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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Återvinning av avfall som  konstruktionsmaterial–  utgångspunkter vid framtagning av  gränsvärden : En jämförande studie av Sverige och Danmark / Recycling waste as construction material- starting points when producing the limit values : A comparative study of Sweden and Denmark

Fyrén, Amanda, Isaksson, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
I samband med en ökad befolkningstillväxt och en ökad ekonomisk tillväxt påverkas konsumtionen och produktionen av olika varor, vilket leder till ökad efterfrågan på råvaror. En del av efterfrågan kan mötas genom återvinning, men problemet är att avfallsströmmar ofta innehåller en blandning av ämnen. Detta leder till en spridning av farliga ämnen, där mängden farliga ämnen måste minska i strävandet mot en cirkulär ekonomi. Vid konstruktionen av olika anläggningsprojekt finns det möjligheter att förbättra hushållningen av resurser genom att återanvända avfall. Avfallet avser restprodukter, jord och sorterad bygg- och konstruktionsavfall enligt Danmark, vilket skiljer sig från Sverige som avser avfall med främst geologiskt ursprung. Syftet med denna rapport var att identifiera utgångspunkter för att reglera farliga ämnen, samt att förstå vilka prioriteringar som har gjorts och vilka konsekvenser det får på gränsvärdena. Detta genomfördes genom att jämföra Sverige och Danmark för att se hur utgångspunkterna kan hjälpa till att förstå likheter och skillnader. Resultatet baseras på en textanalys av ett fåtal myndighetsrapporter som var till underlag för gränsvärdena, där intervjuer med relevanta aktörer har genomförts i ett tidigt skede för att förtydliga innehållet i rapporterna.  Resultatet visar att Sverige anser att både skydd av hälsa och miljö är viktiga utgångspunkter vid framtagandet av olika gränsvärden. Danmark prioriterar främst skydd av hälsa, där olika modeller och antaganden lett till att gränsvärdena skiljer sig mellan länderna. Resultatets jämförande del visar att länderna använder olika metoder och antaganden när de ta fram gränsvärden för totalhalt och utlakning. Detta är en av anledningarna till att gränsvärdena skiljer sig. / Population and economic growth have affected the increase of consumption and production of goods, and with that the demand for raw materials. A part of the demand can be met through recycling, the only issue is that the waste streams are not in the form of pure materials. Often, they contain a mixture of substances, which affects the dispersion of hazardous substances. Therefore, the reduction of these substances is necessary in a circular economy. Reuse of waste- based aggregates is possible for construction facilities and is a way to improve resource management. In the case of Denmark, the referred waste consists of residual products, soil, and sorted building and construction materials, which differs from Sweden. Instead, Sweden refers to waste of mainly geological origin. The purpose of this study was to identify different approaches and starting points to regulate hazardous substances and to understand how various priorities affected the limit values. A comparison between Sweden and Denmark was done for a better understanding of the differences and similarities. A qualitative method was used based on interviews with relevant actors in addition to a text analysis of government background reports. The interviews helped to understand and clarify the information in the reports at an early stage.  The results show that Sweden prioritizes the protection of health and the environment, which are their main starting points when producing the limit values. Denmark also prioritizes health, where they use other models and values when producing the limit values. The comparison shows that the countries use different methods and assumptions when calculating the limit values for total content and leaching. This is a part of the explanation to why there is a difference in their legislation.

Emigrationen från Medelstads härad 1870-1925. : En kvantitativ studie av emigrationen från Blekinge län till Danmark och Tyskland. / The emigration from Medelstads härad 1870-1925. : A quantitative study on emigration from Blekinge County to Denmark and Germany.

