Spelling suggestions: "subject:"decoloniality"" "subject:"neocoloniality""
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El Sumak Kawsay: entre el (post)desarrollismo occidental y la filosofía andinaCuestas Caza, Javier Alejandro 02 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] El interés de la academia por los términos Sumak Kawsay (SK) y Buen-Vivir (BV), a partir de su inclusión en las constituciones de Ecuador y Bolivia, ha crecido enormemente en la última década. La permanente construcción y discusión teórica, ha posicionado al SK y al BV como alternativas al desgastado discurso del desarrollo. Esta discusión teórica, en su gran mayoría, ha equiparado ambos conceptos al punto de naturalizarlos como sinónimos. Sin embargo, considerando los códigos y los significados simbólicos en cada idioma y cultura, traducir SK como BV ha resultado en una riesgosa simplificación. Bajo estos antecedentes, la presente investigación doctoral ha tenido como objetivo general contrastar las concepciones: desarrollista, postdesarrollista y kichwa-andina del SK en el Ecuador, a partir de los discursos de los diferentes actores (gobierno, academia, pueblos indígenas) que han participado en su construcción y difusión.
El enfoque de investigación elegido para estudiar el fenómeno del SK y las tensiones lingüísticas, epistemológicas y ontológicas con el BV ha sido cualitativo, orientado a profundizar en la riqueza de significados del objeto de estudio. Asimismo, como estrategias metodológicas se han elegido: el estudio de caso y la etnografía multisituada. El estudio de caso elegido fue el pueblo kichwa de la Provincia de Imbabura (Karanki, Otavalo, Natabuela, Kayambi) debido a que constituyen actores insignes del Movimiento Indígena del Ecuador, por su reconocimiento a nivel nacional e internacional y por cercanía geográfica y trabajos previos por parte del investigador. Dentro de las técnicas de recolección de información se ha recurrido a: la investigación bibliográfica-documental, la observación (observador completo, observador como participante y participante como observador); la autoobservación, entrevistas estructuradas y no estructuradas; historias de vida; y al Estudio Formal del Idioma y Cultura Kichwa (EFICK), esta última constituye una técnica propia surgida en el transcurso de la investigación y está inspirada en la experiencia de estudio del idioma kichwa por parte del investigador realizada durante seis meses entre 2016 y 2017 en la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, sede Ecuador. Para el análisis de la información se ha optado por una aproximación interdisciplinar desde dos estrategias reconocidas por su enfoque en los discursos: el Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD) y la Arqueología Epistémica o Arqueología del Saber (AS).
En relación con los resultados, la presente investigación se ha centrado en problematizar las relaciones, ya conocidas, entre los términos de SK y BV. A través de un diálogo-confrontación de saberes (yachay tinkuy) se ha realizado una interpelación a la academia postdesarrollista, principalmente. La demanda central ha girado en torno a la violencia epistémica que ha representado la traducción-asimilación del SK como BV. Lo que ha pasado desapercibido respecto de la traducción, es que los pueblos andino-amazónicos y los movimientos indígenas han sido excluidos de la producción de conocimiento y de los beneficios de la producción discursiva. La traducción-asimilación ha ignorado las realidades propias de los movimientos indígenas, que no son simples productores de espiritualidad, sino actores políticos capaces de hablar por ellos mismos por fuera de la subalternidad, en demanda de aspectos perdidos (territorialidad, autonomía, autoderminación), tal como se ha mostrado en las propuestas políticas del Plan Amazanga de 1992, El Libro de la Vida de Sarayaku de 2003, en los aportes para la Constitución de 2008, en el Proyecto Político de la CONAIE de 2012, y más recientemente, en la Propuesta alternativa al modelo económico y social presentada por el Parlamento de los pueblos, organizaciones y colectivos sociales del Ecuador en el marco de las protestas sociales de octubre de 2019. / [EN] The academic interest in the concepts Sumak Kawsay (SK) and Buen-Vivir (BV), since their inclusion in the constitutions of Ecuador and Bolivia, has grown enormously in the last decade. The permanent construction and theoretical discussion have positioned SK and BV as alternatives to the worn discourse of development. This theoretical discussion, for the most part, has equated both concepts to the point of naturalizing them as synonyms. However, considering the codes and symbolic meanings in each language and culture, translating SK as BV has resulted in a risky simplification. Under these antecedents, the present doctoral research has had the general objective of contrasting the conceptions: developmentalist, post-developmentalist and Kichwa-Andean of SK in Ecuador, based on the discourses of the different actors (government, academy, indigenous peoples) that have participated in its construction and dissemination.
The research approach has been qualitative, aimed at delving into the richness of meanings of the object of study. This approach has been chosen to study the phenomenon of SK and the linguistic, epistemological and ontological tensions with BV. Also, as methodological strategies have been chosen: the case study and multisituation ethnography. The chosen case study was the Kichwa people of the Province of Imbabura (Karanki, Otavalo, Natabuela, Kayambi) because: they constitute distinguished actors of the Indigenous Movement of Ecuador; for its recognition at the national and international level; and by geographical proximity and previous work by the researcher. As information gathering techniques, the following were used: bibliographic-documentary research, observation (complete observer, observer as participant and participant as observer); self-observation, structured and unstructured interviews; life stories; and the Formal Study of the Kichwa Language and Culture (EFICK). The latter constitutes its own technique that emerged in the course of the research and is inspired by the experience of studying the Kichwa language by the researcher carried out during six months between 2016 and 2017 at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. For the analysis of the information, an interdisciplinary approach has been chosen from two strategies recognized for their focus on discourses: Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD) and Epistemic Archeology or Archeology of Knowledge (AS).
