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Talking violence, constructing identities : young men in institutional care / Att prata om våld och skapa identitet : unga män i institutionsvårdAndersson, Kjerstin January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how young men constructing identities in talk about their own use of violence. The study is based on a fieldwork at a youth detention home in Sweden. The data consists of individual interviews and video recordings of the treatment programme Aggression Replacement Training (ART). Detailed analyses have been made of conversations between the young men, between the young men and the trainers, and of the narratives generated in the individual interviews. The study has a social constructionist approach to identity, which is seen as constructed in a joint achievement in social interaction. An important analytical perspective in the study is how social categories and subcategories are constructed. The study has a particular focus on gender, primarily masculinity, but age and ethnicity are also being emphasised. The analysis draws on four empirical studies. It is shown how the young men construct a preferred self-presentation when talking about violent events. The narratives on violence are either based on experiences or talked about as a hypothetical use of violence. Violence based on personal experience is problematized and legitimized in terms of self-defence, defending friends, restraint and justified violence. Narratives of violence are shown to be interactional resources available to the young men. When talking about violence, the young men can be seen to regulate social relations, and to position themselves in relation to particular discourses of masculinity. The specific understanding of what it entails to be a man enables the use of violence with respect to social categorizations such as age, ethnicity or criminal identity. It is also argued that the treatment programme ART may, at times, facilitate maintaining a criminal identity. / Avhandlingens övergripande syfte är att undersöka hur unga män konstruerar identiteter kring berättelser om eget våldsutövande. Den bygger på en studie gjord vid ett särskilt ungdomshem i Sverige. Såväl enskilda intervjuer som videoinspelningar av behandlingsprogrammet Aggression Replacement Training (ART) har utgjort analysmaterialet. Ingående analyser har gjorts av samtalen mellan de unga männen, mellan de unga männen och behandlingspersonalen, och berättelserna i de enskilda intervjuerna. Avhandlingen bygger på en socialkonstruktionistisk ansats där identitet analyseras i social interaktion med andra. Ett viktigt analytiskt perspektiv i studien är hur sociala kategorier och underkategorier skapas. Ett särskilt fokus ligger på genus och då främst maskulinitet, men även ålder och etnicitet lyfts fram som viktiga perspektiv. Avhandlingen omfattar fyra delstudier. Studien visar hur de unga männen konstruerar en positiv självpresentation när de talar om våldshändelser. Våldsberättelserna är antingen erfarenhetsbaserade eller utgår ifrån tal om hypotetiskt våld. Det erfarenhetsbaserade våldet problematiseras och legitimeras genom att talas om som självförsvar, försvar av kompisar, återhållsamt eller rättmätigt. Studien visar att våldsberättelser är interaktionella resurser för de unga männen. Genom att tala om våld reglerar de sociala relationer och positionerar sig i relation till vissa maskulinitetsdiskurser. Den specifika förståelsen av vad det innebär att vara en man, möjliggör användandet av våld avhängigt andra sociala kategorier, så som ålder, etnicitet och kriminell identitet. Studien indikerar också att behandlingsprogrammet ART ger möjlighet att underlätta upprätthållandet av en kriminell identitet. / <p>Due to copyright matters, have the articles, published in chapter 4, 5, 6 and 7, been removed.</p>
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西塞羅與馬基維利的政治與道德 — 以合宜於國家利益的角度而論 / The Politics and Morality of Cicero and Machiavelli: from the Angle of Pursuing the Republican Benefit in Seemly Ways郭哲昕, Kuo, Che Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
目前學界對於西塞羅與馬基維利兩者關係的看法有所不一,所爭論的是馬基維利是衝突或是延續著共和主義人文傳統,本文則嘗試論證西塞羅和馬基維利之間並非僅是傳統上的大相逕庭,而是兩者分別在當時所處環境中就各別看重的問題上,找到最好的解決辦法,在最終考量上皆以表現出國家利益為考量的傾向。西塞羅的關懷以高尚性意圖出發,藉由智慧明白事物真理,藉由正義保障人的生存,利用例外原則進而維持國家;馬基維利認為為了國家利益的目的,統治者應審慎明智的在必要時刻做出必要抉擇,利用具有美德樣貌的能力行事,那些能夠明白統治者難處的人,都能明白其目的的良善以寬宥其手段。然而,要注意到馬基維利的寬宥想法,有著看不到真正結果與國家利益是經常變動的兩個盲點。此外,即便兩者重視國家利益的態度可以如此相近,但西塞羅認為高尚性是國家利益的根本,而馬基維利並不如此。最後,本文整理出兩者可以從思想與時勢立場互相置換,進而指出:充分的理解尊重以達到對話的可能。進而不論是冀求理念融合或尊重其並立,行動與意圖都需要切中要義的把握合宜或時勢。或在規範之中尋找例外,或在極端之中遵循規範,權宜變通勢必成為不可忽略的方式之一。 / There are many arguments about the relation between Cicero and Machiavelli in academic circles. One of them argues that the thoughts of Machiavelli might conflict to republicanism and humanistic traditions. This article is trying to demonstrate another angle that Machiavelli is not merely different from Cicero and traditions, but similar to the purpose which is they are finding the seemliest way respectively at the specific circumstance in their time. Cicero is concerning the honourableness which is realizing the truth by wisdom, ensuring lives of men by justice, and using exceptions of principles in order to maintain the republic. Machiavelli thinks the ruler should make necessary decisions by prudence and use the abilities with virtue like at necessary time to maintain the existence of the state. And those people who know the dilemma of the ruler will know his great ends and excuse whatever means. However, the thought of excuse has two flaws. One is the real end cannot be seen, and another is the benefit of republic often changed. Yet, even though Cicero and Machiavelli are so close to each other because they are placing a high value on the benefit of republic, the former who argue the base of republican benefit is honourableness, not for the later. In the end, this article is trying to put each of them under the opposite thought and circumstances for making a conversation with sufficient respect and realization possible. No matter it is intermingling or separating both ideas, the actions and intentions must be appropriate to seemliness and circumstances. And no matter it is searching exceptions in norms or norms in extremes, the seemly ways for specific circumstances is absolutely necessary.
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“Allt vi gjorde på gympan handlade om att vara bäst" : En diskursanalytisk studie av storstadspressens framställningar av skolämnet idrott och hälsa / “Everything we did in PE was about being the best” : A discourse analytical study of the metropolitan press representations of physical educationEkdahl, Mattias, Lundell, Philip January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur kroppsövningsämnet framställs i storstadspressunder perioden 1 juli 2015 - 30 juni 2016. För att uppfylla studiens syfte utgick vi frånföljande frågeställningar: 1) Vilka och vilken typ av formuleringar framställs i samband med kroppsövningsämnet i storstadspress hösten 2015 och våren 2016? 2) Vilka diskurser framträder ur dessa formuleringar och vilka kopplingar finns till tidigare identifierade ämnesdiskurser? 3) Vilka kopplingar kan identifieras mellan framställda diskurser och analyserade artiklar, med avseende till skribentens yrke, citerade/refererade personer, typ av artikel och kroppsövningsämnets benämning? Metodvalet i studien var diskursanalys. Källmaterialet inhämtades från en databas som samlar all svensk tryckt press. Insamlingen skedde genom användandet av sökord beståendes av olika benämningar på kroppsövningsämnet. Storstadspress är en kategorisering som innehåller tidningar med säte i Stockholm, Malmö och Göteborg. Insamlingen, urvalet och analysförfarandet strukturerades utifrån fem kategoriseringssteg. Studiens slutgiltiga urval var 63 artiklar. Diskursteorin kombineras med dagordningsteorin, vars utgångspunkt är att massmediernas dagordning speglar allmänhetens dagordning. Formuleringar framställda i samband med kroppsövningsämnet handlade bland annat omförebyggandet av sjukdomar, att andra skolämnen gynnas, att ämnet innehåller fysisk aktivitet och olika idrotter samt att ämnets utformning leder till mobbning och utanförskap. Utifrån formuleringarna identifierades fyra diskurser: Rörelse- och aktivitetsdiskursen (beståendes avfem underdiskurser), Exkluderingsdiskursen, Kost- och välbefinnandediskursen samt Säkerhetsdiskursen. Rörelse- och aktivitetsdiskursen är den mest återkommande och regelbundna diskursen. Idrott är den mest förekommande benämningen på ämnet. Slutsatserna i studien är att allmänheten prioriterar elevers rörelse och aktivitet som kroppsövningsämnets viktigaste uppdrag, att ämnet inte betraktas som ett kunskapsämne, att ämnets aktiviteter antas bestå av idrotter och andra tävlingsaktiviteter, att ämnet tillskrivs en kultur där maskulin norm råder, att tävlingsbetingade aktiviteter anses reproducera denna kultur, att ämnets aktivitet antas syfta till att stärka samhället. Det finns en diskrepans mellan allmänhetens föreställningar och ämnesplanernas syfte. / The aim of this study was to examine the metropolitan press representations of Physical education during the period 1 July 2015 - 30 June 2016. We raised the following questions, in order to fulfill the aim of the study: 1) Which – and what kind of terms are produced in connection with Physical education in the metropolitan press in the autumn of 2015 and the spring of 2016? 2) Which discourses emerges from these terms and which connections emerge in comparison to previously identified discourses? 3) What connections can be identified from the discourses and the analyzed articles, in regard to the author's profession, the quoted/referenced persons, the type of article and the designation of the school subject The chosen method of the study was discourse analysis. The source material was obtained from a database that gathers all printed press in Sweden. The collection was made through the use of keywords consisting of different designations for Physical education. Metropolitan Press is a categorization consisting of newspapers based in Stockholm, Malmo and Gothenburg. The collection, selection and analysis procedure was structured on the basis of five steps of categorization. The final selection of the study was 63 articles. The Discourse Theory was combined with the Agenda Setting Theory, whose starting point is that the agenda of the media reflects