Alritzson, Tuva January 2023 (has links)
This is a study on the emigration from Blekinge County with a focus on Medelstads härad to Denmark and Germany, during the period 1870-1925. By measuring statistics on how many people emigrated from Medelstads judicial district 13 parishes to Denmark and Germany respectively the aim is. To get a new perspective on the less known emigration. From this the study can continue to examine female and male emigration from the parishes of Backaryd, Edestad, Listerby and Ronneby. Furthermore, the study will examine the professional titles and other titles that the emigrants had when they chose to emigrate. Based on the results of the first questions, it is possible to see which similarities and differences are found between the emigration to Denmark and Germany. The results indicates the a greater number of emigrants went to Denmark than to Germnay. The results between the male and female emigration indicates that the female emigration was moe extensive than the male emigration both to Denmark and to Germany. Regarding the occupational titles, it can be determined that it was occupations that belonged to the working class that most emigrants had when they emigrated from Medelstads härad. From these results, it is possible to find similarities and differences betwwen the migration to Denmark and Germany.

Understanding Liveability in Danish Urban Water Management & Planning: A study of implementing the principles of Water Wise Cities in Marienlyst / Att förstå “liveability” inom danskt urbant dagvattenhantering- och planering: En studie om implementeringen av principerna för Water Wise Cities i Marienlyst

Gustavsson, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the implementation of new urban water management and planningapproaches in Denmark, with a specific focus on integrating solutions for extreme rainfallevents and enhancing livability. The study explores the Principles of Water Wise Cities as aframework for incorporating these aspects through Water Sensitive Urban Designs (WSUD).The aim is to provide a clearer understanding of the implementation of Water Wise Cities andthe role of livability in the context of urban water. In order to investigate the aim, the research employs a document analysis of two planningdocuments for Marienlyst, an urban development project in Aarhus Municipality, Denmark.The findings highlight the prevalence of Water Wise Cities through WSUD in Danish urbanwater management. However, the analysis of Marienlyst reveals fragmented integration ofWSUD solutions, lacking the multifunctionality observed in other examples, calling for aholistic and systematic approach to planning that better integrates urban water managementsolutions.  The thesis emphasizes the need to expand the understanding of livability beyond recreation inMarienlyst, to encompass broader implications of enhancing livability through water. It arguesfor comprehensive integration of livability in planning processes to foster resilient and inclusiveurban and community development. The limitations of a top-down approach in conceptualizinglivability are underscored, emphasizing the importance of participatory processes thatincorporate local knowledge. The thesis also addresses the vague nature of the livabilityconcept, advocating for critical engagement and robust integration into planning processes tocreate sustainable and equitable urban environments. In conclusion, this thesis highlights the necessity of a holistic and participatory approach inurban water management, integrating innovative solutions for extreme rainfall events andenhancing livability. The findings contribute to the existing knowledge on urban watermanagement and underscore the ongoing importance of research and development for thecreation of resilient and livable cities. / Denna avhandling undersöker implementeringen av nya metoder för hantering och planeringav vatten i urbana områden i Danmark, med särskilt fokus på att integrera lösningar för extremaregnfall och skapa en bättre förståelse för konceptet ”liveability”. Studien utforskar principernaför Water Wise Cities som en ram för att inkorporera dessa aspekter genom Water SensetiveUrban Design (WSUD). Syftet är att ge en tydligare förståelse för implementeringen av WaterWise Cities och undersöka vilken roll ”liveability” erhåller inom dansk samhällsplanering. För att undersöka syftet använder forskningen en dokumentanalys av två planeringsdokumentför Marienlyst, ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt i Aarhus kommun, Danmark. Resultaten belyserförekomsten av Water Wise Cities genom diverse förslag som främjar implementeringen avWSUD i Marienlyst. Men analysen av Marienlyst avslöjar en fragmenterad integration avWSUD-lösningar som saknar den multifunktionalitet som observeras i andra exempel, vilketkräver ett holistiskt och systematiskt tillvägagångssätt för planering som bättre integrerarlösningar för stadsförvaltning av vatten. Avhandlingen betonar behovet av att utvidga förståelsen för liveability bortom rekreation iMarienlyst, för att omfatta bredare implikationer av att förbättra boendemiljön genom vatten.Den argumenterar för en omfattande integration av boendemiljön i planeringsprocesser för attfrämja en hållbar och inklusiv samhällsutveckling. Vidare problematiseras även debegränsningarna som tydliggörs med ett toppstyrt tillvägagångssätt vid främjandet avliveability konceptet, där större fokus på medborgardialog som inkorporerar lokal befolkningoch dess kunskap i processen rekommenderas. Avhandlingen problematiserar även den vagadefinitionen av liveability som begrepp och förespråkar därmed ett behov för ett kritisktperspektiv på hur vi tolkar begreppet i planeringsprocesser för att möjliggöra rättvisare urbanamiljöer. Slutligen belyser denna avhandling nödvändigheten av ett holistiskt och deltagandetillvägagångssätt inom hanteringen av vatten, genom att integrera innovativa lösningar förextrema regnfall och förbättra boendemiljön. Resultaten bidrar till den befintliga kunskapen omhanteringen av vatten och understryker den pågående betydelsen av forskning och utvecklingför skapandet av trivsamma och hållbara städer.