In relation to the results, this research has focused on problematizing the already known relationships between the concepts of SK and BV. Through a dialogue-confrontation of knowledge (yachay tinkuy) an interpellation has been made to the post-developmentalist academy, mainly. The central demand has revolved around the epistemic violence that the translation-assimilation of SK as BV has represented. What has gone unnoticed with respect to translation is that the Andean-Amazonian peoples and indigenous movements have been excluded from the production of knowledge and from the benefits of discursive production. Translation-assimilation has ignored the realities of indigenous movements, which are political actors capable of speaking for themselves outside of subalternity, in demand of lost aspects (territoriality, autonomy, self-determination), as has been shown in the political proposals of: Plan Amazanga of 1992, The Book of Life of Sarayaku of 2003, in the contributions to the Constitution of 2008, in the Political Project of CONAIE of 2012, and more recently, in the Alternative Proposal to the economic and social model presented by the Parliament of the peoples, organizations and social groups of Ecuador in the framework of the social protests of October 2019. / [CA] L'interés de l'acadèmia pels termes Sumak Kawsay (SK) i Bon-Viure (BV), a partir de la seua inclusió en les constitucions de l'Equador i Bolívia, ha crescut enormement en l'última dècada. La permanent construcció i discussió teòrica, ha posicionat al SK i al BV com a alternatives al desgastat discurs del desenvolupament. Aquesta discussió teòrica, en la seua gran majoria, ha equiparat tots dos conceptes al punt de naturalitzar-los com a sinònims. No obstant això, considerant els codis i els significats simbòlics en cada idioma i cultura, traduir SK com BV ha resultat en una perillosa simplificació. Sota aquests antecedents, la present investigació doctoral ha tingut com a objectiu general contrastar les concepcions: desenvolupista, post-desenvolupista i kichwa-andina del SK a l'Equador, a partir dels discursos dels diferents actors (govern, acadèmia, pobles indígenes) que han participat en la seua construcció i difusió.
L'enfocament d'investigació triat per a estudiar el fenomen del SK i les tensions lingüístiques, epistemològiques i ontològiques amb el BV ha sigut qualitatiu, orientat a aprofundir en la riquesa de significats de l'objecte d'estudi. Així mateix, com a estratègies metodològiques s'han triat: l'estudi de cas i l'etnografia multisituada. L'estudi de cas triat va ser el poble kichwa de la Província de Imbabura (Karanki, Otavalo, Natabuela, Kayambi) pel fet que constitueixen actors insignes del Moviment Indígena de l'Equador, pel seu reconeixement a nivell nacional i internacional i per proximitat geogràfica i treballs previs per part de l'investigador. Dins de les tècniques de recol·lecció d'informació s'ha recorregut a: la investigació bibliogràfica-documental, l'observació (observador complet, observador com a participant i participant com a observador); l'acte-observació, entrevistes estructurades i no estructurades; històries de vida; i a l'Estudi Formal de l'Idioma i Cultura Kichwa (EFICK), aquesta última constitueix una tècnica pròpia sorgida en el transcurs de la investigació i està inspirada en l'experiència d'estudi de l'idioma kichwa per part de l'investigador realitzada durant sis mesos entre 2016 i 2017 en la Universitad Andina Simón Bolívar, seu Equador. Per a l'anàlisi de la informació s'ha optat per una aproximació interdisciplinària des de dues estratègies reconegudes pel seu enfocament en els discursos: l'Anàlisi Crítica del Discurs (ACD) i l'Arqueologia del Saber (AS).
En relació amb els resultats, la present investigació s'ha centrat en problematizar les relacions, ja conegudes, entre els termes de SK i BV. A través d'un diàleg-confrontació de sabers (yachay tinkuy) s'ha realitzat una interpel·lació a l'acadèmia post-desenvolupista, principalment. La demanda central ha girat entorn de la violència epistémica que ha representat la traducció-assimilació del SK com BV. El que ha passat desapercebut respecte de la traducció, és que els pobles andí-amazònics i els moviments indígenes han sigut exclosos de la producció de coneixement i dels beneficis de la producció discursiva. La traducció-assimilació ha ignorat les realitats pròpies dels moviments indígenes, que no són simples productors d'espiritualitat, sinó actors polítics capaços de parlar per ells mateixos per fora de la subalternidad, en demanda d'aspectes perduts (territorialitat, autonomia, autoderminación), tal com s'ha mostrat en les propostes polítiques del Pla Amazanga de 1992, El Llibre de la Vida de Sarayaku de 2003, en les aportacions per a la Constitució de 2008, en el Projecte Polític de la *CONAIE de 2012, i més recentment, en la Proposta alternativa al model econòmic i social presentada pel Parlament dels pobles, organitzacions i col·lectius socials de l'Equador en el marc de les protestes socials d'octubre de 2019. / Un agradecimiento especial a la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, por el apoyo económico
recibido durante los primeros años de los estudios doctorales. Este apoyo fue importante
para poder dedicarme íntegramente al desarrollo de la investigación, así como para la
presentación de resultados y la realización de estancias de investigación. / Cuestas Caza, JA. (2021). El Sumak Kawsay: entre el (post)desarrollismo occidental y la filosofía andina [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/162882
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Ellas "enseñan vida": experiencias de lucha y resistencia de las mujeres palestinas. Un análisis desde la solidaridad feminista internacionalistaFuente Espinosa, María Teresa de la 02 May 2022 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo de investigación trata de explorar y comprender la situación que se vive en Palestina de la mano de algunas de sus protagonistas, mujeres activistas y comprometidas que con su vida cotidiana luchan y resisten a una injusta ocupación y colonización llevada a cabo por el Estado de Israel.
