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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žemės ūkio gamybos intensyvinimo transformacija Europos Sąjungoje / Transformation of Intesive Agriculture in European Union

Micuta, Ramūnas 22 May 2006 (has links)
Aim of study – to identify the means of agricultural intensification, intensification level and determine tendency of variation. Tasks: 1. To analyze literature sources about treatment of agricultural intensification. 2. To estimate agricultural intensification and intensification level and its factors in EU countries. 3. To estimate agricultural intensifications influance to its surounding enviroment. 4. To substantiate agricultural intensifications and ekstensifications interaction means by link to sustainable development. Methods of the research – logical comparable analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, statistical and mathematical (even correlation analysis) and graphics methods.

Paramos fondų panaudojimo kaimo regioninei plėtrai vertinimas / Evaluation of the usage of the support funds for rural regional development

Vanagaitė, Vita 30 May 2005 (has links)
Research object – economical subjects, which have used SAPARD support in Lithuania. Research aim – to evaluate the usage of the support funds for rural regional development. Objectives: 1. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, to overview the theoretical aspects of the regional politic. 2. Identify the types of the support funds and their principles. 3. To analyse the distribution of the support between the Lithuania regions. 4. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of the support in the region of Panevėžys. Research methods: analysis, synthesis, data analysis, survey research, interview, graphic presentation. Based on the analysis of Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature sources, the review of types of European Union support funds and their principles is presented in the paper. Besides, it is presented the evaluation of the significance of support funds to the rural regional development and analysis of SAPARD funds distribution in Lithuanian regions, paying the biggest attention to the investigation of advantages and disadvantages of the above mentioned support.

ES antiteroristinės politikos evoliucija terorizmo grėsmių transformacijos kontekste / EU counter - terrorism policy evolution in the context of terrorism threats transformation

Navickas, Gediminas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas ES antiteroristinė politika. Šio aspekto analizei yra skiriamas pagrindinis dėmesys. Tačiau siekiant visapusiškos analizės įvertinami ir procesai vykstantys Europos musulmonų bendruomenėse. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti ES antiteroristinės politikos formavimąsi 2001 – 2006 metais, įvertinti taikomų kovos su terorizmu priemonių pagrįstumą ir įvertinti jų sėkmingumą. Darbo hipotezė – ES kovos su terorizmu politika susiduria su sunkumais įgyvendinant priemonių taikymą, nėra preventyvi, taikydama netinkamas priemones prideda prie musulmonų bendruomenių radikalėjimo ir jų įsitraukimo į teroristinę veiklą. Siekiant visapusiškai įvertinti problemą magistro darbe analizuojama pastarųjų metų terorizmo transformacija, nagrinėjami veiksniai, įtakojantys Europos musulmonų bendruomenės radikalėjimo tendencijas, nagrinėjama terorizmo evoliucija. Taip pat magistro darbe analizuojamas esminių kovos su terorizmu instrumentų (ES kova su rekrutavimu, teroristų finansavimo problemos sprendimas, teisminių institucijų bendradarbiavimo stiprinimas bei ES valstybių dalinimasis žvalgybine informacija ) įgyvendinimas praktikoje. Magistro darbe atskleidžiami ES antiteroristinės politikos trūkumai. Nepaisant politikų deklaracijų, kad terorizmas yra pati didžiausia grėsmė ES saugumui, priimto ženklaus skaičiaus įvairių deklaracijų, strategijų, antiteroristinė politika susiduria su daug iššūkių. Esminė problema, trukdanti sukurti bendrą ES kovos su terorizmu politiką yra valstybių atsakomybė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the thesis is the EU counter-terrorism policy. The main focus of the thesis is placed on the analysis of this aspect. However, in order to obtain an all-round analysis account is also taken of the processes taking place in European Muslim communities. Aim of the thesis – to consider the process of formation of the EU counter-terrorism policy in 2001–2006, to assess the validity of the measures used in the fight against terrorism and their success. Hypothesis of the thesis – the EU counter-terrorism policy is facing difficulties in implementing the application of measures and is not preventive, the application of improper measures contributes to radicalisation of Muslim communities and their involvement in terrorist activities. Seeking an all-round treatment of the problem, the master’s thesis analyses transformation of terrorism over the recent years, looks into the factors influencing the radicalisation tendencies of the European Muslim community, and considers evolution of terrorism. Moreover, the master’s thesis analyses the practical implementation of the main instruments in the fight against terrorism (the EU’s fight against recruitment, solution of the problem of financing of terrorists, consolidation of co-operation of judicial institutions as well as exchange of intelligence by the EU member states).. The essential problem preventing the formation of a common EU counter-terrorism policy is the responsibility borne by the member states for ensuring of... [to full text]

