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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Karolinska Testbädd för Telemedicin och eHälsa : En analys av medicintekniska företags behov och krav på en samverkansmiljö för produktutveckling på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset

Björkehag, Jonathan, Seglare, Kristin January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga behovet av en testbädd för telemedicinska produkter och att analysera krav som medicintekniska företag ställer på en testbäddsmiljö för samverkan med sjukvården. Målet har varit att konkretisera resultatet i en kommersialiseringsplan för Karolinska Testbädd för Telemedicin och eHälsa, vid Medicinsk Teknik på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Vid genomförandet av undersökningen har totalt 19 intervjuer och ytterligare 6 telefonintervjuer genomförts med dels representanter från medicintekniska företag och sjukvården och dels med samarbetsstrukturer för medicinsk teknik och möjliga finansiärer. En enkätundersökning har genomförts för att kvantifiera resultatet från intervjuerna. Webbutskick har gjorts till 279 företag med verksamhet inom områdena medicinsk teknik, IT och telekom. Uppsatsen beskriver hur den kliniska forskningen inom området medicinsk teknik har förändrats de senaste decennierna och hur situationen ser ut idag. Utmaningar som den svenska hälso- och sjukvården står inför presenteras, som demografiska förändringar, ökade sjukvårdskostnader, dyrare behandlingsmetoder och färre kommersialiserade innovationer inom medicinsk teknik.  Omständigheter som påverkar produktutveckling för hälso- och sjukvården belyses, dels genom den regulatoriska gränsdragningen mellan IT-produkter och medicintekniska produkter och dels utifrån en genomgång av forskning inom produkt- och tjänsteutveckling och utifrån de frågor kring hur företag bedriver produktutveckling som ställts i intervjuerna och i webbenkäten. Resultatet visar att företagen i högsta grad är beroende av samarbete med sjukvården i olika faser av sin produktutvecklingsprocess och att flera företag uttrycker ett behov av en testbäddsstruktur. Företagen samarbetar med vården framförallt för att det möjliggör att utveckla mer vårdanpassade produkter. Samarbete med vården ger kortare utvecklingstider och därmed minskade utvecklingskostnader. Det förenklar även arbetet med validering av produkters funktionalitet. Flera företag har utarbetade samarbeten direkt in på vårdavdelningar, medan andra i dagsläget saknar nödvändiga samarbetsstrukturer. Studien har identifierat ett flertal företag som visat intresse för ett samarbete med Testbädden och ytterligare ett antal som har önskat att få mer information om vad Testbädden kan erbjuda. I kommersialiseringsplanen föreslås Karolinska Testbädd för Telemedicin och eHälsa fokusera på sin nisch samt vidareutveckla den kompetens som företagen saknar. Testbädden bör arbeta vidare med att utveckla både externa kontakter och den interna samverkansorganisationen på Karolinska för att möjliggöra effektiva, smidiga och kvalitativa samarbeten mellan företag och sjukhusets avdelningar. / The purpose is to study the demand for a testbed for telemedicine and to analyze the medical device-developing companies’ requirements on the testbed’s facilities when collaborating with the healthcare sector in their product development. The study’s aim is to result in a commercialization plan for Karolinska Testbed for telemedicine and eHealth, at the department of Biomedical Engineering at Karolinska University Hospital. During the study, 19 interviews and 6 telephone-interviews has been held with people from the medical device industry, hospitals, potential funders and collaboration structures which foster medical device development. A web-survey has been sent to 279 companies within the fields of medical technologies, IT and telecom, to quantify the results from the interviews. The study describes how the clinical research on medical technologies has changed over the last decades and what the situation is like today. Present and forthcoming challenges to the Swedish health care system is presented, like demographic changes, increasing healthcare-costs, expensive treatments and the scarcity of medical device innovations being commercialized. Obstacles affecting the medical device development are studied, including the regulatory differences between IT and medical devices. An analysis of the research on product and service development is also looked at from the perspectives on how the medical device companies develop their products, which is derived from both interviews and the web-survey. The result shows that medical device companies rely upon the ability to collaborate with the hospitals in different phases of their product development process and that there is an extensive need for a testbed structure amongst companies. The companies that collaborate with hospitals do it primarily because it makes their products more adaptive to functioning in the settings of healthcare, time to market and development costs can be decreased and it facilitates the process when validating the functionality of their products. Several companies have their ways of collaborating with hospital wards whilst others explicitly lack indispensable collaboration structures. The study has identified some companies which have shown interest in collaborating with Testbed Karolinska for telemedicine and eHealth and other ones whom wish to receive more information on what the testbed can offer them. In the commercialization plan it is suggested that Karolinska Testbed for telemedicine and eHealth shall focus on their niche and elaborate the competency which the companies doesn’t have. It is also suggested that the Testbed continues the work with developing the internal organization within Karolinska to enable efficient, flexible and qualitative collaboration between companies and the clinics at Karolinska University Hospital.

