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Product innovation in small established enterprises : Managing processes and resource scarcityLöfqvist, Lars January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines product innovation processes in small established enterprises. The research questions are: (1) what motivates small established enterprises to innovate, (2) how do small established enterprises perform product innovation, and (3) how do small established enterprises manage resource scarcity in their product innovation processes? To answer the research questions, a multiple case study approach was chosen with three small established enterprises as cases and different product innovation processes as embedded units of study. The data collection method used was observation during a period of five months, complemented by interviews and secondary data. Product innovation in small established enterprises seems to be motivated by solving existing customers’ problems and the need for a sustained steady cash flow. A steady cash flow is also found to be a prerequisite during the product innovation processes. Product innovation seems to occur when there is a risk of decreased cash flow and/or when existing customers can be satisfied with new products that increase their loyalty so as to secure future sales, cash flow, and the enterprise’s survival in the long run. Promising innovation ideas alone do not result in product innovation. An innovation idea must also have supportive existing customers for product innovation to occur. Product innovation processes in the studied small established enterprises are found highly context dependent, intertwined in operational processes and made possible by a small organic organization and closeness to existing customers. The product innovation processes are further found to follow a flexible and informal overall scheme optimized for decreasing market and technology uncertainty and risk, dealing with resource scarcity, and facilitating fast and easy commercialization to avoid or moderate dips in cash flow. The design processes within the innovation processes can be linearly structured or cyclical and experimental, depending on the experienced novelty. To manage resource scarcity during the product innovation processes, the studied small enterprises used many different bootstrapping methods in combination. These methods can be divided into three categories according to their overall functions: for using existing resources more efficiently, for increasing resources and to secure a fast payback on resources invested in NPD. The studied small enterprises were due to their resource scarcity further found to favor an innovation strategy, only involving new products done with known technology and targeting existing markets. This way to innovate, which creates new products in a resource-efficient way that are accepted by the enterprises’ existing markets, seems to prevent unsuccessful product innovation, while at the same time excluding technologically radical innovation and innovation targeting new markets. / <p>QC 20140102</p>
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探索技術市場失靈的解決方式: 以「中國技術交易所」交易模式為例 / Explore the Solutions of Technology Market Failure : Transaction Patterns of China Technology Exchange蔡宛臻 Unknown Date (has links)
中國長期實施計畫經濟使科技研發面與產業面脫節情形較其他國家情形更為嚴重,為此中國企業與政府在投入大量研究經費從事科學技術之研發與創新的同時於各地方設立大量相關技術中介機構作為科研成果轉變為實質產出之孵化器。2009年由中國國務院批准北京市人民政府、科技部、國家智慧財產權局和中科院於北京聯合設立唯一以國家為命名的交易服務機構─中國技術交易所(China Technology Exchange)。不同於傳統技術中介機構在技術供需雙方之外所提供的第三方專業服務,「中國技術交易所」倡導的「IPOS知識權一站式服務平臺」為一整合技術供需雙方與技術中介機構的第四方平台,試圖利用北京中關村國家自主創新示範區之優勢,並針對科技成果產業化的不同需求以創新交易模式結合技術、金融與產業,提供技術交易雙方一系列客製化技術交易的相關服務。
如今,「中國技術交易所」營運四年多並逐步探索出適合中國科研成果商品化之創新模式。因此,本研究以「中國技術交易所」為例,配合歷史文獻與統計資料,針對交易所經典個案分析,探討中國如何解決其技術交易市場所面臨之市場失靈問題。本研究發現,「中國技術交易所」的第四方整合交易平台與創新的交易服務機制有機會成為目前中國在技術移轉商品化過程中所面臨市場失靈問題的解決方式。 / The R&D capability of independent innovation is important to the growth of economic and the potential of industrial development. The market failure of technical transactions is due to high transaction costs caused by market imperfections, and in the process of technology commercialization often faces: 1. the belonging of intellectual property and the exclusive of usufruct, 2. The information asymmetry, 3. it is hard to evaluate the value of technology, 4. The investment risks, 5. The risk of lack of trust.