the agenda of the public. Terms produced in correlation with Physical education included among others the prevention of diseases, the benefit for other school subjects, the content of physical activity and sports in the subject and the content of bullying and exclusion caused by the setup of the subject. Based on these terms, four discourses could be identified: the Discourse of Movement and Activity (consisting of five sub-discourses), the Discourse of Exclusion, the Discourse of Diet and Wellbeing and the Discourse of Safety. The Discourse of Movement and Activity is the most frequent and regular discourse. Sports is the most common designation for Physical education. The conclusions of the study are the following: the public prioritize students' movement and physical activity as the most important mission of the subject, the subject is not considered to be an educational subject, the activity of the subject is assumed to consist of sports and other competitive activities, the subject is assumed to contribute to a culture in which masculine norm prevails, the competitive activities are considered to reproduce this culture, the activity of the subject is considered to aim for the strengthening of the society. There is a discrepancy between public interpretation and the purpose of the curriculums.
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Diversités franco-allemandes : Pratiques interculturelles et autonomisantes en didactique des langues étrangères / Franco-German diversities : intercultural and independent practices in foreign languages in teaching and learningLemoine, Véronique 04 July 2014 (has links)
La perspective actionnelle, institutionnalisée par le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues (CECRL), dite nouvelle méthodologie en enseignement-apprentissage des langues est en vogue, tant dans la sphère des prescriptions officielles que de la recherche. Cette thèse se propose d’interroger la construction de la compréhension de cette méthodologie, à l’épreuve des faits, en France (Académie de Lille) et en Allemagne (Land Hessen, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen), dans les pratiques et les discours d’enseignants du primaire (écoles élémentaires et Grundschule), à travers les concepts d’approche interculturelle et d’autonomie. Ces deux notions, en tant que points d’ancrage théoriques construits par et pour la recherche, sont définies en interrelation et interrogées avec un regard réflexif et critique ; elles sont notamment mises en débat avec l’approche culturaliste réifiante. Ces notions entrent en tensions avec les prescriptions officielles et les convictions des enseignants qui ont collaboré avec moi dans ce travail. La recherche se base sur le croisement de multiples données empiriques : focus groups d’enseignants, observations de classes en langues étrangères, entretiens d’enseignants, en France comme en Allemagne, écrits des prescriptions (programmes de langues) et écrits des recommandations (parcours de formation en ligne des dispositifs Pairform@nce et Intel Lehren Aufbaukurs Online). Les discours, toujours resitués en contextes, sont analysés au regard de théories de l’énonciation et du dialogisme. La thèse propose un point de vue critique des visions comparatistes différentialistes et donne à voir, en revanche, des résultats qui valorisent des diversités franco-allemandes pour construire la compréhension de l’objet de la recherche. / The action-oriented approach which has been institutionalised by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is also called “the new methodology in the teaching and learning of languages”. It is widely used, both for official and for research purposes. This thesis aims to test and question the construction of understanding of this methodology both in France (the Educational Authority of Lille) and in Germany (Land Hessen, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen) by looking at the practices and discourses of primary school teachers (écoles élémentaires and Grundschule) through the concepts of both the intercultural and independent approaches. These notions, as well as being cornerstones constructed by and for the research, are defined by interrelation and questioned with a reflexive and critical mind-set. They are especially debated in opposition to the reifying culturalist approach. These notions strain against the official requirements and the beliefs of the teachers with whom I collaborated on this project. The research is based on the intersection of much empirical data from both France as well as Germany, for example: focus groups with teachers, observation of foreign language lessons, interviews with the teachers, literature detailing official requirements (language syllabuses) and literature detailing recommendations (the online training packages of Pairform@nce and Intel Lehren Aufbaukurs Online). The discourses, which have been placed into context, are analysed with regards to the theories of enunciation and dialogism. The thesis offers a critical perspective of comparative differentialist visions, yet allows a visualisation of the results that enhance the Franco-German diversities in order to build an understanding of the research objective.