Hosting the Olympics: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Economic and Social Effects of the Olympic Games

Badia-Bellinger, Jordan Jose 01 January 2012 (has links)
This paper attempts to provide a cost-benefit analysis of the economic and social effects of hosting the Olympic Games. I provide an overview of the economic and social impacts of the Games and analyze their effects. I focus the economic effects of the Games on tourism, trade, corporate sponsorship and the sale of television rights. I also look at the social effects of the Games on infrastructure and employment. Finally I assess why the Olympics remain an appealing venture for cities, despite evidence that demonstrates how they produce more actual harm than good for the host city. In addition, I provide predictions for two alternative directions that the Olympics could take in the future: to either continue in the current trend of immense growth and commercialization, or alternatively, implement a new Olympic bidding process that establishes stricter criteria for candidate cities.

The influence of entrepreneurial activities on teaching at Universities in the United States

Kim, Hyung Hoon 09 July 2008 (has links)
This study is to investigate the influence of entrepreneurial activities on teaching at universities. Specifically, the study focuses on entrepreneurial activities' effect on professors' time allocation. The dataset analyzed was constructed from the survey conducted by University of Illinois at Chicago in 1998. The sample was drawn from American academic professional associations' members of the four fields: experimental biology, physics, mathematics, and sociology. Based on the data of 133 professors, the study shows that professors with paid consulting work tend to spend less time in teaching when research activities are controlled. Insignificant are the other variables about entrepreneurial activities: patent application, industry funding, and research collaboration with industry. Also, more research time is likely to result in less teaching time. Insignificant are the other research-related variables: research funding at large and collaborative research in general. In terms of personal and institutional conditions, assistant professors tend to invest more time in teaching than senior professors, but they are likely to reduce more time on teaching than their senior counterparts for increasing research time. Finally, biology and sociology professors tend to allocate less time to teaching than physics and mathematics professors. In a word, entrepreneurial activities and research tend to conflict with teaching at the level of individual professors' time allocation.

Du Är Vad Du Delar : En kvalitativ studie i hur tre svenska mikro- influencers på Instagram ser på sin roll i och med kommersialiseringen

