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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As práticas em avaliação psicológica nos casos de disputa de guarda de filhos no Brasil

Lago, Vivian de Medeiros January 2008 (has links)
Os conflitos que acompanham a ruptura da configuração familiar têm exigido o envolvimento crescente de psicólogos e outros profissionais da saúde mental na avaliação de famílias em situação de disputa de guarda. As avaliações psicológicas devem fornecer informações objetivas e imparciais, uma vez que exercerão importante papel em relação às crianças e ao Judiciário. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as práticas que estão sendo utilizadas pelos psicólogos para realizar avaliações envolvendo disputa de guarda. Além de procedimentos e técnicas empregados, honorários e participação em audiências, os profissionais foram questionados sobre assuntos como guarda compartilhada, Síndrome de Alienação Parental e falsas acusações de abuso sexual. Participaram do estudo 51 psicólogos de diferentes regiões brasileiras, com idades entre 23 e 62 anos, com experiência em avaliação envolvendo disputa de guarda. Os profissionais responderam a um questionário disponível online, composto por questões objetivas referentes a dados pessoais e profissionais, avaliação psicológica, uso de testes e demandas atuais do Direito de Família. Foram realizadas análises descritivas das características sócio-demográficas e de formação dos participantes, bem como das demais questões contempladas no instrumento. Também foram realizadas comparações dos resultados entre as regiões do Brasil, através do teste do Qui-Quadrado. Os achados revelaram que os principais procedimentos utilizados nesse tipo de avaliação são as entrevistas com pais e com filhos. Entrevistas com terceiros e visitas à escola e residências dos pais também foram apontadas como freqüentes, da mesma forma que o uso de testes projetivos. Os testes referidos como mais utilizados foram HTP, Rorschach e Desenho da Figura Humana. Foi possível observar uma preferência e predomínio do uso de instrumentos psicológicos entre os participantes da região Sul. Em relação às demandas atuais do Direito de Família, a maioria dos respondentes mostrou-se conhecedora dos assuntos e relatou ter experiência profissional em relação aos mesmos. Contudo, a discussão apontou a necessidade de abordar esses e outros temas durante a formação dos psicólogos, a fim de que os profissionais possam manter-se atualizados diante das demandas que surgem no Direito de Família. Os principais resultados obtidos a partir deste estudo servirão como parâmetro para os psicólogos que exercem avaliações nessa área, ampliando seus conhecimentos sobre avaliação psicológica e determinação de guarda. Vale destacar a importância dessas avaliações, que servem de subsídio para a tomada de decisões judiciais que acarretarão sérias conseqüências para a vida de crianças e adolescentes filhos de pais separados. Palavras-Chave: Psicologia Jurídica, Avaliação Psicológica Forense, Disputa de Guarda. / The conflicts that follow the breakup of a family have increasingly involved psychologists and other mental health professionals in child custody evaluations. The psychological assessments should provide objective and impartial information, once they play an important role for the court and for the children’s lives. The aim of this study was to investigate the practices that have been used by psychologists in child custody evaluations. Professionals were asked about procedures, techniques, fees and participation in court trials. Questions about joint custody, Parental Alienation Syndrome and false allegations of sexual abuse were also considered. Fifty one child custody experienced psychologists from different regions of Brazil took part in the study, aged between 23 and 62. The professionals answered an online questionnaire, consisting of objective questions related to personal and professional data, child custody evaluation, use of tests and current demands in Family Law. Descriptive analysis of the sociodemographic and educational characteristics of the participants, and of the questions of the instrument as well as comparisons among the results of the Brazilian regions were carried out. The findings indicate that the main procedures in this type of evaluation are the interviews with parents and with the children. Collateral interviews and home and school visits are highlighted as a common procedure, as well as the use of projective techniques. HTP, Rorschach and the Human Figure Drawing are the most employed tests. It was possible to observe a preference and predominant use of psychological instruments among the participants of the south region. The respondents have showed to know about the Family Law topics and reported to have professional experience in this area. These data indicate that the psychologists who work in that field look for information concerning the demands which arise in Family Law. Even though, the discussion pointed out the need of studying these and other topics related to Forensic Psychology during psychologists’ education. It is expected that the main results of this study offer important guidelines for the psychologists in child custody evaluations, beyond broadening their knowledge about the issue. It is also underscored the importance of these evaluations on the judge decision, once they bring serious consequences for the lives of the children of divorced parents.