Darbuotojų teisių apsauga verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimo atveju / Safeguarding employees’ rights in the event of transfer of undertaking (business) or parts of undertaking (business)

Povilaitytė, Ieva 01 July 2014 (has links)
Sparčiai besivystančioje ekonomikoje neišvengiami tiek teigiami, tiek neigiami jos pokyčiai. Teigiamu aspektu laikytinas verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimas, kurio tikslas – įmonės veiklos didesnis našumas, efektyvumas bei, atsiradus sunkumams, siekis jį plėtoti toliau. Tokie pasikeitimai neabejotinai įtakoja darbuotojų padėtį perduodame versle arba įmonėje. Atsižvelgiant į tai, darbe analizuojamos dvi teisinės kategorijos – verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimo samprata ir darbuotojų teisių apsauga perdavimo atveju. Pabrėžtina, kad neišanalizavus perdavimo definicijos, nebūtų logiška kalbėti ir apie darbuotojų garantijas. Magistrinis darbas suskirstytas į keturias dalis. Pirmojoje bendrai aptariama darbuotojų teisių apsaugos samprata, antrojoje – Europos sąjungos reglamentavimas šia tema bei kriterijai ir aplinkybės, kuriais nustatomas verslo perdavimo faktas. Kadangi Lietuva yra ES valstybė narė, itin svarbios buvo 2001/23/EB direktyvos nuostatos, numatančios ne tik perdavimo definiciją, bet ir darbuotojų garantijas kaip antai, apsauga nuo nepagrįsto atleidimo iš darbo, automatinis darbo santykių perėjimas, t. y. teisės, kylančios iš individualių darbo sutarčių, ir tos teisės, kurios kyla iš kolektyvinių sutarčių – automatinis jų perėmimas, sutarčių galiojimas bent vienerius metus po perdavimo, darbuotojų informavimas bei jų atstovų konsultavimas. Paskutinėje dalyje pateikiami praktiniai darbuotojų perkėlimo aspektai Lietuvoje. Nagrinėjamos DK normos, reglamentuojančios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Provisions relating to employment rights on the transfer of an undertaking are contained in Council Directive 2001/23/EC which is to be an invaluable instrument for the protection of workers in the event of the reorganization of an undertaking, ensuring peaceful and consensual restructuring. This act includes two main aspects – the conception of transfer of undertaking and workers‘ rights under it. However, during the transfer not only the transferor and the transferee but also the employees as a part of an undertaking have the interest in the outcome of the action. Therefore, master thesis comprises of four parts mainly dealing with the understanding of employees’ guarantees, the regulation of transfer, criterions and factors, determining the fact of transfer in European Union and Lithuania, workers’ individual expectations (e. g. protection against dismissal – the transfer of the undertaking, business or part of the undertaking or business can not in itself constitute grounds for dismissal by the transferor or the transferee, guaranteeing automatic transfer of the employment relationship etc.), collective privileges (obligation on the transferee to respect the terms of pre-existing agreement at least for one year, information and consultation of the representatives of the employees affected by the transfer, etc.). The Fourth part of the Thesis is important for practitioners. It concerns practical aspects of transferring of labour agreements and analyzes the provisions of... [to full text]

