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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rytmer och (o)ljud i medieoffentligheten: Musikkritik och house/techno : En diskursanalytisk studie om andlig respektive sinnlig estetik

Taylor, André January 2017 (has links)
Med en blandning av tematisk och kritisk diskursanalys, undersöker denna studie den moderna svenska storstadspressens musikestetiska förhandlingar om house och techno. En hypotes antas om att recensionerna om dansmusik (som till stor del är ett sinnligt och kroppsligt förfarande) förväntas förhandla med den klassiska musikestetikens diskurs, där musikens ses som ett andligt eller abstrakt objekt. Musikkritiken, som är en del av medieoffentligheten, ställs likväl inför ett dilemma om objektivism och subjektivism. Det skrala materialutbudet försvårar förvisso utvidgade slutsatser, men undersökningen visar på svårigheter med att recensera dansmusik och problem i musikkritiken. Recensioner om house och techno söker sig till viss utsträckning mot en andlig eller objektivistisk diskurs för att legitimeras i det offentliga samtalet. Detta kan förstås som att de sinnliga musikdiskurserna ingår i en underordnad kulturell hierarki präglad av en dikotomi uppställd i den dominanta västerländska filosofiska traditionen.

Utveckling av elektronisk måltavla : Lägesgivning med akustik och multilateration.

Larsson, Arvid January 2019 (has links)
Denna rapport avhandlar en teknologie kandidatuppsats   inom maskinteknik. Syftet med studien är att undersöka träffregistrerande   måltavlor, ofta kallad elektroniska måltavlor eller LOMAH (Location Of Miss   And Hit). Studien har som mål att undersöka om det går att utveckla ett   system till mindre kostnad än kommersiella system med hjälp av   standardverktyg och standardkomponenter. De system som idag finns på   marknaden håller sig i en förhållandevis hög prisklass. De tekniska   plattformarna som används i studien är ett Arduino mikrokontrollerkort med   programmeringsspråket C++ samt en Raspberry Pi dator med   programmeringsspråket Python. Arduinon används för tidtagning och Raspberry   Pi för numeriska beräkningar. De är billiga utbildnings- och   utvecklings-plattformar som har en stor användarbas. Multilateration är den matematiska metoden som används i   studien för att beräkna träffpunkten. Multilateration bygger på att med hjälp   av tidsdifferenser lokalisera en signalkälla. Det används bland annat på   flygplatser för att lokalisera flygplan och med mobilmaster lokalisera   mobiltelefoner. För att få en förståelse hur en elektronisk måltavla ska   kunna konstrueras görs omfattande litteraturstudier i den teoretiska   bakgrunden för en elektronisk måltavlan. Experiment med de ingående   komponenterna har utförts och prototyper har byggts för att undersöka en   helhetslösning. I rapportens resultatdel presenteras två prototyper,   träffstatistik samt oscilloskopbilder för givarnas olika signaler när tavlan   blir beskjuten. / This report   presents a bachelor thesis in mechanical engineering. The purpose of the   study is to investigate electronic target systems, also called LOMAH   (Location Of Miss And Hit). The object of the study is to investigate whether   it is possible to develop a system at a lower cost than commercial systems,   using standard tools and standard components. The electronic target systems that currently exist in the market are   in a relatively high price range. The technical platforms used in the study   are an Arduino microcontroller card with the programming language C++ and a   Raspberry Pi computer with the programming language Python. The Arduino is   used for timing and the Raspberry Pi is used for numerical calculations. They   are inexpensive training and development platforms that have a large user   base. Multilateration   is the mathematical method used in the study to calculate the point of   impact. Multilateration is using the ”Time Diffrence Of Arrival” and a known   propagation speed to find the location of the signal source. Multilateration is also used at airports for   locating aircrafts and with mobile masts for locating mobile phones. In order   to gain an understanding of how an electronic target system can be   constructed, extensive literature studies are made in the theoretical   background of electronic target systems. Experiments with the components have   been carried out and prototypes have been built to investigate a complete   solution. In the report's results, two prototypes are presented with hit   statistics and oscilloscope images for the different signals of the sensors   after the moment the target is shoot. / <p>Betyg: 2019-07-24</p>