Desde un posicionamiento epistemológico activista y feminista me acercaré a ellas, a sus prácticas y a sus discursos, con el fin de entender, en primer lugar, qué tipo de violencias experimentan sus vidas y qué herramientas y tecnologías utiliza el Estado israelí para construir un aparato neocolonial racista y violento que deshumaniza las vidas palestinas.
Pero también trataré de averiguar cómo hacen frente estas mujeres a todas estas violencias. Aprenderé de sus discursos decoloniales a deconstruir la imagen islamófoba que ha construido Occidente sobre las mujeres musulmanas con hiyab, supuestamente víctimas y sumisas; y analizaré sus prácticas de lucha y resistencia, comprendiendo que la no-violencia y la solidaridad internacionalista feminista son el camino hacia la rehumanización de las, en palabras de Butler, vidas que no merecen ser lloradas. / [CA] Aquest treball de recerca tracta d'explorar i comprendre la situació que es viu en Palestina de la mà d'algunes de les seues protagonistes, dones activistes i compromeses que amb la seua vida quotidiana lluiten i resisteixen a una injusta ocupació i colonització duta a terme per l'Estat d'Israel.
Des d'un posicionament epistemològic activista i feminista m'acostaré a elles, a les seues pràctiques i als seus discursos, amb la finalitat d'entendre, en primer lloc, quin tipus de violències experimenten les seues vides i quines eines i tecnologies utilitza l'Estat israelià per a construir un aparell neocolonial racista i violent que deshumanitza les vides palestines.
Però també tractaré d'esbrinar com fan front aquestes dones a totes aquestes violències. Aprendré dels seus discursos decolonials a desconstruir l'imatge islamòfoba que ha construït Occident sobre les dones musulmanes amb hijab, suposadament víctimes i submises; i analitzaré les seues pràctiques de lluita i resistència, comprenent que la no-violència i la solidaritat internacionalista feminista són el camí cap a la rehumanització de les, en paraules de Butler, vides que no mereixen ser plorades. / [EN] This research work tries to explore and understand the situation that exists in Palestine from some of its protagonists' voices, activist and committed women who, with their daily lives, fight and resist an unjust occupation and colonization carried out by the State of Israel.
From an activist and feminist epistemological position, I will approach them, their practices and their discourses, in order to understand, in the first place, what kind of violence are their lives experience and what tools and technologies the Israeli State uses to build a neocolonial, racist and violent apparatus that dehumanizes Palestinian lives.
But I will also try to find out how these women face all this violence. I will learn from her decolonial speeches to deconstruct the Islamophobic image that the West has built on Muslim women with hijab, supposedly victims and submissive; and I will analyze their practices of struggle and resistance, understanding that non-violence and feminist internationalist solidarity are the ways to rehumanize those, in Butler's words, lives that do not deserve to be mourned. / Fuente Espinosa, MTDL. (2022). Ellas "enseñan vida": experiencias de lucha y resistencia de las mujeres palestinas. Un análisis desde la solidaridad feminista internacionalista [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182384
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[pt] Esta tese, por meio de autores decoloniais, pós coloniais e pensamento afrodiaspórico, principalmente os pensadores do sul, busca a compreensão da colonialidade do ser como mobilizador de opressões estruturais de raça, gênero, sexualidade e classe, apontando de que modo a justiça criminal e o sistema
penitenciário, no decurso da história, são dispositivos centrais na perpetuação de violência sob os corpos e subjetividades daqueles e daquelas que foram binarizadas e racializadas de modo a serem subalternizadas e subalternizados em relação ao sujeito que trouxe para si os caracteres tidos como hegemônico impostos pela masculinidade, racismo e cisheteronormatividade. A partir dessas lentes, é feita uma releitura das decisões proferidas no sistema interamericano de direitos humanos para casos que versem sobre prisões no Brasil no período entre 1988 e 2018, para compreender os limites e potencias do litígio estratégico para a luta antipunitiva. Por fim, para entender o posicionamento dos diversos atores no combate ou reprodução da colonialidade racista de gênero no litígio, analisa-se todas as peças da Medida Provisória Pessoas Privadas de Liberdade no Complexo Curado vs. Brasil durante os anos de 2006 até 2014. / [en] This thesis, using decolonial authors, postcolonial and Afro-Diasporic
thought, specially the thinkers of the south, seeks to understand the coloniality of
being as a mobilizer of structural oppressions as race, gender, sexuality and class,
pointing out how criminal justice and the penitentiary system, in the course of
history, are central devices in the perpetuation of violence on the bodies and
subjectivities of those who have been binarized and racialized in order to be
subalternized in relation to the subject understood as hegemonic: male, white and
hetenormative. Through these lenses, will be made a re-reading of the decisions
pronounced by the inter-American human rights system on cases that deal with
prisons in Brazil between 1988 and 2018, in order to understand the limits and
potentials of strategic litigation for the anti-punitive struggle. Finally, in order to
understand the position of the various actors in the combat or reproduction of the
racist coloniality of gender in the litigation, we analyze all the pieces of the
Provisional Measure Persons Deprived of Liberty in the Cured Complex. Brazil
from 2006 to 2014.