Europos Sąjungos Europos Kaimynystės politika Moldovos ir Ukrainos atžvilgiu - didesnė kompetencija viduje lemia didesnę įtaką užsienyje / European neighborhood policy in moldova and ukraine : higher internal competence of european union leads to higher external influence

Girutytė, Erika 23 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe nagrinėjama ES įgyvendinamos Europos kaimynystės politikos rezultatai Moldovoje ir Ukrainoje. ES įtaka ir poveikis vertinamas, remiantis europeizacijos teorijos konstruojamais mechanizmais. Išvados apie ES įtaką ir poveikį Moldovos ir Ukrainos viešajai politikai daromos, pasitelkiant nuodugnią trijų atvejų studiją: ES reikalavimų, prieš įvedant naujus prekybos režimus, įgyvendinimas, susitarimai dėl supaprastinto vizų režimo ir readmisijos bei ES vadovaujama Moldovos-Ukrainos sienos monitoringo misija. Magistriniame darbe europeizacijos teorija pritaikoma ES santykių su trečiosiomis šalimis analizei, pateikiama ES kompetencijų raida su prekybos režimu, sienų apsauga ir migracija susijusiais klausimais bei viso to pasekmės Europos kaimynystės politikos įgyvendimui. Galiausiai, pagal konkrečių viešosios politikos sričių reformų įgyvendinimo eigą Moldovoje ir Ukrainoje vertinamos ES galimybės turėti įtakos ar daryti poveikį Europos kaimynystės politikos programoje dalyvaujančioms valstybėms. / Three cases where EU has different competences and which are the most developed in EU relations with Moldova and Ukraine are analysed here. They include current trade regimes with EU (Autonomous trade preferences in case of Moldova and negotiations on free trade area in case of Ukraine), European Union Border Assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) and visa facilitation and readmission agreements. Master’s work argues that deeper cooperation between EU and ENP countries began only after these policies were more harmonized inside the EU and show how EU transfered it‘s experience in these fields to Moldova and Ukraine. The independent variable is EU policy harmonization level while the dependent variable is the transfer of EU recommendations and their implementation in Moldova and Ukraine. The hypothesis is that at the macro level degree of transferring EU recommendations to Moldova and Ukraine depends on concrete policies harmonization level inside the EU. It means that more intense transfer can be expected in policies where EU has exceptional competence and results might be not so good where decision is made by EU member states governments. To conclude, widened understanding of europeanisation theory allows usage of this theory in EU relations with non members. However, it is important to have in mind that the horizontal mechanism used by the EU is not of the same degree of integration in the case of ENP and to EU member states. Such position creates the situation... [to full text]

ES- Turkijos debatai „kalbinių žaidimų“ perspektyvoje: žmogaus teisės / EU-Turkey debate on human rights in the „language games“ perspective