Vårdpersonalens upplevelser av journalsystemet VAS : En komparativ studie vid ett sjukhus i Region Halland / The experience of the EMR VAS among healthcare personel : A comparative study at the hospital i Region Halland

Johansson Silvereld, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Digitala vårdsystem är idag ett av sjukvårdens främsta verktyg för att erbjuda en effektiv och säker vård.  Tidigare forskning har dock visat att vårdpersonalen ofta upplever både för- och nackdelar med digitala vårdsystemen. I den här studien har 800 medicinska sekreterare, undersköterskor, sjuksköterskor och läkare på ett sjukhus i Region Halland fått chansen att svara på en enkät om deras upplevelse av digitala vårdsystemet VAS (Vårdadministrativt system). Studien visar att vårdpersonalen inom alla yrkesgrupper har en övervägande negativ upplevelse av VAS men att medicinska sekreterare har en mer positiv upplevelse än övriga yrkesgrupper och att läkare och sjuksköterskor har de mest negativa upplevelserna av VAS. Andra faktorer som kan påverka upplevelsen har också studerats och jämförts med resultaten av enkäten. Viss korrelation kan ses mellan upplevelse av tillräcklig utbildning, ålder och yrkesverksamma år och upplevelsen av VAS. Utifrån enkätens fritextsvar går att utläsa att vårdpersonalen i allmänhet upplever VAS som ologiskt, ineffektivt, inte särskilt användarvänligt eller intuitivt. De upplever även regelbundet tekniska problem. Vårdpersonalen uppskattar dock att många andra program de använder är integrerade med VAS och att alla vårdgivare i Halland är kopplade till samma system.

Tillit vid färre klick : En studie om hur konsumenters elektroniska tillit påverkas vid köp i en effektiviserad digital kontext

Boyer, Jakob, Jönsson, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Digital handel utvecklas och effektiviseras ständigt. Elektronisk tillit betonas avgörande för konsumenters digitala köpintention. Nyligen lanserades Instagram-betalning på den amerikanska marknaden, funktionen ämnar ge ökad produkttillgänglighet i applikationens bildflöde. Vid expandering kan Sverige ses som en potentiell marknad. Studien undersöker därmed hur svenska konsumenters elektroniska tillit påverkas i en effektiviserad digital kontext som Instagram-betalning. Sju hypoteser formuleras utifrån tidigare forskning och kontextuella skillnader. Data inhämtas via en digital enkätundersökning med 265 respondenter, som sedan bearbetas och analyseras via tabeller, figurer och statistiska metoder. Resultaten visar att upplevd risk att spara personuppgifter har negativ signifikant effekt på elektronisk tillit till Instagram-betalning, medan upplevd kvalitet utifrån funktionen och upplevd tydlighet gällande produktinformation har positiv signifikant effekt. Tre av sju hypoteser accepteras. Detta ger betydelsefulla teoretiska och praktiska implikationer. Dels förståelse för konsumentbeteende i en effektiviserad kontext, dels strategier för att indirekt skapa köpintention. Slutligen ges förslag till vidare forskning och praktiska implikationer.

Nyhetsmedia på Internet : journalisters förhållningssätt till Internet som nyhetsmedium / Newsmedia on the Internet : the journalists' attitude towards Internet as a newsmedium