Pappor i vårdnadstvister / Fathers in child custody disputes

Andersson, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur fäder upplever sig bemötta av sociala myndigheter i utredningen kring vårdnaden om deras respektive barn samt undersöka hur normer, föreställningar och förväntningar kan förstås relaterat till faderskap. Studien utgick frånteorierna intersektionellt perspektiv och hegemonisk maskulinitet. Som empiri användes två självbiografier om fäder i vårdnadstvister. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys och tillhörande teman. Utifrån analysen av böckerna växte två teman fram. Dessa var: Föreställningar om papparollen samt Maktlöshet i föräldraskap och i möten med sociala myndigheter. Resultatet visade att sociala myndigheter bedömer vem som är den bäst lämpade föräldern utifrån normer, föreställningar och förväntningar utifrån förälderns kön. Fäderna upplevde att de var åsidosatta i sin roll som pappor och även att deras åsikter inte tillmätes betydelse. Sociala myndigheter i de här fallen gör könade bedömningar, vilket åsidosätter fäderna samt tillmäter inte deras åsikter nog med relevans. / The purpose of this study was to examine how the fathers experienced that they were treated when in contact with social authorities regarding the custody of their children and how norms, perceptions and expectations can be understood related to fatherhood. This study used the theories intersectional perspective and hegemonic masculinity. In this study I used two autobiographies about fathers in child custody disputes. The result was analyzed using a thematic analysis and associated themes. From the books I chose two themes. These were: Notions of the father role and Powerlessness in parenting and in meetings with social authorities. The results show that social authorities make judgements about who is the best suited parent based on norms, perceptions and expectations depending on gender. The fathers experienced that they were sidelined in their role as fathers and that their opinions were not given any importance. Social authorities in these cases make judgements based on gender,disregard the fathers and does not attach enough importance to their views in these matters.

"Våld är en entydig handling och samarbete är ömsesidigt" : En kvalitativ studie om domare, advokat och familjerättssekreterares uppfattningar om våld och samarbetssvårigheter / "Violence is an unambiguous act and cooperation is mutal" : A qualitative study of judge, lawyer and family law secretaries' perceptions of violence and co-operation difficulties

Kjellson, Annah, Salih, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur professionella uppfattar relationen mellan våld och samarbetssvårigheter. Arbetet tar även fasta på hur dessa uppfattningar konstrueras i familjerätt kontra domstol. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tre familjerättssekreterare, en domare och en advokat som arbetar med familjerättsliga mål på olika platser, runt om i Sverige. Intervjuerna genomfördes via Microsoft Teams, ansikte mot ansikte och per telefon. Det empiriska materialet som intervjuerna genererade analyserades med en tematisk analys. Det socialkonstruktivistiska perspektivet användes vid analysarbetet tillsammans med tidigare forskning, där fokus främst har legat på perspektivets syn på begreppen kön, makt och kunskap. Tidigare forskning har visat att domstol inte beaktar våld i vårdnadstvister i tillräckligt stor utsträckning samtidigt som flera studier också visat att familjerätten inte heller tar hänsyn till våld i deras arbete. Resultatet visade att begreppet samarbetssvårigheter beskrivs som intressekonflikter av familjerättssekreterare och som värdekonflikter av domare och advokat. De professionella hade en varierad uppfattning kring samarbete mellan föräldrar i de fall då våld förekommit. Majoriteten av informanterna beskrev att ett samarbete där det förekommit våld präglas av en maktobalans mellan föräldrar. Slutligen visade resultatet att advokaten och samtliga familjerättssekreterare bedömde uppgifterna om våld som trovärdiga, trots att det inte styrkts genom dom. Domstolen är av den uppfattningen att det behöver finnas någon omständighet som bekräftar uppgifter om våld, vilket följaktligen påverkar domstolens slutgiltiga bedömning kring uppgifter om ostyrkt våld. Studien visade däremot inte vilka våldsformer informanterna hade i beaktning när de delgav författarna sina beskrivningar.

Barnets bästa i umgänges– och vårdnadstvister : En diskursanalys av svenska domstolars resonemang / The best interests of the child in access and custody disputes : A discourse analysis of the Swedish courts and their rendering of the law

Adell, Regina, Andersson, Felicia January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to analyse how Swedish courts reason about the child's best in custody and access disputes. We have assumed different themes to analyse our empirical data, these themes were the child's best interests, perspective on the child's best interests, child's perspective, children as subjects or objects and finally the right of the child or the child's best interests. Our empirical data have consisted of 15 City Court and Court of Appeal judgments of the Swedish courts handed down in 2015. The study had a qualitative disposition and the selection was made strategically to make sure the empirical data would be relevant to our issues. We have used a discourse analysis where the intention was to study how the court reason about the child’s interests and what statements that gets preference and what gets excluded in the assessment. Our theoretical starting point was extracted from Foucault’s theory about power and his discourse concept. We have used the concept of his theory in our analysis, but also extracted the theoretical concepts from previous research. The result shows that the Court's assessment of what is in the child’s best interest is based primarily on a professional and adult perspective on the child's situation. The individual child's perspective was excluded and the Court was principally talking about children's needs and interests in general. The result also showed that children were seen as objects and not as participants in the majority of the cases.

