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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elitutbildning: en strategi för erkännande? - En studie om anti-diskrimineringsstrategier bland juriststudenter med ursprung i Mellanöstern

Ismail, Evin January 2010 (has links)
Samtidigt som svensk forskning visar att individer med utländsk bakgrund blir utsatta för diskriminering och stigmatisering så väljer allt fler ungdomar ur denna grupp att högskoleutbilda sig och visar en benägenhet att välja elitutbildningar. I denna uppsats undersöks om det finns ett samband mellan vetskapen om, eller erfarenheter av, diskriminering och elitutbildningsval. Den metod som används är semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fem kvinnliga och fem manliga juriststudenter med ursprung i Mellanöstern. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är sociologen Erving Goffmans teori om stigma, sociologen Michèle Lamonts teori om destigmatisering och socialfilosofen Axel Honneths teori om erkännande. Resultatet visar att juriststudenternas föräldrars erfarenheter av diskriminering och egna erfarenheter av exkludering har lett till en hög studieprestation där elitutbildningsvalet kan ses som en anti-diskrimineringsstrategi. Andra anti-diskrimineringsstrategier är att motsätta sig en offermentalitet, och destigmatisering genom att motbevisa stereotyper. Dessa anti-diskrimineringsstrategier kan ses som strategier i en strävan för erkännande, det vill säga en strävan efter att bli jämlikt behandlad genom att bli tillskriven en positiv status.

Att synliggöra de osynliga : En analys om fyra kvinnliga irreguljära immigranter och om hur deras relationer till andra människor påverkar deras livssituation och identitet

Mendoza, Ruiz January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this paper is to describe and analyze female irregular immigrants and their experience of how relationships with other people affect their lives and identity. A qualitative method is used in the study, because my main purpose is to analyse the respondents’ lives and life experiences. The analysis is based on a symbolic interactionism perspective. The results are also analyzed based on previous research and the concepts underlying the paper; irregular immigrants, discrimination, power and identity. In summary, the respondents have a clear picture of how they live and experience their relationship to others and themselves and how this affects their lives and identity. Their experiences affect their lives and influence their behaviour and identity when they interact with others. Their own view of their situation means that they are afraid to seek care or report sexual abuse, threats or other similar conditions. Other people in their proximity exploit their fear to discriminate and abuse. This fear is the main barrier for the respondents to feel free. The experience causes a loss of sense of belonging to humanity and life.

Diskriminering på arbetsplatsen baserad på arbetstagarens vikt. : En psykologisk studie

Quist, Charlotte January 2009 (has links)
Abstrakt Syftet med denne undersökelsen var å se om det fantes et samband mellom lönn og vekt og utenforskap og vekt inom kriminalvården og det ble sjekket om extroversion, kjönn og alder hadde noen påvirkning på dette. Det ble brukt en delvis selvkonstruert enkät med 22 av  Eysenck´s extraversionsspörsmål (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975). Det ble konstruert spörsmål om utenforskap og fysikk og stilt spörsmål om lönn, vekt og alder. Dette ble gjort  for å se om det fantes et  samband mellom disse faktorene. Personene som var med i denne studien jobbet alle inom kriminalvården (n=48), 21 kvinner og 27 menn med en middelalder på 42,91 år (sd=12,46). Studien er gjort på grunnlag av ulike studier som viser at det finnes et signifikant  samband mellom lönn og vekt, vekt og extraversion og vekt og utenforskap, og at det finnes utpregede negative stereotyper om overvektige personer. Funnene i denne studie viste ikke det samme som  andre studier viser når det gjelder lönn og vekt; det fantes ikke noen signifikant samband mellom disse variablene. Det fantes derimot et signifikant negativt samband mellom vekt og utenforskap. Dette kan indikere at inom kriminalvården ses det ikke  på som noe negativt om man har höyere vekt men kanskje mer som en styrke i den daglige interaksjonene med intagna. Nökkelord: Ekstraversion, utenforskap, stereotyper, overvekt, diskriminering / Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between salary and weight and social isolation and weight for prison officers and to see if extraversion, gender and age had any influence on these. The instrument that was used was a partly self-designed questionnaire with 22 of Eysenck´s questions about extraversion (Eysenck &  Eysenck, 1975).  Questions were designed to measure the feeling of social isolation and physical condition, questions were asked about wages, weight and age to see if there were any significant relationship between these factors. The  people who worked in  treatment of offenders (N=48) were part of this study, 21 women and 27 men with a mean age of 42,91 years (std=12,46). This study was done on the basis of different studies that show a significant relationship between salary and weight, weight and extraversion and weight and the feeling of social isolation, and that larger people are stereotypically viewed negatively. The findings in this study however show something else than the other studies show concerning salary and weight; it was no significant relationship  between these variables. Between weight and the feeling of social isolation however, a negative significant relationship was found. This can indicate that it doesn´t  have to be negative to be large bodied when working with prisoners but maybe it is seen as an asset in the daily intervention with the inmates. Keywords: Extraversion, social isolation, stereotyping, overweight, discrimination.