Bauréus, Lisa January 2000 (has links)
The main purpose of this Master thesis is to investigate the journalists&apos; attitude towards Internet as a news medium. The thesis also gives a general synopsis of the changing role of news media as enter the scene of Internet. The major part of this study consists of empirical studies though there is not much research-work made in this area. This case study is based on qualitative interviews of journalists. This method was the most suitable as the aim was to see tendencies and attitudes in a more individual light. The interviews were made in May and August 1999 at Göteborgs-Posten, a newspaper located in Gothenburg. Nine interviews were made with journalists of different positions, mainly staff from the department of finance and economics. The study focuses on four main areas of interest: (1) Relations strategies (2) News selection (3) Users (4) Internet The results indicate that the journalistic profession has not changed notable although a new group of journalists has entered the scene. These journalists have gained an expanding role, as the Internet demands more of the publisher. It is in the attitude towards Internet and online-publication one can note great differences among the journalists of the study. Two categories were identified, which differ in their view of Internet and the journalistic opportunities. The first type can be described as a traditional approach and the second as a more visionary approach. To clarify this differentiation some generalisations had to be made which make it less certain to find any of these two types in its pure form in real life. The study shows that Newspapers on the Internet still are considered a new phenomenon searching its form, but obviously has a great potential. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Skönlitteraturens nya kläder? Elektronisk publicering av skönlitteratur : en kvalitativ intervjustudie med nio svenska förlag och fyra andra aktörer på det litterära fältet / Fiction’s New Clothes? Publishing Fiction Electronically : A Qualitative Study Based on Interviews with Nine Swedish Publishers and Four Other Agents in the Literary Field

Smith, Camilla, Zachrisson, Annika January 2000 (has links)
The main objective of this essay is to present the views of nine Swedish publishers and four other agents in the literary field regarding the possibilities of and obstacles to publishing fiction in an electronic format. Furthermore, whether or not electronic publishing is today actually a viable alternative. A substantial part of the essay functions as background to our interview findings and is based primarily on material originating from the Sociology of Literature field. The introductory chapter expounds the methodological and theoretical basis of the essay and is followed by a chapter placing our study in a larger, international media, context. Chapter three deals with the past decades’ restructuring of the publishing sector, the professional functions involved in traditional publishing and Pierre Bourdieu’s theories on the cultural and economic forces at work in the literary field. The fourth and fifth chapters present the many roles of the traditional printed book, as well as new media for the distribution and consumption of literature, and looks at the kind of partnerships evolving between agents in e-publishing. The main emphasis is, however, placed on the following sections: Chapter six, which exemplifies a few of the existing national and international web publishers; and chapter seven, which presents our examination based on qualitative interviews with publishers and other agents connected with the Swedish book industry. The essay finishes with a discussion of our findings and concludes that, despite new media and textual carriers, the traditional book remains the main player regarding the production, distribution and consumption of serious fiction, as far as the traditional Swedish publishers are concerned. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Elektronisk referenstjänst vid några svenska universitets- och högskolebibliotek / Electronic reference service at some Swedish university and university college libraries

Svensson, Ulrika, Ångman, Eva January 2000 (has links)
This is a study on the electronic reference work of some Swedish university and university college libraries. The purpose of the study has been to find out how the service works at the different libraries, to study the electronic reference interview and to find what is important when you start a new electronic reference service in the light of Brenda Dervin&apos;s sense-making theory study. Furthermore, we examine the aims of the electronic services offered and the differences between electronic and traditional reference interviews. In the background to the study we place electronic reference services in a context by describing the role of information technology and electronic mail in the libraries. The electronic reference interview is studied with the help of literature on the traditional reference interview. The study is built on qualitative interviews with librarians who work with electronic reference service. The libraries receive between 200 questions a month and 40 questions in eighteen months. The results of the report indicate that electronic reference service is not greatly used at most libraries. This might be the reason for the lack of detailed written guidelines for the service. The interviewed librarians are uncertain about the goals of the service but some suppose it is to do with the fact that their library has a national responsibility for a certain subject or they mention a wish to provide better service to their users. The attitude to advertising is mixed. Some imply that they do not have the means to extend the service. The librarians find the lack of a reference interview difficult and most of them see problems communicating via e-mail only. Electronic reference service is seen as an extension of the normal reference service, no special thought has been given to the consequences of the fact that the service is given through a new medium. The interviewees are of the opinion that the questionnaire should be as simple as possible. The possibilities of a more advanced questionnaire to compensate for the missing reference interview are discussed in the light of Dervin&apos;s sense-making theory. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Vetenskaplig kommunikation i förändring : en fallstudie av ett svenskt forskningsbiblioteks beståndsutveckling / Scholarly Communication : a case study of the collection management of a Swedish research library

