympathiques entre si, encore se nourrissent reciproquement. La litterature proustienne a prépondérance dans le procès, parce que c´est en qui jaillit l´object que conduira notre considérations; alors, advient de la Recherche l´object choisi pour investigation, ainsi que leur esthétique exposée dans l´ouevre; la philosophie bergosienne, écarté des refléxions littéraires e n´ayant une esthétique établie, est le point de appui que fera indirecrement les refléxions. L´object choisi est une pièce musical imaginaire que nous ne pouvons pas apprécier a travers de leur même audition; pourtan, et donnée sa grandeur inventif, elle a transcendé les frontiéres da fiction (son domicile) et nous a permis la penser comment entité réel; la rapporté symbole c´est la sonate de Vinteuil présent dans la Recherche de Proust; elle sera notre \"grund-motiv\" que établit les directrices de la refléxion philosophico-litteraire; les dédoublement advenant des recherches de cet object musical-imaginaire indiquent pour les questions oeuvre-d\'art et temporalité; dans l\'oeuvre proustienne, la sonate synthétise le modèle de chef-d\'oeuvre, et la conception se lie au concept de permanence dans le temps; autrement, dans pensée bergsonien, l\'art musical a été modeler et le philosophe souvent se a servi d\'elle pour illustrer son pensée.

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