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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miljöbedömningens roll för en hållbar kommunal översiktsplanering / The role of the environmental assessment for a sustainable municipal comprehensive planning

Frise, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
För att möta de kommande samhällsutmaningarna, med klimatförändring, miljödegradering och sociala problem, krävs en mer hållbar samhällsutveckling där den fysiska planeringen spelar en stor roll. Översiktsplaner, som regleras i den svenska plan- och bygglagen (2010:900), är kommunernas strategiska dokument och avsiktsförklaring om hur den fysiska miljön i kommunen ska användas, utvecklas och bevaras. Enligt den svenska miljöbalken (1998:808), som är en miljölagstiftning med syfte att främja hållbar utveckling, krävs att en strategisk miljöbedömning utförs av de planer och program som innebär betydande miljöeffekter eller anger förutsättningar för kommande tillstånd, vilket översiktsplaner alltid ska antas medföra. Med anledning av de olika och ibland motstridiga vägledningarna utgivna av myndigheter samt avsaknad av ett bredare hållbarhetsperspektiv i lag och vägledning, har vissa kommuner valt att utvidga den strategiska miljöbedömningen av den senaste översiktsplanen till en så kallad hållbarhetsbedömning. Detta med syftet att miljöbedömningen ska omfatta såväl ekologiska, sociala som ekonomiska konsekvenser. Det finns olika åsikter om hållbarhetsbedömningar. Dels anses hållbarhetsbedömningar vara progressiva, nödvändiga samt att de följer det europeiska direktivet om strategisk miljöbedömning. Dels anses hållbarhetsbedömningar marginalisera miljöeffekternas betydelse och riskera att utelämna lagstadgat innehåll. Det råder således inte konsensus om på vilket sätt hållbarhet ska inkluderas i den strategiska miljöbedömningsprocessen och presenteras i det slutgiltiga dokumentet på bästa möjliga sätt. Ett syfte med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap och förståelse kring den svenska strategiska miljöbedömningsprocessen för översiktsplaner. Ett andra syfte har varit att identifiera och analysera hållbarhetsbedömningars styrkor och svagheter som utveckling- och bedömningsverktyg samt som beslutsunderlag för översiktsplaner. Metoderna som används i studien är kvalitativa där en litteraturstudie, innehållsanalys samt en intervjustudie genomfördes i syftet att undersöka de utmaningar och möjligheter verktyget medför i arbetet med kommunal översiktsplanering. Resultatet av studien visar att strategisk miljöbedömning inte används med dess fulla potential beroende på att den inte genomförs proaktivt och integrerat med besluts- och planeringsprocessen för att identifiera hållbara planalternativ. Detta beror på felaktiga tolkningar av direktiv och lagstiftning samt bristande vägledning för angreppssätt och genomförande. Det har även identifierats avsaknad av lagstiftat innehåll i granskade hållbarhetsbedömningar och att en tillsyn av processens och dokumentets uppfyllelse av krav saknas. Den bredare tolkningen av de ingående aspekterna har identifierats som en möjlighet till utveckling av verktyget, öka överensstämmelsen med EU direktivet och möjliggöra för kommuner att proaktivt arbeta för ett helhetsgrepp om hållbar utveckling och verkställande av hållbarhetsmål. Kunskap och resurser saknas dock inom kommuner och konsulter varvid en översyn av vägledning och samsyn mellan myndigheter och politiker är av stor betydelse. / To meet the upcoming societal challenges, with climate change, environmental degradation and social problems, a more sustainable societal development is required where spatial planning is of great importance. Comprehensive plans, regulated in the Swedish Planning and Building Act (2010:900), are the municipalities' strategic documents and a statement of intent on how the physical environment in the municipality should be used, developed and maintained. According to the Swedish Environmental Code (1998:808), which is an environmental legislation with the aim of promoting sustainable development, a strategic environmental assessment is required to be carried out on plans and programs that have significant environmental effects or plans that specify conditions for future permits, which comprehensive plans are always assumed to do. Due to the different and sometimes contradictory guidelines issued by authorities and the lack of a broader sustainability perspective in law and guidance, some municipalities have chosen to extend the strategic environmental assessment of the latest comprehensive plan to a so-called sustainability assessment, with the aim to include ecological, social and economic consequences. The opinions about sustainability assessments are various. On the one hand, sustainability assessments are considered to be progressive, necessary and that they comply with the EU directive on strategic environmental assessment. On the other hand, sustainability assessments are considered to marginalize the significance of environmental effects and risk omitting statutory content. There is thus no consensus on how sustainability should be included in the strategic environmental assessment process and presented in the final document in the best possible way. One aim with this study is to provide knowledge and understanding about the Swedish strategic environmental assessment process for comprehensive plans. A second aim has been to identify and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of sustainability assessments as a tool for development, assessment and decision-making of comprehensive plans. The methods used in the study are qualitative; a literature study, content analysis and an interview study were conducted with the aim of investigating the challenges and opportunities the tool implies for the work with municipal comprehensive planning. The study shows that strategic environmental assessment is not used to its full potential since it is not done proactively and integrated with the decision and planning process to identify sustainable planning alternatives. This is due to incorrect interpretations of directives and legislation as well as lack of guidance for approaches and implementation. Lack of legislative content has also been identified in audited sustainability assessments and that a supervision of the legality of the process and document is missing. The broader interpretation of the aspects has been identified as an opportunity for the development of the tool, increase the coherence with the EU directive and enable for municipalities to proactively work for a holistic approach to sustainable development and the implementation of sustainability goals. However, there is a lack of knowledge and resources in municipalities and consultancy firms, whereby a review of guidelines and consensus between authorities and politicians are of great importance.

