Spelling suggestions: "subject:"compromise"" "subject:"eompromise""
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Åtgärder mot rådande nätfiskeattacker på sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie / Measures against prevailing phishing attacks on social media : A qualitative studyPan, Enming, Ahmad, Al-Asadi January 2022 (has links)
Nätfiske på sociala medier kan få allvarliga konsekvenser för användare och organisationer. Det är dessutom en teknisk attack med en psykologisk aspekt som får mottagaren från ett nätfiskemeddelande att bete sig på ett specifikt sätt. Innehållet och leveransmetoden för nätfiskemeddelande kan förändras drastiskt. Forskarna avser att avgöra om nätfiske som en attack har förändrats över tid, hur och varför användare påverkas, användarnas säkerhetsmedvetenhet och tredje parts rekommendationer för skydd mot nätfiske. Kvalitativa strategier användes i denna studie främst för att fånga upp många variabler som kvantitativa strategier inte skulle göra, som att fånga upp respondenternas erfarenhet av nätfiske och ge ett nyanserat svar som bidrar till att besvara studiens forskningsfråga. Tema- och innehållsanalys användes i denna studie främst för att ge forskarna en systematisk arbetsprocess för att sålla och sortera data från primära och sekundära data. Dessa analysmetoder förenklade för forskarna vid bearbetning av data på grund av kodning, kategorisering och organisering av relevant data. Att jämföra primära och sekundära data kom med konsistens som fortfarande är utbredd idag. Alla respondenter och litteratur visar att alla budskap innehåller specifika faktorer som får offren att agera känslomässigt snarare än att tänka logiskt. Användare av sociala medier klickar ofta på okända länkar utan ytterligare övervägande eller ordentlig läsning. Studier har visat att nätfisketrenden har ökat på grund av hur billigt det är att skaffa de nödvändiga verktygen för att skicka nätfiskemeddelanden. Författarna har analyserat primärt och sekundärt datainnehåll i motåtgärder mot nätfiske för att sammanställa och uppdatera data för att presentera en lista över åtgärder mot aktuellt nätfiske. Författarens lista med vägledningar mot nätfiske kommer från resultaten av ackumuleringen av varje specifik studie, fragmenterad data och respondenternas syn på nätfiskesäkerhet. De viktigaste råden som författarna har identifierat innehåller tre vanliga teman som ett nätfiskemeddelande nästan alltid innehåller. Vissa, om inte alla, nätfiskemeddelanden kan innehålla följande brådska, girighet och rädsla. Genom att förstå dessa tre vanliga teman kan användarna bättre identifiera nätfiskemeddelanden. / Phishing on social media can cause severe consequences for users and organizations. It is also a technological attack with a psychological aspect that causes the receiver of a phishing message to behave in a specific manner. The content and delivery method of phishing messages can change drastically. The researcher intends to determine if phishing as an attack has changed over time, how and why users are affected, users' security awareness, and third party's recommendations for protection against phishing. Qualitative strategies were used in this study primarily to catch many variables that quantitative strategies wouldn't, such as finding respondents' experience of phishing and providing a nuanced response that contributes to answering the study's research question. Thematic and content analysis was used in this study primarily to give the researchers a systematic work process to sift and sort through data from primary and secondary data. These analysis methods simplified for the researchers when processing data due to coding, categorizing and organizing relevant data. Comparing primary and secondary data came with consistency that is still prevalent today. All respondents and literature show that all message contains specific factors that make victims act emotionally rather than thinking logically. Social media users often click unknown links without any further consideration or proper reading. Studies have shown that the phishing trend has increased due to how cheap it is to attain the necessary tools to send phishing messages. The authors have analyzed primary and secondary data content in countermeasures against phishing to compile and update data to present a list of measures against current phishing. The author's list of anti-phishing guidance comes from the results of the accumulation of each specific study, fragmented data, and respondents' views of phishing security. The essential advice the authors have identified contains three common themes a phishing message almost always contains. Some, if not all, phishing messages can contain the following urgency, greed, and fear. By understanding these three common themes, the users can better identify phishing messages.
