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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of an Orton-Gillingham-based Reading Intervention on Students with Emotional/Behavior Disorders

Davis, James Breckinridge January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Scrum som produktutvecklingsmetod : En empirisk studie på de avgörande faktorerna i beslutet att arbeta med Scrum samt de utmaningar och möjligheter som metoden medför / Scrum within Product Development

Svärd, Viktor, Widén, Kristoffer January 2021 (has links)
I en ny teknologisk era där krav på produkten och dess funktion kontinuerligt förändras krävs nya produktutvecklingsmetoder som minskar ledtiden från idé till en färdig produkt och gör det möjligt för produkten att förändras under produktutvecklingens gång. För att kunna uppfylla dessa krav kan produktutvecklingsmetodiken Scrum integreras i produktutvecklingsarbetet. Diverse studier har genomförts om Scrums effekter, när metodiken bör appliceras och när en annan metodik bör användas, men en mindre andel rapporter belyser de utmaningar som metoden kan medföra. Rapporten avser därför en studie med syftet att undersöka de faktorer som ligger bakom valet att använda sig av Scrums principer och de utmaningar och möjligheter som metodiken kan medföra inom produktutvecklingsprocessen. Undersökningen genomfördes genom studier med hjälp av tre olika företag och med hjälp av fyra olika respondenter. Företagen verkade inom tre separata branscher: försäkringssektorn, bankväsendet och industrisektorn. Via den empiriska studien kunde potentiella faktorer till valet att arbeta med Scrum aggregeras fram till: ● att företaget vill addera flexibilitet till produktutvecklingsprocessen, ● att produktens typ kan påverka valet av metod, ● att organisationens storlek och historik kan vara en faktor. De potentiella möjligheterna vilka togs fram ur empirin aggregerades till: ● att det bildas en möjlighet till en flexibel produktutveckling, ● att det blir en positiv påverkan på produktens resultat, ● att det blir en positiv påverkan på teamet, ● att det blir en kontinuerlig förbättring och utvärdering. Vidare kunde även potentiella utmaningar tas fram till ● att metoden kan medföra att kostnader och tider blir svåra att estimera, ● gruppmedlemmar kan uppfatta ceremonier som micro-management, ● ledningen vill detaljplanera och förväntar sig tidsplaner långt fram i tiden, ● att organisationen kan påverka Scrum Teamens funktionalitet, ● att arbetssättet inte passar alla individer. Studien resulterade i faktorer, utmaningar och möjligheter vilket både förstärker resultat från tidigare forskare och synliggör en vidgad bild på forskningsfrågorna. Vidare bidrar rapporten till en ökad förståelse kring vad en implementation av Scrum inom produktutveckling innebär, både de möjligheter som kan åstadkommas och de utmaningar som bör tas i beaktande. / In a new technological era where a product's requirements continually change, the product development has to manage to overcome these changes in a flexible way. To handle the changes with the customer in focus and to shorten the time to market, an Agile approach similar to Scrum can be applied within product development. The literature review showed that a lot of research has been on Scrums effects within product development which mainly has focused on the positive aspects. But fewer have a focus on the disadvantages and the difficulties with the method. Therefore, the focus for this study has been on a further investigation on the positive aspects of Scrum, but also on the difficulties. Furthermore, the study also explores the factors that determine whether Scrum's methodology is applied. The study was conducted through an analysis of interviews on three companies established in three different business sectors. Mainly, the research concluded three potential factors, four potential advantages and five potential challenges with the methodology. Firstly, the potential factors that the research suggested were; ● if the organization want flexibility in their product development process, ● the type of the product can determine if Scrum could be used, ● the size of the organization and its history can determine. Secondly, the potential advantages with the method were; ● it increases the ability to be flexible during the product development process, ● it could be a positive effect on the result of the product, ● it could have a positive effect on the team, ● continuous improvement and development. Thirdly, potential challenges that the method could provoke were; ● the method could entail that estimation of cost and time gets more difficult, ● members of the team could perceive ceremonies as micro-management, ● challenges appear when the whole organization does not apply Agile methodologies, ● the organization can affect the functionality of Scrum, ● Scrum does not fit all personalities. The study resulted in factors, advantages and disadvantages that both supported previous statements from researchers and supplied a broader perspective on the subject. The result from the study could also be used from the practice to prepare for potential challenges that could occur when implementing the method.