När barn får tycka till i översiktsplanering : Lärdomar från tre svenska kommuner / When children have a say in comprehensive planning : Key learnings from three Swedish municipalities

Kullgren, Saga, Olsson, Per Andreas January 2024 (has links)
Under flera decennier har barn fått stå tillbaka när städer har utvecklats utefter andra intressen. Barnkonventionen blev lag i Sverige år 2020 och efterföljdes av allmänna val år 2022. Därmed har det funnits anledning för många kommuner att revidera sina översiktsplaner och vid den revideringen arbeta med barns perspektiv och delaktighet. Frågan om barns perspektiv kan däremot urskiljas vara en utmaning för planerare på kommunerna. Denna studie har därför haft som syfte att undersöka hur kommuner kan arbeta med barns perspektiv i översiktlig planering för att skapa legitimitet för processen. Detta har gjorts genom att undersöka hur tre olika stora kommuner har gått till väga efter sina förutsättningar.  I studien har kommunernas dialograpporter och översiktsplaner studerats samt kompletteras med intervjuer av tjänstepersoner med inblick i processerna. Kommunernas arbete har därefter analyserats utifrån delaktighetsmodeller, olika synsätt på barn, planeringsteorier och en legitimitetsmodell.  Studien har visat att det råder stor skillnad i förutsättningarna för att hantera frågan i de tre undersökta kommunerna. Möjligheterna har varit störst i Göteborg, som märkbart också har haft en längre erfarenhet av att arbeta med frågan. I Lund har förutsättningarna varit något sämre och i Lysekil, som är den minsta av de tre kommunerna, har det funnits andra utmaningar som inte återfunnits i Göteborg och Lund. I Lysekil genomfördes ett arbete med barnkartor i GIS medan i Lund och Göteborg arbetades det främst med workshopar och dialoger för att få tillgång till barnens synpunkter. Slutsatser som kan dras från studien är att de planerande förvaltningarna på de studerade kommunerna har saknat rätt kompetenser för att arbeta med barn vilket har gjort stöttning utifrån vital. Rätt kompetens har antingen kunnat hittas inom andra förvaltningar eller inom andra pedagogiska institutioner inom kommunen. Samtidigt har det visat sig att det varit av stor vikt för att barns synpunkter skulle få genomslag i översiktsplanen, att personer på planavdelningarna varit direkt delaktiga i dialogerna med barn. När arbetet varit transparent, effektivt med återkoppling och översiktsplanen färgats av barns synpunkter har det inneburit en ökad nivå av delaktighet och legitimitet för de delaktiga barnen. Studien visar även att det finns ett syfte att åtminstone försöka driva processer med barns perspektiv då det kan bidra till högre ambitioner och mer kunskap oavsett utfall. / For several decades, children have had to stand back when cities have developed according to the interests of other stakeholders. The Convention on the Rights of the Child became law in Sweden in 2020 and was followed by a general election in 2022, which means that municipalities have had reason to revise their comprehensive plans and include children's perspectives when doing so. Children's participation has however been shown to be something that urban planners find challenging. The objective of this study is to examine the manner in which municipalities can engage with children's perspectives in the context of comprehensive planning and create a legitimate process. To this end, the study will analyse how three municipalities of varying sizes have worked with children's perspectives within their comprehensive plan according to their different conditions. In the study a series of documents, concerning the work of municipalities with children’s perspectives within their comprehensive plan were examined and interviews with officials having insight into the processes were conducted. The work of municipalities has then been analysed based on models of participation, different approaches to children, planning theories and a model of legitimacy. The study indicates a discrepancy in the conditions and knowledge of working with children's perspectives within the comprehensive plan across the three municipalities. The opportunities have been greatest in Gothenburg, which has notably had more experience of working with the issue. In Lund, the conditions have been somewhat poorer. In Lysekil, which is the smallest of the three municipalities, there have been other challenges that were not found in Gothenburg and Lund. Lund and Gothenburg worked with children's perspective through dialogues and workshops, while Lysekil carried out the work by utilising the method children´s maps in GIS.  