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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem och vad äger sportbilagornas etta? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av kvällstidningarnas sportbilagors förstasidor / Who and what owns the sports sections first page? : A quantitative content analysis of the tabloid newspapers sports sections first pages

Andersson, Jonas, Håkansson, Elias January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to illustrate how the Swedish tabloid press construct their sports sections front pages and what they present on these pages. A second purpose, and by the first following, was to investigate the items these newspapers offer the audience to add to their daily agendas. The aim to show a bigger picture of the front pages content was reached by implementing a content analysis of 196 front pages from the two largest tabloid newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Expressen, during a period of four years. The study examined 98 items per newspaper and since the aim was to examine sports journalism the units were chosen from the two newspapers sports sections, Sportbladet and SportExpressen. The great conclusions that were made during this process were the differences in between genders, the dominating sports and what big part sponsors have in sports. The most common front page shows a Swedish man playing football in the age between 20-35. A less common page is woman, playing any sport. She is only found on nine of a hundred front pages. As in the case of men, football is the dominating sport in Swedish tabloid press. On second place we found ice hockey. What we also could find was the big part sponsors have in sports. We saw the logos of sponsors on every second front page.

The perception of children’srights in Paraguayan press : <em>A study of how Unicef communicates with </em><em>journalists concerning child street-workers</em> / : <em></em>

Joleby, Elin, Konstadinidis, Anastasia January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study focused on the level of success Unicef in Paraguay had in communicating its message concerning child street-workers to the press in Asunción. We also examined how the communication works between Unicef and the journalists, and how child street-workers appear in the press according to our sources. We based our study on the theoretical understanding of media logic and planned communication. These theories were useful to explain the possibilities and obstacles Unicef faces in its communication with the press. Our study builds on qualitative research interviews with journalists, communication staff at Unicef and the coordinator of the Global Agency of News, an organization that monitors how children appear in the Paraguayan press.</p><p> </p><p>We found that the communication between Unicef and the journalists is very important and highly valued by both Unicef and the Paraguayan newspapers. The relationship builds on constant trade, where both parts depend on each other. Unicef needs attention from the press in order to spread its message to the general public. The journalists need Unicef because the organization works as a trustable information source to back-up their articles regarding childhood.</p><p> </p><p>No one in our study was satisfied with the way child street-workers appear in the press. The children are often showed as victims or criminals and children’s rights are not always considered. A central problem is that awareness about children’s rights is low, both in the Paraguayan society and among many journalists. Unicef succeeds quite well in their communication with the journalists that are already aware of children’s rights. But the organization does not succeed in communicating with a big part of the press, as a lot of articles are still discriminative towards child street-workers.</p>

Apple sätter agendan : En studie av Iphone 4S genomslag i den svenska storstadspressen

Tarre, Kenneth, Sundberg, Joakim January 2012 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks i vilken utsträckning som teknikföretaget Apple syns i storstadspressen. För att göra detta har produkten Iphone 4S och konkurrenten Samsungs produkt Samsung Galaxy S II valts ut, eftersom båda lanserats samma år och riktar sig till samma målgrupp, i egenskap av att båda är så kallade “smartphones” med fingerstyrning och i övrigt likvärdiga funktioner.De storstadstidningar som undersökts är DN, SvD, Expressen, Aftonbladet, Göteborgs-Posten, Metro och Dagens Industri, eftersom de är de största tidningarna inom den svenska storstadspressen. Med hjälp av en kvantitativ undersökning har mängden artiklar som publicerades för vardera produkten under fyra veckor i samband med deras respektive lanseringar på den svenska marknaden undersökts. Resultatet visar att Iphone 4S förekom i betydligt större utsträckning än Galaxy S II.Vidare undersöks hur texterna i storstadspressen förhåller sig till Pressens samarbetsnämnds spelregler, det vill säga kriterier för vad som kan anses vara textreklam. Resultaten visar att flera av texterna bryter mot kriterierna i spelreglerna och passerar gränsen för vad som kan anses vara opartisk journalistik. I undersökningens slutsats ställs resultaten mot tre teorier: dagordningsteorin, innovationsteorin samt Gartners hypekurva.När resultaten granskats utifrån genre på artiklarna så kan det noteras att merparten av de fällda artiklarna var antingen notiser eller krönikor. Vanliga nyhetsartiklar förhöll sig oftast till spelreglerna.