Necessary connections: “Feelings photographs” in criminal justice research

Rogers, Chrissie 22 June 2020 (has links)
Yes / Visual representations of prisons and their inmates are common in the news and social media, with stories about riots, squalor, drugs, selfharm and suicide hitting the headlines. Prisoners’ families are left to worry about the implications of such events on their kin, while those incarcerated and less able to understand social cues, norms and rules, are vulnerable to deteriorating mental health at best, to death at worst. As part of the life-story method in my research with offenders who are on the autism spectrum, have mental health problems and/or have learning difficulties, and prisoner’s mothers, I asked participants to take photographs, reflecting upon their experiences. Photographs in this case, were primarily used to help respondents consider and articulate their feelings in follow-up interviews. Notably, seeing (and imagining) is often how we make a connection to something (object or feeling), or someone (relationships), such that images in fiction, news/social media, drama, art, film and photographs can shape the way people think and behave – indeed feel about things and people. Images and representations ought to be taken seriously in researching social life, as how we interpret photographs, paintings, stories and television shows is based on our own imaginings, biography, culture and history. Therefore, we look at and process an image before words escape, by ‘seeing’ and imagining. How my participants and I ‘collaborate’ in doing visual methods and then how we make meaning of the photographs in storying their feelings, is insightful. As it is, I wanted to enable my participants to make and create their own stories via their photographs and narratives, whilst connecting to them, along with my own interpretation and subjectivities. / The Leverhulme Trust RF-2016-613\8

Att utveckla handstilsförmågan hos elever med finmotoriska skrivsvårigheter : En intervjustudie med speciallärare

Berglund, Susanne, Viklund, Irja January 2024 (has links)
I Lgr 22 under kunskapskravet i svenska för åk 3 uttrycks det att eleverna ska kunna skriva med en läslig handstil men det framkommer inte vad en läslig handstil innebär samt på vilket sätt en sådan undervisning ska bedrivas. Studiens syfte är därför att studera hur speciallärare arbetar för att stödja elever med finmotoriska skrivsvårigheter när det gäller handstil och om de upplever något samband mellan finmotoriska svårigheter och dyslexi. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och utgår från det sociokulturella perspektivet. Åtta speciallärare deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan analyserades tematiskt. Studiens resultat visar att enligt de intervjuade speciallärarna ökar en varierad undervisning med olika material elevernas motivation till att skriva. Vidare lyfter speciallärarna fram hur rätt ergonomi påverkar eleven positivt, både gällande handstil och uthållighet i skrivandet. I resultatet framför speciallärarna att de saknar tid till särskilt stöd i att stödja elevernas handstilsutveckling. Det saknas därför även dokumentation i åtgärdsprogram av elevers finmotoriska handstilssvårigheter.

Who calls the tune? Participation and partnership in research

Karban, Kate, Paley, C., Willcock, K. January 2011 (has links)
Yes / This paper explores issues of partnership and participation in research and evaluation, drawing on the experiences of evaluating a move from hostel accommodation to independent supported living for people with mental health difficulties or learning disabilities. The service change project involved a partnership between a local authority and a housing association with over 300 people moving into their own tenancies in newly-built flats and bungalows. The accompanying evaluation was designed on a model of service user participation and action research and was specifically concerned to explore the impact of the changes on people’s actual or perceived social inclusion into local communities. Ten service user and carer researchers, some of whom were directly involved in the move from hostel to independent living, were recruited and worked with ‘professional’ researchers to examine both the process and the outcomes of the move. The work will be viewed through the insights offered by feminist, transformative and participatory approaches to research. The ‘positioning’ of the researcher in relation to boundaries and the construction of the ‘other’ will be considered, emphasising an approach grounded in reflexivity and an acknowledgement of the complex ethical issues involved. A key feature of this study has been the negotiation involved between a complex change project and a participatory evaluation design. Learning points from the work so far will also be considered in terms of their wider application in future evaluations of complex change projects that involve multiple stakeholders.

Kvinnors upplevelser av amningssvårigheter : en litteraturöversikt / Women´s experiences of breastfeeding difficulties : a literature review