The findings of the study indicate that municipal planning departments often lack the requisite competence to work with children's perspectives. It can therefore be beneficial to seek support from other municipal departments with the necessary competence to pursue the work. However, the study also demonstrates involving planners in work with children's perspective, as essential to ensure that the children's opinions are taken into account in the plan. It is also shown to be of significance to reconnect with the participating children at a later stage, to elucidate which of their opinions were incorporated and which were not, as well as to provide an explanation for the rationale behind the decision-making process. The study also reveals that children's comprehension of the process and the rationale behind their inclusion is crucial. Furthermore, the study highlights the significance of establishing appropriate boundaries while maintaining a flexible approach. All these aspects are shown to be of utter importance in the work with children’s perspectives, in order to ensure legitimacy in the process and enhance the level of participation. The study also shows that there is a purpose to at least try to run processes with a children's perspective as it can contribute to higher ambitions and more knowledge regardless of the outcome.

Em defesa do planejamento urbano: ressonâncias britânicas e a trajetória de Harry James Cole / In defense of the urban planning: britain ressonances and the trajectory of Harry James Cole

Lucchese, Maria Cecilia 15 June 2009 (has links)
Apresentamos nesse trabalho a trajetória profissional do arquiteto carioca Harry James Cole, que se formou na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Brasil, no Rio de Janeiro, em 1954 e trabalhou como arquiteto e urbanista até 1980. Cole fez um curso de especialização em planejamento urbano na Inglaterra e nesse período também trabalhou no Departamento de Arquitetura do London County Council. Essa experiência marcou profundamente seus trabalhos profissionais, que apresentam fortes ressonâncias do urbanismo inglês. Atuando profissionalmente no Brasil Cole foi partícipe de importantes acontecimentos no campo do planejamento urbano no Brasil entre 1957 e 1973, como a construção de Brasília, a implementação dos planos de desenvolvimento integrado e a concepção do Programa Cura, além de ter elaborado inúmeros trabalhos urbanísticos em seu escritório, o HJ Cole Arquitetos + Associados S/C Ltda até o final dos anos 70. / In this thesis we show Harry James Cole\'s professional life, a carioca architect who graduated at Faculdade de Arquitetura of Universidade do Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, in 1954 and who worked as an architect and urban planner until 1980. Cole did a course of specialization in town planning in England and in that period he also worked in the London County Council Architecture Department. This experience deeply affected in his professional life and his works show a strong inspiration in the town planning lessons. Working professionally in Brazil Cole took part in the most important brazilian urban planning events between 1957 and 1973, as the construction of Brasília, the implementation of the comprehensive local urban planning and the conception of the Cura Programme, besides having done several urban planning jobs in his office, the HJ Cole Arquitetos + Associados S/C Ltda until the end of 1970.