Carlsson, Helena, Gustafsson, Linda January 2003 (has links)
For hundreds of years the scientific journals has been the foremost tool for scholarly communication. Publishing of research results is very important for scientists. Often the research is bound to the university and the research libraries supplies the scientist with all journals needed. The last decades the libraries have seen the costs for subscriptions to journals explode. Commercial publishers often lie behind the mostly unmotivated escalation in price. The purpose of the study has been to analyse which strategies a Swedish research library has to meet this changes in journal costs and electronic development, and also to analyse the development of alternative scientific publishing. We tried to find the answer to these four questions:If you look at scientific journals, what consequences has the last years of economic and electronic development done to the strategies the library has got for collection management?How does the library work with collection management of scientific publications?How do the library weigh different publications and forms of publications (monographs, e-journals and paper journals) against each other?Do the library develop new forms for scientific publishing?The case study shows that the library has developed several different strategies to meet the changes within the formal scientific communication. The libraries have been heavily affected due to the rising expenses. The consequences has been cancellation of subscriptions and lowered grants for monographs. To meet the changes the university has, the last years, developed an own model for publishing scientific publications produced by the researchers at the university. Our conclusion is that the lowered economic resources due to rising subscription fees affects the library negatively and that many of the strategies the library has developed to meet the changes within scientific publishing aims to set free resources or in many cases set free means to finance the journal collection. We believe that the university is on the right track when developing an own model for publication. We also believe that co-operation with other universities have to increase. The communication inside the university will have to improve to raise the knowledge for the role of the library in the university of the future. A possible future role that would strengthen the library&apos;s position within the university is to be responsible for the university&apos;s scientific publication. To accomplish this more co-operation and communication is needed between library and university. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Vetenskaplig publicering i förändring : En fallstudie av en svensk högskolas implementering av ett öppet digitalt arkiv / Scholarly publishing in transformation : A case study of the implementation of an institutional repository at a Swedish university college

Thorsson, Anna, Zhou, Xi Ha Dan January 2008 (has links)
Since the beginning of the 21st century the Open Access-movement, which advocates free online distribution of scholarly information, has gained momentum. Authors can provide Open Access to their work in two main ways: by depositing a copy of their research output in an e-print archive and by publishing in Open Access journals. During the past few years, universities and other research institutions throughout the world have established institutional repositories to manage, preserve and provide access to the intellectual output of the university/research institution. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to describe the implementation of an institutional repository at the Swedish University College of Borås. The thesis also aims to describe the current situation regarding Open Access at the university college. The case study indicates that a requirement for the deposit of references into the repository is believed to have had a significant impact on the contents of the institutional repository. The full-text availability of research publications is, however, at present relatively low. The results show that there are three main barriers in the development of the institutional repository: lack of knowledge regarding Open Access and digital publishing, copyright issues and lack of time. Misconception and uncertainty regarding the guarantee of quality of the digital material are factors that most likely prevent researchers from depositing their research articles into the institutional repository. Librarians play a key role when it comes to informing about self-archiving and Open Access. Our conclusion is that to obtain more research publications in full-text, researchers need to gain more knowledge about institutional repositories and digital publishing. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Hantering av handhållna läsenheter : en kvalitativ analys av läsbegreppet på nätforumet MobileRead / Handling of mobile reading devices : a qualitative analysis of extended reading on the MobileRead net forum

Svartvall, Magnus January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine reading on the MobileReadforums. The term ”to read” is extended to also cover bookcollection and usage of new technology such as mobile readerunits.A catalyst for reading on mobile reader units seem to be the needto always have access to the personal e-book collection. Apartfrom being a source for reading the collection of e-books alsoserves the purpose of extending the members self-esteem.A large portion of the activities on the MobileRead forum isaimed at making new technology comprehensible with the help ofprotocols to determine the usage of that technology. The processof making protocols also seem to be another way for the membersto extend their self-esteem.Traditional libraries are mainly seen as one of many sources for ebooks.Librarians are mostly perceived as being service mindedbut lacking in e-book knowledge.There is also a risk for miscommunication as the library hasdeveloped other protocols that defines an e-book and how itshould be used.This study is a qualitative analysis based on forum posts collectedfrom the MobileRead forum. / Program: Bibliotekarie

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