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Saberes ancestrais indÃgenas dos Tapebas de Caucaia-Ce.: contribuiÃÃes e diÃlogos com a educaÃÃo ambiental dialÃgica / Ancient Indigenous Knowledge of the Tapebas located in Caucaia-Ce: contributions and dialogue with Dialogic Environmental EducationAna Karolina Pessoa Bastos Ximenes 13 September 2012 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / A EducaÃÃo Ambiental DialÃgica busca a inserÃÃo dos saberes populares na construÃÃo de uma prÃxis crÃtica, reveladora de uma nova forma de conceber o conhecimento. Dessa forma, os indÃgenas, diante de sua tradiÃÃo cultural ancestral, mostram que tÃm muito a colaborar com a tessitura de prÃticas educativas ambientais. Nesta pesquisa tenho como objetivo discutir como os saberes ancestrais dos Tapeba de Caucaia (CE) podem contribuir e dialogar com a EducaÃÃo Ambiental DialÃgica. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa nasceu com o propÃsito de colocar em cena e em relaÃÃes igualitÃrias as lÃgicas, prÃticas e modos culturais diversos de pensar, atuar e viver desse povo, de modo que possamos atentÃ-las de forma solidÃria. A pesquisa à qualitativa (MINAYO, 2007), de carÃter etnogrÃfico (GEERTZ, 2008). A maior coleta de dados se deu a partir da relaÃÃo, do estar com eles, dentro de suas realidades. Ainda assim, contei com a realizaÃÃo de entrevistas, narrativas orais e do CÃrculo DialÃgico (FIGUEIREDO, 2012), resultado da alianÃa entre o CÃrculo de Cultura proposto por Paulo Freire e o CÃrculo DialÃgico-Afetivo EcobiogrÃfico, sinteticamente chamado de CÃrculo EcobiogrÃfico, abordagem construÃda por Ferreira (2011). Paulo Freire està enraizado em todas as partes deste trabalho, por meio de suas contribuiÃÃes teÃricas e prÃticas. A EducaÃÃo Ambiental DialÃgica (FIGUEIREDO, 2007) toma para si os aportes deixados por esse autor e dialoga com a EducaÃÃo Ambiental CrÃtica para, assim, nascer de maneira sÃlida e sensÃvel ao cenÃrio educacional, social e polÃtico. A Perspectiva Eco-Relacional, desenvolvida por Figueiredo (2007), aponta para o horizonte da relaÃÃo afetiva com o ambiente. Ciampa (2004; 2005) deu preciosa contribuiÃÃo ao servir de suporte para a reflexÃo e entendimento sobre a questÃo da identidade. Por sua vez, AnÃbal Quijano (1993; 2005; 2010), Walsh (2008) e Figueiredo (2009; 2010) foram essenciais para a discussÃo acerca da colonialidade/descolonialidade. Jà para tratarmos a respeito da Interculturalidade CrÃtica, servimo-nos dos aportes deixados por Walsh (2008), Fleuri (1998), Figueiredo (2009b). Como contribuiÃÃo da Ancestralidade Tapeba para o fazer e o pensar em EducaÃÃo Ambiental DialÃgica, podemos dizer que os saberes ancestrais ultrapassam o entendimento de meros registros histÃricos e sÃo sentidos como guardiÃes da sabedoria de todo um povo, conotando, tambÃm, ensinamentos para a convivÃncia em grupo. Esses saberes revelam que o trato com o ambiente deve se dar de forma afetiva a partir do respeito, do cuidado e da valorizaÃÃo. AlÃm disso, a Ancestralidade Tapeba acredita numa relaÃÃo horizontal entre todos os elementos da natureza, na qual o amor à cultivado, sendo todos essenciais a uma vida em harmonia. O TorÃ, por sua vez, à um exemplo de coesÃo, organizaÃÃo dos participantes e sua conexÃo com a espiritualidade, fundamental para uma prÃtica educativa nesse Ãmbito. Os indÃgenas tÃm a sabedoria e a paciÃncia de acatar o tempo natural do ciclo da vida, esperando o melhor momento para realizar suas atividades de pesca, caÃa e plantio. AlÃm disso, ensinam a ter o ambiente como parceiro, demonstrando preocupaÃÃo com as geraÃÃes futuras. / Dialogic Environmental Education seeks to include indigenous values and knowledge in the construction of a critical praxis that reveals a new way of conceiving knowledge. In this manner, indigenous peoples, given their ancient cultural tradition, can contribute greatly to the fabric of environmental educational practices. In this thesis I discuss how the ancient knowledge of the Tapebas located in Caucaia (CE) can contribute and dialogue with Dialogic Environmental Education. In this manner, this research project was born out of the intent to apply egalitarian logical relations to diverse cultural practices and ways of thinking, acting, and living as a means of approaching these relations in a unified and supportive fashion. The research is both qualitative (MINAYO, 2007) and ethnographic (GEERTZ, 2008). For the most part, data collection occurred through the development of a relationship with the Tapebas, within their daily living conditions. At the same time, I also utilize interviews, narratives, and the âDialogic Circleâ (FIGUEIREDO, 2012), a juxtaposition of the Cultural Circle proposed by Paulo Freire and the Ecobiographical Affective-Dialogic Circle (a term frequently shortened to âEcobiographical Circleâ) (FERREIRA, 2011). This research project is indebted to Freireâs practical and theoretical contributions. Environmental Dialogic Education (FIGUEIREDO, 2007) not only utilizes his theoretical background, but it also dialogues with Critical Environmental Education in order to be accurately applied to a given socio-political