Hydrologic Factors Affecting Groundwater Management for the City of Tucson, Arizona

Johnson, R. B. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Assessment of the basic hydrologic and geologic parameters controlling the occurrence and availability of local groundwater is one of the first steps in formulating any comprehensive water management plan. Each of several parameters must be carefully evaluated both individually and in relation to the other factors which together describe the occurrence and movement of the subsurface water resources. These evaluations are fundamental to the legal and political decision- making framework within which the Water Utility must operate for both short and long-range water management planning. Recent changes in several hydrologic parameters have been observed throughout much of the groundwater reservoir tapped by numerous users in the Tucson Basin. Accelerated water level decline rates, decreasing production capacities of existing wells, increased hydrologic interference and increased demand for water are all having an impact on our water resource. These conditions must be evaluated before basin -wide groundwater management alternatives can be implemented.

Wastewater Reuse - How Viable is It? Another Look

Chase, W. L., Fulton, J. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Even though the Phoenix Metropolitan Area is more fortunate than other areas of the desert southwest because of the dependable Salt and Verde River supplies, they still have water problems. The Central Arizona Project (CAP), which will bring water from the Colorado River, will help those problems. But the CAP will not eliminate them. Improved water resource management will be required to bring water supply and demand back into balance. A key element of any successful water resource management program must be wastewater reuse. The communities are studying reuse through their 208 water quality program and while they are discovering that many opportunities exist they are also discovering that there are also many problems to be solved.

Action Programs for Water Yield Improvement on Arizona's Watersheds: Political Constrains to Implementation

Cortner, H. J., Berry, M. P. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Although the Arizona Watershed Program 's (AWP) research efforts have had considerable success over the past 22 years in its objective to further knowledge of the feasibility of vegetative manipulation and modification as a method of increasing surface water yields, its principal sponsor and supporter, the Arizona Water Resources (AWRC), has not, to date, met with similar success. Described are three of the AWRC 's unsuccessful attempts to implement on-going action programs of vegetative management for water yield improvement: The Barr Report, the Ffolliott-Thorud Report, and the Globe Chaparral controversy, to illustrate how overstated program goals, unrealistic assumptions about the political feasibility of treatment types, extent, and intensity; failure to recognize the emergence of significant new decision-making participants, and unsettled questions concerning program costs and beneficiaries have contributed to setbacks in these programs. It is suggested that political as well as scientific constraints have accounted for reported failures in the implementation of the AWP action program objectives.

Em defesa do planejamento urbano: ressonâncias britânicas e a trajetória de Harry James Cole / In defense of the urban planning: britain ressonances and the trajectory of Harry James Cole

