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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳姿璉, Wu, Tzu-Lien Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

關係人交易下董事及控制股東之義務 / The obligation of directors and controlling shareholders in the related party transactions

鍾維翰, Chung, Wei Han Unknown Date (has links)
近年來我國屢次爆發掏空公司資產之弊案,而細究其掏空之方式,多係藉由公司之交易行為,將公司資產不法輸送予特定人士。我們不難發現這些特定人士時常某程度與公司之董事或控制股東,具有一定之利害關係,甚至這些特定人士即為董事或控制股東本身。正因如此,關係人交易在我國公司治理議題上逐漸受到重視,並引起廣泛之討論,尤其針對具有董事或控制股東身分之人。由於此兩類身分之人同時具有掌握公司資訊及影響公司經營決策之權力,更易藉此方式自公司謀取私利。 我國對於關係人交易下董事之義務,雖已有規範,然而自比較法之觀點,美國法對此部分顯然較我國完備,不僅對於關係人交易設有事前之董事行為標準,並且對於符合行為標準之關係人交易,給予董事安全港之保護。同時,配合司法實務上所發展之司法審查標準,採取寬嚴不一的審查模式,使董事得於關係人交易中合理預測訴訟風險。一方面可降低關係人交易中非常規交易發生之可能性,另一方面亦不至於全然扼殺關係人交易在現代經濟社會中產生之正面價值。我國法之董事義務既是繼受英美法上受任人義務之概念,因此本文嘗試分析美國法中關於關係人交易之相關規定,希冀做為我國修法之參考以求法制之完備。 又我國現行公司法在控制股東義務方面,似存在重大之法律漏洞。尤其在關係人交易下,有心人士為規避擔任董事可能帶來之相關義務,轉而選擇置身於幕後,成為不具董事身分卻實際掌握公司經營決策權之控制股東。此無疑對於欲利用關係人交易不法掏空公司之人,開啟方便之大門。事實上,在英國及美國法上對於控制股東在特定情況下課予如同公司董事一般之受任人義務,而本文則將其焦點限縮在關係人交易下控制股東之義務,經由整理分析英美兩國法制上之條文、學說及重要判決,以期建構出我國規範關係人交易下控制股東義務之依據。

論產物保險經紀市場之檢討與改進-以Eliot Spitzer vs. Marsh & McLennan案為借鏡 / A Study and Review on Non-Life Insurance Brokering Market:Lessons Learned from Eliot Spitzer vs. Marsh & McLennan Case