and educational setting. The Eco-Relational Perspective developed by Figueiredo (2007) combines the affective relationship perspective with the environment. Ciampa (2004; 2005) has also made an important contribution by establishing the basis for reflecting and understanding the concept of identity. Additionally, AnÃbal Quijano (1993; 2005; 2010), Walsh (2008), and Figueiredo (2009; 2010) were of paramount importance to the discussion of coloniality/decoloniality. Finally, in order to approach Critical Interculturality, this study benefits from the theoretical background offered by Walsh (2008), Fleuri (1998), and Figueiredo (2009b). Ancestral Tapeba contributions regarding acting and thinking in Dialogic Environmental Education are essential for harmonious living in three ways. First, ancient knowledges go beyond mere historical registers and are stores of knowledge for an entire people; these different forms of knowledge also act as guidelines for community cooperation. Second, the Tapeba create an affective relationship with the environment stemming from respect, care, and valorization. Finally, Tapeba ancestry believes in a horizontal relationship between all elements of nature in which love is cultivated. In this context, the Torà ritual is an example of cohesion, participant organization, and spiritual connection, all essential values to such an educational practice. In addition to demonstrating patience and knowledge in daily activities such as fishing, hunting, and harvesting, the Tapebas teach us how to coexist with the environment by expressing concern with future generations.
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Achille Mbembe : subject, subjection, and subjectivitySithole, Tendayi 09 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the political thought of Achille Mbembe. It deploys decolonial critical analysis to unmask traces of coloniality with regard to the African existential conditions foregrounded in the conception of the African subject, its subjection, and subjectivity. The theoretical foundation of this thesis is decolonial epistemic perspective—the epistemic intervention that serves as a lens to understand Mbembe’s work and—that is the theoretical foundation outside the Euro-North American “mainstream” canon foregrounded in coloniality. Decolonial epistemic perspective in this thesis is deployed to expose three kinds of coloniality in Mbembe’s work, namely: coloniality of power, coloniality of knowledge and coloniality of being. The thrust of this thesis is that Mbembe’s political thought is inadequate for the understanding of the African existential condition in that it does not fully take coloniality into account. In order to acknowledge the existence of coloniality through decolonial critical analysis, the political thought of Mbembe is examined in relation to modes of self-writing, power in the postcolony, the politics of violence in Africa, Frantz Fanon’s political thought, and the idea of South Africa as major themes undertaken in this thesis. Decolonial critical analysis deals with foundational questions that have relevance to the existential condition of the African subject and the manner in which such an existential crisis can be brought to an end. These foundational questions confront issues like—who is speaking or writing, from where, for whom and why? This thesis reveals that Mbembe is writing and thinking Africa from outside the problematic ontology of the African subject and, as such, Mbembe precludes any form of African subjectivity that challenges the Euro-North American canon. This then reveals that Mbembe is not critical of coloniality and this has the implications in that subjection is left on the wayside and not accounted for. Having explored the genealogy, trajectory and horisons of decolonial critical analysis to understand the political thought of Mbembe, this thesis highlights that it is essential to take a detour through the shifting of the geography of reason. Herein lies the originality of this thesis, and it is here that Africa is thought from within a standpoint of decolonial critical analysis and not Africa that is thought from the Euro-North American canon. Therefore, the shifting of the geography of reason is necessary for the authorisation of the subjectivity of the African subject in order to combat subjection. / Political Sciences / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Politics)
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La tejedora de coronas de Germán Espinosa (1982) : un ensayo de desmarginalización culturalReyes Herrera, Susana María 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une analyse du roman historique La Carthagénoise (Germán Espinosa, 1982). Ce roman porte sur l’échange des idées entre l’Amérique coloniale et l’Europe éclairée. L’invasion française au port caraïbe de Carthagène d’Indes en 1697 est l’événement historique qui déclenche sa trame. Cette œuvre littéraire effectue un parcours à travers deux espaces et périodes historiques – l’Amérique sous domination espagnole et l’Europe des Lumières – dans lesquels s’entrecroisent des personnages réels et fictionnels.