Freedman Skiöld, Felicia, Hossein-Chi, Saba January 2018 (has links)
Det digitala samhället kännetecknas av konstant utveckling och snabb föränderlighet, vilket har skapat rollen influencer: En person som används av företag och varumärken för att marknadsföra produkter eller tjänster. Denna studie fokuserar särskilt på influencerns egen bild av sitt yrke och genom att tematisera frågor utifrån teorier rörande kommersialisering, självpresentation, deltagarkultur och opinionsbildning. I studien undersöks hur tre utvalda svenska influencers inom mode och skönhet på Instagram ser på sin roll i och med kommersialiseringen vilket analyseras utifrån samma teorier inom medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapen som har nämnts ovan. Studien genomförs genom kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer där influencerna själva är utgångspunkten. Genom studien blir det tydligt att förstå hur kommersialiseringen har påverkat mediesamhället och tidigare roller har bytts ut. Kändisar är inte bara längre skådespelare och artister, opinionsledare behöver inte längre vara traditionella medier, en person kan ha olika roller i olika mediesammanhang och annonsering är inte längre något som går från producent till konsument. Utvecklingen av både medier och sociala kanaler har förändrat medielandskapet helt och de gränserna mellan avsändare och mottagare suddas ut. Det är inte bara marknadskommunikationen som har monopol på forskning rörande annonsering och marknadsföring. Avlutningsvis visar studien att influencerna har en sammansatt och komplex roll som uppstått i och med kommersialiseringen och är en följd utav en konvergens av det digitala medielandskapet. / The digital society is characterized by constant development and rapid change, which has created the role influencer: A person used by companies and brands to market products or services. This study focuses on influencers own image of their occupation and by thematising issues based on theories of commercialization, self-presentation, participatory culture and opinion formation. The essay is exploring how three selected Swedish influencers in fashion and beauty at Instagram are looking at their role in commercialization which is analyzed on the basis of the same theories in media and communication science that have been mentioned above. The study is conducted through qualitative research interviews where the influencers themselves are the starting point. Through the study it becomes clear to understand how commercialization has affected the media community and previous roles have been replaced. Celebrities are no longer just actors and artists, opinion leaders no longer need to be traditional media, a person can have different roles in different media contexts and advertising is no longer something that goes from producer to consumer. The development of both media and social channels has changed the media landscape in so much as the boundaries between senders and recipients are being erased. It is not only market communication that has a monopoly on research relating to advertising and marketing. Lastly the study shows that influencers have a composite and complex role that has emerged through commercialization and is a consequence of a convergence of the digital media landscape.

Approaches for a comprehensive regulatory response to illegal gold commerce / Alcances para una respuesta jurídica integral al comercio ilegal de oro

Valverde Luna, Vanessa Sofía, Collantes Añaños, Diego Alonso 12 April 2018 (has links)
This paper pretends to analyze the functioning and the limitations of some legal tools that the Peruvian state has posed as a part of his normative answer to the grave phenomenon of illegal gold mining, organized form of criminality whose utilities have surpassed the ones of drug trafficking. With this purpose, two axes of analysis has been proposed with incidence upon the illegal commercialization of gold: (i) the criminal tools, which specifically involve the crimes of illegal mining, clandestine commerce and money laundering; and (ii) the administrative tools, which involve the Legislative Decrees N° 1103 and 1107, the Supreme Decrees N° 012-2012-EM and N° 17-2009-MTC, among others. The authors have noticed several legislative policy errors in these elements and therefore implement recommendations to increase the global effectiveness of the regulation. / El presente trabajo apunta a evaluar el funcionamiento y las limitaciones de algunas de las herramientas jurídicas que el Estado peruano ha planteado como parte de su respuesta normativa frente al grave fenómeno de la minería ilegal, forma organizada de criminalidad cuyas ganancias ilícitas han superado en los últimos años a las del tráfico ilícito de drogas. Con tal finalidad, se han propuesto dos ejes de análisis con incidencia en la comercialización del oro ilegal: (i) las herramientas penales, que específicamente comprenden los delitos de minería ilegal, comercio clandestino y lavado de activos; y (ii) las herramientas administrativas, compuestas por los Decretos Legislativos No. 1103 y 1107, los Decretos Supremos No. 012-2012-EM y No. 17-2009-MTC, entre otros. Los autores han advertido diversos errores de política legislativa en estos elementos e implementan recomendaciones para incrementar la eficacia global de la regulación.

Tackling the innovation focus continuum; implications for change in venture capitalists' investment models / Hantering av kontinuumet för innovationsfokus; implikationer för förändring i riskkapitalisters investeringsmodeller