魏家祥 Unknown Date (has links)
在保險市場中,保險商品主要透過保險經紀人、保險代理人以及保險人所掌握的直接通路予以販售,特別是在大型商業財產及責任保險的行銷通路上,保險經紀人扮演了舉足輕重的角色。本論文主要是以商業財產及責任保險市場為研究重心,並由經濟觀點探討保險經紀人的仲介角色、市場競爭態勢、報酬結構以及業務安排方式等,同時以保險監理的角度檢討保險經紀行業存在的誠信自律、利益衝突以及客戶公平對待等問題。 不同於保險代理人,保險經紀人係基於保單持有人之利益為其安排保險。因此,保險經紀人必須透過多家保險人提供報價的方式,從中選擇價格及條件最佳者做為保險業務安排之對象;換言之,誠實的報價程序,方足以保障客戶之利益並維繫保險市場的健全。然而國外近年發生的大型保險經紀人與部分保險人共謀提供不實之報價事件,不僅嚴重影響到保單持有人的權益,更引發了對於保險經紀人不當市場力量運用以及或有佣金(contingent commissions)制度存廢的廣泛討論。2004年10月14日紐約州總檢察官Eliot Spitzer向紐約州最高法院針對全球最大保險經紀商Marsh & McLennan及部分保險人所涉及的投標詐欺、操縱價格、收受保險公司或有佣金等三大罪狀提出了民事訴訟。此案例不僅使得涉案公司付出鉅額賠償,更暴露出大型保險經紀人公司存在已久的市場壟斷、價格操控、利益衝突等問題。 對照於英、美等國在保險經紀人制度方面的成熟與發達,我國在此方面尚屬新興發展階段,所謂他山之石可以攻錯,借重先行者的經驗,不僅可以避免重蹈覆轍,更可加快成長的腳步;在全球化的浪潮衝擊之下,保險經紀市場唯有與國際充分接軌,並健全相關制度,才能為國內保險市場的業務成長,帶來蓬勃生機,並立下永續發展的堅固磐石。 / In the insurance market, policies are sold through direct channels controlled by insurance companies or intermediaries, such as brokers and agents. Brokers play a vital role in the property & casualty insurance market and serving commercial clients with complex and large exposures. This report focusing on the commercial property & casualty insurance market, we look at the economic performance by brokers, the competitive structure of the marketplace, the compensation arrangements for brokers, and the placement with insurers. Furthermore, we also from regulators’ point of view to study and review a variety of issues, such as the ethics and conduct , conflict of interest, treating customers fairly, which are raised from insurance brokers industry. In contrast to captive agents, brokers act on behalf of the insured, for this circumstance, the role of the brokers is to increase price and coverage competitiveness, by providing the customers access to a wider range of possible insurers. Clearly the integrity of the bidding process is very important to protect the interest of customers and to the health of the insurance brokers market. Unfortunately, the integrity of the placement process by brokers has been questioned due to the allegations of bid rigging in which one or more global brokers and a few insurers appear to have conspired to submit non-competitive bids. This anti-competitive practice is not only detrimental to the customers but also cause public concerned that too much market power lead to abuses by brokers and that contingent commissions should be abolished. On October 14, 2004, New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer filed suit against Marsh & McLennan alleging that the insurance brokers engaged in bid rigging and received widespread kickbacks from insurance companies. On January 31, 2005, Marsh agreed to pay $850 million in restitution to buyers as part of an agreement to settle the suit, but lawsuits still in progress. The above-mentioned case has revealed conflict of interest, anti-competitive and market manipulation for meg-brokers, in fact, these problems existed for a long time. Comparing with US and UK insurance brokers market, Taiwan is belong to emerging market, to gain knowledge of pioneer’s developing experience, we could shorten the time to get more progress. When we deal with the globalization challenge, local insurance broker market should be complied with international practices, improve relative rules and regulations is also necessary, once above situations are available, it could help domestic insurance market rapid and healthy growth.

Faculty Senate Minutes March 3, 2014

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 08 April 2014 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

L'agrément en droit des sociétés : contribution à une simplification du droit / The agreement in corporates'law

Le Ruyet, Armel 28 November 2017 (has links)
L’étude de l’agrément en droit des sociétés révèle que les règles l’encadrant ne sont pas exemptes de lacunes ou d’incohérences. Ces dernières résultent notamment de leur édiction dispersée, dans des textes légaux ou réglementaires, au cas par cas, individuellement pour chaque forme sociale. En outre, leur intelligibilité est amoindrie par la corrélation parfois faite par la loi entre les règles de son domaine et ses formalités procédurales. De cet ensemble découle une certaine complexité, incompatible avec le besoin de sécurité juridique requise pour exécuter toute procédure. En l’occurrence, l’atteinte à la liberté ne réside plus dans l’absence de forme protectrice mais, paradoxalement, dans un formalisme trop pointilleux, dont l’application suscite un important contentieux. Néanmoins, le constat de la présence éventuelle de l’intuitu personae dans l’ensemble des sociétés suggère la possibilité d’unifier le domaine de l’agrément et, corrélativement, de simplifier sa mise en œuvre, grâce à l’élaboration d’un droit commun. À cette fin, une conception contractuelle des rapports sociaux donne de nombreuses clés de résolution des problèmes posés actuellement par son régime. Cette analyse faite du droit positif ne remet pas pour autant en cause le juste équilibre établi par la loi au nom de l’ordre public sociétaire. Celui-ci s’exprime par l’exigence du respect de formalités et d’obligations visant à protéger tant la société que son associé cédant. Au contraire même, ce point de vue permet de dégager les champs d’intervention réservés au législateur ne portant atteinte ni à la substance des droits de l’associé, ni aux concepts juridiques de droit commun. Cette méthode de traitement des difficultés soulevées aboutit à une reconstruction de la législation de l’agrément, davantage intelligible, augurant par là-même, une perspective concrète de création d’un droit français des sociétés fermées. / The study of corporate law certification reveals that the rules governing it are not free from gaps or inconsistencies. The latter result notably from their dispersed enactment, in legal or regulatory texts, on a case by case basis, individually for each social form. In addition, their intelligibility is diminished by the correlation sometimes made between the rules of his field and his procedural formalities. From this set flows a certain complexity, incompatible with the need for legal certainty required to execute any procedure. In this case, the infringement of liberty does not lie in the absence of a protective form but, paradoxically, in a formalism that is too fussy, the application of which gives rise to a serious dispute. Nevertheless, the observation of the possible presence of intuitu personae in all societies suggests the possibility of unifying the field of accreditation and, correspondingly, of simplifying its implementation, thanks to the elaboration of a common right. To this end, a contractual conception of social relations gives many keys to solving the problems currently posed by his regime. This analysis of positive law does not, however, call into question the proper balance established by law, aimed at protecting both society and its assigning partner, in the name of public societal order. Quite to the contrary, this point of view reinforces the effectiveness of the rule since the fields of intervention reserved to the legislator do not infringe either the substance of the rights of the partner or the legal concepts of the law. common right. This method of dealing with the difficulties raised leads to a reconstruction of the legislation of accreditation, which is more intelligible, thus auguring a concrete perspective of creation of a French law of closed companies, independent of any political instrumentalization.