After long-term implementation of the planned economy, the achievements of China’s R&D are disconnected with its industries. Because of that, China enterprises and the government invested a lot in R&D and innovation. China government also set up lots of intermediaries as incubators to change scientific achievements into real outputs.
China Technology Exchange (CTE) set up in 2009 by the Beijing Municipal People's Government, the Ministry of Science, the National Intellectual Property Office and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, and approved by General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. Unlike traditional technology intermediary agencies need outsourcing some parts of professional services to other agencies, CTE advocated " Intellectual Property One stop Service(IPOS) " as the fourth platform which integrated technology supply sides, demand sides and technology intermediary agencies. CTE tries to take the advantages of Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park. For the different needs from industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, CTE uses innovative trading patterns which combined with technology, finance and industry to provide technical transactors a series of technology transactions related to Customization Innovative Services.
Today, CTE has operated for more than four years and gradually explores suitable innovative models for commercialization in China. Therefore, by collecting historical documents and statistic data, this study chose China Technology Exchange as a case to analyze that how to solve the market failure of China technology transaction market. The study found that the fourth integrated platform and innovative trading mechanisms have the opportunity to become the solution of market failure which is faced in the process of the commercialization of technology transaction.
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新創事業掌握創業機會與調整營運模式之探索性研究 / Seizing Entrepreneurial Opportunities and adapting Business Models of New Ventures: An Exploratory Research蘇惟宏, Su, Wei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路(Internet)於1990年代中期蓬勃發展以來,營運模式(business model, BM)成為創投業者(venture capitalists, VCs)評估新興dotcom廠商能否在競爭中勝出的準則。從相關文獻指出,成功的營運模式不僅可形塑新產業,甚且重新分配新價值。因此,營運模式對廠商在市場的持續競爭力,求取生存與成長,具有重大的影響。
從個案研究發現與分析,廠商必須面對環境、技術及競爭者等不確定性因素,廠商的營運模式須從外部不確定性因素中,發現具有利基的創業機會,也就是:廠商須提出能夠打造具利基市場之定位與地位之「價值主張」,以及提供生存與成長的動能之「獲利能耐」。從本研究發現與分析萃取出4個營運模式要素,亦即:廠商必須能夠擁有與動員「關鍵資源與能力」;建立「網絡與平台分享機制」;注重能夠產生領導趨勢、深度體驗及高築障礙之「產品/服務之設計與品質」;充分發揮擴展共創雙贏之「在地智慧」。然而,營運模式在動態的環境中,並非一成不變,廠商必須持續透過「配適、校準、嘗試錯誤及快速商品化」之動態調整機制,才可讓營運模式具有與時俱進的持續競爭力。 / In mid of 1990’s, the era of Internet booming, business models (BMs) had become the most important evaluation tools of venture capitalists to emerging dotcoms whether they can be successful competition from the market or not. From the literature review, it showed that the successful BM not only had reshaped the whole industry, but also had redistributed billions of dollars of value. For above reasons, BMs heavily influence to firms’ performance for getting survival and growth in competitive markets.
The competitive nature of markets presents a dynamic characteristic. Under this circumstance, this research tries to explore the architecture of BM that is with the adapting mechanisms to a dynamic and competitive market. The research employs case study methodology and conducts 6 new venture cases. The first research question is to explore new ventures how to seize entrepreneurial opportunities. It can be found out new ventures how to confront uncertainties including environments, technologies, and competitors, which construct antecedents of BMs. From research findings, there are two antecedents, one is value propositions which make firms to craft a special position in a niche market, and the other is profitability capabilities. The second research question is to explore new ventures how to build up BMs and adapt to the dynamic settings. Extracting of case studies findings, there are four elements, including key resources and capabilities, sharing mechanism in network and platform, design and quality in products/services, local intelligence. Also, from the research findings, there are four mechanisms of dynamic adaptation, including alignment, fit, trial and error, and commercialization.