L’analyse que propose le présent travail aborde en premier lieu les antécédents du roman historique en Amérique latine. Dans une deuxième partie, il se penche sur les stratégies narratives utilisées dans le roman d’Espinosa et sur l’impact éventuel de ces procédés sur la facette critique de l’œuvre. L’hypothèse centrale de ce travail est que la fiction historique contribue à une vision critique de l’histoire officielle et qu’elle propose une réflexion sur les causes de la stagnation épistémologique en Amérique latine ainsi que des processus historiques inachevés tels que la libération épistémologique et la consolidation des épistémologies émergentes suggérées par la théorie postcoloniale et la pensée décoloniale. Le roman montre également la naissance, la mise en œuvre et l’échec de ce projet de libération épistémologique mené par un personnage féminin. Ce projet vise à finir avec la marginalisation du savoir latino-américain plutôt qu’à sa décolonisation.
Parmi les conclusions tirées par ce mémoire, il y a l’idée qu’en raison de la causalité historique de l’Amérique latine, telle que montrée par le roman, le moment n’est pas encore venu de l’avènement d’une libération culturelle qui permette la consolidation des épistémologies émergentes, dans la ligne de ce que suggèrent les études postcoloniales et la décolonialité. Une autre conclusion importante à mentionner est que l’évolution des idées est un processus historique dans lequel les courants idéologiques ne sont pas absolus et sont assujettis aux conjonctures sociales qui déterminent leur existence et permanence. / This dissertation proposes an analysis of the historical novel The Weaver of Crowns (Germán Espinosa, 1982). This novel deals with the exchange of ideas between colonial Latin America and the Europe of the Enlightenment. The French invasion of the Caribbean port of Cartagena de Indias in 1697 is the historical event that triggers the plot. The novel covers two geographical spaces and two historical periods – America under Spanish domination and Enlightened Europe – in which real and fictional characters interact.
In a first step, this dissertation undertakes an analysis of the roots of the historic novel in Latin America. In a second step it examines narrative strategies used in Espinosa’s novel and the way they may influence the critical side of this work. The central hypothesis suggested by this dissertation is that historical fiction contributes a critical view of the official historiography of Latin America by showing its hidden or silenced sides. It offers a reflection on the causes of the epistemological stagnation in Latin America as well as the unresolved historical processes in Latin America such as its epistemological liberation and the consolidation of its emerging epistemologies as described by the postcolonial theory cited in this work. The novel also shows the emergence, development and failure of an epistemological liberation project undertaken by a female character. This liberation project is aimed at putting an end to the marginalization of the Latin American knowledge rather than decolonizing it.
Among the conclusions drawn by this dissertation is the idea that because of the historical causality of Latin America, as presented by the novel, the moment has not yet arrived for a cultural and epistemological liberation. This pending process would allow the consolidation of the emerging epistemologies along the lines proposed by the postcolonial and decoloniality studies. Another conclusion of note is that the evolution of ideas is a historical process in which the ideological currents are not absolute but subjected to the social situations that determine their existence as well as their continuity. / La memoria propone un análisis de la novela histórica La tejedora de coronas (Germán Espinosa, 1982). Esta novela trata del intercambio de ideas entre la América colonial y la Europa del Iluminismo y desarrolla su trama a partir del asedio francés al puerto caribeño de Cartagena de Indias acaecido en el año 1697. La novela hace un recorrido por dos períodos históricos, – la América española y la Europa de las luces –, en los que entrelaza personajes reales y de ficción.
Este trabajo plantea un análisis que aborda en primer lugar los antecedentes de la novela histórica en América Latina, propone seguidamente una aproximación a algunas estrategias narrativas utilizadas en la novela y su posible injerencia en la faceta crítica de la misma. La hipótesis central que se defiende es que la ficción histórica propone una visión crítica de la historia oficial y una reflexión sobre la dialéctica histórica de las causas del estancamiento epistemológico de América Latina. Igualmente, señala los procesos históricos inconclusos en América, como su liberación epistemológica y la consolidación de sus epistemologías emergentes de las cuales hablan el postcolonialismo y el pensamiento descolonial. De igual modo, la novela muestra el surgimiento, la puesta en obra y el fracaso de un proyecto de liberación epistemológica, llevado a cabo por un personaje femenino. Este proyecto apunta más a una desmarginalización que a una descolonización del saber americano.
Entre las conclusiones que arroja el trabajo se podrían mencionar, entre otras, que, debido a la causalidad histórica de América Latina planteada por la novela, está pendiente por realizarse una liberación cultural, que permita la consolidación de las epistemologías emergentes tal como lo señalan los estudios postcoloniales y la decolonialidad. Otra conclusión significativa obtenida es que la novela defiende la posición según la cual la evolución de las ideas es un proceso histórico en el cual las corrientes ideológicas no son absolutas y están sujetas a las coyunturas sociales que determinan su vigencia y permanencia.