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Entre Camargue et Delta de Gediz : réflexions sur les transferts de modèles de gestion intégrée des zones côtières / Between the Camargue and the Gediz Delta : recflections concerning the transfer of integrated coastal zone management strategiesErnoul, Lisa 28 November 2014 (has links)
La gestion participative intégrée a obtenu une reconnaissance internationale en Europe avec les approches de gestion intégrée des zones côtières (GIZC). Avec le protocole GIZC de la convention de Barcelone, le mouvement a dépassé les frontières de l'Europe pour inclure tout le bassin méditerranéen. Cette recherche soulève la question de l'application de modèles standardisés de gestion environnementale dans différents contextes géopolitiques et socioculturels. L'objectif global de cette étude est d'améliorer la mise en place et l'impact des projets de conservation par une meilleure compréhension de leurs dimensions sociales, culturelles et géographiques. Cette recherche propose une analyse de la complexité des perceptions socioculturelles et des dynamiques de gouvernances dans deux sites d'étude (la Camargue en France et le Delta du Gediz en Turquie). Quatre-vingt treize entretiens qualitatifs et quantitatifs ont été menés suivant une méthode d'échantillonnage raisonné. L'application possible de la gestion participative intégrée a été envisagée à travers l'optique des réseaux sociaux, des discours environnementaux, et des valeurs et perceptions environnementales en mobilisant les outils de la géo-gouvernance. En utilisant chacun de ces points de vue, nous avons démontré que la participation est considérée, pensée et appliquée de manière différente au sein de chaque site. Ces différences soutiennent l'hypothèse dominante de ce travail : les stratégies environnementales doivent être adaptées pour s'adapter à chaque contexte local. Nos résultats rappellent qu'il ne faut pas survoler les contextes locaux si l'on veut garantir l'efficacité des institutions. / Participatory integrated management gained international recognition in Europe with integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) approaches. The movement has spread beyond the European borders and includes the entire Mediterranean basin with the ICZM Protocol under the Barcelona Convention. This research raises the question on the application of standardized environmental management models in distinct geopolitical and socio-cultural contexts. The overall objective of this analysis is to improve the implementation and impact of conservation projects through an improved understanding of social, cultural and geographical dimensions. This research analyzes the complexity of socio-cultural perceptions and dynamics of environmental governance within and between sites (the Rhone delta, France and the Gediz delta, Turkey). Base lines were established for political and administrative contexts, ecological states and socio-cultural perspectives to analyze the similarities and differences. Ninety three qualitative and quantitative interviews were conducted using a purposive sampling methodology. The potential application of integrated participatory management was studied through the lenses of social networks, environmental discourses, and environmental values and perceptions with a geo-governance approach. Using each of these views, we demonstrated that participation is considered, sought and implemented in distinct ways in each site. These differences support the dominant theme of this work: environmental strategies must be adapted to suit site specific contexts. The results are a reminder that we should not overlook local contexts if we want to promote institutional effectiveness.