Samoškaitė, Eglė 23 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjami Europos Sąjungos ir Turkijos debatai žmogaus teisių tema. Pasitelkus „kalbinių žaidimų“ idėją, kai kalbos aktai prilyginami ėjimui šachmatų lentoje ar sprendimo priėmimui Žaidimų teorijose, analizuojama diskusija, kurioje išskiriamos dvi smulkesnės temos – žodžio laisvės problemos Turkijoje ir religinių mažumų teisės. Darbe nuosekliai išdėstoma, jog Turkijos identitetas yra dvilypis, jis padalintas į kemalistiškąjį bei islamistiškąjį. Tai lemia debatų pobūdį, nes Europos Sąjunga diskutuoja ne su vieninga Turkija, o su kemalistais arba islamistais. Remiantis „kalbinių žaidimų“ prieiga, nustatatoma, kokios taisyklės būdingos Europos Sąjungos ir Turkijojs debatams žodžio laisvės ir religinių mažumų teisių temomis, įvertinama Europos Sąjungos ir Turkijos „kalbinio žaidimo“ būklė, atsakoma į klausimą, ar žaidimas apskritai vyksta, ir jeigu taip, tai kas lemia debatų dalyvių pozicijas, kokius vaidmenis (draugo-priešo ir pan.) jie skiria vieni kitiems. / The paper is devoted to analyze European Union and Turkey debates on human rights. Here the debates are perceived as the scene where both sides put their arguments, positions, values, express intensions. This helps to find out the main reason, why discussion on human rights between European Union and Turkey isn‘t as fluent as it could be. Debates are analyzed in so called “language games” perspective, which means, that all argumentation here is equated to the move making in the game theory. Going along game theory lines, here we make a presumption, that states as international actors are rational, but their identity and interests are not static. Taking into account ideas of Alexander Wendt, identity and interests are presupposed to be a product of mutual states interaction. Interaction in the paper by itself is supposed to be a game, where the biggest stress is put on rules – knowing the rules of the game, it‘s possible to understand state intentions and identity elements. In the paper main theme of human rights is parted into two sections that deal with freedom of speech and religious minorities rights. It is supposed that the first topic is debated between European Union and Turkey‘s Kemalist establishment, and the second – between Union and proislamic movements in Turkey. Such move is made because of the ambivalent Turkish identity. After the First World War established Turkish state, soon it turned into a radical modernization and westernization. This led to the... [to full text]

Sportininkų dvejopo pobūdžio profesinės veiklos įgyvendinimas Europos Sąjungoje: Lietuvos atvejo analizė / The implementation of athletes' dual careers in the European Union: Lithuania's case analysis

Daulytė, Deimantė 03 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama sportininkų dvejopo pobūdžio profesinė veikla, jos įgyvendinimas Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvos universitetuose. Analizuojamos priežastys, paskatinusios tokios veiklos atsiradimą, taip pat tokios veiklos nauda sportininkams. Pateikiama Lietuvos universitetų, remiančių sportininkus- studentus, analizė. / The present research focuses on the athletes' dual careers and its implementation in the European Union and Lithuanian universities. It also analyzes the main reasons which caused the rise of such phenomenon, as well as the profit of the dual careers for athletes. The analysis of Lithuanian universities which support student- athletes is presented in the research.

Darbo sutarčių, sudaromų Europos Sąjungos šalyse, lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of Employment Contracts, conducted in the European Union Countries

Labanauskaitė, Iveta 16 March 2006 (has links)
Author compares Labour Law in aspect of an Employment Contract (entering into a Contract and Contract realization) of five Member States: the Lithuanian Republic, the United Kingdom, the Italy Republic, the Poland Republic and the Hungary Republic; also identifice the correspondence of 5 Member States Labour Law in aspect of an Employment Contract to the requirements of the EU Member States Law. Information could be helpfull for students, experts of Labour Law and Laymen.

Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo praktikos įtaka šiuolaikinei civilinio proceso teisei / The impact European Court of Human Rights case law to contemporary civil procedure law

Semeškaitė, Inga 10 March 2006 (has links)
The main goal of this master’s writing is to analyze the impact European Court of Human Rights case law to contemporary civil procedure law. This work consists of three parts. The creativity of the European Court of Human Rights is analyzing in the first part of work. Rights of access to the court and restrictions on access are analyzing in the second part of the work. Right to a fair hearing is analyzing in the last part of the work. The main attention is concentrated to these fair hearing principles, wish has been developed by the Court – right to an independent and impartial court, right to a public hearing, right to a hearing in a reasonable time.

Europos Sąjungos ir valstybių euro zonos narių kompetencijos ribos pinigų politikos srityje / European Union and Euro-zone Member States: Limits of Competences in the Field of Monetary Policy

Šimkus, Andrius 28 March 2006 (has links)
Common monetary policy, according to its nature and established principles of formation and implementation, is unique policy of the Community. Its importance for the EU existence requires clearly divided competence in its sphere. Regardless exclusive monetary policy competence of the Community, euro-zone members obtained a wide range of opportunities for active participation in creation, formation and implementation of monetary policy, both through the institutional system and through the political interest influence.

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