Var Sveriges feministiska utrikespolitik verkligen feministisk? : En jämförandestudie mellan Sverige & Danmark / Was Sweden's feminist foreign policy really feminist? : A comparative study between Sweden & Denmark

Carles, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
This is a qualitative study about feminist foreign policy that will take a closer look at Sweden and Denmark's foreign policy. The purpose of the study is to see if there are elements of feminism in documents regarding developmemnt and aid work as a reflection of foreign policy. By comparing the two states with a qualitative content analysis method the study´s question will be answered and discussed. The question formulation is: How feminist really was Sweden's feminist foreign policy? This is a continuation of previous studies on feminist foreign policy. The presence of feminism in foreign policy exists in a few states, but Sweden that was the first country to instate a feminist foreign policy is now changing and is in the process of removing the feminist direction in their foreign policy. Therefore it is interesting to see if Sweden's foreign policy ever was feminist and if so in what way.

Regional Authority in Cross Border Dynamics. A study of the Öresund Committee’s formal authority between the years 2003-2007

Sjöklint, Mimmi January 2008 (has links)
The Öresund Region is a historical cross border region working over the national borders of Sweden and Denmark. The regional administration, the Öresund Committee, is the only political forum that encompasses the whole region and serves its interests collectively. Not only is it cooperating with the national governments but also has a close relationship with the Nordic Council and especially with the European Union. According to a method developed by Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks and Arjan H. Schakel, it is possible to retrieve a Regional Authority Index which mirrors the formal authority of a region. The method is evaluated in accordance to the complications of the Öresund Region’s dual nationality and finds that the Öresund Committee has a rather concealed role with greater indirect impact than it is given credit for. However, in terms of formal authority, the Öresund Committee has a weak position and shares no rule with higher political entities, such as the Danish, Swedish and European central administrations.

Fredens ö i krigets hav : En pressundersökning av Växjö tidningars ledare om andra världskrigets konflikter i Norden / The Island of Peace in the Sea of War : A newspaper study of Växjö city’s newspaper editorials regarding the conflicts of the Second World War in the Nordic countries

Gustafsson, Joel, Söderqvist, Niclas January 2015 (has links)
ABSTRACT Gustafsson, J. & Söderqvist, N., “’The Island of Peace in the Sea of War’ A newspaper study of Växjö city’s newspaper editorials regarding the conflicts of the Second World War in the Nordic countries”, Linnaeus University.   A qualitative textual analysis delving into three local newspapers from Växjö city is in many ways the essence of this study. The main purpose of this study is to examine three key conflicts, the Winter War, Operation Weserübung and the Continuation War. Each conflict has been assessed in relation to the opinions advocated in the editorials of the three politically diverse newspapers. The theoretical basis for this study is founded on similar analysis made by Nybom, Johansson and Åmark who all have contributed to the content of this particular essay. Most of all, Nyboms categorization of the so-called realism and idealism have helped us in understanding the motives and plans of action concerning the nations involved in the selected conflicts. There are several interesting conclusions in this study, in particular the newspapers’ view on main antagonists such as the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, as well as the Allies.