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Dina fantasiparker i norr : En visuell diskursanalys av svenska nationalparkers turistbroschyrer rörande områden av fjällnatur och samebyar / Your fantasy parks in the north : A visual discourse analysis of Swedish national parks' tourist brochures concerning areas of mountain nature and Sami villagesNygren, Jennifer January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats ämnar till att skapa insikt och kunskap kring turistiska diskurser rörande natur, genom att undersöka vilka bilder och representationer kring natur i de svenska nationalparkerna som framhävs i turistbroschyrer, hur människa-natur-relationer framställs men även vilka implikationer det kan framkalla. Med ett avgränsat fokus på nio nationalparker som uppfyller kriterierna av fjällkaraktär eller inbegriper renskötande samebyar. Genom en visuell diskursanalys som metod har turistbroschyrernas bilder, texter och kartor analyserats med applicering av Foucaults diskursperspektiv där makt, kunskap och sanning är centrala begrepp. Resultatet denna studie påvisar är att de diskursiva formationerna består av tre huvuddrag gällande naturen. Den framställs som något exotisk, externt, sublimt, orörd och förhistorisk, men även som en tillgänglig och romantiserad plats för just turisten ifråga samtidigt som naturen porträtteras som något speciellt för Sverige vilket då också symboliserar dess identitet. Turisten porträtteras även som tillfällig besökare, vars relation till naturen särskiljs från samers, vilka istället framställs som ”naturliga” sevärdheter för turisten. Allt som allt resulterar denna studie i ett igenfyllande av en kunskapslucka gällande olika praktikers framställande av representationer kring svenska nationalparker, samtidigt som den påvisar liknande representationer som tidigare studier resulterat i. / This essay aims to create insight and knowledge about tourist discourses regarding nature, by examining which images and representations about nature in the Swedish national parks that are highlighted in tourist brochures, how human-nature relations are produced, but also what implications it can induce. With a delimited focus on nine national parks that meet the criteria of mountain nature or include reindeer herding Sami villages. Through a visual discourse analysis as a method, the pictures, texts, and maps of the tourist brochures have been analyzed with the application of Foucault's discourse perspective where power, knowledge, and truth are central concepts. The result of this study is that the discursive formations consist of three main features of nature. It is presented as something exotic, externally, sublime, untouched, and prehistoric, but also as an accessible and romanticized place for the tourist, and at the same time as something special for Sweden, which symbolizes its identity. The tourist is portrayed as a temporary visitor, whose relation to nature is distinguished from Sami people, who instead are presented as "natural" attractions for the tourist. All in all, this study results in a refilling of a knowledge gap regarding the presentation of representations by various practitioners about Swedish national parks, while at the same time demonstrating similar representations that previous studies have resulted in.
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La mobilisation dans la littérature pédagogique managériale : une analyse de contenu de manuels de formation / Employee mobilization in educational management literature : an analysis of training manualsBourdages-Sylvain, Marie-Pierre 17 October 2014 (has links)
À l’instar des études en sociologie du travail qui, depuis 1980, s’intéressent à la subjectivité au travail comme voie d’intelligibilité des enjeux sociaux, cette thèse porte sur la valorisation par le discours pédagogique managérial de la mobilisation, plus particulièrement celle d’un régime fondé sur l’enrôlement des subjectivités. Il est généralement admis que cette mobilisation constitue le champ classique de la gestion des ressources humaines (GRH). Qu’en est-il des autres domaines de l’organisation ? La mobilisation y serait-elle valorisée tous azimuts ? L’hypothèse a notamment été posée par Tremblay et al. (2005), qui proposent un modèle d’analyse fondé sur quatre champs organisationnels : 1) les pratiques de GRH ; 2) l’organisation du travail ; 3) le leadership et ; 4) la vision, la mission, les objectifs et les valeurs), comme autant de leviers d’action pour mobiliser le personnel. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de vérifier, par une analyse de contenu de manuels de formation en GRH, si le modèle de Tremblay et al. (2005) est diffusé dans la littérature pédagogique managériale, sans pour autant prendre pour acquis que cela se traduit dans les situations concrètes de travail. Les apports de cette thèse sont triples : elle montre que la mobilisation du personnel et ses dimensions associées (soit l’habilitation, la motivation, l’adhésion et l’engagement) sont présentées par le discours pédagogique managérial comme le pivot de la nouvelle pratique de GRH, tant du point de vue des pratiques, de l’organisation du travail et du leadership, que de la vision, de la mission, des objectifs et des valeurs. Plus encore, elle révèle que la mobilisation y est qualifiée d’émancipatoire, dans la mesure où elle est décrite comme un vecteur de réalisation de soi pour le travailleur et, parallèlement, une voie de rentabilité pour l’organisation. Au-delà de cette vaste entreprise de mobilisation de la subjectivité, l’analyse montre que la littérature pédagogique managériale est porteuse d’un véritable ethos du travail, qui