Maria Cecilia Lucchese 15 June 2009 (has links)
Apresentamos nesse trabalho a trajetória profissional do arquiteto carioca Harry James Cole, que se formou na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Brasil, no Rio de Janeiro, em 1954 e trabalhou como arquiteto e urbanista até 1980. Cole fez um curso de especialização em planejamento urbano na Inglaterra e nesse período também trabalhou no Departamento de Arquitetura do London County Council. Essa experiência marcou profundamente seus trabalhos profissionais, que apresentam fortes ressonâncias do urbanismo inglês. Atuando profissionalmente no Brasil Cole foi partícipe de importantes acontecimentos no campo do planejamento urbano no Brasil entre 1957 e 1973, como a construção de Brasília, a implementação dos planos de desenvolvimento integrado e a concepção do Programa Cura, além de ter elaborado inúmeros trabalhos urbanísticos em seu escritório, o HJ Cole Arquitetos + Associados S/C Ltda até o final dos anos 70. / In this thesis we show Harry James Cole\'s professional life, a carioca architect who graduated at Faculdade de Arquitetura of Universidade do Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, in 1954 and who worked as an architect and urban planner until 1980. Cole did a course of specialization in town planning in England and in that period he also worked in the London County Council Architecture Department. This experience deeply affected in his professional life and his works show a strong inspiration in the town planning lessons. Working professionally in Brazil Cole took part in the most important brazilian urban planning events between 1957 and 1973, as the construction of Brasília, the implementation of the comprehensive local urban planning and the conception of the Cura Programme, besides having done several urban planning jobs in his office, the HJ Cole Arquitetos + Associados S/C Ltda until the end of 1970.

Går det att bevara befintlig grönska vid förtätning av staden? : En fallstudie om hur grönytor och naturvärden prioriteras på privat mark i Malmö

Ekholm, Tor January 2019 (has links)
The ongoing trend with urban infill often implicates a conflict with urban green areas, which becomes a problem when green areas in cities are declining and when biodiversity is threatened on a global scale. This case study investigates how green areas and existing biological values are prioritized in an area in Malmö where infill is taking place (Översiktsplan för del av Kirseberg). Specifically, planning process and dialogue, on detailed comprehensive planning level, between the municipality and the landowner is analysed and compared with the policy plan for the area. The methods used are semi-structured interviews combining qualitative and quantitative data.The results show that many of the planning policies regarding green areas are prioritized and considered. However, when it comes to preserving existing vegetation and biological values, these policy goals are prioritized lower than the other policies, which leads to postponed conservation measures. Arguments for planning green areas are about structural concerns and attractivity. Municipal planners are concerned about the low amount of green areas and they find that policies and the planning and building act for green areas give a poor support in the planning process.Vague policy goals for green areas make it difficult for planners to balance between the many policy goals they need to consider. Although the actors have common interests and two-sided compromises are done, profit and a high exploitation level are the priorities of the landowner,which leads to fewer green areas. Landownership therefore limits municipal influence to planfor public interests like green areas. Furthermore, the political focus on high exploitation is another reason for this. Insufficient and outdated policies and planning material are also concerns that affects the planning of green areas.Green areas and biological values are not prioritized enough on the detailed comprehensive planning level neither in the policies of the plan, in the planning process nor in other policies. To change this, both planning laws, policies and political will need to prioritize green areas higher. Many studies state that the planning and building act is insufficient for planning green areas that support ecosystem services on private properties. This seems to apply to this case study as well.

Participatory Planning for a Promised Land: Citizen-Led, Comprehensive Land Use Planning in New York’s Adirondack Park

Ruzow Holland, Ann Hope 17 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Från papper till pixel : En studie om hur Boverkets förslag på föreskrifter gällande digitalisering av översiktsplan påverkar kommunerna / From Paper to Pixel : A Study on How the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's Proposed Regulations on the Digitalization of Comprehensive Plans Affect Municipalities