Vi har inte en chans! Fem fäders upplevelser av socialtjänstens och rättsväsendets bemötande och bedömning vid utredning och beslut om vårdnad, boende och umgänge / We have no chance! Five father's experiences of how Social services and Legal authorities act with regards to investigations in respect of custody, domestics and time spent with child

Rydin, Johanna, Spets, Matilda January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utifrån fem fäders berättelser undersöka effekten av rättstillämpning vid tvist om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Genom detta har fäders situation utifrån rådande normers påverkan i socialtjänstens och rättsväsendets agerande synliggjorts. Vi kommer att följa fem fädernas berättelser om hur deras vårdnadstvist ser ut och hur de upplever bemötande, agerande och rättstillämpning från professionella aktörer. Enligt fäderna sker detta på ett icke tillfredsställande sätt då utredningarna ofta får dem att framstå som otillräckliga föräldrar och i vissa fall även farliga för sina barn. Studien är uppbyggd av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fäder vilka samtliga varit i tvist i tingsrätt och/eller hovrätt gällande barnets vårdnad, boende eller umgänge. Med innehållsanalys, socialkonstruktivism och en rättssociologisk ansats lyfts faktorer vilka kan påverka synen på rättstillämpning och rättssäkerhet utifrån bland annat normföreställningar. Dessa faktorer speglas ur fädernas berättelser. Studiens resultat visar att normföreställningar enligt informanterna kan påverka myndigheternas bemötande och bedömning. Studiens slutsats är att i det fall fädernas berättelser speglar verkligheten talar det för att det kan finnas brister i rättstillämpningen vid utredning och bedömning i fråga om vårdnad, boende och umgänge.

I knät på myndigheter och våldsutövare : Om reproducerad utsatthet för våldsutsatta föräldrar och barn vid vårdnadskonflikter / I knät på myndigheter och våldsutövare : Om reproducerad utsatthet för våldsutsatta föräldrar och barn vid vårdnadskonflikter

Johansson, Julia, Lager, Camilla January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this essay has been to understand the conditions for parents who are victims of domestic violence to deal with legal demands in custody disputes, and thereby understand how authorities risk reproducing vulnerability. Our qualitative research has been conducted by analyzing life stories through autobiographical literature and podcastinterviews. The results of the study show that the perpetrator, social networks and the authorities are important for understanding aggravating and enabling circumstances in custody disputes for victimized parents. Furthermore, the results show that parents who have experienced violence manage paradoxical demands from authorities in custody disputes through both adaptation and resistance. Yet, regardless of the strategy, they still need to adapt to the authorities. This leads to the lack of power for parents trying to protect their children from an abusive parent and authority decisions that put their lives, safety and health at risk. Consequently, authorities risk unintentionally reproducing the vulnerability for parents and children who are victims of domestic violence.

Child care and contact evaluations : psychologists' contributions to the problem-determined divorce process in South Africa

Themistocleous, Nicola 06 1900 (has links)
Disputes concerning care and contact arrangements for the minor children of divorcing couples present special challenges for professionals in the legal and psychological professions. Care and contact (custody) disputes, which are complex undertakings, are a point of debate in the professional arena in South Africa. Clinical psychologists are often included in the professional cohort that assists the high court, as the upper guardian of minor children, in the decision making process regarding contested care arrangements of children. This field is further challenged by the lack of training programmes and practice guidelines, the intense adversarial nature of disputes and litigation processes, as well as the increase in board complaints levelled against psychologists at the Health Professions Council of South Africa. These challenges contribute to the reluctance of psychologists to become involved in care and contact matters. This study therefore aimed first to explore the current practices and contributions of clinical psychologists in care and contact disputes in South Africa, and second to evaluate the procedures used by clinical psychologists to inform their recommendations to the court. In such matters, clinical psychologists adhere to the best interest of the child (BIC) principle. The final aim of the study was to identify and propose guidelines for a model of better practice. The study was guided by a Constructivist Epistemology and a Social Constructionist paradigmatic framework. A qualitative research approach was employed. Data were collected through face- to-face interviews with clinical psychologists and advocates and were analysed using Thematic Network Analysis of Attride-Stirling. The findings, which indicated that that the practices of psychologists are plenteous, revealed significant shortfalls in current practices. In addition, the findings designated that creating a universal model for care and contact evaluations to fit with the legal professions’ empiricist tendency poses a paradigmatic dilemma and a practical challenge. A position of observer-dependence and a reflective position on the part of the psychologist is instead indicated. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)

Barnrättsperspektiv i vårdnadsmål vid risk för separationsvåld eller så kallat ”eftervåld” : En studie om rättens avvägning mellan skydd för barn och barns rätt till en nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna / The children rights perspective in custody cases in case of risk of separation violence or so-called ”post-separation violence” : A study of the court's balance between protection of children and children's right to close and good contact with both parents

Chavez Lupe, Lynette, Falk, Stina January 2022 (has links)
It's a misconception that those who leave a violent relationship are safer than those who stay. For those who have children with their perpetrator there is an increased risk for post-separation violence (Fleury, Sullivan & Bybee, 2000). The aim of this study has been to examine the child rights perspective through how the court judges and resonates in custody disputes with information regarding violence and therefore a possible risk for post-separation violence. Data was retrieved in the form of 34 custody cases from the court of appeal. In order to fulfil the purpose of the study a multi-method investigation has been used, both a quantitative content analysis and a discourse analysis. The results showed that the parent who was mainly referred to as the perpetrator was assigned visitation rights in 64.4 % of the cases, joint custody in 46.6 % and housing in 20 %. The main result showed that the courts ruled the child’s right to close and good contact with both parents outweighs the risk of post-separation abuse, either towards the other parent or the child himself. Children should be allowed to grow up with both parents. However, one could question at what price.

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