valorise une centralité forte de l’activité professionnelle, une finalité expérientielle et un lien d’emploi fondé sur une transaction subjective entre les parties, bref, un ethos du travail en phase avec les normes managériales contemporaines. Au terme de l’exercice, la thèse examine un ensemble de réflexions quant aux conséquences individuelles et sociales des normes de mobilisation de la subjectivité diffusées par le discours managérial contemporain. / Since 1980, workplace sociology studies have taken an interest in subjectivity in the workplace as a mean of understanding social issues. In a similar fashion, this thesis deals with the way in which the educational management approach promotes engagement, and more particularly engagement as part of a regime based on the mobilization of subjectivities. It is generally conceded that employee mobilization is the classic realm of human resources management (HRM). But is this also true in other fields of organization? Is mobilization valued as highly elsewhere? The assumption is made by Tremblay et al. (2005) who propose a model of analysis based on four organizational fields 1) practices in HRM; 2) work organization; 3) leadership and; 4) vision, mission, objectives and values as so many levers to spur employee mobilization. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze HRM training manuals to establish whether the Tremblay et al. (2005) model is used widely in educational management literature without, however, assuming that this is reflected in concrete work situations. This thesis makes a triple contribution. It shows that employee mobilization and aspects related to it (enablement, motivation, sense of belonging and commitment) are portrayed as central to the new HRM practices by educational management literature in the areas of practices, work organization, leadership, vision, mission, objectives and values. Moreover, it reveals that mobilization is viewed as a source of emancipation – insofar as it is described as a vector of self-realization for the employee and, parallel to this, a path towards profitability for the business. Lastly, the thesis shows that beyond this vast attempt to mobilize subjectivity, educational management literature is the medium of a true work ethos that encourages the strong centrality of professional activity, experience as an end in itself and work relations based on a subjective transaction between both parties. In short, this ethos follows the principles of contemporary management norms. The thesis concludes with an examination of a set of reflections on the individual and social consequences of subjectivity engagement norms disseminated by contemporary management discourse.
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A Igreja Universal e o espírito da palhota: análise dos discursos \'religiosos\' e \'políticos\' da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) no sul de Moçambique / The Universal Church and the spirit of the hut: analysis of the \"religious\" and \"political\" discourses of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) in southern MozambiqueFiorotti, Silas André 06 March 2018 (has links)
O estudo analisa alguns discursos da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) no sul de Moçambique e problematiza os diálogos desta igreja com aspectos de diferentes contextos religiosos e com o poder político. A inspiração teórica está nos autores que apontaram as implicações políticas de diversas práticas religiosas e dos discursos sobre feitiçaria em contextos africanos (P. Geschiere, H. G. West, e outros) e nos autores que apontaram as dificuldades para designar algo como estritamente político ou estritamente religioso (T. Asad, e outros). Neste sentido, o estudo não partiu de uma definição de religião, mas busca identificar o lugar que a religião ocupou e ocupa em Moçambique. Além da utilização de fontes secundárias, o estudo analisa alguns materiais escritos produzidos pela IURD em Moçambique, alguns programas televisivos, algumas reuniões da IURD em Moçambique, e entrevistas com líderes religiosos moçambicanos. Sem ignorar as continuidades em relação à IURD no Brasil, o estudo aponta que diversas práticas de outros contextos religiosos, principalmente tradicionais e zionistas do sul da África, criaram e criam condições para que os discursos da IURD sejam significativos no sul de Moçambique. / The study analyzes some discourses of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) in southern Mozambique and problematizes the dialogues of this church with aspects of different religious contexts and with political power. The theoretical inspiration lies in the authors who pointed out the political implications of various religious practices and witchcraft discourses in African contexts (P. Geschiere, H. G. West, and others) and in the authors who pointed out the difficulties to designate something as strictly political or strictly religious (T. Asad, and others). In this sense, the study did not start from a definition of religion, but seeks to identify the place that the religion occupied and occupies in Mozambique. In addition to the use of secondary sources, the study analyzes some of the written materials produced by UCKG in Mozambique, some television programs, some cults of the UCKG in Mozambique, and interviews with Mozambican religious leaders. Without ignoring the continuities in relation to the UCKG in Brazil, the study points out that several practices in other religious contexts, mainly \"traditional\" and Zionist in southern Africa, have created and created conditions for the UCKGs speeches to be significant in southern Mozambique.