In the dynamic markets, the optimal status to BMs is to adapt and renew automatically. On one hand, it makes firms to sense and seize opportunities which are coming from external uncertainties; on the other hand, firms have to keep their BMs on the right trajectory with mechanisms of dynamic adaptation. BMs with adapting mechanisms can make firms keep competitive advantages.
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生技製藥產業之技術商品化研究--由法規政策面分析 / A study on the commercialization of the intellectual property of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry--Regulatory perspective洪子秋, Hung,Tze Chiu Unknown Date (has links)
研發成果商品化的策略視產業特性而截然不同,在「生技醫療產業」中,因其具有「受衛生主管機關高度管制」、「商業化認證需時」、「行銷國際化」的特性,在法規面的複雜度較高,且為專案成功與否的關鍵因素之一,進行商品化評估時必須熟悉相關醫藥法規,才能著手為專案發展做正確的規畫 ,極度仰賴「跨領域」、「高度技術」與「熟稔特殊商業技巧」的人才。依各國藥物法規的不同,商品化的開發時程也受此影響,生技製藥產業之技術及研發成果必須將為達到法規規範的要求而必須投入的時間、資金、人力等各項資源納入總體可行性評估之考量依據。。因法規具有地域性,本研究無法齊備全球各國,將以美國及台灣為研究主體,台灣的法規深受世界公認醫藥法規先進的美國影響,熟知美國的法規可以預估台灣法規機構的思路;且美國藥品市場佔全世界最大規模,此外,美國也極有可能成為潛在合作廠商之所在地,因此本研究將比較美國與台灣之醫藥法規,並評估在技術研發的過程中,衛生主管機關之要求對於技術商品化過程中所產生的影響。
明確、具科學性、可預期性的法規環境能降低製藥產業於研發過程中的不確定性,提高廠商投入的意願。衛生醫療政策及藥政管理政策直接影響到醫藥法規的訂立,政府制定的法規將引導產業發展的方向,對於藥品市場有極重要的影響。一個好的政策應該能夠與國家的總體背景相匹配,法規要求應與國家發展程度及國家內需市場成比例。台灣生技製藥產業目前的困境之一,就是國內廠商在開發新藥時,為了符合台灣衛生主管機關訂定的高標準法規必須投入更多的成本,但台灣卻沒有足夠的內需市場得以支撐,造成擁有豐厚資源的國外廠商可以將符合世界(十大先進國)高標準的藥品進入台灣市場,但國內廠商卻無法立足。為解決此困境,台灣廠商一定要設法將業務範圍擴大到外需市場,以獲取足以支持藥物發展所需的資金成本。因此,了解國內、外之藥物相關法規,做出能符合各國法規要求的產品,為踏出國際外銷市場的第一步;此外,各國的智財法以及與商業相關的法律,還有其之間的互相關聯,都是技術商品化是否能夠成功至為重要的關鍵因素。本文擬就藥物法規面為討論之主軸,其間輔以智財、商業相關構面,對生技製藥產業之技術商品化之過程做一探討。在本研究所選的個案—核子醫學藥物,是眾多創新產品的一種,如果能把握技術、智財、法規、法律、國際商業運作,很有可能為台灣的藥業打開另一片天。 / In recent years, we have already developed some achievements in biotech researches in Taiwan and are in a leading position in Asia under the efforts of government and industries. However, these technologies still are slowly developed to the commercialized phase. Thus, the achievement of these researches does not benefit industry substantially.
In the process of commercialization of biotech research, we have to consider all the aspects, including technology and regulation, intellectual property, finance and management. With a well-rounded development plan, technologies in the bud will gradually develop to a mature commodity, and earn fiscal profit in the market. The profit will consequently contribute to research activity. A virtuous circle will be formed.