Törnquist, David, Lennefalk, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Innovation has been considered the critical driver behind economic growth and value creation for a long time. However, in order to achieve an innovative status, the commercializing of an invention is required by injecting capital and strategy. While capital comes in many forms, this thesis focuses on the field of venture capital and how this type of financial backing can be analyzed and managed. Herein, the company characteristics continuum is presented, where business model innovation and technological innovation represent the two extremities. The purpose was then to investigate if there are significant differences in the venture capitalists' investment models as one moves along the aforementioned continuum. Semi-structured interviews were used and interpreted independently by the authors, with respect to coding units, in order to enhance objectivity. The thesis mainly targeted the information technology industry, where analysis was conducted on four of the largest actors on the Nordic venture capital market. The Nordic focus, combined with the rapidly moving industry, resulted in that significant differences, in the venture capitalists' investment models, were identified; giving implications both for theory and practice. These differences were identified as stemming from the initially adopted risk profiles, which then affected all other areas of the investment models. / Innovation har länge ansetts vara den kritiska drivkraften bakom ekonomisk tillväxt och värdeskapande. Emellertid, för att uppnå en innovativ status, krävs kommersialisering av en uppfinning genom att tillföra kapital och strategi. Kapital existerar i flera olika former, dock fokuserar denna uppsats på området riskkapital, och hur denna typ av finansiell backning kan analyseras och hanteras. Häri presenteras kontinuumet för företagskaraktäristik, där innovation inom affärsmodeller och teknik representerar de två ändpunkterna. Syftet var att undersöka om det fanns signifikanta skillnader mellan riskkapitalisters investeringsmodeller, när ett företag rör sig längs det ovan nämnda kontinuumet. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer användes och tolkades oberoende av författarna, genom att använda kodord, för att förbättra objektiviteten. Uppsatsen berör främst företag inom industrin för informationsteknologi, där analys har gjorts på fyra av de största aktörerna inom marknaden för riskkapital i Norden. Ett Nordiskt fokus, kombinerat med en hastigt utvecklande industri, resulterade i att signifikanta skillnader, i riskkapitalisters investeringsmodeller, identifierades; vilket gav implikationer för både teori och praktik. Dessa skillnader identifierades att härstamma från de initialt anammade riskprofilerna, som sedan påverkade alla andra områden inom investeringsmodellen.

Are Swedish venture capitalists stuck in the past? : An explorative study on Swedish venture capitalists' position in the funding landscape of new technology-based firms / Är svenska venture kapitalister fast i dåtiden?