Enqvist, Linn, Gårdmarker, Isabelle January 2024 (has links)
De flesta kvinnor uttrycker en önskan att amma sitt barn. Amningsfrekvensen är dock sjunkande både i Sverige och internationellt. WHO rekommenderar helamning i sex månader och delamning tills dess att barnet är två år eller äldre. Amningssvårigheter är vanligt förekommande och påverkar kvinnans upplevelser samt deras beslut att avbryta eller fortsätta amningen. Amning ingår i barnmorskans kompetensområde, vilket betonar vikten av att öka förståelsen för kvinnors upplevelser av amningssvårigheter. Syftet var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av amningssvårigheter. Vald metod var en litteraturöversikt med systematisk metod. Databassökningen utfördes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL där 15 artiklar inkluderades. Artiklarna genomgick en kvalitetsgranskning och det tillämpades en integrerad analysmetod i kombination med en induktiv ansats. Artiklar ifrån olika delar av världen inkluderades i resultatet. Identifierade huvudteman var Bristande kunskaper kring amning, Erfarenheter av stöd samt Upplevda känslor och hantering av amningssvårigheter. Underteman var Betydelsen av stöd, Avsaknad och negativt upplevt stöd, Strategier och hjälpmedel för fortsatt amning, Konfrontation av känslor vid avbruten amning samt Psykologisk påverkan. Slutsatsen berörde vikten av förberedelse samt tillgången till information och kunskap kring amning. Svårigheter med amning kunde uppstå när kvinnor kände sig oförberedda och saknade tillräcklig kunskap. Resultaten indikerade att kvinnornas upplevelse av amning och dess utfall påverkades av hur de upplevde stödet som de erbjöds samt sin tilltro till den egna förmågan att amma. Både vårdpersonalens stöd och det sociala stödet spelade en betydande roll. Barnmorskan har möjlighet att främja amning vid amningssvårigheter genom att erbjuda stöd och rådgivning på ett sätt som upplevs positivt av kvinnan. / The majority of women express a desire to breastfeed their infants. However, breastfeeding rates are declining both in Sweden and internationally. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and continued breastfeeding with complementary foods for two years or older. Breastfeeding difficulties are prevalent and significantly impact women's experiences, influencing their decisions to discontinue or persevere with breastfeeding. Given that breastfeeding falls within the realm of midwifery competence, it underscores the importance of enhancing understanding regarding women's experiences with breastfeeding challenges. The aim was to illustrate women´s experiences of breastfeeding difficulties. The chosen methodology was a literature review with a systematic method. Database searches were conducted in PubMed and CINAHL, resulting in the inclusion of 15 articles. The articles underwent quality assessment, and an integrated analysis method was applied in conjunction with an inductive approach. Articles from various parts of the world were included in the results. Identified main themes were Insufficient knowledge about breastfeeding, Experiences of support and Perceived emotions and coping with breastfeeding difficulties. Subthemes included the Significance of support, Absence and negatively perceived support, Strategies and tools for continued breastfeeding, Confrontation of emotions during interrupted breastfeeding and Psychological impact. Conclusion addressed the significance of preparation and access to information and knowledge regarding breastfeeding. Difficulties with breastfeeding could arise when women felt unprepared and lacked sufficient knowledge. The results indicated that women's experience of breastfeeding and its outcomes were influenced by how they perceived the support offered to them and their confidence in their ability to breastfeed. Both healthcare professionals' support and social support played an important role. The midwife has the opportunity to promote breastfeeding in cases of breastfeeding difficulties by providing support and guidance in a manner perceived positively by the woman.

A quantitative study examining infographic assessment guidelines for undergraduate nursing students with specific learning difficulties (SpLDs)

Manchester, Kieran R., Roberts, D. 06 February 2024 (has links)
Yes / This research investigates the perceived clarity and usefulness of infographic versus traditional text-based assessment guidelines among undergraduate nursing students with and without specific learning difficulties (SpLDs). Through quantitative analysis, the study reveals that undergraduate nursing students with SpLDs significantly prefer infographics over text-based guidelines, both in terms of clarity and usefulness (p < .001). Interestingly, there were no statistically significant differences in the perceptions of students without SpLDs. These findings suggest that the use of infographics as a tool for presenting assessment guidelines could contribute to more inclusive educational practices. The research further highlights the potential of infographics to not only make complex information more accessible but also to cater to diverse learning needs. As higher education institutions strive to be more inclusive, adapting assessment guidelines to suit the varied learning styles and cognitive needs of all students, particularly those with SpLDs, becomes increasingly important. This paper provides initial evidence to support the adoption of infographic-based assessment guidelines as a step towards achieving this goal.

La présence de symptômes émotionnels chez l’enfant placé et les liens avec son intégration familiale, sociale et scolaire