The strategies of commercialization differ considerably among industries. Regarding biopharmaceutical industry which has the properties of highly regulated by competent authorities, time consuming, heavy capital, and global marketing, the regulation assessment is not only complicate but also critical to project implementation. The required documents according by regional authorities will be a decisive factor to consider the development plan including the estimated timetable, needed resources. Due to the regulation system in US affected a lot legislation for laws in Taiwan , America and Taiwan will be the prior topics in this research.
A well-developed legal framework and protection of intellectual property rights is the prerequisite for building an ideal environment where the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries can flourish. In order to improve the environment for these industries, in recent years the government has approved the amendment and execution of related laws and regulations. Amendments have been made to related tax benefit and incentive measures of investment. Other amendments have been made which have allowed R&D results to be more easily transferred to academia and industry.
Looking into the future, under the joint cooperation of industry, academia and research institutes, and with the government’s policy to fully promote the sector, it is believed that Taiwan will have well developed in the near future.
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台灣農業科技商品化之經營模式研究 / The Research on Business Model of Commercialization of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan黃燦文, HUANG,TSAN-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究即以農業科技商品化之經營模式為研究題目,探討台灣在發展農業科技商品化時,其經營模式之設計與需關注之重要議題。本研究共分為六章,依序為序論、文獻探討、台灣對農業科技之管理與運用現況、台灣發展農業科技商品化之挑戰與未來、農業科技商品化之個案研究、結論與建議;藉由以上各章節主題的安排,對研究題目與研究議題進行深入的探討。本研究除就現況進行分析與鋪陳相關理論外,另以個案研究驗證所述理論,以期對台灣農業科技商品化之經營模式規劃有深入的學習與瞭解。 / Presently, the Knowledge-Based Economy is the main trend of the world economy. Under the circumstances, to seek business models with high added value is the major job that each of governments and enterprises must do. The main activity of Taiwan’s traditional agriculture is to produce and sell agricultural products. According to the presentation of world’s economic trend and economic statistical data, the economic value of Taiwan’s traditional agriculture is very low. And after the change of economic conditions in Taiwan, we never add high value to agricultural products with our business experience and agricultural technology.
Unfortunately, Taiwan’s excellently agricultural products become victims in this intensely commercial competition. In order to avoid the unfavorable environment and competition, we have to make some change in Taiwan’s traditional agriculture. There are advantaged conditions of agricultural research and a lot of excellently agricultural technology in Taiwan. So to develop the Knowledge-Based Agriculture, that it means to apply, to manage, and to operate the agricultural technology in agricultural operation, is the major way and opportunities that we can do to transform Taiwan’s traditional agriculture.
If we want to develop the Knowledge-Based Agriculture, we have to commercialize our agricultural technology first. I think that the good business models will become the key points to influence the successful commercialization of agricultural technology and successful sale of technology-products. If we do not have good business models, we cannot commercialize the agricultural technology successfully, and cannot sell technology-products into markets, and cannot develop the industrialization of agricultural technology.
The title of this research is “The Research on Business Model of Commercialization of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan.” I want to study the design of business models and some important subject matter of the commercialization of agricultural technology in Taiwan. There are six chapters in this research, and these are Ch.1 Introductions, Ch.2 Probing for Previous Documents, Ch.3 The Present Circumstances of Application and Management of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan, Ch.4 The Challenges and Opportunities of Commercialization of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan, Ch.5 The Case Study on Commercialization of Agricultural Technology, Ch.6 Conclusions and Suggestions.
I will study the subject matter and concerns of this research deeply in the light of the chapters’ order. In this research, I will complete the work by analyzing present circumstances, explaining and illustrating related theories, testing and verifying theories by case study. I want to get deep learning and understanding in the design of business models of commercialization of agricultural technology in Taiwan through this research.