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Les allégories et métaphores maternelles dans les discours publics en France (1789-1914) / Maternal metaphors and allegories in public discourses (France, 1789- 1914)Demeure, Brigitte 17 March 2017 (has links)
C.G. Jung et ses proches collaborateurs ont souligné l’importance de l’imago maternelle aussi bien pour les individus que pour les groupes et les sociétés. Si cette thématique n’a guère été développée dans l’œuvre de Freud, cela n’est pas la cas pour les psychanalystes freudiens des générations suivantes, citons à cet égard Mélanie Klein ou D.W. Winnicott par exemple. Il revient tout particulièrement aux travaux des psychanalystes français Didier Anzieu et René Kaës d’avoir tenté d’articuler l’individuel et le collectif dans leurs travaux sur les groupes, et d’avoir confirmé l’équivalence du groupe et du complexe ou de l’imago maternels.1 Dans cette thèse j’ai souhaité examiner et évaluer l’importance de cette représentation maternelle dans la vie politique française tout au long de ce qui constitue une période fondatrice pour la vie politique française contemporaine, de la Révolution à la Première guerre mondiale. J’ai choisi de procéder à cette étude à partir des métaphores et allégories maternelles que l’on trouve dans les discours publics, ceux-ci incluant aussi bien les discours politiques proprement dits que les discours prononcés lors de distribution de prix à l’école, par exemple. Je ne procède pas, ou très peu, à des interprétations psychanalytiques, sauf lorsque cela me semble évident. Le cadre de référence actualisé de ma thèse est constitué par la recherche historique, mais la psychanalyse en représente « le cadre fantôme ou complémentaire», pour reprendre l’heureuse expression de René Kaës. A la suite de cette recherche, force est de constater l’emploi généralisé des métaphores et allégories maternelles dans la plupart des discours publics de cette période, sous des formes multiples : citons par exemple la Nature pendant la Révolution, la Jérusalem céleste puis la Vierge Marie dans le camp conservateur et d’autres représentations créés par les premiers socialistes, dont la Communauté (Etienne Cabet), ou bien encore la France maternelle et messianique de Michelet, la patrie des Républicains, la religion de l’Humanité du positivisme,celle de la Terre et des Morts de Barrès, etc.. La métaphore et l’allégorie maternelle constituent alors la promesse d’un idéal et/ou la demande de soumission. Ces figures maternelles ont des enfants, et dans les discours publics principalement des fils. Cette thèse constate l’importance de la relation privilégiée entre la mère et ses fils au niveau politique. Le « premier » de ces fils se pose le plus souvent en tant que porte-parole ou interprète de la métaphore à laquelle il se réfère : Robespierre, Napoléon Ier et Gambetta en sont quelques exemples. Dans le contexte imaginaire et idéologique induit par ces métaphores et allégories maternelles, l’individu et la femme en tant que tels, n’existent guère, la relation entre la Mère et son Fils constitue le principal modèle d’identification proposé. / C.G. Jung and his followers have emphazised the importance of the maternal imago forindivuals, groups and societies. This topic was barely developped by Freud, which is not thecase for Freudian analysts of the following generations ; one might cite for example MelanieKlein or D.W. Winnicott. Didier Anzieu and René Kaës, both French psychoanalysts, havemade an attempt to articulate the individual and the collective in their studies about groups andhave confirmed the equivalence of the group and the maternal imago. In this doctoral thesis, Ihave attempted to examine and assess the importance of this maternal representation in Frenchpolitical life during this formative period for French politics which lasts from the Revolution toWWI. I have chosen to study this issue through maternal metaphors and allegories in publicdiscourses, which include political speeches and other discourses, like award speeches at school,for example. I do not give psychoanalytical interpretation, unless it seems obvious. Thereference framework of this thesis is historical research, but psychoanalysis is itscomplementary or shadow framework. The results of the research show that maternalmetaphors and allegories were widely used in most public speeches of that time, in manydifferent forms. Nature (during the Revolution), heavenly Jerusalem or Virgin Mary in theconservative camp, and other maternal representations which were created by the early socialists– among which the “Community” (Etienne Cabet) – as well as Michelet’s maternal andmessianic France. The Republicans’ father - or rather motherland, the religion of Humanity asseen by Auguste Comte and the positivists, the religion of the Earth and the Dead (MauriceBarrès) are some examples... Maternal metaphors and allegories constitute a promise ofhappiness, an ideal and/or a submission request. These mother figures have children, mainlysons. This doctoral thesis confirms the importance of the privileged relationship between motherand son on the political level. Very often the “first” of these sons establishes himself as thespokesman or the interpreter of this metaphor or allegory. Robespierre, Napoléon, the first emperor of France, or Gambetta are some examples. In the ideological or fictional contextwhich these metaphors and allegories induce, there is hardly any room for the individual or forthe woman as such, the relationship between Mother and Son is the main identification modelwhich is proposed.