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Trusted Querying over Wireless Sensor Networks and Network Security VisualizationAbuaitah, Giovani Rimon 22 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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La transaction en matière pénalePerrier, Jean-Baptiste 04 December 2012 (has links)
Contrat par lequel les parties terminent une contestation née ou préviennent une contestation à naître, la transaction présente a priori une utilité remarquable pour la matière pénale. L'identification de la logique transactionnelle suppose toutefois que de tels procédés répressifs mettent un terme définitif au litige et ce au moyen de concessions de la part de l'auteur des faits et des autorités ou administrations chargées des poursuites. Seules la transaction pénale et la composition pénale revêtent ces qualités. Une telle transposition implique que la matière en cause puisse connaître d'un règlement des suites de l'infraction déterminé par les parties, hors du juge, mais aussi d'un règlement définitif. Les caractéristiques des alternatives aux poursuites témoignent alors de la réception de la technique transactionnelle dans la matière pénale. Ce constat ne peut pour autant suffire, la transposition de la transaction suppose également l'insertion d'un contrat dans le processus répressif. La mise à l'épreuve de la transaction à la matière pénale conduit à relever certains obstacles, tenant au consentement de l'auteur des faits ou encore à l'indisponibilité de l'action publique. Cette opposition conduit à une adaptation de la transaction à la matière pénale. Les alternatives aux poursuites révèlent l'existence de mesures à caractère répressif, proposées à l'auteur des faits et acceptées par lui dans un cadre déjudiciarisé : les sanctions transactionnelles. La reconnaissance de cette catégorie spécifique de sanctions permet d'entrevoir un certain nombre d'améliorations, afin que ces sanctions transactionnelles soient le fruit d'un accord équitable / Contract with which parties settle or prevent a complaint, the compromise seems to be an outstanding and useful tool in criminal process. However, the identification of the settlement approach presupposes that repressive processes permit to settle the dispute definitively, with concessions from the perpetrators and the Authorities. Only two mechanisms of criminal settlement take on these qualities. Such adaptation implies that the parties could settle the consequences of an offence, without any involvement of a magistrate, but also definitively. The characteristics of the alternative prosecution measures attest the use of the settlement technique in criminal law. However, this aknowledgment is not enough since the transposition of the compromise settlement requires also to introduce a contract in the prosecution process. The comparison of the compromise contract with criminal matter reveals an opposition, some difficulties due to the consent of the perpetrators or Public prosecution. These difficulties necessary lead the settlement to be adapted to this matter. Without the contractual side, the alternative prosecution measures are considered as repressive measures, proposed to the perpetrator and accepted by him outside the formal judicial frame : settlement sanctions. Recognition of this specific sanctions category allowed improvements in order to achieve the settlement sanctions are the result of a fair agreement
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L'Église catholique et les pouvoirs dans le diocèse de Saint-Denis de la Réunion de 1911 à 1981 / The Catholic Church and the political Powers in Saint-Denis diocese in Reunion Island from 1911 to 1981Turpin, Éric Bernard 29 November 2010 (has links)
Le décret du 6 février 1911 applique dans les colonies de la Martinique, de la Guadeloupe et de La Réunion la loi de Séparation des Églises et de l'État du 9 décembre 1905. Cette séparation, franche, donne à l'institution religieuse sa liberté, puisqu'elle ne se trouve plus sous la dépendance financière et juridique de l'autorité publique. Si la question des retraites et des inventaires des biens se déroule assez rapidement et sans drame majeur, sauf à Saint-Gilles-les-Hauts, l'attribution des biens mobiliers et immobiliers ayant appartenu aux établissements ecclésiastiques ne sera résolue que sous le régime de Vichy et dans les premières années de la IVème République. Après le temps de la passion liée à l'application de la loi, vient le temps de l'Entente cordiale après la Grande Guerre sous l'épiscopat de Monseigneur de Beaumont. Celle qui devait être l'Absente redevient fortement présente dans la société coloniale puis postcoloniale, dans le cadre d'un respect mutuel. L'Église connaît, durant cette période, un acte audacieux (lutte contre la fraude lors des élections d'avril 1936), un soutien allant jusqu'à la compromission avec le régime de Vichy, et la lutte contre le communisme, surtout après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les années soixante et soixante-dix sont le temps de l'Affirmation (combat contre la fraude électorale, lutte pour la régulation naturelle des naissances, critique du projet et du modèle de développement économique et social mais aussi propositions alternatives) et de l'Émancipation qui passe par des déchirures internes, souvent parallèles à la société, et par la mise en échec de toutes les manipulations, qu'elles soient anciennes (la Droite) ou nouvelles (le Parti Communiste Réunionnais). Dans les années soixante-dix, Monseigneur Gilbert Aubry, l'actuel évêque, achève l'émancipation de l'institution commencée dans la décennie précédente. De 1911 à 1981, l'Église catholique à La Réunion passe de la Séparation d'avec l'État à l'Émancipation. / The decree of February 6th 