Graviditet och föräldraledighet : En uppsats om föräldrars skydd mot diskriminering i arbetslivet

Lindh, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
Sweden adopted a new anti-discrimination legislation 2009, DiskL, which aim to prevent direct and indirect discrimination in matters of employment and occupation. According to directives and practices from EU, pregnant workers are entitled a special protection from discrimination during employment situations. The purpose of this essay is to study the legal protection for pregnant workers in employment situations and also analyze whether male workers have similar protection when they plan parental leave. Both regulations from the EU-law and the Swedish law are presented and discussed. This because Swedish discrimination legislation is largely influenced by the EU-law. The study confirms that pregnant workers have a strong legal protection against discrimination through directives from the EU and DiskL. Employers must include this protection in employment situations. If hiring a pregnant worker implicates costs for employers, it is still not an accepted reason not to follow the regulation. The protection for a pregnant worker is always considered more important than an employer's financial loss, independent if the employment is fixed-term or permanent. The study also shows that male workers are protected against unfair treatment in employment situations according to 16 § föräldraledighetslagen. However, the protection of male workers is not as strong as the protection from discrimination of pregnant workers in employment situations.

Gränsen mellan positiv särbehandling och diskriminering

Jonsson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>Positive action is measures that usually constitute discrimination but which are justified when achieving the purpose of an effective equality between people of the society. Positive action regarding gender is regulated in primary law, secondary law and case law of the EU whereas positive action regarding other discrimination groups is regulated in secondary law and negligible regulated in case law.</p><p>There is a boundary between positive action and discrimination. Primary law gives little guidance on determine that boundary. Secondary law provides more advanced guidelines of how to determining were the boundary is.</p><p>When determining were the boundaries lays between positive action and discrimination the guidelines given by the European court of justice in case law can be used. The majority of these guidelines are focused on positive action regarding gender. May these guidelines be used as an analogy to determining whether or not positive actions regarding the other discrimination groups are justified or not?</p><p>What constitutes de lege lata regarding positive action and is change required from a de lege ferenda perspective? Will de lege lata fulfill the aim of a full and effective equality between the people within the working life?</p>

Diskriminering på arbetsplatsen baserad på arbetstagarens vikt. : En psykologisk studie

Quist, Charlotte January 2009 (has links)
<p>Abstrakt</p><p>Syftet med denne undersökelsen var å se om det fantes et samband mellom lönn og vekt og utenforskap og vekt inom kriminalvården og det ble sjekket om extroversion, kjönn og alder hadde noen påvirkning på dette. Det ble brukt en delvis selvkonstruert enkät med 22 av  Eysenck´s extraversionsspörsmål (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975). Det ble konstruert spörsmål om utenforskap og fysikk og stilt spörsmål om lönn, vekt og alder. Dette ble gjort  for å se om det fantes et  samband mellom disse faktorene. Personene som var med i denne studien jobbet alle inom kriminalvården (<em>n</em>=48), 21 kvinner og 27 menn med en middelalder på 42,91 år (<em>sd=</em>12,46<em>)</em>. Studien er gjort på grunnlag av ulike studier som viser at det finnes et signifikant  samband mellom lönn og vekt, vekt og extraversion og vekt og utenforskap, og at det finnes utpregede negative stereotyper om overvektige personer. Funnene i denne studie viste ikke det samme som  andre studier viser når det gjelder lönn og vekt; det fantes ikke noen signifikant samband mellom disse variablene. Det fantes derimot et signifikant negativt samband mellom vekt og utenforskap. Dette kan indikere at inom kriminalvården ses det ikke  på som noe negativt om man har höyere vekt men kanskje mer som en styrke i den daglige interaksjonene med intagna.</p><p><em>Nökkelord: Ekstraversion, utenforskap, stereotyper, overvekt, diskriminering</em></p><p> </p> / <p>Abstract</p><p>The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between salary and weight and social isolation and weight for prison officers and to see if extraversion, gender and age had any influence on these. The instrument that was used was a partly self-designed questionnaire with 22 of Eysenck´s questions about extraversion (Eysenck &  Eysenck, 1975).  Questions were designed to measure the feeling of social isolation and physical condition, questions were asked about wages, weight and age to see if there were any significant relationship between these factors. The  people who worked in  treatment of offenders (N=48) were part of this study, 21 women and 27 men with a mean age of 42,91 years (<em>std</em>=12,46). This study was done on the basis of different studies that show a significant relationship between salary and weight, weight and extraversion and weight and the feeling of social isolation, and that larger people are stereotypically viewed negatively. The findings in this study however show something else than the other studies show concerning salary and weight; it was no significant relationship  between these variables. Between weight and the feeling of social isolation however, a negative significant relationship was found. This can indicate that it doesn´t  have to be negative to be large bodied when working with prisoners but maybe it is seen as an asset in the daily intervention with the inmates.</p><p><em>Keywords: Extraversion, social isolation, stereotyping, overweight, discrimination.</em></p>