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中國大陸奇異果商品化研究-以紐西蘭為借鏡 / The research of commercialization of Chinese Kiwifruit-lessons from New Zealand experience毛舞雲 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於此,本研究以「公私協力八卦模型」作為結論,並建議中國大陸首先應擇定試點集中經營之區域,以便日後將商品化經驗複製於其他省份。在試點經營措施上,本論文建議以平台為依托進行整合;針對獼猴桃制訂相關法規,促使能夠引領產業整體發展的龍頭集團形成;建立誘因機制,讓龍頭集團的經營利潤回饋果農;並在品種培育、收購標準、資料庫管理等方式下,逐步形成標準化生產,再加上獼猴桃基金的保險機制,讓中國大陸獼猴桃逐步從產業化邁向商品化。 / Mihoutao originated from China but thrived in New Zealand under the name of “kiwifruit”; however, the price of kiwifruit is vastly higher than that of Mihoutao, and their taste and shape are of evident differences. As such, this thesis seeks to answer the question of “how to turn mihoutao into kiwifruit” by looking into the management and operation of New Zealand kiwifruit industry and providing lessons from such experience to the commercialization of China mihoutao.
This thesis adopts methodologies of material reading, data collecting, field works, and expert interviewing to reach the final conclusions and suggestions, and it is discovered that the government plays a key role in the process of agriculture industrialization. Therefore, the proposed suggestions are for “the government of China mihoutao province” to echo with my topic.
This thesis concludes with “Eight-trigram Model” to express the partnership with public and private sectors. Furthermore, it suggests China to construct the mihoutao commercialization mechanism on the regional basis as an experiment, which can be later duplicated in other provinces. More specifically about the measures, referring to New Zealand kiwifruit industry’s policies, mihoutao regulations, leading corporation, incentives, plant cultivation, scientific management via database, mihoutao fund are recommended. With all these policies in order, it is believed that a more institutionalized and commercialized mihoutao industry will be gradually shaped, and the Chinese “mihoutao” will also be commercialized as “kiwifruit” eventually.
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研究機構進行技術移轉之影響因素的探討_以工業技術研究院為例 / A Study of Critical Factors in Technology Transferring Conducted by Research Institution _ ITRI as an Example董振坤 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字: 技術移轉、研究機構、技術商業化、新產品開發、成功關鍵因素。 / In the age of post global economy financial crisis, trading of intellectual properties still have real meanings to the market in pushing new products, developing new markets and further pushing technology transfer into producible. After continuous refining IP trading methodologies and processes, business entities will become leaders in their markets.
This research will focus on success factor in technology transfer with topics in technology applications, market demand and supply chains. Moreover, we will discuss important factors in technology transfer between government research institutions and private enterprises. For private enterprises, it is an important source of obtaining new technology. For government research institutions, performance of the government research investment is determined by whether the result of research and development can be successfully transferred to private enterprises. In this research, we will be mainly discussing technology from Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan.
In this research, the author will discuss four main findings in key successful factors in technology transfer between the government research institution and private enterprises.
(1) Technology transfer is very involved in many aspect of business including research and development, law, management and finance, etc. It is best to keep good communication between both entities to reach a common consensus and to keep good feedback.
(2) Resources from both entities have to be integrated in the process of technology transfer. Therefore, the research institution have to be prepared to have a plan of support for private enterprises to reach the same technology level.
(3) Difference in background knowledge between both entities will have impact in technology transfer performance. In the beginning, the research institution have to prepare to remedy this difference in recognition to prevent developing a product that is not competitive in the market.
(4) Market changes fast. The research institution should reinforce interaction between itself and private enterprises in technology commoditization and responds to difference phase of product development and market development.
keyword : technology transferring, research institution, technology commercialization, new product development, critical success factor.