1911 applies the law of December 9th 1905 to separate the Church and the State in the French colonies of Martinique, Guadeloupe and Reunion. This complete separation gives to the religious institution its freedom since it is not under the financial and juridic dependence of public authority anymore. Even if the issues of retirement and inventory of goods take place quite quickly and without any major incident, except in Saint-Gilles-les-Hauts, the retribution of personal properties and real estates belonging to the ecclesiastical establishments will only be solved during the Vichy Administration and in the beginning of the 4th Republic.After the time of passion linked to the application of the law will come the time of cordial Agreement right after the World War 1 during the episcopate of his Lordship de Beaumont. The Church, which was supposed to be the Absente would then be present in the colonial on to the postcolonial society, on a mutual respect basis. During this period, the Church made a bold act (the fight against fraud for the elections of April 1936), a support going to the dishonest compromise with the Vichy Administration, and the struggle against Communism, especially after World War 2. The sixties and the seventies would be the time of Assertion (the fight against electoral fraud, the struggle for natural birth regulation, criticism of the economic and social project and model but also alternative propositions) and also a time of Emancipation not without any domestic tearing, often linked to Society, and finally a time for the check of all sorts of manipulations, whether old ones (the right wing) or new ones (the Communist Party of Reunion).In the 70s, his Lordship Gilbert Aubry, the actual bishop, finishes off the process of emancipation of the Church that had started ten years before. From 1911 to 1981 the Catholic Church in Reunion Island would go from the Separation with the State to Emancipation.
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Le compromis clandestin : la condition des migrants thaïlandais sans autorisation de séjour dans la métropole parisienne / Clandestine compromise : the condition of undocumented migrants from Thailand in Paris MetropolisPraphong, Vijit 20 November 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche étudie la clandestinité de migrants sans autorisation de séjour dans la métropole. Son objectif est de rendre compte de la condition clandestine dans la métropole au début du XXIe siècle, mais aussi de montrer ses incidences et d'expliquer son émergence et sa perpétuation. Pour atteindre l'objectif, une enquête de terrain - soit des entretiens et des observations réalisés auprès des migrants clandestins thaïlandais résidant dans Paris et sa banlieue et des personnes au contact d'eux - a été menée. L'enquête permet, en premier lieu, de caractériser la condition clandestine par les situations d'invisibilité, d'insécurité et carcérales. Elle montre, en second lieu, que la condition clandestine dessine des caractéristiques propres aux personnalités clandestines : la mélancolie, la peur, la réserve et la discrétion, mais aussi la fierté. De plus, l'une des spécificités des clandestins, construite par la condition clandestine, est qu'ils souhaitent finir par retourner dans la société d'origine car ils ne s'intègrent pas dans la société d'accueil. L'enquête sert, en troisième lieu, à cerner les contextes, processus ou conditions qui génèrent, maintiennent et perpétuent la condition clandestine. Ce qui amène à formuler cette thèse : la condition clandestine existe dans le cadre du compromis clandestin, soit l'ensemble des accords explicites et implicites entre les employeurs, les bailleurs et les clandestins autour de l'assistance sociale et de l'impossibilité des pouvoirs publics de contrôler ou de régulariser tous les clandestins. Le compromis clandestin est le processus qui produit, maintient et perpétue la clandestinité. La métropole est propice à la clandestinité car elle constitue un lieu d'échappatoire au contrôle et un grand marché de travail et de logement clandestin. / This research studies the clandestinity of migrants without authorization of residence in metropolis. Its objective is to report the clandestine condition in the metropolis of the beginning of the 21st century, but also to show its impact and explain its emergence and perpetuation. To achieve the objective, a fieldwork - interviews and observations made with Thai illegal migrants residing in Paris and its suburbs and people in contact with them - was carried out. The survey makes it possible, in the first place, to characterize the clandestine condition by situations of invisibility, insecurity and incarcerated. It shows, secondly, that the clandestine condition draws these characteristics of clandestine personalities : melancholy, fear, reserve and discretion, but also pride. Moreover, another specificity of illegal migrants, built up by the clandestine condition, is they wish to end up returning to society of origin because they do not integrate into host society. Thirdly, the survey serves to identify the contexts, processes or conditions that generate, maintain and perpetuate clandestine condition. This leads to the formulation of this thesis: clandestine condition exists within the framework of the clandestine compromise, that is to say of the explicit and implicit agreements between employers, landlord and illegal migrants around social assistance and the impossibility of powers control or regularization of all illegal migrants. The clandestine compromise is the process that produces, maintains and perpetuates the clandestinity. The metropolis is conducive to clandestinity because it constitutes a place of escape from control and a large market for work and clandestine housing.