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Achille Mbembe : subject, subjection, and subjectivitySithole, Tendayi 09 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the political thought of Achille Mbembe. It deploys decolonial critical analysis to unmask traces of coloniality with regard to the African existential conditions foregrounded in the conception of the African subject, its subjection, and subjectivity. The theoretical foundation of this thesis is decolonial epistemic perspective—the epistemic intervention that serves as a lens to understand Mbembe’s work and—that is the theoretical foundation outside the Euro-North American “mainstream” canon foregrounded in coloniality. Decolonial epistemic perspective in this thesis is deployed to expose three kinds of coloniality in Mbembe’s work, namely: coloniality of power, coloniality of knowledge and coloniality of being. The thrust of this thesis is that Mbembe’s political thought is inadequate for the understanding of the African existential condition in that it does not fully take coloniality into account. In order to acknowledge the existence of coloniality through decolonial critical analysis, the political thought of Mbembe is examined in relation to modes of self-writing, power in the postcolony, the politics of violence in Africa, Frantz Fanon’s political thought, and the idea of South Africa as major themes undertaken in this thesis. Decolonial critical analysis deals with foundational questions that have relevance to the existential condition of the African subject and the manner in which such an existential crisis can be brought to an end. These foundational questions confront issues like—who is speaking or writing, from where, for whom and why? This thesis reveals that Mbembe is writing and thinking Africa from outside the problematic ontology of the African subject and, as such, Mbembe precludes any form of African subjectivity that challenges the Euro-North American canon. This then reveals that Mbembe is not critical of coloniality and this has the implications in that subjection is left on the wayside and not accounted for. Having explored the genealogy, trajectory and horisons of decolonial critical analysis to understand the political thought of Mbembe, this thesis highlights that it is essential to take a detour through the shifting of the geography of reason. Herein lies the originality of this thesis, and it is here that Africa is thought from within a standpoint of decolonial critical analysis and not Africa that is thought from the Euro-North American canon. Therefore, the shifting of the geography of reason is necessary for the authorisation of the subjectivity of the African subject in order to combat subjection. / Political Sciences / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Politics)
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A QUEST FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SOVEREIGNTY : Chicana/o Literary Experiences of Water (Mis)Management and Environmental Degradation in the US SouthwestPerez-Ramos, María Isabel January 2017 (has links)
The U.S. Southwest is a semi-arid region affected by numerous environmental problems. Chicana/o communities have been directly affected by such problems, especially ever since the region was annexed from Mexico by the United States in the mid-nineteenth century. From this moment onwards they lost their environmental sovereignty, mostly through their dispossession of the natural resources. This environmental humanities dissertation focuses on the ethics, politics, and practices around water (management), for water is a key natural resource and a central element of Chicana/o cultural identity. It explores the ways in which Chicana/o culture is interconnected with environmental practices and sites in subaltern literary works about the Chicana/o experience. It investigates how the hegemonic Anglo-American environmental, political, and economic practices have challenged and undermined Chicana/o culture, identity, and wellbeing, and how this has been addressed in fiction; and it questions whether establishing such a connection adds any useful insights to the larger discussion on the global socio-environmental crisis. This dissertation also analyzes the writer activist character of the subaltern narratives of the corpus, with attention to the relevance of rhetoric in subverting and constructing environmental discourses and ethics. By examining regional and border narratives, as well as fiction and non-fiction narratives about the socio-environmental struggles of other ethnic minorities in the Southwest and in other parts of the world, this dissertation puts literature about the Chicana/o experience in a regional, national, and transnational context. It moreover explores the pivotal role of literature in reclaiming environmental sovereignty, in asserting cultural identities, and in countering the environmental crisis by imagining alternative managerial practices and socio-environmental relations, as much as in challenging cultural hegemonies. / <p>QC 20170508</p>
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Estratégia e legitimidade em organizações sociais: o Serviço Social do Comércio (SESC)Espírito Santo, Marcela do 28 January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Marcela do Espírito Santo (marcelytta@gmail.com) on 2015-03-13T17:11:41Z
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Dissertação Marcela do Espírito Santo para Publicação Biblio.pdf: 892020 bytes, checksum: 100b6e1597ce35a9d0f070107e9e96b5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2015-03-25T14:06:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Marcela do Espírito Santo para Publicação Biblio.pdf: 892020 bytes, checksum: 100b6e1597ce35a9d0f070107e9e96b5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-03-27T17:58:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Dissertação Marcela do Espírito Santo para Publicação Biblio.pdf: 892020 bytes, checksum: 100b6e1597ce35a9d0f070107e9e96b5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-01-28 / The dilemmas and strategic challenges for economic viability and legitimacy faced by social organizations in Brazil -organizations without economic purpose -resemble those faced by other types of organization in different parts of the world. The dominant literature of management and strategy favors, in its framework, concepts and practices that support and are supported by large private corporations. The growing influence of these organizations in academia and society helps explain the role of importance that strategies of corporate social responsibility have achieved in the legitimation of neoliberal ideology and practices which help to reaffirm. In turn, this framework helps to explain the marginal position that social organizations occupy inside the area of strategic management. This dissertation seeks to expand the discussion of the studies in the field of strategic management that addressed the hegemonic construction of the field, their processes of legitimation and diffusion and their critical approaches, including the aspect of coloniality in which the dominant literature falls. The understanding of strategic trajectory of a social organization, the Social Service of Commerce - SESC, was given by the research processes of legitimation mobilised within the