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Estrutura composicional em contos de fadas de Marina ColasantiOliveira, Giovana Flávia de 23 February 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-23 / The compositional structure of Marina Colasanti s fairy tales is the subject of this Doctoral dissertation, which is inserted in the research line Oral and written text and discourse of the Postgraduate Studies Program in Portuguese Language at the Catholic University of São Paulo. Our hypothesis is that Marina Colasanti s fairy tales have regularity in its compositional structure with text plans consisting of complete narrative sequences, comprising the five basis narrative macropropositions (ADAM, 2011). Guided by this proposition, we define the following research questions: how are the text plans in Marina Colasanti s fairy tales with regard to narrative sequences? How are the narrative sequences organized in each part of the text plan of the author s fairy tales? Our goal is to verify the narrative compositional structure in Marina Colasanti s fairy tales. In order to achieve this goal, we set the following objectives: a) identify the text plans in the fairy tales of the author, based on the narrative sequences; b) describe the organization of narrative sequences in each part of these fairy tales text plans; c) analyze the characteristics of text plans and narrative sequences of the author s fairy tales; d) characterize the compositional structure of Marina Colasanti s fairy tales. The theoretical-methodological basis consists of the assumptions of Textual Linguistics and Textual Analysis of the Discourses. The corpus of this research, which is descriptive, with interpretative basis, consists of six fairy tales of Marina Colasanti, two published in the book Uma ideia toda azul, and four published in the book Doze reis e a moça no labirinto do vento. We establish as categories of analysis the basis narrative macropropositions. Through the analysis undertaken, we observed that the text plans in Marina Colasanti s fairy tales, with regard to narrative sequences, have two levels of organization, a global and a local one. At the global level, regularity appears in complete narrative sequences. At the local level, regularity appears in some aspects of the organization of the narrative sequences, specifically in the configuration of the female characters, in the spatial organization, in the temporality and in the action sequences / A estrutura composicional dos contos de fadas de Marina Colasanti constitui o tema desta tese, que se insere na linha de pesquisa Texto e discurso nas modalidades oral e escrita do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Língua Portuguesa da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Nossa hipótese é que os contos de fadas de Marina Colasanti têm regularidade em sua estrutura composicional com planos de texto compostos por sequências narrativas completas, constituídas pelas cinco macroproposições narrativas de base (ADAM, 2011). Guiados por essa proposição, definimos as seguintes perguntas de pesquisa: como se constituem os planos de texto dos contos de fadas de Marina Colasanti no que diz respeito às sequências narrativas? Como se organizam as sequências textuais narrativas em cada parte do plano de texto dos contos de fadas da autora? Temos como objetivo geral verificar a estrutura composicional narrativa em contos de fadas de Marina Colasanti. De modo a alcançarmos esse objetivo, estabelecemos como objetivos específicos: a) identificar os planos de texto nos contos de fadas da autora, considerando como base as sequências textuais narrativas; b) descrever a organização das sequências textuais narrativas em cada parte do plano de texto desses contos de fadas; c) analisar as características dos planos de texto e das sequências textuais narrativas dos contos de fada da autora; d) caracterizar a estrutura composicional dos contos de fadas de Marina Colasanti. O embasamento teórico-metodológico é constituído pelos pressupostos da Linguística Textual e da Análise Textual dos Discursos. O corpus desta pesquisa, que é descritiva, de base interpretativa, é composto por seis contos de fadas de Marina Colasanti, dois publicados no livro Uma ideia toda azul e quatro publicados no livro Doze reis e a moça no labirinto do vento. Estabelecemos como categorias de análise as macroproposições narrativas de base. Por meio da análise empreendida, observamos que os planos de texto dos contos de fadas de Marina Colasanti, no que diz respeito às sequências textuais narrativas, apresentam dois níveis de organização, um global e um local. No nível global, a regularidade aparece nas sequências narrativas completas. No nível local, a regularidade aparece em alguns aspectos da organização das sequências textuais narrativas, mais especificamente na configuração das personagens femininas, na organização espacial, na temporalidade e nas sequências acionais
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