Essays on discrimination in hiring /

Carlsson, Magnus, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Växjö : Växjö universitet, 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

En fallstudie om antidiskrimineringsarbete inom finans- och IT-sektorn

Herrera, Arlen Fanny January 2015 (has links)
Föreliggande studie tar sin utgångspunkt i att diskriminerande mekanismer försvårar etnisk inkludering på arbetsmarknaden. Undersökningen söker empiriskt belysa attityder och praktiker inom den privata finans- och IT-sektorn vad avser rekryteringav personer med utländsk bakgrund, samt undersöka resultatet i ljuset av tre diskrimineringsteorier: Stigmatisering, preferensbaserad diskriminering och strukturell diskriminering. Studien bygger på 18 intervjuer och 6 policydokument från 16 olika företag. Studien visar att mångfald och antidiskrimineringsarbete ses som självklarheter. Det är också en förklaring till varför ett aktivt arbete med dessa frågor inte förekommer i större utsträckning än vad diskrimineringslagstiftningen anger i termer om diskrimineringsförbud. Vad som skulle driva ett aktivt arbete med dessa frågor är att företagsledningar ser kopplingen till vinstskapande. Resultatet stärker även tidigare forskning om att arbetsgivare kan fungera som grindvakter. Det yttrar sig genom att de i större utsträckning anställer via nätverksrekrytering och genom att ge mindre prioritet åt mångfald- och diskrimineringsfrågor i jämförelse med jämställdhetsfrågor. Resultatet pekar även på att det finns en grad av preferensdriven diskriminering där arbetsgivare har en så kallad smak för att anställa en spegling av sig själv. Detta sker omedvetet men även på grund av en subtil rädsla för repressalierför att bryta mot den rådande normen som upplevs som ett säkert kort. Tendensen från företagen att överlåta stora delar av anställningsprocessen till bemanningsföretag kan medföra svårigheter med att säkerställa att innehållet i deras policydokument efterföljs. / The present study has its starting point in that discriminatory mechanisms complicates ethnic inclusion in the swedish labor market. The study wants to empirically illuminate attitudes and practices in finance and IT sectors in the private sector with regard to recruitment of person with foreign origin and examine the results in light of three discrimination theories: Stigma, preference-based and structural discrimination. The study is based on 18 interviews and 6 policy documents. The study shows that work concerning diversity and anti discrimination are seen as certainties. This also explain why an active work on these issues are not concerned to a greater extent that what the anti discrimination legacy states in terms of prohibition of discrimination. What would encourage an active work on these issues is that the companies management are able to see the connection to profit. The results also strengthen previous research that employers may act as gatekeepers. This appears by the fact that they to greater extent hire through network recruitment and by giving less priority to diversity and discrimination issues compared to gender equality. The results also indicate that there is a degree of preference-driven discrimination where employers have a taste for hiring a reflection of themselves. This occurs unconsciously but also because of a subtle fear for reprisals for breaking the current norm which is perceived as a safe card. The tendency of the companies to leave great parts of the hiring process to recruitment agencies may induce difficulties in ensuring that the content in their policy documents are followed.