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Islamic finance : the convergence of faith, capital, and powerKhoshroo, Sajjad January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation assesses how Islamic finance fares as an example of 'civil compromise' in Islamic law. By focusing on the Islamic project finance sector, my research examines how the industry's main stakeholders (representing faith, capital, and power) cooperate and compete to bring about this compromise through the 'Game of Islamic Bank Bargains'. The Islamic finance industry is a work in progress, and while it has made some significant strides, it is still a niche in the global conventional financial order rather than an alternative to it. It has fallen short of fulfilling its originally-stated social justice aspirations, but has provided a previously unavailable form of banking and finance for Muslims to transact, at least formalistically, in accordance with widely-believed tenets of their faith. Thus, those who hold up Islamic finance as a universal panacea or dismiss it outright as a fraud have both got it wrong. It is neither. It is, rather, a complex myriad of incentives and aspirations of a multitude of stakeholders muddled together across numerous geographies and evolving incrementally and constantly. The state of the industry is the result of how the stakeholders (the shariah scholars, lawyers, bankers, government officials, and customers) have pursued their self-interest in the Game of Islamic Bank Bargains. My research examines who are the 'winners' and 'losers' of this game, and what religious, commercial, and political factors have influenced this outcome. I assess what may incentivise the incumbent 'winners' to guide the Islamic finance industry away from a formal and legalistic approach towards one that also incorporates principles from Islamic economics. I explore how the 'losers' - whose interests are not accounted for due to their lack of sufficient financial and political clout - can sway the outcome of the game in their favour.
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California's War Over the Bay-Delta: Historic Failures and Current BattlesMao, Jessica J. 01 January 2012 (has links)
California has one highly-coveted possession: the Bay-Delta, which is the second largest estuary in the United States. Today, tensions are higher than ever as Southern California continues to grow and demand water from the Delta, agriculture suffers from drought and less-than-promised water allocations, and aquatic life diminishes due to environmentally damaging processes like pumping and exporting of water elsewhere. This paper will examine the historic policies that have shaped how the Delta has been managed, their successes and failures, and current plans in discussion for continuing improvement of the Delta. The Bay-Delta Conservation Plan and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act (HR 1837) are the specific current plans presented and analyzed for potential effectiveness. Despite some of the promising suggestions in HR 1837 and the Bay-Delta Conservation Plan, the Delta will remain a problem in the 21st century until stakeholders from all perspectives compromise enough to enact a single, clear-cut solution.
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Rechtssicherheit im Binnenmarkt : zur Notwendigkeit eines europäischen Schiedsgerichts /Schmitt, Michaela Christina. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Techn. Univ., Diss.--Dresden, 2005. / Literaturverz. S. 15 - 66.
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God and Slavery in America: Francis Wayland and the Evangelical ConscienceHill, Matthew S. 18 July 2008 (has links)
The work examines the antislavery writings of Francis Wayland (1796-1865). Wayland pastored churches in Boston and Providence, but he left his indelible mark as the fourth and twenty-eight year president of Brown University (1827-1855). The author of numerous works on moral science, economics, philosophy, education, and the Baptist denomination, his administration marked a transitional stage in the emergence of American colleges from a classically oriented curriculum to an educational philosophy based on science and modern languages. Wayland left an enduring legacy at Brown, but it was his antislavery writings that brought him the most notoriety and controversy. Developed throughout his writings, rather than systematically in a major work, his antislavery views were shaped and tested in the political and intellectual climate of the antebellum world in which he lived. First developed in The Elements of Moral Science (1835), he tested the boundaries of activism in The Limitations of Human Responsibility (1838), and publicly debated antislavery in Domestic Slavery Considered as a Scriptural Institution (1845). The political crisis from the Mexican-American War through the Kansas-Nebraska Act heightened Wayland’s activism as delineated in The Duty of Obedience to the Civil Magistrate (1847), his noncompliance with the Fugitive Slave Law, and his public address on the Kansas-Nebraska Bill (1854). In 1861 he became a committed Unionist. I argue that Francis Wayland was a mediating figure in the controversy between abolitionists and proslavery apologists and that his life was a microcosm of the transition that many individuals made from moderate antislavery to abolitionism. Wayland proved unique in that he was heavily coveted by Northern abolitionists who sought his unconditional support and yet he was respected by Southerners who appreciated his uncondemning attitude toward slaveholders even while he opposed slavery. I argue that Wayland’s transition from reluctant critic to public activist was not solely due to the political sweep of events, but that his latter activism was already marked in his earlier work. Most importantly, his life demonstrated both the limits and possibilities in the history of American antislavery.