Conflito de interesses nas sociedades por ações

Zeger, Arthur 21 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:33:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-09-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this paper we addressed the theme of the conflict of interest within the Brazilian corporations. It was also covered, reflexively, the discipline of the particular benefit . To address the systemic study of the chosen theme, we started the studies analyzing its proximity with the line of research economic power and legal limitations, starting from he notion of the economic analysis of law. In structuring this paper it were also addressed other topics such as the importance of voting rights (including the absenteism, the abuse of voting rights, the restrictions on voting rights, the difference between abuse and the conflict of interest). It was also explored the legal treatment given to conflicts of interest according to the comparative law; in this regard, we made an approach of the German, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese legal systems. Finally, we make use of decisions from the CVM (Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission), CRSFN (Appeals Council of the National Financial System) and the Brazilian courts to illustrate the current stage of the administrative jurisprudential understanding on the subject hereof. In essence, this paper intends to contribute with the systematic study of the conflict of interests of shareholders and officers of Brazilian corporations, identifying assumptions that are underlying the existing doctrines and contrasting the treatment given to the conflicts of interest that shareholders and officers have against the companies and between themselves. / Nesta dissertação desenvolvemos o tema do conflito de interesses nas sociedades por ações. Também, abordamos, de maneira reflexa, a disciplina do "benefício particular". Para desenvolver o estudo sistêmico do tema escolhido, iniciamos os estudos verificando sua proximidade com a linha de pesquisa poder econômico e limites jurídicos, valendo-nos, para tanto, das noções da análise econômica do direito. Na estruturação deste trabalho, também aproveitamos de outros temas relacionados como, por exemplo, a importância dos direitos de voto (no que se inclui o absenteísmo, o voto abusivo, as restrições ao voto, a diferença entre abuso de voto e conflito de interesses). Também buscamos demonstrar a disciplina do conflito de interesses no direito comparado; nesse sentido, fizemos uma abordagem dos ordenamentos jurídicos alemão, espanhol, francês, italiano e português. Por fim, relacionamos as decisões da CVM, do CRSFN e dos tribunais brasileiros para ilustrar o atual estágio da compreensão jurisprudencial e administrativa acerca do tema tratado. Em suma, esta dissertação visa contribuir com o estudo sistemático da disciplina do conflito de interesses de acionistas e administradores de companhias brasileiras, identificando as premissas que fundamentam os posicionamentos existentes e contrapondo o tratamento conferido ao conflito de interesses entre a companhia e os acionistas e/ou administradores, bem como o conflito de interesses entre os próprios acionistas e administradores.