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L’évolution des politiques du soutien l’innovation dans les PME en France : le cas de l'Anvar / The evolution of French innovation policies for SMEs : the case of AnvarLiu, Zeting 18 October 2011 (has links)
La France, comme d’autres pays, cherche à valoriser son excellence scientifique et à augmenter la compétitivité de ses petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) pour tirer plein profit de l’innovation et soutenir la croissance économique et l’emploi. Il n’y a pas, ni en France ni ailleurs, une politique spécifique de soutien à l’innovation dans les PME mais des politiques scientifiques et de la recherche industrielle, en particulier en faveur des petites entreprises, et des politiques d’innovation, dans lesquelles peuvent être identifiées des mesures spécifiques visant à promouvoir le développement technologique et l’innovation dans les PME. Cette étude s’intéresse à la façon dont en France, à travers les différentes époques, ces politiques publiques sont définies et organisées et s’interroge sur l’efficacité et l’impact des interventions publiques dans le développement de capacité d’innovation des PME françaises. Elle se déroule en trois parties, en respectant une chronologie historique correspondant aux grandes étapes de l’évolution des politiques depuis les années 1960-1970 jusqu’à présent. Ces trois parties analytiques sont enrichies par l’analyse du cas de l’Agence nationale de valorisation de la recherche (Anvar). A la fin de ce travail, nous suggérons que la France entre dans une phase critique où des réformes structurelles doivent être menées pour assurer le développement de la compétitivité des PME et de l’innovation. / France, like other countries, seeks to promote its scientific excellence and to increase the competitiveness of its small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by taking full advantage of innovation to sustain economic growth and employment. In France as in other countries, there is no specific policy to support innovation in SMEs but both science and industrial research policies, especially for small businesses, and innovation policies, in which can be identified specific measures to promote technological development and innovation in SMEs. This study focuses on "how", in France, such public policies are defined and organized through different periods and it questions the effectiveness and impact of public interventions aimed at developing French SMEs’ innovation capacity. The study is divided in three parts, following a historical chronology corresponding to major stages of political evolution from the years 1960-1970 till now. These three analytical parts are enriched by a case analysis of the French National Agency for Valorisation of the Research (Anvar). At the end of this study, we suggest that France is now entering a critical phase in which structural reforms have to be undertaken in order to ensure French SMEs’ innovation and competitiveness.
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Discriminação por elevada titulação acadêmica de docentes da educação superior privada de SalvadorLima, Josenaldo Luiz da Silva 27 August 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-27 / A pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo a dispensa de docentes com títulos de mestrado e de doutorado, contratados para cumprir requisito normativo indispensável ao credenciamento e recredenciamento deinstituições de ensino superior privadas de Salvadorjunto ao Ministério da Educação, ou para obtenção de autorização, reconhecimento e respectivas renovações de cursos superiores de graduação junto àquele Ministério, após a conclusão de tais procedimentos de aprovação. Esse fenômeno da dispensa de professores titulados foi analisado com base nos dados coletados em investigações instauradas pela Procuradoria Regional do Trabalho da 5ª Região, no período de 2006 a 2013. O referencial teórico foi embasado na literatura nacional relacionada ao neoliberalismo, ao capitalismo contemporâneo, à mercantilização da educação superior privada, à precarização do trabalho em geral e do docente do nível superior de educação em particular, ao Direito Constitucional, ao Direito do Trabalho e na legislação que rege a educação superior. A metodologia empregada foi exploratória, qualitativa e descritiva, com a utilização das técnicas de análises documental e de conteúdo. Os sujeitos investigados na pesquisa de campo foram: (01) dirigente sindical, (01) avaliadora do Ministério da Educação, (03) coordenadores de curso superior privado e (04) professores da educação superior privada, perfazendo um total de (09) participantes. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados consistiram em entrevistas livres, pesquisas exploratória, bibliográfica e documental, bem como entrevistas semiestruturadas.Os resultados das análises dos dados coletados no decorrer da pesquisa evidenciaram que as dispensas investigadas neste trabalho se configuram como mais um elemento no processo de precarização do trabalho de docentes da educação superior privada de Salvador, que já atinge até a elite desses profissionais. Além disso, essas dispensas também se enquadram no conceito jurídico de discriminação. / The focus of the present study was the dismissal of faculty members holding masters and doctoral degrees, who had been previously hired to fulfill the regulatory requirements to accredit and reaccredit private universities in Salvador with the Ministry of Education or to obtain authorization, recognition and respective renovations of undergraduate courses at that Ministry, soon after the conclusion of the approval procedures. This phenomenon of dismissing professors with high academic degrees in the private universities of Salvador was analyzed from data collected during investigations made by the Fifth District Labor Relations Board between 2006 and 2013. The theoretical framework was based on the Brazilian literature on neoliberalism, contemporary capitalism, the commercialization of private university education, the instability of labor relations in general, and of higher education personnel in particular, and constitutional law, labor law and legislation governing higher education. The methodology used was exploratory, qualitative and descriptive, with the use of documental and content analysis techniques. The subjects investigated in the field research phase consisted of one union leader, one assessor from the Ministry of Education, and three university coordinators and four university professors, all from the private sector, making a total of nine participants. The instruments used for data collection consisted of free interviews and exploratory, bibliographic and documental research, as well as semi-structured interviews. Analysis of the data collected during the study period showed that the dismissals investigated in this study constitute one more element in the process of destabilizing the work of university professors in the private sector in Salvador, which is already affecting even those with the highest academic degrees. Furthermore, these dismissals also fit the juridical concept of discrimination.