organization itself and in the context in which it operates. For such, the contextualist perspective allowed the observation by internal and external relationships established and the changes and continuities promoted due to its legitimacy. To represent organizations as political and cultural systems that influence and are influenced by the environment, this research promotes understanding of the ideological components and power in strategic management, commonly naturalized by the mainstream literature, making room for even the decolonization of the area of strategic management, emphasizing the diversity of organizations and practices, and the possibility of coexistence of different types of organizations in the area. / Os dilemas e desafios estratégicos para viabilização econômica e legitimação enfrentados por organizações sociais no Brasil – organizações sem finalidade econômica - se assemelham aos enfrentados por outros tipos de organização nas diversas partes do mundo. A literatura dominante de gestão e estratégia privilegia, em seu arcabouço, conceitos e práticas que apoiam e são apoiados nas grandes corporações privadas. A crescente influência dessas organizações na academia e na sociedade ajuda a explicar o papel de importância que estratégias de responsabilidade social corporativa alcançaram na legitimação das práticas e ideologia neoliberal que ajudam a reafirmar. Por sua vez, este quadro ajuda a explicar a posição marginal que as organizações sociais ocupam na área de gestão estratégica. Esta dissertação busca a ampliação da discussão dos estudos do campo da gestão estratégica que abordaram a construção hegemônica do campo, seus processos de legitimação e difusão e as respectivas abordagens críticas, inclusive o aspecto de colonialidade no qual a literatura dominante se insere. A compreensão da trajetória estratégica de uma organização social, o Serviço Social do Comércio – Sesc, se deu pela investigação dos processos de legitimação mobilizados dentro da própria organização e no contexto em que atua. Para tal foi utilizada a perspectiva contextualista que permitiu a observação mediante as relações internas e externas estabelecidas e as mudanças e continuidades promovidas em função de sua legitimação. Ao representar organizações como sistemas políticos e culturais que influenciam e que são influenciados pelo meio, esta investigação promove o entendimento dos componentes ideológicos e de poder na gestão estratégica, comumente naturalizados pela literatura dominante, abrindo espaço ainda para a descolonização da área de gestão estratégica, enfatizando a diversidade de organizações e de práticas e na possibilidade da coexistência de diferentes tipos de organização na área.
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Desenvolviment(ism)o, descolonialidade e a geo-história da administração no Brasil: a atuação da CEPAL e do ISEB como instituições de ensino e pesquisa em nível de pós-graduaçãoWanderley, Sergio Eduardo de Pinho Velho 25 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sergio Wanderley (sergiow.gaz@terra.com.br) on 2015-04-08T15:36:17Z
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tese_Sergio_Wanderley_versão_final.pdf: 5039778 bytes, checksum: c0ee12f333f32f7f1749dab0c1542144 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2015-04-13T14:32:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
tese_Sergio_Wanderley_versão_final.pdf: 5039778 bytes, checksum: c0ee12f333f32f7f1749dab0c1542144 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-04-14T18:02:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / The objective of this dissertation is to investigate how the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) and Superior Institute of Brazilian Studies (ISEB) have contributed to management history in Brazil. This dissertation departed from a consolidated historiography methodology, but employed the decolonial perspective to problematize the term history and, thus, proposes a new investigation agenda. The importation of historiography themes such as Americanization and Cold War fosters the mimicry of investigation agendas that subalternizes other local processes that have contributed to management historiography. The geo-historical investigation is carried out from the interaction of the two concepts of development(alism) that emerge from the literature review – one that emerges from the Latin American reality and the other received externally via Americanization – that come closer or get further away from each other, and that are inserted in the long durée of Latin America modernity/coloniality. The search for management science began, in Brazil, in connection with the modernization and development of the country that led to the creation of the first graduate management schools and the courses object of this dissertation, which formed 1.316 professionals at postgraduate level. During this period, the role of Americanization should be minimized and one should relativize the role of management schools in management geo-history. The aim is to bring to the fore knowledges belonging to the tradition of the Latin American social critical thought - subalternized by management literature - that can inform the area in Brazil and abroad. This is a way to decolonize historiography investigation agendas and to eschew the tendency of acritically repeating foreign content. / O objetivo desta tese é investigar a atuação da Comissão Econômica para a América Latina (CEPAL) e do Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasileiros (ISEB) na história da educação em administração no Brasil. Esta tese partiu de uma metodologia historiográfica consolidada na área, mas utilizou a abordagem descolonial para problematizar o termo história e, assim, propor uma nova agenda de pesquisa. A importação de temas de pesquisa historiográfica como americanização e Guerra Fria provoca um mimetismo de agendas de investigação e termina por subalternizar outros eventos locais que contribuíram para a historiografia da administração. A investigação geo-histórica desta tese é feita a partir da interação entre dois conceitos de desenvolviment(ism)o – o que emerge a partir da realidade da América Latina e o que é recebido de fora via americanização – que ora se aproximam, ora se afastam, e que estão inseridos na long durée da modernidade/colonialidade da América Latina. A busca pela ciência da administração se iniciou, no Brasil, vinculada ao processo de modernização e desenvolvimento do país, que levou à criação, durante a década de 1950, das primeiras escolas de ensino de graduação em administração e dos cursos objetos desta tese, que formaram 1.316 profissionais em nível de pós-graduação. Neste período deve ser minimizado o papel da americanização e relativizada a atuação destas escolas de ensino de graduação na geo-história da administração. Devemos, portanto, descolonizar a atuação da CEPAL e do ISEB como instituições de ensino e pesquisa para trazer à tona conhecimentos da tradição do pensamento social crítico latino-americano que foram subalternizados na literatura de administração, para que possam informar a área no Brasil e no exterior. Este é um caminho para descolonizar a agenda de pesquisa historiográfica e escapar da tendência de reproduzir acriticamente conhecimento recebido do exterior.
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