La protection des créanciers au sein des groupes de sociétés / The protection of creditors in groups of companies

Hmoda, Farag 19 March 2013 (has links)
L’étude juridique du groupe de sociétés fait apparaître une difficulté majeure qui émane de la grande différence entre le droit et le fait. En effet, bien qu’elles soient liées par un intérêt commun, les sociétés membres d’un groupe ne font toujours pas l’objet d’une réglementation détaillée qui prendrait en considération leur entité et leur unité économique et sociale distinctes. Il découle de cet antagonisme un risque de non correspondance des intérêts particuliers des sociétés membres avec la prévalence juridique de l'intérêt du groupe, lequel pourrait induire des effets préjudiciables aux différentes catégories des créanciers de ces sociétés.Toutefois, cette absence d’une loi particulière aux groupes a donné lieu à une réglementation ponctuelle qui vient modifier des règles du droit des sociétés ou qui régit certains domaines particuliers. De même, en raison d'une telle insuffisance de normes écrites, une importante partie du droit positif des groupes semble d’origine jurisprudentielle. Soutenus par la Cour de cassation, les juges du fond ne cessent de circonscrire les différents aspects de ce phénomène en vue de combler des lacunes juridiques qui heurtent l’équité. Plusieurs théories ont été instaurées en la matière, construisant ensemble une base importante pour la protection des créanciers, des salariés et des associés minoritaires liés à l’ensemble des sociétés regroupées. / Legal study of the group of companies reveals a major difficulty which emanates from the big difference between law and reality. Indeed, although they are linked by a common interest, the member companies of a group are not always the object of a detailed ruling which would take into consideration their entity and their economic unity and social distinctions. From this antagonism follows a risk of not connecting the particular member companies with the legal acceptance of the group’s interest, which might lead to prejudicial actions towards the different categories of creditors and companies.However, this absence of a special law for groups gave rise to a timely rule which modifies the rules of the rights of companies or which rules certain particular fields. In the same way, because of an insufficiency of written standards, an important part of the actual right is derived from the origins of precedent. Supported by the Supreme Court of Appeal, the the trial judges do not cease to draw a line around the different aspects of this occurrence in the light of closing a legal loop hole which goes against fairness. Several theories have indeed been established on the subject, forming together an important base for the protection of creditors, wage earners and minor partners linked to the whole of the amalgamated companies.

Managing Information Confidentiality Using the Chinese Wall Model to Reduce Fraud in Government Tenders

Rama, Sobhana January 2013 (has links)
Instances of fraudulent acts are often headline news in the popular press in South Africa. Increasingly, these press reports point to the government tender process as being the main enabler used by the perpetrators committing the fraud. The cause of the tender fraud problem is confidentiality breach of information. This is accomplished, in part, by compromising the tender information contained in the government information system. This results in the biased award of a tender. Typically, the information in the tender process should be used to make decisions about a tender’s specifications, solicitation, evaluation and adjudication. The sharing of said information to unauthorised persons can be used to manipulate and corrupt the process. This in turn corrupts the tender process by awarding a tender to an unworthy recipient. This research studies the generic steps in the tender process to understand how information is used to corrupt the tender process. It proposes that conflict of interest, together with a lack of information confidentiality in the information system, paves the way for possible tender fraud. Thereafter, a system of internal controls is examined within the South African government as well as in foreign countries to investigate measures taken to reduce the breach of confidential information in the tender process. By referring to the Common Criteria Security Model, various critical security areas within the tender process are identified. This measure is assisted with the ISO/IEC 27002 (2005) standard which has guiding principles for the management of confidential information. Thereafter, an information security policy,the Chinese Wall Model will be discussed as a means of reducing instances where conflict of interest may occur. Finally, an adapted Chinese Wall Model, which includes elements of the tender process, is presented as a way of reducing fraud in the government tender process. Finally, the research objective of this study is presented in the form of Critical Success Factors that aid in reducing the breach of confidential information in the tender process. As a consequence, tender fraud is reduced. These success factors have a direct and serious impact on the effectiveness of the Chinese Wall Model to secure the confidentiality of tender information. The proposed Critical Success Factors include: the Sanitisation Policy Document, an Electronic Document Management System, the Tender Evaluation Ethics Document, the Audit Trail Log and the Chinese Wall Model Prosecution Register.