Twitter: Framtidens nyhetsplattform, eller ytterligare ett diskussionsforum? : Privatpersoner kontra etablerade medier kring nyhetsuppdatering på Twitter

Jansson, Philip, Jansson, Erik January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Bloggen som politiskt verktyg : En studie om hur politiker i Kungsbacka kommun ser på bloggen som kommunikationskanal

Malmgren, Sigrid, Lessner, Aline January 2011 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är en studie om hur politiker ser på bloggen som ett politiskt verktyg. I dagens samhälle har tekniken öppnat upp för nya kommunikationskanaler och internet har blivit en plattform för interaktion. Bloggen har skapat nya möjligheter för politikern att sprida budskap till medborgarna och medierna eftersom den ger politikern kontroll över det egna ordet. Syftet är att undersöka på vilket sätt politiker i Kungsbacka kommun på lokal-, regional- och riksnivåanvänder sig av bloggar, och hur de ser på bloggen som verktyg för att sprida budskap, skapa opinion och ha kontroll över ordet. Studiens frågeställningar är: Hur ser innehållet på bloggarna ut, vad är politikerns syfte med bloggen, och hur ser interaktionen med medborgarna ut på bloggarna. I studien har vi använt flera teorier som ligger inom medie- ochkommunikationsvetenskap med fokusering på politisk kommunikation. Dessa teorier är kommunikationsteorin, politisk kommunikation, professionalisering, personifiering, medialisering, dagordningsteorin, opinionsbildning och gatekeepingteorin. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer med politiker i Kungsbacka kommun. Vi har även gjorten kvantitativ innehållsanalys av dessa politikers bloggar. Studien visar att samtliga politiker serbloggen som ett verktyg att sprida sina budskap med. De beskrev bloggen som enenvägskommunikation som används för att direkt påverka medborgarna eller för att påverka mediers dagordning, och på så sätt påverka medborgarna indirekt. Interaktionen med medborgarna genom bloggen förekom sällan.

The perception of children’srights in Paraguayan press : A study of how Unicef communicates with journalists concerning child street-workers / :

Joleby, Elin, Konstadinidis, Anastasia January 2009 (has links)
This study focused on the level of success Unicef in Paraguay had in communicating its message concerning child street-workers to the press in Asunción. We also examined how the communication works between Unicef and the journalists, and how child street-workers appear in the press according to our sources. We based our study on the theoretical understanding of media logic and planned communication. These theories were useful to explain the possibilities and obstacles Unicef faces in its communication with the press. Our study builds on qualitative research interviews with journalists, communication staff at Unicef and the coordinator of the Global Agency of News, an organization that monitors how children appear in the Paraguayan press.   We found that the communication between Unicef and the journalists is very important and highly valued by both Unicef and the Paraguayan newspapers. The relationship builds on constant trade, where both parts depend on each other. Unicef needs attention from the press in order to spread its message to the general public. The journalists need Unicef because the organization works as a trustable information source to back-up their articles regarding childhood.   No one in our study was satisfied with the way child street-workers appear in the press. The children are often showed as victims or criminals and children’s rights are not always considered. A central problem is that awareness about children’s rights is low, both in the Paraguayan society and among many journalists. Unicef succeeds quite well in their communication with the journalists that are already aware of children’s rights. But the organization does not succeed in communicating with a big part of the press, as a lot of articles are still discriminative towards child street-workers.

Medias dagordningsmakt i flyktingfrågan : En kvantitativ studie om gestaltningen av flyktingfrågan i Dagens Nyheters

Zetterberg, Stina January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Kontroversen Indiens dotter : En kvalitativ idéanalys av dokumentärfilmen Indiens dotter

Eddegård, My January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to describe what the documentary film India’s daughter tells the viewer about the Indian society through an idea analysis. India’s daughter, released in 2015, directly became a big discussion. Since documentary films are sources of information and might affect opinions it is interesting to analyze one. To be able to examine what is said in the film, the following question will be used: What is said about women and their place in the Indian society, Does the ideas show that change is needed or not? and Is there anything that points to that what is said in the documentary affects people’s opinion? The theories used in this essay is feminism and conservatism as ideal types to describe in what direction the ideas are heading, and theories about how media affects opinions to see if what is said in the film actually matters. The result shows that the content of the film and the ideas about women does matter for people’s opinion. It is also clear that there are at least two different ideas about what place women should have in the society, even though the idea that change is needed is the most popular.