Fahnehjelm, Charlotte, Larsson, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
Currently, there are indications that Europe is facing an innovation deficit. The main explanation to the lack of innovation is considered to be that new technology-based firms are facing difficulties in receiving funding and consequently do not establish on the market. As new technology-based firms have an important role in technology development and overall growth, a consequence thereof could be a long- lasting negative effect on technological change and economic growth. The venture capital industry is frequently put forward as the actor that can provide financing for these types of firms. This study aimed to investigate the contemporary role that Swedish traditional venture capitalists and government supported venture capitalists have in the funding landscape of new technology-based firms. To fulfill this purpose, the study analyzed both the investors' preferences and the challenges with investing into new technology-based firms. The findings were acquired through performing eight semi- structured interviews with highly knowledgeable practitioners. In addition, literature was scrutinized. The study concluded that the preferences of the venture capital firms are heavily misaligned with investments into new technology and that digital companies present a better aligned investment alternative. More specifically, venture capitalists perceived the teams of new technology-based firms to be lacking, which is misaligned with the venture capitalists' strong emphasis on the team. New technology-based firms were also perceived to be associated with great risks, which is misaligned with the risk aversion of venture capitalists. The high risk was found to be related to the high degree of novelty, the perceived difficulties in finding syndication partners, the venture capitalists' lack of specific knowledge and experience, the long time to market and the large funding need in early stages. Further, the long time to market is ill-suited with the fund structure of traditional venture capital firms. On the other hand, digital companies were found to be well aligned with the venture capitalists' risk profile and preference for investing large amounts of capital at once. When it comes to government-supported venture capitalists, the study concluded that Industrifonden's preferences are similar to those of traditional venture capitalists and that Almi Invest, due to its structure, faces specific barriers for investing. Based on these findings, the conclusion was drawn that the likelihood is low that venture capitalists will invest in new technology-based firms. In order to be able to draw conclusions regarding the impacts on innovation and technological change, further research on the capabilities and preferences of informal venture capital is necessary. Further research could also attend to the demand of financing to increase the understanding of the innovation deficit. / Idag finns indikationer på innovationsbrist i Europa. En huvudsaklig orsak till innovationsbristen anses vara att bolag med ny teknologi har svårt att få finansiering och därmed etablera sig på marknaden. Eftersom ny teknologi spelar en viktig roll i teknologisk utveckling och ekonomisk tillväxt, är en möjlig konsekvens av innovationsbristen långtgående negativa effekter på teknologisk utveckling och ekonomisk tillväxt. Venture capital industrin framhålls ofta som en aktör som kan finansiera denna typ av bolag. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka vilken roll svenska traditionella venture capital fonder och statliga venture capital fonder har i finansieringslandskapet av ny teknologi. För att uppnå detta syfte analyserade studien både investerarnas preferenser och utmaningarna med att investera i ny teknologi. Resultaten nåddes genom att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta erfarna praktiserande i industrin. Intervjuobjekten hade antingen erfarenhet från traditionellt eller statligt venture capital. Utöver detta granskades litteratur på området. Studien fann att venture capital industrins preferenser på flera vis inte matchar investeringar i ny teknologi medan digitala bolag väl passar in i preferenserna. Mer specifikt ansåg venture capitalisterna att teamen för ny teknologiska bolag saknar viktiga kvalitéer, något som missmatchar venture capitalisternas starka fokus på teamet. Nyteknologiska bolag ansågs också vara associerade med hög risk, vilket står i stark kontrast till venture capitalisternas riskaversion. Den höga risken ansågs vara relaterad till investeringens nya natur, den upplevda svårigheten att hitta syndikteringspartners, venture capitalisters avsaknad av specifik erfarenhet, den långa tiden till marknaden och de stora kapitalbehoven i tidiga skeden. Vidare fann studien att den långa tiden till marknaden var misspassat till fondstrukturen hos traditionella venture capitalister. Och andra sidan visade studien att digitala bolag passar väl med venture capitalisters riskprofil och preferens för att investera stora belopp på en gång. När det kommer till statliga venture capital fonder fann studien att Industrifondens preferenser är mycket lika de traditionella venture capitalisternas preferenser och att Almi Invest står inför särskilda barriärer för att investera i ny teknologi. Baserat på dessa resultat konkluderade studien att sannolikheten är låg att venture capitalister investerar i ny teknologi. Forskning på kapaciteterna och preferenserna för informellt kapital är dock nödvändigt för att kunna dra slutsatser kring effekterna på innovation och teknisk utveckling. Framtida forskning bör också fokusera på efterfrågan på kapital för att förstå innovationsbristen.

Оценка экономических перспектив производства антикоррозийных продуктов : магистерская диссертация / Assessment of economic prospects of production of corrosion-resistant products

Копнина, А. И., Kopnina, A. I. January 2018 (has links)
Объектом исследования является идея осуществления производства антикоррозийных продуктов. Целью работы является обоснование экономической целесообразности реализации проекта по производству антикоррозийных продуктов. В процессе выполнения работы были получены следующие результаты. В рамках изучения методических подходов к оценке экономических перспектив были даны определения экономического и маркетингового анализа, определены их основные методы и задачи. А также составлена авторская классификация антикоррозионных продуктов, учитывающая их ключевые признаки. Результаты анализа рыночных и перспектив позволили выявить основных потребителей и конкурентов интересующего отраслевого рынка, а также позволили определить оптимальный объем выпуска антикоррозийного продукта и его среднерыночную стоимость. Таким образом, оптимальный объем выпуска, не нарушающий сложившегося рыночного равновесия, составляет порядка 30 тонн, а среднерыночная стоимость 1 тонны продукта составляет 100-110 тыс. рублей. Результаты патентного исследования, проведенного в рамках оценки научно-технических перспектив, позволили определить динамику патентования и выявить аналогичные технические решения. На основе результатов проведенного патентного исследования пределен средний срок жизни проекта по производству железооксидного пигмента с противокоррозионными свойствами – 4 года. Научно-практическим результатом, полученным автором в процессе выполнения работы, является создание модели производства, учитывающей более эффективные инструменты реализации идеи по производству антикоррозийных продуктов. В рамках этой модели, с учетом выводов, сделанных в аналитической части работы, рассчитаны показатели экономической эффективности трех вариантов трансфера технологии. / The object of the study is the idea of the production of anti-corrosion products. The purpose of the work is to justify the economic feasibility of the project for the production of anti-corrosion products. The following results were obtained in the course of the work. As part of the study of methodological approaches to the assessment of economic prospects, the definitions of economic and marketing analysis were given, their main methods and tasks were determined. And also the author's classification of anticorrosion products, taking into account their key features. The results of market and prospects analysis allowed to identify the main consumers and competitors of the industry market of interest, as well as to determine the optimal volume of production of anti-corrosion product and its average market value. Thus, the optimal volume of output that does not violate the existing market balance is about 30 tons, and the average market value of 1 ton of product is 100-110 thousand rubles. The results of the patent research conducted in the framework of the assessment of scientific and technical prospects allowed to determine the dynamics of patenting and to identify similar technical solutions. Based on the results of the patent research, the average life of the project for the production of iron oxide pigment with anti – corrosive properties is limited to 4 years. The scientific and practical result obtained by the author in the process of the work is the creation of a production model that takes into account more effective tools for the implementation of the idea for the production of anti-corrosion products. Within the framework of this model, taking into account the conclusions made in the analytical part of the work, the indicators of economic efficiency of the three options for technology transfer are calculated.