”I ain’t goin’ in there!” : HIV-infekterade patienters upplevelse av vården / "I ain’t goin’ in there!" : HIV-infected patients’ experience of health care

Löwinder, Anni, Solberg, Lotten January 2015 (has links)
Background: HIV is a worldwide spread disease with many deaths. People with the disease have previously been met with attitudes, stigma and discrimination in various contexts. A caring relationship should be built on empathy, respect and communication, where the patient is not seen as their illness, but as a person. Today, there are laws that are there to protect the patient, however, there is a lack of knowledge about what is current. Health care workers knowledge in the 2000s has improved, but there is still a lack of knowledge. Aim: To illustrate how patients with HIV experience health care. Method: The literature review was conducted with twelve scientific articles of which two articles were quantitative and the other qualitative. Results: The results revealed three main themes; Different expressions of fear, Perceived negative attitudes and stigmatization, as well as The wish to be lovingly treated in health care. The first main theme showed that the fear of health professionals could influence patients' experience and outreach of health care and how the fear turned into concrete actions. Under the second main theme, negative attitudes and stigmatization was described and how the HIV- positive patients perceived this negative behavior. In the third main theme emerged how HIV patients wished that the care was. Discussions: The main topics were health care workers discriminatory behavior and how it could be linked to their fears and ignorance. It is discussed about human behavior and what it might do. The fear could lead to negative consequences for patients with HIV when the nurse's ethical code and guidelines were not followed. How to change negative attitudes and stigma were discussed. The patients' desire for a changed attitude is discussed and what health professionals can do to change that. / Bakgrund: HIV är en globalt spridd sjukdom med många dödsfall. Personer med sjukdomen har tidigare mötts med negativa attityder, stigmatisering och diskriminering i olika sammanhang. En vårdrelation bör bygga på empati, respekt och kommunikation, där patienten inte ses som sin sjukdom utan som en person. Idag finns lagar som är till för att skydda patienter med HIV från diskriminering, dock finns det bristande kunskap kring vad som är gällande. Vårdpersonalens kunskapsläge under 2000-talet har förbättrats, men det finns fortfarande en kunskapsbrist. Syfte: Att belysa hur patienter med HIV upplever vården. Metod: Litteraturöversikten genomfördes med tolv vetenskapliga artiklar varav två artiklar var kvantitativa och de övriga kvalitativa. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre huvudteman; Olika uttryck av rädsla, Upplevda negativa attityder och stigmatisering samt Önskan om att bli kärleksfullt bemött i vården. Under första huvudtemat redovisades hur rädsla från vårdpersonal kunde påverka patienternas upplevelse och uppsökande av vård samt hur rädslan visade sig i konkreta handlingar. Under andra huvudtemat negativa attityder och stigmatisering beskrevs hur HIV-positiva patienter uppfattade detta negativa beteende. I det tredje huvudtemat framkom hur patienter med HIV önskade att vården var. Diskussion: I diskussionen behandlades vårdpersonalens diskriminerande agerande och hur det kunde vara kopplat till deras rädslor och okunskap. Det diskuteras över människans handlande och vad det kan bero på. Rädslan kunde leda till negativa konsekvenser för patienter med HIV när sjuksköterskans etiska kod och riktlinjer inte följdes. Hur man kan förändra negativa attityder och stigmatisering diskuteras. Patienternas önskan om ett förändrat bemötande diskuteras och vad vårdpersonalen kan göra för att förändra detta.

Vem är du? : En studie om etnicitet och positionering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden.

Ortler, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Research shows that non-european academics are discriminated in the labor market. The purpose of this study is to examine non- European academics narratives about their Job search process. By applying an intersectional approach, this study aims to demonstrate how the interplay of different aspects such as gender, class and etnicity shape the interviewees experience in swedish labour market. A postcolonial perspective is applied in order to contribute to deeper understanding of the discriminating structures that the interviewees deal with.The analysis shows that colonial conceptions are embedded in the validation system and institutions such as employment service. This mechanism affects the interviewees negatively in their Job search process. The result shows that they had their degrees degraded and advisers and employers had doubted their competence. This has placed the interviewees in a working-class experience with strenuous jobs resulting in poor health. The informants use strategies to challenge power but feel that they who are in power positions do not listen to them.

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