Kan regional påverkan från Danmark förklara Sverigedemokraternas valframgångar i Skåne? / Can Danish experience explain why Sverigedemokraterna had a higher support among voters in Skåne, than among other Swedish voters?

Wood, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Can Danish experience explain why Sverigedemokraterna had a higher support among voters in Skåne, than among other Swedish voters?</p><p>Essay in Political Science, C-level</p><p>Author: Jenny Wood</p><p>Tutor: Gregg Bucken-Knapp</p><p>Autumn 2006/ Spring 2007</p><p>The key question of this essay concerns the outcome of Sweden’s latest election. When all the votes where counted, the county of Skåne showed an exceptionally high support for the right wing nationalist party Sverigedemokraterna. Why then, did Sverigedemokraterna have a higher support among voters in Skåne (as part of the larger and transnational Öresund region), than among other Swedish voters? My hypothesis is the following: the regional interaction within Öresund has not only had positive effects concerning the values that the people of Skåne hold. In other words, Danish experience has changed the way in which the people of Skåne view immigrants and radical right wing parties.</p><p>Before I go on any further I will explain what is meant by the Öresund region. This region encompasses both parts of Sweden and Denmark (most notably Skåne and Själland), and the interaction between the two countries have increased considerably since a physical bridge between the two border regions was opened in July 2000.</p><p>Now, let us go on to the purpose of this essay, which is to answer the key question, and also to determine if the regional cooperation in the Öresund region has led to changes in the way the people of Skåne view right wing nationalist parties. Therefore, I explored the effects of the interaction between the Swedish region Skåne and the Danish region Själland, in order to discern if the Danes negative views towards immigrants and their strong feelings of nationalism, have effected Swedes and their values. In other words, was it possible that the Danish hostility towards immigrants and their unproblematic view of right wing nationalist parties, had been transmitted to the people of Skåne? Last but not least, it has also been the purpose of this essay to prove that traditional variables, concerning the question of why people vote for right wing nationalist parties, do no longer explain this phenomenon. By traditional variables I mean unemployment and a high density of immigrants of the population in a specific area.</p><p>In order to research the above mentioned issues, I have gone through letters to the editor, sent to the newspaper Sydsvenskan, and analysed the material using qualitative text analysis. I have also studied literature within the field of cross-border studies.</p><p>After ten weeks of research, I came to the conclusion that the traditional variables do not explain why Sverigedemokraterna received such a high proportion of the votes in Skåne. However, this essay also sheds light on the possibility of Danish experience as a plausible variable when it comes to explaining the outcome of the last election, but based on my limited study I can neither confirm nor dismiss the hypothesis. However, my study does provide some evidence that supports the hypothesis. In order to draw any conclusions however, it would have to be broadened in itself and replicated in other sections of Sweden or nationally.</p><p>The results of my study might leave the key question unanswered, but in itself can be viewed as an important step towards obtaining a clearer overview of what has driven the increased vote share for Sverigedemokraterna.</p>

Mellan kommunism och socialdemokrati : - en studie av vänstersocialismens ideologiska utveckling i Norge, Danmark, Sverige och Finland efter Berlinmurens fall.