CRISTINA PIMENTA DE MELLO SPINETI LUZ 03 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] Nos últimos anos, observa-se crescente penetração da energia eólica na matriz energética mundial e brasileira. Em 2015, ela já representava (seis por cento) da capacidade total de geração de energia do país, colocando-o na (décima) posição entre os países com capacidade eólica instalada. A crescente penetração dessa fonte de energia e suas características de intermitência e forte sazonalidade, passaram a demandar modelos de otimização capazes de auxiliar tanto a gestão dos sistemas elétricos com geração intermitente de energia eólica, quanto a comercialização dessa energia. Avançaram, assim, os estudos de previsões de médias a cada (dez) minutos, horárias e diárias de geração eólica, para atender a sua inserção na programação dos sistemas elétricos e a sua comercialização em mercados diários e horários. Contudo, poucos estudos deram atenção à previsão e simulação de médias mensais de geração eólica, imprescindíveis para gestão e otimização da comercialização dessa energia no Brasil, visto que esta ocorre essencialmente em base mensal. Neste contexto, insere-se esta tese, que busca avaliar a otimização comercial de um parque eólico no mercado livre de energia brasileiro, considerando diferentes modelos de simulação da incerteza de geração eólica e níveis de aversão ao risco do gestor. Para representar diferentes níveis de aversão ao risco do gestor, desenvolveu-se uma nova função de preferência, capaz de modelar a variação do nível de aversão ao risco de um mesmo gestor, para diferentes faixas de preferência, definidas a partir de percentis αs de VaRα. A função de preferência desenvolvida é uma ponderação entre o valor esperado e níveis de CVaR dos resultados. De certo modo, ela altera as probabilidades dos resultados, de acordo as preferências do gestor, similar ao efeito dos pesos de decisão na Teoria do Prospecto. Para simulação da geração eólica são adotados modelos autorregressivos com sazonalidade representada por dummies mensais (ARX-11) e periódicos (PAR). Considera-se, ainda, a inclusão de variáveis climáticas exógenas no modelo ARX-11, com ganho de capacidade preditiva. Observou-se que, para um gestor neutro ao risco, as diferentes simulações de geração eólica não alteraram a decisão ótima. O mesmo não é válido para um gestor avesso ao risco, especialmente ao ser considerado o modelo de simulação com variáveis climáticas exógenas. Portanto, é importante a definição de um único modelo de simulação a ser considerado pelo gestor avesso ao risco ou, a adoção de alguma técnica multicritério para ponderação de diferentes modelos. O perfil de risco também altera as decisões ótimas do gestor, observando-se redução do desvio-padrão e da média da distribuição dos resultados e, aumento dos CVaRs e prêmio de risco, à medida que aumenta a aversão ao risco. Assim, é importante a especificação de uma única função de preferência, que represente adequadamente o perfil de risco do gestor ou da empresa, para otimização da comercialização. A flexibilidade da função de preferência desenvolvida, ao permitir a definição de diferentes níveis de aversão ao risco do gestor, para diferentes faixas de preferência, contribui para essa especificação. / [en] In recent years, we have seen an increased penetration of wind power in the Brazilian energy matrix and also worldwide. In 2015, wind power already accounted for (six percent) of the Brazilian total power capacity and the country was the (tenth) in the world raking of wind power installed capacity. Due to the growing penetration of the source, its intermittency and strong seasonality, optimization models able to deal with the management of wind power, both in electrical systems operation and in trading environment, are necessary. Thus, we see the growth in the number of studies concerned about wind power forecasts for every (10) minutes, hours and days, meeting the electrical systems and international trading schedules. However, few studies have given attention to the forecasting and simulation of wind power monthly averages, which are essential for the management and optimization of energy trading in Brazil, since its occurs essentially on a monthly basis. In this context, we introduce this thesis, which seeks to assess the commercial optimization of a wind farm in the Brazilian energy free market, considering different simulation models for the wind power production uncertainty and different levels of manager s risk aversion. In order to represent the manager s different levels of risk aversion, we developed a new preference function, which is able to model the variation of risk aversion level of the same manager, for different preference groups. These groups are defined by α s percentiles of VaRα. The developed preference function is a weighted average between expected value of results and CVaR levels. In a way, it changes the odds of the results, according to the manager s preference, similar to the effect of the decision weights on Prospect Theory. We adopted autoregressive models to simulate wind power generation, with seasonality represented by monthly dummies (ARX -11) or periodic model (PAR). Furthermore, we consider the inclusion of climate exogenous variables in the ARX-11 model and obtain predictive gain. We observed that for a risk neutral manager, different simulations of wind power production do not change the optimal decision. However, this does not apply for risk averse managers, especially when we consider the simulation model with climate exogenous variables. Therefore, it is important that the risk averse manager establishes a single simulation model to consider or adopts some multi-criteria technique for weighting different models. The risk profile also changes the manager optimal decision. We observed that increasing risk aversion, the standard deviation and mean of the results distribution decrease, while risk premium and CVaRs increase. Therefore, to proceed the optimization, it is important to specify a single preference function, which represents adequately the manager or company risk profile. The flexibility of the developed preference function, allowing the definition of different manager s risk aversion levels for different preference groups, contributes to this specification.