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Värdering av ekologisk gradering - Super(eko)logiskt? : En mätning av styrkan i varumärkets miljömärkning - ur ett konsumentperspektivAndersson, Sofia, Moilanen, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Då det ur ett konsumentperspektiv finns ett stort intresse för att kombinera olika miljöperspektiv i en enhetlig märkning samtidigt som forskning visar att en kombination av olika märkningar genererar en ökad betalningsvilja, åsyftar denna studie att undersöka hur dessa två respektive typer av märkningssätt påverkar konsumentens preferenser av varumärket samt hur dessa preferenser skiljer sig åt. Föreliggande studie testar dessutom huruvida Simonsons (1989) teori om kompromisseffekter är applikabel för att öka konsumenters preferenser för ekologiska produkter när ett superekologiskt alternativ tillförs ett valset med ett konventionellt och ett ekologiskt alternativ. Studien bidrar därmed med information till beslutsfattare inom livsmedelsbranschen för hur ekologiska attribut påverkar konsumenters preferenser och betalningsviljan för ekologiska produkter. 408 respondenter har medverkat i en enkätundersökning där svaren har analyserats med hjälp av följande statistiska analyser: reliabilitetstest, t-test, korrelationsanalys, faktoranalys och klusteranalys. Resultaten visar att trots att de flesta konsumenter tenderar att ha såväl en positiv attityd som en ökad betalningsvilja för de ekologiska alternativen, väljer fortfarande majoriteten av konsumenterna det konventionella alternativet, varvid ingen kompromisseffekt uppstår. För de allra flesta av studiens respondenter motsvarar med andra ord inte den ökade betalningsviljan rådande marknadspriser, något som bland annat skulle kunna bero på att konsumenterna inte känner erforderligt med tilltro till miljömärkningarna. Priset kan dessutom fungera som ett hinder mot ett nytt beteende, varvid konsumenten istället av ren vana håller kvar vid det gamla. Vad gäller konsumenternas syn på superekologiska märkningar tycks ett superekologiskt trioalternativ i dagsläget vara att föredra. Något mer överraskande är att respondenterna, i motsats till vad flertalet tidigare studier har visat (Roddy, Cowan & Hutchinson 1994; CEC, 1999; Magnusson, Arvola, Hursti, Åberg & Sjödén, 2001; Torjusen, Lieblein, Wandel & Francis, 2001; m.fl.), dessutom upplever smak och kvalitet hos de ekologiska alternativen som sämre jämfört med det konventionella alternativet. Eftersom de flesta konsumenter de facto uttrycker en ökad betalningsvilja för ekologiska alternativ, anser vi avslutningsvis att en mindre prisskillnad mellan konventionella och ekologiska produkter är något som beslutsfattare i livsmedelsbranschen framför allt borde ta i beaktning för att i framtiden öka antalet konsumenter av ekologiska produkter. / From a consumer perspective, there exists a considerable interest in combining different environmental perspective in an uniform label. On the other hand, since research shows that a combination of different labels generates a greater willingness to pay, this study aim to examine how these two respective types of labeling affect consumers brand preferences, and furthermore how these preferences differ. The present study also test whether Simonson's (1989) theory of compromise effect could be applied to increase consumer preference for organic products, when adding an organic premium alternative to a choice set with a conventional and an organic alternative. Thus, the study contributes information to decision makers in the food industry about how ecological attributes affect consumers’ brand preferences and their willingness to pay for organic products. 408 respondents have participated in a survey in which the answers were analyzed using the following statistical analyzes: reliability test, t-test, correlation analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis. The results show that although most consumers tend to have both a positive attitude and an increased willingness to pay for organic alternatives, the majority of consumers still choose the conventional alternative, why no compromise effect occurs. For most of the study's respondents the increased willingness to pay does not correspond with current market prices. Among other things this could be explained by consumers’ lack of confidence in eco-labels. The price may also act as a barrier to a new behavior, whereby the consumer out of pure habit chooses the conventional alternative. Based on the consumer preferences for organic premium labels, the organic premium combination alternative seems to be the preferable choice. Somewhat more surprising, the respondents in this study, in contrast to most previous studies (Roddy et al., 1994; CEC, 1999; Magnusson et al., 2001; Torjusen et al., 2001; etc.), perceived the taste and quality of the ecological alternatives as inferior to the conventional alternative. Finally, since the respondents show an increased willingness to pay for organic products, we think that decision makers in the food industry primarily should take into consideration that a minor price difference between conventional and organic products is something that could increase the number of consumers buying organic products in the future.
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