Mathieu, Annie-Claude 04 1900 (has links)
Exposés à de multiples facteurs de risque avant et pendant le placement, les enfants placés présentent une prévalence élevée de troubles intériorisés. Ces troubles peuvent entraver leur intégration familiale, sociale et scolaire. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de tracer un portrait des enfants placés présentant des troubles intériorisés afin de mieux les repérer pour ainsi mieux les soutenir, ainsi que les adultes qui en prennent soin. L’échantillon est composé de 62 enfants, âgés de 10 à 12 ans, placés en famille d’accueil régulière et impliqués dans le projet S’Occuper des Enfants (SOCEN). Les données analysées proviennent du Cahier d’évaluation et de suivi (CÉS-C2), outil clinique (avec mesures standardisées) dans lequel l’intervenant, le parent d’accueil et l’enfant inscrivent des informations sur différents aspects du développement de l’enfant. Des variables relatives au placement ainsi que d’autres portant sur l’intégration familiale, sociale et scolaire de l’enfant placé sont mises en relation avec les scores de la sous-échelle des symptômes émotionnels du Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire à l’aide de corrélations de Pearson et d’ANOVA. Près de 19% des 62 enfants éprouvent des symptômes émotionnels élevés. Les résultats révèlent la forte présence de troubles extériorisés (troubles hyperactifs, troubles de la conduite) chez les enfants placés présentant des symptômes émotionnels élevés. Ces enfants éprouvent aussi plus de problèmes avec les pairs. Ceux qui ont vécu plus de trois placements présentent davantage de symptômes émotionnels élevés. / Exposed to multiple risk factors prior and during the placement, foster children have a high prevalence of internalizing disorders. These disorders can interfere with their ability to integrate with their foster family and to participate in social and school activities. The aim of this thesis is to draw a picture of children with high emotional symptoms, a proxy of internalizing disorders, in order to better identify and to better support them as well as adults who care for them. The sample consists of 62 children, aged between 10 and 12 years old in family foster care and involved in the project Looking After Children (LAC). The analyzed data come from the Assessment and Action Record (AAR-C2), a clinical tool (with standardized measures) in which the social worker, the foster parent and the child recorded information on various aspects of child development. Variables related to placement of foster children, along with other variables related to their familial, social, and school integration were related to the scores of the emotional symptoms subscale of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with Pearson correlations and ANOVAs. Nearly 19% of the 62 children experience high emotional symptoms. The results reveal the strong presence of externalizing disorders (hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder) in foster children with high emotional symptoms. These children also experience more problems with peers. Those who lived more than three placements have more severe emotional symptoms.

Le crédit et le rôle du banquier dans la prévention des difficultés des entreprises / The credit and the role of the banker in the prevention of the difficulties of the companies

Moutsinga, Ghislain de Saint-Val 19 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’étude de la relation entre l’ouverture financière et politique et la croissance économique dans les pays en voie de développement. En effet, réformes politiques et libéralisation économique étaient le mot d’ordre des instances financières internationales qui conditionnaient l’octroi des aides financières à l’application de certaines réformes en faveur de la démocratie, du respect des droits de l’Homme et de l’intégration à la sphère financière mondiale. Notre investigation empirique porte sur un échantillon de 108 pays en voie de développement entre 1984 et 2008 et fait appel aux techniques d’estimation de panel statiques et dynamiques et les nouveaux tests de causalité en panel hétérogène. Nos résultats, démontrent que la libéralisation financière en plus de son impact direct sur la croissance, agit positivement sur l’investissement, le commerce extérieur ainsi que la stabilité macroéconomique à travers une réduction de l’inflation. L’intégration financière favorise, aussi, le développement du secteur financier et du capital humain. Ailleurs, la démocratie, même si elle n’a pas d’impact direct significatif sur la croissance, semble influer positivement sur celle-ci de manière indirecte à travers le canal du commerce extérieur mais aussi du développement financier et la promotion du capital humain. Ailleurs, l’instabilité politique affecte négativement le développement économique de manière directe mais aussi de manière indirecte en diminuant les investissements et le commerce avec l’extérieur et en augmentant l’inflation. Finalement, nos résultats suggèrent l’existence d’une relation de causalité bidirectionnelle entre l’intégration financière et la démocratie. Cependant, la relation entre ouverture financière et stabilité politique est plus spécifique et dépend des caractéristiques régionales des pays. / The purpose of this thesis is to study the relationship between financial integration, political openness and growth in developing countries. In fact, political reforms and economic liberalization was the slogan of the international financial institutions which conditioned the granting of financial aid to the implementation of certain reforms in favor of democracy and more respect of human rights in addition to more financial integration. Our empirical investigation covers a sample of 108 developing countries between 1984 and 2008 and uses both static and dynamic panel data estimation in addition to the new causality test in heterogeneous panel. Our results show that financial liberalization positively impact growth directly and through indirect channel like Investment, trade and macroeconomic stability. It also favors financial development and promotes human capital. Even though, democracy doesn’t directly influence growth, it has an indirect positive effect on it through favoring international trade in addition to financial and human capital development. Otherwise, political instability negatively affects growth directly but also indirectly through decreasing investment and increasing inflation. Finally, our results suggest the existence of a bidirectional relationship between financial integration and democracy. In the other side, the relationship between financial integration and political stability is more specific and depend upon regionals characteristics of the country.

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter och engelska som främmande språk : Åtgärdsprogram i engelska för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter

Olsson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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