Miljö - så mycket mer än bara klimat : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur Dagens Nyheter rapporterar om Sveriges miljömål. / Environment – so much more than climate : A quantitative content analysis about how Dagens Nyheter reports about the Swedish environment goals.

Lorensson, Hulda, Nilsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reports about the environment. Through a quantitative content analysis 335 news articles from the first half of 2018 and 2021 have been examined, with the Swedish environmental goals as base. The Swedish environmental goals were agreed on by the Swedish government in 1999 and have been a part of the sustainability work ever since. Only one of the 16 goals have been achieved so far. This study examines what environmental goals Dagens Nyheter prioritizes in their agenda and shows how the articles are presented and contextualized. Climate impact is a dominant topic during both time periods, based on several aspects. At the same time, several of the other environmental goals receive minimal reporting even though they have not been fulfilled yet. With the agenda setting as a theoretical framework this will affect the citizens' image of the reality, which they later will act upon. The readers will believe that the climate is the most important topic to put effort into, at the same time as many of the other goals don't need their attention. To contribute to the field, the study’s focus on the environmental goals brings new aspects to the discussion about environmental journalism, in comparison to earlier studies that mostly focus on the climate alone.

”Tidigare sköt man i benet för att skrämmas, nu skjuter man i huvudet för att döda” : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur gängkriminalitet framställs i massmedia / "Earlier they were shooting in the leg to scare, but now they are shooting in the head to kill" : A qualitative content analysis on how gang crime is presented in mass media.

Badan, Madeleine, Eriksson, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
Gängkriminalitet är ett omtalat ämne i massmedier och skapar i många fall uppseendeväckande rubriker. Vi har valt att utföra en kvalitativ tematisk innehållsanalys för att undersöka hur gängkriminalitet framställs genom ett begränsat urval av artiklar i massmedia eftersom tidigare forskning visar på svagt forskningsengagemang gällande massmedias budskap om brott och social oordning. Vidare undersöks även om och hur kvinnor i gängkriminalitet skildras i massmedia eftersom mannen används som norm inom kriminologin. Konstruktionismen används som vetenskaplig utgångspunkt där det konstateras att begrepp och kunskap är socialt konstruerade och att man därmed inte kan återge bilden av ett föremål på ett objektivt sätt. Resultatet analyseras med begrepp som härstammar från socialkonstruktionistisk teori och dagordningsteorin. Tidigare forskning visar hur massmedier väljer att framställa publikationer efter intressen vilket leder till konsekvenser för både individer och samhälle. För att uppnå vårt syfte har vi använt oss av 14 artiklar publicerade i tre av Sveriges största webbtidningar. Artiklarna har kodats genom ett systematiskt analysschema med tillämpning av fem olika perspektiv/teman. Vi har utgått från forskning kring begreppet gängkriminalitet, normer, massmedias funktion och effekter. Resultatet visar hur massmedia konstruerar bilden av gängkriminalitet genom attribut vilket i sin tur kan påverka allmänhetens verklighetsuppfattning om problemet. Massmedias skildring av gängkriminalitet kan leda till fördomar gentemot både sociala grupper och specifika områden vilket är sammanlänkat med känslor som oro och otrygghet hos allmänheten. / Gang crime is a featured topic in mass media and in many cases creates headlines. We have chosen to carry out a thematic analysis in order to be able to investigate how gang crime is presented through a limited selection of articles in the media, for the reason that previous research shows low research engagement regarding the media's message of crime and social disorder. Furthermore, it is also investigated if and how women in gang crime are portrayed in the media because the man is used as a norm in criminology. The study has been conducted with a constructionist point of view that is used as a scientific point of departure where it is stated that concepts and knowledge are socially constructed and therefore not possible to reproduce the image of an object in an objective way. The result was analyzed with concepts derived from social constructionist theory and agenda theory. Previous research shows how mass media chooses to produce publications according to interests, which has consequences for both areas of society and for social groups. To achieve our aim, we have used 14 articles published in three of Sweden's largest newspapers. The articles have been analyzed with a systematic analysis scheme with five themes. We have based our research on the concept of gang crime, the media's effects and norms. The result shows how the mass media constructs different realities through attributes for the public that can lead to prejudice towards both social groups and specific areas which is linked to feelings such as concerns and insecurities in the public.

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