Working Together : Exploring Relational Tensions in Swedish Academia

Fridholm, Tobias January 2010 (has links)
This study explores the basic social conditions for high-quality university research, and focuses on research in science and technology in Sweden. Swedish research policy has adopted more of a market perspective on academic research and its role in society. This has meant the promotion of competition between researchers, increased focus on efficiency at universities, and attempts to make academia harmonize more with industry and other actors. How do such policies affect the variety of perspectives within the academic system? How do they affect the positions and identities of individual academics? These issues are discussed through the concept of "relational tensions". Relational tensions refer to social strains arising when interacting actors have different perspectives. Relational tensions can stimulate creativity, but may also cause unproductive conflicts. The discussion is underpinned by interviews with university researchers and a case study of Uppsala BIO-X, a program to commercialize university research in biotechnology. Typical cases of relational tensions are identified. These concern both interpersonal relations and differences between organized science and industry. A notable observation concerns potential frustration of individual academics, as competition and efficiency tends to make their positions and identities more contested. Researchers cope with relational tensions in three identified ways: socialization, seclusion, and lateral authority. Socialization is natural and often necessary, but reduces the variety of perspectives. Seclusion serves to retain variety and independence, but reduces interaction with others. Lateral authority is to formally or informally lend a researcher more authority, which improves the chance of maintaining a variety of perspectives without reducing interaction. The sustained usefulness of academic research arguably depends on its ability to foster and communicate a variety of perspectives. Hence, (i) promoting lateral authority seems fruitful within academia and in relations between academia and industry, and (ii) encouraging competition and efficiency may to some extent be counterproductive. / Research Excellence and Science-Based Industrial Systems

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