Rantatalo, Clara, Schyllert, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
I en tid av digitalisering kan det vara svårt att hitta rätt. Den sittande regeringen bedriver en digitaliseringspolitik med det övergripande målet att Sverige ska vara bäst i världen på att använda digitaliseringens möjligheter. I förlängningen innebär detta en ökad statlig styrning och kommunerna tvingas navigera bland styrsignalerna. I februari 2023 beslutade regeringen om en ändring i plan- och byggförordningen som innebär att alla nya översikts- och regionplaner som påbörjas från och med 1 januari 2027 måste vara digitala. Till följd av detta arbetar Boverket med att precisera kraven för att stötta kommuner i omställningen till digitala planer. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur omställningen till digitala översiktsplaner påverkar kommuner samt de potentiella konsekvenser Boverkets förslag på föreskrifter kan innebära. Den valda metoden består av två kvalitativa metoder; dokumentstudier samt intervjuer. Vidare användes tre teoretiska angrepp för att analysera resultatet. Dessa är ‘statlig styrning över kommuner’, ‘urban norm’ och ‘översiktsplanens roll som strategiskt dokument’. I resultatet samlas studiens innehåll i fem teman som exemplifieras med hjälp av de kommuner som intervjuats. Dessa teman är ‘allmän syn på digitalisering’, ‘resurssvaga kommuner och ekonomiska utmaningar’, ‘skynda långsamt’, ‘föreskrifterna inte anpassade för alla’ samt ‘översiktsplanens syfte kan urholkas’. Vidare i analysen identifieras utmaningar som kan uppstå hos mindre kommuner när den statliga styrningen ökar. Boverkets förslag på föreskrifter för översiktsplan är svårt att applicera i många av landets kommuner och det finns även åsikter kring tidsplanen, att ‘skynda långsamt’ benämns som ett alternativ. Föreskrifterna bedöms även utgå från ett urbant perspektiv vilket kan skapa onödigt stora hinder för redan resurssvaga kommuner i rurala miljöer. Det framgår också att föreskrifternas nuvarande form riskerar att förändra översiktsplaneringen i sig. Syftet riskeras att urholkas till följd av att Boverket tycks lägga fokus på kartläggning, när kommunerna vill använda översiktsplanen som ett verktyg för framtida planering. Studien sammanfattas i att översiktsplanerna kommer att behöva ha ett digitalt format, men det är ännu oklart hur omställningen kommer att ske. Om Boverkets förslag fastställs i sin exakta form väntar troligtvis stora konsekvenser, men med tanke på den kritik som föreligger är den preliminära bedömningen att föreskrifterna får en ny utformning. / In a time of digitalization it can be hard to find the right way forward. The now ruling government in Sweden is running a digitalization policy with the overall goal that Sweden should be the best in the world to use the possibilities of digitalization. By extension, this means an increased state governance and that the municipalities of Sweden have to navigate amongst the governing signals. In February 2023 the government ruled for a change in the Planning and Building Ordinance which means that all of the new comprehensive and regional plans that are started as of 1st of January 2027 must be digital. Following this, the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is currently working on specifying the demands in order to support the municipalities in the adaptation to digital plans.  The purpose of the study is to investigate how this adaptation into digital comprehensive plans affects municipalities and also the potential consequences the proposal for regulations made by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning might have. The chosen method is two qualitative methods; document studies and interviews. Onward three theoretical approaches were used in order to analyze the result. These are ‘state governance over municipalities’, ‘urban norm’, and ‘the comprehensive plan’s role as a strategic document’. In the result the content from the study is gathered into five discourses that are exemplified with the help of the municipalities that were interviewed. The discourses used are ‘the general view of digitalization’, ‘resourcefully weak municipalities and economic challenges’, ‘rush slowly’, ‘the regulations not adapted to everyone’ and ‘the purpose of the comprehensive plan can hollow out’.  Furthermore in the analysis potential challenges that can arise with smaller municipalities when the state governance increases. The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning’s proposal for regulations for comprehensive plans are hard to apply in many of the country's municipalities and there are also opinions regarding the time plan for implementing the said regulations, where ‘rush slowly’ is mentioned as an alternative. The regulations are also deemed to proceed from an urban perspective which can create unnecessary large obstacles for already resourcefully weak municipalities in rural environments. It also appears that the regulations in its currently proposed form are at risk of changing comprehensive planning in itself, into a completely other form of planning process. The purpose of this type of planning is at risk of hollowing out following the fact that the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning seems to be putting a lot of focus on mapping, when the municipalities want to use the comprehensive plan as a tool for future planning.  The study summarizes that future comprehensive plans will have to take on a digital format, but it is still unclear regarding how this adaptation will happen. If the proposal from the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is determined in its current form, large consequences are probably to be expected. With regards to the critique at hand, the preliminary assessment is that the regulations will take on another shape.

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