Lindblom, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to analyze the ideological development of the former communist parties and the contemporary left-wing socialist parties of the Nordic countries. It is aimed at the two decades that have passed since the collaps of the Berlin wall and the parties at hand are; the Norwegian Sosialistisk Venstre, the Danish Socialistisk Folkeparti, the Swedish Vänsterpartiet and the Finnish Vasemmistoliitto. Since the 1960´s these parties have undergone major ideological changes with reference to a widening of their political agenda to an inclusion of democratic ideals as well as the new ideologies of feminism and ecologism. Thus reforming them into modern left-wing socialist parties at different times. The main hypothesis is formulated from the idea that there must be a connection between the startingpoint of reformation and the degree of modernism/traditionalism they show today. Furthermore, the study intends to determine how much they have changed and if there are any common features in the development. The method used consists of a quantitative approach with a minor qualitative streak and the material includes the four parties principalprograms from 1990 until today. In the quantative part I chose to count an amount of value-related words with connection to the four categories of socialism, feminism, ecologism and the democratic ideal. With the ideological refinement of Ball and Dagger as a frame of reference i chose a big amount of words, in which case the qualitative approach constituted as a failsafe in order to determine every words accuracy. The research shows that my original hypothesis is only partly correct. The degree of modernization seems to be depending on whereas the party was founded before or after the collapse of the Berlin wall. The fact that the three Scandinavian parties all show a positive modernization in comparison to their Finnish counterpart supports that. The study also reveals that the Finnish party, without consideration of modernism/traditionalism, changes the most during the period and the Danish party changes the least. The main feature of the Scandinavian parties is the decline of socialistic ideas in comparison to their Finnish equivalent.

Alla ska med? : en jämförande ideologianalys av medborgarskapsbegreppet i dansk och svensk parlamentarisk debatt

Isén, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
Citizenship is fundamental for participation in a democracy. It gives us rights but also responsibilities in the state that we are citizens of. Citizenship provides us with the opportunity to vote in order to influence who should govern us. However, not all living in a state are citizens. Some individuals are not included in the political life of the state. In recent years, there has been a rise of nationalist political parties in Europe. Since the end of the nineties the party Dansk Folkeparti has been a member of the Danish Parliament and with the 2010 elections in Sweden, the Swedish counterpart Sverigedemokraterna is now also represented in the Parliament. In citizenship theory there is an ongoing debate, chiefly concerning the issue on understanding the underlying meaning of what citizenship really is. The substantially different perspectives that are held by on one side Liberals and on the other Communitarians are ideal for use in a comparative study regarding differences in the recent parliamentary debate in Denmark and Sweden. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the parliamentary debate in regards to the issue of citizenship in Denmark and Sweden. The main results of the study show that the arguments held by the political parties in both countries are in line with the ideologies of liberals and communitarians, but that there is a slightly different focus between the two debates. Also, there are a greater number of parties in Denmark that represent communitarians values than there are in Sweden.

Mer än bara mynt : En nätverksanalys av bysantinska silvermynt från 900- och 1000-tal / More than just coins : A network analysis of Byzantine silver coins from the 10th and 11th centuries.

Kusserow, Max January 2019 (has links)
In the mid-10th century there was an increase of Byzantine coins to the Baltic area alongside the shift from the eastern Islamic dirhems to a western focus on German coins. This thesis sets out to study networks around the Baltic area from a perspective of Byzantine miliaresion minted by Constantine VII and Romanus II, Nicephorus II, John I Tzimisces and Basil II. The material consists of coin finds in foremostly hoards but also some grave finds from Gotland, mainland Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Belarus, Estonia and Finland. This essay will combine the use of two different methods, first a network analysis in Pajek and then a spatial analysis in GIS. With these two methods I want to investigate what the Byzantine coins can tell us about the transition period between the import of Islamic coins and German coins. Together with the Byzantine coins I will use other materials from Gotland such as shorttwig and longbranch runes, a type of metal vessel found in graves and a type of clay vessel with a special mark on the bottom. They will highlight different aspects of the Viking age networks, with a focus on Gotland. The result showes that the import of Byzantine silver coins into the Baltic in the 10th century consists of two phases. The first phase consists of miliaresia minted by Constantine VII and Romanus II, Nicephorus II and John I Tzimisces which were probably imported through Poland. On their way through Poland they mixed with early southern German coins from Bayern and Schwaben on their way to Denmark and Gotland. With the second phase the eastern coin import temporarily gets an upswing. The coins minted by Basil II are more commonly found on Gotland and in Estonia which lead me to conclude that these could have been imported by Gotlandic individuals on their travels east.

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