Faculty Senate Minutes February 5, 2018

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 14 February 2018 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Extern granskning av gröna obligationer : Huruvida regulatoriska förändringar vad gäller betygsättning av gröna obligationer kan gynna marknaden för gröna obligationer / External review of green bonds : Whether regulatory changes in the rating of green bonds can benefit the green bond market

Lindgren, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
Genom styrning av finansiella medel har gröna obligationer fått en viktig roll i utvecklingen mot ett miljömässigt hållbart samhälle. Extern granskning av gröna obligationer styrs idag genom frivilliga marknadsstandarder, varav GBP är den vanligaste. Dessutom har EU nyligen presenterat en egen frivillig standard med särskild tillsyn. Bättre tillgång till klimatrelaterad information samt tydliga och gemensamma definitioner av gröna aktiviteter är förutsättningar för att investerare mer effektivt ska flytta kapital till miljömässigt hållbara verksamheter för att stötta omställningen till en mindre fossilbaserad ekonomi. I den här uppsatsen visas att dagens betygsättning, olika bedömningsmetoder till trots, torde vara relativt pålitlig, men att det finns utrymme att önska högre jämförbarhet och därmed ökad investerartillit. Tydligare marknadsstandarder kan vara en viktig aspekt för att öka betygens pålitlighet allt eftersom marknaden för gröna obligationer expanderar. Analysen visar att lagstiftning som leder till ökad mängd publicerad granskning genom gröna betyg torde gynna transparensen samtidigt som ryktesrisken vid intressekonflikter bör innebära motvillighet gentemot felaktig bedömning. Samtidigt kan överdriven reglering begränsa möjligheterna för innovation, utveckling och expansion av marknaden som helhet. Det torde därmed vara i lagstiftarens intresse att inte införa alltför sträng reglering, eftersom risk att inte kunna uppnå den finansiering av klimatmålen som önskas då uppstår. Eftersom gröna obligationer är ett internationellt fenomen behöver världens länder arbeta tillsammans mot gemensamma standarder i syfte att nå klimatmålen.  I det fall tvingande reglering ska införas bör den vara på som lägst EU-nivå. För marknadsbalans mellan aktörerna och jämförbarhet mellan obligationerna är det viktigt att regleringen inte upplevs otydlig. Regleringen måste dessutom vara generell och så pass flexibel att den kan möta teknologisk utveckling och förändrade förhållanden på marknaderna utan att processen blir för långdragen. Så länge målet är att ha en europeisk kapitalmarknad där aktörerna kan tillhandahålla finansiella tjänster nationsövergripande krävs finansiell tillsyn som inte stannar vid nationsgränserna. På sikt torde Esma vara lämpligast att överse samtliga granskare av gröna obligationer verksamma på den europeiska marknaden. För detta krävs utökad reglering som ger Esma ökad behörighet såväl som ökade resurser för att effektivt kunna utföra tillsynsarbetet. / Through the management of financial resources, green bonds have received an important role in the development towards an environmentally sustainable society. External review of green bonds is today subject to voluntary market standards, of which GBP is the most common. In addition, the EU has recently presented its own voluntary standard, which includes supervision. Better access to climate-related information and clear and harmonised definitions of green activities are prerequisites for investors to move capital more efficiently to environmentally sustainable businesses to support the transition to a less fossil-based economy. With this paper it is shown that the current rating, despite different assessment methods, should be relatively reliable, but that there is room to wish for higher comparability and thus increased investor confidence. Clearer market standards can be an important aspect in increasing the reliability of ratings as the market for green bonds expands. The analysis shows that legislation that leads to an increased number of published reviews through green ratings should promote transparency, while the risk of rumors in the event of conflicts of interest should imply reluctance to make incorrect assessments. At the same time, excessive regulation may limit the opportunities for innovation, development and expansion of the market as a whole. Thus, it should be in the interest of the legislator not to introduce a regulation which is too strict, as the risk of not being able to achieve the desired financing of the climate goals then arises. As green bonds are an international phenomenon, all countries need to work together towards common standards in order to achieve the purpose of the climate goals. In the event that mandatory regulation is to be introduced, it should at least be at EU level. For market balance between the market participants as well as comparability between the bonds, it is important that the regulation is not perceived as unclear. In addition, regulation must be general and flexible enough to meet technological developments and new market conditions without the process becoming too lengthy. As long as the goal is to have a European capital market where market participants can provide financial services nationwide, financial supervision that does not stop at national borders is required. In the long run, ESMA should be the most appropriate authority to oversee all examiners of green bonds operating in the European market. This requires increased regulation that gives ESMA increased authority, as well as increased resources in order to be able to carry out the supervisory work effectively.

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