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Geração de energia elétrica - Um enfoque histórico e institucional das questões comerciais no Brasil / Power Electric Generation - A historic and institutional view of the commercial issues in Brazil.Sidney Olivieri Rosim 10 March 2008 (has links)
As características estruturais do setor elétrico brasileiro são semelhantes às de outros setores produtivos clássicos. O segmento geração de energia elétrica ocupa um papel de destaque não só no aspecto estrutural, mas também na sua participação dentro da tarifa de fornecimento de energia elétrica, com participação da ordem de 30%. As questões comerciais que deveriam estar presentes de forma intensa durante todo o ciclo de vida do SEB, somente nas duas últimas décadas ganharam destaque e lhe foi dada a devida importância. Este trabalho procurou identificar como se processou as relações negociais, em particular as de cunho comercial, entre as empresas, supridoras e supridas, integrantes do setor elétrico brasileiro - SEB. O estudo foi segmentado em três períodos: 1990 a 1996 - \"Concepção da privatização\", 1997 a 2002 - \"Execução Operacional do Programa de Privatização\" e 2003 a 2006 - \"Modelo da Reestruturação\". Foram analisados os conceitos referentes a energia assegurada, mecanismo de realocação de energia e contratos iniciais.O texto expõe também a evolução histórica do SEB desde o final do século XIX, durante todo o século XX, e observou as externalidades que contribuíram para o posicionamento atual, como por exemplo, crise do México, Consenso de Washington e Racionamento de Energia Elétrica - 2001. Finalmente são apresentados os conceitos e o processo de cálculo do custo marginal de operação - CMO e do preço da liquidação das diferenças - PLD e do atual processo de comercialização de energia que compreende os ambientes de contratação regulada, com destaque para os leilões de energia, e o ambiente de contratação livre. / The characteristics of the Brazilian Electrical Sector, BES, are similar to those of other classic productive sectors. The electrical power generation segment plays an important role not only in the structural aspect, but also in the share of about 30% of the user\'s end tariff. The commercial issues, that should have been strongly emphasized in all BES life cycle, have only in the two last decades received the attention it deserved. This work aimed at identifying how business relations developed, particularly the commercial issues of the companies belonging to the BES system; that is, suppliers and supplied components of the said system. This project was divided into three parts: 1990 to 1996 - \"Conception of privatization\", 1997 to 2002 - \"Operational execution of privatization programs\" and 2003 to 2006 - \"Restructuring model\". Concepts related to assured power supply, electricity reallocation mechanism and initial contracts were analyzed. The text still describes BES historical evolution from the end of the nineteenth century through the twentieth century. The prevailing external scenarios that contributed to the present situation, e.g., Mexico Crises, Washington Consensus and 2001 Electricity Supply Restriction were also taken into account. Due consideration has also been given to: marginal operational cost calculation, settlement price for the differences (spot prices) and the existing process of power commercializing, which encompasses free and regulated contracting ambience. In the latter power auction plays the dominant role.
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